// -*- Mode: Java -*- function doSort(sortColName) { var node = document.getElementById(sortColName); // determine column resource to sort on var sortResource = node.getAttribute('resource'); if (!node) return(false); var sortDirection="ascending"; var isSortActive = node.getAttribute('sortActive'); if (isSortActive == "true") { var currentDirection = node.getAttribute('sortDirection'); if (currentDirection == "ascending") sortDirection = "descending"; else if (currentDirection == "descending") sortDirection = "natural"; else sortDirection = "ascending"; } // get RDF Core service var rdfCore = XPAppCoresManager.Find("RDFCore"); if (!rdfCore) { rdfCore = new RDFCore(); if (!rdfCore) { return(false); } rdfCore.Init("RDFCore"); } // sort!!! rdfCore.doSort(node, sortResource, sortDirection); return(false); } // lifted from bookmarks.js var htmlInput = null; var saveNode = null; var newValue = ""; var timerID = null; var gEditNode = null; function OpenURL(event, node) { // clear any single-click/edit timeouts if (timerID != null) { gEditNode = null; clearTimeout(timerID); timerID = null; } if (node.getAttribute('container') == "true") { return(false); } var url = node.getAttribute('id'); // Ignore "NC:" urls. if (url.substring(0, 3) == "NC:") { return(false); } try { // add support for IE favorites under Win32, and NetPositive URLs under BeOS if (url.indexOf("file://") == 0) { var rdf = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/rdf-service"].getService(); if (rdf) rdf = rdf.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService); if (rdf) { var fileSys = rdf.GetDataSource("rdf:files"); if (fileSys) { var src = rdf.GetResource(url, true); var prop = rdf.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#URL", true); var target = fileSys.GetTarget(src, prop, true); if (target) target = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); if (target) target = target.Value; if (target) url = target; } } } } catch(ex) { } // window.open(url,'history'); window.openDialog( "chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", url ); // get right sized window return(true); }