/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ #include "BasicTableLayoutStrategy.h" #include "nsTableFrame.h" #include "nsTableColFrame.h" #include "nsTableCellFrame.h" #include "nsIStyleContext.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsVoidArray.h" #include "nsIPtr.h" #include "nsHTMLIIDs.h" NS_DEF_PTR(nsIStyleContext); #ifdef NS_DEBUG static PRBool gsDebug = PR_FALSE; #else static const PRBool gsDebug = PR_FALSE; #endif const nscoord gBigSpace = 100000; // a fudge constant used when the table is laid out with unconstrained width /* ---------- ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct ---------- */ // TODO: make public so other subclasses can use it /** useful info about a column for layout of tables with colspans */ struct ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct { ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(PRInt32 aColIndex, nscoord aMinColWidth, nscoord aMaxColWidth, PRInt32 aProportion) { mColIndex = aColIndex; mMinColWidth = aMinColWidth; mMaxColWidth = aMaxColWidth; mProportion = aProportion; }; PRInt32 mColIndex; nscoord mMinColWidth; nscoord mMaxColWidth; PRInt32 mProportion; }; /* ---------- ColSpanStruct ---------- */ /** useful info about a column for layout of tables with colspans */ struct ColSpanStruct { PRInt32 colIndex; PRInt32 colSpan; nscoord width; ColSpanStruct(PRInt32 aSpan, PRInt32 aIndex, nscoord aWidth) { colSpan = aSpan; colIndex = aIndex; width = aWidth; } }; /* ---------- BasicTableLayoutStrategy ---------- */ /* return true if the style indicates that the width is fixed * for the purposes of column width determination */ inline PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::IsFixedWidth(const nsStylePosition* aStylePosition, const nsStyleTable* aStyleTable) { return PRBool ((eStyleUnit_Coord==aStylePosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) || (eStyleUnit_Coord==aStyleTable->mSpanWidth.GetUnit())); } BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BasicTableLayoutStrategy(nsTableFrame *aFrame) { NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=aFrame, "bad frame arg"); mTableFrame = aFrame; mMinTableWidth=0; mMaxTableWidth=0; mFixedTableWidth=0; } BasicTableLayoutStrategy::~BasicTableLayoutStrategy() { } PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::Initialize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize, PRInt32 aNumCols) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG nsIFrame *tablePIF=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetPrevInFlow(tablePIF); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull==tablePIF, "never ever call me on a continuing frame!"); #endif PRBool result = PR_TRUE; // re-init instance variables mNumCols = aNumCols; mMinTableWidth=0; mMaxTableWidth=0; mFixedTableWidth=0; mCols = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveCOLSAttribute(); // Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths(); // set aMaxElementSize here because we compute mMinTableWidth in AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths if (nsnull!=aMaxElementSize) { SetMaxElementSize(aMaxElementSize); } return result; } void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::SetMaxElementSize(nsSize* aMaxElementSize) { if (nsnull!=aMaxElementSize) { aMaxElementSize->height = 0; nsMargin borderPadding; const nsStylePosition* tablePosition; const nsStyleSpacing* tableSpacing; mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)tablePosition)); mTableFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing , ((const nsStyleStruct *&)tableSpacing)); mTableFrame->GetTableBorder(borderPadding); nsMargin padding; tableSpacing->GetPadding(padding); borderPadding += padding; if (tablePosition->mWidth.GetUnit()==eStyleUnit_Coord) { aMaxElementSize->width = tablePosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue(); aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, mMinTableWidth); //XXX: need to factor in borderpadding here! } else { aMaxElementSize->width = mMinTableWidth + borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right; } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("%p BTLS::Init setting aMaxElementSize->width = %d\n", mTableFrame, aMaxElementSize->width); } } PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnWidths(nsIStyleContext *aTableStyle, const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nscoord aMaxWidth) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG nsIFrame *tablePIF=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetPrevInFlow(tablePIF); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull==tablePIF, "never ever call me on a continuing frame!"); #endif PRBool result; NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=aTableStyle, "bad arg"); if (nsnull==aTableStyle) return PR_FALSE; nscoord specifiedTableWidth = 0; // not cached as a data member because it can vary depending on aMaxWidth PRBool tableIsAutoWidth = nsTableFrame::TableIsAutoWidth(mTableFrame, aTableStyle, aReflowState, specifiedTableWidth); // HACK! Fix TableIsAutoWidth to return the right width if (specifiedTableWidth>aMaxWidth) specifiedTableWidth = aMaxWidth; if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE==specifiedTableWidth) { specifiedTableWidth=0; tableIsAutoWidth=PR_TRUE; } // Step 2 - determine how much space is really available nscoord availWidth = aMaxWidth; // start with the max width I've been given if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE!=availWidth) // if that's not infinite, subtract the fixed columns availWidth -= mFixedTableWidth; // that have already been accounted for if (PR_FALSE==tableIsAutoWidth) // if the table has a specified width availWidth = specifiedTableWidth - mFixedTableWidth; // use it, minus the fixed columns already accounted for //if (0!=mMinTableWidth && mMinTableWidth>availWidth) // if the computed available size is too small //availWidth = mMinTableWidth; // bump it up to the min if (0>availWidth) // avail width can never be negative availWidth=0; // Step 3 - assign the width of all proportional-width columns in the remaining space if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) { printf ("BalanceColumnWidths with aMaxWidth = %d, availWidth = %d\n", aMaxWidth, availWidth); printf ("\t\t specifiedTW = %d, min/maxTW = %d %d\n", specifiedTableWidth, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth); printf ("\t\t reflow reason = %d\n", aReflowState.reason); } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) { printf("\n%p: BEGIN BALANCE COLUMN WIDTHS\n", mTableFrame); for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i)); printf("\n"); } result = BalanceProportionalColumns(aReflowState, availWidth, aMaxWidth, specifiedTableWidth, tableIsAutoWidth); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) { printf("\n%p: END BALANCE COLUMN WIDTHS\n", mTableFrame); for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i)); printf("\n"); } #ifdef NS_DEBUG // sanity check for table column widths for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnFrame(i, colFrame); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); nscoord assignedColWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i); NS_ASSERTION(assignedColWidth >= minColWidth, "illegal width assignment"); } #endif return result; } // Step 1 - assign the width of all fixed-width columns, all other columns get there max, // and calculate min/max table width PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths() { if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("** %p: AssignPreliminaryColumnWidths **\n", mTableFrame); nsVoidArray *spanList=nsnull; nsVoidArray *colSpanList=nsnull; PRBool hasColsAttribute = (PRBool)(NS_STYLE_TABLE_COLS_NONE!=mCols); PRInt32 *minColWidthArray = nsnull; // used for computing the effect of COLS attribute PRInt32 *maxColWidthArray = nsnull; // used for computing the effect of COLS attribute if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { minColWidthArray = new PRInt32[mNumCols]; maxColWidthArray = new PRInt32[mNumCols]; } nscoord cellPadding=mTableFrame->GetCellPadding(); if (gsDebug) printf ("table cell padding = %d\n", cellPadding); PRInt32 numRows = mTableFrame->GetRowCount(); PRInt32 colIndex, rowIndex; // for every column, determine it's min and max width, and keep track of the table width for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); if (gsDebug) printf("BTLS::APCW - got colFrame %p for colIndex %d\n", colFrame, colIndex); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame"); // Get the columns's style const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); const nsStyleTable* colTableStyle; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Table, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colTableStyle); // Get fixed column width if it has one if (eStyleUnit_Coord==colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { haveColWidth = PR_TRUE; specifiedFixedColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue(); specifiedFixedColWidth += (cellPadding*2); if (gsDebug) printf("BTLS::APCW - got specified col width = %d\n", specifiedFixedColWidth); } /* Scan the column, simulatneously assigning column widths * and computing the min/max column widths */ PRInt32 firstRowIndex = -1; PRInt32 maxColSpan = 1; PRBool cellGrantingWidth=PR_TRUE; for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndexGetCellFrameAt(rowIndex, colIndex); if (nsnull==cellFrame) { // there is no cell in this row that corresponds to this column continue; } if (-1==firstRowIndex) firstRowIndex = rowIndex; PRInt32 cellRowIndex; cellFrame->GetRowIndex(cellRowIndex); if (rowIndex!=cellRowIndex) { // For cells that span rows, we only figure it in once NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetRowSpan(), "row index does not match row span"); // sanity check continue; } PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame); if (colSpan>maxColSpan) maxColSpan = colSpan; PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (colIndex!=cellColIndex) { // For cells that span cols, we figure in the row using previously-built SpanInfo NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetColSpan(), "col index does not match col span"); // sanity check continue; } nsSize cellMinSize = cellFrame->GetPass1MaxElementSize(); nsSize cellDesiredSize = cellFrame->GetPass1DesiredSize(); nscoord cellDesiredWidth = cellDesiredSize.width; nscoord cellMinWidth = cellMinSize.width; if (1==colSpan) { if (0==minColContentWidth) minColContentWidth = cellMinWidth; else minColContentWidth = PR_MAX(minColContentWidth, cellMinWidth); } else minColContentWidth = PR_MAX(minColContentWidth, cellMinWidth/colSpan); // no need to divide this proportionately if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for cell %d with colspan=%d, min = %d,%d and des = %d,%d\n", rowIndex, colSpan, cellMinSize.width, cellMinSize.height, cellDesiredSize.width, cellDesiredSize.height); if (PR_TRUE==haveColWidth) { /* This col has a specified coord fixed width, so set the min and max width to the larger of (specified width, largest max_element_size of the cells in the column) factoring in the min width of the prior cells (stored in minColWidth) */ nscoord widthForThisCell = specifiedFixedColWidth; if (0==specifiedFixedColWidth) // set to min specifiedFixedColWidth = cellMinWidth; widthForThisCell = PR_MAX(widthForThisCell, effectiveMinColumnWidth); if (1==colSpan) widthForThisCell = PR_MAX(widthForThisCell, cellMinWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, widthForThisCell); maxColWidth = widthForThisCell; minColWidth = PR_MAX(minColWidth, cellMinWidth); if (1==colSpan) { effectiveMaxColumnWidth = PR_MAX(effectiveMaxColumnWidth, widthForThisCell); if (0==effectiveMinColumnWidth) effectiveMinColumnWidth = cellMinWidth;//widthForThisCell; else //effectiveMinColumnWidth = PR_MIN(effectiveMinColumnWidth, widthForThisCell); //above line works for most tables, but it can't be right effectiveMinColumnWidth = PR_MAX(effectiveMinColumnWidth, cellMinWidth); //above line seems right and works for xT1, but breaks lots of other tables. } } else { if (maxColWidth < cellDesiredWidth) maxColWidth = cellDesiredWidth; if ((1==colSpan) && (effectiveMaxColumnWidth < cellDesiredWidth)) effectiveMaxColumnWidth = cellDesiredWidth; if (minColWidth < cellMinWidth) minColWidth = cellMinWidth; // effectiveMinColumnWidth is the min width as if no cells with colspans existed if ((1==colSpan) && (effectiveMinColumnWidth < cellMinWidth)) effectiveMinColumnWidth = cellMinWidth; } if (1GetColumnFrame(i+colIndex, cf); const nsStylePosition* colPos; cf->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPos); if (colPos->mWidth.GetUnit() != eStyleUnit_Auto && (nsTableColFrame::eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL_WITH_SPAN!=cf->GetWidthSource())) { okToAdd = PR_FALSE; break; } } } nscoord width = cellDesiredSize.width; // used below as the cell's "natural" width if (eStyleUnit_Coord==colTableStyle->mSpanWidth.GetUnit()) width = colSpan*colTableStyle->mSpanWidth.GetCoordValue(); // "colSpan*" because table frame divided per column spanned if (PR_TRUE==okToAdd) { nscoord colwidth=PR_MAX(width, cellMinWidth); ColSpanStruct *colSpanInfo = new ColSpanStruct(colSpan, colIndex, colwidth); if (nsnull==colSpanList) colSpanList = new nsVoidArray(); colSpanList->AppendElement(colSpanInfo); } if (PR_TRUE==cellGrantingWidth) { // add the cell to our list of spanning cells SpanInfo *spanInfo = new SpanInfo(colIndex, colSpan, cellMinWidth, width); if (nsnull==spanList) spanList = new nsVoidArray(); spanList->AppendElement(spanInfo); } } //bookkeeping: is this the cell that gave the column it's fixed width attribute? // must be done after "haveColWidth && cellGrantingWidth" used above /* since we want the biggest, I don't think this is valid anymore it made sense when the rule was to grab the first cell that contributed a width */ /* if (PR_TRUE==cellGrantingWidth) { const nsStylePosition* cellPosition; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct *&)cellPosition); if (eStyleUnit_Coord == cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) cellGrantingWidth=PR_FALSE; //I've found the cell that gave the col it's width } */ // book 'em, Danno if (gsDebug) { printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n", rowIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth); } } // end rowIndex for loop // adjust the "fixed" width for content that is too wide if (effectiveMinColumnWidth>specifiedFixedColWidth) specifiedFixedColWidth=effectiveMinColumnWidth; // do all the global bookkeeping, factoring in margins nscoord colInset = mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX(); // keep a running total of the amount of space taken up by all fixed-width columns if ((PR_TRUE==haveColWidth) && (nsTableColFrame::eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL==colFrame->GetWidthSource())) { mFixedTableWidth += specifiedFixedColWidth + colInset; if (0==colIndex) mFixedTableWidth += colInset; if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("setting mFixedTableWidth=%d\n", mFixedTableWidth); } // cache the computed column info colFrame->SetMinColWidth(effectiveMinColumnWidth); colFrame->SetMaxColWidth(effectiveMaxColumnWidth); colFrame->SetEffectiveMinColWidth(effectiveMinColumnWidth); colFrame->SetEffectiveMaxColWidth(effectiveMaxColumnWidth); // this is the default, the real adjustment happens below where we deal with colspans colFrame->SetAdjustedMinColWidth(effectiveMinColumnWidth); if ((PR_TRUE==haveColWidth) && (nsTableColFrame::eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL_WITH_SPAN!=colFrame->GetWidthSource())) mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, specifiedFixedColWidth); else mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, effectiveMaxColumnWidth); if (gsDebug) printf ("col %d, set col width to = %d\n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { minColWidthArray[colIndex] = minColWidth; maxColWidthArray[colIndex] = maxColWidth; } if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("after col %d, minColWidth=%d effectiveMinColumnWidth=%d\n\teffectiveMaxColumnWidth = %d\n", colIndex, minColWidth, effectiveMinColumnWidth, effectiveMaxColumnWidth); } // now, post-process the computed values based on the table attributes // first, factor in max values of spanning cells proportionately. // We can't do this above in the first loop, because we don't have enough information // to determine the proportion each column gets from spanners. if (nsnull!=spanList) { // we only want to do this if there are auto-cells involved // or if we have columns that are provisionally fixed-width with colspans PRInt32 numAutoColumns=0; PRInt32 *autoColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Auto, numAutoColumns, autoColumns); // for every column, handle spanning cells that impact that column for (PRInt32 colIndex=0; colIndexCount(); // go through the list backwards so we can delete easily for (PRInt32 spanIndex=spanCount-1; 0<=spanIndex; spanIndex--) { // get each spanInfo struct and see if it impacts this column SpanInfo *spanInfo = (SpanInfo *)(spanList->ElementAt(spanIndex)); // if the spanInfo is about a column before the current column, it effects // the current column (otherwise it would have already been deleted.) if (spanInfo->initialColIndex <= colIndex) { if (-1==spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols) { // if we have not yet computed effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols, do it now // first, initialize the sums spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols=0; spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols=0; // then compute the sums for (PRInt32 span=0; spaninitialColSpan; span++) { nsTableColFrame *nextColFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colIndex+span); if (nsnull==nextColFrame) break; spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); } if (gsDebug) printf("effective min total = %d, max total = %d\n", spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols, spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); } nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colIndex); nscoord colMinWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column min width // this is the "adjusted" column width, used in SetTableToMinWidth nscoord spanCellMinWidth; if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols) { float percent = ((float)(colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth())) / ((float)(spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols)); spanCellMinWidth = NSToCoordRound(((float)(spanInfo->cellMinWidth)) * percent); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("spanCellMinWidth portion = %d from percent=%f, cellMW=%d, effMinColW=%d, sum=%d\n", spanCellMinWidth, percent, spanInfo->cellMinWidth, colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(), spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols); if (colMinWidth < spanCellMinWidth) colFrame->SetAdjustedMinColWidth(spanCellMinWidth); // set the new min width for the col } else { spanCellMinWidth = spanInfo->cellMinWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; if (colMinWidth < spanCellMinWidth) { colFrame->SetAdjustedMinColWidth(spanCellMinWidth); } } // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column max width nscoord colMaxWidth = colFrame->GetMaxColWidth(); nscoord spanCellMaxWidth; if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols) { float percent = ((float)(colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth())) / ((float)(spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols)); spanCellMaxWidth = NSToCoordRound(((float)(spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth)) * percent); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf ("spanCellMaxWidth portion = %d with percent = %f from cellDW = %d, effMaxColW=%d and sum=%d\n", spanCellMaxWidth, percent, spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth, colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(), spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (colMaxWidth < spanCellMaxWidth) { // make sure we're at least as big as our min spanCellMaxWidth = PR_MAX(spanCellMaxWidth, colMinWidth); colFrame->SetMaxColWidth(spanCellMaxWidth); // set the new max width for the col mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); // set the column to the new desired max width if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) { printf ("for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, old max = %d, new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, colMaxWidth, spanCellMaxWidth); } } } else { spanCellMaxWidth = spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); spanCellMaxWidth = PR_MAX(spanCellMaxWidth, minColWidth); colFrame->SetMaxColWidth(spanCellMaxWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, old max = %d, new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, colMaxWidth, spanCellMaxWidth); } spanInfo->span--; if (0==spanInfo->span) { spanList->RemoveElementAt(spanIndex); delete spanInfo; } // begin code that respects column width attribute /* the code below checks to see if the column has a width attribute (either it's own or a cell's) * if so, if it fits within the constraints we computed above, we use it. * why go through all that pain above, then? because the given width attribute might not * be rational. So we need to act as if it doesn't exist and then fit it in if it makes sense. * a shortcut that checks for a column width attribute and skips the above computations * would not work without lots of extra computation that would lead you down the same path anyway. */ const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); // Get fixed column width if it has one if (eStyleUnit_Coord==colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { if (nsTableColFrame::eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL_WITH_SPAN!=colFrame->GetWidthSource()) { nscoord specifiedFixedColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue(); specifiedFixedColWidth += (cellPadding*2); if (specifiedFixedColWidth>=colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth()) { mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, specifiedFixedColWidth); colFrame->SetMaxColWidth(specifiedFixedColWidth); } } } // end code that respects column width attribute } } } } // now set the min and max table widths SetMinAndMaxTableWidths(); // then, handle the COLS attribute (equal column widths) // if there is a COLS attribute, fix up mMinTableWidth and mMaxTableWidth if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { if (gsDebug) printf("has COLS attribute = %d\n", mCols); // for every effected column, subtract out its prior contribution and add back in the new value PRInt32 numColsEffected = mNumCols; if (NS_STYLE_TABLE_COLS_ALL!=mCols) numColsEffected = mCols; PRInt32 maxOfMinColWidths=0; PRInt32 maxOfMaxColWidths=0; PRInt32 effectedColIndex; for (effectedColIndex=0; effectedColIndexGetColumnFrame(effectedColIndex, colFrame); colFrame->SetMaxColWidth(maxOfMaxColWidths); // cache the new column max width (min width is uneffected) colFrame->SetEffectiveMaxColWidth(maxOfMaxColWidths); if (gsDebug) printf ("col %d now has max col width %d\n", effectedColIndex, maxOfMaxColWidths); } delete [] minColWidthArray; delete [] maxColWidthArray; } if (nsnull!=colSpanList) DistributeFixedSpace(colSpanList); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("%p: aMinTW=%d, aMaxTW=%d\n", mTableFrame, mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth); // clean up if (nsnull!=spanList) { if (gsDebug) printf("BTLS::APCW...space leak, span list not empty\n"); delete spanList; } if (nsnull!=colSpanList) { PRInt32 colSpanListCount = colSpanList->Count(); for (PRInt32 i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (nsnull!=colSpanInfo) delete colSpanInfo; } delete colSpanList; } return PR_TRUE; } void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::SetMinAndMaxTableWidths() { if (gsDebug) printf("SetMinAndMaxTableWidths\n"); PRInt32 colIndex, rowIndex; PRInt32 numRows = mTableFrame->GetRowCount(); nscoord colInset = mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX(); for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndexGetCellFrameAt(rowIndex, colIndex); rowMinWidth += colInset; rowMaxWidth += colInset; if (nsnull==cellFrame) { // there is no cell in this row that corresponds to this column if (gsDebug) printf(" col %d skipped because there is no cell\n", colIndex); continue; } PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (colIndex!=cellColIndex) { // For cells that span cols, we figured in the cell the first time we saw it if (gsDebug) printf(" col %d skipped because it has colspan so we've already added it in\n", colIndex); continue; } nsTableColFrame *colFrame = mTableFrame->GetColFrame(colIndex); nsSize cellMinSize = cellFrame->GetPass1MaxElementSize(); nscoord cellMinWidth = PR_MAX(cellMinSize.width, colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth()); nsSize cellMaxSize = cellFrame->GetPass1DesiredSize(); nscoord cellMaxWidth = PR_MAX(cellMaxSize.width, colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()); PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame); nscoord spanningCellMinWidth = (colSpan-1)*colInset; if (gsDebug) printf(" cellMin=%d, cellMax=%d, spanningCellMin=%d\n", cellMinWidth, cellMaxWidth, spanningCellMinWidth); // spanning cells must be at least as wide as the columns they span, including the cell spacing spanned. if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE!=rowMinWidth) rowMinWidth += PR_MAX(cellMinWidth, spanningCellMinWidth); if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE!=rowMaxWidth) rowMaxWidth += PR_MAX(cellMaxWidth, spanningCellMinWidth); if (gsDebug) printf(" rowMinWidth=%d, rowMaxWidth=%d\n", rowMinWidth, rowMaxWidth); } if (gsDebug) printf(" rowMinWidth=%d, rowMaxWidth=%d\n", rowMinWidth, rowMaxWidth); // the largest row widths are the table widths mMinTableWidth = PR_MAX(mMinTableWidth, rowMinWidth); mMaxTableWidth = PR_MAX(mMaxTableWidth, rowMaxWidth); if (gsDebug) printf(" mMinTableWidth=%d, mMaxTableWidth=%d\n", mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth); } // verify max of min row widths vs. sum of adjusted column min widths. bigger one wins nscoord sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths=colInset; for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColumnFrame(colIndex, colFrame); sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths += colFrame->GetAdjustedMinColWidth() + colInset; if (gsDebug) printf(" col %d has amcw=%d, cellspacing=%d, sum=%d\n", colIndex, colFrame->GetAdjustedMinColWidth(), colInset, sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths); } if (gsDebug) printf(" sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths=%d\n", sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths); /* mMinTableWidth = PR_MAX(mMinTableWidth, sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths); mMaxTableWidth = PR_MAX(mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth); */ if (gsDebug) printf("end SetMinAndMaxTW: minTW=%d, maxTW=%d with DMCW=%d\n", mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth, sumOfAdjustedColMinWidths); } // take the fixed space spanned by the columns in aColSpanList // and distribute it proportionately (based on desired width) void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::DistributeFixedSpace(nsVoidArray *aColSpanList) { nscoord excess = 0; if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("** DistributeFixedSpace:\n"); // for all fixed-width columns, determine the amount of the specified width each column spanned recieves PRInt32 numSpanningCells = aColSpanList->Count(); for (PRInt32 nextSpanningCell=0; nextSpanningCellElementAt(nextSpanningCell); PRInt32 colIndex = colInfo->colIndex; PRInt32 colSpan = colInfo->colSpan; nscoord totalColWidth = colInfo->width; // 1. get the sum of the effective widths of the columns in the span nscoord totalEffectiveWidth=0; nsTableColFrame * colFrame; PRInt32 i; for (i = 0; iGetColumnFrame(colIndex+i, colFrame); totalEffectiveWidth += colFrame->GetColWidthForComputation(); } // 2. next, compute the proportion to be added to each column, and add it for (i = 0; iGetColumnFrame(colIndex+i, colFrame); float percent; percent = ((float)(colFrame->GetColWidthForComputation()))/((float)totalEffectiveWidth); nscoord newColWidth = NSToCoordRound(((float)totalColWidth)*percent); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); nscoord oldColWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex+i); if (newColWidth>minColWidth) { if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) { printf(" assigning fixed col width for spanning cells: column %d set to %d\n", colIndex+i, newColWidth); printf(" minCW = %d oldCW = %d\n", minColWidth, oldColWidth); } mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex+i, newColWidth); colFrame->SetEffectiveMaxColWidth(newColWidth); } } } } /* assign column widths to all non-fixed-width columns (adjusting fixed-width columns if absolutely necessary) aAvailWidth is the amount of space left in the table to distribute after fixed-width columns are accounted for aMaxWidth is the space the parent gave us (minus border & padding) to fit ourselves into aTableIsAutoWidth is true if the table is auto-width, false if it is anything else (percent, fixed, etc) */ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceProportionalColumns(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nscoord aAvailWidth, nscoord aMaxWidth, nscoord aTableSpecifiedWidth, PRBool aTableIsAutoWidth) { PRBool result = PR_TRUE; nscoord actualMaxWidth; // the real target width, depends on if we're auto or specified width if (PR_TRUE==aTableIsAutoWidth) actualMaxWidth = aMaxWidth; else actualMaxWidth = PR_MIN(aMaxWidth, aTableSpecifiedWidth); if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE==aMaxWidth || NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE==mMinTableWidth) { // the max width of the table fits comfortably in the available space if (gsDebug) printf (" * table laying out in NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE, calling BalanceColumnsTableFits\n"); // nested tables are laid out with unconstrained width. But the underlying algorithms require a // real width. So we pick a really big width here. It doesn't really matter, of course, because // eventually the table will be laid out with a constrained width. nscoord bigSpace = gBigSpace; bigSpace = PR_MAX(bigSpace, mMaxTableWidth); result = BalanceColumnsTableFits(aReflowState, bigSpace, bigSpace, aTableSpecifiedWidth, aTableIsAutoWidth); } else if (mMinTableWidth > actualMaxWidth) { // the table doesn't fit in the available space if (gsDebug) printf (" * table minTW does not fit, calling BalanceColumnsTableDoesNotFit\n"); result = BalanceColumnsTableDoesNotFit(); } else if (mMaxTableWidth <= actualMaxWidth) { // the max width of the table fits comfortably in the available space if (gsDebug) printf (" * table desired size fits, calling BalanceColumnsTableFits\n"); result = BalanceColumnsTableFits(aReflowState, aAvailWidth, aMaxWidth, aTableSpecifiedWidth, aTableIsAutoWidth); } else { // the table fits somewhere between its min and desired size if (gsDebug) printf (" * table desired size does not fit, calling BalanceColumnsConstrained\n"); result = BalanceColumnsConstrained(aReflowState, aAvailWidth, actualMaxWidth, aTableIsAutoWidth); } return result; } // the table doesn't fit, so squeeze every column down to its minimum PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableDoesNotFit() { PRBool result = PR_TRUE; PRBool hasColsAttribute = (PRBool)(NS_STYLE_TABLE_COLS_NONE!=mCols); PRInt32 *minColWidthArray = nsnull; if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { minColWidthArray = new PRInt32[mNumCols]; } PRInt32 numRows = mTableFrame->GetRowCount(); for (PRInt32 colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame"); // Get the columns's style const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); const nsStyleTable* colTableStyle; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Table, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colTableStyle); //if (PR_FALSE==IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)) { minAdjustedColWidth = colFrame->GetAdjustedMinColWidth(); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minAdjustedColWidth); if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { minColWidthArray[colIndex] = minAdjustedColWidth; } } if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 2: col %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } // now, post-process the computed values based on the table attributes // if there is a COLS attribute, fix up mMinTableWidth and mMaxTableWidth if (PR_TRUE==hasColsAttribute) { // for every effected column, subtract out its prior contribution and add back in the new value PRInt32 numColsEffected = mNumCols; if (NS_STYLE_TABLE_COLS_ALL!=mCols) numColsEffected = mCols; nscoord maxOfEffectedColWidths=0; PRInt32 effectedColIndex; // XXX need to fix this and all similar code if any fixed-width columns intersect COLS for (effectedColIndex=0; effectedColIndexSetColumnWidth(effectedColIndex, maxOfEffectedColWidths); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" 2 (cols): setting %d to %d\n", effectedColIndex, maxOfEffectedColWidths); } // we're guaranteed here that minColWidthArray has been allocated, and that // if we don't get here, it was never allocated delete [] minColWidthArray; } return result; } /* the table fits in the given space. Set all columns to their desired width, * and if we are not an auto-width table add extra space to fluff out the total width */ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsTableFits(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nscoord aAvailWidth, nscoord aMaxWidth, nscoord aTableSpecifiedWidth, PRBool aTableIsAutoWidth) { PRBool result = PR_TRUE; nscoord tableWidth=0; // the width of the table as a result of setting column widths nscoord widthOfFixedTableColumns=0; // the sum of the width of all fixed-width columns plus margins // tableWidth - widthOfFixedTableColumns is the width of columns computed in this method PRInt32 totalSlices=0; // the total number of slices the proportional-width columns request nsVoidArray *proportionalColumnsList=nsnull; // a list of the columns that are proportional-width nsVoidArray *spanList=nsnull; // a list of the cells that span columns PRInt32 numRows = mTableFrame->GetRowCount(); nscoord colInset = mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX(); PRInt32 colIndex; for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame"); PRInt32 minColWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); PRInt32 maxColWidth = 0; PRInt32 rowIndex; PRInt32 firstRowIndex = -1; const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); const nsStyleTable* colTableStyle; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Table, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colTableStyle); // first, deal with any cells that span into this column from a pervious column // go through the list backwards so we can delete easily if (nsnull!=spanList) { PRInt32 spanCount = spanList->Count(); // go through the list backwards so we can delete easily for (PRInt32 spanIndex=spanCount-1; 0<=spanIndex; spanIndex--) { SpanInfo *spanInfo = (SpanInfo *)(spanList->ElementAt(spanIndex)); if (PR_FALSE==IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)) { // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column min width nscoord spanCellMinWidth; PRBool needsExtraMinWidth = PR_FALSE; /* if (spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedColscellMinWidth) needsExtraMinWidth = PR_TRUE; */ if (PR_TRUE==needsExtraMinWidth) { if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols) { spanCellMinWidth = (spanInfo->cellMinWidth * colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth()) / (spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" spanlist min: %d of %d\n", spanCellMinWidth, spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (minColWidth < spanCellMinWidth) { minColWidth = spanCellMinWidth; // set the new min width for the col if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, new min = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, minColWidth); // if the new min width is greater than the desired width, bump up the desired width maxColWidth = PR_MAX(maxColWidth, minColWidth); if (gsDebug) printf (" and maxColWidth = %d\n", maxColWidth); } } else { spanCellMinWidth = spanInfo->cellMinWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; if (minColWidth < spanCellMinWidth) { minColWidth = spanCellMinWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, new min = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, minColWidth); // if the new min width is greater than the desired width, bump up the desired width maxColWidth = PR_MAX(maxColWidth, minColWidth); if (gsDebug) printf (" and maxColWidth = %d\n", maxColWidth); } } } // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column max width nscoord spanCellMaxWidth; if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols) { spanCellMaxWidth = (spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth * colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()) / (spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" spanlist max: %d of %d\n", spanCellMaxWidth, spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (maxColWidth < spanCellMaxWidth) { spanCellMaxWidth = PR_MAX(spanCellMaxWidth, minColWidth); maxColWidth = spanCellMaxWidth; // set the new max width for the col mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); // set the column to the new desired max width if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, \ new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, maxColWidth); } } else { spanCellMaxWidth = spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; maxColWidth = spanCellMaxWidth; mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, \ new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, maxColWidth); } } spanInfo->span--; if (0==spanInfo->span) { spanList->RemoveElementAt(spanIndex); delete spanInfo; } } } // second, process non-fixed-width columns if (PR_FALSE==IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)) { for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndexGetCellFrameAt(rowIndex, colIndex); if (nsnull==cellFrame) { // there is no cell in this row that corresponds to this column continue; } if (-1==firstRowIndex) firstRowIndex = rowIndex; PRInt32 cellRowIndex; cellFrame->GetRowIndex(cellRowIndex); if (rowIndex!=cellRowIndex) { // For cells that span rows, we only figure it in once NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetRowSpan(), "row index does not match row span"); // sanity check continue; } PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (colIndex!=cellColIndex) { // For cells that span cols, we figure in the row using previously-built SpanInfo NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetColSpan(), "col index does not match row span"); // sanity check continue; } PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame); nsSize cellMinSize = cellFrame->GetPass1MaxElementSize(); nsSize cellDesiredSize = cellFrame->GetPass1DesiredSize(); nscoord cellMinWidth=colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); nscoord cellDesiredWidth=colFrame->GetMaxColWidth(); // then get the desired size info factoring in the cell style attributes if (1==colSpan) { cellMinWidth = cellMinSize.width; cellDesiredWidth = cellDesiredSize.width; nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1; const nsStylePosition* cellPosition; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition); if (eStyleUnit_Percent==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { if (PR_FALSE==aTableIsAutoWidth) { float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(aTableSpecifiedWidth*percent); if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n", percent, aTableSpecifiedWidth, specifiedCellWidth); } // otherwise we need to post-process, set to max for now // do we want to set specifiedCellWidth off of aAvailWidth? aMaxWidth? XXX } if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth) { if (specifiedCellWidth>cellMinWidth) { if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n", cellDesiredWidth, specifiedCellWidth); cellDesiredWidth = specifiedCellWidth; } } } else { // colSpan>1, get the proportion for this column // then get the desired size info factoring in the cell style attributes nscoord effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); nscoord effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols = colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); for (PRInt32 span=1; spanGetColFrame(colIndex+span); if (nsnull==nextColFrame) break; effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); } nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1; const nsStylePosition* cellPosition; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition); if (eStyleUnit_Percent==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { //XXX what if table is auto width? float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(aTableSpecifiedWidth*percent); if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n", percent, aTableSpecifiedWidth, specifiedCellWidth); } if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth) { float percentForThisCol = (float)(cellDesiredSize.width * colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()) / (float)effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols; nscoord cellWidthForThisCol = (nscoord)(specifiedCellWidth * percentForThisCol); if (cellWidthForThisCol>cellMinWidth) { if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n", cellDesiredWidth, cellWidthForThisCol); cellDesiredWidth = cellWidthForThisCol; } } // otherwise it's already been factored in. // now, if this column holds the cell, create a spanInfo struct for the cell // so subsequent columns can take a proportion of this cell's space into account PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (cellColIndex==colIndex) { // add this cell to span list iff we are currently processing the column the cell starts in SpanInfo *spanInfo = new SpanInfo(colIndex, colSpan-1, cellMinSize.width, cellDesiredSize.width); spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols = effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols; spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols = effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols; if (nsnull==spanList) spanList = new nsVoidArray(); spanList->AppendElement(spanInfo); } } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("factoring in cell %d with colSpan=%d\n factoring in min=%d and desired=%d\n", rowIndex, colSpan, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth); if (maxColWidth < cellDesiredWidth) maxColWidth = cellDesiredWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth=%d maxColWidth=%d effColWidth[%d]=%d\n", rowIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, colIndex, colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()); } // end looping through cells in the column if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) { printf (" for determining width of col %d %s:\n", colIndex, !IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)? "(P)":"(A)"); printf (" minColWidth = %d and maxColWidth = %d\n", minColWidth, maxColWidth); printf (" aAvailWidth = %d\n", aAvailWidth); } // Get column width if it has one nscoord specifiedProportionColumnWidth = -1; float specifiedPercentageColWidth = -1.0f; nscoord specifiedFixedColumnWidth = -1; PRBool isAutoWidth = PR_FALSE; switch (colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { case eStyleUnit_Percent: specifiedPercentageColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %f\n", colIndex, specifiedPercentageColWidth); break; case eStyleUnit_Proportional: specifiedProportionColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue(); if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedProportionColumnWidth); break; case eStyleUnit_Auto: isAutoWidth = PR_TRUE; break; default: break; } /* set the column width, knowing that the table fits in the available space */ if (0==specifiedProportionColumnWidth || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth) { // col width is specified to be the minimum mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 min: col %d set to min width = %d because style set proportionalWidth=0\n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } else if ((PR_TRUE==isAutoWidth) || ((PR_TRUE==aTableIsAutoWidth) && (-1==specifiedProportionColumnWidth))) { // col width is determined by the cells' content, // so give each remaining column it's desired width (because we know we fit.) // if there is width left over, we'll factor that in after this loop is complete // the OR clause is because we fix up percentage widths as a post-process // in auto-width tables mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, maxColWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 auto: col %d with availWidth %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } else if (-1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth) { // we need to save these and do them after all other columns have been calculated /* the calculation will be: sum up n, the total number of slices for the columns with proportional width compute the table "required" width, fixed-width + percentage-width + the sum of the proportional column's max widths (especially because in this routine I know the table fits) compute the remaining width: the required width - the used width (fixed + percentage) compute the width per slice set the width of each proportional-width column to it's number of slices * width per slice */ mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, 0); // set the column width to 0, since it isn't computed yet if (nsnull==proportionalColumnsList) proportionalColumnsList = new nsVoidArray(); ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct * info = new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth); proportionalColumnsList->AppendElement(info); totalSlices += specifiedProportionColumnWidth; // keep track of the total number of proportions if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 proportional: col %d with availWidth %d, gets %d slices with %d slices so far.\n", colIndex, aAvailWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth, totalSlices); } else { // give the column a percentage of the remaining space PRInt32 percentage = -1; if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE==aAvailWidth) { // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, maxColWidth); } else { if (-1.0f != specifiedPercentageColWidth) { percentage = (PRInt32)(specifiedPercentageColWidth*100.0f); // TODO: rounding errors? // base the % on the total specified fixed width of the table mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aTableSpecifiedWidth)/100); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 percent specified: col %d given %d percent of aTableSpecifiedWidth %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, percentage, aTableSpecifiedWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } if (-1==percentage) { percentage = 100/mNumCols; // base the % on the remaining available width mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } // if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth) { mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth); } } } } else { // need to maintain this so we know how much we have left over at the end nscoord maxEffectiveColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, maxEffectiveColWidth); widthOfFixedTableColumns += maxEffectiveColWidth + colInset; } tableWidth += mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) + colInset; } tableWidth += colInset; /* --- post-process if necessary --- */ // XXX the following implementation does not account for borders, cell spacing, cell padding // first, assign column widths in auto-width tables PRInt32 numPercentColumns=0; PRInt32 *percentColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Percent, numPercentColumns, percentColumns); if ((PR_TRUE==aTableIsAutoWidth) && (0!=numPercentColumns)) { // variables common to lots of code in this block nscoord colWidth; float percent; const nsStylePosition* colPosition; nsTableColFrame *colFrame; if (numPercentColumns!=mNumCols) { if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("assigning widths to percent colums in auto-width table\n"); nscoord widthOfPercentCells=0; // the total width of those percent-width cells that have been given a width nscoord widthOfOtherCells=0; // the total width of those non-percent-width cells that have been given a width float sumOfPercentColumns=0.0f; // the total of the percent widths for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); // we know this will work sumOfPercentColumns += percent; if (sumOfPercentColumns>1.0f) sumOfPercentColumns=1.0f; // values greater than 100% are meaningless widthOfPercentCells += mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); } else { widthOfOtherCells += mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); } } if (0==widthOfOtherCells) widthOfOtherCells=aMaxWidth; if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" widthOfOtherCells=%d widthOfPercentCells = %d sumOfPercentColumns=%f\n", widthOfOtherCells, widthOfPercentCells, sumOfPercentColumns); float remainingPercent = 1.0f - sumOfPercentColumns; nscoord newTableWidth; // the table width after all cells have been resized if (1.0f == sumOfPercentColumns) // this definately seems like a QUIRK! newTableWidth = aMaxWidth; else { // the newTableWidth is the larger of the calculation from the percent cells and non-percent cells nscoord percentWidth = (nscoord)((1.0f/sumOfPercentColumns)*((float)(widthOfPercentCells))); nscoord otherWidth = (nscoord)((1.0f/remainingPercent)*((float)(widthOfOtherCells))); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" percentWidth=%d otherWidth=%d\n", percentWidth, otherWidth); newTableWidth = PR_MAX(percentWidth, otherWidth); // the table width is the larger of the two computations newTableWidth = PR_MIN(newTableWidth, aMaxWidth); // an auto-width table can't normally be wider than it's parent newTableWidth = PR_MIN(newTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth);// an auto-width table can't normally be wider than it's own computed max width } nscoord excess = newTableWidth-mFixedTableWidth; // the amount of new space that needs to be // accounted for in the non-fixed columns if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" newTableWidth=%d \n", newTableWidth); PRInt32 i; // just a counter for (i=0; iGetColFrame(colIndex); colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); // we know this will work colWidth = (nscoord)((percent)*((float)newTableWidth)); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); colWidth = PR_MAX(colWidth, minColWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" col %d with percentwidth=%f set to %d\n", colIndex, percent, colWidth); excess -= colWidth; } if (0GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Auto, numAutoColumns, autoColumns); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" excess=%d with %d autoColumns\n", excess, numAutoColumns); if (0GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" col %d was %d set to \n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex), newWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, newWidth); excess -= excessPerColumn; } // handle division underflow if (0GetColumnWidth(colIndex); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, newWidth); } } } } } else { // all columns have a percent width. Each already has its desired width. // find the smallest percentage and base the widths of the others off that PRInt32 indexOfSmallest; nscoord colWidthOfSmallest; float smallestPercent=2.0f; // an illegal large number for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); // we know this will work if (percent < smallestPercent) { smallestPercent=percent; indexOfSmallest=colIndex; colWidthOfSmallest = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); } else if (percent==smallestPercent) { // the largest desired size among equal-percent columns wins nscoord colWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); if (colWidth>colWidthOfSmallest) { indexOfSmallest = colIndex; colWidthOfSmallest = colWidth; } } } // now that we know which column to base the other columns' widths off of, do it! for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); // we know this will work if (percent==smallestPercent) { // set col width to the max width of all columns that shared the smallest percent-width mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidthOfSmallest); } else { colWidth = (nscoord)((percent/smallestPercent)*((float)colWidthOfSmallest)); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); colWidth = PR_MAX(colWidth, minColWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" col %d with percentwidth=%f set to %d\n", colIndex, percent, colWidth); } } } // second, assign column widths to proportional-width columns if (nsnull!=proportionalColumnsList) { // first, figure out the amount of space per slice nscoord maxWidthForTable = (0!=aTableSpecifiedWidth) ? aTableSpecifiedWidth : aMaxWidth; if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE!=maxWidthForTable) { nscoord widthRemaining = maxWidthForTable - tableWidth; nscoord widthPerSlice = widthRemaining/totalSlices; PRInt32 numSpecifiedProportionalColumns = proportionalColumnsList->Count(); for (PRInt32 i=0; iElementAt(i)); // verify that the computed width is at least the minimum width nscoord computedColWidth = info->mProportion*widthPerSlice; // compute the requested proportional width nsTableColFrame *colFrame; mTableFrame->GetColumnFrame(info->mColIndex, colFrame); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); computedColWidth = PR_MAX(computedColWidth, minColWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, computedColWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 proportional step 2: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n", info->mColIndex, info->mProportion, widthRemaining, computedColWidth); tableWidth += computedColWidth; delete info; } } else { // we're in an unconstrained situation, so give each column the max of the max column widths PRInt32 numSpecifiedProportionalColumns = proportionalColumnsList->Count(); PRInt32 maxOfMaxColWidths = 0; PRInt32 i; for (i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (maxOfMaxColWidths < info->mMaxColWidth) maxOfMaxColWidths = info->mMaxColWidth; } for (i=0; iElementAt(i)); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, maxOfMaxColWidths); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 3 proportional step 2 (unconstrained!): col %d set to width = %d\n", info->mColIndex, maxOfMaxColWidths); tableWidth += maxOfMaxColWidths; nsTableColFrame *colFrame; mTableFrame->GetColumnFrame(info->mColIndex, colFrame); colFrame->SetEffectiveMaxColWidth(maxOfMaxColWidths); delete info; } } delete proportionalColumnsList; } // next, account for table width constraints // if the caption min width is wider than than the table, expand the table nscoord captionMinWidth=mTableFrame->GetMinCaptionWidth(); if (captionMinWidth>tableWidth) { DistributeExcessSpace(captionMinWidth, tableWidth, widthOfFixedTableColumns); } else { // else, if the caption min width is not an issue... /* if the specified width of the table is greater than the table's computed width, expand the * table's computed width to match the specified width, giving the extra space to proportionately-sized * columns if possible. */ if ((PR_FALSE==aTableIsAutoWidth) && (aAvailWidth > (tableWidth-widthOfFixedTableColumns)) && (gBigSpace!=aAvailWidth)) { DistributeExcessSpace(aAvailWidth, tableWidth, widthOfFixedTableColumns); } // IFF the table is NOT (auto-width && all columns have fixed width) PRInt32 numFixedColumns=0; PRInt32 *fixedColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Coord, numFixedColumns, fixedColumns); if (!((PR_TRUE==aTableIsAutoWidth) && (numFixedColumns==mNumCols))) { nscoord computedWidth=0; for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i) + colInset; } if (computedWidth>aMaxWidth) { AdjustTableThatIsTooWide(computedWidth, aMaxWidth, PR_FALSE); } } } // cleanup if (nsnull!=spanList) { if (gsDebug) printf("BTLS::BCTFits...space leak, span list not empty"); delete spanList; } return result; } // take the extra space in the table and distribute it proportionately (based on desired width) // give extra space to auto-width cells first, or if there are none to all cells void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::DistributeExcessSpace(nscoord aAvailWidth, nscoord aTableWidth, nscoord aWidthOfFixedTableColumns) { nscoord excess = 0; if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("DistributeExcessSpace: fixed width %d > computed table width %d, woftc=%d\n", aAvailWidth, aTableWidth, aWidthOfFixedTableColumns); nscoord widthMinusFixedColumns = aTableWidth - aWidthOfFixedTableColumns; // if there are auto-sized columns, give them the extra space // the trick here is to do the math excluding non-auto width columns PRInt32 numAutoColumns=0; PRInt32 *autoColumns=nsnull; GetColumnsThatActLikeAutoWidth(numAutoColumns, autoColumns); // allocates autoColumns, be sure to delete it if (0!=numAutoColumns) { // there's at least one auto-width column, so give it (them) the extra space // proportionately distributed extra space, based on the column's desired size nscoord totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns = 0; // 1. first, get the total width of the auto columns PRInt32 i; for (i = 0; iGetColumnFrame(autoColumns[i], colFrame); nscoord effectiveColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); if (0!=effectiveColWidth) totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns += effectiveColWidth; else totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns += mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(autoColumns[i]); } // excess is the amount of space that was available minus the computed available width // XXX shouldn't it just be aMaxWidth - aTableWidth??? if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" aAvailWidth specified as %d, expanding columns by excess = %d\n", aAvailWidth, excess); excess = aAvailWidth - widthMinusFixedColumns; // 2. next, compute the proportion to be added to each column, and add it nscoord totalAdded=0; for (i = 0; iGetColumnFrame(colIndex, colFrame); nscoord oldColWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); float percent; if (0!=totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns) percent = ((float)(colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()))/((float)totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns); else percent = ((float)1)/((float)numAutoColumns); nscoord excessForThisColumn = (nscoord)(excess*percent); totalAdded += excessForThisColumn; nscoord colWidth = excessForThisColumn+oldColWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" distribute excess to auto columns: column %d was %d, now set to %d\n", colIndex, oldColWidth, colWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("lost a few twips due to rounding errors: excess=%d, totalAdded=%d\n", excess, totalAdded); } // otherwise, distribute the space between all the columns // (they must be all fixed and percentage-width columns, or we would have gone into the block above) else { excess = aAvailWidth - widthMinusFixedColumns; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" aAvailWidth specified as %d, expanding columns by excess = %d\n", aAvailWidth, excess); nscoord totalAdded=0; for (PRInt32 colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColumnWidth(colIndex); float percent; if (0!=aTableWidth) percent = (float)oldColWidth/(float)aTableWidth; else percent = (float)1/(float)mNumCols; nscoord excessForThisColumn = (nscoord)(NSToCoordRound(excess*percent)); totalAdded += excessForThisColumn; nscoord colWidth = excessForThisColumn+oldColWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" distribute excess: column %d was %d, now %d from %=%f\n", colIndex, oldColWidth, colWidth, percent); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("lost a few twips due to rounding errors: excess=%d, totalAdded=%d\n", excess, totalAdded); } if (nsnull!=autoColumns) delete [] autoColumns; } /* assign columns widths for a table whose max size doesn't fit in the available space */ PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::BalanceColumnsConstrained( const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nscoord aAvailWidth, nscoord aMaxWidth, PRBool aTableIsAutoWidth) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG nsIFrame *tablePIF=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetPrevInFlow(tablePIF); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull==tablePIF, "never ever call me on a continuing frame!"); #endif PRBool result = PR_TRUE; PRInt32 maxOfAllMinColWidths = 0; // for the case where we have equal column widths, this is the smallest a column can be nscoord tableWidth=0; // the width of the table as a result of setting column widths PRInt32 totalSlices=0; // the total number of slices the proportional-width columns request nsVoidArray *proportionalColumnsList=nsnull; // a list of the columns that are proportional-width PRBool equalWidthColumns = PR_TRUE; // remember if we're in the special case where all // proportional-width columns are equal (if any are anything other than 1) PRBool atLeastOneAutoWidthColumn = PR_FALSE; // true if at least one column is auto-width, requiring us to post-process nsVoidArray *spanList=nsnull; // a list of the cells that span columns PRInt32 numRows = mTableFrame->GetRowCount(); nscoord colInset = mTableFrame->GetCellSpacingX(); for (PRInt32 colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColFrame(colIndex); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=colFrame, "bad col frame"); // Get the columns's style and margins PRInt32 rowIndex; PRInt32 firstRowIndex = -1; const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); const nsStyleTable* colTableStyle; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Table, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colTableStyle); // first, deal with any cells that span into this column from a pervious column // go through the list backwards so we can delete easily if (nsnull!=spanList) { PRInt32 spanCount = spanList->Count(); // go through the list backwards so we can delete easily for (PRInt32 spanIndex=spanCount-1; 0<=spanIndex; spanIndex--) { SpanInfo *spanInfo = (SpanInfo *)(spanList->ElementAt(spanIndex)); if (PR_FALSE==IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)) { // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column min width nscoord spanCellMinWidth; PRBool needsExtraMinWidth = PR_FALSE; /* if (spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedColscellMinWidth) needsExtraMinWidth = PR_TRUE; */ if (PR_TRUE==needsExtraMinWidth) { if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols) { spanCellMinWidth = (spanInfo->cellMinWidth * colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth()) / (spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" spanlist min: %d of %d\n", spanCellMinWidth, spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (minColWidth < spanCellMinWidth) { minColWidth = spanCellMinWidth; // set the new min width for the col if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, new min = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, minColWidth); maxColWidth = PR_MAX(maxColWidth, minColWidth); if (gsDebug) printf (" maxColWidth = %d\n", maxColWidth); } } else { spanCellMinWidth = spanInfo->cellMinWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; if (minColWidth < spanCellMinWidth) { minColWidth = spanCellMinWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, new min = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, minColWidth); maxColWidth = PR_MAX(maxColWidth, minColWidth); if (gsDebug) printf (" maxColWidth = %d\n", maxColWidth); } } } // compute the spanning cell's contribution to the column max width nscoord spanCellMaxWidth; if (0!=spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols) { spanCellMaxWidth = (spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth * colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth()) / (spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" spanlist max: %d of %d\n", spanCellMaxWidth, spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols); if (maxColWidth < spanCellMaxWidth) { maxColWidth = spanCellMaxWidth; // set the new max width for the col mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); // set the column to the new desired max width if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, \ new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, maxColWidth); } } else { spanCellMaxWidth = spanInfo->cellDesiredWidth/spanInfo->initialColSpan; maxColWidth = spanCellMaxWidth; mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, spanCellMaxWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" for spanning cell into col %d with remaining span=%d, \ new max = %d\n", colIndex, spanInfo->span, maxColWidth); } } spanInfo->span--; if (0==spanInfo->span) { spanList->RemoveElementAt(spanIndex); delete spanInfo; } } } // second, process non-fixed-width columns if (PR_FALSE==IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)) { for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndexGetCellFrameAt(rowIndex, colIndex); if (nsnull==cellFrame) { // there is no cell in this row that corresponds to this column continue; } PRInt32 cellRowIndex; cellFrame->GetRowIndex(cellRowIndex); if (rowIndex!=cellRowIndex) { // For cells that span rows, we only figure it in once NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetRowSpan(), "row index does not match row span"); // sanity check continue; } PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (colIndex!=cellColIndex) { // For cells that span cols, we figure in the row using previously-built SpanInfo NS_ASSERTION(1 != cellFrame->GetColSpan(), "col index does not match row span"); // sanity check continue; } PRInt32 colSpan = mTableFrame->GetEffectiveColSpan(colIndex, cellFrame); nsSize cellMinSize = cellFrame->GetPass1MaxElementSize(); nsSize cellDesiredSize = cellFrame->GetPass1DesiredSize(); nscoord cellMinWidth=colFrame->GetAdjustedMinColWidth(); nscoord cellDesiredWidth=colFrame->GetMaxColWidth(); if (1==colSpan) { cellMinWidth = cellMinSize.width; cellDesiredWidth = cellDesiredSize.width; nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1; const nsStylePosition* cellPosition; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition); if (eStyleUnit_Percent==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(aMaxWidth*percent); if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n", percent, aMaxWidth, specifiedCellWidth); } if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth) { if (specifiedCellWidth>cellMinWidth) { if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n", cellDesiredWidth, specifiedCellWidth); cellDesiredWidth = specifiedCellWidth; } } } else { // colSpan>1, get the proportion for this column // then get the desired size info factoring in the cell style attributes nscoord effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); nscoord effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols = colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); for (PRInt32 span=1; spanGetColFrame(colIndex+span); if (nsnull==nextColFrame) break; effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols += nextColFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(); } nscoord specifiedCellWidth=-1; const nsStylePosition* cellPosition; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)cellPosition); if (eStyleUnit_Percent==cellPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { //XXX what if table is auto width? float percent = cellPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); specifiedCellWidth = (PRInt32)(aMaxWidth*percent); if (gsDebug) printf("specified percent width %f of %d = %d\n", percent, aMaxWidth, specifiedCellWidth); } if (-1!=specifiedCellWidth) { float percentForThisCol = (float)(cellDesiredSize.width * colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()) / (float)effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols; nscoord cellWidthForThisCol = (nscoord)(specifiedCellWidth * percentForThisCol); if (cellWidthForThisCol>cellMinWidth) { if (gsDebug) printf("setting cellDesiredWidth from %d to %d\n", cellDesiredWidth, cellWidthForThisCol); cellDesiredWidth = cellWidthForThisCol; } } // otherwise it's already been factored in. // now, if this column holds the cell, create a spanInfo struct for the cell // so subsequent columns can take a proportion of this cell's space into account PRInt32 cellColIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(cellColIndex); if (cellColIndex==colIndex) { // add this cell to span list iff we are currently processing the column the cell starts in SpanInfo *spanInfo = new SpanInfo(colIndex, colSpan-1, cellMinSize.width, cellDesiredSize.width); spanInfo->effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols = effectiveMaxWidthOfSpannedCols; spanInfo->effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols = effectiveMinWidthOfSpannedCols; if (nsnull==spanList) spanList = new nsVoidArray(); spanList->AppendElement(spanInfo); } } if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf("factoring in cell %d with colSpan=%d\n factoring in min=%d and desired=%d\n", rowIndex, colSpan, cellMinWidth, cellDesiredWidth); // remember the widest min cell width if (minColWidth < cellMinWidth) minColWidth = cellMinWidth; // remember the max desired cell width if (maxColWidth < cellDesiredWidth) maxColWidth = cellDesiredWidth; // effectiveMaxColumnWidth is the width as if no cells with colspans existed // if ((1==colSpan) && (colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth() < maxColWidth)) // colFrame->SetEffectiveMaxColWidth(cellDesiredWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" after cell %d, minColWidth=%d maxColWidth=%d effColWidth[%d]=%d,%d\n", rowIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, colIndex, colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(), colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()); } if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) { printf (" for determining width of col %d %s:\n", colIndex, !IsFixedWidth(colPosition, colTableStyle)? "(P)":"(A)"); printf (" minTableWidth = %d and maxTableWidth = %d\n", mMinTableWidth, mMaxTableWidth); printf (" minColWidth = %d, maxColWidth = %d, eff=%d,%d\n", minColWidth, maxColWidth, colFrame->GetEffectiveMinColWidth(), colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth()); printf (" aAvailWidth = %d\n", aAvailWidth); } // Get column width if it has one nscoord specifiedProportionColumnWidth = -1; float specifiedPercentageColWidth = -1.0f; PRBool isAutoWidth = PR_FALSE; switch (colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { case eStyleUnit_Percent: specifiedPercentageColWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %f\n", colIndex, specifiedPercentageColWidth); break; case eStyleUnit_Proportional: specifiedProportionColumnWidth = colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue(); if (gsDebug) printf("column %d has specified percent width = %d\n", colIndex, specifiedProportionColumnWidth); break; case eStyleUnit_Auto: isAutoWidth = PR_TRUE; break; default: break; } /* set the column width, knowing that the table is constrained */ if (0==specifiedProportionColumnWidth || 0.0==specifiedPercentageColWidth) { // col width is specified to be the minimum mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 (0): col %d set to min width = %d because style set proportionalWidth=0\n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } else if (1==mNumCols) { // there is only one column, and we know that it's desired width doesn't fit // so the column should be as wide as the available space allows it to be minus cell spacing nscoord colWidth = aAvailWidth - (2*colInset); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 one-col: col %d set to width = %d from available width %d and cell spacing %d\n", colIndex, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex), aAvailWidth, colInset); } else if (PR_TRUE==isAutoWidth) { // column's width is determined by its content, done in post-processing mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth); // reserve the column's min width atLeastOneAutoWidthColumn = PR_TRUE; } else if (-1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth) { // we need to save these and do them after all other columns have been calculated /* the calculation will be: sum up n, the total number of slices for the columns with proportional width compute the table "required" width, fixed-width + percentage-width + the sum of the proportional column's max widths (especially because in this routine I know the table fits) compute the remaining width: the required width - the used width (fixed + percentage) compute the width per slice set the width of each proportional-width column to it's number of slices * width per slice */ mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, 0); // set the column width to 0, since it isn't computed yet if (nsnull==proportionalColumnsList) proportionalColumnsList = new nsVoidArray(); ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct * info = new ProportionalColumnLayoutStruct(colIndex, minColWidth, maxColWidth, specifiedProportionColumnWidth); proportionalColumnsList->AppendElement(info); totalSlices += specifiedProportionColumnWidth; if (1!=specifiedProportionColumnWidth) equalWidthColumns = PR_FALSE; } else { // give the column a percentage of the remaining space PRInt32 percentage = -1; if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE==aAvailWidth) { // since the "remaining space" is infinite, give the column it's max requested size mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, maxColWidth); } else { if (-1.0f != specifiedPercentageColWidth) { percentage = (PRInt32)(specifiedPercentageColWidth*100.0f); // TODO: rounding errors? // base the % on the total specified fixed width of the table mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aMaxWidth)/100); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 percent specified: col %d given %d percent of aMaxWidth %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, percentage, aMaxWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } if (-1==percentage) { percentage = 100/mNumCols; // base the % on the remaining available width mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, (percentage*aAvailWidth)/100); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 percent default: col %d given %d percent of aAvailWidth %d, set to width = %d\n", colIndex, percentage, aAvailWidth, mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex)); } // if the column was computed to be too small, enlarge the column if (mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) <= minColWidth) { mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, minColWidth); if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" enlarging column to it's minimum = %d\n", minColWidth); if (maxOfAllMinColWidths < minColWidth) { maxOfAllMinColWidths = minColWidth; if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf(" and setting maxOfAllMins to %d\n", maxOfAllMinColWidths); } } } } } else { mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colFrame->GetMaxColWidth()); } tableWidth += mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) + colInset; } tableWidth += colInset; /* --- post-process if necessary --- */ // first, assign autoWidth columns a width if (PR_TRUE==atLeastOneAutoWidthColumn) { // proportionately distribute the remaining space to autowidth columns // "0" for the last param tells DistributeRemainingSpace that this is the top (non-recursive) call PRInt32 topRecursiveControl=0; DistributeRemainingSpace(aMaxWidth, tableWidth, aTableIsAutoWidth, topRecursiveControl); } // second, fix up tables where column width attributes give us a table that is too wide or too narrow nscoord computedWidth=colInset; for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i) + colInset; } if (computedWidthaMaxWidth) { // then shrink the table width because its too wide AdjustTableThatIsTooWide(computedWidth, aMaxWidth, PR_FALSE); } // finally, assign a width to proportional-width columns if (nsnull!=proportionalColumnsList) { // first, figure out the amount of space per slice nscoord widthRemaining = aMaxWidth - tableWidth; nscoord widthPerSlice = widthRemaining/totalSlices; PRInt32 numSpecifiedProportionalColumns = proportionalColumnsList->Count(); for (PRInt32 i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (PR_TRUE==equalWidthColumns && 0!=maxOfAllMinColWidths) { if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" EqualColWidths specified and some column couldn't fit, so setting col %d width to %d\n", info->mColIndex, maxOfAllMinColWidths); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, maxOfAllMinColWidths); } else { // compute the requested proportional width nscoord computedColWidth = info->mProportion*widthPerSlice; // verify that the computed width is at least the minimum width nsTableColFrame *colFrame; mTableFrame->GetColumnFrame(info->mColIndex, colFrame); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); computedColWidth = PR_MAX(computedColWidth, minColWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(info->mColIndex, computedColWidth); if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf (" 4 proportion: col %d given %d proportion of remaining space %d, set to width = %d\n", info->mColIndex, info->mProportion, widthRemaining, computedColWidth); } delete info; } delete proportionalColumnsList; } // clean up if (nsnull!=spanList) { if (gsDebug) printf("BTLS::BCTConstrained...space leak, span list not empty"); delete spanList; } return result; } static const PRInt32 kRecursionLimit=10; // backwards compatible with Nav4 // take the remaining space in the table and distribute it proportionately // to the auto-width cells in the table (based on desired width) void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::DistributeRemainingSpace(nscoord aTableSpecifiedWidth, nscoord &aComputedTableWidth, PRBool aTableIsAutoWidth, PRInt32 &aRecursionControl) { aRecursionControl++; if (kRecursionLimit<=aRecursionControl) // only allow kRecursionLimit iterations, as per Nav4. See laytable.c return; nscoord sumOfMinWidths = 0; // sum of min widths of each auto column nscoord startingComputedTableWidth = aComputedTableWidth; // remember this so we can see if we're making any progress if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) printf ("DistributeRemainingSpace: fixed width %d > computed table width %d\n", aTableSpecifiedWidth, aComputedTableWidth); // if there are auto-sized columns, give them the extra space PRInt32 numAutoColumns=0; PRInt32 *autoColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Auto, numAutoColumns, autoColumns); if (0!=numAutoColumns) { PRInt32 numColumnsToBeResized=0; // there's at least one auto-width column, so give it (them) the extra space // proportionately distributed extra space, based on the column's desired size nscoord totalEffectiveWidthOfAutoColumns = 0; // 1. first, get the total width of the auto columns PRInt32 i; for (i = 0; iGetColFrame(autoColumns[i]); nscoord startingColWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); nscoord maxEffectiveColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); if ((PR_FALSE==aTableIsAutoWidth)||(startingColWidthGetColumnWidth(autoColumns[i]); } } // availWidth is the difference between the total available width and the // amount of space already assigned, assuming auto col widths were assigned 0. nscoord availWidth; availWidth = aTableSpecifiedWidth - aComputedTableWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" aTableSpecifiedWidth specified as %d, availWidth is = %d\n", aTableSpecifiedWidth, availWidth); // 2. next, compute the proportion to be added to each column, and add it for (i = 0; iGetColFrame(colIndex); nscoord startingColWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); nscoord maxEffectiveColWidth = colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(); // if we actually have room to distribute, do it here // otherwise, the auto columns already are set to their minimum if (0GetMaxColWidth()); } aComputedTableWidth += colWidth - startingColWidth; if (gsDebug==PR_TRUE) printf(" distribute width to auto columns: column %d was %d, now set to %d\n", colIndex, colFrame->GetEffectiveMaxColWidth(), colWidth); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); } } } if (aComputedTableWidth!=startingComputedTableWidth) { // othewise we made no progress and shouldn't continue if (aComputedTableWidthGetColumnWidth(i); printf(" %d ", mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i)); } printf ("\n computed table width is %d\n",tableWidth); } } void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AdjustTableThatIsTooWide(nscoord aComputedWidth, nscoord aTableWidth, PRBool aShrinkFixedCols) { if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) { nscoord tableWidth=0; printf("before AdjustTableThatIsTooWide: "); for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i); printf(" %d ", mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i)); } printf ("\n computed table width is %d\n",tableWidth); } PRInt32 numFixedColumns=0; PRInt32 *fixedColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Coord, numFixedColumns, fixedColumns); PRInt32 numAutoColumns=0; PRInt32 *autoColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Auto, numAutoColumns, autoColumns); nscoord excess = aComputedWidth - aTableWidth; nscoord minDiff; // the smallest non-zero delta between a column's current width and its min width PRInt32 * colsToShrink = new PRInt32[mNumCols]; // while there is still extra computed space in the table while (0GetColumnWidth(colIndex); nsTableColFrame *colFrame; mTableFrame->GetColumnFrame(colIndex, colFrame); nscoord minColWidth = colFrame->GetAdjustedMinColWidth(); if (currentColWidth==minColWidth) continue; if ((PR_FALSE==aShrinkFixedCols) && (PR_TRUE==IsColumnInList(colIndex, fixedColumns, numFixedColumns))) continue; if ((PR_TRUE==shrinkAutoOnly) && (PR_FALSE==IsColumnInList(colIndex, autoColumns, numAutoColumns))) continue; colsToShrink[numColsToShrink] = colIndex; numColsToShrink++; nscoord diff = currentColWidth - minColWidth; if ((0==minDiff) || (diffminDiff) // then adjust for minimum col widths excessPerColumn=minDiff; // remove excessPerColumn from every column we've determined we can remove width from for (colIndex = 0; colIndexGetColumnWidth(colIndex); colWidth -= excessPerColumn; mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); excess -= excessPerColumn; if (0==excess) break; } } } // end while (0GetColumnWidth(i); printf(" %d ", mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i)); } printf ("\n computed table width is %d with aShrinkFixedCols = %s\n", tableWidth, aShrinkFixedCols ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); } delete [] colsToShrink; // deal with any excess left over if ((PR_FALSE==aShrinkFixedCols) && (0!=excess)) { // if there's any excess left, we know we've shrunk every non-fixed column to its min // so we have to shrink fixed width columns if possible AdjustTableThatIsTooWide(aComputedWidth, aTableWidth, PR_TRUE); } // otherwise we've shrunk the table to its min, and that's all we can do } void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AdjustTableThatIsTooNarrow(nscoord aComputedWidth, nscoord aTableWidth) { if (PR_TRUE==gsDebug) { nscoord tableWidth=0; printf("before AdjustTableThatIsTooNarrow: "); for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnWidth(i); printf(" %d ", mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i)); } printf ("\n computed table width is %d\n",tableWidth); } PRInt32 numFixedColumns=0; PRInt32 *fixedColumns=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Coord, numFixedColumns, fixedColumns); nscoord excess = aTableWidth - aComputedWidth; while (0GetColFrame(colIndex); nscoord colWidth = mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex); colWidth += excessPerColumn; if (colWidth > colFrame->GetMinColWidth()) { excess -= excessPerColumn; mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colWidth); } else { excess -= mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(colIndex) - colFrame->GetMinColWidth(); mTableFrame->SetColumnWidth(colIndex, colFrame->GetMinColWidth()); } if (0>=excess) break; } } } delete [] colsToGrow; if (0==numColsToGrow) break; } // end while (0GetColumnWidth(i); printf(" %d ", mTableFrame->GetColumnWidth(i)); } printf ("\n computed table width is %d\n",tableWidth); } } PRBool BasicTableLayoutStrategy::IsColumnInList(const PRInt32 colIndex, PRInt32 *colIndexes, PRInt32 aNumFixedColumns) { PRBool result = PR_FALSE; for (PRInt32 i=0; iGetColumnFrame(aColIndex, colFrame); const nsStylePosition* colPosition; colFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)colPosition); switch (colPosition->mWidth.GetUnit()) { case eStyleUnit_Coord: if (0==colPosition->mWidth.GetCoordValue()) result = PR_TRUE; break; case eStyleUnit_Percent: { // total hack for now for 0% and 1% specifications // should compare percent to available parent width and see that it is below minimum // for this column float percent = colPosition->mWidth.GetPercentValue(); if (0.0f == percent || 0.01f == percent) result = PR_TRUE; break; } case eStyleUnit_Proportional: if (0==colPosition->mWidth.GetIntValue()) result=PR_TRUE; } return result; } // returns a list and count of all columns that behave like they have width=auto // this includes columns with no width specified, and columns whose fixed width comes from a span void BasicTableLayoutStrategy::GetColumnsThatActLikeAutoWidth(PRInt32 &aNumCols, PRInt32 *&aColList) { // initialize out params aNumCols=0; aColList=nsnull; // get the auto columns PRInt32 numAutoCols=0; PRInt32 *autoColList=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Auto, numAutoCols, autoColList); // XXX: have to do next step for %-width as well? // get the fixed columns PRInt32 numFixedCols=0; PRInt32 *fixedColList=nsnull; mTableFrame->GetColumnsByType(eStyleUnit_Coord, numFixedCols, fixedColList); if (0GetColumnFrame(fixedColList[i], colFrame); if (nsTableColFrame::eWIDTH_SOURCE_CELL_WITH_SPAN==colFrame->GetWidthSource()) { aColList[aNumCols] = fixedColList[i]; aNumCols++; } } } return; }