/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "BezierUtils.h" #include "PathHelpers.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { Point GetBezierPoint(const Bezier& aBezier, Float t) { Float s = 1.0f - t; return Point(aBezier.mPoints[0].x * s * s * s + 3.0f * aBezier.mPoints[1].x * t * s * s + 3.0f * aBezier.mPoints[2].x * t * t * s + aBezier.mPoints[3].x * t * t * t, aBezier.mPoints[0].y * s * s * s + 3.0f * aBezier.mPoints[1].y * t * s * s + 3.0f * aBezier.mPoints[2].y * t * t * s + aBezier.mPoints[3].y * t * t * t); } Point GetBezierDifferential(const Bezier& aBezier, Float t) { // Return P'(t). Float s = 1.0f - t; return Point( -3.0f * ((aBezier.mPoints[0].x - aBezier.mPoints[1].x) * s * s + 2.0f * (aBezier.mPoints[1].x - aBezier.mPoints[2].x) * t * s + (aBezier.mPoints[2].x - aBezier.mPoints[3].x) * t * t), -3.0f * ((aBezier.mPoints[0].y - aBezier.mPoints[1].y) * s * s + 2.0f * (aBezier.mPoints[1].y - aBezier.mPoints[2].y) * t * s + (aBezier.mPoints[2].y - aBezier.mPoints[3].y) * t * t)); } Point GetBezierDifferential2(const Bezier& aBezier, Float t) { // Return P''(t). Float s = 1.0f - t; return Point(6.0f * ((aBezier.mPoints[0].x - aBezier.mPoints[1].x) * s - (aBezier.mPoints[1].x - aBezier.mPoints[2].x) * (s - t) - (aBezier.mPoints[2].x - aBezier.mPoints[3].x) * t), 6.0f * ((aBezier.mPoints[0].y - aBezier.mPoints[1].y) * s - (aBezier.mPoints[1].y - aBezier.mPoints[2].y) * (s - t) - (aBezier.mPoints[2].y - aBezier.mPoints[3].y) * t)); } Float GetBezierLength(const Bezier& aBezier, Float a, Float b) { if (a < 0.5f && b > 0.5f) { // To increase the accuracy, split into two parts. return GetBezierLength(aBezier, a, 0.5f) + GetBezierLength(aBezier, 0.5f, b); } // Calculate length of simple bezier curve with Simpson's rule. // _ // / b // length = | |P'(x)| dx // _/ a // // b - a a + b // = ----- [ |P'(a)| + 4 |P'(-----)| + |P'(b)| ] // 6 2 Float fa = GetBezierDifferential(aBezier, a).Length(); Float fab = GetBezierDifferential(aBezier, (a + b) / 2.0f).Length(); Float fb = GetBezierDifferential(aBezier, b).Length(); return (b - a) / 6.0f * (fa + 4.0f * fab + fb); } static void SplitBezierA(Bezier* aSubBezier, const Bezier& aBezier, Float t) { // Split bezier curve into [0,t] and [t,1] parts, and return [0,t] part. Float s = 1.0f - t; Point tmp1; Point tmp2; aSubBezier->mPoints[0] = aBezier.mPoints[0]; aSubBezier->mPoints[1] = aBezier.mPoints[0] * s + aBezier.mPoints[1] * t; tmp1 = aBezier.mPoints[1] * s + aBezier.mPoints[2] * t; tmp2 = aBezier.mPoints[2] * s + aBezier.mPoints[3] * t; aSubBezier->mPoints[2] = aSubBezier->mPoints[1] * s + tmp1 * t; tmp1 = tmp1 * s + tmp2 * t; aSubBezier->mPoints[3] = aSubBezier->mPoints[2] * s + tmp1 * t; } static void SplitBezierB(Bezier* aSubBezier, const Bezier& aBezier, Float t) { // Split bezier curve into [0,t] and [t,1] parts, and return [t,1] part. Float s = 1.0f - t; Point tmp1; Point tmp2; aSubBezier->mPoints[3] = aBezier.mPoints[3]; aSubBezier->mPoints[2] = aBezier.mPoints[2] * s + aBezier.mPoints[3] * t; tmp1 = aBezier.mPoints[1] * s + aBezier.mPoints[2] * t; tmp2 = aBezier.mPoints[0] * s + aBezier.mPoints[1] * t; aSubBezier->mPoints[1] = tmp1 * s + aSubBezier->mPoints[2] * t; tmp1 = tmp2 * s + tmp1 * t; aSubBezier->mPoints[0] = tmp1 * s + aSubBezier->mPoints[1] * t; } void GetSubBezier(Bezier* aSubBezier, const Bezier& aBezier, Float t1, Float t2) { Bezier tmp; SplitBezierB(&tmp, aBezier, t1); Float range = 1.0f - t1; if (range == 0.0f) { *aSubBezier = tmp; } else { SplitBezierA(aSubBezier, tmp, (t2 - t1) / range); } } static Point BisectBezierNearestPoint(const Bezier& aBezier, const Point& aTarget, Float* aT) { // Find a nearest point on bezier curve with Binary search. // Called from FindBezierNearestPoint. Float lower = 0.0f; Float upper = 1.0f; Float t; Point P, lastP; const size_t MAX_LOOP = 32; const Float DIST_MARGIN = 0.1f; const Float DIST_MARGIN_SQUARE = DIST_MARGIN * DIST_MARGIN; const Float DIFF = 0.0001f; for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP; i++) { t = (upper + lower) / 2.0f; P = GetBezierPoint(aBezier, t); // Check if it converged. if (i > 0 && (lastP - P).LengthSquare() < DIST_MARGIN_SQUARE) { break; } Float distSquare = (P - aTarget).LengthSquare(); if ((GetBezierPoint(aBezier, t + DIFF) - aTarget).LengthSquare() < distSquare) { lower = t; } else if ((GetBezierPoint(aBezier, t - DIFF) - aTarget).LengthSquare() < distSquare) { upper = t; } else { break; } lastP = P; } if (aT) { *aT = t; } return P; } Point FindBezierNearestPoint(const Bezier& aBezier, const Point& aTarget, Float aInitialT, Float* aT) { // Find a nearest point on bezier curve with Newton's method. // It converges within 4 iterations in most cases. // // f(t_n) // t_{n+1} = t_n - --------- // f'(t_n) // // d 2 // f(t) = ---- | P(t) - aTarget | // dt Float t = aInitialT; Point P; Point lastP = GetBezierPoint(aBezier, t); const size_t MAX_LOOP = 4; const Float DIST_MARGIN = 0.1f; const Float DIST_MARGIN_SQUARE = DIST_MARGIN * DIST_MARGIN; for (size_t i = 0; i <= MAX_LOOP; i++) { Point dP = GetBezierDifferential(aBezier, t); Point ddP = GetBezierDifferential2(aBezier, t); Float f = 2.0f * (lastP.DotProduct(dP) - aTarget.DotProduct(dP)); Float df = 2.0f * (dP.DotProduct(dP) + lastP.DotProduct(ddP) - aTarget.DotProduct(ddP)); t = t - f / df; P = GetBezierPoint(aBezier, t); if ((P - lastP).LengthSquare() < DIST_MARGIN_SQUARE) { break; } lastP = P; if (i == MAX_LOOP) { // If aInitialT is too bad, it won't converge in a few iterations, // fallback to binary search. return BisectBezierNearestPoint(aBezier, aTarget, aT); } } if (aT) { *aT = t; } return P; } void GetBezierPointsForCorner(Bezier* aBezier, Corner aCorner, const Point& aCornerPoint, const Size& aCornerSize) { // Calculate bezier control points for elliptic arc. const Float signsList[4][2] = { {+1.0f, +1.0f}, {-1.0f, +1.0f}, {-1.0f, -1.0f}, {+1.0f, -1.0f}}; const Float(&signs)[2] = signsList[aCorner]; aBezier->mPoints[0] = aCornerPoint; aBezier->mPoints[0].x += signs[0] * aCornerSize.width; aBezier->mPoints[1] = aBezier->mPoints[0]; aBezier->mPoints[1].x -= signs[0] * aCornerSize.width * kKappaFactor; aBezier->mPoints[3] = aCornerPoint; aBezier->mPoints[3].y += signs[1] * aCornerSize.height; aBezier->mPoints[2] = aBezier->mPoints[3]; aBezier->mPoints[2].y -= signs[1] * aCornerSize.height * kKappaFactor; } Float GetQuarterEllipticArcLength(Float a, Float b) { // Calculate the approximate length of a quarter elliptic arc formed by radii // (a, b), by Ramanujan's approximation of the perimeter p of an ellipse. // _ _ // | 2 | // | 3 * (a - b) | // p = PI | (a + b) + ------------------------------------------- | // | 2 2 | // |_ 10 * (a + b) + sqrt(a + 14 * a * b + b ) _| // // _ _ // | 2 | // | 3 * (a - b) | // = PI | (a + b) + -------------------------------------------------- | // | 2 2 | // |_ 10 * (a + b) + sqrt(4 * (a + b) - 3 * (a - b) ) _| // // _ _ // | 2 | // | 3 * S | // = PI | A + -------------------------------------- | // | 2 2 | // |_ 10 * A + sqrt(4 * A - 3 * S ) _| // // where A = a + b, S = a - b Float A = a + b, S = a - b; Float A2 = A * A, S2 = S * S; Float p = M_PI * (A + 3.0f * S2 / (10.0f * A + sqrt(4.0f * A2 - 3.0f * S2))); return p / 4.0f; } Float CalculateDistanceToEllipticArc(const Point& P, const Point& normal, const Point& origin, Float width, Float height) { // Solve following equations with n and return smaller n. // // / (x, y) = P + n * normal // | // < _ _ 2 _ _ 2 // | | x - origin.x | | y - origin.y | // | | ------------ | + | ------------ | = 1 // \ |_ width _| |_ height _| Float a = (P.x - origin.x) / width; Float b = normal.x / width; Float c = (P.y - origin.y) / height; Float d = normal.y / height; Float A = b * b + d * d; Float B = a * b + c * d; Float C = a * a + c * c - 1; Float S = sqrt(B * B - A * C); Float n1 = -B + S; Float n2 = -B - S; #ifdef DEBUG Float epsilon = (Float)0.001; MOZ_ASSERT(n1 >= -epsilon); MOZ_ASSERT(n2 >= -epsilon); #endif return std::max((n1 < n2 ? n1 : n2) / A, (Float)0.0); } } // namespace gfx } // namespace mozilla