/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Ci } = require("chrome"); const promise = require("promise"); const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const { getOwnerWindow } = require("sdk/tabs/utils"); const { startup } = require("sdk/window/helpers"); const message = require("./utils/message"); const { swapToInnerBrowser } = require("./browser/swap"); const { EmulationFront } = require("devtools/shared/fronts/emulation"); const { getStr } = require("./utils/l10n"); const TOOL_URL = "chrome://devtools/content/responsive.html/index.xhtml"; loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "DebuggerClient", "devtools/shared/client/main", true); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "DebuggerServer", "devtools/server/main", true); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "TargetFactory", "devtools/client/framework/target", true); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "gDevTools", "devtools/client/framework/devtools", true); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "throttlingProfiles", "devtools/client/shared/network-throttling-profiles"); /** * ResponsiveUIManager is the external API for the browser UI, etc. to use when * opening and closing the responsive UI. * * While the HTML UI is in an experimental stage, the older ResponsiveUIManager * from devtools/client/responsivedesign/responsivedesign.jsm delegates to this * object when the pref "devtools.responsive.html.enabled" is true. */ const ResponsiveUIManager = exports.ResponsiveUIManager = { activeTabs: new Map(), /** * Toggle the responsive UI for a tab. * * @param window * The main browser chrome window. * @param tab * The browser tab. * @param options * Other options associated with toggling. Currently includes: * - `command`: Whether initiated via GCLI command bar or toolbox button * @return Promise * Resolved when the toggling has completed. If the UI has opened, * it is resolved to the ResponsiveUI instance for this tab. If the * the UI has closed, there is no resolution value. */ toggle(window, tab, options) { let action = this.isActiveForTab(tab) ? "close" : "open"; let completed = this[action + "IfNeeded"](window, tab, options); completed.catch(console.error); return completed; }, /** * Opens the responsive UI, if not already open. * * @param window * The main browser chrome window. * @param tab * The browser tab. * @param options * Other options associated with opening. Currently includes: * - `command`: Whether initiated via GCLI command bar or toolbox button * @return Promise * Resolved to the ResponsiveUI instance for this tab when opening is * complete. */ openIfNeeded: Task.async(function* (window, tab, options) { if (!tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser) { this.showRemoteOnlyNotification(window, tab, options); return promise.reject(new Error("RDM only available for remote tabs.")); } // Remove this once we support this case in bug 1306975. if (tab.linkedBrowser.hasAttribute("usercontextid")) { this.showNoContainerTabsNotification(window, tab, options); return promise.reject(new Error("RDM not available for container tabs.")); } if (!this.isActiveForTab(tab)) { this.initMenuCheckListenerFor(window); let ui = new ResponsiveUI(window, tab); this.activeTabs.set(tab, ui); yield this.setMenuCheckFor(tab, window); yield ui.inited; this.emit("on", { tab }); } return this.getResponsiveUIForTab(tab); }), /** * Closes the responsive UI, if not already closed. * * @param window * The main browser chrome window. * @param tab * The browser tab. * @param options * Other options associated with closing. Currently includes: * - `command`: Whether initiated via GCLI command bar or toolbox button * - `reason`: String detailing the specific cause for closing * @return Promise * Resolved (with no value) when closing is complete. */ closeIfNeeded: Task.async(function* (window, tab, options) { if (this.isActiveForTab(tab)) { let ui = this.activeTabs.get(tab); let destroyed = yield ui.destroy(options); if (!destroyed) { // Already in the process of destroying, abort. return; } this.activeTabs.delete(tab); if (!this.isActiveForWindow(window)) { this.removeMenuCheckListenerFor(window); } this.emit("off", { tab }); yield this.setMenuCheckFor(tab, window); } }), /** * Returns true if responsive UI is active for a given tab. * * @param tab * The browser tab. * @return boolean */ isActiveForTab(tab) { return this.activeTabs.has(tab); }, /** * Returns true if responsive UI is active in any tab in the given window. * * @param window * The main browser chrome window. * @return boolean */ isActiveForWindow(window) { return [...this.activeTabs.keys()].some(t => getOwnerWindow(t) === window); }, /** * Return the responsive UI controller for a tab. * * @param tab * The browser tab. * @return ResponsiveUI * The UI instance for this tab. */ getResponsiveUIForTab(tab) { return this.activeTabs.get(tab); }, /** * Handle GCLI commands. * * @param window * The main browser chrome window. * @param tab * The browser tab. * @param command * The GCLI command name. * @param args * The GCLI command arguments. */ handleGcliCommand(window, tab, command, args) { let completed; switch (command) { case "resize to": completed = this.openIfNeeded(window, tab, { command: true }); this.activeTabs.get(tab).setViewportSize(args); break; case "resize on": completed = this.openIfNeeded(window, tab, { command: true }); break; case "resize off": completed = this.closeIfNeeded(window, tab, { command: true }); break; case "resize toggle": completed = this.toggle(window, tab, { command: true }); break; default: } completed.catch(e => console.error(e)); }, handleMenuCheck({target}) { ResponsiveUIManager.setMenuCheckFor(target); }, initMenuCheckListenerFor(window) { let { tabContainer } = window.gBrowser; tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this.handleMenuCheck); }, removeMenuCheckListenerFor(window) { if (window && window.gBrowser && window.gBrowser.tabContainer) { let { tabContainer } = window.gBrowser; tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this.handleMenuCheck); } }, setMenuCheckFor: Task.async(function* (tab, window = getOwnerWindow(tab)) { yield startup(window); let menu = window.document.getElementById("menu_responsiveUI"); if (menu) { menu.setAttribute("checked", this.isActiveForTab(tab)); } }), showRemoteOnlyNotification(window, tab, options) { this.showErrorNotification(window, tab, options, getStr("responsive.remoteOnly")); }, showNoContainerTabsNotification(window, tab, options) { this.showErrorNotification(window, tab, options, getStr("responsive.noContainerTabs")); }, showErrorNotification(window, tab, { command } = {}, msg) { // Default to using the browser's per-tab notification box let nbox = window.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(tab.linkedBrowser); // If opening was initiated by GCLI command bar or toolbox button, check for an open // toolbox for the tab. If one exists, use the toolbox's notification box so that the // message is placed closer to the action taken by the user. if (command) { let target = TargetFactory.forTab(tab); let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(target); if (toolbox) { nbox = toolbox.notificationBox; } } let value = "devtools-responsive-error"; if (nbox.getNotificationWithValue(value)) { // Notification already displayed return; } nbox.appendNotification( msg, value, null, nbox.PRIORITY_CRITICAL_MEDIUM, []); }, }; // GCLI commands in ../responsivedesign/resize-commands.js listen for events // from this object to know when the UI for a tab has opened or closed. EventEmitter.decorate(ResponsiveUIManager); /** * ResponsiveUI manages the responsive design tool for a specific tab. The * actual tool itself lives in a separate chrome:// document that is loaded into * the tab upon opening responsive design. This object acts a helper to * integrate the tool into the surrounding browser UI as needed. */ function ResponsiveUI(window, tab) { this.browserWindow = window; this.tab = tab; this.inited = this.init(); } ResponsiveUI.prototype = { /** * The main browser chrome window (that holds many tabs). */ browserWindow: null, /** * The specific browser tab this responsive instance is for. */ tab: null, /** * Promise resovled when the UI init has completed. */ inited: null, /** * Flag set when destruction has begun. */ destroying: false, /** * Flag set when destruction has ended. */ destroyed: false, /** * A window reference for the chrome:// document that displays the responsive * design tool. It is safe to reference this window directly even with e10s, * as the tool UI is always loaded in the parent process. The web content * contained *within* the tool UI on the other hand is loaded in the child * process. */ toolWindow: null, /** * Open RDM while preserving the state of the page. We use `swapFrameLoaders` * to ensure all in-page state is preserved, just like when you move a tab to * a new window. * * For more details, see /devtools/docs/responsive-design-mode.md. */ init: Task.async(function* () { let ui = this; // Watch for tab close and window close so we can clean up RDM synchronously this.tab.addEventListener("TabClose", this); this.browserWindow.addEventListener("unload", this); // Swap page content from the current tab into a viewport within RDM this.swap = swapToInnerBrowser({ tab: this.tab, containerURL: TOOL_URL, getInnerBrowser: Task.async(function* (containerBrowser) { let toolWindow = ui.toolWindow = containerBrowser.contentWindow; toolWindow.addEventListener("message", ui); yield message.request(toolWindow, "init"); toolWindow.addInitialViewport("about:blank"); yield message.wait(toolWindow, "browser-mounted"); return ui.getViewportBrowser(); }) }); yield this.swap.start(); this.tab.addEventListener("BeforeTabRemotenessChange", this); // Notify the inner browser to start the frame script yield message.request(this.toolWindow, "start-frame-script"); // Get the protocol ready to speak with emulation actor yield this.connectToServer(); }), /** * Close RDM and restore page content back into a regular tab. * * @param object * Destroy options, which currently includes a `reason` string. * @return boolean * Whether this call is actually destroying. False means destruction * was already in progress. */ destroy: Task.async(function* (options) { if (this.destroying) { return false; } this.destroying = true; // If our tab is about to be closed, there's not enough time to exit // gracefully, but that shouldn't be a problem since the tab will go away. // So, skip any yielding when we're about to close the tab. let isWindowClosing = options && options.reason === "unload"; let isTabContentDestroying = isWindowClosing || (options && (options.reason === "TabClose" || options.reason === "BeforeTabRemotenessChange")); // Ensure init has finished before starting destroy if (!isTabContentDestroying) { yield this.inited; } this.tab.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); this.tab.removeEventListener("BeforeTabRemotenessChange", this); this.browserWindow.removeEventListener("unload", this); this.toolWindow.removeEventListener("message", this); if (!isTabContentDestroying) { // Notify the inner browser to stop the frame script yield message.request(this.toolWindow, "stop-frame-script"); } // Destroy local state let swap = this.swap; this.browserWindow = null; this.tab = null; this.inited = null; this.toolWindow = null; this.swap = null; // Close the debugger client used to speak with emulation actor. // The actor handles clearing any overrides itself, so it's not necessary to clear // anything on shutdown client side. let clientClosed = this.client.close(); if (!isTabContentDestroying) { yield clientClosed; } this.client = this.emulationFront = null; if (!isWindowClosing) { // Undo the swap and return the content back to a normal tab swap.stop(); } this.destroyed = true; return true; }), connectToServer: Task.async(function* () { if (!DebuggerServer.initialized) { DebuggerServer.init(); DebuggerServer.addBrowserActors(); } this.client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); yield this.client.connect(); let { tab } = yield this.client.getTab(); this.emulationFront = EmulationFront(this.client, tab); }), handleEvent(event) { let { browserWindow, tab } = this; switch (event.type) { case "message": this.handleMessage(event); break; case "BeforeTabRemotenessChange": case "TabClose": case "unload": ResponsiveUIManager.closeIfNeeded(browserWindow, tab, { reason: event.type, }); break; } }, handleMessage(event) { if (event.origin !== "chrome://devtools") { return; } switch (event.data.type) { case "change-network-throtting": this.onChangeNetworkThrottling(event); break; case "change-viewport-device": this.onChangeViewportDevice(event); break; case "change-viewport-pixel-ratio": this.updateDPPX(event.data.pixelRatio); break; case "content-resize": this.onContentResize(event); break; case "exit": this.onExit(); break; case "update-touch-simulation": this.onUpdateTouchSimulation(event); break; } }, onChangeNetworkThrottling: Task.async(function* (event) { let { enabled, profile } = event.data; yield this.updateNetworkThrottling(enabled, profile); // Used by tests this.emit("network-throttling-changed"); }), onChangeViewportDevice: Task.async(function* (event) { let { userAgent, pixelRatio, touch } = event.data.device; yield this.updateUserAgent(userAgent); yield this.updateDPPX(pixelRatio); yield this.updateTouchSimulation(touch); // Used by tests this.emit("viewport-device-changed"); }), onContentResize(event) { let { width, height } = event.data; this.emit("content-resize", { width, height, }); }, onExit() { let { browserWindow, tab } = this; ResponsiveUIManager.closeIfNeeded(browserWindow, tab); }, onUpdateTouchSimulation(event) { let { enabled } = event.data; this.updateTouchSimulation(enabled); }, updateDPPX: Task.async(function* (dppx) { if (!dppx) { yield this.emulationFront.clearDPPXOverride(); return; } yield this.emulationFront.setDPPXOverride(dppx); }), updateNetworkThrottling: Task.async(function* (enabled, profile) { if (!enabled) { yield this.emulationFront.clearNetworkThrottling(); return; } let data = throttlingProfiles.find(({ id }) => id == profile); let { download, upload, latency } = data; yield this.emulationFront.setNetworkThrottling({ downloadThroughput: download, uploadThroughput: upload, latency, }); }), updateUserAgent: Task.async(function* (userAgent) { if (!userAgent) { yield this.emulationFront.clearUserAgentOverride(); return; } yield this.emulationFront.setUserAgentOverride(userAgent); }), updateTouchSimulation: Task.async(function* (enabled) { if (!enabled) { yield this.emulationFront.clearTouchEventsOverride(); return; } let reloadNeeded = yield this.emulationFront.setTouchEventsOverride( Ci.nsIDocShell.TOUCHEVENTS_OVERRIDE_ENABLED ); if (reloadNeeded) { this.getViewportBrowser().reload(); } }), /** * Helper for tests. Assumes a single viewport for now. */ getViewportSize() { return this.toolWindow.getViewportSize(); }, /** * Helper for tests, GCLI, etc. Assumes a single viewport for now. */ setViewportSize: Task.async(function* (size) { yield this.inited; this.toolWindow.setViewportSize(size); }), /** * Helper for tests/reloading the viewport. Assumes a single viewport for now. */ getViewportBrowser() { return this.toolWindow.getViewportBrowser(); }, /** * Helper for contacting the viewport content. Assumes a single viewport for now. */ getViewportMessageManager() { return this.getViewportBrowser().messageManager; }, }; EventEmitter.decorate(ResponsiveUI.prototype);