<close container="head"> <open container="META"> <leaf tag="META"> <attr key="http-equiv" value="Content-Type"/> <attr key="content" value="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> </leaf> <close container="head"> <open container="STYLE"> <leaf tag="STYLE"> <attr key=" PRE { background-image: url(gear1.gif); background-repeat: repeat; } " value="</style>"/> <content value=" PRE { background-image: url(gear1.gif); background-repeat: repeat; } "/> </leaf> <close container="head"> <open container="BODY"> <attr key="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"/> </open> <newline/> <open container="H1"> <text value="Example 2: HTML Images"/> <close container="H1"> <newline/> <open container="H2"> <text value="Images"/> <close container="H2"> <newline/> <open container="H3"> <text value="JPEGs:"/> <close container="H3"> <newline/> <open container="P"> <leaf tag="IMG"> <attr key="src" value="raptor.jpg"/> <attr key="align" value="left"/> </leaf> <text value="This is some text to show how a paragraph "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="would flow around an image. This is some text to show how a paragraph would "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="flow around an image. This is some text to show how a paragraph would flow around "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="an image. "/> <close container="P"> <newline/> <open container="P"> <text value="This is some text to show how a paragraph would flow around an image. This "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="is some text to show how a paragraph would flow around an image. This is some "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="text to show how a paragraph would flow around an image. This is some text to "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="show how a paragraph would flow around an image. This is some text to show how "/> <newline/> <text value=" "/> <text value="a paragraph would flow around an image. "/> <close container="P"> <newline/> <open container="H3"> <text value="Animated GIFs:"/> <close container="H3"> <newline/> <open container="H3"> <leaf tag="IMG"> <attr key="src" value="Anieyes.gif"/> <attr key="width" value="72"/> <attr key="height" value="37"/> </leaf> <close container="H3"> <newline/> <open container="H3"> <text value="Background Images:"/> <close container="H3"> <newline/> <open container="PRE"> <text value="This is a preformatted paragraph with a animated background image. "/> <newline/> <text value="This is a preformatted paragraph with a animated background image. "/> <newline/> <text value="This is a preformatted paragraph with a animated background image. "/> <newline/> <text value="This is a preformatted paragraph with a animated background image. "/> <newline/> <text value="This is a preformatted paragraph with a animated background image. "/> <newline/> <close container="PRE"> <newline/> <newline/> <newline/> <newline/> <close container="body"> <close container="html"> </begin>