/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Telephony. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * The Mozilla Foundation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Andreas Gal * Blake Kaplan * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const DEBUG = true; // set to false to suppress debug messages const WIFIWORKER_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/wifi/worker;1"; const WIFIWORKER_CID = Components.ID("{a14e8977-d259-433a-a88d-58dd44657e5b}"); const WIFIWORKER_WORKER = "resource://gre/modules/network_worker.js"; // A note about errors and error handling in this file: // The libraries that we use in this file are intended for C code. For // C code, it is natural to return -1 for errors and 0 for success. // Therefore, the code that interacts directly with the worker uses this // convention (note: command functions do get boolean results since the // command always succeeds and we do a string/boolean check for the // expected results). var WifiManager = (function() { var controlWorker = new ChromeWorker(WIFIWORKER_WORKER); var eventWorker = new ChromeWorker(WIFIWORKER_WORKER); // Callbacks to invoke when a reply arrives from the controlWorker. var controlCallbacks = Object.create(null); var idgen = 0; function controlMessage(obj, callback) { var id = idgen++; obj.id = id; if (callback) controlCallbacks[id] = callback; controlWorker.postMessage(obj); } function onerror(e) { // It is very important to call preventDefault on the event here. // If an exception is thrown on the worker, it bubbles out to the // component that created it. If that component doesn't have an // onerror handler, the worker will try to call the error reporter // on the context it was created on. However, That doesn't work // for component contexts and can result in crashes. This onerror // handler has to make sure that it calls preventDefault on the // incoming event. e.preventDefault(); var worker = (this === controlWorker) ? "control" : "event"; debug("Got an error from the " + worker + " worker: " + e.filename + ":" + e.lineno + ": " + e.message + "\n"); } controlWorker.onerror = onerror; eventWorker.onerror = onerror; controlWorker.onmessage = function(e) { var data = e.data; var id = data.id; var callback = controlCallbacks[id]; if (callback) { callback(data); delete controlCallbacks[id]; } }; // Polling the status worker var recvErrors = 0; eventWorker.onmessage = function(e) { // process the event and tell the event worker to listen for more events if (handleEvent(e.data.event)) waitForEvent(); }; function waitForEvent() { eventWorker.postMessage({ cmd: "wait_for_event" }); } // Commands to the control worker function voidControlMessage(cmd, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: cmd }, function (data) { callback(data.status); }); } function loadDriver(callback) { voidControlMessage("load_driver", callback); } function unloadDriver(callback) { voidControlMessage("unload_driver", callback); } function startSupplicant(callback) { voidControlMessage("start_supplicant", callback); } function stopSupplicant(callback) { voidControlMessage("stop_supplicant", callback); } function connectToSupplicant(callback) { voidControlMessage("connect_to_supplicant", callback); } function closeSupplicantConnection(callback) { voidControlMessage("close_supplicant_connection", callback); } function doCommand(request, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "command", request: request }, callback); } function doIntCommand(request, callback) { doCommand(request, function(data) { callback(data.status ? -1 : (data.reply|0)); }); } function doBooleanCommand(request, expected, callback) { doCommand(request, function(data) { callback(data.status ? false : (data.reply == expected)); }); } function doStringCommand(request, callback) { doCommand(request, function(data) { callback(data.status ? null : data.reply); }); } function listNetworksCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("LIST_NETWORKS", callback); } function addNetworkCommand(callback) { doIntCommand("ADD_NETWORK", callback); } function setNetworkVariableCommand(netId, name, value, callback) { doBooleanCommand("SET_NETWORK " + netId + " " + name + " " + value, "OK", callback); } function getNetworkVariableCommand(netId, name, callback) { doStringCommand("GET_NETWORK " + netId + " " + name, callback); } function removeNetworkCommand(netId, callback) { doBooleanCommand("REMOVE_NETWORK " + netId, callback); } function enableNetworkCommand(netId, disableOthers, callback) { doBooleanCommand((disableOthers ? "SELECT_NETWORK " : "ENABLE_NETWORK ") + netId, "OK", callback); } function disableNetworkCommand(netId, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DISABLE_NETWORK " + netId, "OK", callback); } function statusCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("STATUS", callback); } function pingCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("PING", "PONG", callback); } function scanResultsCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("SCAN_RESULTS", callback); } function disconnectCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("DISCONNECT", "OK", callback); } function reconnectCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("RECONNECT", "OK", callback); } function reassociateCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("REASSOCIATE", "OK", callback); } var scanModeActive = false; function doSetScanModeCommand(setActive, callback) { doBooleanCommand(setActive ? "DRIVER SCAN-ACTIVE" : "DRIVER SCAN-PASSIVE", "OK", callback); } function scanCommand(forceActive, callback) { if (forceActive && !scanModeActive) { doSetScanModeCommand(true, function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("SCAN", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doSetScanModeCommand(false, callback); }); }); return; } doBooleanCommand("SCAN", "OK", callback); } function setScanModeCommand(setActive, callback) { scanModeActive = setActive; doSetScanModeCommand(setActive, callback); } function startDriverCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER START", "OK"); } function stopDriverCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER STOP", "OK"); } function startPacketFiltering(callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-ADD 0", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-ADD 1", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-ADD 3", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-START", "OK", callback) }); }); }); } function stopPacketFiltering(callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-STOP", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-REMOVE 3", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-REMOVE 1", "OK", function(ok) { ok && doBooleanCommand("DRIVER RXFILTER-REMOVE 0", "OK", callback) }); }); }); } function doGetRssiCommand(cmd, callback) { doCommand(cmd, function(data) { var rssi = -200; if (!data.status) { // If we are associating, the reply is "OK". var reply = data.reply; if (reply != "OK") { // Format is: rssi XX". SSID can contain spaces. var offset = reply.lastIndexOf("rssi "); if (offset != -1) rssi = reply.substr(offset + 5) | 0; } } callback(rssi); }); } function getRssiCommand(callback) { doGetRssiCommand("DRIVER RSSI", callback); } function getRssiApproxCommand(callback) { doGetRssiCommand("DRIVER RSSI-APPROX", callback); } function getLinkSpeedCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("DRIVER LINKSPEED", function(reply) { if (reply) reply = reply.split()[1] | 0; // Format: LinkSpeed XX callback(reply); }); } function getMacAddressCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("DRIVER MACADDR", function(reply) { if (reply) reply = reply.split(" ")[2]; // Format: Macaddr = XX.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX callback(reply); }); } function setPowerModeCommand(mode, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER POWERMODE " + mode, "OK", callback); } function getPowerModeCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("DRIVER GETPOWER", function(reply) { if (reply) reply = (reply.split()[2]|0); // Format: powermode = XX callback(reply); }); } function setNumAllowedChannelsCommand(numChannels, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER SCAN-CHANNELS " + numChannels, "OK", callback); } function getNumAllowedChannelsCommand(callback) { doStringCommand("DRIVER SCAN-CHANNELS", function(reply) { if (reply) reply = (reply.split()[2]|0); // Format: Scan-Channels = X callback(reply); }); } function setBluetoothCoexistenceModeCommand(mode, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER BTCOEXMODE " + mode, "OK", callback); } function setBluetoothCoexistenceScanModeCommand(mode, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER BTCOEXSCAN-" + (mode ? "START" : "STOP"), "OK", callback); } function saveConfigCommand(callback) { // Make sure we never write out a value for AP_SCAN other than 1 doBooleanCommand("AP_SCAN 1", "OK", function(ok) { doBooleanCommand("SAVE_CONFIG", "OK", callback); }); } function reloadConfigCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("RECONFIGURE", "OK", callback); } function setScanResultHandlingCommand(mode, callback) { doBooleanCommand("AP_SCAN " + mode, "OK", callback); } function addToBlacklistCommand(bssid, callback) { doBooleanCommand("BLACKLIST " + bssid, "OK", callback); } function clearBlacklistCommand(callback) { doBooleanCommand("BLACKLIST clear", "OK", callback); } function setSuspendOptimizationsCommand(enabled, callback) { doBooleanCommand("DRIVER SETSUSPENDOPT " + (enabled ? 0 : 1), "OK", callback); } function getProperty(key, defaultValue, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "property_get", key: key, defaultValue: defaultValue }, function(data) { callback(data.status < 0 ? null : data.value); }); } function setProperty(key, value, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "property_set", key: key, value: value }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function enableInterface(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_enable", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function disableInterface(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_disable", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function addHostRoute(ifname, route, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_add_host_route", ifname: ifname, route: route }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function removeHostRoutes(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_remove_host_routes", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function setDefaultRoute(ifname, route, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_set_default_route", ifname: ifname, route: route }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function getDefaultRoute(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_get_default_route", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.route); }); } function removeDefaultRoute(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_remove_default_route", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function resetConnections(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_reset_connections", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function runDhcp(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "dhcp_do_request", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(data.status ? null : data); }); } function stopDhcp(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "dhcp_stop", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function releaseDhcpLease(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "dhcp_release_lease", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function getDhcpError(callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "dhcp_get_errmsg" }, function(data) { callback(data.error); }); } function configureInterface(ifname, ipaddr, mask, gateway, dns1, dns2, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "ifc_configure", ifname: ifname, ipaddr: ipaddr, mask: mask, gateway: gateway, dns1: dns1, dns2: dns2}, function(data) { callback(!data.status); }); } function runDhcpRenew(ifname, callback) { controlMessage({ cmd: "dhcp_do_request", ifname: ifname }, function(data) { callback(data.status ? null : data); }); } var manager = {}; function notify(eventName, eventObject) { var handler = manager["on" + eventName]; if (handler) { if (!eventObject) eventObject = ({}); handler.call(eventObject); } } function notifyStateChange(fields) { fields.prevState = manager.state; manager.state = fields.state; notify("statechange", fields); } function parseStatus(status, reconnected) { if (status === null) { debug("Unable to get wpa supplicant's status"); return; } var lines = status.split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { let [key, value] = lines[i].split("="); if (key === "wpa_state") { notifyStateChange({ state: value }); if (value === "COMPLETED") onconnected(reconnected); } } } // try to connect to the supplicant var connectTries = 0; var retryTimer = null; function connectCallback(ok) { if (ok === 0) { // Tell the event worker to start waiting for events. retryTimer = null; didConnectSupplicant(false, function(){}); return; } if (connectTries++ < 3) { // try again in 5 seconds if (!retryTimer) retryTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); retryTimer.initWithCallback(function(timer) { connectToSupplicant(connectCallback); }, 5000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return; } retryTimer = null; notify("supplicantlost"); } manager.start = function() { // If we reconnected to an already-running supplicant, then manager.state // will have already been updated to the supplicant's state. Otherwise, we // started the supplicant ourselves and need to connect. if (manager.state === "UNINITIALIZED") connectToSupplicant(connectCallback); } function dhcpAfterConnect() { runDhcp(manager.ifname, function (data) { if (!data) { debug("DHCP failed to run"); return; } setProperty("net.dns1", ipToString(data.dns1), function(ok) { if (!ok) { debug("Unable to set net.dns1"); return; } setProperty("net.dns2", ipToString(data.dns2), function(ok) { if (!ok) { debug("Unable to set net.dns2"); return; } getProperty("net.dnschange", "0", function(value) { if (value === null) { debug("Unable to get net.dnschange"); return; } setProperty("net.dnschange", String(Number(value) + 1), function(ok) { if (!ok) debug("Unable to set net.dnschange"); }); }); }); }); }); } function onconnected(reconnected) { if (!reconnected) { dhcpAfterConnect(); return; } // We're in the process of reconnecting to a pre-existing wpa_supplicant. // Check to see if there was already a DHCP process: getProperty("init.svc.dhcpcd_" + manager.ifname, "stopped", function(value) { if (value === "running") { return; } // Some phones use a different property name for the dhcpcd daemon. getProperty("init.svc.dhcpcd", "stopped", function(value) { if (value === "running") { return; } dhcpAfterConnect(); }); }); } var supplicantStatesMap = ["DISCONNECTED", "INACTIVE", "SCANNING", "ASSOCIATING", "ASSOCIATED", "FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE", "GROUP_HANDSHAKE", "COMPLETED", "DORMANT", "UNINITIALIZED"]; var driverEventMap = { STOPPED: "driverstopped", STARTED: "driverstarted", HANGED: "driverhung" }; // handle events sent to us by the event worker function handleEvent(event) { debug("Event coming in: " + event); if (event.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-") !== 0) { debug("Got weird event, possibly not doing anything."); if (event.indexOf("WPA:") == 0 && event.indexOf("pre-shared key may be incorrect") != -1) { notify("passwordmaybeincorrect"); } return true; } var space = event.indexOf(" "); var eventData = event.substr(0, space + 1); if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE") === 0) { // Parse the event data var fields = {}; var tokens = event.substr(space + 1).split(" "); for (var n = 0; n < tokens.length; ++n) { var kv = tokens[n].split("="); if (kv.length === 2) fields[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } if (!("state" in fields)) return true; fields.state = supplicantStatesMap[fields.state]; notifyStateChange(fields); return true; } if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-DRIVER-STATE") === 0) { var handlerName = driverEventMap[eventData]; if (handlerName) notify(handlerName); return true; } if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING") === 0) { // If the monitor socket is closed, we have already stopped the // supplicant and we can stop waiting for more events and // simply exit here (we don't have to notify). if (eventData.indexOf("connection closed") !== -1) return false; // As long we haven't seen too many recv errors yet, we // will keep going for a bit longer if (eventData.indexOf("recv error") !== -1 && ++recvErrors < 10) return true; notify("supplicantlost"); return false; } if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED") === 0) { notifyStateChange({ state: "DISCONNECTED" }); return true; } if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED") === 0) { // Format: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:1e:58:ec:d5:6d completed (reauth) [id=1 id_str=] var bssid = eventData.split(" ")[4]; var id = eventData.substr(eventData.indexOf("id=")).split(" ")[0]; notifyStateChange({ state: "CONNECTED", BSSID: bssid, id: id }); onconnected(false); return true; } if (eventData.indexOf("CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS") === 0) { debug("Notifying of scan results available"); notify("scanresultsavailable"); return true; } // unknown event return true; } const SUPP_PROP = "init.svc.wpa_supplicant"; function killSupplicant(callback) { // It is interesting to note that this function does exactly what // wifi_stop_supplicant does. Unforunately, on the Galaxy S2, Samsung // changed that function in a way that means that it doesn't recognize // wpa_supplicant as already running. Therefore, we have to roll our own // version here. var count = 0; var timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); function tick() { getProperty(SUPP_PROP, "stopped", function (result) { if (result === null) { callback(); return; } if (result === "stopped" || ++count >= 5) { // Either we succeeded or ran out of time. timer = null; callback(); return; } // Else it's still running, continue waiting. timer.initWithCallback(tick, 1000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }); } setProperty("ctl.stop", "wpa_supplicant", tick); } function didConnectSupplicant(reconnected, callback) { waitForEvent(); notify("supplicantconnection"); // Load up the supplicant state. statusCommand(function(status) { parseStatus(status, reconnected); callback(); }); } function prepareForStartup(callback) { // First, check to see if there's a wpa_supplicant running that we can // connect to. getProperty(SUPP_PROP, "stopped", function (value) { debug(SUPP_PROP + " was " + value); if (value !== "running") { stopDhcp(manager.ifname, function() { callback(false) }); return; } debug(SUPP_PROP + " was running, trying to connect"); // It's running, try to reconnect to it. connectToSupplicant(function (retval) { if (retval === 0) { // Successfully reconnected! Don't do anything else. debug("Successfully connected!"); // It is important that we call parseStatus (in // didConnectSupplicant) before calling the callback here. // Otherwise, WifiManager.start will reconnect to it. didConnectSupplicant(true, function() { callback(true) }); return; } debug("Didn't connect, trying other method."); stopDhcp(manager.ifname, function() { // Ignore any errors. killSupplicant(function() { callback(false); }); }); }); }); } // Initial state var airplaneMode = false; manager.state = "UNINITIALIZED"; // Public interface of the wifi service manager.setWifiEnabled = function(enable, callback) { var targetState = enable ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"; if (enable == targetState) return true; if (enable && airplaneMode) return false; if (enable) { // Kill any existing connections if necessary. getProperty("wifi.interface", "tiwlan0", function (ifname) { if (!ifname) { callback(-1); return; } manager.ifname = ifname; prepareForStartup(function(already_connected) { if (already_connected) { callback(0); return; } loadDriver(function (status) { if (status < 0) { callback(status); return; } startSupplicant(function (status) { if (status < 0) { callback(status); return; } enableInterface(ifname, function (ok) { callback(ok ? 0 : -1); }); }); }); }); }); } else { stopSupplicant(function (status) { if (ok < 0) { callback(-1); return; } disableInterface(manager.ifname, function (ok) { unloadDriver(callback); }); }); } } manager.disconnect = disconnectCommand; manager.reconnect = reconnectCommand; manager.reassociate = reassociateCommand; var networkConfigurationFields = ["ssid", "bssid", "psk", "wep_key0", "wep_key1", "wep_key2", "wep_key3", "wep_tx_keyidx", "priority", "key_mgmt", "scan_ssid", "disabled"]; manager.getNetworkConfiguration = function(config, callback) { var netId = config.netId; var done = 0; for (var n = 0; n < networkConfigurationFields.length; ++n) { var fieldName = networkConfigurationFields[n]; getNetworkVariableCommand(netId, fieldName, function(value) { config[fieldName] = value; if (++done == networkConfigurationFields.length) callback(config); }); } } manager.setNetworkConfiguration = function(config, callback) { var netId = config.netId; var done = 0; var errors = 0; for (var n = 0; n < networkConfigurationFields.length; ++n) { var fieldName = networkConfigurationFields[n]; if (!(fieldName in config)) { ++done; } else { setNetworkVariableCommand(netId, fieldName, config[fieldName], function(ok) { if (!ok) ++errors; if (++done == networkConfigurationFields.length) callback(errors == 0); }); } } // If config didn't contain any of the fields we want, don't lose the error callback if (done == networkConfigurationFields.length) callback(false); } manager.getConfiguredNetworks = function(callback) { listNetworksCommand(function (reply) { var networks = {}; var done = 0; var errors = 0; var lines = reply.split("\n"); for (var n = 1; n < lines.length; ++n) { var result = lines[n].split("\t"); var netId = result[0]; var config = networks[netId] = { netId: netId }; switch (result[3]) { case "[CURRENT]": config.status = "CURRENT"; break; case "[DISABLED]": config.status = "DISABLED"; break; default: config.status = "ENABLED"; break; } manager.getNetworkConfiguration(config, function (ok) { if (!ok) ++errors; if (++done == lines.length - 1) { if (errors) { // If an error occured, delete the new netId removeNetworkCommand(netId, function() { callback(null); }); } else { callback(networks); } } }); } }); } manager.addNetwork = function(config, callback) { addNetworkCommand(function (netId) { config.netId = netId; manager.setNetworkConfiguration(config, callback); }); } manager.updateNetwork = function(config, callback) { manager.setNetworkConfiguration(config, callback); } manager.removeNetwork = function(netId, callback) { removeNetworkCommand(netId, callback); } function ipToString(n) { return String((n >> 0) & 0xFF) + "." + ((n >> 8) & 0xFF) + "." + ((n >> 16) & 0xFF) + "." + ((n >> 24) & 0xFF); } manager.enableNetwork = function(netId, disableOthers, callback) { enableNetworkCommand(netId, disableOthers, callback); } manager.disableNetwork = function(netId, callback) { disableNetworkCommand(netId, callback); } manager.getMacAddress = getMacAddressCommand; manager.getScanResults = scanResultsCommand; manager.setScanMode = function(mode, callback) { setScanModeCommand(mode === "active", callback); } manager.scan = scanCommand; return manager; })(); function WifiNetwork(ssid, bssid, flags, signal) { this.ssid = ssid; this.bssid = bssid; this.flags = flags; this.signal = Number(signal); } WifiNetwork.prototype.QueryInterface = XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWifiNetwork]); function nsWifiWorker() { WifiManager.onsupplicantconnection = function() { debug("Connected to supplicant"); WifiManager.getMacAddress(function (mac) { debug("Got mac: " + mac); }); connectToMozilla(); } WifiManager.onsupplicantlost = function() { debug("Couldn't connect to supplicant"); } var self = this; this.networks = Object.create(null); WifiManager.onstatechange = function() { debug("State change: " + this.prevState + " -> " + this.state); } function connectToMozilla() { // We're not trying to connect so try to find an open Mozilla network. // TODO Don't do this for pre-existing networks. // TODO Remove me in favor of UI and a way to select a network. debug("Haven't connected to a network, trying a default (for now)"); var configs = [ { "ssid": '"mozilla demo"', "key_mgmt": "NONE", "scan_ssid": 1, "disabled": 0 }, { "ssid": '"Mozilla"', "key_mgmt": "NONE", "disabled": 0 }, { "ssid": '"Mozilla Guest"', "key_mgmt": "NONE", "scan_ssid": 1, "disabled": 0 }, ]; var i = 0; function addThem() { WifiManager.addNetwork(configs[i++], function(ok) { if (!ok) { debug("Unable to add the network!"); return; } if (i < configs.length) { addThem(); return; } // Some drivers might not automatically start scanning. In that case, // we need to give them a hint. WifiManager.scan(false, function(){}); }); } addThem(); } WifiManager.onscanresultsavailable = function() { debug("Scan results are available! Asking for them."); WifiManager.getScanResults(function(r) { // Now that we have scan results, there's no more need to continue // scanning. Ignore any errors from this command. WifiManager.setScanMode("inactive", function() {}); let lines = r.split("\n"); // NB: Skip the header line. for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; ++i) { // bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid var match = /([\S]+)\s+([\S]+)\s+([\S]+)\s+(\[[\S]+\])?\s+(.*)/.exec(lines[i]); // TODO Choose bssid based on strength? if (match && match[5]) self.networks[match[5]] = new WifiNetwork(match[5], match[1], match[4], match[3]); else if (!match) debug("Match didn't find anything for: " + lines[i]); } if (self.wantScanResults) { self.wantScanResults(); } }); } WifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true, function (ok) { if (ok === 0) WifiManager.start(); else debug("Couldn't start Wifi"); }); debug("Wifi starting"); } nsWifiWorker.prototype = { classID: WIFIWORKER_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: WIFIWORKER_CID, contractID: WIFIWORKER_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "WifiWorker", interfaces: [Ci.nsIWorkerHolder, Ci.nsIWifi]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWorkerHolder, Ci.nsIWifi]), // Internal methods. waitForScan: function(callback) { if (this.wantScanResults) { var older = this.wantScanResults; this.wantScanResults = function() { callback(); older(); }; } else { this.wantScanResults = callback; } }, // nsIWifi setWifiEnabled: function(enable) { WifiManager.setWifiEnabled(enable, function (ok) { debug(ok); }); }, // This is a bit ugly, but works. In particular, this depends on the fact // that RadioManager never actually tries to get the worker from us. get worker() { throw "Not implemented"; }, shutdown: function() { this.setWifiEnabled(false); } }; const NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([nsWifiWorker]); let debug; if (DEBUG) { debug = function (s) { dump("-*- nsWifiWorker component: " + s + "\n"); }; } else { debug = function (s) {}; }