/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Web Workers. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * The Mozilla Foundation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Ben Turner (Original Author) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "Events.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "jscntxt.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "nsTraceRefcnt.h" #include "WorkerInlines.h" #define PROPERTY_FLAGS \ JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_SHARED #define FUNCTION_FLAGS \ JSPROP_ENUMERATE #define CONSTANT_FLAGS \ JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_SHARED | JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY USING_WORKERS_NAMESPACE namespace { class Event : public PrivatizableBase { static JSClass sClass; static JSClass sMainRuntimeClass; static JSPropertySpec sProperties[]; static JSFunctionSpec sFunctions[]; static JSPropertySpec sStaticProperties[]; protected: bool mStopPropagationCalled; public: static bool IsThisClass(JSClass* aClass) { return aClass == &sClass || aClass == &sMainRuntimeClass; } static JSObject* InitClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, bool aMainRuntime) { JSObject* parentProto = NULL; if (aMainRuntime) { jsval windowPropVal; if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, aObj, sClass.name, &windowPropVal)) { return NULL; } if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(windowPropVal)) { jsval protoVal; if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(windowPropVal), "prototype", &protoVal)) { return NULL; } if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(protoVal)) { parentProto = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(protoVal); } } } JSClass* clasp = parentProto ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; JSObject* proto = JS_InitClass(aCx, aObj, parentProto, clasp, Construct, 0, sProperties, sFunctions, sStaticProperties, NULL); if (proto && !JS_DefineProperties(aCx, proto, sStaticProperties)) { return NULL; } return proto; } static JSObject* Create(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aParent, JSString* aType, bool aBubbles, bool aCancelable, bool aMainRuntime) { JSClass* clasp = aMainRuntime ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(aCx, clasp, NULL, aParent); if (obj) { Event* priv = new Event(); if (!SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, priv) || !InitEventCommon(aCx, obj, priv, aType, aBubbles, aCancelable, true)) { SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, NULL); delete priv; return NULL; } } return obj; } static bool IsSupportedClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent) { return !!GetPrivate(aCx, aEvent); } static bool SetTarget(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent, JSObject* aTarget) { JS_ASSERT(IsSupportedClass(aCx, aEvent)); jsval target = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(aTarget); return JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aEvent, SLOT_target, target) && JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aEvent, SLOT_currentTarget, target); } static bool WasCanceled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent) { JS_ASSERT(IsSupportedClass(aCx, aEvent)); jsval canceled; if (!GetPropertyCommon(aCx, aEvent, SLOT_defaultPrevented, &canceled)) { return false; } return JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(canceled); } protected: Event() : mStopPropagationCalled(false) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::Event); } virtual ~Event() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::Event); } enum { CAPTURING_PHASE = 1, AT_TARGET = 2, BUBBLING_PHASE = 3 }; enum SLOT { SLOT_type = 0, SLOT_target, SLOT_currentTarget, SLOT_eventPhase, SLOT_bubbles, SLOT_cancelable, SLOT_timeStamp, SLOT_defaultPrevented, SLOT_isTrusted, SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_FIRST = SLOT_type }; static Event* GetPrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent); static Event* GetInstancePrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, const char* aFunctionName) { JSClass* classPtr = NULL; if (aObj) { Event* priv = GetPrivate(aCx, aObj); if (priv) { return priv; } classPtr = JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj); } JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO, sClass.name, aFunctionName, classPtr ? classPtr->name : "object"); return NULL; } static JSBool InitEventCommon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, Event* aEvent, JSString* aType, JSBool aBubbles, JSBool aCancelable, bool aIsTrusted) { aEvent->mStopPropagationCalled = false; jsval now; if (!JS_NewNumberValue(aCx, JS_Now(), &now)) { return false; } if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_type, STRING_TO_JSVAL(aType)) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_target, JSVAL_NULL) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_currentTarget, JSVAL_NULL) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_eventPhase, INT_TO_JSVAL(CAPTURING_PHASE)) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_bubbles, aBubbles ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_cancelable, aCancelable ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_timeStamp, now) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_defaultPrevented, JSVAL_FALSE) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_isTrusted, aIsTrusted ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE)) { return false; } return true; } static JSBool GetPropertyCommon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, int32 aSlot, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(aSlot >= 0 && aSlot < SLOT_COUNT); return JS_GetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, aSlot, aVp); } private: static JSBool Construct(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_WRONG_CONSTRUCTOR, sClass.name); return false; } static void Finalize(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj) { JS_ASSERT(IsThisClass(JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj))); delete GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } static JSBool GetProperty(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, jsid aIdval, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(JSID_IS_INT(aIdval)); int32 slot = JSID_TO_INT(aIdval); const char*& name = sProperties[slot - SLOT_FIRST].name; if (!GetInstancePrivate(aCx, aObj, name)) { return false; } return GetPropertyCommon(aCx, aObj, slot, aVp); } static JSBool GetConstant(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, jsid idval, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(JSID_IS_INT(idval)); JS_ASSERT(JSID_TO_INT(idval) >= CAPTURING_PHASE && JSID_TO_INT(idval) <= BUBBLING_PHASE); *aVp = INT_TO_JSVAL(JSID_TO_INT(idval)); return true; } static JSBool StopPropagation(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); Event* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[0].name); if (!event) { return false; } event->mStopPropagationCalled = true; return true; } static JSBool PreventDefault(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); Event* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[1].name); if (!event) { return false; } jsval cancelableVal; if (!GetPropertyCommon(aCx, obj, SLOT_cancelable, &cancelableVal)) { return false; } return JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN(cancelableVal) ? JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, obj, SLOT_defaultPrevented, cancelableVal) : true; } static JSBool InitEvent(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); Event* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[2].name); if (!event) { return false; } JSString* type; JSBool bubbles, cancelable; if (!JS_ConvertArguments(aCx, aArgc, JS_ARGV(aCx, aVp), "Sbb", &type, &bubbles, &cancelable)) { return false; } return InitEventCommon(aCx, obj, event, type, bubbles, cancelable, false); } }; #define DECL_EVENT_CLASS(_varname, _name) \ JSClass _varname = { \ _name, \ JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SLOT_COUNT), \ JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, \ JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, Finalize, \ JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS \ }; DECL_EVENT_CLASS(Event::sClass, "Event") DECL_EVENT_CLASS(Event::sMainRuntimeClass, "WorkerEvent") #undef DECL_EVENT_CLASS JSPropertySpec Event::sProperties[] = { { "type", SLOT_type, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "target", SLOT_target, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "currentTarget", SLOT_currentTarget, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "eventPhase", SLOT_eventPhase, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "bubbles", SLOT_bubbles, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "cancelable", SLOT_cancelable, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "timeStamp", SLOT_timeStamp, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "defaultPrevented", SLOT_defaultPrevented, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "isTrusted", SLOT_isTrusted, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; JSFunctionSpec Event::sFunctions[] = { JS_FN("stopPropagation", StopPropagation, 0, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FN("preventDefault", PreventDefault, 0, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FN("initEvent", InitEvent, 3, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FS_END }; JSPropertySpec Event::sStaticProperties[] = { { "CAPTURING_PHASE", CAPTURING_PHASE, CONSTANT_FLAGS, GetConstant, NULL }, { "AT_TARGET", AT_TARGET, CONSTANT_FLAGS, GetConstant, NULL }, { "BUBBLING_PHASE", BUBBLING_PHASE, CONSTANT_FLAGS, GetConstant, NULL }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; class MessageEvent : public Event { static JSClass sClass; static JSClass sMainRuntimeClass; static JSPropertySpec sProperties[]; static JSFunctionSpec sFunctions[]; protected: uint64* mData; size_t mDataByteCount; public: static bool IsThisClass(JSClass* aClass) { return aClass == &sClass || aClass == &sMainRuntimeClass; } static JSObject* InitClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, JSObject* aParentProto, bool aMainRuntime) { JSClass* clasp = aMainRuntime ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; return JS_InitClass(aCx, aObj, aParentProto, clasp, Construct, 0, sProperties, sFunctions, NULL, NULL); } static JSObject* Create(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aParent, JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& aData, bool aMainRuntime) { JSString* type = JS_InternString(aCx, "message"); if (!type) { return NULL; } JSClass* clasp = aMainRuntime ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(aCx, clasp, NULL, aParent); if (!obj) { return NULL; } MessageEvent* priv = new MessageEvent(); if (!SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, priv) || !InitMessageEventCommon(aCx, obj, priv, type, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true)) { SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, NULL); delete priv; return NULL; } aData.steal(&priv->mData, &priv->mDataByteCount); return obj; } protected: MessageEvent() : mData(NULL), mDataByteCount(0) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::MessageEvent); } virtual ~MessageEvent() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::MessageEvent); JS_ASSERT(!mData); } enum SLOT { SLOT_data = Event::SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_origin, SLOT_source, SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_FIRST = SLOT_data }; private: static MessageEvent* GetInstancePrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, const char* aFunctionName) { // JS_GetInstancePrivate is ok to be called with a null aObj, so this should // be too. JSClass* classPtr = NULL; if (aObj) { classPtr = JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj); if (IsThisClass(classPtr)) { return GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } } JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO, sClass.name, aFunctionName, classPtr ? classPtr->name : "object"); return NULL; } static JSBool InitMessageEventCommon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, Event* aEvent, JSString* aType, JSBool aBubbles, JSBool aCancelable, JSString* aData, JSString* aOrigin, JSObject* aSource, bool aIsTrusted) { jsval emptyString = JS_GetEmptyStringValue(aCx); if (!Event::InitEventCommon(aCx, aObj, aEvent, aType, aBubbles, aCancelable, aIsTrusted) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_data, aData ? STRING_TO_JSVAL(aData) : emptyString) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_origin, aOrigin ? STRING_TO_JSVAL(aOrigin) : emptyString) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_source, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(aSource))) { return false; } return true; } static JSBool Construct(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_WRONG_CONSTRUCTOR, sClass.name); return false; } static void Finalize(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj) { JS_ASSERT(IsThisClass(JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj))); MessageEvent* priv = GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); if (priv) { JS_free(aCx, priv->mData); #ifdef DEBUG priv->mData = NULL; #endif delete priv; } } static JSBool GetProperty(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, jsid aIdval, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(JSID_IS_INT(aIdval)); int32 slot = JSID_TO_INT(aIdval); JS_ASSERT(slot >= SLOT_data && slot < SLOT_COUNT); const char*& name = sProperties[slot - SLOT_FIRST].name; MessageEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, aObj, name); if (!event) { return false; } // Deserialize and save the data value if we can. if (slot == SLOT_data && event->mData) { JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer buffer; buffer.adopt(aCx, event->mData, event->mDataByteCount); event->mData = NULL; event->mDataByteCount = 0; jsval data; if (!buffer.read(&data) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, slot, data)) { return false; } *aVp = data; return true; } return JS_GetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, slot, aVp); } static JSBool InitMessageEvent(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); MessageEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[0].name); if (!event) { return false; } JSString* type, *data, *origin; JSBool bubbles, cancelable; JSObject* source; if (!JS_ConvertArguments(aCx, aArgc, JS_ARGV(aCx, aVp), "SbbSSo", &type, &bubbles, &cancelable, &data, &origin, &source)) { return false; } return InitMessageEventCommon(aCx, obj, event, type, bubbles, cancelable, data, origin, source, false); } }; #define DECL_MESSAGEEVENT_CLASS(_varname, _name) \ JSClass _varname = { \ _name, \ JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SLOT_COUNT), \ JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, \ JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, Finalize, \ JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS \ }; DECL_MESSAGEEVENT_CLASS(MessageEvent::sClass, "MessageEvent") DECL_MESSAGEEVENT_CLASS(MessageEvent::sMainRuntimeClass, "WorkerMessageEvent") #undef DECL_MESSAGEEVENT_CLASS JSPropertySpec MessageEvent::sProperties[] = { { "data", SLOT_data, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "origin", SLOT_origin, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "source", SLOT_source, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; JSFunctionSpec MessageEvent::sFunctions[] = { JS_FN("initMessageEvent", InitMessageEvent, 6, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FS_END }; class ErrorEvent : public Event { static JSClass sClass; static JSClass sMainRuntimeClass; static JSPropertySpec sProperties[]; static JSFunctionSpec sFunctions[]; public: static bool IsThisClass(JSClass* aClass) { return aClass == &sClass || aClass == &sMainRuntimeClass; } static JSObject* InitClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, JSObject* aParentProto, bool aMainRuntime) { JSClass* clasp = aMainRuntime ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; return JS_InitClass(aCx, aObj, aParentProto, clasp, Construct, 0, sProperties, sFunctions, NULL, NULL); } static JSObject* Create(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aParent, JSString* aMessage, JSString* aFilename, uint32 aLineNumber, bool aMainRuntime) { JSString* type = JS_InternString(aCx, "error"); if (!type) { return NULL; } JSClass* clasp = aMainRuntime ? &sMainRuntimeClass : &sClass; JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(aCx, clasp, NULL, aParent); if (!obj) { return NULL; } ErrorEvent* priv = new ErrorEvent(); if (!SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, priv) || !InitErrorEventCommon(aCx, obj, priv, type, false, true, aMessage, aFilename, aLineNumber, true)) { SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, NULL); delete priv; return NULL; } return obj; } protected: ErrorEvent() { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::ErrorEvent); } virtual ~ErrorEvent() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::ErrorEvent); } enum SLOT { SLOT_message = Event::SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_filename, SLOT_lineno, SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_FIRST = SLOT_message }; private: static ErrorEvent* GetInstancePrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, const char* aFunctionName) { // JS_GetInstancePrivate is ok to be called with a null aObj, so this should // be too. JSClass* classPtr = NULL; if (aObj) { classPtr = JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj); if (IsThisClass(classPtr)) { return GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } } JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO, sClass.name, aFunctionName, classPtr ? classPtr->name : "object"); return NULL; } static JSBool InitErrorEventCommon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, Event* aEvent, JSString* aType, JSBool aBubbles, JSBool aCancelable, JSString* aMessage, JSString* aFilename, uint32 aLineNumber, bool aIsTrusted) { if (!Event::InitEventCommon(aCx, aObj, aEvent, aType, aBubbles, aCancelable, aIsTrusted) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_message, STRING_TO_JSVAL(aMessage)) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_filename, STRING_TO_JSVAL(aFilename)) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_lineno, INT_TO_JSVAL(aLineNumber))) { return false; } return true; } static JSBool Construct(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_WRONG_CONSTRUCTOR, sClass.name); return false; } static void Finalize(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj) { JS_ASSERT(IsThisClass(JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj))); delete GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } static JSBool GetProperty(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, jsid aIdval, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(JSID_IS_INT(aIdval)); int32 slot = JSID_TO_INT(aIdval); JS_ASSERT(slot >= SLOT_message && slot < SLOT_COUNT); const char*& name = sProperties[slot - SLOT_FIRST].name; ErrorEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, aObj, name); if (!event) { return false; } return JS_GetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, slot, aVp); } static JSBool InitErrorEvent(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); ErrorEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[0].name); if (!event) { return false; } JSString* type, *message, *filename; JSBool bubbles, cancelable; uint32 lineNumber; if (!JS_ConvertArguments(aCx, aArgc, JS_ARGV(aCx, aVp), "SbbSSu", &type, &bubbles, &cancelable, &message, &filename, &lineNumber)) { return false; } return InitErrorEventCommon(aCx, obj, event, type, bubbles, cancelable, message, filename, lineNumber, false); } }; #define DECL_ERROREVENT_CLASS(_varname, _name) \ JSClass _varname = { \ _name, \ JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SLOT_COUNT), \ JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, \ JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, Finalize, \ JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS \ }; DECL_ERROREVENT_CLASS(ErrorEvent::sClass, "ErrorEvent") DECL_ERROREVENT_CLASS(ErrorEvent::sMainRuntimeClass, "WorkerErrorEvent") #undef DECL_ERROREVENT_CLASS JSPropertySpec ErrorEvent::sProperties[] = { { "message", SLOT_message, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "filename", SLOT_filename, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "lineno", SLOT_lineno, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; JSFunctionSpec ErrorEvent::sFunctions[] = { JS_FN("initErrorEvent", InitErrorEvent, 6, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FS_END }; class ProgressEvent : public Event { static JSClass sClass; static JSPropertySpec sProperties[]; static JSFunctionSpec sFunctions[]; public: static JSClass* Class() { return &sClass; } static JSObject* InitClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, JSObject* aParentProto) { return JS_InitClass(aCx, aObj, aParentProto, &sClass, Construct, 0, sProperties, sFunctions, NULL, NULL); } static JSObject* Create(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aParent, JSString* aType, bool aLengthComputable, jsdouble aLoaded, jsdouble aTotal) { JSString* type = JS_InternJSString(aCx, aType); if (!type) { return NULL; } JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(aCx, &sClass, NULL, aParent); if (!obj) { return NULL; } ProgressEvent* priv = new ProgressEvent(); if (!SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, priv) || !InitProgressEventCommon(aCx, obj, priv, type, false, false, aLengthComputable, aLoaded, aTotal, true)) { SetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, obj, NULL); delete priv; return NULL; } return obj; } protected: ProgressEvent() { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::ProgressEvent); } ~ProgressEvent() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(mozilla::dom::workers::ProgressEvent); } enum SLOT { SLOT_lengthComputable = Event::SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_loaded, SLOT_total, SLOT_COUNT, SLOT_FIRST = SLOT_lengthComputable }; private: static ProgressEvent* GetInstancePrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, const char* aFunctionName) { JSClass* classPtr = NULL; if (aObj) { classPtr = JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj); if (classPtr == &sClass) { return GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } } JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO, sClass.name, aFunctionName, classPtr ? classPtr->name : "object"); return NULL; } static JSBool InitProgressEventCommon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, Event* aEvent, JSString* aType, JSBool aBubbles, JSBool aCancelable, JSBool aLengthComputable, jsdouble aLoaded, jsdouble aTotal, bool aIsTrusted) { if (!Event::InitEventCommon(aCx, aObj, aEvent, aType, aBubbles, aCancelable, aIsTrusted) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_lengthComputable, aLengthComputable ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_loaded, DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(aLoaded)) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, SLOT_total, DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(aTotal))) { return false; } return true; } static JSBool Construct(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(aCx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_WRONG_CONSTRUCTOR, sClass.name); return false; } static void Finalize(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj) { JS_ASSERT(JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj) == &sClass); delete GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } static JSBool GetProperty(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, jsid aIdval, jsval* aVp) { JS_ASSERT(JSID_IS_INT(aIdval)); int32 slot = JSID_TO_INT(aIdval); JS_ASSERT(slot >= SLOT_lengthComputable && slot < SLOT_COUNT); const char*& name = sProperties[slot - SLOT_FIRST].name; ProgressEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, aObj, name); if (!event) { return false; } return JS_GetReservedSlot(aCx, aObj, slot, aVp); } static JSBool InitProgressEvent(JSContext* aCx, uintN aArgc, jsval* aVp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(aCx, aVp); ProgressEvent* event = GetInstancePrivate(aCx, obj, sFunctions[0].name); if (!event) { return false; } JSString* type; JSBool bubbles, cancelable, lengthComputable; jsdouble loaded, total; if (!JS_ConvertArguments(aCx, aArgc, JS_ARGV(aCx, aVp), "Sbbbdd", &type, &bubbles, &cancelable, &lengthComputable, &loaded, &total)) { return false; } return InitProgressEventCommon(aCx, obj, event, type, bubbles, cancelable, lengthComputable, loaded, total, false); } }; JSClass ProgressEvent::sClass = { "ProgressEvent", JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(SLOT_COUNT), JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, Finalize, JSCLASS_NO_OPTIONAL_MEMBERS }; JSPropertySpec ProgressEvent::sProperties[] = { { "lengthComputable", SLOT_lengthComputable, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "loaded", SLOT_loaded, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { "total", SLOT_total, PROPERTY_FLAGS, GetProperty, js_GetterOnlyPropertyStub }, { 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; JSFunctionSpec ProgressEvent::sFunctions[] = { JS_FN("initProgressEvent", InitProgressEvent, 6, FUNCTION_FLAGS), JS_FS_END }; Event* Event::GetPrivate(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj) { if (aObj) { JSClass* classPtr = JS_GET_CLASS(aCx, aObj); if (IsThisClass(classPtr) || MessageEvent::IsThisClass(classPtr) || ErrorEvent::IsThisClass(classPtr) || classPtr == ProgressEvent::Class()) { return GetJSPrivateSafeish(aCx, aObj); } } return NULL; } } /* anonymous namespace */ BEGIN_WORKERS_NAMESPACE namespace events { bool InitClasses(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aGlobal, bool aMainRuntime) { JSObject* eventProto = Event::InitClass(aCx, aGlobal, aMainRuntime); if (!eventProto) { return false; } return MessageEvent::InitClass(aCx, aGlobal, eventProto, aMainRuntime) && ErrorEvent::InitClass(aCx, aGlobal, eventProto, aMainRuntime) && ProgressEvent::InitClass(aCx, aGlobal, eventProto); } JSObject* CreateGenericEvent(JSContext* aCx, JSString* aType, bool aBubbles, bool aCancelable, bool aMainRuntime) { JSObject* global = JS_GetGlobalObject(aCx); return Event::Create(aCx, global, aType, aBubbles, aCancelable, aMainRuntime); } JSObject* CreateMessageEvent(JSContext* aCx, JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& aData, bool aMainRuntime) { JSObject* global = JS_GetGlobalObject(aCx); return MessageEvent::Create(aCx, global, aData, aMainRuntime); } JSObject* CreateErrorEvent(JSContext* aCx, JSString* aMessage, JSString* aFilename, uint32 aLineNumber, bool aMainRuntime) { JSObject* global = JS_GetGlobalObject(aCx); return ErrorEvent::Create(aCx, global, aMessage, aFilename, aLineNumber, aMainRuntime); } JSObject* CreateProgressEvent(JSContext* aCx, JSString* aType, bool aLengthComputable, jsdouble aLoaded, jsdouble aTotal) { JSObject* global = JS_GetGlobalObject(aCx); return ProgressEvent::Create(aCx, global, aType, aLengthComputable, aLoaded, aTotal); } bool IsSupportedEventClass(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent) { return Event::IsSupportedClass(aCx, aEvent); } bool SetEventTarget(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent, JSObject* aTarget) { return Event::SetTarget(aCx, aEvent, aTarget); } bool EventWasCanceled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aEvent) { return Event::WasCanceled(aCx, aEvent); } bool DispatchEventToTarget(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aTarget, JSObject* aEvent, bool* aPreventDefaultCalled) { jsval argv[] = { OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(aEvent) }; jsval rval = JSVAL_VOID; if (!JS_CallFunctionName(aCx, aTarget, "dispatchEvent", JS_ARRAY_LENGTH(argv), argv, &rval)) { return false; } JSBool preventDefaultCalled; if (!JS_ValueToBoolean(aCx, rval, &preventDefaultCalled)) { return false; } *aPreventDefaultCalled = !!preventDefaultCalled; return true; } } // namespace events END_WORKERS_NAMESPACE