/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cu = Components.utils; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "PluginContent" ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gNavigatorBundle", function() { const url = "chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"; return Services.strings.createBundle(url); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants", "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); this.PluginContent = function (global) { this.init(global); } PluginContent.prototype = { init: function (global) { this.global = global; // Need to hold onto the content window or else it'll get destroyed this.content = this.global.content; // Cache of plugin actions for the current page. this.pluginData = new Map(); // Cache of plugin crash information sent from the parent this.pluginCrashData = new Map(); // Note that the XBL binding is untrusted global.addEventListener("PluginBindingAttached", this, true, true); global.addEventListener("PluginCrashed", this, true); global.addEventListener("PluginOutdated", this, true); global.addEventListener("PluginInstantiated", this, true); global.addEventListener("PluginRemoved", this, true); global.addEventListener("pagehide", this, true); global.addEventListener("pageshow", this, true); global.addEventListener("unload", this); global.addEventListener("HiddenPlugin", this, true); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:ActivatePlugins", this); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:NotificationShown", this); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:ContextMenuCommand", this); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed", this); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:CrashReportSubmitted", this); global.addMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:Test:ClearCrashData", this); }, uninit: function() { let global = this.global; global.removeEventListener("PluginBindingAttached", this, true); global.removeEventListener("PluginCrashed", this, true); global.removeEventListener("PluginOutdated", this, true); global.removeEventListener("PluginInstantiated", this, true); global.removeEventListener("PluginRemoved", this, true); global.removeEventListener("pagehide", this, true); global.removeEventListener("pageshow", this, true); global.removeEventListener("unload", this); global.removeEventListener("HiddenPlugin", this, true); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:ActivatePlugins", this); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:NotificationShown", this); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:ContextMenuCommand", this); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed", this); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:CrashReportSubmitted", this); global.removeMessageListener("BrowserPlugins:Test:ClearCrashData", this); delete this.global; delete this.content; }, receiveMessage: function (msg) { switch (msg.name) { case "BrowserPlugins:ActivatePlugins": this.activatePlugins(msg.data.pluginInfo, msg.data.newState); break; case "BrowserPlugins:NotificationShown": setTimeout(() => this.updateNotificationUI(), 0); break; case "BrowserPlugins:ContextMenuCommand": switch (msg.data.command) { case "play": this._showClickToPlayNotification(msg.objects.plugin, true); break; case "hide": this.hideClickToPlayOverlay(msg.objects.plugin); break; } break; case "BrowserPlugins:NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed": this.NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed({ pluginName: msg.data.pluginName, runID: msg.data.runID, state: msg.data.state, }); break; case "BrowserPlugins:CrashReportSubmitted": this.NPAPIPluginCrashReportSubmitted({ runID: msg.data.runID, state: msg.data.state, }) break; case "BrowserPlugins:Test:ClearCrashData": // This message should ONLY ever be sent by automated tests. if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("plugins.testmode")) { this.pluginCrashData.clear(); } } }, onPageShow: function (event) { // Ignore events that aren't from the main document. if (!this.content || event.target != this.content.document) { return; } // The PluginClickToPlay events are not fired when navigating using the // BF cache. |persisted| is true when the page is loaded from the // BF cache, so this code reshows the notification if necessary. if (event.persisted) { this.reshowClickToPlayNotification(); } }, onPageHide: function (event) { // Ignore events that aren't from the main document. if (!this.content || event.target != this.content.document) { return; } this._finishRecordingFlashPluginTelemetry(); this.clearPluginCaches(); }, getPluginUI: function (plugin, anonid) { return plugin.ownerDocument. getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", anonid); }, _getPluginInfo: function (pluginElement) { let pluginHost = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); pluginElement.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); let tagMimetype; let pluginName = gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName("pluginInfo.unknownPlugin"); let pluginTag = null; let permissionString = null; let fallbackType = null; let blocklistState = null; tagMimetype = pluginElement.actualType; if (tagMimetype == "") { tagMimetype = pluginElement.type; } if (this.isKnownPlugin(pluginElement)) { pluginTag = pluginHost.getPluginTagForType(pluginElement.actualType); pluginName = BrowserUtils.makeNicePluginName(pluginTag.name); // Convert this from nsIPluginTag so it can be serialized. let properties = ["name", "description", "filename", "version", "enabledState", "niceName"]; let pluginTagCopy = {}; for (let prop of properties) { pluginTagCopy[prop] = pluginTag[prop]; } pluginTag = pluginTagCopy; permissionString = pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType(pluginElement.actualType); fallbackType = pluginElement.defaultFallbackType; blocklistState = pluginHost.getBlocklistStateForType(pluginElement.actualType); // Make state-softblocked == state-notblocked for our purposes, // they have the same UI. STATE_OUTDATED should not exist for plugin // items, but let's alias it anyway, just in case. if (blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED || blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_OUTDATED) { blocklistState = Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED; } } return { mimetype: tagMimetype, pluginName: pluginName, pluginTag: pluginTag, permissionString: permissionString, fallbackType: fallbackType, blocklistState: blocklistState, }; }, _getPluginInfoForTag: function (pluginTag, tagMimetype) { let pluginHost = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let pluginName = gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName("pluginInfo.unknownPlugin"); let permissionString = null; let blocklistState = null; if (pluginTag) { pluginName = BrowserUtils.makeNicePluginName(pluginTag.name); permissionString = pluginHost.getPermissionStringForTag(pluginTag); blocklistState = pluginTag.blocklistState; // Convert this from nsIPluginTag so it can be serialized. let properties = ["name", "description", "filename", "version", "enabledState", "niceName"]; let pluginTagCopy = {}; for (let prop of properties) { pluginTagCopy[prop] = pluginTag[prop]; } pluginTag = pluginTagCopy; // Make state-softblocked == state-notblocked for our purposes, // they have the same UI. STATE_OUTDATED should not exist for plugin // items, but let's alias it anyway, just in case. if (blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED || blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_OUTDATED) { blocklistState = Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_NOT_BLOCKED; } } return { mimetype: tagMimetype, pluginName: pluginName, pluginTag: pluginTag, permissionString: permissionString, fallbackType: null, blocklistState: blocklistState, }; }, /** * Update the visibility of the plugin overlay. */ setVisibility : function (plugin, overlay, shouldShow) { overlay.classList.toggle("visible", shouldShow); if (shouldShow) { overlay.removeAttribute("dismissed"); } }, /** * Check whether the plugin should be visible on the page. A plugin should * not be visible if the overlay is too big, or if any other page content * overlays it. * * This function will handle showing or hiding the overlay. * @returns true if the plugin is invisible. */ shouldShowOverlay : function (plugin, overlay) { // If the overlay size is 0, we haven't done layout yet. Presume that // plugins are visible until we know otherwise. if (overlay.scrollWidth == 0) { return true; } // Is the 's size too small to hold what we want to show? let pluginRect = plugin.getBoundingClientRect(); // XXX bug 446693. The text-shadow on the submitted-report text at // the bottom causes scrollHeight to be larger than it should be. let overflows = (overlay.scrollWidth > Math.ceil(pluginRect.width)) || (overlay.scrollHeight - 5 > Math.ceil(pluginRect.height)); if (overflows) { return false; } // Is the plugin covered up by other content so that it is not clickable? // Floating point can confuse .elementFromPoint, so inset just a bit let left = pluginRect.left + 2; let right = pluginRect.right - 2; let top = pluginRect.top + 2; let bottom = pluginRect.bottom - 2; let centerX = left + (right - left) / 2; let centerY = top + (bottom - top) / 2; let points = [[left, top], [left, bottom], [right, top], [right, bottom], [centerX, centerY]]; if (right <= 0 || top <= 0) { return false; } let contentWindow = plugin.ownerGlobal; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); for (let [x, y] of points) { let el = cwu.elementFromPoint(x, y, true, true); if (el !== plugin) { return false; } } return true; }, addLinkClickCallback: function (linkNode, callbackName /*callbackArgs...*/) { // XXX just doing (callback)(arg) was giving a same-origin error. bug? let self = this; let callbackArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).slice(2); linkNode.addEventListener("click", function(evt) { if (!evt.isTrusted) return; evt.preventDefault(); if (callbackArgs.length == 0) callbackArgs = [ evt ]; (self[callbackName]).apply(self, callbackArgs); }, true); linkNode.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { if (!evt.isTrusted) return; if (evt.keyCode == evt.DOM_VK_RETURN) { evt.preventDefault(); if (callbackArgs.length == 0) callbackArgs = [ evt ]; evt.preventDefault(); (self[callbackName]).apply(self, callbackArgs); } }, true); }, // Helper to get the binding handler type from a plugin object _getBindingType : function(plugin) { if (!(plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) return null; switch (plugin.pluginFallbackType) { case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_UNSUPPORTED: return "PluginNotFound"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_DISABLED: return "PluginDisabled"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED: return "PluginBlocklisted"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_OUTDATED: return "PluginOutdated"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY: return "PluginClickToPlay"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE: return "PluginVulnerableUpdatable"; case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE: return "PluginVulnerableNoUpdate"; default: // Not all states map to a handler return null; } }, handleEvent: function (event) { let eventType = event.type; if (eventType == "unload") { this.uninit(); return; } if (eventType == "pagehide") { this.onPageHide(event); return; } if (eventType == "pageshow") { this.onPageShow(event); return; } if (eventType == "PluginRemoved") { this.updateNotificationUI(event.target); return; } if (eventType == "click") { this.onOverlayClick(event); return; } if (eventType == "PluginCrashed" && !(event.target instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) { // If the event target is not a plugin object (i.e., an or // element), this call is for a window-global plugin. this.onPluginCrashed(event.target, event); return; } if (eventType == "HiddenPlugin") { let pluginTag = event.tag.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPluginTag); if (event.target.defaultView.top.document != this.content.document) { return; } this._showClickToPlayNotification(pluginTag, false); } let plugin = event.target; let doc = plugin.ownerDocument; if (!(plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) return; if (eventType == "PluginBindingAttached") { // The plugin binding fires this event when it is created. // As an untrusted event, ensure that this object actually has a binding // and make sure we don't handle it twice let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (!overlay || overlay._bindingHandled) { return; } overlay._bindingHandled = true; // Lookup the handler for this binding eventType = this._getBindingType(plugin); if (!eventType) { // Not all bindings have handlers return; } } let shouldShowNotification = false; switch (eventType) { case "PluginCrashed": this.onPluginCrashed(plugin, event); break; case "PluginNotFound": { /* NOP */ break; } case "PluginBlocklisted": case "PluginOutdated": shouldShowNotification = true; break; case "PluginVulnerableUpdatable": let updateLink = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "checkForUpdatesLink"); let { pluginTag } = this._getPluginInfo(plugin); this.addLinkClickCallback(updateLink, "forwardCallback", "openPluginUpdatePage", pluginTag); /* FALLTHRU */ case "PluginVulnerableNoUpdate": case "PluginClickToPlay": this._handleClickToPlayEvent(plugin); let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); let pluginName = this._getPluginInfo(plugin).pluginName; let messageString = gNavigatorBundle.formatStringFromName("PluginClickToActivate", [pluginName], 1); let overlayText = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "clickToPlay"); overlayText.textContent = messageString; if (eventType == "PluginVulnerableUpdatable" || eventType == "PluginVulnerableNoUpdate") { let vulnerabilityString = gNavigatorBundle.GetStringFromName(eventType); let vulnerabilityText = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "vulnerabilityStatus"); vulnerabilityText.textContent = vulnerabilityString; } shouldShowNotification = true; break; case "PluginDisabled": let manageLink = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "managePluginsLink"); this.addLinkClickCallback(manageLink, "forwardCallback", "managePlugins"); shouldShowNotification = true; break; case "PluginInstantiated": let key = this._getPluginInfo(plugin).pluginTag.niceName; Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById('PLUGIN_ACTIVATION_COUNT').add(key); shouldShowNotification = true; let pluginRect = plugin.getBoundingClientRect(); if (pluginRect.width <= 5 && pluginRect.height <= 5) { Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('PLUGIN_TINY_CONTENT').add(1); } break; } if (this._getPluginInfo(plugin).mimetype === "application/x-shockwave-flash") { this._recordFlashPluginTelemetry(eventType, plugin); } // Show the in-content UI if it's not too big. The crashed plugin handler already did this. let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (eventType != "PluginCrashed") { if (overlay != null) { this.setVisibility(plugin, overlay, this.shouldShowOverlay(plugin, overlay)); let resizeListener = (event) => { this.setVisibility(plugin, overlay, this.shouldShowOverlay(plugin, overlay)); this.updateNotificationUI(); }; plugin.addEventListener("overflow", resizeListener); plugin.addEventListener("underflow", resizeListener); } } let closeIcon = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "closeIcon"); if (closeIcon) { closeIcon.addEventListener("click", event => { if (event.button == 0 && event.isTrusted) { this.hideClickToPlayOverlay(plugin); overlay.setAttribute("dismissed", "true"); } }, true); } if (shouldShowNotification) { this._showClickToPlayNotification(plugin, false); } }, _recordFlashPluginTelemetry: function (eventType, plugin) { if (!Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended) { return; } if (!this.flashPluginStats) { this.flashPluginStats = { instancesCount: 0, plugins: new WeakSet() }; } if (!this.flashPluginStats.plugins.has(plugin)) { // Reporting plugin instance and its dimensions only once. this.flashPluginStats.plugins.add(plugin); this.flashPluginStats.instancesCount++; let pluginRect = plugin.getBoundingClientRect(); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('FLASH_PLUGIN_WIDTH') .add(pluginRect.width); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('FLASH_PLUGIN_HEIGHT') .add(pluginRect.height); Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('FLASH_PLUGIN_AREA') .add(pluginRect.width * pluginRect.height); let state = this._getPluginInfo(plugin).fallbackType; if (state === null) { state = Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_UNSUPPORTED; } Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('FLASH_PLUGIN_STATES') .add(state); } }, _finishRecordingFlashPluginTelemetry: function () { if (this.flashPluginStats) { Services.telemetry.getHistogramById('FLASH_PLUGIN_INSTANCES_ON_PAGE') .add(this.flashPluginStats.instancesCount); delete this.flashPluginStats; } }, isKnownPlugin: function (objLoadingContent) { return (objLoadingContent.getContentTypeForMIMEType(objLoadingContent.actualType) == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.TYPE_PLUGIN); }, canActivatePlugin: function (objLoadingContent) { // if this isn't a known plugin, we can't activate it // (this also guards pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType against // unexpected input) if (!this.isKnownPlugin(objLoadingContent)) return false; let pluginHost = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let permissionString = pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType(objLoadingContent.actualType); let principal = objLoadingContent.ownerGlobal.top.document.nodePrincipal; let pluginPermission = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, permissionString); let isFallbackTypeValid = objLoadingContent.pluginFallbackType >= Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY && objLoadingContent.pluginFallbackType <= Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE; return !objLoadingContent.activated && pluginPermission != Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION && isFallbackTypeValid; }, hideClickToPlayOverlay: function (plugin) { let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (overlay) { overlay.classList.remove("visible"); } }, // Forward a link click callback to the chrome process. forwardCallback: function (name, pluginTag) { this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:LinkClickCallback", { name, pluginTag }); }, submitReport: function submitReport(plugin) { if (!AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) { return; } if (!plugin) { Cu.reportError("Attempted to submit crash report without an associated plugin."); return; } if (!(plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) { Cu.reportError("Attempted to submit crash report on plugin that does not" + "implement nsIObjectLoadingContent."); return; } let runID = plugin.runID; let submitURLOptIn = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitURLOptIn").checked; let keyVals = {}; let userComment = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitComment").value.trim(); if (userComment) keyVals.PluginUserComment = userComment; if (submitURLOptIn) keyVals.PluginContentURL = plugin.ownerDocument.URL; this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:SubmitReport", { runID, keyVals, submitURLOptIn }); }, reloadPage: function () { this.global.content.location.reload(); }, // Event listener for click-to-play plugins. _handleClickToPlayEvent: function (plugin) { let doc = plugin.ownerDocument; let pluginHost = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); // guard against giving pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType a type // not associated with any known plugin if (!this.isKnownPlugin(objLoadingContent)) return; let permissionString = pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType(objLoadingContent.actualType); let principal = doc.defaultView.top.document.nodePrincipal; let pluginPermission = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, permissionString); let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (pluginPermission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION) { if (overlay) { overlay.classList.remove("visible"); } return; } if (overlay) { overlay.addEventListener("click", this, true); } }, onOverlayClick: function (event) { let document = event.target.ownerDocument; let plugin = document.getBindingParent(event.target); let contentWindow = plugin.ownerGlobal.top; let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); // Have to check that the target is not the link to update the plugin if (!(event.originalTarget instanceof contentWindow.HTMLAnchorElement) && (event.originalTarget.getAttribute('anonid') != 'closeIcon') && !overlay.hasAttribute('dismissed') && event.button == 0 && event.isTrusted) { this._showClickToPlayNotification(plugin, true); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, reshowClickToPlayNotification: function () { let contentWindow = this.global.content; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let plugins = cwu.plugins; for (let plugin of plugins) { let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (overlay) overlay.removeEventListener("click", this, true); let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (this.canActivatePlugin(objLoadingContent)) this._handleClickToPlayEvent(plugin); } this._showClickToPlayNotification(null, false); }, /** * Activate the plugins that the user has specified. */ activatePlugins: function (pluginInfo, newState) { let contentWindow = this.global.content; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let plugins = cwu.plugins; let pluginHost = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let pluginFound = false; for (let plugin of plugins) { plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent); if (!this.isKnownPlugin(plugin)) { continue; } if (pluginInfo.permissionString == pluginHost.getPermissionStringForType(plugin.actualType)) { let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); pluginFound = true; if (newState == "block") { if (overlay) { overlay.addEventListener("click", this, true); } plugin.reload(true); } else if (this.canActivatePlugin(plugin)) { if (overlay) { overlay.removeEventListener("click", this, true); } plugin.playPlugin(); } } } // If there are no instances of the plugin on the page any more, what the // user probably needs is for us to allow and then refresh. if (newState != "block" && !pluginFound) { this.reloadPage(); } this.updateNotificationUI(); }, _showClickToPlayNotification: function (plugin, showNow) { let plugins = []; // If plugin is null, that means the user has navigated back to a page with // plugins, and we need to collect all the plugins. if (plugin === null) { let contentWindow = this.content; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); // cwu.plugins may contain non-plugin s, filter them out plugins = cwu.plugins.filter((plugin) => plugin.getContentTypeForMIMEType(plugin.actualType) == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.TYPE_PLUGIN); if (plugins.length == 0) { this.removeNotification("click-to-play-plugins"); return; } } else { plugins = [plugin]; } let pluginData = this.pluginData; let principal = this.content.document.nodePrincipal; let location = this.content.document.location.href; for (let p of plugins) { let pluginInfo; if (p instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag) { let mimeType = p.getMimeTypes() > 0 ? p.getMimeTypes()[0] : null; pluginInfo = this._getPluginInfoForTag(p, mimeType); } else { pluginInfo = this._getPluginInfo(p); } if (pluginInfo.permissionString === null) { Cu.reportError("No permission string for active plugin."); continue; } if (pluginData.has(pluginInfo.permissionString)) { continue; } let permissionObj = Services.perms. getPermissionObject(principal, pluginInfo.permissionString, false); if (permissionObj) { pluginInfo.pluginPermissionPrePath = permissionObj.principal.originNoSuffix; pluginInfo.pluginPermissionType = permissionObj.expireType; } else { pluginInfo.pluginPermissionPrePath = principal.originNoSuffix; pluginInfo.pluginPermissionType = undefined; } this.pluginData.set(pluginInfo.permissionString, pluginInfo); } this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:ShowClickToPlayNotification", { plugins: [... this.pluginData.values()], showNow: showNow, location: location, }, null, principal); }, /** * Updates the "hidden plugin" notification bar UI. * * @param document (optional) * Specify the document that is causing the update. * This is useful when the document is possibly no longer * the current loaded document (for example, if we're * responding to a PluginRemoved event for an unloading * document). If this parameter is omitted, it defaults * to the current top-level document. */ updateNotificationUI: function (document) { document = document || this.content.document; // We're only interested in the top-level document, since that's // the one that provides the Principal that we send back to the // parent. let principal = document.defaultView.top.document.nodePrincipal; let location = document.location.href; // Make a copy of the actions from the last popup notification. let haveInsecure = false; let actions = new Map(); for (let action of this.pluginData.values()) { switch (action.fallbackType) { // haveInsecure will trigger the red flashing icon and the infobar // styling below case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE: case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE: haveInsecure = true; // fall through case Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY: actions.set(action.permissionString, action); continue; } } // Remove plugins that are already active, or large enough to show an overlay. let cwu = this.content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); for (let plugin of cwu.plugins) { let info = this._getPluginInfo(plugin); if (!actions.has(info.permissionString)) { continue; } let fallbackType = info.fallbackType; if (fallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_ACTIVE) { actions.delete(info.permissionString); if (actions.size == 0) { break; } continue; } if (fallbackType != Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY && fallbackType != Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE && fallbackType != Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE) { continue; } let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); if (!overlay) { continue; } let shouldShow = this.shouldShowOverlay(plugin, overlay); this.setVisibility(plugin, overlay, shouldShow); if (shouldShow) { actions.delete(info.permissionString); if (actions.size == 0) { break; } } } // If there are any items remaining in `actions` now, they are hidden // plugins that need a notification bar. this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:UpdateHiddenPluginUI", { haveInsecure: haveInsecure, actions: [... actions.values()], location: location, }, null, principal); }, removeNotification: function (name) { this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:RemoveNotification", { name: name }); }, clearPluginCaches: function () { this.pluginData.clear(); this.pluginCrashData.clear(); }, hideNotificationBar: function (name) { this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:HideNotificationBar", { name: name }); }, /** * The PluginCrashed event handler. Note that the PluginCrashed event is * fired for both NPAPI and Gecko Media plugins. In the latter case, the * target of the event is the document that the GMP is being used in. */ onPluginCrashed: function (target, aEvent) { if (!(aEvent instanceof this.content.PluginCrashedEvent)) return; if (aEvent.gmpPlugin) { this.GMPCrashed(aEvent); return; } if (!(target instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent)) return; let crashData = this.pluginCrashData.get(target.runID); if (!crashData) { // We haven't received information from the parent yet about // this crash, so we should hold off showing the crash report // UI. return; } crashData.instances.delete(target); if (crashData.instances.length == 0) { this.pluginCrashData.delete(target.runID); } this.setCrashedNPAPIPluginState({ plugin: target, state: crashData.state, message: crashData.message, }); }, NPAPIPluginProcessCrashed: function ({pluginName, runID, state}) { let message = gNavigatorBundle.formatStringFromName("crashedpluginsMessage.title", [pluginName], 1); let contentWindow = this.global.content; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let plugins = cwu.plugins; for (let plugin of plugins) { if (plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent && plugin.runID == runID) { // The parent has told us that the plugin process has died. // It's possible that this content process hasn't yet noticed, // in which case we need to stash this data around until the // PluginCrashed events get sent up. if (plugin.pluginFallbackType == Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CRASHED) { // This plugin has already been put into the crashed state by the // content process, so we can tweak its crash UI without delay. this.setCrashedNPAPIPluginState({plugin, state, message}); } else { // The content process hasn't yet determined that the plugin has crashed. // Stash the data in our map, and throw the plugin into a WeakSet. When // the PluginCrashed event fires on the /, we'll retrieve // the information we need from the Map and remove the instance from the // WeakSet. Once the WeakSet is empty, we can clear the map. if (!this.pluginCrashData.has(runID)) { this.pluginCrashData.set(runID, { state: state, message: message, instances: new WeakSet(), }); } let crashData = this.pluginCrashData.get(runID); crashData.instances.add(plugin); } } } }, setCrashedNPAPIPluginState: function ({plugin, state, message}) { // Force a layout flush so the binding is attached. plugin.clientTop; let overlay = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "main"); let statusDiv = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitStatus"); let optInCB = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitURLOptIn"); this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitButton") .addEventListener("click", (event) => { if (event.button != 0 || !event.isTrusted) return; this.submitReport(plugin); }); let pref = Services.prefs.getBranch("dom.ipc.plugins.reportCrashURL"); optInCB.checked = pref.getBoolPref(""); statusDiv.setAttribute("status", state); let helpIcon = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "helpIcon"); this.addLinkClickCallback(helpIcon, "openHelpPage"); let crashText = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "crashedText"); crashText.textContent = message; let link = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "reloadLink"); this.addLinkClickCallback(link, "reloadPage"); let isShowing = this.shouldShowOverlay(plugin, overlay); // Is the 's size too small to hold what we want to show? if (!isShowing) { // First try hiding the crash report submission UI. statusDiv.removeAttribute("status"); isShowing = this.shouldShowOverlay(plugin, overlay); } this.setVisibility(plugin, overlay, isShowing); let doc = plugin.ownerDocument; let runID = plugin.runID; if (isShowing) { // If a previous plugin on the page was too small and resulted in adding a // notification bar, then remove it because this plugin instance it big // enough to serve as in-content notification. this.hideNotificationBar("plugin-crashed"); doc.mozNoPluginCrashedNotification = true; // Notify others that the crash reporter UI is now ready. // Currently, this event is only used by tests. let winUtils = this.content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let event = new this.content.CustomEvent("PluginCrashReporterDisplayed", {bubbles: true}); winUtils.dispatchEventToChromeOnly(plugin, event); } else if (!doc.mozNoPluginCrashedNotification) { // If another plugin on the page was large enough to show our UI, we don't // want to show a notification bar. this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:ShowPluginCrashedNotification", { messageString: message, pluginID: runID }); // Remove the notification when the page is reloaded. doc.defaultView.top.addEventListener("unload", event => { this.hideNotificationBar("plugin-crashed"); }, false); } }, NPAPIPluginCrashReportSubmitted: function({ runID, state }) { this.pluginCrashData.delete(runID); let contentWindow = this.global.content; let cwu = contentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let plugins = cwu.plugins; for (let plugin of plugins) { if (plugin instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent && plugin.runID == runID) { let statusDiv = this.getPluginUI(plugin, "submitStatus"); statusDiv.setAttribute("status", state); } } }, GMPCrashed: function(aEvent) { let target = aEvent.target; let pluginName = aEvent.pluginName; let gmpPlugin = aEvent.gmpPlugin; let pluginID = aEvent.pluginID; let doc = target.document; if (!gmpPlugin || !doc) { // TODO: Throw exception? How did we get here? return; } let messageString = gNavigatorBundle.formatStringFromName("crashedpluginsMessage.title", [pluginName], 1); this.global.sendAsyncMessage("PluginContent:ShowPluginCrashedNotification", { messageString, pluginID }); // Remove the notification when the page is reloaded. doc.defaultView.top.addEventListener("unload", event => { this.hideNotificationBar("plugin-crashed"); }, false); }, };