var Appbar = { get appbar() { return document.getElementById('appbar'); }, get consoleButton() { return document.getElementById('console-button'); }, get jsShellButton() { return document.getElementById('jsshell-button'); }, get zoomInButton() { return document.getElementById('zoomin-button'); }, get zoomOutButton() { return document.getElementById('zoomout-button'); }, get starButton() { return document.getElementById('star-button'); }, get pinButton() { return document.getElementById('pin-button'); }, get moreButton() { return document.getElementById('more-button'); }, // track selected/active richgrid/tilegroup - the context for contextual action buttons activeTileset: null, init: function Appbar_init() { window.addEventListener('MozContextUIShow', this, false); window.addEventListener('MozPrecisePointer', this, false); window.addEventListener('MozImprecisePointer', this, false); this._updateDebugButtons(); this._updateZoomButtons(); // tilegroup selection events for all modules get bubbled up window.addEventListener("selectionchange", this, false); }, handleEvent: function Appbar_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case 'MozContextUIShow': this._updatePinButton(); this._updateStarButton(); break; case 'MozPrecisePointer': case 'MozImprecisePointer': this._updateZoomButtons(); break; case "selectionchange": let nodeName =; if ('richgrid' === nodeName) { this._onTileSelectionChanged(aEvent); } break; } }, onDownloadButton: function() {"downloads-container"); ContextUI.dismiss(); }, onZoomOutButton: function() { Browser.zoom(1); }, onZoomInButton: function() { Browser.zoom(-1); }, onPinButton: function() { if (this.pinButton.checked) { Browser.pinSite(); } else { Browser.unpinSite(); } }, onStarButton: function(aValue) { if (aValue === undefined) { aValue = this.starButton.checked; } if (aValue) { Browser.starSite(function () { Appbar._updateStarButton(); }); } else { Browser.unstarSite(function () { Appbar._updateStarButton(); }); } }, onMoreButton: function(aEvent) { var typesArray = ["find-in-page"]; try { // If we have a valid http or https URI then show the view on desktop // menu item. var uri =, null, null); if (uri.schemeIs('http') || uri.schemeIs('https')) { typesArray.push("view-on-desktop"); } } catch(ex) { } var x = this.moreButton.getBoundingClientRect().left; var y = this.appbar.getBoundingClientRect().top; ContextMenuUI.showContextMenu({ json: { types: typesArray, string: '', xPos: x, yPos: y, forcePosition: true, leftAligned: true, bottomAligned: true } }); }, onViewOnDesktop: function() { try { // Make sure we have a valid URI so Windows doesn't prompt // with an unrecognized command, select default program window var uri =, null, null); if (uri.schemeIs('http') || uri.schemeIs('https')) { MetroUtils.launchInDesktop(Browser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, ""); } } catch(ex) { } }, onConsoleButton: function() {"console-container"); }, onJSShellButton: function() { // XXX for debugging, this only works when running on the desktop. if (!MetroUtils.immersive) window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/shell.xul", "_blank", "all=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,dialog=no"); }, dispatchContextualAction: function(aActionName){ let activeTileset = this.activeTileset; if (activeTileset) { // fire event on the richgrid, others can listen // but we keep coupling loose so grid doesn't need to know about appbar let event = document.createEvent("Events"); event.action = aActionName; event.initEvent("context-action", true, false); activeTileset.dispatchEvent(event); // done with this selection, explicitly clear it activeTileset.clearSelection(); } this.appbar.dismiss(); }, showContextualActions: function(aVerbs){ let doc = document; // button element id to action verb lookup let buttonsMap = new Map(); for (let verb of aVerbs) { let id = verb + "-selected-button"; let buttonNode = doc.getElementById(id); if (buttonNode) { buttonsMap.set(id, verb); } else { Util.dumpLn("Appbar.showContextualActions: no button for " + verb); } } // hide/show buttons as appropriate let buttons = doc.querySelectorAll("#contextualactions-tray > toolbarbutton"); for (let btnNode of buttons) { if (buttonsMap.has({ btnNode.hidden = false; } else { btnNode.hidden = true; } }; if (buttonsMap.size) { // there are buttons to show // TODO: show the contextual actions tray? } else { // 0 actions to show; // TODO: hide the contextual actions tray entirely? } }, _onTileSelectionChanged: function _onTileSelectionChanged(aEvent){ let activeTileset =; // deselect tiles in other tile groups if (this.activeTileset && this.activeTileset !== activeTileset) { this.activeTileset.clearSelection(); } // keep track of which view is the target/scope for the contextual actions this.activeTileset = activeTileset; // ask the view for the list verbs/action-names it thinks are // appropriate for the tiles selected let contextActions = activeTileset.contextActions; let verbs = [v for (v of contextActions)]; // could transition in old, new buttons? this.showContextualActions(verbs); if (verbs.length) {; } else { this.appbar.dismiss(); } }, _updatePinButton: function() { this.pinButton.checked = Browser.isSitePinned(); }, _updateStarButton: function() { Browser.isSiteStarredAsync(function (isStarred) { this.starButton.checked = isStarred; }.bind(this)); }, _updateDebugButtons: function() { this.consoleButton.disabled = !ConsolePanelView.enabled; this.jsShellButton.disabled = MetroUtils.immersive; }, _updateZoomButtons: function() { let zoomDisabled = !InputSourceHelper.isPrecise; this.zoomOutButton.disabled = this.zoomInButton.disabled = zoomDisabled; } };