# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import traceback sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.abspath( os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(__file__)))) from automation import Automation from remoteautomation import RemoteAutomation, fennecLogcatFilters from runtests import KeyValueParseError, MochitestDesktop, MessageLogger, parseKeyValue from mochitest_options import MochitestArgumentParser from manifestparser import TestManifest from manifestparser.filters import chunk_by_slice import mozdevice import mozinfo SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # TODO inherit from MochitestBase instead class RobocopTestRunner(MochitestDesktop): """ A test harness for Robocop. Robocop tests are UI tests for Firefox for Android, based on the Robotium test framework. This harness leverages some functionality from mochitest, for convenience. """ auto = None dm = None # Some robocop tests run for >60 seconds without generating any output. NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT = 180 def __init__(self, automation, devmgr, options): """ Simple one-time initialization. """ MochitestDesktop.__init__(self, options) self.auto = automation self.dm = devmgr self.dm.default_timeout = 320 self.options = options self.options.logFile = "robocop.log" self.environment = self.auto.environment self.deviceRoot = self.dm.getDeviceRoot() self.remoteProfile = options.remoteTestRoot + "/profile" self.remoteProfileCopy = options.remoteTestRoot + "/profile-copy" self.auto.setRemoteProfile(self.remoteProfile) self.remoteConfigFile = os.path.join( self.deviceRoot, "robotium.config") self.remoteLog = options.remoteLogFile self.auto.setRemoteLog(self.remoteLog) self.remoteScreenshots = "/mnt/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots" self.remoteMozLog = os.path.join(options.remoteTestRoot, "mozlog") self.auto.setServerInfo( self.options.webServer, self.options.httpPort, self.options.sslPort) self.localLog = options.logFile self.localProfile = None productPieces = self.options.remoteProductName.split('.') if (productPieces is not None): self.auto.setProduct(productPieces[0]) else: self.auto.setProduct(self.options.remoteProductName) self.auto.setAppName(self.options.remoteappname) self.certdbNew = True self.remoteCopyAvailable = True self.passed = 0 self.failed = 0 self.todo = 0 def startup(self): """ Second-stage initialization: One-time initialization which may require cleanup. """ # Despite our efforts to clean up servers started by this script, in practice # we still see infrequent cases where a process is orphaned and interferes # with future tests, typically because the old server is keeping the port in use. # Try to avoid those failures by checking for and killing orphan servers before # trying to start new ones. self.killNamedOrphans('ssltunnel') self.killNamedOrphans('xpcshell') self.auto.deleteANRs() self.auto.deleteTombstones() self.dm.killProcess(self.options.app.split('/')[-1]) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteScreenshots) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteMozLog) self.dm.mkDir(self.remoteMozLog) self.dm.mkDir(os.path.dirname(self.options.remoteLogFile)) # Add Android version (SDK level) to mozinfo so that manifest entries # can be conditional on android_version. androidVersion = self.dm.shellCheckOutput( ['getprop', 'ro.build.version.sdk']) self.log.info( "Android sdk version '%s'; will use this to filter manifests" % str(androidVersion)) mozinfo.info['android_version'] = androidVersion if (self.options.dm_trans == 'adb' and self.options.robocopApk): self.dm._checkCmd(["install", "-r", self.options.robocopApk]) self.log.debug("Robocop APK %s installed" % self.options.robocopApk) # Display remote diagnostics; if running in mach, keep output terse. if self.options.log_mach is None: self.printDeviceInfo() self.setupLocalPaths() self.buildProfile() # ignoreSSLTunnelExts is a workaround for bug 1109310 self.startServers( self.options, debuggerInfo=None, ignoreSSLTunnelExts=True) self.log.debug("Servers started") def cleanup(self): """ Cleanup at end of job run. """ self.log.debug("Cleaning up...") self.stopServers() self.dm.killProcess(self.options.app.split('/')[-1]) blobberUploadDir = os.environ.get('MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR', None) if blobberUploadDir: self.log.debug("Pulling any remote moz logs and screenshots to %s." % blobberUploadDir) self.dm.getDirectory(self.remoteMozLog, blobberUploadDir) self.dm.getDirectory(self.remoteScreenshots, blobberUploadDir) MochitestDesktop.cleanup(self, self.options) if self.localProfile: os.system("rm -Rf %s" % self.localProfile) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteProfile) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteProfileCopy) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteScreenshots) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteMozLog) self.dm.removeFile(self.remoteConfigFile) if self.dm.fileExists(self.remoteLog): self.dm.removeFile(self.remoteLog) self.log.debug("Cleanup complete.") def findPath(self, paths, filename=None): for path in paths: p = path if filename: p = os.path.join(p, filename) if os.path.exists(self.getFullPath(p)): return path return None def makeLocalAutomation(self): localAutomation = Automation() localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = False localAutomation.IS_LINUX = False localAutomation.IS_MAC = False localAutomation.UNIXISH = False hostos = sys.platform if (hostos == 'mac' or hostos == 'darwin'): localAutomation.IS_MAC = True elif (hostos == 'linux' or hostos == 'linux2'): localAutomation.IS_LINUX = True localAutomation.UNIXISH = True elif (hostos == 'win32' or hostos == 'win64'): localAutomation.BIN_SUFFIX = ".exe" localAutomation.IS_WIN32 = True return localAutomation def setupLocalPaths(self): """ Setup xrePath and utilityPath and verify xpcshell. This is similar to switchToLocalPaths in runtestsremote.py. """ localAutomation = self.makeLocalAutomation() paths = [ self.options.xrePath, localAutomation.DIST_BIN, self.auto._product, os.path.join('..', self.auto._product) ] self.options.xrePath = self.findPath(paths) if self.options.xrePath is None: self.log.error( "unable to find xulrunner path for %s, please specify with --xre-path" % os.name) sys.exit(1) self.log.debug("using xre path %s" % self.options.xrePath) xpcshell = "xpcshell" if (os.name == "nt"): xpcshell += ".exe" if self.options.utilityPath: paths = [self.options.utilityPath, self.options.xrePath] else: paths = [self.options.xrePath] self.options.utilityPath = self.findPath(paths, xpcshell) if self.options.utilityPath is None: self.log.error( "unable to find utility path for %s, please specify with --utility-path" % os.name) sys.exit(1) self.log.debug("using utility path %s" % self.options.utilityPath) xpcshell_path = os.path.join(self.options.utilityPath, xpcshell) if localAutomation.elf_arm(xpcshell_path): self.log.error('xpcshell at %s is an ARM binary; please use ' 'the --utility-path argument to specify the path ' 'to a desktop version.' % xpcshell_path) sys.exit(1) self.log.debug("xpcshell found at %s" % xpcshell_path) def buildProfile(self): """ Build a profile locally, keep it locally for use by servers and push a copy to the remote profile-copy directory. This is similar to buildProfile in runtestsremote.py. """ self.options.extraPrefs.append('browser.search.suggest.enabled=true') self.options.extraPrefs.append('browser.search.suggest.prompted=true') self.options.extraPrefs.append('layout.css.devPixelsPerPx=1.0') self.options.extraPrefs.append('browser.chrome.dynamictoolbar=false') self.options.extraPrefs.append('browser.snippets.enabled=false') self.options.extraPrefs.append('browser.casting.enabled=true') self.options.extraPrefs.append('extensions.autoupdate.enabled=false') self.options.extensionsToExclude.extend([ 'mochikit@mozilla.org', 'worker-test@mozilla.org.xpi', 'workerbootstrap-test@mozilla.org.xpi', 'indexedDB-test@mozilla.org.xpi', ]) manifest = MochitestDesktop.buildProfile(self, self.options) self.localProfile = self.options.profilePath self.log.debug("Profile created at %s" % self.localProfile) # some files are not needed for robocop; save time by not pushing shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.localProfile, 'webapps')) os.remove(os.path.join(self.localProfile, 'userChrome.css')) try: self.dm.pushDir(self.localProfile, self.remoteProfileCopy) except mozdevice.DMError: self.log.error( "Automation Error: Unable to copy profile to device.") raise return manifest def setupRemoteProfile(self): """ Remove any remote profile and re-create it. """ self.log.debug("Updating remote profile at %s" % self.remoteProfile) self.dm.removeDir(self.remoteProfile) if self.remoteCopyAvailable: try: self.dm.shellCheckOutput( ['cp', '-r', self.remoteProfileCopy, self.remoteProfile], root=True, timeout=60) except mozdevice.DMError: # For instance, cp is not available on some older versions of # Android. self.log.info( "Unable to copy remote profile; falling back to push.") self.remoteCopyAvailable = False if not self.remoteCopyAvailable: self.dm.pushDir(self.localProfile, self.remoteProfile) def parseLocalLog(self): """ Read and parse the local log file, noting any failures. """ with open(self.localLog) as currentLog: data = currentLog.readlines() os.unlink(self.localLog) start_found = False end_found = False fail_found = False for line in data: try: message = json.loads(line) if not isinstance(message, dict) or 'action' not in message: continue except ValueError: continue if message['action'] == 'test_end': end_found = True start_found = False break if start_found and not end_found: if 'status' in message: if 'expected' in message: self.failed += 1 elif message['status'] == 'PASS': self.passed += 1 elif message['status'] == 'FAIL': self.todo += 1 if message['action'] == 'test_start': start_found = True if 'expected' in message: fail_found = True result = 0 if fail_found: result = 1 if not end_found: self.log.info( "PROCESS-CRASH | Automation Error: Missing end of test marker (process crashed?)") result = 1 return result def logTestSummary(self): """ Print a summary of all tests run to stdout, for treeherder parsing (logging via self.log does not work here). """ print("0 INFO TEST-START | Shutdown") print("1 INFO Passed: %s" % (self.passed)) print("2 INFO Failed: %s" % (self.failed)) print("3 INFO Todo: %s" % (self.todo)) print("4 INFO SimpleTest FINISHED") if self.failed > 0: return 1 return 0 def printDeviceInfo(self, printLogcat=False): """ Log remote device information and logcat (if requested). This is similar to printDeviceInfo in runtestsremote.py """ try: if printLogcat: logcat = self.dm.getLogcat( filterOutRegexps=fennecLogcatFilters) self.log.info( '\n' + ''.join(logcat).decode( 'utf-8', 'replace')) self.log.info("Device info:") devinfo = self.dm.getInfo() for category in devinfo: if type(devinfo[category]) is list: self.log.info(" %s:" % category) for item in devinfo[category]: self.log.info(" %s" % item) else: self.log.info(" %s: %s" % (category, devinfo[category])) self.log.info("Test root: %s" % self.dm.deviceRoot) except mozdevice.DMError: self.log.warning("Error getting device information") def setupRobotiumConfig(self, browserEnv): """ Create robotium.config and push it to the device. """ fHandle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.config', prefix='robotium-', dir=os.getcwd(), delete=False) fHandle.write("profile=%s\n" % (self.remoteProfile)) fHandle.write("logfile=%s\n" % (self.options.remoteLogFile)) fHandle.write("host=http://mochi.test:8888/tests\n") fHandle.write( "rawhost=http://%s:%s/tests\n" % (self.options.remoteWebServer, self.options.httpPort)) if browserEnv: envstr = "" delim = "" for key, value in browserEnv.items(): try: value.index(',') self.log.error( "setupRobotiumConfig: browserEnv - Found a ',' in our value, unable to process value. key=%s,value=%s" % (key, value)) self.log.error("browserEnv=%s" % browserEnv) except ValueError: envstr += "%s%s=%s" % (delim, key, value) delim = "," fHandle.write("envvars=%s\n" % envstr) fHandle.close() self.dm.removeFile(self.remoteConfigFile) self.dm.pushFile(fHandle.name, self.remoteConfigFile) os.unlink(fHandle.name) def buildBrowserEnv(self): """ Return an environment dictionary suitable for remote use. This is similar to buildBrowserEnv in runtestsremote.py. """ browserEnv = self.environment( xrePath=None, debugger=None) # remove desktop environment not used on device if "MOZ_WIN_INHERIT_STD_HANDLES_PRE_VISTA" in browserEnv: del browserEnv["MOZ_WIN_INHERIT_STD_HANDLES_PRE_VISTA"] if "XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG" in browserEnv: del browserEnv["XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG"] browserEnv["MOZ_LOG_FILE"] = os.path.join( self.remoteMozLog, self.mozLogName) try: browserEnv.update( dict( parseKeyValue( self.options.environment, context='--setenv'))) except KeyValueParseError as e: self.log.error(str(e)) return None return browserEnv def runSingleTest(self, test): """ Run the specified test. """ self.log.debug("Running test %s" % test['name']) self.mozLogName = "moz-%s.log" % test['name'] browserEnv = self.buildBrowserEnv() self.setupRobotiumConfig(browserEnv) self.setupRemoteProfile() self.options.app = "am" if self.options.autorun: # This launches a test (using "am instrument") and instructs # Fennec to /quit/ the browser (using Robocop:Quit) and to # /finish/ all opened activities. browserArgs = [ "instrument", "-w", "-e", "quit_and_finish", "1", "-e", "deviceroot", self.deviceRoot, "-e", "class", "org.mozilla.gecko.tests.%s" % test['name'].split('/')[-1].split('.java')[0], "org.mozilla.roboexample.test/org.mozilla.gecko.FennecInstrumentationTestRunner"] else: # This does not launch a test at all. It launches an activity # that starts Fennec and then waits indefinitely, since cat # never returns. browserArgs = ["start", "-n", "org.mozilla.roboexample.test/org.mozilla.gecko.LaunchFennecWithConfigurationActivity", "&&", "cat"] self.dm.default_timeout = sys.maxint # Forever. self.log.info("") self.log.info("Serving mochi.test Robocop root at http://%s:%s/tests/robocop/" % (self.options.remoteWebServer, self.options.httpPort)) self.log.info("") result = -1 log_result = -1 try: self.dm.recordLogcat() result = self.auto.runApp( None, browserEnv, "am", self.localProfile, browserArgs, timeout=self.NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT, symbolsPath=self.options.symbolsPath) self.log.debug("runApp completes with status %d" % result) if result != 0: self.log.error("runApp() exited with code %s" % result) if self.dm.fileExists(self.remoteLog): self.dm.getFile(self.remoteLog, self.localLog) self.dm.removeFile(self.remoteLog) self.log.debug("Remote log %s retrieved to %s" % (self.remoteLog, self.localLog)) else: self.log.warning( "Unable to retrieve log file (%s) from remote device" % self.remoteLog) log_result = self.parseLocalLog() if result != 0 or log_result != 0: # Display remote diagnostics; if running in mach, keep output # terse. if self.options.log_mach is None: self.printDeviceInfo(printLogcat=True) except: self.log.error( "Automation Error: Exception caught while running tests") traceback.print_exc() result = 1 self.log.debug("Test %s completes with status %d (log status %d)" % (test['name'], int(result), int(log_result))) return result def runTests(self): self.startup() if isinstance(self.options.manifestFile, TestManifest): mp = self.options.manifestFile else: mp = TestManifest(strict=False) mp.read(self.options.robocopIni) filters = [] if self.options.totalChunks: filters.append( chunk_by_slice(self.options.thisChunk, self.options.totalChunks)) robocop_tests = mp.active_tests( exists=False, filters=filters, **mozinfo.info) if not self.options.autorun: # Force a single loop iteration. The iteration will start Fennec and # the httpd server, but not actually run a test. self.options.test_paths = [robocop_tests[0]['name']] active_tests = [] for test in robocop_tests: if self.options.test_paths and test['name'] not in self.options.test_paths: continue if 'disabled' in test: self.log.info('TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s' % (test['name'], test['disabled'])) continue active_tests.append(test) self.log.suite_start([t['name'] for t in active_tests]) worstTestResult = None for test in active_tests: result = self.runSingleTest(test) if worstTestResult is None or worstTestResult == 0: worstTestResult = result if worstTestResult is None: self.log.warning( "No tests run. Did you pass an invalid TEST_PATH?") worstTestResult = 1 else: print "INFO | runtests.py | Test summary: start." logResult = self.logTestSummary() print "INFO | runtests.py | Test summary: end." if worstTestResult == 0: worstTestResult = logResult return worstTestResult def run_test_harness(options): if options is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid options specified, use --help for a list of valid options") message_logger = MessageLogger(logger=None) process_args = {'messageLogger': message_logger} auto = RemoteAutomation(None, "fennec", processArgs=process_args) auto.setDeviceManager(options.dm) runResult = -1 robocop = RobocopTestRunner(auto, options.dm, options) # Check that Firefox is installed expected = options.app.split('/')[-1] installed = options.dm.shellCheckOutput(['pm', 'list', 'packages', expected]) if expected not in installed: robocop.log.error("%s is not installed on this device" % expected) return 1 try: message_logger.logger = robocop.log message_logger.buffering = False robocop.message_logger = message_logger robocop.log.debug("options=%s" % vars(options)) runResult = robocop.runTests() except KeyboardInterrupt: robocop.log.info("runrobocop.py | Received keyboard interrupt") runResult = -1 except: traceback.print_exc() robocop.log.error( "runrobocop.py | Received unexpected exception while running tests") runResult = 1 finally: try: robocop.cleanup() except mozdevice.DMError: # ignore device error while cleaning up pass message_logger.finish() return runResult def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): parser = MochitestArgumentParser(app='android') options = parser.parse_args(args) return run_test_harness(options) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())