/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const PREF_FXA_ENABLED = "identity.fxaccounts.enabled"; // This is the parent process corresponding to nsDOMIdentity. this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DOMIdentity"]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "objectCopy", "resource://gre/modules/identity/IdentityUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "IdentityService", #ifdef MOZ_B2G_VERSION "resource://gre/modules/identity/MinimalIdentity.jsm"); #else "resource://gre/modules/identity/Identity.jsm"); #endif XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FirefoxAccounts", "resource://gre/modules/identity/FirefoxAccounts.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "makeMessageObject", "resource://gre/modules/identity/IdentityUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Logger", "resource://gre/modules/identity/LogUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); function log(...aMessageArgs) { Logger.log.apply(Logger, ["DOMIdentity"].concat(aMessageArgs)); } function IDDOMMessage(aOptions) { objectCopy(aOptions, this); } function IDPProvisioningContext(aID, aOrigin, aTargetMM) { this._id = aID; this._origin = aOrigin; this._mm = aTargetMM; } IDPProvisioningContext.prototype = { get id() this._id, get origin() this._origin, doBeginProvisioningCallback: function IDPPC_doBeginProvCB(aID, aCertDuration) { let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); message.identity = aID; message.certDuration = aCertDuration; this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:IDP:CallBeginProvisioningCallback", message); }, doGenKeyPairCallback: function IDPPC_doGenKeyPairCallback(aPublicKey) { log("doGenKeyPairCallback"); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); message.publicKey = aPublicKey; this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:IDP:CallGenKeyPairCallback", message); }, doError: function(msg) { log("Provisioning ERROR: " + msg); } }; function IDPAuthenticationContext(aID, aOrigin, aTargetMM) { this._id = aID; this._origin = aOrigin; this._mm = aTargetMM; } IDPAuthenticationContext.prototype = { get id() this._id, get origin() this._origin, doBeginAuthenticationCallback: function IDPAC_doBeginAuthCB(aIdentity) { let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); message.identity = aIdentity; this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:IDP:CallBeginAuthenticationCallback", message); }, doError: function IDPAC_doError(msg) { log("Authentication ERROR: " + msg); } }; function RPWatchContext(aOptions, aTargetMM) { objectCopy(aOptions, this); // id and origin are required if (! (this.id && this.origin)) { throw new Error("id and origin are required for RP watch context"); } // default for no loggedInUser is undefined, not null this.loggedInUser = aOptions.loggedInUser; // Maybe internal. For hosted b2g identity shim. this._internal = aOptions._internal; this._mm = aTargetMM; } RPWatchContext.prototype = { doLogin: function RPWatchContext_onlogin(aAssertion, aMaybeInternalParams) { log("doLogin: " + this.id); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id, assertion: aAssertion}); if (aMaybeInternalParams) { message._internalParams = aMaybeInternalParams; } this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:RP:Watch:OnLogin", message); }, doLogout: function RPWatchContext_onlogout() { log("doLogout: " + this.id); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:RP:Watch:OnLogout", message); }, doReady: function RPWatchContext_onready() { log("doReady: " + this.id); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:RP:Watch:OnReady", message); }, doCancel: function RPWatchContext_oncancel() { log("doCancel: " + this.id); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id}); this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:RP:Watch:OnCancel", message); }, doError: function RPWatchContext_onerror(aMessage) { log("doError: " + this.id + ": " + JSON.stringify(aMessage)); let message = new IDDOMMessage({id: this.id, message: aMessage}); this._mm.sendAsyncMessage("Identity:RP:Watch:OnError", message); } }; this.DOMIdentity = { /* * When relying parties (RPs) invoke the watch() method, they can request * to use Firefox Accounts as their auth service or BrowserID (the default). * For each RP, we create an RPWatchContext to store the parameters given to * watch(), and to provide hooks to invoke the onlogin(), onlogout(), etc. * callbacks held in the nsDOMIdentity state. * * The serviceContexts map associates the window ID of the RP with the * context object. The mmContexts map associates a message manager with a * window ID. We use the mmContexts map when child-process-shutdown is * observed, and all we have is a message manager to identify the window in * question. */ _serviceContexts: new Map(), _mmContexts: new Map(), /* * Mockable, for testing */ _mockIdentityService: null, get IdentityService() { if (this._mockIdentityService) { log("Using a mocked identity service"); return this._mockIdentityService; } return IdentityService; }, /* * Create a new RPWatchContext, and update the context maps. */ newContext: function(message, targetMM) { let context = new RPWatchContext(message, targetMM); this._serviceContexts.set(message.id, context); this._mmContexts.set(targetMM, message.id); return context; }, /* * Get the identity service used for an RP. * * @object message * A message received from an RP. Will include the id of the window * whence the message originated. * * Returns FirefoxAccounts or IdentityService */ getService: function(message) { if (!this._serviceContexts.has(message.id)) { throw new Error("getService called before newContext for " + message.id); } let context = this._serviceContexts.get(message.id); if (context.wantIssuer == "firefox-accounts") { if (Services.prefs.getPrefType(PREF_FXA_ENABLED) === Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_FXA_ENABLED)) { return FirefoxAccounts; } log("WARNING: Firefox Accounts is not enabled; Defaulting to BrowserID"); } return this.IdentityService; }, /* * Get the RPWatchContext object for a given message manager. */ getContextForMM: function(targetMM) { return this._serviceContexts.get(this._mmContexts.get(targetMM)); }, hasContextForMM: function(targetMM) { return this._mmContexts.has(targetMM); }, /* * Delete the RPWatchContext object for a given message manager. Removes the * mapping both from _serviceContexts and _mmContexts. */ deleteContextForMM: function(targetMM) { this._serviceContexts.delete(this._mmContexts.get(targetMM)); this._mmContexts.delete(targetMM); }, // nsIMessageListener receiveMessage: function DOMIdentity_receiveMessage(aMessage) { let msg = aMessage.json; // Target is the frame message manager that called us and is // used to send replies back to the proper window. let targetMM = aMessage.target; switch (aMessage.name) { // RP case "Identity:RP:Watch": this._watch(msg, targetMM); break; case "Identity:RP:Unwatch": this._unwatch(msg, targetMM); break; case "Identity:RP:Request": this._request(msg, targetMM); break; case "Identity:RP:Logout": this._logout(msg, targetMM); break; // IDP case "Identity:IDP:BeginProvisioning": this._beginProvisioning(msg, targetMM); break; case "Identity:IDP:GenKeyPair": this._genKeyPair(msg); break; case "Identity:IDP:RegisterCertificate": this._registerCertificate(msg); break; case "Identity:IDP:ProvisioningFailure": this._provisioningFailure(msg); break; case "Identity:IDP:BeginAuthentication": this._beginAuthentication(msg, targetMM); break; case "Identity:IDP:CompleteAuthentication": this._completeAuthentication(msg); break; case "Identity:IDP:AuthenticationFailure": this._authenticationFailure(msg); break; case "child-process-shutdown": // we receive child-process-shutdown if the appliction crashes, // including if it is crashed by the OS (killed for out-of-memory, // for example) this._childProcessShutdown(targetMM); break; } }, // nsIObserver observe: function DOMIdentity_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "xpcom-shutdown": this._unsubscribeListeners(); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); Services.ww.unregisterNotification(this); break; } }, messages: ["Identity:RP:Watch", "Identity:RP:Request", "Identity:RP:Logout", "Identity:IDP:BeginProvisioning", "Identity:IDP:ProvisioningFailure", "Identity:IDP:RegisterCertificate", "Identity:IDP:GenKeyPair", "Identity:IDP:BeginAuthentication", "Identity:IDP:CompleteAuthentication", "Identity:IDP:AuthenticationFailure", "Identity:RP:Unwatch", "child-process-shutdown"], // Private. _init: function DOMIdentity__init() { Services.ww.registerNotification(this); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); this._subscribeListeners(); }, _subscribeListeners: function DOMIdentity__subscribeListeners() { if (!ppmm) return; for (let message of this.messages) { ppmm.addMessageListener(message, this); } }, _unsubscribeListeners: function DOMIdentity__unsubscribeListeners() { for (let message of this.messages) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(message, this); } ppmm = null; }, _watch: function DOMIdentity__watch(message, targetMM) { log("DOMIdentity__watch: " + message.id); let context = this.newContext(message, targetMM); this.getService(message).RP.watch(context); }, _unwatch: function DOMIdentity_unwatch(message, targetMM) { log("DOMIDentity__unwatch: " + message.id); // If watch failed for some reason (e.g., exception thrown because RP did // not have the right callbacks, we don't want unwatch to throw, because it // will break the process of releasing the page's resources and leak // memory. try { this.getService(message).RP.unwatch(message.id, targetMM); } catch(ex) { log("ERROR: can't unwatch " + message.id + ": " + ex); } }, _request: function DOMIdentity__request(message) { this.getService(message).RP.request(message.id, message); }, _logout: function DOMIdentity__logout(message) { log("logout " + message + "\n"); this.getService(message).RP.logout(message.id, message.origin, message); }, _childProcessShutdown: function DOMIdentity__childProcessShutdown(targetMM) { if (!this.hasContextForMM(targetMM)) { return; } this.getContextForMM(targetMM).RP.childProcessShutdown(targetMM); this.deleteContextForMM(targetMM); let options = makeMessageObject({messageManager: targetMM, id: null, origin: null}); Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject: options}, "identity-child-process-shutdown", null); }, _beginProvisioning: function DOMIdentity__beginProvisioning(message, targetMM) { let context = new IDPProvisioningContext(message.id, message.origin, targetMM); this.getService(message).IDP.beginProvisioning(context); }, _genKeyPair: function DOMIdentity__genKeyPair(message) { this.getService(message).IDP.genKeyPair(message.id); }, _registerCertificate: function DOMIdentity__registerCertificate(message) { this.getService(message).IDP.registerCertificate(message.id, message.cert); }, _provisioningFailure: function DOMIdentity__provisioningFailure(message) { this.getService(message).IDP.raiseProvisioningFailure(message.id, message.reason); }, _beginAuthentication: function DOMIdentity__beginAuthentication(message, targetMM) { let context = new IDPAuthenticationContext(message.id, message.origin, targetMM); this.getService(message).IDP.beginAuthentication(context); }, _completeAuthentication: function DOMIdentity__completeAuthentication(message) { this.getService(message).IDP.completeAuthentication(message.id); }, _authenticationFailure: function DOMIdentity__authenticationFailure(message) { this.getService(message).IDP.cancelAuthentication(message.id); } }; // Object is initialized by nsIDService.js