#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl5 -w # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): Harrison Page # Terry Weissman # # mozbot.pl harrison@netscape.com 10/14/98 # "irc bot for the gang on #mozilla" # # features: reports tinderbox status upon request. # remembers urls. tells you the phase of the moon. # grabs mozillaZine headlines. fetches slashdot.org # news. bot will auto-op based on nick and remote host. # # hack on me! required reading: # # Net::IRC web page: # http://netirc.betterbox.net/ # (free software) # or get it from CPAN @ http://www.perl.com/CPAN # # RFC 1459 (Internet Relay Chat Protocol): # http://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/ftp/doc/standard/rfc/14xx/1459 $SIG{'INT'} = 'killed'; $SIG{'KILL'} = 'killed'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'killed'; use strict; use diagnostics; use lib "."; use Net::IRC; use LWP::Simple; use Tinderbox; use Carp; use Chatbot::Eliza; use babel; $|++; my $VERSION = "1.35"; # keep me in sync with the mozilla.org cvs repository my $debug = 1; # debug output also includes warnings, errors my %msgcmds = ( "url" => \&bot_urls, ); my %pubcmds = ( "(help|about)" => \&bot_about, "(hi|hello|lo|sup)" => \&bot_hi, "moon" => \&bot_moon, "uuid" => \&bot_uuid, "up" => \&bot_up, "(trees|tree)" => \&bot_tinderbox, "debug" => \&bot_debug, "(stocks|stock)" => \&bot_stocks, "(translate|xlate|x)" => \&bot_translate, ); my %admincmds = ( "bless" => \&bot_bless, "unbless" => \&bot_unbless, "shutdown" => \&bot_shutdown, "say" => \&bot_say, "list" => \&bot_list, ); my %rdfcmds = ( "(slashdot|sd|\/\.)" => "http://www.slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf", "(mozillaorg|mozilla|mo)" => "http://www.mozilla.org/news.rdf", "(newsbot|nb)" => "http://www.mozilla.org/newsbot/newsbot.rdf", "(xptoolkit|xpfe)" => "http://www.mozilla.org/xpfe/toolkit.rdf", "(freshmeat|fm)" => "http://freshmeat.net/files/freshmeat/fm.rdf", "(mozillazine|zine|mz)" => "http://www.mozillazine.org/contents.rdf", ); my %rdf_title; my %rdf_link; my %rdf_last; my %rdf_items; @::origargv = @ARGV; my $server = shift; my $port = shift; my $nick = shift; my $channel = shift; my $stockf = "stocklist"; my %stocklist = (); my %stockvals = (); my %stockhist; $server = $server || "irc.mozilla.org"; $port = $port || "6667"; $nick = $nick || "mozbot"; $channel = $channel || "#mozilla"; &debug ("mozbot $VERSION starting up"); LoadStockList(); &create_pid_file; # read admin list my %admins = ( "sar" => "netscape.com", "terry" => "netscape.com" ); my $adminf = ".$nick-admins"; &fetch_admin_conf (\%admins); my $uptime = 0; $::moon = "./moon"; $::moon = (-f $::moon) ? $::moon : ""; delete $pubcmds{'moon'} if (! $::moon); $::uuid = "./uuidgen/uuidgen"; $::uuid = (-f $::uuid) ? $::uuid : ""; delete $pubcmds{'uuid'} if (! $::uuid); my $phase; my $last_moon = 0; my $last_uuid = 0; # leave @trees empty if you don't want tinderbox details my @trees = qw (SeaMonkey); if ($nick =~ /grend/) { @trees = qw (Grendel); } my $trees; my $status; my $last_tree; my %broken; my @urls; my $greet = 0; my @greetings = ( "g'day", "bonjour", "guten tag", "moshi, moshi", "hello", "hola", "hi", "buono giorno", "aloha", "hey", "'sup", "lo", "howdy", "saluton", "hei", "hallo", "word", "yo yo yo", "rheeet", "bom dia", "ciao" ); my $irc = new Net::IRC or confess "$0: duh?"; my $bot = $irc->newconn ( Server => $server, Port => $port, Nick => $nick, Ircname => "mozilla.org bot/thing $VERSION", Username => $nick, ) or die "$0: can't connect to $server, port $port"; &debug ("adding global handlers"); $bot->add_global_handler ([ 251,252,253,254,302,255 ], \&on_startup); $bot->add_global_handler (376, \&on_connect); $bot->add_global_handler (433, \&on_nick_taken); $bot->add_global_handler ([ 'disconnect', 'kill', 474, 465 ], \&on_boot); &debug ("adding more handlers"); $bot->add_handler ('msg', \&on_msg); $bot->add_handler ('public', \&on_public); $bot->add_handler ('join', \&on_join); &debug ("scheduling stuff"); $bot->schedule (0, \&tinderbox); $bot->schedule (0, \&checksourcechange); $bot->schedule (0, \&stocks); foreach my $i (keys %rdfcmds) { $bot->schedule(0, \&rdfchannel, $rdfcmds{$i}); $pubcmds{$i} = $rdfcmds{$i}; } &debug ("connecting to $server $port as $nick on $channel"); # and done. # Use this routine, always, instead of the standard "privmsg" routine. This # one makes sure we don't send more than one message every two seconds or so, # which will make servers not whine about us flooding the channel. # # Actually, it seems that we can send two in a row just fine, but at that # point we should start throttling. my $lastsenttime = 0; my @msgqueue = (); sub sendmsg { my ($who, $msg) = (@_); my $now = time(); if ($now > $lastsenttime && 0 == @msgqueue) { $bot->privmsg($who, $msg); $lastsenttime = $now; } else { push(@msgqueue, [$who, $msg]); if (1 == @msgqueue) { $bot->schedule(0, \&drainmsgqueue); } } } sub drainmsgqueue { if (0 < @msgqueue) { my ($who, $msg) = (@{shift(@msgqueue)}); $bot->privmsg($who, $msg); $lastsenttime = time(); if (0 < @msgqueue) { $bot->schedule(2, \&drainmsgqueue); } } } ################################ # Net::IRC handler subroutines # ################################ sub on_startup { my ($self, $event) = @_; my (@args) = ($event->args); shift (@args); &debug ("@args\n"); } sub on_connect { my $self = shift; &debug ("startup took " . (time - $^T) . " seconds"); $self->join ($channel); $uptime = time; } # on_nick_taken: or do something smarter sub on_nick_taken { die "hey! somebody took my nick!"; } sub do_command { my ($hashref, $nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); foreach my $m (keys %$hashref) { if ($cmd =~ m/^$m$/) { my $ref = $hashref->{$m}; if (ref($ref)) { &{$ref} ($nick, $cmd, $rest); } else { bot_rdfchannel($nick, $cmd, $rest, $ref); } return 1; } } return 0; } # on_msg: private message received via /msg sub on_msg { my ($self, $event) = @_; my ($nick) = $event->nick; my ($arg) = $event->args; my @arglist = split(' ', $arg); my $cmd = shift @arglist; my $rest = join(' ', @arglist); $::speaker = $nick; # Hack!!! if (exists $admins{$nick}) { if (do_command(\%admincmds, $nick, $cmd, $rest)) { return; } } if (do_command(\%pubcmds, $nick, $cmd, $rest)) { return; } if (do_command(\%msgcmds, $nick, $cmd, $rest)) { return; } do_unknown($nick, $cmd, $rest); } sub bot_bless { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my ($who, $where) = split(' ', $rest); if (! $who or ! $where) { sendmsg($nick, "usage: bless [ user ] [ host ] " . "(example: bless marca netscape.com)"); return; } $admins{$who} = $where; &debug ("$nick blessed $who ($where)"); &store_admin_conf (\%admins); sendmsg($nick, "mozbot admins: " . join ' ', (sort keys %admins)); } sub bot_unbless { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my ($who) = ($rest); if (exists ($admins{$who})) { delete $admins{$who}; &debug ("$nick unblessed $who"); &store_admin_conf (\%admins); sendmsg($nick, "mozbot admins: " . join ' ', (sort keys %admins)); return; } sendmsg($nick, "Can only unbless one of: " . join(' ', (sort keys %admins))); } sub bot_shutdown { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); if ($rest ne "yes") { sendmsg($nick, "usage: shutdown yes"); return; } &debug ("forced shutdown from $nick"); $::dontQuitOnSignal++; $bot->quit ("$nick told me to shutdown"); exit (0); } sub bot_say { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my $text = $rest; if ($text =~ m@^/me (.*)@) { $bot->me($channel, $1); } else { sendmsg($channel, $text); } } sub bot_list { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my @list; foreach (sort keys %admins) { push(@list, "$_ $admins{$_}"); } my $spacer = " ... "; saylongline($nick, join($spacer, @list), $spacer); } sub on_public { my ($self, $event) = @_; my ($to) = $event->to; my ($arg) = $event->args; my ($nick, $me) = ($event->nick, $self->nick); $::speaker = $nick; # Hack!!! # catch urls, stick them in a list for mozbot's url command if ($arg =~ /(http|ftp|gopher):/i && $nick ne $me) { push @urls, "$arg (" . &logdate() . ")"; while ($#urls > 10) { shift @urls; } } if (my ($cmd, $rest) = $arg =~ /^$me[:,]?\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/i) { if (do_command(\%pubcmds, $channel, $cmd, $rest)) { return; } else { do_unknown($channel, $cmd, $rest); } } } sub do_unknown { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); if (!defined $::eliza) { $::eliza = new Chatbot::Eliza; } my $result = $::eliza->transform("$cmd $rest"); sendmsg($nick, $result); } sub saylongline { my ($nick, $str, $spacer) = (@_); my $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH = 255; while (length ($str) > $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH) { my $pos; $pos = rindex($str, $spacer, $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - length($spacer)); if ($pos < 0) { $pos = rindex($str, " ", $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - 1); if ($pos < 0) { $pos = $MAXPROTOCOLLENGTH - 1; } } sendmsg($nick, substr($str, 0, $pos)); $str = substr($str, $pos); if (index($str, $spacer) == 0) { $str = substr($str, length($spacer)); } } if ($str ne "") { sendmsg($nick, $str); } } sub do_headlines { my ($nick, $header, $ref) = (@_); my $spacer = " ... "; my $str = $header . ": " . join($spacer, @$ref); saylongline($nick, $str, $spacer); } sub reportDiffs { my ($name, $url, $ref) = (@_); my $firsttime = 0; if (!exists $::headCache{$url}) { $firsttime = 1; $::headCache{$url} = {}; } my $spacer = " ... "; my $outstr = ""; foreach my $i (@$ref) { if ($i =~ /^last update/) { next; } if (!exists $::headCache{$url}->{$i}) { $::headCache{$url}->{$i} = 1; if ($outstr eq "") { $outstr = "Just appeared in $name ($url): "; } else { $outstr .= $spacer; } $outstr .= $i; } } if (!$firsttime) { saylongline($channel, $outstr, $spacer); } } sub bot_debug { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my @list; my %last = ( "tinderbox" => $last_tree, "moon" => $last_moon, "uuid" => $last_uuid, ); foreach (keys %last) { if ($last{$_} != 0) { push @list, "$_ updated: " . &logdate ($last{$_}) . ", " . &days ($last{$_}); } else { push @list, "$_ never updated!"; } } foreach (sort(keys %rdf_last)) { push @list, "$_ updated: " . logdate($rdf_last{$_}) . ", " . days($rdf_last{$_}); } do_headlines ($nick, "Boring Debug Information", \@list); } sub bot_rdfchannel { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest, $url) = (@_); if (defined $rdf_title{$url}) { do_headlines($nick, "Items in $rdf_title{$url} ($rdf_link{$url})", $rdf_items{$url}); } else { sendmsg($nick, "Nothing has been found yet at $url"); } } sub bot_hi { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); sendmsg($nick, $greetings[$greet++] . " $::speaker"); $greet = 0 if ($greet > $#greetings); } sub on_join { my ($self, $event) = @_; my ($channel) = ($event->to)[0]; my $nick = $event->nick; my $userhost = $event->userhost; # auto-op if user is a mozbot admin and coming in from # the right host if (exists $admins{$nick} && $userhost =~ /$admins{$nick}$/i) { $self->mode ($channel, "+o", $nick); &debug ("auto-op for $nick on $channel"); } } $::dontQuitOnSignal = 0; sub on_boot { if (!$::dontQuitOnSignal) { die "$0: disconnected from network"; } } sub listcmds { my ($hashref) = (@_); my @list; foreach my $k (keys %$hashref) { if ($k =~ m/^\(([a-z]+)\|/) { push @list, $1; } else { push @list, $k; } } return join(' ', sort(@list)); } ################ # bot commands # ################ # bot_about: it's either an about box or the # address of the guy to blame when the bot # breaks sub bot_about { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; sendmsg($::speaker, "i am mozbot version $VERSION. hack on me! " . "harrison\@netscape.com 10/16/98. " . "connected to $server since " . &logdate ($uptime) . " (" . &days ($uptime) . "). " . "see http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/bonsai/cvsquery.cgi?branch=HEAD&file=mozilla/webtools/mozbot/&date=week " . "for a changelog."); sendmsg($::speaker, "Known commands are: " . listcmds(\%pubcmds)); sendmsg($::speaker, "If you /msg me, I'll also respond to: " . listcmds(\%msgcmds)); if (exists $admins{$::speaker}) { sendmsg($::speaker, "And you're an admin, so you can also do: " . listcmds(\%admincmds)); } if ($nick eq $channel) { sendmsg($nick, "[ Directions on talking to me have been sent to $::speaker ]"); } } # bot_moon: goodnight moon sub get_moon_str { return "- no moon -" if (! defined $::moon); return $phase if ($phase && (time - $last_moon > (60 * 60 * 24))); # we only want to run this once/day $phase = `$::moon`; $last_moon = time; return $phase; } sub bot_moon { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; sendmsg($nick, get_moon_str()); } sub get_uuid_str { my $this_uuid; return "- no uuid -" if (! defined $::uuid); $this_uuid = `$::uuid`; return $this_uuid; } sub bot_uuid { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; sendmsg($nick, get_uuid_str()); } # bot_up: report uptime sub bot_up { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; sendmsg($nick, &logdate ($uptime) . " (" . &days ($uptime) . ")"); } # bot_urls: show last ten urls caught by mozbot sub bot_urls { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; if ($#urls == -1) { sendmsg($nick, "- mozbot has seen no URLs yet -"); } else { foreach my $m (@urls) { sendmsg($nick, $m); } } } # show tinderbox status # # this is a messy little function but it works. sub bot_tinderbox { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = @_; my $bustage; my $buf; my @buf; my @tree; my $terse = (defined $rest && $rest eq "all"); if ($nick eq $channel) { $terse = 1; } # user can supply a list of trees separated # by whitespace, default is all trees push @tree, $rest ? (split /\s+/, $rest) : @trees; # loop through requested trees push @buf, "Tinderbox status from http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/tinderbox/showbuilds.cgi"; foreach my $t (@tree) { $bustage = 0; $buf = "$t " . ($$status{$t} ? "<$$status{$t}> " : "") . ": "; # politely report failures if (! exists $$trees{$t}) { $buf .= "unknown tree \"$t\", trees include @trees. "; } else { foreach my $e (sort keys %{$$trees{$t}}) { next if ($terse && $$trees{$t}{$e} eq "Success"); $buf .= "[$e: $$trees{$t}{$e}] "; $bustage++; } } $buf .= "- no known bustage -" if (! $bustage); push @buf, $buf; } $buf = $buf || "something broke. report a bug here: " . "http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi " . "with product of Webtools and component set to Mozbot"; push @buf, "last update: " . &logdate ($last_tree) . " (" . &days ($last_tree) . " ago)"; foreach my $m (@buf) { sendmsg($nick, $m); } } ############# # utilities # ############# sub debug { return if (! $debug); foreach (@_) { chomp; print &logdate() . " $_ [$$]\n"; } } # logdate: return nice looking date (10/16/98 18:29) sub logdate { my $t = shift; $t = time unless ($t); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime ($t); return sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", $mon + 1, $mday, $year, $hour, $min); } # days: how long ago was that? sub days { my ($then) = shift; my $seconds = time - $then; my $minutes = int ($seconds / 60); my $hours = int ($minutes / 60); my $days = int ($hours / 24); if ($seconds < 60) { return (sprintf "%d second%s", $seconds, $seconds == 1 ? "" : "s"); } elsif ($minutes < 60) { return (sprintf "%d minute%s", $minutes, $minutes == 1 ? "" : "s"); } elsif ($hours < 24) { return (sprintf "%d hour%s", $hours, $hours == 1 ? "" : "s"); } else { return (sprintf "%d day%s", $days, $days == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } # signal handler sub killed { confess "i have received a signal of some manner. good night.\n\n"; } # write admin list sub store_admin_conf { my $admins = shift; my $when = localtime (time) . " by $$"; if (open ADMINS, ">$adminf") { print ADMINS <) { chomp; next if ($_ =~ /^#/ or ! $_); my ($user, $host) = split /\s+/, $_; $$admins{$user} = $host; } &debug ("admins: " . keys %$admins); } else { &debug ("&fetch_admin_conf $adminf: $!"); } close ADMINS; } # create a pid file if we can sub create_pid_file { my $pid = ".$nick-pid"; if (open PID, ">$pid") { print PID "$$\n"; close PID; } else { &debug ("warning: problem creating pid file: $pid, $!"); } } sub rdfchannel { my ($foo, $url) = (@_); debug("fetching rdfchannel $url"); $bot->schedule(60*60, \&rdfchannel, $url); my $output = get $url; $rdf_last{$url} = time(); return if (!$output); my $channelpart = ""; if ($output =~ m@(.*)@si) { $channelpart = $1; } $output =~ s@.*@@si; $rdf_title{$url} = $url; if ($channelpart =~ m@(.+?)@si) { $rdf_title{$url} = trim($1); } $rdf_link{$url} = $url; if ($channelpart =~ m@(.+?)@si) { $rdf_link{$url} = trim($1); } my @list; while ($output =~ m@(.*?)(.+?)(.*?)@sig) { push(@list, $2); } $rdf_items{$url} = \@list; reportDiffs($rdf_title{$url}, $rdf_link{$url}, \@list); } # fetch tinderbox details sub tinderbox { &debug ("fetching tinderbox status"); my ($newtrees, $newstatus) = Tinderbox::status (\@trees); if (! $newtrees) { $bot->schedule (90, \&tinderbox); &debug ("hmm, couldn't get tinderbox status"); return; } $last_tree = time; if (defined $status) { foreach my $s (keys %$newstatus) { if (defined $$newstatus{$s} && $$status{$s} ne $$newstatus{$s}) { sendmsg($channel, "$s changed state from $$status{$s} to $$newstatus{$s}"); } } } if (defined $trees) { foreach my $t (@trees) { foreach my $e (sort keys %{$$newtrees{$t}}) { if (!defined $$trees{$t}{$e}) { sendmsg($channel, "$t: A new column '$e' has appeared ($$newtrees{$t}{$e})"); } else { if ($$trees{$t}{$e} ne $$newtrees{$t}{$e}) { sendmsg($channel, "$t: '$e' has changed state from $$trees{$t}{$e} to $$newtrees{$t}{$e}"); } } } } } $trees = $newtrees; $status = $newstatus; $bot->schedule (360, \&tinderbox); } # See if someone has changed our source. sub checksourcechange { my ($self) = @_; my $lastourdate = $::ourdate; my $lasttinderboxdate = $::tinderboxdate; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("./mozbot.pl"); $::ourdate = $mtime; ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("./Tinderbox.pm"); $::tinderboxdate = $mtime; if (defined $lastourdate && ($::ourdate > $lastourdate || $::tinderboxdate > $lasttinderboxdate)) { $::dontQuitOnSignal = 1; $self->quit("someone seems to have changed my source code. Be right back"); &debug ("restarting self"); exec "$0 @::origargv"; } $bot->schedule (60, \&checksourcechange); } sub stocks { $bot->schedule(15 * 60, \&stocks); my $url = "http://quote.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv&s=" . join("+", sort(keys %stocklist)); &debug ("fetching stock quotes $url"); my $output = get $url; return if (!$output); %stockvals = (); foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $output)) { my @list = split(/,/, $line); my $name = shift(@list); $name =~ s/"(.*)"/$1/; &debug ("parsing stock quote $name ($list[0]) $line"); $stockvals{$name} = \@list; foreach my $ref (@{$stockhist{$name}}) { my $oldval = $ref->[0]; my $newval = $list[0]; my $ratio = $newval / $oldval; if ($ratio > 1.05 || $ratio < 0.95) { foreach my $who ($stocklist{$name}) { ReportStock($who, $name, "Large Stock Change"); } $stockhist{$name} = []; last; } } if (!exists $stockhist{$name}) { $stockhist{$name} = []; } push (@{$stockhist{$name}}, \@list); while (30 < @{$stockhist{$name}}) { shift @{$stockhist{$name}}; } } } sub LoadStockList { %stocklist = ("AOL" => [$channel], "RHAT" => [$channel], "^DJI" => [$channel], "^IXIC" => [$channel]); if (open(LIST, $stockf)) { %stocklist = (); while () { my @list = split(/\|/, $_); my $name = shift(@list); $stocklist{$name} = \@list; } } } sub FracStr { my ($num, $needplus) = (@_); my $sign; if ($num < 0) { $sign = "-"; $num = - $num; } else { $sign = $needplus ? "+" : ""; $num =~ s/^\+//; } my $orignum = $num; my $bdot = int($num); my $adot = $num - $bdot; if ($adot == 0) { return "$sign$bdot"; } my $base = 64; $num = int($adot * $base); while ($num % 2 == 0 && $base > 1) { $base /= 2; $num /= 2; } if ($adot == $num / $base) { if ($bdot == 0) { $bdot = ""; } else { $bdot .= " "; } return "$sign$bdot$num/$base"; } return "$sign$orignum"; } sub ReportStock { my ($nick, $name, $title) = (@_); if ($title ne "") { $title .= ": "; } my $ref = $stockvals{$name}; my $a = FracStr($ref->[0], 0); my $b = FracStr($ref->[3], 1); sendmsg($nick, "$title$name at $a ($b)"); } sub bot_stocks { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); foreach my $name (sort(keys %stocklist)) { foreach my $who (@{$stocklist{$name}}) { if ($who eq $nick || $who eq $channel) { ReportStock($nick, $name, ""); } } } } sub translate_usage { my ($nick) = (@_); sendmsg($nick, "Usage: translate (to|from) (en|fr|pt|it|de) sentence"); } sub bot_translate { my ($nick, $cmd, $rest) = (@_); my ($dir, $lang, @words) = split(/ +/, $rest); if ($dir ne "to" && $dir ne "from") { return translate_usage($nick); } my $result = babel::babelfish($dir, $lang, join(' ', @words)); if ($result ne '') { sendmsg($nick, $result); } else { translate_usage($nick); } } sub trim { ($_) = (@_); s/^\s+//g; s/\s+$//g; return $_; } # Do this at the very end, so we can intersperse "my" initializations outside # of routines above and be assured that they will run. $irc->start;