/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "FragmentDirective.h" #include #include "RangeBoundary.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "BasePrincipal.h" #include "Document.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContextGroup.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FragmentDirectiveBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FragmentOrElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/NodeBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Text.h" #include "mozilla/intl/WordBreaker.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "nsComputedDOMStyle.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsDOMAttributeMap.h" #include "nsDocShell.h" #include "nsFind.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsICSSDeclaration.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsINode.h" #include "nsIURIMutator.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "nsString.h" namespace mozilla::dom { static LazyLogModule sFragmentDirectiveLog("FragmentDirective"); #define DBG_FN(msg, func, ...) \ MOZ_LOG(sFragmentDirectiveLog, LogLevel::Debug, \ ("%s(): " msg, func, ##__VA_ARGS__)) // Shortcut macro for logging, which includes the current function name. // To customize (eg. if in a lambda), use `DBG_FN`. #define DBG(msg, ...) DBG_FN(msg, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__) MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE static bool ShouldLog() { return MOZ_LOG_TEST(sFragmentDirectiveLog, LogLevel::Debug); } /** Converts a `TextDirective` into a percent-encoded string. */ static nsCString ToString(const TextDirective& aTextDirective) { nsCString str; create_text_directive(&aTextDirective, &str); return str; } /** Utility, used for logging. Converts an nsIURI to string. */ static nsCString ToString(nsIURI* aURI) { nsCString url; if (!aURI) { return url; } Unused << aURI->GetSpec(url); return url; } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE(FragmentDirective, mDocument) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(FragmentDirective) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(FragmentDirective) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(FragmentDirective) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END FragmentDirective::FragmentDirective(Document* aDocument) : mDocument(aDocument) {} JSObject* FragmentDirective::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return FragmentDirective_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } bool FragmentDirective::ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragmentString( nsCString& aFragment, nsTArray* aTextDirectives, nsIURI* aURI) { if (aFragment.IsEmpty()) { DBG("URL '%s' has no fragment.", ToString(aURI).Data()); return false; } DBG("Trying to extract a fragment directive from fragment '%s' of URL '%s'.", aFragment.Data(), ToString(aURI).Data()); ParsedFragmentDirectiveResult fragmentDirective; const bool hasRemovedFragmentDirective = StaticPrefs::dom_text_fragments_enabled() && parse_fragment_directive(&aFragment, &fragmentDirective); if (hasRemovedFragmentDirective) { DBG("Found a fragment directive '%s', which was removed from the fragment. " "New fragment is '%s'.", fragmentDirective.fragment_directive.Data(), fragmentDirective.hash_without_fragment_directive.Data()); if (ShouldLog()) { if (fragmentDirective.text_directives.IsEmpty()) { DBG("Found no valid text directives in fragment directive '%s'.", fragmentDirective.fragment_directive.Data()); } else { DBG("Found %zu valid text directives in fragment directive '%s':", fragmentDirective.text_directives.Length(), fragmentDirective.fragment_directive.Data()); for (size_t index = 0; index < fragmentDirective.text_directives.Length(); ++index) { const auto& textDirective = fragmentDirective.text_directives[index]; DBG(" [%zu]: %s", index, ToString(textDirective).Data()); } } } aFragment = fragmentDirective.hash_without_fragment_directive; if (aTextDirectives) { aTextDirectives->SwapElements(fragmentDirective.text_directives); } } else { DBG("Fragment '%s' of URL '%s' did not contain a fragment directive.", aFragment.Data(), ToString(aURI).Data()); } return hasRemovedFragmentDirective; } void FragmentDirective::ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragment( nsCOMPtr& aURI, nsTArray* aTextDirectives) { if (!aURI || !StaticPrefs::dom_text_fragments_enabled()) { return; } bool hasRef = false; aURI->GetHasRef(&hasRef); nsAutoCString hash; aURI->GetRef(hash); if (!hasRef || hash.IsEmpty()) { DBG("URL '%s' has no fragment. Exiting.", ToString(aURI).Data()); } const bool hasRemovedFragmentDirective = ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragmentString(hash, aTextDirectives, aURI); if (!hasRemovedFragmentDirective) { return; } Unused << NS_MutateURI(aURI).SetRef(hash).Finalize(aURI); DBG("Updated hash of the URL. New URL: %s", ToString(aURI).Data()); } nsTArray> FragmentDirective::FindTextFragmentsInDocument() { MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument); if (mUninvokedTextDirectives.IsEmpty()) { DBG("No uninvoked text directives in document '%s'. Exiting.", ToString(mDocument->GetDocumentURI()).Data()); return {}; } DBG("Trying to find text directives in document '%s'.", ToString(mDocument->GetDocumentURI()).Data()); mDocument->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Frames); // https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#invoke-text-directives // To invoke text directives, given as input a list of text directives text // directives and a Document document, run these steps: // 1. Let ranges be a list of ranges, initially empty. nsTArray> textDirectiveRanges( mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length()); // Additionally (not mentioned in the spec), remove all text directives from // the input list to keep only the ones that are not found. // This code runs repeatedly during a page load, so it is possible that the // match for a text directive has not been parsed yet. nsTArray uninvokedTextDirectives( mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length()); // 2. For each text directive directive of text directives: for (TextDirective& textDirective : mUninvokedTextDirectives) { // 2.1 If the result of running find a range from a text directive given // directive and document is non-null, then append it to ranges. if (RefPtr range = FindRangeForTextDirective(textDirective)) { textDirectiveRanges.AppendElement(range); DBG("Found text directive '%s'", ToString(textDirective).Data()); } else { uninvokedTextDirectives.AppendElement(std::move(textDirective)); } } if (ShouldLog()) { if (uninvokedTextDirectives.Length() == mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length()) { DBG("Did not find any of the %zu uninvoked text directives.", mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length()); } else { DBG("Found %zu of %zu text directives in the document.", mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length() - uninvokedTextDirectives.Length(), mUninvokedTextDirectives.Length()); } if (uninvokedTextDirectives.IsEmpty()) { DBG("No uninvoked text directives left."); } else { DBG("There are %zu uninvoked text directives left:", uninvokedTextDirectives.Length()); for (size_t index = 0; index < uninvokedTextDirectives.Length(); ++index) { DBG(" [%zu]: %s", index, ToString(uninvokedTextDirectives[index]).Data()); } } } mUninvokedTextDirectives = std::move(uninvokedTextDirectives); // 3. Return ranges. return textDirectiveRanges; } /* static */ nsresult FragmentDirective::GetSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective( nsCOMPtr& aURI, nsACString& aSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective) { bool hasRef = false; if (aURI->GetHasRef(&hasRef); !hasRef) { return aURI->GetSpec(aSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective); } nsAutoCString ref; nsresult rv = aURI->GetRef(ref); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } rv = aURI->GetSpecIgnoringRef(aSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } ParseAndRemoveFragmentDirectiveFromFragmentString(ref); if (!ref.IsEmpty()) { aSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective.Append('#'); aSpecIgnoringFragmentDirective.Append(ref); } return NS_OK; } bool FragmentDirective::IsTextDirectiveAllowedToBeScrolledTo() { // This method follows // https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#check-if-a-text-directive-can-be-scrolled // However, there are some spec issues // (https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment/issues/240). // The web-platform tests currently seem more up-to-date. Therefore, // this method is adapted slightly to make sure all tests pass. // Comments are added to explain changes. MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument); DBG("Trying to find out if the load of URL '%s' is allowed to scroll to the " "text fragment", ToString(mDocument->GetDocumentURI()).Data()); // It seems the spec does not cover same-document navigation in particular, // or Gecko needs to deal with this in a different way due to the // implementation not following the spec step-by-step. // Therefore, the following algorithm needs some adaptions to deal with // same-document navigations correctly. nsCOMPtr loadInfo = mDocument->GetChannel() ? mDocument->GetChannel()->LoadInfo() : nullptr; const bool isSameDocumentNavigation = loadInfo && loadInfo->GetIsSameDocumentNavigation(); DBG("Current load is%s a same-document navigation.", isSameDocumentNavigation ? "" : " not"); // 1. If document's pending text directives field is null or empty, return // false. // --- // we don't store the *pending* text directives in this class, only the // *uninvoked* text directives (uninvoked = `TextDirective`, pending = // `nsRange`). // Uninvoked text directives are typically already processed into pending text // directives when this code is called. Pending text directives are handled by // the caller when this code runs; therefore, the caller should decide if this // method should be called or not. // 2. Let is user involved be true if: document's text directive user // activation is true, or user involvement is one of "activation" or "browser // UI"; false otherwise. // 3. Set document's text directive user activation to false. const bool textDirectiveUserActivation = mDocument->ConsumeTextDirectiveUserActivation(); DBG("Consumed Document's TextDirectiveUserActivation flag (value=%s)", textDirectiveUserActivation ? "true" : "false"); // 4. If document's content type is not a text directive allowing MIME type, // return false. const bool isAllowedMIMEType = [doc = this->mDocument, func = __FUNCTION__] { nsAutoString contentType; doc->GetContentType(contentType); DBG_FN("Got document MIME type: %s", func, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentType).Data()); return contentType == u"text/html" || contentType == u"text/plain"; }(); if (!isAllowedMIMEType) { DBG("Invalid document MIME type. Scrolling not allowed."); return false; } // 5. If user involvement is "browser UI", return true. // // If a navigation originates from browser UI, it's always ok to allow it // since it'll be user triggered and the page/script isn't providing the text // snippet. // // Note: The intent in this item is to distinguish cases where the app/page is // able to control the URL from those that are fully under the user's // control. In the former we want to prevent scrolling of the text fragment // unless the destination is loaded in a separate browsing context group (so // that the source cannot both control the text snippet and observe // side-effects in the navigation). There are some cases where "browser UI" // may be a grey area in this regard. E.g. an "open in new window" context // menu item when right clicking on a link. // // See sec-fetch-site [0] for a related discussion on how this applies. // [0] https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-fetch-metadata/#directly-user-initiated // --- // Gecko does not implement user involvement as defined in the spec. // However, if the triggering principal is the system principal, the load // has been triggered from browser chrome. This should be good enough for now. auto* triggeringPrincipal = loadInfo ? loadInfo->TriggeringPrincipal() : nullptr; const bool isTriggeredFromBrowserUI = triggeringPrincipal && triggeringPrincipal->IsSystemPrincipal(); if (isTriggeredFromBrowserUI) { DBG("The load is triggered from browser UI. Scrolling allowed."); return true; } DBG("The load is not triggered from browser UI."); // 6. If is user involved is false, return false. // --- // same-document navigation is not mentioned in the spec. However, we run this // code also in same-document navigation cases. // Same-document navigation is allowed even without any user interaction. if (!textDirectiveUserActivation && !isSameDocumentNavigation) { DBG("User involvement is false and not same-document navigation. Scrolling " "not allowed."); return false; } // 7. If document's node navigable has a parent, return false. // --- // this is extended to ignore this rule if this is a same-document navigation // in an iframe, which is allowed when the document's origin matches the // initiator's origin (which is checked in step 8). nsDocShell* docShell = nsDocShell::Cast(mDocument->GetDocShell()); if (!isSameDocumentNavigation && (!docShell || !docShell->GetIsTopLevelContentDocShell())) { DBG("Document's node navigable has a parent and this is not a " "same-document navigation. Scrolling not allowed."); return false; } // 8. If initiator origin is non-null and document's origin is same origin // with initiator origin, return true. const bool isSameOrigin = [doc = this->mDocument, triggeringPrincipal] { auto* docPrincipal = doc->GetPrincipal(); return triggeringPrincipal && docPrincipal && docPrincipal->Equals(triggeringPrincipal); }(); if (isSameOrigin) { DBG("Same origin. Scrolling allowed."); return true; } DBG("Not same origin."); // 9. If document's browsing context's group's browsing context set has length // 1, return true. // // i.e. Only allow navigation from a cross-origin element/script if the // document is loaded in a noopener context. That is, a new top level browsing // context group to which the navigator does not have script access and which // can be placed into a separate process. if (BrowsingContextGroup* group = mDocument->GetBrowsingContext() ? mDocument->GetBrowsingContext()->Group() : nullptr) { const bool isNoOpenerContext = group->Toplevels().Length() == 1; if (!isNoOpenerContext) { DBG("Cross-origin + noopener=false. Scrolling not allowed."); } return isNoOpenerContext; } // 10.Otherwise, return false. DBG("Scrolling not allowed."); return false; } void FragmentDirective::HighlightTextDirectives( const nsTArray>& aTextDirectiveRanges) { MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument); if (!StaticPrefs::dom_text_fragments_enabled()) { return; } if (aTextDirectiveRanges.IsEmpty()) { DBG("No text directive ranges to highlight for document '%s'. Exiting.", ToString(mDocument->GetDocumentURI()).Data()); return; } DBG("Highlighting text directives for document '%s' (%zu ranges).", ToString(mDocument->GetDocumentURI()).Data(), aTextDirectiveRanges.Length()); const RefPtr targetTextSelection = [doc = this->mDocument]() -> Selection* { if (auto* presShell = doc->GetPresShell()) { return presShell->GetCurrentSelection(SelectionType::eTargetText); } return nullptr; }(); if (!targetTextSelection) { return; } for (const RefPtr& range : aTextDirectiveRanges) { // Script won't be able to manipulate `aTextDirectiveRanges`, // therefore we can mark `range` as known live. targetTextSelection->AddRangeAndSelectFramesAndNotifyListeners( MOZ_KnownLive(*range), IgnoreErrors()); } } /** * @brief Determine if `aNode` should be considered when traversing the DOM. * * A node is "search invisible" if it is an element in the HTML namespace and * 1. The computed value of its `display` property is `none` * 2. It serializes as void * 3. It is one of the following types: * - HTMLIFrameElement * - HTMLImageElement * - HTMLMeterElement * - HTMLObjectElement * - HTMLProgressElement * - HTMLStyleElement * - HTMLScriptElement * - HTMLVideoElement * - HTMLAudioElement * 4. It is a `select` element whose `multiple` content attribute is absent * * see https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#search-invisible */ bool NodeIsSearchInvisible(nsINode& aNode) { if (!aNode.IsElement()) { return false; } // 2. If the node serializes as void. nsAtom* nodeNameAtom = aNode.NodeInfo()->NameAtom(); if (FragmentOrElement::IsHTMLVoid(nodeNameAtom)) { return true; } // 3. Is any of the following types: HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLImageElement, // HTMLMeterElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLProgressElement, HTMLStyleElement, // HTMLScriptElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLAudioElement if (aNode.IsAnyOfHTMLElements( nsGkAtoms::iframe, nsGkAtoms::image, nsGkAtoms::meter, nsGkAtoms::object, nsGkAtoms::progress, nsGkAtoms::style, nsGkAtoms::script, nsGkAtoms::video, nsGkAtoms::audio)) { return true; } // 4. Is a select element whose multiple content attribute is absent. if (aNode.IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::select)) { return aNode.GetAttributes()->GetNamedItem(u"multiple"_ns) == nullptr; } // This is tested last because it's the most expensive check. // 1. The computed value of its 'display' property is 'none'. const Element* nodeAsElement = Element::FromNode(aNode); const RefPtr computedStyle = nsComputedDOMStyle::GetComputedStyleNoFlush(nodeAsElement); return !computedStyle || computedStyle->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay == StyleDisplay::None; } /** * @brief Returns true if `aNode` has block-level display. * A node has block-level display if it is an element and the computed value * of its display property is any of * - block * - table * - flow-root * - grid * - flex * - list-item * * See https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#has-block-level-display */ bool NodeHasBlockLevelDisplay(nsINode& aNode) { if (!aNode.IsElement()) { return false; } const Element* nodeAsElement = Element::FromNode(aNode); const RefPtr computedStyle = nsComputedDOMStyle::GetComputedStyleNoFlush(nodeAsElement); if (!computedStyle) { return false; } const StyleDisplay& styleDisplay = computedStyle->StyleDisplay()->mDisplay; return styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Block || styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Table || styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::FlowRoot || styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Grid || styleDisplay == StyleDisplay::Flex || styleDisplay.IsListItem(); } /** * @brief Get the Block Ancestor For `aNode`. * * see https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#nearest-block-ancestor */ nsINode* GetBlockAncestorForNode(nsINode* aNode) { // 1. Let curNode be node. RefPtr curNode = aNode; // 2. While curNode is non-null while (curNode) { // 2.1. If curNode is not a Text node and it has block-level display then // return curNode. if (!curNode->IsText() && NodeHasBlockLevelDisplay(*curNode)) { return curNode; } // 2.2. Otherwise, set curNode to curNode’s parent. curNode = curNode->GetParentNode(); } // 3.Return node’s node document's document element. return aNode->GetOwnerDocument(); } /** * @brief Returns true if `aNode` is part of a non-searchable subtree. * * A node is part of a non-searchable subtree if it is or has a shadow-including * ancestor that is search invisible. * * see https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#non-searchable-subtree */ bool NodeIsPartOfNonSearchableSubTree(nsINode& aNode) { nsINode* node = &aNode; do { if (NodeIsSearchInvisible(*node)) { return true; } } while ((node = node->GetParentOrShadowHostNode())); return false; } /** * @brief Return true if `aNode` is a visible Text node. * * A node is a visible text node if it is a Text node, the computed value of * its parent element's visibility property is visible, and it is being * rendered. * * see https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#visible-text-node */ bool NodeIsVisibleTextNode(const nsINode& aNode) { const Text* text = Text::FromNode(aNode); if (!text) { return false; } const nsIFrame* frame = text->GetPrimaryFrame(); return frame && frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible(); } enum class TextScanDirection { Left = -1, Right = 1 }; /** * @brief Tests if there is whitespace at the given position. * * This algorithm tests for whitespaces and ` ` at `aPos`. * It returns true if whitespace was found. * * This function assumes the reading direction is "right". If trying to check * for whitespace to the left, the caller must adjust the offset. * */ bool IsWhitespaceAtPosition(const Text* aText, uint32_t aPos) { if (!aText || aText->Length() == 0 || aPos >= aText->Length()) { return 0; } const nsTextFragment& frag = aText->TextFragment(); const char NBSP_CHAR = char(0xA0); if (frag.Is2b()) { const char16_t* content = frag.Get2b(); return IsSpaceCharacter(content[aPos]) || content[aPos] == char16_t(NBSP_CHAR); } const char* content = frag.Get1b(); return IsSpaceCharacter(content[aPos]) || content[aPos] == NBSP_CHAR; } /** Advances the start of `aRange` to the next non-whitespace position. * The function follows this section of the spec: * https://wicg.github.io/scroll-to-text-fragment/#next-non-whitespace-position */ void AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(nsRange& aRange) { // 1. While range is not collapsed: while (!aRange.Collapsed()) { // 1.1. Let node be range's start node. RefPtr node = aRange.GetStartContainer(); MOZ_ASSERT(node); // 1.2. Let offset be range's start offset. const uint32_t offset = aRange.StartOffset(); // 1.3. If node is part of a non-searchable subtree or if node is not a // visible text node or if offset is equal to node's length then: if (NodeIsPartOfNonSearchableSubTree(*node) || !NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*node) || offset == node->Length()) { // 1.3.1. Set range's start node to the next node, in shadow-including // tree order. // 1.3.2. Set range's start offset to 0. if (NS_FAILED(aRange.SetStart(node->GetNextNode(), 0))) { return; } // 1.3.3. Continue. continue; } const Text* text = Text::FromNode(node); MOZ_ASSERT(text); // These steps are moved to `IsWhitespaceAtPosition()`. // 1.4. If the substring data of node at offset offset and count 6 is equal // to the string " " then: // 1.4.1. Add 6 to range’s start offset. // 1.5. Otherwise, if the substring data of node at offset offset and count // 5 is equal to the string " " then: // 1.5.1. Add 5 to range’s start offset. // 1.6. Otherwise: // 1.6.1 Let cp be the code point at the offset index in node’s data. // 1.6.2 If cp does not have the White_Space property set, return. // 1.6.3 Add 1 to range’s start offset. if (!IsWhitespaceAtPosition(text, offset)) { return; } aRange.SetStart(node, offset + 1); } } /** * @brief Moves `aRangeBoundary` one word in `aDirection`. * * Word boundaries are determined using `intl::WordBreaker::FindWord()`. * * * @param aRangeBoundary[in] The range boundary that should be moved. * Must be set and valid. * @param aDirection[in] The direction into which to move. * @return A new `RangeBoundary` which is moved to the next word. */ RangeBoundary MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord(const RangeBoundary& aRangeBoundary, TextScanDirection aDirection) { MOZ_ASSERT(aRangeBoundary.IsSetAndValid()); RefPtr curNode = aRangeBoundary.Container(); uint32_t offset = *aRangeBoundary.Offset( RangeBoundary::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets); const int offsetIncrement = int(aDirection); // Get the text node of the start of the range and the offset. // This is the current position of the start of the range. nsAutoString textContent; if (NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode)) { const Text* textNode = Text::FromNode(curNode); // Assuming that the current position might not be at a word boundary, // advance to the word boundary at word begin/end. if (!IsWhitespaceAtPosition(textNode, offset)) { textNode->GetData(textContent); const intl::WordRange wordRange = intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(textContent, offset); if (aDirection == TextScanDirection::Right && offset != wordRange.mBegin) { offset = wordRange.mEnd; } else if (aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left && offset != wordRange.mEnd) { // The additional -1 is necessary to move to offset to *before* the // start of the word. offset = wordRange.mBegin - 1; } } } // Now, skip any whitespace, so that `offset` points to the word boundary of // the next word (which is the one this algorithm actually aims to move over). while (curNode) { if (!NodeIsVisibleTextNode(*curNode) || NodeIsSearchInvisible(*curNode) || offset >= curNode->Length()) { curNode = aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? curNode->GetPrevNode() : curNode->GetNextNode(); if (!curNode) { break; } offset = aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? curNode->Length() - 1 : 0; continue; } const Text* textNode = Text::FromNode(curNode); if (IsWhitespaceAtPosition(textNode, offset)) { offset += offsetIncrement; continue; } // At this point, the caret has been moved to the next non-whitespace // position. // find word boundaries at the current position textNode->GetData(textContent); const intl::WordRange wordRange = intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(textContent, offset); offset = aDirection == TextScanDirection::Left ? wordRange.mBegin : wordRange.mEnd; return {curNode, offset}; } return {}; } RefPtr FragmentDirective::FindRangeForTextDirective( const TextDirective& aTextDirective) { DBG("Find range for text directive '%s'.", ToString(aTextDirective).Data()); // 1. Let searchRange be a range with start (document, 0) and end (document, // document’s length) ErrorResult rv; RefPtr searchRange = nsRange::Create(mDocument, 0, mDocument, mDocument->Length(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // 2. While searchRange is not collapsed: while (!searchRange->Collapsed()) { // 2.1. Let potentialMatch be null. RefPtr potentialMatch; // 2.2. If parsedValues’s prefix is not null: if (!aTextDirective.prefix.IsEmpty()) { // 2.2.1. Let prefixMatch be the the result of running the find a string // in range steps with query parsedValues’s prefix, searchRange // searchRange, wordStartBounded true and wordEndBounded false. RefPtr prefixMatch = FindStringInRange(searchRange, aTextDirective.prefix, true, false); // 2.2.2. If prefixMatch is null, return null. if (!prefixMatch) { DBG("Did not find prefix '%s'. The text directive does not exist " "in the document.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.prefix).Data()); return nullptr; } DBG("Did find prefix '%s'.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.prefix).Data()); // 2.2.3. Set searchRange’s start to the first boundary point after // prefixMatch’s start const RangeBoundary boundaryPoint = MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord( {prefixMatch->GetStartContainer(), prefixMatch->StartOffset()}, TextScanDirection::Right); if (!boundaryPoint.IsSetAndValid()) { return nullptr; } searchRange->SetStart(boundaryPoint.AsRaw(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // 2.2.4. Let matchRange be a range whose start is prefixMatch’s end and // end is searchRange’s end. RefPtr matchRange = nsRange::Create( prefixMatch->GetEndContainer(), prefixMatch->EndOffset(), searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // 2.2.5. Advance matchRange’s start to the next non-whitespace position. AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(*matchRange); // 2.2.6. If matchRange is collapsed return null. // (This can happen if prefixMatch’s end or its subsequent non-whitespace // position is at the end of the document.) if (matchRange->Collapsed()) { return nullptr; } // 2.2.7. Assert: matchRange’s start node is a Text node. // (matchRange’s start now points to the next non-whitespace text data // following a matched prefix.) MOZ_ASSERT(matchRange->GetStartContainer()->IsText()); // 2.2.8. Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s end is // non-null or parsedValues’s suffix is null, false otherwise. const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary = !aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty() || aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty(); // 2.2.9. Set potentialMatch to the result of running the find a string in // range steps with query parsedValues’s start, searchRange matchRange, // wordStartBounded false, and wordEndBounded mustEndAtWordBoundary. potentialMatch = FindStringInRange(matchRange, aTextDirective.start, false, mustEndAtWordBoundary); // 2.2.10. If potentialMatch is null, return null. if (!potentialMatch) { DBG("Did not find start '%s'. The text directive does not exist " "in the document.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.start).Data()); return nullptr; } DBG("Did find start '%s'.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.start).Data()); // 2.2.11. If potentialMatch’s start is not matchRange’s start, then // continue. // (In this case, we found a prefix but it was followed by something other // than a matching text so we’ll continue searching for the next instance // of prefix.) if (potentialMatch->StartRef() != matchRange->StartRef()) { DBG("The prefix is not directly followed by the start element. " "Discarding this attempt."); continue; } } // 2.3. Otherwise: else { // 2.3.1. Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s end is // non-null or parsedValues’s suffix is null, false otherwise. const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary = !aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty() || aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty(); // 2.3.2. Set potentialMatch to the result of running the find a string in // range steps with query parsedValues’s start, searchRange searchRange, // wordStartBounded true, and wordEndBounded mustEndAtWordBoundary. potentialMatch = FindStringInRange(searchRange, aTextDirective.start, true, mustEndAtWordBoundary); // 2.3.3. If potentialMatch is null, return null. if (!potentialMatch) { DBG("Did not find start '%s'. The text directive does not exist " "in the document.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.start).Data()); return nullptr; } // 2.3.4. Set searchRange’s start to the first boundary point after // potentialMatch’s start RangeBoundary newRangeBoundary = MoveRangeBoundaryOneWord( {potentialMatch->GetStartContainer(), potentialMatch->StartOffset()}, TextScanDirection::Right); if (!newRangeBoundary.IsSetAndValid()) { return nullptr; } searchRange->SetStart(newRangeBoundary.AsRaw(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } } // 2.4. Let rangeEndSearchRange be a range whose start is potentialMatch’s // end and whose end is searchRange’s end. RefPtr rangeEndSearchRange = nsRange::Create( potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(), potentialMatch->EndOffset(), searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // 2.5. While rangeEndSearchRange is not collapsed: while (!rangeEndSearchRange->Collapsed()) { // 2.5.1. If parsedValues’s end item is non-null, then: if (!aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty()) { // Let mustEndAtWordBoundary be true if parsedValues’s suffix // is null, false otherwise. const bool mustEndAtWordBoundary = aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty(); // Let endMatch be the result of running the find a string in // range steps with query parsedValues’s end, searchRange // rangeEndSearchRange, wordStartBounded true, and wordEndBounded // mustEndAtWordBoundary. RefPtr endMatch = FindStringInRange(rangeEndSearchRange, aTextDirective.end, true, mustEndAtWordBoundary); // If endMatch is null then return null. if (!endMatch) { DBG("Did not find end '%s'. The text directive does not exist " "in the document.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.end).Data()); return nullptr; } // Set potentialMatch’s end to endMatch’s end. potentialMatch->SetEnd(endMatch->GetEndContainer(), endMatch->EndOffset()); } // 2.5.2. Assert: potentialMatch is non-null, not collapsed and represents // a range exactly containing an instance of matching text. MOZ_ASSERT(potentialMatch && !potentialMatch->Collapsed()); // 2.5.3. If parsedValues’s suffix is null, return potentialMatch. if (aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty()) { DBG("Did find a match."); return potentialMatch; } // 2.5.4. Let suffixRange be a range with start equal to potentialMatch’s // end and end equal to searchRange’s end. RefPtr suffixRange = nsRange::Create( potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(), potentialMatch->EndOffset(), searchRange->GetEndContainer(), searchRange->EndOffset(), rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } // 2.5.5. Advance suffixRange's start to the next non-whitespace position. AdvanceStartToNextNonWhitespacePosition(*suffixRange); // 2.5.6. Let suffixMatch be result of running the find a string in range // steps with query parsedValue's suffix, searchRange suffixRange, // wordStartBounded false, and wordEndBounded true. RefPtr suffixMatch = FindStringInRange(suffixRange, aTextDirective.suffix, false, true); // 2.5.7. If suffixMatch is null, return null. // (If the suffix doesn't appear in the remaining text of the document, // there's no possible way to make a match.) if (!suffixMatch) { DBG("Did not find suffix '%s'. The text directive does not exist " "in the document.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aTextDirective.suffix).Data()); return nullptr; } // 2.5.8. If suffixMatch's start is suffixRange's start, return // potentialMatch. if (suffixMatch->GetStartContainer() == suffixRange->GetStartContainer() && suffixMatch->StartOffset() == suffixRange->StartOffset()) { DBG("Did find a match."); return potentialMatch; } // 2.5.9. If parsedValue's end item is null then break; // (If this is an exact match and the suffix doesn’t match, start // searching for the next range start by breaking out of this loop without // rangeEndSearchRange being collapsed. If we’re looking for a range // match, we’ll continue iterating this inner loop since the range start // will already be correct.) if (aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty()) { break; } // 2.5.10. Set rangeEndSearchRange's start to potentialMatch's end. // (Otherwise, it is possible that we found the correct range start, but // not the correct range end. Continue the inner loop to keep searching // for another matching instance of rangeEnd.) rangeEndSearchRange->SetStart(potentialMatch->GetEndContainer(), potentialMatch->EndOffset()); } // 2.6. If rangeEndSearchRange is collapsed then: if (rangeEndSearchRange->Collapsed()) { // 2.6.1. Assert parsedValue's end item is non-null. // (This can only happen for range matches due to the break for exact // matches in step 9 of the above loop. If we couldn’t find a valid // rangeEnd+suffix pair anywhere in the doc then there’s no possible way // to make a match.) // ---- // XXX(:jjaschke): Not too sure about this. If a text directive is only // defined by a (prefix +) start element, and the start element happens to // be at the end of the document, `rangeEndSearchRange` could be // collapsed. Therefore, the loop in section 2.5 does not run. Also, // if there would be either an `end` and/or a `suffix`, this would assert // instead of returning `nullptr`, indicating that there's no match. // Instead, the following would make the algorithm more safe: // if there is no end or suffix, the potential match is actually a match, // so return it. Otherwise, the text directive can't be in the document, // therefore return nullptr. if (aTextDirective.end.IsEmpty() && aTextDirective.suffix.IsEmpty()) { DBG("rangeEndSearchRange was collapsed, no end or suffix " "present. Returning a match"); return potentialMatch; } DBG("rangeEndSearchRange was collapsed, there is an end or " "suffix. There can't be a match."); return nullptr; } } // 3. Return null. DBG("Did not find a match."); return nullptr; } /** * @brief Convenience function that returns true if the given position in a * string is a word boundary. * * This is a thin wrapper around the `WordBreaker::FindWord()` function. * * @param aText The text input. * @param aPosition The position to check. * @return true if there is a word boundary at `aPosition`. * @return false otherwise. */ bool IsAtWordBoundary(const nsAString& aText, uint32_t aPosition) { const intl::WordRange wordRange = intl::WordBreaker::FindWord(aText, aPosition); return wordRange.mBegin == aPosition || wordRange.mEnd == aPosition; } enum class IsEndIndex : bool { No, Yes }; RangeBoundary GetBoundaryPointAtIndex( uint32_t aIndex, const nsTArray>& aTextNodeList, IsEndIndex aIsEndIndex) { // 1. Let counted be 0. uint32_t counted = 0; // 2. For each curNode of nodes: for (Text* curNode : aTextNodeList) { // 2.1. Let nodeEnd be counted + curNode’s length. uint32_t nodeEnd = counted + curNode->Length(); // 2.2. If isEnd is true, add 1 to nodeEnd. if (aIsEndIndex == IsEndIndex::Yes) { ++nodeEnd; } // 2.3. If nodeEnd is greater than index then: if (nodeEnd > aIndex) { // 2.3.1. Return the boundary point (curNode, index − counted). return RangeBoundary(curNode->AsNode(), aIndex - counted); } // 2.4. Increment counted by curNode’s length. counted += curNode->Length(); } return {}; } RefPtr FindRangeFromNodeList( nsRange* aSearchRange, const nsAString& aQuery, const nsTArray>& aTextNodeList, bool aWordStartBounded, bool aWordEndBounded) { // 1. Let searchBuffer be the concatenation of the data of each item in nodes. // XXX(:jjaschke): There's an open issue here that deals with what // data is supposed to be (text data vs. rendered text) // https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment/issues/98 uint32_t bufferLength = 0; for (const Text* text : aTextNodeList) { bufferLength += text->Length(); } // bail out if the search query is longer than the text data. if (bufferLength < aQuery.Length()) { return nullptr; } nsAutoString searchBuffer; searchBuffer.SetCapacity(bufferLength); for (Text* text : aTextNodeList) { text->AppendTextTo(searchBuffer); } // 2. Let searchStart be 0. // 3. If the first item in nodes is searchRange’s start node then set // searchStart to searchRange’s start offset. uint32_t searchStart = aTextNodeList.SafeElementAt(0) == aSearchRange->GetStartContainer() ? aSearchRange->StartOffset() : 0; // 4. Let start and end be boundary points, initially null. RangeBoundary start, end; // 5. Let matchIndex be null. // "null" here doesn't mean 0, instead "not set". 0 would be a valid index. // Therefore, "null" is represented by the value -1. int32_t matchIndex = -1; // 6. While matchIndex is null // As explained above, "null" == -1 in this algorithm. while (matchIndex == -1) { // 6.1. Set matchIndex to the index of the first instance of queryString in // searchBuffer, starting at searchStart. The string search must be // performed using a base character comparison, or the primary level, as // defined in [UTS10]. // [UTS10] // Ken Whistler; Markus Scherer.Unicode Collation Algorithm.26 August 2022. // Unicode Technical Standard #10. // URL : https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/tr10-47.html // XXX(:jjaschke): For the initial implementation, a standard case-sensitive // find-in-string is used. // See: https://github.com/WICG/scroll-to-text-fragment/issues/233 matchIndex = searchBuffer.Find(aQuery, searchStart); // 6.2. If matchIndex is null, return null. if (matchIndex == -1) { return nullptr; } // 6.3. Let endIx be matchIndex + queryString’s length. // endIx is the index of the last character in the match + 1. const uint32_t endIx = matchIndex + aQuery.Length(); // 6.4. Set start to the boundary point result of get boundary point at // index matchIndex run over nodes with isEnd false. start = GetBoundaryPointAtIndex(matchIndex, aTextNodeList, IsEndIndex::No); // 6.5. Set end to the boundary point result of get boundary point at index // endIx run over nodes with isEnd true. end = GetBoundaryPointAtIndex(endIx, aTextNodeList, IsEndIndex::Yes); // 6.6. If wordStartBounded is true and matchIndex is not at a word boundary // in searchBuffer, given the language from start’s node as the locale; or // wordEndBounded is true and matchIndex + queryString’s length is not at a // word boundary in searchBuffer, given the language from end’s node as the // locale: if ((aWordStartBounded && !IsAtWordBoundary(searchBuffer, matchIndex)) || (aWordEndBounded && !IsAtWordBoundary(searchBuffer, endIx))) { // 6.6.1. Set searchStart to matchIndex + 1. searchStart = matchIndex + 1; // 6.6.2. Set matchIndex to null. matchIndex = -1; } } // 7. Let endInset be 0. // 8. If the last item in nodes is searchRange’s end node then set endInset // to (searchRange’s end node's length − searchRange’s end offset) // (endInset is the offset from the last position in the last node in the // reverse direction. Alternatively, it is the length of the node that’s not // included in the range.) uint32_t endInset = aTextNodeList.LastElement() == aSearchRange->GetEndContainer() ? aSearchRange->GetEndContainer()->Length() - aSearchRange->EndOffset() : 0; // 9. If matchIndex + queryString’s length is greater than searchBuffer’s // length − endInset return null. // (If the match runs past the end of the search range, return null.) if (matchIndex + aQuery.Length() > searchBuffer.Length() - endInset) { return nullptr; } // 10. Assert: start and end are non-null, valid boundary points in // searchRange. MOZ_ASSERT(start.IsSetAndValid()); MOZ_ASSERT(end.IsSetAndValid()); // 11. Return a range with start start and end end. ErrorResult rv; RefPtr range = nsRange::Create(start, end, rv); if (rv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } return range; } RefPtr FragmentDirective::FindStringInRange(nsRange* aSearchRange, const nsAString& aQuery, bool aWordStartBounded, bool aWordEndBounded) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSearchRange); DBG("query='%s', wordStartBounded='%d', wordEndBounded='%d'.\n", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aQuery).Data(), aWordStartBounded, aWordEndBounded); RefPtr finder = new nsFind(); finder->SetWordStartBounded(aWordStartBounded); finder->SetWordEndBounded(aWordEndBounded); finder->SetCaseSensitive(false); RefPtr searchRangeStart = nsRange::Create( aSearchRange->StartRef(), aSearchRange->StartRef(), IgnoreErrors()); RefPtr searchRangeEnd = nsRange::Create( aSearchRange->EndRef(), aSearchRange->EndRef(), IgnoreErrors()); RefPtr result; Unused << finder->Find(aQuery, aSearchRange, searchRangeStart, searchRangeEnd, getter_AddRefs(result)); if (!result || result->Collapsed()) { DBG("Did not find query '%s'", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aQuery).Data()); } else { auto rangeToString = [](nsRange* range) -> nsCString { nsString rangeString; range->ToString(rangeString, IgnoreErrors()); return NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(rangeString); }; DBG("find returned '%s'", rangeToString(result).Data()); } return result; } } // namespace mozilla::dom