/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-object-element * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#HTMLObjectElement-partial * * © Copyright 2004-2011 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and * Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce * and create derivative works of this document. */ // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-object-element [HTMLConstructor, NeedResolve] interface HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement { [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString data; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString type; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute boolean typeMustMatch; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString name; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString useMap; [Pure] readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString width; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString height; // Not pure: can trigger about:blank instantiation [NeedsSubjectPrincipal] readonly attribute Document? contentDocument; // Not pure: can trigger about:blank instantiation [NeedsSubjectPrincipal] readonly attribute WindowProxy? contentWindow; readonly attribute boolean willValidate; readonly attribute ValidityState validity; [Throws] readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage; boolean checkValidity(); boolean reportValidity(); void setCustomValidity(DOMString error); }; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#HTMLObjectElement-partial partial interface HTMLObjectElement { [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString align; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString archive; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString code; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute boolean declare; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute unsigned long hspace; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString standby; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute unsigned long vspace; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString codeBase; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString codeType; [CEReactions, TreatNullAs=EmptyString, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute DOMString border; }; partial interface HTMLObjectElement { // GetSVGDocument [NeedsSubjectPrincipal] Document? getSVGDocument(); }; [NoInterfaceObject] interface MozObjectLoadingContent { // Mirrored chrome-only scriptable nsIObjectLoadingContent methods. Please // make sure to update this list if nsIObjectLoadingContent changes. Also, // make sure everything on here is [ChromeOnly]. [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_LOADING = 0; [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_IMAGE = 1; [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_PLUGIN = 2; [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_FAKE_PLUGIN = 3; [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_DOCUMENT = 4; [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long TYPE_NULL = 5; // The content type is not supported (e.g. plugin not installed) [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_UNSUPPORTED = 0; // Showing alternate content [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_ALTERNATE = 1; // The plugin exists, but is disabled [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_DISABLED = 2; // The plugin is blocklisted and disabled [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED = 3; // The plugin is considered outdated, but not disabled [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_OUTDATED = 4; // The plugin has crashed [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_CRASHED = 5; // Suppressed by security policy [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_SUPPRESSED = 6; // Blocked by content policy [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_USER_DISABLED = 7; /// ** All values >= PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY are plugin placeholder types that /// would be replaced by a real plugin if activated (playPlugin()) /// ** Furthermore, values >= PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY and /// <= PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE are click-to-play types. // The plugin is disabled until the user clicks on it [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY = 8; // The plugin is vulnerable (update available) [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE = 9; // The plugin is vulnerable (no update available) [ChromeOnly] const unsigned long PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE = 10; /** * The actual mime type (the one we got back from the network * request) for the element. */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString actualType; /** * Gets the type of the content that's currently loaded. See * the constants above for the list of possible values. */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute unsigned long displayedType; /** * Gets the content type that corresponds to the give MIME type. See the * constants above for the list of possible values. If nothing else fits, * TYPE_NULL will be returned. */ [ChromeOnly] unsigned long getContentTypeForMIMEType(DOMString aMimeType); [ChromeOnly] sequence getPluginAttributes(); [ChromeOnly] sequence getPluginParameters(); /** * This method will play a plugin that has been stopped by the click-to-play * feature. */ [ChromeOnly, Throws, NeedsCallerType] void playPlugin(); /** * Forces a re-evaluation and reload of the tag, optionally invalidating its * click-to-play state. This can be used when the MIME type that provides a * type has changed, for instance, to force the tag to re-evalulate the * handler to use. */ [ChromeOnly, Throws] void reload(boolean aClearActivation); /** * This attribute will return true if the current content type has been * activated, either explicitly or by passing checks that would have it be * click-to-play. */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean activated; /** * The URL of the data/src loaded in the object. This may be null (i.e. * an with no src). */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute URI? srcURI; [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute unsigned long defaultFallbackType; [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute unsigned long pluginFallbackType; /** * If this object currently owns a running plugin, regardless of whether or * not one is pending spawn/despawn. */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean hasRunningPlugin; /** * Disable the use of fake plugins and reload the tag if necessary */ [ChromeOnly, Throws] void skipFakePlugins(); [ChromeOnly, Throws, NeedsCallerType] readonly attribute unsigned long runID; }; /** * Name:Value pair type used for passing parameters to NPAPI or javascript * plugins. */ dictionary MozPluginParameter { DOMString name = ""; DOMString value = ""; }; HTMLObjectElement implements MozImageLoadingContent; HTMLObjectElement implements MozFrameLoaderOwner; HTMLObjectElement implements MozObjectLoadingContent;