/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ /* editor.c --- XFE editor functions Created: Spencer Murray , 11-Jan-96. */ #include "mozilla.h" #include "xfe.h" #include "selection.h" #include "net.h" #ifdef EDITOR #include /* for editor key translation */ #include /* for editor key translation */ #include /* for xfe widgets and utilities */ #include /* for XP_GetString() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "felocale.h" #include "intl_csi.h" #endif /* EDITOR */ #include "xeditor.h" #ifdef EDITOR #include "il_icons.h" /* Image icon enumeration. */ #ifdef JAVA #include "edtplug.h" #endif #define CB_STATIC static /* let commands.c see it */ #define XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT 1 /* Our event loop doesn't have workprocs, so we can't have two modal * dialog conditions (one from frontend, one from backend) #define EVENT_LOOP_HAS_WORKPROC */ extern int XFE_EDITOR_NEW_DOCNAME; extern int XFE_WARNING_AUTO_SAVE_NEW_MSG; extern int XFE_FILE_OPEN; extern int XFE_EDITOR_ALERT_FRAME_DOCUMENT; extern int XFE_EDITOR_ALERT_ABOUT_DOCUMENT; extern int XFE_ALERT_SAVE_CHANGES; extern int XFE_WARNING_SAVE_CHANGES; extern int XFE_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR_CODE; extern int XFE_EDITOR_COPY_DOCUMENT_BUSY; extern int XFE_EDITOR_COPY_SELECTION_EMPTY; extern int XFE_EDITOR_COPY_SELECTION_CROSSES_TABLE_DATA_CELL; extern int XFE_EDITOR_COPY_DOCUMENT_BUSY; extern int XFE_COMMAND_EMPTY; extern int XFE_EDITOR_HTML_EDITOR_COMMAND_EMPTY; extern int XFE_EDITOR_IMAGE_EDITOR_COMMAND_EMPTY; extern int XFE_ACTION_SYNTAX_ERROR; extern int XFE_ACTION_WRONG_CONTEXT; extern int XFE_EDITOR_WARNING_REMOVE_LINK; extern int XFE_UNKNOWN; extern int XFE_ERROR_COPYRIGHT_HINT; extern int XFE_ERROR_SAVING_OPTIONS; extern int XFE_ERROR_READ_ONLY; extern int XFE_ERROR_BLOCKED; extern int XFE_ERROR_BAD_URL; extern int XFE_ERROR_FILE_OPEN; extern int XFE_ERROR_FILE_WRITE; extern int XFE_ERROR_CREATE_BAKNAME; extern int XFE_ERROR_DELETE_BAKFILE; extern int XFE_ERROR_WRITING_FILE; extern int XFE_ERROR_SRC_NOT_FOUND; extern int XFE_WARNING_SAVE_CONTINUE; extern int XFE_EDITOR_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_EMPTY; extern int XFE_EDITOR_BROWSE_LOCATION_EMPTY; extern int XFE_UPLOADING_FILE; extern int XFE_SAVING_FILE; extern int XFE_LOADING_IMAGE_FILE; extern int XFE_FILE_N_OF_N; extern int XFE_PREPARE_UPLOAD; extern void fe_MailComposeDocumentLoaded(MWContext*); extern void fe_HackEditorNotifyToolbarUpdated(MWContext* context); static void fe_Bell(MWContext* context) { XBell(XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)), 0); } /* * Utility stuff that should be somewhere else. */ static Widget fe_CreateFormDialog(MWContext* context, char* name) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Widget form; Arg av[20]; int ac; Visual* v = 0; Colormap cmap = 0; Cardinal depth = 0; /* * Inherit MainW attributes. */ XtVaGetValues(mainw, XtNvisual, &v, XtNcolormap, &cmap, XtNdepth, &depth, 0); ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNvisual, v); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNdepth, depth); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNcolormap, cmap); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtransientFor, mainw); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNallowShellResize, TRUE); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNautoUnmanage, False); ac++; form = XmCreateFormDialog(mainw, name, av, ac); return form; } static int fe_GetStandardPixmap_pixmapsInitialized; static Pixmap fe_GetStandardPixmap(MWContext* context, char type) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Arg av[20]; int ac; Cardinal depth; Screen* screen; Pixel fg; Pixel bg; char* name; Pixmap pixmap; switch (type) { case XmDIALOG_ERROR: name = "xm_error"; break; case XmDIALOG_INFORMATION: name = "xm_information"; break; case XmDIALOG_QUESTION: name = "xm_question"; break; case XmDIALOG_WARNING: name = "xm_warning"; break; case XmDIALOG_WORKING: name = "xm_working"; break; default: return XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP; } /* * This is so broken. Init MesageBox class, so the Motif * standard icons get installed. YUCK..djw */ if (!fe_GetStandardPixmap_pixmapsInitialized) { XtInitializeWidgetClass(xmMessageBoxWidgetClass); fe_GetStandardPixmap_pixmapsInitialized++; } /* * Inherit MainW attributes. */ ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNbackground, &bg); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNforeground, &fg); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNdepth, &depth); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNscreen, &screen); ac++; XtGetValues(mainw, av, ac); pixmap = XmGetPixmapByDepth(screen, name, fg, bg, depth); if (pixmap == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) { char default_name[256]; strcpy(default_name, "default_"); strcat(default_name, name); pixmap = XmGetPixmapByDepth(screen, default_name, fg, bg, depth); } return pixmap; } XtPointer fe_GetUserData(Widget widget) { void* rv; XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNuserData, &rv, 0); return rv; } static struct { unsigned type; char* name; } fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[] = { { XFE_DIALOG_YES_BUTTON, "yes" }, { XFE_DAILOG_YESTOALL_BUTTON, "yesToAll" }, { XFE_DIALOG_NO_BUTTON, "no" }, { XFE_DIALOG_NOTOALL_BUTTON, "noToAll" }, { XFE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON, "cancel" }, { 0, NULL } }; #define XFE_YESTOALL_YES_BUTTON (fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[0].name) #define XFE_YESTOALL_YESTOALL_BUTTON (fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[1].name) #define XFE_YESTOALL_NO_BUTTON (fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[2].name) #define XFE_YESTOALL_NOTOALL_BUTTON (fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[3].name) #define XFE_YESTOALL_CANCEL_BUTTON (fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[4].name) typedef struct { Widget widget; char* name; } GetChildInfo; static XtPointer fe_YesToAllDialogGetChildMappee(Widget widget, XtPointer data) { GetChildInfo* info = (GetChildInfo*)data; char* name = XtName(widget); if (strcmp(info->name, name) == 0) { info->widget = widget; return (XtPointer)1; /* don't look any more */ } return 0; } Widget fe_YesToAllDialogGetChild(Widget parent, unsigned char type) { char* name; GetChildInfo info; switch (type) { case XFE_DIALOG_YES_BUTTON: name = XFE_YESTOALL_YES_BUTTON; break; case XFE_DAILOG_YESTOALL_BUTTON: name = XFE_YESTOALL_YESTOALL_BUTTON; break; case XFE_DIALOG_NO_BUTTON: name = XFE_YESTOALL_NO_BUTTON; break; case XFE_DIALOG_NOTOALL_BUTTON: name = XFE_YESTOALL_NOTOALL_BUTTON; break; case XFE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON: name = XFE_YESTOALL_CANCEL_BUTTON; break; default: return NULL; /* kill, kill, kill */ } info.name = name; info.widget = NULL; #ifdef OSF1 fe_WidgetTreeWalk(parent, fe_YesToAllDialogGetChildMappee, (void *)&info); #else fe_WidgetTreeWalk(parent, fe_YesToAllDialogGetChildMappee, &info); #endif return info.widget; } static Widget fe_CreateYesToAllDialog(MWContext* context, char* name, Arg* p_av, Cardinal p_ac) { Arg av[20]; Cardinal ac; Widget form; Widget children[16]; Cardinal nchildren = 0; Pixmap pixmap; char* bname; Widget button; Widget icon; Widget text; Widget separator; Widget row; int i; XtCallbackRec* button_callback_rec = NULL; XmString msg_string = NULL; char namebuf[64]; char pixmapType = XmDIALOG_WARNING; for (i = 0; i < p_ac; i++) { if (p_av[i].name == XmNarmCallback) button_callback_rec = (XtCallbackRec*)p_av[i].value; else if (p_av[i].name == XmNmessageString) msg_string = (XmString)p_av[i].value; else if (p_av[i].name == XmNdialogType) pixmapType = (unsigned char)p_av[i].value; } form = fe_CreateFormDialog(context, name); strcpy(namebuf, name); strcat(namebuf, "Message"); ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNentryAlignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNisAligned, TRUE); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT); ac++; row = XmCreateRowColumn(form, namebuf, av, ac); nchildren = 0; /* * Make pixmap label. */ pixmap = fe_GetStandardPixmap(context, pixmapType); ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNlabelType, XmPIXMAP); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNlabelPixmap, pixmap); ac++; icon = XmCreateLabelGadget(row, "icon", av, ac); children[nchildren++] = icon; /* * Text. */ ac = 0; if (msg_string) XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNlabelString, msg_string); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNlabelType, XmSTRING); ac++; text = XmCreateLabelGadget(row, "text", av, ac); children[nchildren++] = text; XtManageChildren(children, nchildren); /* children of row */ nchildren = 0; children[nchildren++] = row; /* * Separator. */ ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtopWidget, row); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; separator = XmCreateSeparatorGadget(form, "separator", av, ac); children[nchildren++] = separator; /* * Yes, YesToAll, No, NoToAll, Cancel. */ strcpy(namebuf, name); strcat(namebuf, "Buttons"); ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNtopWidget, separator); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNentryAlignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNisAligned, TRUE); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNpacking, XmPACK_COLUMN); ac++; row = XmCreateRowColumn(form, namebuf, av, ac); children[nchildren++] = row; XtManageChildren(children, nchildren); nchildren = 0; /* now do buttons */ button = NULL; for (i = 0; (bname = fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[i].name); i++) { ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNlabelType, XmSTRING); ac++; button = XmCreatePushButtonGadget(row, bname, av, ac); if (button_callback_rec) XtAddCallback( button, XmNactivateCallback, button_callback_rec->callback, button_callback_rec->closure ); children[nchildren++] = button; } XtManageChildren(children, nchildren); return form; } Boolean fe_EditorDocumentIsSaved(MWContext* context) { History_entry* hist_ent; if (!context) return False; if (EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)) return False; hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist); if (!hist_ent) return False; if (hist_ent->address != NULL && NET_IsLocalFileURL(hist_ent->address)) return True; else return False; } Boolean fe_SaveAsDialog(MWContext* context, char* buf, int type); static Boolean fe_editor_report_file_error(MWContext* context, ED_FileError code, char* filename, Boolean ask_question) { int id; char* msg; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; switch (code) { case ED_ERROR_READ_ONLY: /* File is marked read-only */ id = XFE_ERROR_READ_ONLY; break; case ED_ERROR_BLOCKED: /* Can't write at this time, edit buffer blocked */ id = XFE_ERROR_BLOCKED; break; case ED_ERROR_BAD_URL: /* URL was not a "file:" type or no string */ id = XFE_ERROR_BAD_URL; break; case ED_ERROR_FILE_OPEN: id = XFE_ERROR_FILE_OPEN; break; case ED_ERROR_FILE_WRITE: id = XFE_ERROR_FILE_WRITE; break; case ED_ERROR_CREATE_BAKNAME: case ED_ERROR_FILE_RENAME_TO_BAK: id = XFE_ERROR_CREATE_BAKNAME; break; case ED_ERROR_DELETE_BAKFILE: id = XFE_ERROR_DELETE_BAKFILE; break; case ED_ERROR_SRC_NOT_FOUND: id = XFE_ERROR_SRC_NOT_FOUND; break; default: id = XFE_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR_CODE; /* generic "...code = (%d)" */ break; } msg = XP_GetString(XFE_ERROR_WRITING_FILE); sprintf(buf, msg, filename); strcat(buf, "\n\n"); msg = XP_GetString(id); sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], msg, code); if (ask_question) { strcat(buf, "\n\n"); strcat(buf, XP_GetString(XFE_WARNING_SAVE_CONTINUE)); return XFE_Confirm(context, buf); } else { FE_Alert(context, buf); return TRUE; } } static Boolean fe_editor_save_common(MWContext* context, char* target_url) { History_entry* hist_ent; ED_FileError code; Boolean images; Boolean links; Boolean save_as; /* url->address is used for filename */ hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist); if (!hist_ent) return FALSE; /* * Has the title changed since it was last saved? */ if (hist_ent->title && strcmp(hist_ent->title, hist_ent->address) == 0) { /* * BE will set this to the new file, if we don't zap it, * BE will retain the old name - yuck! */ XP_FREE(hist_ent->title); hist_ent->title = NULL; } if (target_url) { /* save as */ save_as = TRUE; /* fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(context, &links, &images); */ } else { /* save me */ target_url = hist_ent->address; save_as = FALSE; /* images = FALSE; links = FALSE; */ } /* hardts, now always use prefs for links and images, Save and Save As do the same thing for adjusting links and images */ fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(context, &links, &images); /* * Do this before the save starts, as save very quickly gets * asynchronous. */ CONTEXT_DATA(context)->is_file_saving = True; /* * EDT_SaveFile returns true if it completed immediately. * savesas uses source and dest, save just uses */ code = EDT_SaveFile(context, hist_ent->address, target_url, save_as, images, links); /* here we spin and spin until all the savings of images * and stuff are done so that we get a "real" status back from * the backend. This makes saving semi-synchronous, good for * status reporting */ if (code == ED_ERROR_NONE) { /* we didn't error straight away */ while(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->is_file_saving) { /* do nothing, we wait here */ fe_EventLoop(); } } code = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->file_save_status; if (code != ED_ERROR_NONE) { /* * I'm sure if it is bad if the title is NULL, but * just in case.. */ if ((hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist)) != NULL && hist_ent->title == NULL) { hist_ent->title = XP_STRDUP(hist_ent->address); } fe_editor_report_file_error(context, code, target_url, FALSE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } Boolean fe_EditorSaveAs(MWContext* context) /* launches dialog */ { char filebuf[MAXPATHLEN]; if (fe_SaveAsDialog(context, filebuf, fe_FILE_TYPE_HTML)) { char urlbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; PR_snprintf(urlbuf, sizeof(urlbuf), "file:%.900s", filebuf); return fe_editor_save_common(context, urlbuf); } return FALSE; } Boolean fe_EditorSave(MWContext* context) { /* * Always ask the user for the filename once. * * if (EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)) */ if (!fe_EditorDocumentIsSaved(context)) { return fe_EditorSaveAs(context); } return fe_editor_save_common(context, NULL); } /* * I18N input method support. */ #ifdef XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT static void fe_editor_im_deregister(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer cb_data) { if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) return; XmImUnregister(widget); } static void fe_editor_im_get_coords(MWContext* context, XPoint* point) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) return; if (data->running == FALSE && data->showing == FALSE) { point->x = 0; point->y = 16; } else { point->x = data->x + data->width - CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x; point->y = data->y - 2 - CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y + data->height; } #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "im_point::[ %d, %d ]\n", point->x, point->y); #endif } static void fe_editor_im_init(MWContext* context) { Widget widget = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area; Arg args[8]; Cardinal n; XmFontList font_list; Pixel bg_pixel; Pixel fg_pixel; /* Pixmap bg_pixmap; */ XPoint xmim_point; /* int xmim_height; */ if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) #ifdef DEBUG_rhess { fprintf(stderr, "fe_editor_im_init::[ PUNT ]\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fe_editor_im_init::[ ]\n"); } #else return; #endif XtVaSetValues(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), XmNallowShellResize, TRUE, NULL); XmImRegister(widget, 0); XtAddCallback(widget, XmNdestroyCallback, fe_editor_im_deregister, NULL); /* * Should these change dynamically with point? */ #ifdef OSF1 font_list = (void *)fe_GetFont(context, 3, LO_FONT_FIXED); #else font_list = fe_GetFont(context, 3, LO_FONT_FIXED); #endif bg_pixel = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->bg_pixel; fg_pixel = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->fg_pixel; /* bg_pixmap = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->backdrop_pixmap; */ fe_editor_im_get_coords(context, &xmim_point); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNfontList, font_list); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNbackground, bg_pixel); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNforeground, fg_pixel); n++; /* XtSetArg(args[n], XmNbackgroundPixmap, bg_pixmap); n++; */ XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++; /* XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlineSpace, xmim_height); n++; */ XmImSetValues(widget, args, n); } static void fe_editor_im_set_coords(MWContext* context) { Widget widget = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area; Arg args[8]; Cardinal n; XPoint xmim_point; /* int xmim_height; */ if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) return; fe_editor_im_get_coords(context, &xmim_point); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++; /* XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlineSpace, xmim_height); n++; */ XmImSetFocusValues(widget, args, n); } static void fe_editor_im_focus_in(MWContext* context) { if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) return; fe_editor_im_set_coords(context); XtSetKeyboardFocus(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); } static void fe_editor_im_focus_out(MWContext* context) { Widget widget = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area; if (!fe_globalData.editor_im_input_enabled) return; XmImUnsetFocus(widget); } #endif /*XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT*/ static void fe_caret_pause(MWContext* context); static void fe_caret_unpause(MWContext* context); void xfe2_EditorImSetCoords(MWContext* context) { fe_editor_im_set_coords(context); } void xfe2_EditorCaretShow(MWContext* context) { fe_caret_unpause(context); } void xfe2_EditorCaretHide(MWContext* context) { fe_caret_pause(context); } void xfe2_EditorWaitWhileContextBusy(MWContext* context) { int n = 0; while (XP_IsContextBusy(context)) { NET_ProcessNet(0, NET_EVERYTIME_TYPE); #ifdef MOZ_MAIL_NEWS MSG_OnIdle(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "tic::[ %d ]\n", n); #endif n++; } } static void fe_change_focus_eh(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent* event, Boolean* cont) { MWContext* context = (MWContext *)closure; *cont = TRUE; if (event->type == FocusIn) { fe_caret_unpause(context); #ifdef XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT fe_editor_im_focus_in(context); #else XtSetKeyboardFocus(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); #endif /*XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT*/ } else { fe_caret_pause(context); #ifdef XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT fe_editor_im_focus_out(context); #else XtSetKeyboardFocus(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), NULL); #endif /*XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT*/ } } /* * Menu stuff. */ typedef MWContext MWEditorContext; /* place holder */ /* * NOTE: look in EditorFrame.cpp for new implementation... */ void xfe2_EditorInit(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #if 0 /* * Just cannot get this to do what it is supposed to. */ XtAddEventHandler(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), PropertyChangeMask, FALSE, (XtEventHandler)fe_property_notify_eh, context); #endif if (context->type == MWContextEditor) { /* * NOTE: the MWContextMessageComposition has it's own ev handler... * */ #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "tag1::[ %p ]\n", CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); #endif XtAddEventHandler(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), FocusChangeMask, FALSE, (XtEventHandler)fe_change_focus_eh, context); } /* * Register with input server. */ #ifdef XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT fe_editor_im_init(context); #endif /*XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT*/ /* * NOTE: initialize the caret data structure... [ may be overkill ] */ data->x = 0; data->y = 0; data->width = 0; data->height = 0; data->time = 0; data->timer_id = 0; data->showing = FALSE; data->running = FALSE; data->backing_store = 0; } char* fe_EditorGetTemplateURL(MWContext* context) { char* template_url = fe_EditorPreferencesGetTemplate(context); if (template_url == NULL || template_url[0] == '\0') { char* msg = XP_GetString(XFE_EDITOR_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_EMPTY); /* The new document template location is not set. */ if (XFE_Confirm(context, msg)) { fe_EditorPreferencesDialogDo(context, XFE_EDITOR_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES_GENERAL); } return NULL; } return template_url; } char* fe_EditorGetWizardURL(MWContext* context) { return XFE_WIZARD_TEMPLATE_URL; } void fe_EditorDisplaySource(MWContext* context) { EDT_DisplaySource(context); } void fe_NukeCaret(MWContext * context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_NukeCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif data->x = 0; data->y = 0; data->width = 0; data->height = 0; data->time = 0; data->timer_id = 0; data->showing = False; data->running = False; data->backing_store = 0; } void fe_EditorCleanup(MWContext* context) { Boolean as_enabled; unsigned as_time; /* * If they have autosave on, try to do a save. Don't do it * for a new doc, as that'll mean dialogs, and ..... */ if (!EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context) && (!EDT_IsBlocked(context) && EDT_DirtyFlag(context))) { fe_EditorPreferencesGetAutoSave(context, &as_enabled, &as_time); if (as_enabled) fe_EditorSave(context); } fe_NukeCaret(context); EDT_DestroyEditBuffer(context); } char* fe_EditorMakeName(MWContext* context, char* buf, unsigned maxsize) { History_entry* entry; char* local_name = NULL; if (!EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context) && (entry = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist)) && (entry->address)) { local_name = NULL; if (XP_ConvertUrlToLocalFile(entry->address, &local_name)) { FE_CondenseURL(buf, local_name, maxsize); XP_FREE(local_name); } else { FE_CondenseURL(buf, entry->address, maxsize); } } else { strcpy(buf, XP_GetString(XFE_EDITOR_NEW_DOCNAME)); } return buf; } static Boolean fe_named_question(MWContext* context, char* name, char* message) { return (Boolean)((int)fe_dialog(CONTEXT_WIDGET (context), name, message, TRUE, 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0)); } Boolean fe_save_file_check(MWContext* context, Boolean file_must_exist, Boolean autoSaveNew) { int rv; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; char dialogmessages[MAXPATHLEN+64]; Boolean ok_cancel = (file_must_exist && EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)); if (ok_cancel || EDT_DirtyFlag(context)) { fe_EditorMakeName(context, filename, sizeof(filename)); if (ok_cancel) { /* You must save as a local file */ sprintf(buf, XP_GetString(XFE_ALERT_SAVE_CHANGES), filename); rv = (fe_named_question(context, "saveNewFile", buf))? XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON: XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON; } else { /* Save changes to ? */ sprintf(buf, XP_GetString(XFE_WARNING_SAVE_CHANGES), filename); if (autoSaveNew) { sprintf(dialogmessages,"%s\n\n%s", buf, XP_GetString(XFE_WARNING_AUTO_SAVE_NEW_MSG)); rv = fe_YesNoCancelDialog(context, "autoSaveNew", dialogmessages); } else rv = fe_YesNoCancelDialog(context, "saveFile", buf); } if (rv == XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON) return fe_EditorSave(context); else if (rv == XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } XP_Bool FE_CheckAndSaveDocument(MWContext* context) { return fe_save_file_check(context, TRUE, FALSE); } XP_Bool FE_CheckAndAutoSaveDocument(MWContext *context) { return fe_save_file_check(context, FALSE, TRUE); } /* * NOTE: this routine is currently commented out, always returns TRUE. * Call this to check if we need to force saving file * Conditions are New, unsaved document and when editing a remote file * Returns TRUE for all cases except CANCEL by the user in any dialog */ XP_Bool FE_SaveNonLocalDocument(MWContext* context, XP_Bool save_new_document) { #if 0 History_entry* hist_entry; int type; Boolean links; Boolean images; Boolean save; char filebuf[MAXPATHLEN]; char urlbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; ED_FileError file_error; if (context == NULL || !EDT_IS_EDITOR(context)) { return TRUE; } hist_entry = SHIST_GetCurrent(&(context->hist)); if (!hist_entry || !hist_entry->address) return TRUE; /* */ type = NET_URL_Type(hist_entry->address); if ((type > 0 && type != FILE_TYPE_URL && type != FILE_CACHE_TYPE_URL && type != MAILBOX_TYPE_URL && type != VIEW_SOURCE_TYPE_URL) || (save_new_document && EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context))) { fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(context, &links, &images); fe_DoSaveRemoteDialog(context, &save, &links, &images); if (!save) return FALSE; #if 0 if (!EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)) fe_EditorCopyrightWarningDialogDo(); #endif if (!fe_SaveAsDialog(context, filebuf, fe_FILE_TYPE_HTML)) return FALSE; /* * Grab the filename while we have it to form file: path. */ PR_snprintf(urlbuf, sizeof(urlbuf), "file:%.900s", filebuf); /* the c++ comments are here deliberately so that later * on if we use this code we won't forget to modify it */ /* this here is all disabled, we don't use it anymore but if later * on we need to use it again, we should probably make it synchronous */ file_error = EDT_SaveFile(context, hist_entry->address, urlbuf, TRUE, images, links); if (file_error != ED_ERROR_NONE) { fe_editor_report_file_error(context, file_error, urlbuf, FALSE); return FALSE; } } #endif return TRUE; } CB_STATIC void fe_editor_delete_cb(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) { MWContext *context = (MWContext *)closure; fe_UserActivity (context); if (fe_WindowCount == 1) { fe_QuitCallback(widget, closure, call_data); } else { if (fe_save_file_check(context, FALSE, FALSE)) fe_EditorDelete(context); } } void fe_editor_delete_response(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) { fe_editor_delete_cb(widget, closure, call_data); } Boolean fe_EditorCheckUnsaved(MWContext* context) { struct fe_MWContext_cons* rest; for (rest = fe_all_MWContexts; rest; rest = rest->next) { MWContext* context = rest->context; if (context->type == MWContextEditor) { if (!fe_save_file_check(context, FALSE, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } void fe_EditorReload(MWContext* context, Boolean super_reload) { if (EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)) return; /* only from action */ if (!FE_CheckAndSaveDocument(context)) return; #if 0 /* this does not exist! */ EDT_Reload(context); #else if (super_reload) fe_ReLayout (context, NET_SUPER_RELOAD); else fe_ReLayout (context, NET_NORMAL_RELOAD); #endif } void fe_EditorFind(MWContext* context) { MWContext* top_context = XP_GetNonGridContext(context); if (!top_context) top_context = context; fe_UserActivity(top_context); fe_FindDialog(top_context, False); } Boolean fe_EditorCanFindAgain(MWContext* context) { fe_FindData* find_data = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->find_data; return ((find_data != NULL) && (find_data->string != NULL) && (find_data->string[0] != '\0')); } void fe_EditorFindAgain(MWContext* context) { MWContext* top_context = XP_GetNonGridContext(context); fe_FindData* find_data; if (!top_context) top_context = context; fe_UserActivity(top_context); find_data = CONTEXT_DATA(top_context)->find_data; if (fe_EditorCanFindAgain(top_context)) fe_FindDialog(top_context, TRUE); else fe_Bell(context); } Boolean fe_EditorCanRemoveLinks(MWContext* context) { ED_ElementType type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(context); Boolean sensitive = FALSE; if ((type == ED_ELEMENT_TEXT || type == ED_ELEMENT_SELECTION || type == ED_ELEMENT_IMAGE) && EDT_CanSetHREF(context)) { sensitive = TRUE; } return sensitive; } void fe_EditorInsertLinkDialogDo(MWContext* context) { #if 0 if (EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context)) { if (!FE_CheckAndSaveDocument(context)) return; } #endif fe_EditorPropertiesDialogDo(context, XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_LINK_INSERT); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Size Group. */ void fe_EditorFontSizeSet(MWContext* context, ED_FontSize edt_size) { if (edt_size >= EDT_FONTSIZE_MIN && edt_size <= EDT_FONTSIZE_MAX) { #if 1 EDT_SetFontSize(context, edt_size); #else /* this does not work */ EDT_CharacterData* edt_cdata = EDT_GetCharacterData(context); edt_cdata->mask = TF_FONT_SIZE; edt_cdata->values = TF_FONT_SIZE; edt_cdata->iSize = edt_size; EDT_SetCharacterData(context, edt_cdata); EDT_FreeCharacterData(edt_cdata); #endif } else { fe_Bell(context); } fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, TF_FONT_SIZE); } ED_FontSize fe_EditorFontSizeGet(MWContext* context) { EDT_CharacterData* edt_cdata = EDT_GetCharacterData(context); intn edt_size; if (edt_cdata != NULL) { edt_size = edt_cdata->iSize; if (edt_size < EDT_FONTSIZE_MIN) edt_size = ED_FONTSIZE_ZERO; EDT_FreeCharacterData(edt_cdata); } else { edt_size = ED_FONTSIZE_DEFAULT; } return (ED_FontSize)edt_size; } Widget fe_OptionMenuSetHistory(Widget menu, unsigned index) { Arg args[4]; Cardinal n; Widget cascade; Widget popup_menu; WidgetList children; Cardinal nchildren; /* * Update the label, and set the position of the popup. */ cascade = XmOptionButtonGadget(menu); /* * Get the popup menu from the cascade. */ n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNsubMenuId, &popup_menu); n++; XtGetValues(cascade, args, n); /* * Get the children of the popup. */ n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNchildren, &children); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNnumChildren, &nchildren); n++; XtGetValues(popup_menu, args, n); if (index < nchildren) { /* * Finally, set the Nth button as history. */ n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmenuHistory, children[index]); n++; /* NOTE: set it on the top level menu (strange) */ XtSetValues(menu, args, n); return children[index]; } return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Text Attribute set. */ void fe_EditorCharacterPropertiesSet(MWContext* context, ED_TextFormat values) { EDT_CharacterData cdata; memset(&cdata, 0, sizeof(EDT_CharacterData)); cdata.mask = TF_ALL_MASK; if (values == TF_NONE) { /* pop everything */ cdata.values = 0; } else if (values == (TF_SERVER|TF_SCRIPT)) { cdata.mask = TF_SERVER|TF_SCRIPT; cdata.values = 0; } else if (values == TF_SERVER || values == TF_SCRIPT) { cdata.mask = TF_SERVER|TF_SCRIPT; cdata.values = values; } else { values &= TF_ALL_MASK; /* don't let them shoot themselves */ cdata.values = values; } EDT_SetCharacterData(context, &cdata); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, values); } ED_TextFormat fe_EditorCharacterPropertiesGet(MWContext* context) { EDT_CharacterData* edt_cdata = EDT_GetCharacterData(context); ED_TextFormat values; if (edt_cdata != NULL) { values = edt_cdata->values; EDT_FreeCharacterData(edt_cdata); } else { values = TF_NONE; } return values; } void fe_EditorDoPoof(MWContext* context) { Boolean clear_link = TRUE; EDT_CharacterData* pData; if (EDT_SelectionContainsLink(context)) { /*Do you want to remove the link?*/ if (!XFE_Confirm(context, XP_GetString(XFE_EDITOR_WARNING_REMOVE_LINK))) clear_link = FALSE; } if (clear_link) { EDT_FormatCharacter(context, TF_NONE); } else { pData = EDT_GetCharacterData(context); if (pData) { pData->mask = ~TF_HREF; pData->values = TF_NONE; EDT_SetCharacterData(context, pData); EDT_FreeCharacterData(pData); } } fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Horizontal Rule. */ void fe_EditorInsertHorizontalRule(MWContext* context) { /* * Hrule is so simple, just use default values * instead of bringing up properties dialog */ EDT_HorizRuleData *pData = EDT_NewHorizRuleData(); if (pData) { EDT_InsertHorizRule(context, pData); EDT_FreeHorizRuleData(pData); } } void fe_EditorIndent(MWContext* context, Boolean is_indent) { if (is_indent) EDT_Outdent(context); else EDT_Indent(context); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Align Set. */ void fe_EditorAlignSet(MWContext* pMWContext, ED_Alignment align) { ED_ElementType type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(pMWContext); switch ( type ){ case ED_ELEMENT_HRULE: { EDT_HorizRuleData* pData = EDT_GetHorizRuleData(pMWContext); if ( pData ){ pData->align = align; EDT_SetHorizRuleData(pMWContext, pData); } break; } default: /* For Images, Text, or selection, this will do all: */ EDT_SetParagraphAlign( pMWContext, align ); break; } fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(pMWContext, 0); } ED_Alignment fe_EditorAlignGet(MWContext* pMWContext) { ED_ElementType type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(pMWContext); EDT_HorizRuleData h_data; if (type == ED_ELEMENT_HRULE) { fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesGet(pMWContext, &h_data); return h_data.align; } else { /* For Images, Text, or selection, this will do all: */ return EDT_GetParagraphAlign(pMWContext); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * List Set. */ void fe_EditorToggleList(MWContext* context, intn tag_type) { EDT_ToggleList(context, tag_type); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Paragraph Styles Set. */ TagType fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesGet(MWContext* context) { return EDT_GetParagraphFormatting(context); } void fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesSet(MWContext* context, TagType type) { #if 1 TagType paragraph_style = EDT_GetParagraphFormatting(context); if (type != paragraph_style) { EDT_MorphContainer(context, type); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } #else /* * This seems like the correct code, as it would mean the toolbar * menu and the properties dialog have the same effect when you set * a list. But this would be different from the Windows version. * Do above, the same as Windows. */ if (type == P_LIST_ITEM) { EDT_ListData list_data; list_data.iTagType = P_UNUM_LIST; list_data.eType = ED_LIST_TYPE_DISC; list_data.bCompact = FALSE; fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesSetAll(context, type, &list_data, ED_ALIGN_DEFAULT); } else { fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesSetAll(context, type, NULL, ED_ALIGN_DEFAULT); } #endif } void fe_EditorObjectPropertiesDialogDo(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorPropertiesDialogType type; ED_ElementType e_type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(context); if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_HRULE) type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_HRULE; else if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_IMAGE) type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_IMAGE; else if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_TARGET) type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_TARGET; else if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_UNKNOWN_TAG) type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_HTML_TAG; else { /* character */ if (EDT_GetHREF(context)) type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_LINK; else type = XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_CHARACTER; } /* * Validate that we can do this kind of dialog right now. */ if (fe_EditorPropertiesDialogCanDo(context, type)) { fe_EditorPropertiesDialogDo(context, type); } else { fe_Bell(context); } } /* * Caret handling stuff. The caret is just a timed draw onto the * screen, it doesn't exist in the image. */ #define FE_CARET_DEFAULT_TIME 500 #define FE_CARET_FLAGS_BLANK 0x1 #define FE_CARET_FLAGS_DRAW 0x2 #define FE_CARET_FLAGS_XOR 0x4 #define FE_CARET_DEFAULT_WIDTH 5 static void fe_caret_draw(MWContext *context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; Widget drawing_area = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area; Display* dpy = XtDisplay(drawing_area); Window win = XtWindow(drawing_area); GC gc; XGCValues gcv; int x = data->x; int y = data->y; unsigned width = data->width; unsigned height = data->height; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_draw::[ ]\n"); #endif memset(&gcv, ~0, sizeof(gcv)); #if 0 { LO_Color text_color; LO_Color bg_color; fe_EditorDocumentGetColors(context, NULL, &bg_color, &text_color, NULL, NULL, NULL); gcv.foreground = fe_GetPixel(context, text_color.red, text_color.green, text_color.blue); } #else gcv.foreground = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->fg_pixel; #endif gc = fe_GetGC(drawing_area, GCForeground, &gcv); x -= CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x; y -= CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y; if ((width & 0x1) != 1) width++; /* * Hack, hack, hack. Do something pretty david! */ #if 1 XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x, y, x + width - 1, y); XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x + (width/2), y, x + (width/2), y + height - 1); XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1); #else XDrawRectangle(dpy, win, gc, x, y, width-1, height-1); #endif XFlush(dpy); } static void fe_caret_undraw(MWContext *context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; Widget drawing_area = CONTEXT_DATA (context)->drawing_area; Display* dpy = XtDisplay(drawing_area); #ifdef DONT_rhess Window win = XtWindow(drawing_area); GC gc; XGCValues gcv; Visual* visual; int visual_depth; #endif int x = data->x; int y = data->y; unsigned width = data->width; unsigned height = data->height; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_undraw::[ ]\n"); #endif { int32 ex = x; int32 ey = y; int32 ew = width + 1; int32 eh = height + 1; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { /* * NOTE: don't refresh if it's a 0 pixel box... */ #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_undraw::[ %d, %d ][ %d, %d ]\n", ex, ey, ew, eh); #endif fe_RefreshArea(context, ex, ey, ew, eh); XFlush(dpy); } } #ifdef DONT_rhess { XExposeEvent event; /* generate an expose */ event.type = Expose; event.serial = 0; event.send_event = True; event.display = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); event.window = XtWindow(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); event.x = x - CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x; event.y = y - CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y; event.width = width + 1; event.height = height + 1; event.count = 0; XSendEvent(event.display, event.window, False, ExposureMask, (XEvent*)&event); } XFlush(dpy); #endif } static void fe_caret_update(MWContext* context, XtIntervalId *id) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DONT_rhess if (data->showing) { fe_caret_undraw(context); data->showing = FALSE; } else { fe_caret_draw(context); data->showing = TRUE; } if (data->running) { data->timer_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(fe_XtAppContext, data->time, (XtTimerCallbackProc)fe_caret_update, context); } #else if (data->showing) { fe_caret_draw(context); } else { fe_caret_undraw(context); } data->timer_id = 0; #endif } static void fe_caret_cancel(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_cancel::[ ]\n"); #endif #ifdef DONT_rhess if (data->running) XtRemoveTimeOut(data->timer_id); data->running = FALSE; if (data->showing) fe_caret_undraw(context); data->showing = FALSE; if (data->backing_store) { XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), data->backing_store); data->backing_store = 0; } #else data->running = False; if (data->showing) { data->showing = False; fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #endif } static void fe_caret_pause(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_pause::[ ]\n"); #endif if (!data->running) { /* already paused or never started */ return; } #ifdef DONT_rhess else { XtRemoveTimeOut(data->timer_id); } data->running = FALSE; if (data->showing == FALSE) /* always pause showing */ fe_caret_update(context, NULL); #else data->running = False; #ifdef HOT_CARET_rhess if (!data->showing) { data->showing = True; #else if (data->showing) { data->showing = False; #endif fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #endif /* DONT_rhess */ } static void fe_caret_unpause(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_unpause::[ ]\n"); #endif #ifdef DONT_rhess if (data->running == TRUE || data->showing == FALSE) /* not paused */ return; data->showing = FALSE; data->running = TRUE; /* * Draw and set timer */ fe_caret_update(context, NULL); #else if ( data->running || data->showing ) /* not paused */ return; data->running = True; if (!data->showing) { data->showing = True; fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #endif } static void fe_caret_begin(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_begin::[ ]\n"); #endif #ifdef DONT_rhess data->showing = FALSE; data->time = FE_CARET_DEFAULT_TIME; data->running = TRUE; fe_caret_update(context, NULL); #else data->time = 0; data->running = True; if (!data->showing) { data->showing = True; fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #endif #ifdef XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT fe_editor_im_set_coords(context); #endif /* XFE_EDITOR_IM_SUPPORT */ } void fe_EditorRefreshArea(MWContext* context, int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; if ( #if 0 /* * Don't use x, as LO_RefreshArea tends to redraw full width * anyway. */ ((x < data->x && x + w >= data->x) || (x < data->x + data->width && x + w >= data->x + data->width)) && #endif ((y < data->y && y + h >= data->y) || (y < data->y + data->height && y + h >= data->y + data->height))) { #ifdef DONT_rhess if (data->backing_store) { XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), data->backing_store); data->backing_store = 0; } if (data->running) { XtRemoveTimeOut(data->timer_id); data->showing = TRUE; /* force restart of sequence next */ } if (data->showing) { data->showing = FALSE; fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #else if (data->showing) { fe_caret_update(context, NULL); } #endif } } static int fe_LastCoffeeScroll_X = 0; static int fe_LastCoffeeScroll_Y = 0; static void fe_editor_keep_cursor_visible(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorCaretData* c_data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; int x = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x; int y = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y; unsigned win_height = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->scrolled_height; unsigned win_width = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->scrolled_width; Boolean coffee_scroll = FALSE; int fudge = 20; int pad = 10; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_editor_keep_cursor_visible::[ ]\n"); #endif if (c_data->y + c_data->height > y + win_height - fudge) { y = c_data->y + c_data->height - win_height + fudge; /* fudge */ if (y + win_height > CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_height) y = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_height - win_height; coffee_scroll = TRUE; } else if (c_data->y < y + pad) { y = c_data->y - pad; if (y < 0) y = 0; coffee_scroll = TRUE; } if (c_data->x + c_data->width > x + win_width - fudge) { x = c_data->x + c_data->width - win_width + fudge; if (x + win_width > CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_width) x = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_width - win_width; coffee_scroll = TRUE; } else if (c_data->x < x + pad) { x = c_data->x - pad; if (x < 0) x = 0; coffee_scroll = TRUE; } if (x == fe_LastCoffeeScroll_X && y == fe_LastCoffeeScroll_Y) { coffee_scroll = False; } if (coffee_scroll) { if (c_data->showing) fe_caret_cancel(context); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "coffee_scroll::[ %d, %d ][ %d, %d ][ %d, %d ]\n", x, y, c_data->x, c_data->y, CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x, CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y ); #endif /* * Collect all pending exposures before we scroll. */ fe_SyncExposures(context); fe_ScrollTo(context, x, y); } fe_LastCoffeeScroll_X = x; fe_LastCoffeeScroll_Y = y; } static void fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible_autoscroll(XtPointer, XtIntervalId*); static void fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible(MWContext* context, int p_x, int p_y) { fe_ContextData* data = CONTEXT_DATA(context); fe_EditorAscrollData* ascroll_data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->ascroll_data; Boolean coffee_scroll = FALSE; int x = data->document_x; int y = data->document_y; int delta = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible::[ ]\n"); #endif if (ascroll_data->timer_id) XtRemoveTimeOut(ascroll_data->timer_id); ascroll_data->delta_x = 0; ascroll_data->delta_y = 0; if (p_y < data->document_y) { coffee_scroll = TRUE; y = p_y; delta = (data->document_y - p_y); ascroll_data->y = p_y; ascroll_data->delta_y = -delta; } if (p_y > data->document_y + data->scrolled_height) { coffee_scroll = TRUE; y = p_y - data->scrolled_height; delta = p_y - (data->document_y + data->scrolled_height); ascroll_data->y = p_y; ascroll_data->delta_y = delta; } if (coffee_scroll) { /* * Collect all pending exposures before we scroll. */ fe_SyncExposures(context); fe_ScrollTo(context, x, y); ascroll_data->timer_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(fe_XtAppContext, (100), fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible_autoscroll, (XtPointer)context); } } static void fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible_autoscroll(XtPointer closure, XtIntervalId* id) { MWContext* context = (MWContext*)closure; fe_EditorAscrollData* ascroll_data; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf (stderr,"fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible_autoscroll::[ ]\n"); #endif ascroll_data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->ascroll_data; ascroll_data->timer_id = 0; /* because we won't pop again */ ascroll_data->x += ascroll_data->delta_x; ascroll_data->y += ascroll_data->delta_y; EDT_ExtendSelection(context, ascroll_data->x, ascroll_data->y); fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible(context, ascroll_data->x, ascroll_data->y); } static void fe_caret_set(MWContext* context, int x, int y, unsigned w, unsigned h) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "fe_caret_set::[ ]\n"); #endif if ( x != data->x || y != data->y || w != data->width || h != data->height ) { if (data->showing) fe_caret_cancel(context); } #ifdef DONT_rhess if (data->running) XtRemoveTimeOut(data->timer_id); #endif data->x = x; data->y = y; data->width = w; data->height = h; fe_editor_keep_cursor_visible(context); } Boolean FE_GetCaretPosition( MWContext *context, LO_Position* where, int32* caretX, int32* caretYLow, int32* caretYHigh ) { int32 xVal; int32 yVal; int32 yValHigh; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(real_stderr, "FE_GetCaretPosition::[ ]\n"); #endif if (!context || !where->element) return FALSE; xVal = where->element->lo_any.x + where->element->lo_any.x_offset; yVal = where->element->lo_any.y; yValHigh = yVal + where->element->lo_any.height; switch (where->element->type) { case LO_TEXT: { LO_TextStruct* text_data = & where->element->lo_text; LO_TextInfo text_info; int len_save = text_data->text_len; if (!text_data->text_attr) return FALSE; if (where->position <= text_data->text_len) { text_data->text_len = where->position; } XFE_GetTextInfo(context, text_data, &text_info); text_data->text_len = len_save; xVal += text_info.max_width - 1; } break; case LO_IMAGE: { LO_ImageStruct *pLoImage = & where->element->lo_image; if (where->position == 0) { xVal -= 1; } else { xVal += pLoImage->width + 2 * pLoImage->border_width; } } break; default: { LO_Any *any = &where->element->lo_any; if (where->position == 0) { xVal -= 1; } else { xVal += any->width; } } } *caretX = xVal; *caretYLow = yVal; *caretYHigh = yValHigh; return TRUE; } /* * char_offset is in characters!!! */ PUBLIC void FE_DisplayTextCaret(MWContext* context, int iLocation, LO_TextStruct* text, int char_offset) { int x; int y; unsigned width; unsigned height; LO_TextInfo text_info; int16 save_len; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf (stderr,"FE_DisplayTextCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif /* * Get info extent info about the first characters of * text. */ save_len = text->text_len; text->text_len = char_offset; XFE_GetTextInfo(context, text, &text_info); x = text->x + text->x_offset + text_info.max_width; y = text->y + text->y_offset; height = text_info.ascent + text_info.descent; text->text_len = save_len; width = FE_CARET_DEFAULT_WIDTH; x -= (FE_CARET_DEFAULT_WIDTH/2) + 1; /* middle of char and back */ fe_caret_set(context, x, y, width, height); fe_caret_begin(context); } void FE_DisplayImageCaret( MWContext* context, LO_ImageStruct* image, ED_CaretObjectPosition caretPos) { int x; int y; unsigned width; unsigned height; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf (stderr,"FE_DisplayImageCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif /* * Get info extent info about the first characters of * text. */ x = image->x + image->x_offset; y = image->y + image->y_offset; width = FE_CARET_DEFAULT_WIDTH; height = image->height + (2 * image->border_width); if (caretPos == ED_CARET_BEFORE) { x -= 1; } else if (caretPos == ED_CARET_AFTER) { x += image->width + (2 * image->border_width); } else { width = image->width + (2 * image->border_width); } fe_caret_set(context, x, y, width, height); fe_caret_begin(context); } void FE_DisplayGenericCaret(MWContext * context, LO_Any * image, ED_CaretObjectPosition caretPos ) { int x; int y; unsigned width; unsigned height; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf (stderr,"FE_DisplayGenericCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif /* * Get info extent info about the first characters of * text. */ x = image->x + image->x_offset; y = image->y + image->y_offset; width = FE_CARET_DEFAULT_WIDTH; height = image->line_height; if (caretPos == ED_CARET_BEFORE) { x -= 1; } else if (caretPos == ED_CARET_AFTER) { x += image->width; } else { width = image->width; } fe_caret_set(context, x, y, width, height); fe_caret_begin(context); } PUBLIC void FE_DestroyCaret(MWContext * context) { fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "FE_DestroyCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif if (data->showing) fe_caret_cancel(context); data->time = 0; data->timer_id = 0; data->showing = False; data->running = False; data->backing_store = 0; } PUBLIC void FE_ShowCaret(MWContext * context) { #if DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "FE_ShowCaret::[ ]\n"); #endif fe_caret_begin(context); } /* * Note all x, y co-ordinates are document relative. */ PUBLIC void FE_DocumentChanged(MWContext* context, int32 p_y, int32 p_height) { int32 redraw_x = 0; int32 redraw_y; uint32 redraw_width = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_width; uint32 redraw_height; int32 win_y; uint32 win_height; int32 win_x; int32 margin_height; int32 margin_width; win_y = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_y; win_height = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->scrolled_height; win_x = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_x; /* * Ok, it seems like layout doesn't take into account margins. * If there was stuff in the margin before (because we *were* * displaying something big, which was scrolled up), but now we * are not, we must clear the margin. This code attempts * to detect when we are close to the margin, and say, clear * the whole thing. This seems kinda bogus, the back-end * should know about margins (no?), but... djw */ fe_GetMargin(context, &margin_width, &margin_height); if (p_y <= margin_height) { p_y = 0; if (p_height != -1) p_height += margin_height; } redraw_y = p_y; if (p_height < 0) { redraw_height = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->document_height; /* make sure full repaint goes to end of window at least. */ if (win_height > redraw_height) redraw_height = win_height; } else { redraw_height = p_height; } /* * Is doc change area above or below displayed region? */ if (redraw_y > win_y + win_height || redraw_y + redraw_height < win_y) return; /* nothing to do */ /* * Clip redraw area. */ if (redraw_y < win_y) { redraw_height -= (win_y - redraw_y); redraw_y = win_y; } if (redraw_y + redraw_height > win_y + win_height) { redraw_height = win_y + win_height - redraw_y; } /*FIXME*/ /* * Probably need to call CL_RefreshRegion()/Rect() */ #ifdef DONT_rhess fe_ClearArea(context, redraw_x - win_x, redraw_y - win_y, redraw_width, redraw_height); #endif fe_caret_cancel(context); { int32 ex = redraw_x; int32 ey = redraw_y; int32 ew = redraw_width; int32 eh = redraw_height; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "FE_DocumentChanged::[ %d, %d ][ %d, %d ]\n", ex, ey, ew, eh); #endif fe_RefreshArea(context, ex, ey, ew, eh); } #ifdef DONT_rhess { XExposeEvent event; /* generate an expose */ event.type = Expose; event.serial = 0; event.send_event = True; event.display = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); event.window = XtWindow(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); event.x = redraw_x - win_x; event.y = redraw_y - win_y; event.width = redraw_width; event.height = redraw_height; event.count = 0; XSendEvent(event.display, event.window, False, ExposureMask, (XEvent*)&event); } #endif } void FE_GetDocAndWindowPosition(MWContext * context, int32 *pX, int32 *pY, int32 *pWidth, int32 *pHeight ) { *pX = CONTEXT_DATA (context)->document_x; *pY = CONTEXT_DATA (context)->document_y; *pWidth = CONTEXT_DATA (context)->scrolled_width; *pHeight = CONTEXT_DATA (context)->scrolled_height; } void FE_SetNewDocumentProperties(MWContext* context) { LO_Color bg_color; LO_Color normal_color; LO_Color link_color; LO_Color active_color; LO_Color followed_color; char background_image[MAXPATHLEN]; XP_Bool use_custom; Boolean keep_images; /* * Set keep images state from prefs. */ fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(context, NULL, &keep_images); fe_EditorDocumentSetImagesWithDocument(context, keep_images); /* * Get editor defaults. */ use_custom = fe_EditorPreferencesGetColors(context, background_image, &bg_color, &normal_color, &link_color, &active_color, &followed_color); /* * Apply. */ if (use_custom) { fe_EditorDocumentSetColors(context, background_image, FALSE, &bg_color, &normal_color, &link_color, &active_color, &followed_color); } else { fe_EditorDocumentSetColors(context, background_image, /*independent of colors*/ FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* * Now do other stuff. */ /* Title */ fe_EditorDocumentSetTitle(context, NULL); /* will show Untitled */ /* Add fixed MetaData items for author, others?? */ fe_EditorDocumentSetMetaData(context, "Author", fe_EditorPreferencesGetAuthor(context)); fe_EditorDocumentSetMetaData(context, "GENERATOR", "Mozilla/X"); } void fe_EditorNotifyBackgroundChanged(MWContext* context) { #ifdef DONT_rhess fe_EditorCaretData* data = &EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context)->caret_data; if (data->backing_store) { XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), data->backing_store); data->backing_store = 0; } #endif } char* FE_URLToLocalName(char *name) { char* qm; char* hm; char* begin; char* end; char* rv; char* nameSave; int len; int nameLen; /* * Save a copy of the name as we might drop characters after '?' or '#' */ nameLen = strlen(name); nameSave = XP_ALLOC(nameLen + 1); memcpy(nameSave, name, nameLen); nameSave[nameLen] = '\0'; /* * Drop everything after a '?' or '#' character. */ qm = strchr(nameSave, '?'); hm = strchr(nameSave, '#'); if (qm && hm) { end = (qm > hm)? qm: hm; } else if (qm) { end = qm; } else if (hm) { end = hm; } else { end = nameSave + nameLen; } *end = '\0'; /* * Then get the basename of what's left. */ if ((begin = strrchr(nameSave, '/')) != NULL && begin[1] != '\0') { begin++; } else { begin = nameSave; } len = end - begin; rv = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(rv, begin, len); rv[len] = '\0'; XP_FREE(nameSave); return rv; } Boolean FE_EditorPrefConvertFileCaseOnWrite(void) { fprintf (real_stderr,"FE_EditorPrefConvertFileCaseOnWrite\n"); return TRUE; } void FE_FinishedSave(MWContext* context, int status, char *pDestURL, int iFileNumber) { } #if 0 static void fe_editor_copyright_hint_dialog(MWContext* context) { if (!fe_globalPrefs.editor_copyright_hint) return; if (fe_HintDialog(context, XP_GetString(XFE_ERROR_COPYRIGHT_HINT))) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_copyright_hint = FALSE; /* * Save options. */ if (!XFE_SavePrefs((char *)fe_globalData.user_prefs_file, &fe_globalPrefs)) { fe_perror(context, XP_GetString(XFE_ERROR_SAVING_OPTIONS)); } } } #endif /* * Crock timeout callback that is used by fe_EditorGetUrlExitRoutine() to * kill a failed Frame (you opened a non-html doc say). */ static void fe_editor_exit_timeout(XtPointer closure, XtIntervalId* id) { MWContext *context = (MWContext *)closure; fe_EditorKill(context); } void fe_EditorGetUrlExitRoutine(MWContext* context, URL_Struct* url, int status) { if (status < 0) { /* * Make sure that it's not a publish. This code is only * meant for fe_GetURL() calls. Make sure the user gets to see * the error dialog, then request a delete on the editor. */ if (url != NULL && url->files_to_post == NULL) { /* not publish */ /* * Wait for popup menus to go away. */ /* we need to check context->type because under certain cases we * reach this loop after the editor has been killed so context is * garbage and if we don't check then ContextHasPopups fail */ while (context && context->type == MWContextEditor && fe_ContextHasPopups(context)) fe_EventLoop(); /* * Then request a dissapearing act. */ XtAppAddTimeOut(fe_XtAppContext, 0, fe_editor_exit_timeout, (XtPointer)context); } } } /* * Editor calls us when we are finished loading * We force saving document if not editing local file */ void FE_EditorDocumentLoaded(MWContext* context) { History_entry* hist_ent; Bool do_save_dialog; unsigned as_time; Boolean as_enable; if (!context) { return; } #ifdef DEBUG_rhess2 fprintf(stderr, "editor::[ FE_EditorDocumentLoaded ]\n"); #endif /* * Windows does a lot more gymnastics here to determine which * docs should or should not be saved (especially new ones). * Please look into this and match up. */ /*FIXME*/ do_save_dialog = FALSE; if ((hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist)) && hist_ent->address) { do_save_dialog = !NET_IsLocalFileURL(hist_ent->address); } #if 0 /* * Seems we don't do this anymore. */ if (!EDT_IS_NEW_DOCUMENT(context) && do_save_dialog) { /* * Tongue in cheek.... */ fe_editor_copyright_hint_dialog(context); } #endif #ifdef MOZ_MAIL_NEWS if (context->type == MWContextMessageComposition) { fe_MailComposeDocumentLoaded(context); } else #endif xfe2_EditorInit(context); /* * Set autosave period. */ fe_EditorPreferencesGetAutoSave(context, &as_enable, &as_time); EDT_SetAutoSavePeriod(context, as_time); fe_HackEditorNotifyToolbarUpdated(context); } static char fe_SaveDialogSaveName[] = "saveMessageDialog"; static char fe_SaveDialogUploadName[] = "uploadMessageDialog"; static char fe_SaveDialogPrepareName[] = "prepareMessageDialog"; static char fe_SaveDialogImageLoadName[] = "imageLoadMessageDialog"; typedef enum fe_SaveDialogType { XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_SAVE, XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_UPLOAD, XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_PREPARE, XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_IMAGELOAD } fe_SaveDialogType; typedef struct fe_SaveDialogInfo { unsigned nfiles; unsigned current; fe_SaveDialogType type; } fe_SaveDialogInfo; static void fe_save_dialog_info_init(Widget msg_box, fe_SaveDialogType type, unsigned n) { fe_SaveDialogInfo* info = (fe_SaveDialogInfo*)XtNew(fe_SaveDialogInfo); if (info == NULL) return; info->nfiles = n; info->type = type; info->current = 0; XtVaSetValues(msg_box, XmNuserData, (XtPointer)info, 0); } #define XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_NEXT (-1) static void fe_save_dialog_info_set(Widget msg_box, char* filename, int index) { XtPointer user_data; fe_SaveDialogInfo* info; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; int id; char* string; XmString xm_string; XtVaGetValues(msg_box, XmNuserData, &user_data, 0); if (user_data != 0) { info = (fe_SaveDialogInfo*)user_data; if (index == XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_NEXT) info->current++; else info->current = index; if (info->current > info->nfiles) info->nfiles = info->current; switch (info->type) { case XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_IMAGELOAD: id = XFE_LOADING_IMAGE_FILE; break; case XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_UPLOAD: id = XFE_UPLOADING_FILE; break; case XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_PREPARE: id = XFE_PREPARE_UPLOAD; break; default: id = XFE_SAVING_FILE; break; } string = XP_GetString(id); if (!filename) filename = ""; sprintf(buf, string, filename); if (info->nfiles > 1) { strcat(buf, "\n"); string = XP_GetString(XFE_FILE_N_OF_N); sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], string, info->current, info->nfiles); } xm_string = XmStringCreateLocalized(buf); } else { xm_string = XmStringCreateLocalized(filename); } XtVaSetValues(msg_box, XmNmessageString, xm_string, 0); XmStringFree(xm_string); } static fe_SaveDialogType fe_SaveDialogGetType(Widget msg_box) { char* name = XtName(msg_box); if (strcmp(name, fe_SaveDialogSaveName) == 0) return XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_SAVE; else if (strcmp(name, fe_SaveDialogUploadName) == 0) return XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_UPLOAD; else if (strcmp(name, fe_SaveDialogPrepareName) == 0) return XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_PREPARE; else return XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_IMAGELOAD; } static void fe_save_dialog_cancel_cb(Widget msg_box, XtPointer closure, XtPointer cb_data) { MWContext* context = (MWContext*)closure; if (fe_SaveDialogGetType(msg_box) == XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_SAVE) { EDT_SaveCancel(context); } else { NET_InterruptWindow(context); } } static void fe_save_dialog_destroy_cb(Widget msg_box, XtPointer closure, XtPointer cb_data) { MWContext* context = (MWContext*)closure; XtPointer user_data; if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box == msg_box) CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = NULL; XtVaGetValues(msg_box, XmNuserData, &user_data, 0); if (user_data != NULL) XtFree(user_data); } static Widget fe_save_dialog_create(MWContext* context, char* name) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Widget msg_box; Visual *v = 0; Colormap cmap = 0; Cardinal depth = 0; Arg args [20]; Cardinal n; if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box != NULL) return CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box; XtVaGetValues(mainw, XtNvisual, &v, XtNcolormap, &cmap, XtNdepth, &depth, 0); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNvisual, v); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdepth, depth); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNcolormap, cmap); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNallowShellResize, TRUE); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNtransientFor, mainw); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdialogType, XmDIALOG_MESSAGE); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdeleteResponse, XmDO_NOTHING); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_GROW); n++; msg_box = XmCreateMessageDialog(mainw, name, args, n); fe_UnmanageChild_safe(XmMessageBoxGetChild(msg_box, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON)); fe_UnmanageChild_safe(XmMessageBoxGetChild(msg_box, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON)); XtAddCallback(msg_box, XmNcancelCallback, fe_save_dialog_cancel_cb, (XtPointer)context); XtAddCallback(msg_box, XmNdestroyCallback, fe_save_dialog_destroy_cb, (XtPointer)context); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = msg_box; return msg_box; } static void fe_destroy_parent_cb(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer cbd) { XtDestroyWidget(XtParent(widget)); } static void fe_save_dialog_destroy(Widget msg_box) { Widget shell = XtParent(msg_box); Cardinal num_popups = XfeNumPopups(shell); Widget* popups = XfePopupList(shell); /* * If we have a stacked popup on us, them wait for that * popup to destroy before we destroy ourselves. Do this by * setting a destroy callback on the popup that destroys * it's parent (us). Amongst other things we need to do this * because server side error messages get stacked on the save * progress dialog. */ if (num_popups > 0) { /* anyone who adds to me after this is a loser */ XtAddCallback(popups[0], XmNdestroyCallback, fe_destroy_parent_cb, 0); } else { XtDestroyWidget(msg_box); } } /* * Dialog to give feedback and allow canceling, overwrite protection * when downloading remote files * * put up a save dialog that says "i'm saving foo right now", cancel? * and return right away. */ void FE_SaveDialogCreate(MWContext* context, int nfiles, ED_SaveDialogType saveType) { Widget msg_box; char* name; fe_SaveDialogType type; if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box != NULL) return; switch (saveType) { case ED_SAVE_DLG_PUBLISH: name = fe_SaveDialogUploadName; type = XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_UPLOAD; break; case ED_SAVE_DLG_PREPARE_PUBLISH: name = fe_SaveDialogPrepareName; type = XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_PREPARE; break; default: name = fe_SaveDialogSaveName; type = XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_SAVE; break; } msg_box = fe_save_dialog_create(context, name); fe_save_dialog_info_init(msg_box, type, nfiles); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = msg_box; /* this is here so that we know when the file saying is over */ CONTEXT_DATA(context)->is_file_saving = True; /* * Postpone until we have something to say.. XtManageChild(msg_box); */ } void FE_SaveDialogSetFilename(MWContext* context, char* filename) { Widget msg_box = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box; if (!msg_box) return; fe_save_dialog_info_set(msg_box, filename, XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_NEXT); if (!XtIsManaged(msg_box)) XtManageChild(msg_box); XfeUpdateDisplay(msg_box); } void FE_SaveDialogDestroy(MWContext* context, int status, char* file_url) { Widget msg_box = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box; fe_SaveDialogType type; if (msg_box == NULL) return; type = fe_SaveDialogGetType(msg_box); if (type == XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_SAVE) { CONTEXT_DATA(context)->save_file_url = file_url; CONTEXT_DATA(context)->file_save_status = status; } fe_save_dialog_destroy(msg_box); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = NULL; /* this is here so that we know when the file saying is over */ CONTEXT_DATA(context)->is_file_saving = False; } void FE_ImageLoadDialog(MWContext* context) { Widget msg_box; if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box != NULL) return; msg_box = fe_save_dialog_create(context, fe_SaveDialogImageLoadName); fe_save_dialog_info_init(msg_box, XFE_SAVE_DIALOG_IMAGELOAD, 1); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = msg_box; fe_save_dialog_info_set(msg_box, "", 1); XtManageChild(msg_box); } void FE_ImageLoadDialogDestroy(MWContext* context) { Widget msg_box = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box; if (msg_box == NULL) return; fe_save_dialog_destroy(msg_box); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->posted_msg_box = NULL; } typedef struct { Widget form; Widget widget; unsigned response; Boolean done; } YesToAllInfo; static void fe_yes_to_all_cb(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) { YesToAllInfo* info = (YesToAllInfo*)closure; int i; char* name; char* widget_name = XtName(widget); for (i = 0; (name = fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[i].name); i++) { if (strcmp(name, widget_name) == 0) { info->response = fe_CreateYesToAllDialog_button_data[i].type; break; } } info->widget = widget; info->done = TRUE; XtUnmanageChild(info->form); } #if 0 static unsigned fe_OverWriteFileQuestionDialog(MWContext* context, char* filename) { char* msg; int size; Bool rv = FALSE; size = XP_STRLEN(filename) + 1 /* slash*/ + XP_STRLEN(fe_globalData.overwrite_file_message) + 1; /*nul*/ msg = (char *)XP_ALLOC(size); if (!msg) return False; PR_snprintf(msg, size, fe_globalData.overwrite_file_message, filename); if (FE_Confirm(context, msg)) rv = TRUE; XP_FREE(msg); return rv; } #endif static unsigned fe_DoYesToAllDialog(MWContext* context, char* filename) { YesToAllInfo info; Arg av[20]; Cardinal ac; XtCallbackRec cb_data; XmString msg_string; char* msg; int size; Widget form; Widget default_button; size = XP_STRLEN(filename) + 1 /* slash*/ + XP_STRLEN(fe_globalData.overwrite_file_message) + 1; /*nul*/ msg = (char *)XP_ALLOC(size); if (!msg) return XFE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON; PR_snprintf(msg, size, fe_globalData.overwrite_file_message, filename); msg_string = XmStringCreateLocalized(msg); XP_FREE(msg); cb_data.callback = fe_yes_to_all_cb; #ifdef OSF1 cb_data.closure = (void *)&info; #else cb_data.closure = &info; #endif ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNarmCallback, &cb_data); ac++; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNmessageString, msg_string); ac++; form = fe_CreateYesToAllDialog(context, "confirmSaveFiles", av, ac); default_button = fe_YesToAllDialogGetChild(form, XFE_DAILOG_YESTOALL_BUTTON); ac = 0; XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNdefaultButton, default_button); ac++; #if 0 /* why doesn't this work? */ XtSetArg(av[ac], XmNinitialFocus, default_button); ac++; #endif XtSetValues(form, av, ac); info.response = XFE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON; info.done = FALSE; info.widget = NULL; info.form = form; XmStringFree(msg_string); XtManageChild(form); fe_NukeBackingStore(form); while (!info.done) fe_EventLoop(); XtDestroyWidget(form); return info.response; } ED_SaveOption FE_SaveFileExistsDialog(MWContext* context, char* filename) { switch (fe_DoYesToAllDialog(context, filename)) { case XFE_DIALOG_YES_BUTTON: return ED_SAVE_OVERWRITE_THIS; case XFE_DAILOG_YESTOALL_BUTTON: return ED_SAVE_OVERWRITE_ALL; case XFE_DIALOG_NO_BUTTON: return ED_SAVE_DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS; case XFE_DIALOG_NOTOALL_BUTTON: return ED_SAVE_DONT_OVERWRITE_ALL; default: return ED_SAVE_CANCEL; } } Boolean FE_SaveErrorContinueDialog(MWContext* context, char* filename, ED_FileError error) { if (error != ED_ERROR_NONE) { /* There was a an error while saving on:\n%s */ /* The error code = (%d).*/ return fe_editor_report_file_error(context, error, filename, TRUE); } else { return TRUE; } } Boolean XP_ConvertUrlToLocalFile (const char *url, char **localName) { Boolean filefound = FALSE; char *path = NULL; char *file = NULL; XP_StatStruct statinfo; if (localName) { *localName = NULL; } /* Must have "file:" url type and at least 1 character after '//' */ if (!url || !NET_IsLocalFileURL((char *) url)) { return FALSE; } /* Extract file path from url: e.g. "/cl/foo/file.html" */ path = NET_ParseURL (url, GET_PATH_PART); if (!path || XP_STRLEN(path) < 1) { return FALSE; } #if 0 /* Get filename - skip over initial "/" */ file = WH_FileName (path+1, xpURL); XP_FREE (path); #endif file = XP_STRDUP(path); /* Test if file exists */ if (XP_Stat (file, &statinfo, xpURL) >= 0 && statinfo.st_mode & S_IFREG) { filefound = TRUE; } if (localName) { /* Pass string to caller; we didn't change it, so there's no need to strdup */ *localName = file; } return filefound; } char * XP_BackupFileName (const char *url) { char *filename = NULL; char* path; /* Must have a "file:" url and at least 1 character after the "//" */ if (!url || !NET_IsLocalFileURL((char *) url)) { return FALSE; } /* Extract file path from url: e.g. "/cl/foo/file.html" */ path = NET_ParseURL (url, GET_PATH_PART); if (!path || XP_STRLEN(path) < 1) { return FALSE; } filename = (char *) XP_ALLOC ((XP_STRLEN (path) + 5) * sizeof (char)); if (!filename) { return NULL; } /* Get filename but ignore "file://" */ { char* filename2 = WH_FileName (path, xpURL); if (!filename2) return NULL; XP_STRCPY (filename, filename2); XP_FREE(filename2); } /* Add extension to the filename */ XP_STRCAT (filename, "~"); return filename; } void fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(MWEditorContext* context, ED_TextFormat unused_for_now) { } Boolean fe_EditorLineBreakCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsSelected(context) == FALSE); } /* * type description * ED_BREAK_NORMAL insert line break, ignore images. * ED_BREAK_LEFT Break so it passes the image on the left * ED_BREAK_RIGHT Break past the right image. * ED_BREAK_BOTH Break below image(s). */ void fe_EditorLineBreak(MWContext* context, ED_BreakType type) { if (!fe_EditorLineBreakCanInsert(context)) return; EDT_InsertBreak(context, type); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } void fe_EditorNonBreakingSpace(MWContext* context) { EDT_InsertNonbreakingSpace(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } void fe_EditorParagraphMarksSetState(MWContext* context, Boolean display) { EDT_SetDisplayParagraphMarks(context, (Bool)display); } Boolean fe_EditorParagraphMarksGetState(MWContext* context) { return (Boolean)EDT_GetDisplayParagraphMarks(context); } char* fe_EditorDefaultGetTemplate() { return XFE_EDITOR_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE_URL; } void fe_EditorDefaultGetColors(LO_Color* bg_color, LO_Color* normal_color, LO_Color* link_color, LO_Color* active_color, LO_Color* followed_color) { if (bg_color) *bg_color = lo_master_colors[LO_COLOR_BG]; if (normal_color) *normal_color = lo_master_colors[LO_COLOR_FG]; if (link_color) *link_color = lo_master_colors[LO_COLOR_LINK]; if (active_color) *active_color = lo_master_colors[LO_COLOR_ALINK]; if (followed_color) *followed_color = lo_master_colors[LO_COLOR_VLINK]; } static char* fe_last_publish_location; static char* fe_last_publish_username; static char* fe_last_publish_password; #define SAFE_STRDUP(x) ((x)? XP_STRDUP(x): NULL) Boolean fe_EditorDefaultGetLastPublishLocation(MWContext* context, char** location, char** username, char** password) { if (location) *location = SAFE_STRDUP(fe_last_publish_location); if (username) *username = SAFE_STRDUP(fe_last_publish_username); if (password) *password = SECNAV_UnMungeString(fe_last_publish_password); return fe_last_publish_password != NULL; } void fe_EditorDefaultSetLastPublishLocation(MWContext* context, char* location, char* username, char* password) { /* NOTE: this function is not MT safe */ if (fe_last_publish_location) XP_FREE(fe_last_publish_location); if (fe_last_publish_username) XP_FREE(fe_last_publish_username); if (fe_last_publish_password) XP_FREE(fe_last_publish_password); fe_last_publish_location = NULL; fe_last_publish_username = NULL; fe_last_publish_password = NULL; if (location) { char* full_location; int rv; fe_last_publish_location = XP_STRDUP(location); if (username) fe_last_publish_username = XP_STRDUP(username); if (password) fe_last_publish_password = SECNAV_MungeString(password); full_location = NULL; /* having to do this is SO stupid */ rv = NET_MakeUploadURL(&full_location, location, username, NULL); if (rv && full_location != NULL) { PREF_SetCharPref("editor.publish_last_loc", full_location); PREF_SetCharPref("editor.publish_last_pass", fe_last_publish_password? fe_last_publish_password: ""); } } } void fe_EditorPreferencesGetAutoSave(MWContext* context, Boolean* enable, unsigned* time) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_autosave_period == 0) { *time = 0; *enable = FALSE; } else { *time = fe_globalPrefs.editor_autosave_period; *enable = TRUE; } } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetAutoSave(MWContext* context, Boolean enable, unsigned time) { struct fe_MWContext_cons *rest; if (enable) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_autosave_period = time; } else { fe_globalPrefs.editor_autosave_period = 0; time = 0; } /* * Walk over the contexts, and tell the BE to reset the * autosave. */ for (rest = fe_all_MWContexts; rest; rest = rest->next) { if (rest->context->type == MWContextEditor) { EDT_SetAutoSavePeriod(rest->context, time); } } } void fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(MWContext* context, Boolean* links, Boolean* images) { if (links) *links = fe_globalPrefs.editor_maintain_links; if (images) *images = fe_globalPrefs.editor_keep_images; } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetLinksAndImages(MWContext* context, Boolean links, Boolean images) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_maintain_links = links; fe_globalPrefs.editor_keep_images = images; } Boolean fe_EditorPreferencesGetPublishLocation(MWContext* context, char** location, char** username, char** password) { if (location) *location = SAFE_STRDUP(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_location); if (username) *username = SAFE_STRDUP(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_username); if (password) *password = SECNAV_UnMungeString(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password); return (fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password != NULL); } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetPublishLocation(MWContext* context, char* location, char* username, char* password) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_location) XP_FREE(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_location); if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_username) XP_FREE(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_username); if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password) XP_FREE(fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password); fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_location = NULL; fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_username = NULL; fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password = NULL; if (location) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_location = XP_STRDUP(location); if (username) fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_username = XP_STRDUP(username); if (password) fe_globalPrefs.editor_publish_password = SECNAV_MungeString(password); } fe_globalPrefs.editor_save_publish_password = (password != NULL); } char* fe_EditorPreferencesGetBrowseLocation(MWContext* context) { return SAFE_STRDUP(fe_globalPrefs.editor_browse_location); } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetBrowseLocation(MWContext* context, char* location) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_browse_location) XP_FREE(fe_globalPrefs.editor_browse_location); fe_globalPrefs.editor_browse_location = NULL; if (location) fe_globalPrefs.editor_browse_location = XP_STRDUP(location); } char* fe_EditorPreferencesGetAuthor(MWContext* context) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_author_name) return fe_globalPrefs.editor_author_name; else return ""; } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetAuthor(MWContext* context, char* name) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_author_name) XtFree(fe_globalPrefs.editor_author_name); fe_globalPrefs.editor_author_name = XtNewString(name); } char* fe_EditorPreferencesGetTemplate(MWContext* context) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_document_template) return fe_globalPrefs.editor_document_template; else return NULL; } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetTemplate(MWContext* context, char* name) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_document_template) XtFree(fe_globalPrefs.editor_document_template); fe_globalPrefs.editor_document_template = XtNewString(name); } void fe_EditorPreferencesGetEditors(MWContext* context, char** html, char** image) { if (html != NULL) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_html_editor) *html = fe_globalPrefs.editor_html_editor; else *html = NULL; } if (image != NULL) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_image_editor) *image = fe_globalPrefs.editor_image_editor; else *image = NULL; } } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetEditors(MWContext* context, char* html, char* image) { if (html != NULL) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_html_editor) XtFree(fe_globalPrefs.editor_html_editor); fe_globalPrefs.editor_html_editor = XtNewString(html); } if (image != NULL) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_image_editor) XtFree(fe_globalPrefs.editor_image_editor); fe_globalPrefs.editor_image_editor = XtNewString(image); } } Boolean fe_EditorPreferencesGetColors(MWContext* context, char* background_image, LO_Color* bg_color, LO_Color* normal_color, LO_Color* link_color, LO_Color* active_color, LO_Color* followed_color) { if (bg_color) *bg_color = fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_color; if (normal_color) *normal_color = fe_globalPrefs.editor_normal_color; if (link_color) *link_color = fe_globalPrefs.editor_link_color; if (active_color) *active_color = fe_globalPrefs.editor_active_color; if (followed_color) *followed_color = fe_globalPrefs.editor_followed_color; if (background_image) { if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image) strcpy(background_image, fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image); else background_image[0] = '\0'; } return fe_globalPrefs.editor_custom_colors; } void fe_EditorPreferencesSetColors(MWContext* context, char* background_image, LO_Color* bg_color, LO_Color* normal_color, LO_Color* link_color, LO_Color* active_color, LO_Color* followed_color) { XP_Bool set = FALSE; if (bg_color) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_color = *bg_color; set = TRUE; } if (normal_color) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_normal_color = *normal_color; set = TRUE; } if (link_color) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_link_color = *link_color; set = TRUE; } if (active_color) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_active_color = *active_color; set = TRUE; } if (followed_color) { fe_globalPrefs.editor_followed_color = *followed_color; set = TRUE; } fe_globalPrefs.editor_custom_colors = set; if (fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image) XtFree(fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image); if (background_image && background_image[0] != '\0') fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image = XtNewString(background_image); else fe_globalPrefs.editor_background_image = NULL; } Boolean fe_EditorDocumentGetImagesWithDocument(MWContext* context) { Boolean keep; EDT_PageData* page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); if (page_data == NULL) { fe_EditorPreferencesGetLinksAndImages(context, NULL, &keep); } else { keep = page_data->bKeepImagesWithDoc; EDT_FreePageData(page_data); } return keep; } void fe_EditorDocumentSetImagesWithDocument(MWContext* context, Boolean keep) { EDT_PageData* page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); if (page_data != NULL) { page_data->bKeepImagesWithDoc = keep; EDT_SetPageData(context, page_data); EDT_FreePageData(page_data); } } char* fe_EditorDocumentLocationGet(MWContext* context) { History_entry* hist_ent; /* get the location */ hist_ent = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist); if (hist_ent) return hist_ent->address; else return NULL; } void fe_EditorDocumentSetTitle(MWContext* context, char* name) { EDT_PageData* page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); if (!page_data) return; if (page_data->pTitle) XP_FREE(page_data->pTitle); if (name && name[0] != '\0') page_data->pTitle = XP_STRDUP(name); else page_data->pTitle = NULL; EDT_SetPageData(context, page_data); EDT_FreePageData(page_data); } char* fe_EditorDocumentGetTitle(MWContext* context) { EDT_PageData* page_data; char* value = NULL; /* get the title */ page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); if (page_data != NULL) { if (page_data->pTitle != NULL && page_data->pTitle[0] != '\0') value = XP_STRDUP(page_data->pTitle); EDT_FreePageData(page_data); } return value; } #define BEGIN_DIRTY(xxx) XP_Bool dirty = FALSE #define MARK_DIRTY(context) \ if (!(dirty)) { \ EDT_BeginBatchChanges((context)); \ dirty = TRUE; \ } #define END_DIRTY(context) \ if ((dirty)) { \ EDT_EndBatchChanges((context)); \ } void fe_EditorDocumentSetMetaData(MWContext* context, char* name, char* value) { EDT_MetaData *pData = EDT_NewMetaData(); BEGIN_DIRTY(context); if ( pData ) { pData->bHttpEquiv = FALSE; if ( name && XP_STRLEN(name) > 0 ) { MARK_DIRTY(context); pData->pName = XP_STRDUP(name); if ( value && XP_STRLEN(value) > 0 ) { pData->pContent = XP_STRDUP(value); EDT_SetMetaData(context, pData); } else { /* (Don't really need to do this) */ pData->pContent = NULL; /* Remove the item */ EDT_DeleteMetaData(context, pData); } } EDT_FreeMetaData(pData); } END_DIRTY(context); } char* fe_EditorDocumentGetMetaData(MWContext* context, char* name) { EDT_MetaData* pData; int count; int i; /* lifted from winfe/edprops.cpp */ count = EDT_MetaDataCount(context); for (i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pData = EDT_GetMetaData(context, i); if (pData != NULL && !pData->bHttpEquiv) { if (XP_STRCASECMP(pData->pName, name) == 0) { return pData->pContent; } } } return NULL; } static char* fe_editor_known_meta_data_names[] = { "Author", "Description", #if 0 /* this one need to end up in user variables */ "Generator", #endif "Last-Modified", "Created", "Classification", "Keywords", NULL }; static Boolean fe_is_known_meta_data_name(char* name) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; fe_editor_known_meta_data_names[i] != NULL; i++) { if (XP_STRCASECMP(fe_editor_known_meta_data_names[i], name) == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } fe_NameValueItem* fe_EditorDocumentGetHttpEquivMetaDataList(MWContext* context) { int count = EDT_MetaDataCount(context); int i; EDT_MetaData* pData; fe_NameValueItem* items; unsigned nitems = 0; items = (fe_NameValueItem*)XtMalloc(sizeof(fe_NameValueItem)*(count+1)); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pData = EDT_GetMetaData(context, i); if (pData != NULL && pData->bHttpEquiv != 0) { items[nitems].name = XtNewString(pData->pName); items[nitems].value = XtNewString(pData->pContent); nitems++; } } items[nitems].name = NULL; items[nitems].value = NULL; items = (fe_NameValueItem*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)items, sizeof(fe_NameValueItem)*(nitems+1)); return items; } void fe_EditorDocumentSetHttpEquivMetaDataList(MWContext* context, fe_NameValueItem* list) { fe_NameValueItem* old_list; int i; int j; EDT_MetaData *meta_data; BEGIN_DIRTY(context); old_list = fe_EditorDocumentGetHttpEquivMetaDataList(context); /* first delete items no longer in set */ for (i = 0; old_list[i].name != NULL; i++) { for (j = 0; list[j].name != NULL; j++) { if (XP_STRCASECMP(old_list[i].name, list[j].name) == 0) /* match */ break; } /* I'm sure all this thrashing of the heap can't be required ?? */ if (list[j].name == NULL) { /* it's gone now */ meta_data = EDT_NewMetaData(); meta_data->pName = old_list[i].name; meta_data->pContent = NULL; MARK_DIRTY(context); EDT_DeleteMetaData(context, meta_data); EDT_FreeMetaData(meta_data); } } /* now set the ones that have changed */ for (j = 0; list[j].name != NULL; j++) { meta_data = EDT_NewMetaData(); meta_data->pName = list[j].name; meta_data->pContent = list[j].value; meta_data->bHttpEquiv = TRUE; MARK_DIRTY(context); EDT_SetMetaData(context, meta_data); EDT_FreeMetaData(meta_data); } END_DIRTY(context); } fe_NameValueItem* fe_EditorDocumentGetAdvancedMetaDataList(MWContext* context) { int count = EDT_MetaDataCount(context); int i; EDT_MetaData* pData; fe_NameValueItem* items; unsigned nitems = 0; items = (fe_NameValueItem*)XtMalloc(sizeof(fe_NameValueItem)*(count+1)); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pData = EDT_GetMetaData(context, i); if (pData == NULL) continue; /* is it one of the ones handled in document general */ if ((pData->bHttpEquiv) || fe_is_known_meta_data_name(pData->pName)) continue; items[nitems].name = XtNewString(pData->pName); items[nitems].value = XtNewString(pData->pContent); nitems++; } items[nitems].name = NULL; items[nitems].value = NULL; items = (fe_NameValueItem*)XtRealloc((XtPointer)items, sizeof(fe_NameValueItem)*(nitems+1)); return items; } void fe_EditorDocumentSetAdvancedMetaDataList(MWContext* context, fe_NameValueItem* list) { fe_NameValueItem* old_list; int i; int j; EDT_MetaData *meta_data; BEGIN_DIRTY(context); old_list = fe_EditorDocumentGetAdvancedMetaDataList(context); /* first delete items no longer in set */ for (i = 0; old_list[i].name != NULL; i++) { for (j = 0; list[j].name != NULL; j++) { if (XP_STRCASECMP(old_list[i].name, list[j].name) == 0) /* match */ break; } /* I'm sure all this thrashing of the heap can't be required ?? */ if (list[j].name == NULL) { /* it's gone now */ meta_data = EDT_NewMetaData(); meta_data->pName = old_list[i].name; meta_data->pContent = NULL; MARK_DIRTY(context); EDT_DeleteMetaData(context, meta_data); EDT_FreeMetaData(meta_data); } } /* now set the ones that have changed */ for (j = 0; list[j].name != NULL; j++) { meta_data = EDT_NewMetaData(); meta_data->pName = list[j].name; meta_data->pContent = list[j].value; MARK_DIRTY(context); EDT_SetMetaData(context, meta_data); EDT_FreeMetaData(meta_data); } END_DIRTY(context); } Boolean fe_EditorDocumentGetColors(MWContext* context, char* background_image, Boolean* leave_image, LO_Color* bg_color, LO_Color* normal_color, LO_Color* link_color, LO_Color* active_color, LO_Color* followed_color) { EDT_PageData* page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); Boolean set = FALSE; fe_EditorDefaultGetColors(bg_color, normal_color, link_color, active_color, followed_color); if (!page_data) return FALSE; if (background_image != NULL) { if (page_data->pBackgroundImage != NULL) { XP_STRCPY(background_image, page_data->pBackgroundImage); } else { background_image[0] = '\0'; } } if (bg_color) { if (page_data->pColorBackground) { *bg_color = *page_data->pColorBackground; set = TRUE; } } if (normal_color) { if (page_data->pColorText) { *normal_color = *page_data->pColorText; set = TRUE; } } if (link_color) { if (page_data->pColorLink) { *link_color = *page_data->pColorLink; set = TRUE; } } if (active_color) { if (page_data->pColorActiveLink) { *active_color = *page_data->pColorActiveLink; set = TRUE; } } if (followed_color) { if (page_data->pColorFollowedLink) { *followed_color = *page_data->pColorFollowedLink; set = TRUE; } } if (leave_image) { *leave_image = page_data->bBackgroundNoSave; } EDT_FreePageData(page_data); return set; } void fe_EditorDocumentSetColors(MWContext* context, char* background_image, Boolean leave_image, LO_Color* bg_color, LO_Color* normal_color, LO_Color* link_color, LO_Color* active_color, LO_Color* followed_color) { EDT_PageData save_data; EDT_PageData* page_data; if (background_image != NULL && background_image[0] == '\0') background_image = NULL; page_data = EDT_GetPageData(context); if (!page_data) return; memcpy(&save_data, page_data, sizeof(EDT_PageData)); page_data->pBackgroundImage = background_image; page_data->pColorBackground = bg_color; page_data->pColorText = normal_color; page_data->pColorLink = link_color; page_data->pColorActiveLink = active_color; page_data->pColorFollowedLink = followed_color; page_data->bBackgroundNoSave = leave_image; EDT_SetPageData(context, page_data); memcpy(page_data, &save_data, sizeof(EDT_PageData)); EDT_FreePageData(page_data); } typedef struct fe_EditorCommandDescription { intn id; char* name; } fe_EditorCommandDescription; /* * Yuck lifted from editor.h */ #define kNullCommandID 0 #define kTypingCommandID 1 #define kAddTextCommandID 2 #define kDeleteTextCommandID 3 #define kCutCommandID 4 #define kPasteTextCommandID 5 #define kPasteHTMLCommandID 6 #define kPasteHREFCommandID 7 #define kChangeAttributesCommandID 8 #define kIndentCommandID 9 #define kParagraphAlignCommandID 10 #define kMorphContainerCommandID 11 #define kInsertHorizRuleCommandID 12 #define kSetHorizRuleDataCommandID 13 #define kInsertImageCommandID 14 #define kSetImageDataCommandID 15 #define kInsertBreakCommandID 16 #define kChangePageDataCommandID 17 #define kSetMetaDataCommandID 18 #define kDeleteMetaDataCommandID 19 #define kInsertTargetCommandID 20 #define kSetTargetDataCommandID 21 #define kInsertUnknownTagCommandID 22 #define kSetUnknownTagDataCommandID 23 #define kGroupOfChangesCommandID 24 #define kSetListDataCommandID 25 #define kInsertTableCommandID 26 #define kDeleteTableCommandID 27 #define kSetTableDataCommandID 28 #define kInsertTableCaptionCommandID 29 #define kSetTableCaptionDataCommandID 30 #define kDeleteTableCaptionCommandID 31 #define kInsertTableRowCommandID 32 #define kSetTableRowDataCommandID 33 #define kDeleteTableRowCommandID 34 #define kInsertTableColumnCommandID 35 #define kSetTableCellDataCommandID 36 #define kDeleteTableColumnCommandID 37 #define kInsertTableCellCommandID 38 #define kDeleteTableCellCommandID 39 static fe_EditorCommandDescription fe_editor_commands[] = { { kNullCommandID, "Null" }, { kTypingCommandID, "Typing" }, { kAddTextCommandID, "AddText" }, { kDeleteTextCommandID, "DeleteText" }, { kCutCommandID, "Cut" }, { kPasteTextCommandID, "PasteText" }, { kPasteHTMLCommandID, "PasteHTML" }, { kPasteHREFCommandID, "PasteHREF" }, { kChangeAttributesCommandID, "ChangeAttributes" }, { kIndentCommandID, "Indent" }, { kParagraphAlignCommandID, "ParagraphAlign" }, { kMorphContainerCommandID, "MorphContainer" }, { kInsertHorizRuleCommandID, "InsertHorizRule" }, { kSetHorizRuleDataCommandID, "SetHorizRuleData" }, { kInsertImageCommandID, "InsertImage" }, { kSetImageDataCommandID, "SetImageData" }, { kInsertBreakCommandID, "InsertBreak" }, { kChangePageDataCommandID, "ChangePageData" }, { kSetMetaDataCommandID, "SetMetaData" }, { kDeleteMetaDataCommandID, "DeleteMetaData" }, { kInsertTargetCommandID, "InsertTarget" }, { kSetTargetDataCommandID, "SetTargetData" }, { kInsertUnknownTagCommandID, "InsertUnknownTag" }, { kSetUnknownTagDataCommandID,"SetUnknownTagData" }, { kGroupOfChangesCommandID, "GroupOfChanges" }, { kSetListDataCommandID, "SetListData" }, { kInsertTableCommandID, "InsertTable" }, { kDeleteTableCommandID, "DeleteTable" }, { kSetTableDataCommandID, "SetTableData" }, { kInsertTableCaptionCommandID, "InsertTableCaption" }, { kSetTableCaptionDataCommandID, "SetTableCaptionData" }, { kDeleteTableCaptionCommandID, "DeleteTableCaption" }, { kInsertTableRowCommandID, "InsertTableRow" }, { kSetTableRowDataCommandID, "SetTableRowData" }, { kDeleteTableRowCommandID, "DeleteTableRow" }, { kInsertTableColumnCommandID, "InsertTableColumn" }, { kSetTableCellDataCommandID, "SetTableCellData" }, { kDeleteTableColumnCommandID, "DeleteTableColumn" }, { kInsertTableCellCommandID, "InsertTableCell" }, { kDeleteTableCellCommandID, "DeleteTableCell" }, { -1, NULL } }; static XmString resource_motif_string(Widget widget, char* name) { XmString result = XfeSubResourceGetXmStringValue(widget, name, "UndoItem", XmNlabelString, XmCXmString, NULL); if (!result) result = XmStringCreateLocalized(name); return result; } static XmString string_cache; static XmString fe_editor_undo_get_label(MWContext* context, intn id, Boolean is_undo) { char buf[64]; XmString string; char* name; int n; name = NULL; for (n = 0; fe_editor_commands[n].name != NULL; n++) { if (fe_editor_commands[n].id == id) { name = fe_editor_commands[n].name; break; } } /* * For ids we don't know yet, just show "Undo" or "Redo" */ if (!name) name = ""; /* * Look for it in the cache here!!!! */ /*FIXME*/ if (string_cache) XmStringFree(string_cache); if (is_undo) XP_STRCPY(buf, "undo"); else XP_STRCPY(buf, "redo"); XP_STRCAT(buf, name); /* * Resource the string. */ /* * Why is it so hard to get a string! Like, what, * I'd never want to do that. */ string = resource_motif_string(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->menubar, buf); string_cache = string; return string; } Boolean fe_EditorCanUndo(MWContext* context, XmString* label_return) { intn command_id = EDT_GetUndoCommandID(context, 0); if (label_return) { *label_return = fe_editor_undo_get_label(context, command_id, True); } if (command_id != CEDITCOMMAND_ID_NULL) return True; else return FALSE; } Boolean fe_EditorCanRedo(MWContext* context, XmString* label_return) { intn command_id = EDT_GetRedoCommandID(context, 0); if (label_return) { *label_return = fe_editor_undo_get_label(context, command_id, False); } if (command_id != CEDITCOMMAND_ID_NULL) return True; else return FALSE; } void fe_EditorUndo(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_GetUndoCommandID(context, 0) != CEDITCOMMAND_ID_NULL) { EDT_Undo(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } else { fe_Bell(context); } } void fe_EditorRedo(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_GetRedoCommandID(context, 0) != CEDITCOMMAND_ID_NULL) { EDT_Redo(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } else { fe_Bell(context); } } Boolean fe_EditorCanCut(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_COP_OK == EDT_CanCut(context, FALSE)); } Boolean fe_EditorCanCopy(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_COP_OK == EDT_CanCopy(context, TRUE)); } static char fe_editor_data_name[] = "NETSCAPE_HTML"; static char fe_editor_html_name[] = "HTML"; static char fe_editor_text_name[] = "STRING"; static char fe_editor_app_name[] = "MOZILLA"; static Atom XFE_TEXT_ATOM = 0; static Atom XFE_HTML_ATOM = 0; static Atom XFE_DATA_ATOM = 0; #define XFE_CCP_TEXT (fe_editor_text_name) #define XFE_CCP_HTML (fe_editor_html_name) #define XFE_CCP_DATA (fe_editor_data_name) #define XFE_CCP_NAME (fe_editor_app_name) #if 0 /* * Cannot get this to work. */ static void fe_property_notify_eh(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XEvent *ev, Boolean *cont) { MWContext* context = (MWContext *)closure; Display* display = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); Atom cb_atom = XmInternAtom(display, "CLIPBOARD", False); Atom string_atom = XmInternAtom(display, XFE_CCP_TEXT, False); Atom html_atom = XmInternAtom(display, XFE_CCP_HTML, False); Atom data_atom = XmInternAtom(display, XFE_CCP_DATA, False); Atom long_string_atom = XmInternAtom(display, "_MOTIF_CLIP_FORMAT_" "STRING", False); Atom long_html_atom = XmInternAtom(display, "_MOTIF_CLIP_FORMAT_" "NETSCAPE_HTML", False); fe_EditorContextData* editor; #if 0 if (ev->xproperty.atom == XA_CUT_BUFFER0) { editor = EDITOR_CONTEXT_DATA(context); fe_editor_paste_update_cb(editor->toolbar_paste, (XtPointer)context, NULL); } #endif #if 0 if (ev->xproperty.atom == XmInternAtom (dpy, "CLIPBOARD", False)XA_CUT_BUFFER0) #endif } #endif Boolean fe_EditorCanPasteData(MWContext* context, int32* r_length) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Display* display = XtDisplay(mainw); Window window = XtWindow(mainw); int cb_result; unsigned long length; cb_result = XmClipboardInquireLength(display, window, XFE_CCP_DATA, &length); if (cb_result == ClipboardSuccess && length > 0) { *r_length = length; return TRUE; } else { *r_length = 0; return FALSE; } } Boolean fe_EditorCanPasteHtml(MWContext* context, int32* r_length) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Display* display = XtDisplay(mainw); Window window = XtWindow(mainw); int cb_result; unsigned long length; cb_result = XmClipboardInquireLength(display, window, XFE_CCP_HTML, &length); if (cb_result == ClipboardSuccess && length > 0) { *r_length = length; return TRUE; } else { *r_length = 0; return FALSE; } } Boolean fe_EditorCanPasteText(MWContext* context, int32* r_length) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Display* display = XtDisplay(mainw); Window window = XtWindow(mainw); int cb_result; unsigned long length; cb_result = XmClipboardInquireLength(display, window, XFE_CCP_TEXT, &length); if (cb_result == ClipboardSuccess && length > 0) { *r_length = length; return TRUE; } else { *r_length = 0; return FALSE; } } Boolean fe_EditorCanPasteLocal(MWContext* context, int32* r_length) { *r_length = 0; return FALSE; } #ifdef OSF1 extern char *fe_GetInternalHtml(); extern char *fe_GetInternalText(); #endif Boolean fe_EditorCanPasteCache(MWContext* context, int32* r_length) { unsigned long text_len = 0; unsigned long html_len = 0; unsigned long data_len = 0; XP_Bool sel_p = False; /* * We have an "new" unified internal clipboard.... * Check it. */ sel_p = fe_InternalSelection(True, &text_len, &html_len, &data_len); if (sel_p) { if (data_len > 0) { *r_length = data_len; return TRUE; } else { if (html_len > 0) { *r_length = html_len; return TRUE; } else { if (text_len > 0) { *r_length = text_len; return TRUE; } } } } *r_length = 0; return FALSE; } Boolean fe_EditorCanPaste(MWContext* context) { int32 len; /* * We have to check if we can do a local paste first, * because we can hang the server if we try to re-own * the selection. This is all very hokey. I need to * talk to jamie. */ if ( fe_EditorCanPasteLocal(context, &len) || fe_EditorCanPasteCache(context, &len) || fe_EditorCanPasteData(context, &len) || fe_EditorCanPasteHtml(context, &len) || fe_EditorCanPasteText(context, &len)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void fe_EditorCopyToClipboard(MWContext* context, char* string, Time timestamp) { fe_OwnEDTSelection (context, timestamp, True, string, NULL, NULL, 0); } static void fe_editor_report_copy_error(MWContext* context, EDT_ClipboardResult code) { char* msg; int id; switch (code) { case EDT_COP_DOCUMENT_BUSY: /* IDS_DOCUMENT_BUSY */ id = XFE_EDITOR_COPY_DOCUMENT_BUSY; /* Cannot copy or cut at this time, try again later. */ break; case EDT_COP_SELECTION_EMPTY: /* IDS_SELECTION_EMPTY */ id = XFE_EDITOR_COPY_SELECTION_EMPTY; /* Nothing is selected. */ break; case EDT_COP_SELECTION_CROSSES_TABLE_DATA_CELL: id = XFE_EDITOR_COPY_SELECTION_CROSSES_TABLE_DATA_CELL; /* The selection includes a table cell boundary. */ /* Deleting and copying are not allowed. */ break; default: return; } msg = XP_GetString(id); FE_Alert(context, msg); } void fe_EditorReportCopyError(MWContext* context, EDT_ClipboardResult code) { fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, code); } Boolean fe_EditorOwnSelection(MWContext *context, Time time, Boolean clip_p, Boolean cut_p) { char* text; int32 text_len; char* data; int32 data_len; EDT_ClipboardResult cut_result; if (cut_p && clip_p) { if (!fe_EditorCanCut(context)) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorOwnSelection::[ can't CUT ]\n"); #endif return False; } cut_result = EDT_CutSelection(context, &text, &text_len, &data, &data_len); } else { if (!fe_EditorCanCopy(context)) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorOwnSelection::[ can't COPY ]\n"); #endif return False; } cut_result = EDT_CopySelection(context, &text, &text_len, &data, &data_len); } if (cut_result != EDT_COP_OK) { fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, cut_result); return False; } if ((!text || text_len <= 0) && (!data || data_len <= 0)) return False; fe_OwnEDTSelection (context, time, clip_p, text, NULL, data, data_len); return True; } void fe_EditorDisownSelection(MWContext *context, Time time, Boolean clip_p) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); if (clip_p) { fe_DisownClipboard(mainw, time); } else { fe_DisownPrimarySelection(mainw, time); #ifdef NOT_rhess if (!fe_ContextHasPopups(context)) EDT_ClearSelection(context); #endif } } Boolean fe_EditorCut(MWContext* context, Time timestamp) { Boolean own_p = False; own_p = fe_EditorOwnSelection(context, timestamp, True, True); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); return own_p; } Boolean fe_EditorCopy(MWContext* context, Time timestamp) { Boolean own_p = False; own_p = fe_EditorOwnSelection(context, timestamp, True, False); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); return own_p; } static char fe_editor_local_name[] = "LOCAL"; #define XFE_CCP_LOCAL (fe_editor_local_name) typedef struct { MWContext* context; char* text; char* html; char* data; unsigned long text_len; unsigned long html_len; unsigned long data_len; int count; int max_count; } xfe_pdata; static xfe_pdata* fe_new_pdata(MWContext* context, int max_count) { xfe_pdata* pData = (xfe_pdata*) XP_ALLOC(sizeof(xfe_pdata)); pData->context = context; pData->text = NULL; pData->html = NULL; pData->data = NULL; pData->text_len = 0; pData->html_len = 0; pData->data_len = 0; pData->count = 0; pData->max_count = max_count; return( pData ); } static void fe_free_pdata(xfe_pdata* pData) { if (pData->text) { XtFree(pData->text); } if (pData->html) { XtFree(pData->html); } if (pData->data) { XtFree(pData->data); } pData->context = NULL; pData->text = NULL; pData->html = NULL; pData->data = NULL; pData->text_len = 0; pData->html_len = 0; pData->data_len = 0; pData->count = 0; pData->max_count = 0; XP_FREE(pData); } static void fe_primary_sel_cb(Widget widget, XtPointer cdata, Atom *sel, Atom *type, XtPointer value, unsigned long *len, int *format) { xfe_pdata* pData = (xfe_pdata*) cdata; if (value) { char* clip = (char *) value; if (*type == XFE_DATA_ATOM) { /* * WARNING... [ this is actually HTML data, not HTML text ] */ #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ data ][ %d ]\n", *len); #endif pData->count++; pData->data_len = *len; pData->data = clip; } else { if (*type == XFE_HTML_ATOM) { /* * NOTE... [ this is HTML source text ] */ #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ html ][ %d ]\n", *len); #endif pData->count++; pData->html_len = *len; pData->html = clip; } else { if (*type == XFE_TEXT_ATOM) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ text ][ %d ]\n", *len); #endif pData->count++; pData->text_len = *len; pData->text = clip; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "WARNING... [ unknown type atom ]\n"); #endif } } } } else { pData->count++; #ifdef DEBUG_rhess if (*type == XFE_DATA_ATOM) { fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ NULL ] - DATA\n"); } else { if (*type == XFE_HTML_ATOM) { fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ NULL ] - HTML\n"); } else { if (*type == XFE_TEXT_ATOM) { fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ NULL ] - TEXT\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ ERROR ]\n"); } } } #endif } if (pData->count == pData->max_count) { if (pData->data_len > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ PasteHTML ][ %d ]\n", pData->data_len); #endif EDT_PasteHTML(pData->context, pData->data); } else { if (pData->html_len > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ PasteQuote ][ %d ]\n", pData->html_len); #endif EDT_PasteQuoteBegin(pData->context, True); EDT_PasteQuote(pData->context, pData->html); EDT_PasteQuoteEnd(pData->context); } else { if (pData->text_len > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ PasteText ][ %d ]\n", pData->text_len); #endif EDT_PasteText(pData->context, pData->text); } #ifdef DEBUG_rhess else { fprintf(stderr, "fe_primary_sel_cb::[ EMPTY ]\n"); } #endif } } fe_free_pdata(pData); } } Boolean fe_EditorPastePrimarySel(MWContext* context, Time timestamp) { Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Display* dpy = XtDisplay(mainw); char* data = NULL; unsigned long len = 0; unsigned long text_len = 0; unsigned long html_len = 0; unsigned long data_len = 0; XP_Bool sel_p = False; /* * NOTE: this only works if we are talking to one server... [ oops ] */ if (XFE_TEXT_ATOM == 0) XFE_TEXT_ATOM = XmInternAtom(dpy, XFE_CCP_TEXT, False); if (XFE_HTML_ATOM == 0) XFE_HTML_ATOM = XmInternAtom(dpy, XFE_CCP_HTML, False); if (XFE_DATA_ATOM == 0) XFE_DATA_ATOM = XmInternAtom(dpy, XFE_CCP_DATA, False); /* * NOTE: first, let's see if we have an internal selection... * */ sel_p = fe_InternalSelection(False, &text_len, &html_len, &data_len); if (sel_p) { if (data_len > 0) { data = fe_GetPrimaryData(&len); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPastePrimarySel::[ DATA ]\n"); #endif EDT_PasteHTML(context, data); } else { if (html_len > 0) { data = fe_GetPrimaryHtml(); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPastePrimarySel::[ HTML ]\n"); #endif EDT_PasteQuoteBegin( context, True); EDT_PasteQuote( context, data); EDT_PasteQuoteEnd( context ); } else { if (text_len > 0) { data = fe_GetPrimaryText(); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPastePrimarySel::[ TEXT ]\n"); #endif EDT_PasteText(context, data); } } } } else { xfe_pdata *pData = fe_new_pdata(context, 3); Atom atoms[3]; XtPointer tags[3]; atoms[0] = XFE_TEXT_ATOM; atoms[1] = XFE_HTML_ATOM; atoms[2] = XFE_DATA_ATOM; tags[0] = (XtPointer) pData; tags[1] = (XtPointer) pData; tags[2] = (XtPointer) pData; XtGetSelectionValues(mainw, XA_PRIMARY, atoms, 3, fe_primary_sel_cb, tags, timestamp); } return False; /* keep compiler happy for now */ } Boolean fe_EditorPaste(MWContext* context, Time timestamp) { int32 length; char* tmp_data = NULL; char* clip_data = NULL; char* clip_name = NULL; /* none */ int cb_result; Boolean rv = FALSE; Widget mainw = CONTEXT_WIDGET(context); Display* display = XtDisplay(mainw); Window window = XtWindow(mainw); unsigned long len = 0; unsigned long text_len = 0; unsigned long html_len = 0; unsigned long data_len = 0; int i; if (!clip_data) { XP_Bool sel_p = fe_InternalSelection(True, &text_len, &html_len, &data_len); if (sel_p) { if (data_len > 0) { tmp_data = fe_GetInternalData(&len); clip_data = XP_ALLOC(len+1); memcpy(clip_data, tmp_data, len); clip_name = XFE_CCP_DATA; } else { if (html_len > 0) { tmp_data = fe_GetInternalHtml(); clip_data = XP_STRDUP(tmp_data); clip_name = XFE_CCP_HTML; } else { if (text_len > 0) { tmp_data = fe_GetInternalText(); clip_data = XP_STRDUP(tmp_data); clip_name = XFE_CCP_TEXT; } } } } } if (!clip_data) { /* go look on real CLIPBOARD */ i = 0; do { cb_result = XmClipboardLock(display, window); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "lockEDT::[ %d ]\n", i); #endif i++; } while (cb_result == ClipboardLocked); if (fe_EditorCanPasteHtml(context, &length)) { clip_data = XP_ALLOC(length+1); clip_name = XFE_CCP_HTML; } else if (fe_EditorCanPasteText(context, &length)) { clip_data = XP_ALLOC(length+1); clip_name = XFE_CCP_TEXT; } cb_result = XmClipboardUnlock(display, window, TRUE); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ unlock ]\n"); #endif if (clip_data) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ retrieve ]\n"); #endif cb_result = xfe_clipboard_retrieve_work(mainw, clip_name, &clip_data, &len, timestamp); #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf(stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ gotcha ]\n"); #endif if (cb_result == ClipboardSuccess) { clip_data[len] = '\0'; } else { XP_FREE(clip_data); clip_data = NULL; clip_name = NULL; } } } if (clip_name == XFE_CCP_DATA) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf (stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ XFE_CCP_DATA ]\n"); #endif rv = (EDT_PasteHTML(context, clip_data) == EDT_COP_OK); XP_FREE(clip_data); } else if (clip_name == XFE_CCP_HTML) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf (stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ XFE_CCP_HTML ]\n"); #endif EDT_PasteQuoteBegin( context, True); EDT_PasteQuote( context, clip_data); EDT_PasteQuoteEnd( context ); XP_FREE(clip_data); } else if (clip_name == XFE_CCP_TEXT) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf (stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ XFE_CCP_TEXT ]\n"); #endif rv = (EDT_PasteText(context, clip_data) == EDT_COP_OK); XP_FREE(clip_data); } else if (clip_name == XFE_CCP_LOCAL) { #ifdef DEBUG_rhess fprintf (stderr, "fe_EditorPaste::[ XFE_CCP_LOCAL ]\n"); #endif rv = (EDT_PasteText(context, clip_data) == EDT_COP_OK); } else { fe_Bell(context); } #ifdef DONT_rhess fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); #endif return rv; } void fe_EditorSelectAll(MWContext* context) { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); Time time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(dpy); EDT_SelectAll(context); fe_EditorOwnSelection (context, time, False, False); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } void fe_EditorDeleteItem(MWContext* context, Boolean previous) { EDT_ClipboardResult result; if (previous) result = EDT_DeletePreviousChar(context); else result = EDT_DeleteChar(context); if (result != EDT_COP_OK) fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, result); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesCanDo(MWContext* context) { ED_ElementType type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(context); if (type == ED_ELEMENT_HRULE) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesSet(MWContext* context, EDT_HorizRuleData* data) { if (fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesCanDo(context)) { EDT_SetHorizRuleData(context, data); } else { EDT_InsertHorizRule(context, data); } } void fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesGet(MWContext* context, EDT_HorizRuleData* data) { EDT_HorizRuleData* foo; if (fe_EditorHorizontalRulePropertiesCanDo(context) && (foo = EDT_GetHorizRuleData(context)) != NULL) { memcpy(data, foo, sizeof(EDT_HorizRuleData)); EDT_FreeHorizRuleData(foo); } else { data->size = 2; data->iWidth = 100; data->bWidthPercent = TRUE; data->align = ED_ALIGN_CENTER; data->bNoShade = FALSE; } } void fe_EditorRefresh(MWContext* context) { EDT_RefreshLayout(context); } void fe_EditorHrefInsert(MWContext* context, char* p_text, char* p_url) { char* text; char* url; EDT_ClipboardResult result; if (!EDT_CanSetHREF(context)) { /* should not exist already */ if (p_url && p_url[0] != '\0') url = XP_STRDUP(p_url); else return; /* no url specified */ if (p_text && p_text[0] != '\0') text = XP_STRDUP(p_text); else text = XP_STRDUP(p_url); result = EDT_PasteHREF(context, &url, &text, 1); if (result != EDT_COP_OK) fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, result); } } Boolean fe_EditorGetHref(MWContext *context) { char* p; p = (char *) LO_GetSelectionText(context); if (p == NULL) return False; else return NULL != EDT_GetHREF(context); } Boolean fe_EditorHrefGet(MWContext* context, char** text, char** url) { EDT_HREFData* href_data = EDT_GetHREFData(context); Bool is_selected = EDT_IsSelected(context); char* p; p = (char *) LO_GetSelectionText(context); if (is_selected && p != NULL) { *text = XtNewString(p); XP_FREE(p); } else if (p == NULL) { /* this fixes #27762 */ *text = NULL; } else if ((p = EDT_GetHREFText(context)) != NULL) { /* charlie's new get the text of a link thing */ *text = p; } else { *text = NULL; } if (href_data != NULL && (p = href_data->pURL) != NULL) { *url = XtNewString(p); } else { *url = NULL; } if (href_data != NULL) EDT_FreeHREFData(href_data); return EDT_CanSetHREF(context); } void fe_EditorHrefSetUrl(MWContext* context, char* url) { EDT_HREFData* href_data; if (EDT_CanSetHREF(context)) { href_data = EDT_GetHREFData(context); if (!href_data) href_data = EDT_NewHREFData(); if (href_data->pURL) XP_FREE(href_data->pURL); if (url) href_data->pURL = XP_STRDUP(url); else href_data->pURL = NULL; /* clear the href */ EDT_SetHREFData(context, href_data); EDT_FreeHREFData(href_data); } } void fe_EditorHrefClearUrl(MWContext* context) { fe_EditorHrefSetUrl(context, NULL); } void fe_EditorRemoveLinks(MWContext* context) { /* * Remove a single link or all links within selected region. */ if (EDT_CanSetHREF(context)) { EDT_SetHREF(context, NULL); } } static Time fe_getTimeFromEvent(MWContext* context, XEvent* event) { Time time; time = (event && (event->type == KeyPress || event->type == KeyRelease) ? event->xkey.time : event && (event->type == ButtonPress || event->type == ButtonRelease) ? event->xbutton.time : XtLastTimestampProcessed (XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET (context)))); return time; } Boolean fe_EditorPropertiesDialogCanDo(MWContext* context, fe_EditorPropertiesDialogType d_type) { ED_ElementType e_type; if ( d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_IMAGE_INSERT || d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_LINK_INSERT || d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_CHARACTER || d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_PARAGRAPH || d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_TABLE || d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_DOCUMENT ) return TRUE; /* always ok to do */ e_type = EDT_GetCurrentElementType(context); if (d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_IMAGE) { if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_IMAGE) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else if (d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_HRULE) { if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_HRULE) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else if (d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_HTML_TAG) { if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_UNKNOWN_TAG) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else if (d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_TARGET) { if (e_type == ED_ELEMENT_TARGET) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else if (d_type == XFE_EDITOR_PROPERTIES_LINK) { if (EDT_GetHREF(context)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } return FALSE; } /* * This stuff is so crazy. * */ void fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesSetAll(MWContext* context, TagType paragragh_type, EDT_ListData* list_data, ED_Alignment align) { TagType old_paragraph_type = EDT_GetParagraphFormatting(context); EDT_ListData* old_list_data = EDT_GetListData(context); Boolean do_set; EDT_BeginBatchChanges(context); /* * Windows has this kludge, so... */ if (align == ED_ALIGN_LEFT) align = ED_ALIGN_DEFAULT; EDT_SetParagraphAlign(context, align); /* * If there was a list before, and now there is none, * remove the list. */ if (old_list_data && !list_data) { for ( ; old_list_data; old_list_data = EDT_GetListData(context)) { EDT_FreeListData(old_list_data); EDT_Outdent(context); } old_list_data = NULL; } /* * If the style has changed. */ if (paragragh_type != old_paragraph_type) EDT_MorphContainer(context, paragragh_type); /* * If there was no list, and now there is.. */ if (!old_list_data && list_data) { EDT_Indent(context); old_list_data = EDT_GetListData(context); } /* * The BE is losing. It cannot deal with lists in selections, * it returns no list data. So, we protect oursleves and * end up doing nothing, just like windows. */ if (old_list_data != NULL) { do_set = TRUE; /* * If this is a block quote.. */ if (list_data != NULL && list_data->iTagType == P_BLOCKQUOTE) { old_list_data->iTagType = P_BLOCKQUOTE; old_list_data->eType = ED_LIST_TYPE_DEFAULT; } /* * If it's a list. */ else if (list_data != NULL) { old_list_data->iTagType = list_data->iTagType; old_list_data->eType = ED_LIST_TYPE_DEFAULT; #if 0 /* * We have no UI for this, but maybe it's in the author's * HTML. Don't change it. Actually, I have no idea. */ old_list_data->bCompact = FALSE; #endif switch (list_data->iTagType) { case P_UNUM_LIST: if (list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_DISC || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_SQUARE || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_CIRCLE) old_list_data->eType = list_data->eType; break; case P_NUM_LIST: if (list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_DIGIT || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_BIG_ROMAN || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_SMALL_ROMAN || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_BIG_LETTERS || list_data->eType == ED_LIST_TYPE_SMALL_LETTERS) old_list_data->eType = list_data->eType; if (list_data->iStart > 0) old_list_data->iStart = list_data->iStart; else old_list_data->iStart = 1; break; case P_DIRECTORY: case P_MENU: case P_DESC_LIST: break; default: /* garbage, don't set */ do_set = FALSE; break; } } if (do_set) EDT_SetListData(context, old_list_data); } /* * Else it's just an ordinary old jo. */ /* nothing to do */ if (old_list_data != NULL) EDT_FreeListData(old_list_data); EDT_EndBatchChanges(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorParagraphPropertiesGetAll(MWContext* context, TagType* paragragh_type, EDT_ListData* list_data, ED_Alignment* align) { TagType old_paragraph_type = EDT_GetParagraphFormatting(context); EDT_ListData* old_list_data = EDT_GetListData(context); if (paragragh_type) *paragragh_type = old_paragraph_type; if (list_data && old_list_data) *list_data = *old_list_data; if (align) *align = EDT_GetParagraphAlign(context); if (old_list_data != NULL) EDT_FreeListData(old_list_data); return (old_list_data != NULL); } /*FIXME*/ /* * I think the following routine could now be replaced * by EDT_SetFontColor(context, &color); */ void fe_EditorColorSet(MWContext* context, LO_Color* color) { EDT_CharacterData cdata; memset(&cdata, 0, sizeof(EDT_CharacterData)); cdata.mask = TF_FONT_COLOR; cdata.pColor = color; if (color) cdata.values = TF_FONT_COLOR; else cdata.values = 0; EDT_SetCharacterData(context, &cdata); } Boolean fe_EditorColorGet(MWContext* context, LO_Color* color) { EDT_CharacterData* cdata = EDT_GetCharacterData(context); Boolean rv = FALSE; LO_Color* use_color = NULL; if (cdata != NULL && (cdata->values & TF_FONT_COLOR) != 0) { /* custom */ rv = TRUE; /* custom */ if ((cdata->mask & TF_FONT_COLOR) != 0 && cdata->pColor != NULL) { use_color = cdata->pColor; /* defined */ } } if (use_color != NULL) { *color = *use_color; } else { fe_EditorDocumentGetColors(context, NULL, /* bg image */ NULL, /* leave image */ NULL, /* bg color */ color,/* normal color */ NULL, /* link color */ NULL, /* active color */ NULL); /* followed color */ } if (cdata != NULL) EDT_FreeCharacterData(cdata); return rv; /* custom */ } extern int XFE_COULDNT_FORK; extern int XFE_EXECVP_FAILED; void fe_ExecCommand(MWContext* context, char** argv) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; int forked; switch (forked = fork()) { case -1: fe_perror(context, XP_GetString(XFE_COULDNT_FORK)); break; case 0: { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)); execvp(argv[0], argv); PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), XP_GetString(XFE_EXECVP_FAILED), fe_progname, argv[0]); perror(buf); exit(3); /* Note that this only exits a child fork. */ break; } default: /* block */ break; } } static char** fe_editor_parse_argv(char* string, char* filename) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; unsigned size = 32; unsigned argc = 0; char** argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * size); char* p; char* q; char* r; for (p = string; *p != '\0'; ) { q = buf; /* skip leading white */ while (isspace(*p)) p++; while (!isspace(*p) && *p != '\0' && ((q - buf) < sizeof(buf))) { if (*p == '%' && p[1] == 'f') { for (r = filename; *r != '\0'; ) { *q++ = *r++; } p += 2; } else { *q++ = *p++; } } *q = '\0'; if (q > buf) argv[argc++] = strdup(buf); if (argc == size) { size = argc + 32; argv = (char**)realloc((void*)argv, sizeof(char*) * size); } } if (argc > 0) { argv[argc] = NULL; return argv; } else { free(argv); return NULL; } } void fe_editor_free_argv(char** argv) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++) free(argv[i]); free(argv); } void fe_editor_exec_command(MWContext* context, char* command, char* filename) { char** argv; if ((argv = fe_editor_parse_argv(command, filename)) != NULL) { fe_ExecCommand(context, argv); fe_editor_free_argv(argv); } else { /* Empty command specified! */ FE_Alert(context, XP_GetString(XFE_COMMAND_EMPTY)); } } void fe_EditorEditSource(MWContext* context) { char* html_editor; char* local_name; History_entry* hist_entry; if (!FE_CheckAndSaveDocument(context)) return; fe_EditorPreferencesGetEditors(context, &html_editor, NULL); if (html_editor == NULL || XP_STRSTR(html_editor, "%f") == NULL) { /* * "Please specify an editor in Editor Preferences.\n" * "Specify the file argument with %f. Netscape will\n" * "replace %f with the correct file name. Examples:\n" * " xterm -e vi %f\n" * " xgifedit %f\n" */ char* msg = XP_GetString(XFE_EDITOR_HTML_EDITOR_COMMAND_EMPTY); if (XFE_Confirm(context, msg)) { fe_EditorShowNewPreferences(context); /* call C++ adaptor */ } return; } hist_entry = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist); if (hist_entry && hist_entry->address) { if (XP_ConvertUrlToLocalFile(hist_entry->address, &local_name)) { fe_editor_exec_command(context, html_editor, local_name); XP_FREE(local_name); } } } void fe_EditorEditImage(MWContext* context, char* file) { char* image_editor; char* local_name = NULL; char* full_file; char* directory; char* p; History_entry* hist_entry; fe_EditorPreferencesGetEditors(context, NULL, &image_editor); if (image_editor == NULL || XP_STRSTR(image_editor, "%f") == NULL) { /* * "Please specify an editor in Editor Preferences.\n" * "Specify the file argument with %f. Netscape will\n" * "replace %f with the correct file name. Examples:\n" * " xterm -e vi %f\n" * " xgifedit %f\n" */ char* msg = XP_GetString(XFE_EDITOR_IMAGE_EDITOR_COMMAND_EMPTY); if (XFE_Confirm(context, msg)) { fe_EditorShowNewPreferences(context); /* call C++ adaptor */ } return; } while (isspace(*file)) file++; if (file[0] != '/') { /* not absolute */ hist_entry = SHIST_GetCurrent(&context->hist); if (hist_entry && hist_entry->address) { if (XP_ConvertUrlToLocalFile(hist_entry->address, &local_name)) { p = strrchr(local_name, '/'); /* find last slash */ if (p) { *p = '\0'; directory = local_name; } else { directory = "."; } full_file = (char*)XtMalloc(strlen(directory) + strlen(file) + 2); sprintf(full_file, "%s/%s", directory, file); XP_FREE(local_name); fe_editor_exec_command(context, image_editor, full_file); XtFree(full_file); } } } else { fe_editor_exec_command(context, image_editor, file); } } #define COPY_SAVE_EXTRA(b, a) \ { char* xx_extra = (b)->pExtra; *(b) = *(a); (b)->pExtra = xx_extra; } #define COPY_SAVE_BGCOLOR(b, a) \ { char* xx_bgcolor = (b)->pColorBackground; *(b) = *(a); (b)->pColorBackground = xx_bgcolor; } static LO_Color* fe_dup_lo_color(LO_Color* color) { LO_Color* new_color; if (color != NULL && (new_color = (LO_Color*)XtNew(LO_Color)) != NULL) { *new_color = *color; return new_color; } else { return NULL; } } #define DUP_BGCOLOR(b, a) \ { (b)->pColorBackground = fe_dup_lo_color((a)->pColorBackground); } /* * Table support. */ Boolean fe_EditorTableCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return !EDT_IsJavaScript(context); } void fe_EditorTableInsert(MWContext* context, EDT_AllTableData* all_data) { EDT_TableData* new_data = EDT_NewTableData(); EDT_TableCaptionData* caption_data; if (all_data) { EDT_TableData* data = &all_data->td; COPY_SAVE_EXTRA(new_data, data); DUP_BGCOLOR(new_data, data); } else { new_data->iBorderWidth = 1; new_data->iRows = 2; new_data->iColumns = 2; } EDT_BeginBatchChanges(context); EDT_InsertTable(context, new_data); if (all_data != NULL && all_data->has_caption) { caption_data = EDT_NewTableCaptionData(); caption_data->align = all_data->cd.align; EDT_InsertTableCaption(context, caption_data); } EDT_FreeTableData(new_data); EDT_EndBatchChanges(context); } Boolean fe_EditorTableCanDelete(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTable(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableDelete(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTable(context) != 0) { EDT_DeleteTable(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableGetData(MWContext* context, EDT_AllTableData* all_data) { Boolean in_table = FALSE; EDT_TableData* table_data = EDT_GetTableData(context); EDT_TableData* pt_data = &all_data->td; EDT_TableCaptionData* caption_data; if (table_data) { *pt_data = *table_data; if (table_data->pColorBackground != NULL) { static LO_Color color_buf; color_buf = *table_data->pColorBackground; pt_data->pColorBackground = &color_buf; /*caller cannot hang on*/ } if (table_data->pBackgroundImage != NULL) { static char* bg_image; if (bg_image != NULL) XP_FREE(bg_image); bg_image = XP_STRDUP(table_data->pBackgroundImage); pt_data->pBackgroundImage = bg_image; /*caller cannot hang on*/ } EDT_FreeTableData(table_data); in_table = TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableCaption(context) && (caption_data = EDT_GetTableCaptionData(context)) != NULL) { all_data->has_caption = TRUE; all_data->cd.align = caption_data->align; } else { all_data->has_caption = FALSE; all_data->cd.align = ED_ALIGN_TOP; } return TRUE; } void fe_EditorTableSetData(MWContext* context, EDT_AllTableData* all_data) { Boolean has_caption; Boolean wants_caption; EDT_TableData* table_data = EDT_GetTableData(context); EDT_TableCaptionData* caption_data; if (table_data) { EDT_BeginBatchChanges(context); /* get the basic table data */ COPY_SAVE_EXTRA(table_data, &all_data->td); DUP_BGCOLOR(table_data, &all_data->td); EDT_SetTableData(context, table_data); caption_data = NULL; has_caption = EDT_IsInsertPointInTableCaption(context); wants_caption = all_data->has_caption; if (has_caption == TRUE && wants_caption == FALSE) { EDT_DeleteTableCaption(context); } else if (has_caption == FALSE && wants_caption == TRUE) { caption_data = EDT_NewTableCaptionData(); caption_data->align = all_data->cd.align; EDT_InsertTableCaption(context, caption_data); } else if (has_caption && (caption_data = EDT_GetTableCaptionData(context)) != NULL) { if (caption_data->align != all_data->cd.align) { caption_data->align = all_data->cd.align; EDT_SetTableCaptionData(context, caption_data); } } EDT_BeginBatchChanges(context); if (caption_data) EDT_FreeTableCaptionData(caption_data); EDT_FreeTableData(table_data); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableRowCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableRowInsert(MWContext* context, EDT_TableRowData* data) { EDT_TableRowData* new_data; if (!fe_EditorTableRowCanInsert(context)) { fe_Bell(context); return; } new_data = EDT_GetTableRowData(context); if (!new_data) return; if (data) { new_data->align = data->align; new_data->valign = data->valign; DUP_BGCOLOR(new_data, data); } EDT_InsertTableRows(context, new_data, TRUE, 1); EDT_FreeTableRowData(new_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorTableRowCanDelete(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableRowDelete(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTable(context) != 0) { EDT_DeleteTableRows(context, 1); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableRowGetData(MWContext* context, EDT_TableRowData* p_data) { EDT_TableRowData* row_data = EDT_GetTableRowData(context); if (row_data) { *p_data = *row_data; if (row_data->pColorBackground != NULL) { static LO_Color color_buf; color_buf = *row_data->pColorBackground; p_data->pColorBackground = &color_buf; /*caller cannot hang on*/ } EDT_FreeTableRowData(row_data); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void fe_EditorTableRowSetData(MWContext* context, EDT_TableRowData* p_data) { EDT_TableRowData* row_data = EDT_GetTableRowData(context); if (row_data) { COPY_SAVE_EXTRA(row_data, p_data); DUP_BGCOLOR(row_data, p_data); EDT_SetTableRowData(context, row_data); EDT_FreeTableRowData(row_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableCaptionCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTable(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableCaptionInsert(MWContext* context, EDT_TableCaptionData* data) { EDT_TableCaptionData* new_data = EDT_NewTableCaptionData(); EDT_InsertTableCaption(context, new_data); EDT_FreeTableCaptionData(new_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorTableCaptionCanDelete(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableCaption(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableCaptionDelete(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableCaption(context) != 0) { EDT_DeleteTableCaption(context); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableColumnCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableColumnInsert(MWContext* context, EDT_TableCellData* data) { EDT_TableCellData* new_data = EDT_NewTableCellData(); EDT_InsertTableColumns(context, new_data, TRUE, 1); EDT_FreeTableCellData(new_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorTableColumnCanDelete(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableColumnDelete(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0) { EDT_DeleteTableColumns(context, 1); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableCellCanInsert(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableCellInsert(MWContext* context, EDT_TableCellData* data) { EDT_TableCellData* new_data = EDT_NewTableCellData(); EDT_InsertTableCells(context, new_data, TRUE, 1); EDT_FreeTableCellData(new_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorTableCellCanDelete(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableCell(context) != 0); } void fe_EditorTableCellDelete(MWContext* context) { if (EDT_IsInsertPointInTableRow(context) != 0) { EDT_DeleteTableCells(context, 1); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } Boolean fe_EditorTableCellGetData(MWContext* context, EDT_TableCellData* p_data) { EDT_TableCellData* cell_data = EDT_GetTableCellData(context); if (cell_data) { *p_data = *cell_data; if (cell_data->pColorBackground != NULL) { static LO_Color color_buf; color_buf = *cell_data->pColorBackground; p_data->pColorBackground = &color_buf; /*caller cannot hang on*/ } EDT_FreeTableCellData(cell_data); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } void fe_EditorTableCellSetData(MWContext* context, EDT_TableCellData* p_data) { EDT_TableCellData* cell_data = EDT_GetTableCellData(context); if (cell_data) { COPY_SAVE_EXTRA(cell_data, p_data); DUP_BGCOLOR(cell_data, p_data); EDT_SetTableCellData(context, cell_data); EDT_FreeTableCellData(cell_data); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } } void fe_EditorPublish(MWContext* context) { /* Get the destination and what files to include from the user:*/ fe_EditorPublishDialogDo(context); } void fe_EditorDisplayTablesSet(MWContext* context, Boolean display) { EDT_SetDisplayTables(context, display == TRUE); fe_EditorUpdateToolbar(context, 0); } Boolean fe_EditorDisplayTablesGet(MWContext* context) { return (EDT_GetDisplayTables(context) == TRUE); } static char* fe_action_name(char* buf, XtActionsRec* action_list, Cardinal action_list_size, XtActionProc action_proc, String *av, Cardinal *ac) { int i; char* name = XP_GetString(XFE_UNKNOWN); /* "" */ if (action_list_size == 0) action_list_size = 100000; /* look for null termination */ /* * Look for action name in the action_list. */ for (i = 0; i < action_list_size && action_list[i].string != NULL; i++) { if (action_list[i].proc == action_proc) { name = action_list[i].string; break; } } strcpy(buf, name); strcat(buf, "("); for (i = 0; i < *ac; i++) { if (i != 0) strcat(buf, ","); strcat(buf, av[i]); } strcat(buf, ")"); return buf; } void xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(XEvent* event, Boolean* shiftP, Boolean* ctrlP) { if (event->type == KeyPress || event->type == KeyRelease) { unsigned int mask = event->xkey.state; if (shiftP) *shiftP = ((mask & ShiftMask) != 0); if (ctrlP) *ctrlP = ((mask & ControlMask) != 0); } else if (event->type == ButtonPress || event->type == ButtonRelease) { unsigned int mask = event->xbutton.state; if (shiftP) *shiftP = ((mask & ShiftMask) != 0); if (ctrlP) *ctrlP = ((mask & ControlMask) != 0); } } /* * NOTE: because of this routine and its explicit need to disown the * primary selection, we can't select text in the editor and then * middle mouse paste it into another location in the same window... * * - any ideas on how we might get around this one?... * * :-l * */ void fe_EditorGrabFocus(MWContext* context, XEvent *event) { Widget da = NULL; XEvent ev; unsigned long x, y; Time time; LO_Element* leHit = 0; ED_HitType iTableHit; #ifdef DREDD_EDITOR fe_UserActivity(context); /* tell the app who has focus */ #else da = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area; ev.type = FocusIn; ev.xfocus.type = FocusIn; ev.xfocus.send_event = False; ev.xfocus.display = XtDisplay(da); ev.xfocus.window = XtWindow(da); ev.xfocus.mode = NotifyNormal; ev.xfocus.detail = NotifyDetailNone; XtDispatchEvent(&ev); XSync(XtDisplay(da), False); /* XtSetKeyboardFocus(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), da); */ #endif /* don't do this -- Japanese input method requires focus fe_NeutralizeFocus(context); */ time = fe_getTimeFromEvent(context, event); /* get the time */ fe_EventLOCoords(context, event, &x, &y); /* get the doc co-ords */ /* * Do this first, so the EDT_ClearSelection() in the call doesn't * blow away what EDT_StartSelection() does! * */ fe_EditorDisownSelection(context, time, False); /* give up selection */ /* see if we're in a table first... */ iTableHit = EDT_GetTableHitRegion(context, x, y, &leHit, False); if ( iTableHit != ED_HIT_NONE ) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, iTableHit, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ FALSE); /*bExtendSelection*/ /*shift); -*bExtendSelection*/ return; } /* for some reason, EDT_GetTableHitRegion returns ED_HIT_NONE in a cell */ else if (leHit && leHit->type == LO_CELL) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, ED_HIT_SEL_CELL, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ shift); /*bExtendSelection*/ return; } EDT_StartSelection(context, x, y); } void fe_EditorSelectionBegin(MWContext* context, XEvent *event) { unsigned long x, y; Time time; LO_Element* leHit = 0; ED_HitType iTableHit; /* don't do this -- Japanese input method requires focus fe_NeutralizeFocus (context); */ if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id) { XtRemoveTimeOut(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id = 0; } if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->clicking_blocked || CONTEXT_DATA (context)->synchronous_url_dialog) { fe_Bell(context); return; } time = fe_getTimeFromEvent(context, event); /* get the time */ fe_EventLOCoords(context, event, &x, &y); #ifdef DONT_rhess /* * WARNING... [ nuke the primary selection owner ] */ { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY); if (owner != None) { XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY, None, time); } } #endif /* * Do this first, so the EDT_ClearSelection() in the call doesn't * blow away what EDT_StartSelection() does! */ fe_EditorDisownSelection(context, time, False); /* see if we're in a table first... */ iTableHit = EDT_GetTableHitRegion(context, x, y, &leHit, False); if ( iTableHit != ED_HIT_NONE ) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, iTableHit, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ shift); /*bExtendSelection*/ return; } /* for some reason, EDT_GetTableHitRegion returns ED_HIT_NONE in a cell */ else if (leHit && leHit->type == LO_CELL) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, ED_HIT_SEL_CELL, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ shift); /*bExtendSelection*/ return; } else /* need to implement disown */ EDT_StartSelection(context, x, y); } void fe_EditorSelectionExtend(MWContext* context, XEvent *event) { Time time; unsigned long x; unsigned long y; LO_Element* leHit = 0; ED_HitType iTableHit; time = fe_getTimeFromEvent(context, event); /* get the time */ /* don't do this -- Japanese input method requires focus fe_NeutralizeFocus(context); */ fe_EventLOCoords (context, event, &x, &y); if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id) { XtRemoveTimeOut(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id = 0; } fe_editor_keep_pointer_visible(context, x, y); #ifdef DONT_rhess /* * WARNING... [ nuke the primary selection owner ] */ { Display *dpy = XtDisplay(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context)); Window owner = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY); if (owner != None) { XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY, None, time); } } #endif /* see if we're in a table first... */ iTableHit = EDT_GetTableHitRegion(context, x, y, &leHit, False); if (leHit && leHit->type == LO_CELL) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, ED_HIT_SEL_CELL, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ TRUE); /*bExtendSelection*/ return; } /* need to implement own */ EDT_ExtendSelection(context, x, y); #ifdef DONT_rhess fe_EditorOwnSelection (context, time, False, False); #endif #if 0 /* Making a selection turns off "Save Next" mode. */ if (CONTEXT_DATA (context)->save_next_mode_p) { XBell (XtDisplay (widget), 0); CONTEXT_DATA (context)->save_next_mode_p = False; fe_SetCursor (context, False); XFE_Progress (context, fe_globalData.click_to_save_cancelled_message); } #endif } void fe_EditorSelectionEnd(MWContext *context, XEvent *event) { Time time; unsigned long x; unsigned long y; LO_Element* leHit = 0; ED_HitType iTableHit; fe_UserActivity(context); time = fe_getTimeFromEvent(context, event); /* get the time */ fe_EventLOCoords (context, event, &x, &y); if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id) { XtRemoveTimeOut(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id); CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editor.ascroll_data.timer_id = 0; } /* see if we're in a table first... */ iTableHit = EDT_GetTableHitRegion( context, x, y, &leHit, FALSE ); if ( iTableHit == ED_HIT_SEL_TABLE || iTableHit == ED_HIT_SEL_ALL_CELLS || iTableHit == ED_HIT_SEL_COL || iTableHit == ED_HIT_SEL_ROW ) { Boolean shift, ctrl; xfe_GetShiftAndCtrl(event, &shift, &ctrl); EDT_SelectTableElement(context, x, y, leHit, iTableHit, ctrl, /* bModifierKeyPressed */ shift); /*bExtendSelection*/ return; } /* need to implement own */ EDT_EndSelection(context, x, y); fe_EditorOwnSelection(context, time, False, False); } #define XFE_EDITOR_MAX_INSERT_SIZE 512 void fe_EditorKeyInsert(MWContext* context, Widget widget, XEvent* event) { char buf[XFE_EDITOR_MAX_INSERT_SIZE + 1]; KeySym keysym; Status status_return; int len; EDT_ClipboardResult result = EDT_COP_OK; INTL_CharSetInfo c = LO_GetDocumentCharacterSetInfo(context); if (widget != CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area) { #ifdef DEBUG (void) fprintf(real_stderr, "fe_editor_key_input_action got wrong widget (%s)\n", XtName(widget)); #endif /* DEBUG */ XtSetKeyboardFocus(CONTEXT_WIDGET(context), CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area); return; } len = XmImMbLookupString(widget, (XKeyEvent *)event, buf, XFE_EDITOR_MAX_INSERT_SIZE, &keysym, &status_return); if (status_return == XBufferOverflow || len > XFE_EDITOR_MAX_INSERT_SIZE) return; if (len > 0) { char *str; buf[len] = 0; str = (char *) fe_ConvertFromLocaleEncoding(INTL_GetCSIWinCSID(c), (unsigned char *) buf); if (str != buf) { len = strlen(str); } if (len == 1) { result = EDT_KeyDown(context, str[0], 0, 0); } else if (len > 1) { result = EDT_PasteText(context, str); } if (result != EDT_COP_OK) { fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, result); } if (str != buf && str != NULL) { XP_FREE(str); } } } void fe_EditorTab(MWContext* context, Boolean forward, Boolean force) { EDT_ClipboardResult result = EDT_TabKey(context, forward, force); if (result != EDT_COP_OK) fe_editor_report_copy_error(context, result); } /* * Editor specific action handlers. */ static void fe_ActionWrongContextAlert(MWContext*, XtActionProc, String*, Cardinal*); #ifdef DEBUG #define FE_ACTION_ALERT(c, p, a, n) fe_ActionWrongContextAlert((c),(p),(a),(n)) #else #define FE_ACTION_ALERT(c, p, a, n) #endif #define FE_ACTION_VALIDATE(proc) \ if (!(context) || !EDT_IS_EDITOR(context)) { \ FE_ACTION_ALERT(context, (proc), av, ac); \ return; \ } #define FE_SYNTAX_ERROR(proc) fe_ActionSyntaxAlert(context, (proc), av, ac) /*=========================== ACTIONS =================================*/ static void fe_get_selected_text_rect(MWContext* context, LO_TextStruct* text, int32* rect_x, int32* rect_y, int32* rect_width, int32* rect_height) { PA_Block text_save = text->text; int len_save = text->text_len; LO_TextInfo info; text->text_len = text->sel_start; XFE_GetTextInfo(context, text, &info); *rect_x = text->x + text->x_offset + info.max_width; *rect_y = text->y + text->y_offset; text->text = (PA_Block)((char*)text->text + text->sel_start); text->text_len = text->sel_end - text->sel_start; XFE_GetTextInfo(context, text, &info); *rect_width = info.max_width; *rect_height = info.ascent + info.descent; text->text = text_save; text->text_len = len_save; } static Boolean fe_editor_selection_contains_point(MWContext* context, int32 x, int32 y) { int32 start_selection; int32 end_selection; LO_Element* start_element = NULL; LO_Element* end_element = NULL; LO_Element* lo_element; int32 rect_x; int32 rect_y; int32 rect_width; int32 rect_height; CL_Layer *layer; if (!EDT_IsSelected(context)) return FALSE; LO_GetSelectionEndpoints(context, &start_element, &end_element, &start_selection, &end_selection, &layer); if (start_element == NULL) return FALSE; for (lo_element = start_element; lo_element != NULL; lo_element = ((LO_Any *)lo_element)->next) { if (lo_element->type == LO_TEXT && (lo_element == start_element || lo_element == end_element)) { LO_TextStruct* text = (LO_TextStruct*)lo_element; if (text->text == NULL) { if (text->prev != NULL && text->prev->type == LO_TEXT) { text = (LO_TextStruct*)text->prev; } else { text = (LO_TextStruct*)text->next; } } if (text->text == NULL) continue; fe_get_selected_text_rect(context, text, &rect_x, &rect_y, &rect_width, &rect_height); } else if (lo_element->type == LO_LINEFEED) { continue; } else { LO_Any* lo_any = (LO_Any*)lo_element; rect_x = lo_any->x + lo_any->x_offset; rect_y = lo_any->y + lo_any->y_offset; rect_width = lo_any->width; rect_height = lo_any->height; } if (x > rect_x && y > rect_y && x < (rect_x + rect_width) && y < (rect_y + rect_height)) return TRUE; if (lo_element == end_element) break; } return FALSE; } Boolean fe_EditorSelectionContainsPoint(MWContext* context, int32 x, int32 y) { return fe_editor_selection_contains_point(context, x, y); } static char* fe_lo_image_anchor(LO_ImageStruct* image, long x, long y, MWContext* context) { if (image->is_icon && image->icon_number == IL_IMAGE_DELAYED) { /* delayed image */ long width, height; fe_IconSize(IL_IMAGE_DELAYED, &width, &height); if (image->alt && image->alt_len && (x > image->x + image->x_offset + 1 + 4 + width)) { if (image->anchor_href) { return (char *)image->anchor_href->anchor; } } /* else fall to end */ } /* * Internal editor image maybe? */ else if (image->is_icon && (image->icon_number == IL_EDIT_NAMED_ANCHOR || image->icon_number == IL_EDIT_FORM_ELEMENT || image->icon_number == IL_EDIT_UNSUPPORTED_TAG || image->icon_number == IL_EDIT_UNSUPPORTED_END_TAG)) { if (image->alt != NULL) return (char*)image->alt; else return ""; } /* * This would be a client-side usemap image. */ else if (image->image_attr->usemap_name != NULL) { LO_AnchorData *anchor_href; long ix = image->x + image->x_offset; long iy = image->y + image->y_offset; long mx = x - ix - image->border_width; long my = y - iy - image->border_width; anchor_href = LO_MapXYToAreaAnchor(context, (LO_ImageStruct *)image, mx, my); if (anchor_href) { return (char *)anchor_href->anchor; } /* else fall to end */ } else { /* some old random image */ if (image->anchor_href) { return (char *)image->anchor_href->anchor; } } return NULL; } static LO_Element* fe_editor_motion_action_last_le; static Boolean fe_editor_motion_action_last_le_is_image; static LO_Element* fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_le; static ED_HitType fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_type; static void fe_editor_motion_action(Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *av, Cardinal *ac) { MWContext* context = fe_MotionWidgetToMWContext(widget); LO_Element* le; LO_Element* leHit; ED_HitType iTableHit; unsigned long x, y; Cursor cursor = None; char* progress_string = NULL; char buf[80]; char num[32]; FE_ACTION_VALIDATE(fe_editor_motion_action); fe_EventLOCoords(context, event, &x, &y); /* get the doc co-ords */ /* NOTE: let's see if we're in table stuff first... */ iTableHit = EDT_GetTableHitRegion( context, x, y, &leHit, FALSE ); if ( iTableHit ) { if ((fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_type == iTableHit) && (fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_le == leHit)) { return; /* NOTE: no change... */ } fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_le = leHit; fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_type = iTableHit; switch ( iTableHit ) { case ED_HIT_SEL_TABLE: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SEL_TABLE:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->tab_sel_cursor; break; case ED_HIT_SEL_ALL_CELLS: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SEL_ALL_CELLS:\n"); #endif cursor = None; break; case ED_HIT_SEL_COL: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SEL_COL:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->col_sel_cursor; break; case ED_HIT_SEL_ROW: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SEL_ROW:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->row_sel_cursor; break; case ED_HIT_SEL_CELL: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SEL_CELL:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->cel_sel_cursor; break; #ifdef ED_HIT_SIZE_TABLE case ED_HIT_SIZE_TABLE: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SIZE_TABLE:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->resize_tab_cursor; break; #endif /* ED_HIT_SIZE_TABLE */ case ED_HIT_SIZE_COL: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_SIZE_COL:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->resize_col_cursor; break; case ED_HIT_ADD_ROWS: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_ADD_ROWS:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->add_row_cursor; break; case ED_HIT_ADD_COLS: #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "ED_HIT_ADD_COLS:\n"); #endif cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->add_col_cursor; break; default: /* NOTE: we shouldn't ever get here... */ #ifdef DEBUG_motion fprintf(stderr, "fe_editor_motion_action default: WARNING ***************\n"); #endif cursor = None; } } else { /* NOTE: let's check for the other elements... */ le = LO_XYToElement(context, (int32)x, (int32)y, NULL); if (le == fe_editor_motion_action_last_le && !fe_editor_motion_action_last_le_is_image && (fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_type == 0)) { return; /* NOTE: no change... */ } fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_le = NULL; fe_editor_motion_action_last_hit_type = 0; fe_editor_motion_action_last_le_is_image = FALSE; fe_editor_motion_action_last_le = le; if (le != NULL) { /* Are we over text? Special cursor */ if (le->type == LO_TEXT) { cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->editable_text_cursor; if (le->lo_text.anchor_href) { /* link */ progress_string = (char *)le->lo_text.anchor_href->anchor; } /* Over image, special progress */ } else { if (le->type == LO_IMAGE) { progress_string = fe_lo_image_anchor(&le->lo_image, /* link ? */ x, y, context); if (progress_string != NULL && progress_string[0] == '\0') progress_string = NULL; if (progress_string == NULL) { if (le->lo_image.image_url) { progress_string = (char*)le->lo_image.image_url; } else if (le->lo_image.lowres_image_url) { progress_string = (char*)le->lo_image.lowres_image_url; } if (progress_string != NULL) { sprintf(num, ",%d,%d", x - le->lo_image.x, y - le->lo_image.y); FE_CondenseURL(buf, progress_string, sizeof(buf) - 1 - strlen(num)); strcat(buf, num); progress_string = buf; fe_editor_motion_action_last_le_is_image = TRUE; } } } } } } if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->clicking_blocked || CONTEXT_DATA(context)->synchronous_url_dialog) { cursor = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->busy_cursor; } if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area) { XDefineCursor(XtDisplay(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), XtWindow(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), cursor); } if (progress_string == NULL) progress_string = ""; if (CONTEXT_DATA(context)->active_url_count == 0) { /* If there are transfers in progress, don't document the URL under the mouse, since that message would interfere with the transfer messages. Do change the cursor, however. */ fe_MidTruncatedProgress(context, progress_string); } } #define EA_PREFIX "editor-" static XtActionsRec fe_editor_actions [] = { { EA_PREFIX "motion", fe_editor_motion_action }, }; static void fe_ActionWrongContextAlert(MWContext* context, XtActionProc action_proc, String* av, Cardinal* ac) { char buf[1024]; char name[1024]; fe_action_name(name, fe_editor_actions, countof(fe_editor_actions), action_proc, av, ac); sprintf(buf, XP_GetString(XFE_ACTION_WRONG_CONTEXT), name); if (context) FE_Alert(context, buf); else fprintf(real_stderr, buf); } void fe_EditorInitActions() { XtAppAddActions(fe_XtAppContext, fe_editor_actions, countof(fe_editor_actions) ); } static void fe_EditURLCallback(const char* urlToOpen) { /* * Try to get editor first. XP_FindSomeContext() does not look for * editor context. */ MWContext *context = XP_FindContextOfType(NULL, MWContextEditor); if (!context) { context = XP_FindSomeContext(); } /* This shouldn't happen. */ if (!context) { XP_ASSERT(0); return; } /* * If urlToOpen is already being edited, this will just pop it to * front. */ fe_EditorEdit(context, NULL, NULL, (char*)urlToOpen); } void fe_EditorStaticInit() { EDTPLUG_RegisterEditURLCallback(&fe_EditURLCallback); } /* * Note: this routine is untested. It's called for dragging columns, * not for highlighting selected columns. */ void FE_DisplayAddRowOrColBorder(MWContext* context, XP_Rect *pRect, XP_Bool bErase) { XGCValues gcv; unsigned long gc_flags; GC gc; fe_Drawable *fe_drawable = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawable; #ifdef DEBUG_akkana printf("FE_DisplayAddRowOrColBorder\n"); #endif /* DEBUG_akkana */ if (bErase) { gc_flags = GCForeground /* | GCLineWidth */ | GCLineStyle; gcv.foreground = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->select_bg_pixel; } else { gc_flags = GCForeground /* | GCLineWidth */ | GCLineStyle; gcv.foreground = CONTEXT_DATA(context)->select_bg_pixel; gcv.line_style = LineOnOffDash; } /*gcv.line_width = iSelectionBorderThickness;*/ gc = fe_GetGCfromDW(fe_display, fe_drawable->xdrawable, gc_flags, &gcv, fe_drawable->clip_region); XDrawRectangle(fe_display, XtWindow(CONTEXT_DATA(context)->drawing_area), gc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->left - pRect->right, pRect->bottom - pRect->top); } void FE_DisplayEntireTableOrCell(MWContext* context, LO_Element* pLoElement) { LO_TableStruct* table; if (pLoElement->lo_any.type == LO_TABLE) { XFE_DisplayTable(context, 0, &(pLoElement->lo_table)); } else if (pLoElement->lo_any.type == LO_CELL) { XFE_DisplayCell(context, 0, &(pLoElement->lo_cell)); } else /* shouldn't happen */ { #ifdef DEBUG_akkana printf("FE_DisplayEntireTableOrCell() with type %d\n", pLoElement->lo_any.type); #endif /* DEBUG_akkana */ table = lo_GetParentTable(context, pLoElement); XFE_DisplayTable(context, 0, table); } } #endif /* EDITOR */