/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cr = Components.results; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/SystemMessagePermissionsChecker.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gUUIDGenerator", "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "powerManagerService", "@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1", "nsIPowerManagerService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService", "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1", "nsIAppsService"); // Limit the number of pending messages for a given page. let kMaxPendingMessages; try { kMaxPendingMessages = Services.prefs.getIntPref("dom.messages.maxPendingMessages"); } catch(e) { // getIntPref throws when the pref is not set. kMaxPendingMessages = 5; } const kMessages =["SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages", "SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages", "SystemMessageManager:Register", "SystemMessageManager:Unregister", "SystemMessageManager:Message:Return:OK", "SystemMessageManager:AskReadyToRegister", "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone", "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone", "child-process-shutdown"]; function debug(aMsg) { // dump("-- SystemMessageInternal " + Date.now() + " : " + aMsg + "\n"); } let defaultMessageConfigurator = { get mustShowRunningApp() { return false; } }; const MSG_SENT_SUCCESS = 0; const MSG_SENT_FAILURE_PERM_DENIED = 1; const MSG_SENT_FAILURE_APP_NOT_RUNNING = 2; // Implementation of the component used by internal users. function SystemMessageInternal() { // The set of pages registered by installed apps. We keep the // list of pending messages for each page here also. this._pages = []; // The set of listeners. This is a multi-dimensional object. The _listeners // object itself is a map from manifest URL -> an array mapping proccesses to // windows. We do this so that we can track both what processes we have to // send system messages to as well as supporting the single-process case // where we track windows instead. this._listeners = {}; this._webappsRegistryReady = false; this._bufferedSysMsgs = []; this._cpuWakeLocks = {}; this._configurators = {}; this._pendingPromises = new Map(); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webapps-registry-start", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webapps-registry-ready", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "webapps-clear-data", false); kMessages.forEach(function(aMsg) { ppmm.addMessageListener(aMsg, this); }, this); Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, "system-message-internal-ready", null); } SystemMessageInternal.prototype = { _getMessageConfigurator: function(aType) { debug("_getMessageConfigurator for type: " + aType); if (this._configurators[aType] === undefined) { let contractID = "@mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/configurator/" + aType + ";1"; if (contractID in Cc) { debug(contractID + " is registered, creating an instance"); this._configurators[aType] = Cc[contractID].createInstance(Ci.nsISystemMessagesConfigurator); } else { debug(contractID + "is not registered, caching the answer"); this._configurators[aType] = null; } } return this._configurators[aType] || defaultMessageConfigurator; }, _cancelCpuWakeLock: function(aPageKey) { let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey]; if (cpuWakeLock) { debug("Releasing the CPU wake lock for page key = " + aPageKey); cpuWakeLock.wakeLock.unlock(); cpuWakeLock.timer.cancel(); delete this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey]; } }, _acquireCpuWakeLock: function(aPageKey) { let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey]; if (!cpuWakeLock) { // We have to ensure the CPU doesn't sleep during the process of the page // handling the system messages, so that they can be handled on time. debug("Acquiring a CPU wake lock for page key = " + aPageKey); cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey] = { wakeLock: powerManagerService.newWakeLock("cpu"), timer: Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer), lockCount: 1 }; } else { // We've already acquired the CPU wake lock for this page, // so just add to the lock count and extend the timeout. cpuWakeLock.lockCount++; } // Set a watchdog to avoid locking the CPU wake lock too long, // because it'd exhaust the battery quickly which is very bad. // This could probably happen if the app failed to launch or // handle the system messages due to any unexpected reasons. cpuWakeLock.timer.initWithCallback(function timerCb() { debug("Releasing the CPU wake lock because the system messages " + "were not handled by its registered page before time out."); this._cancelCpuWakeLock(aPageKey); }.bind(this), 30000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, _releaseCpuWakeLock: function _releaseCpuWakeLock(aPageKey, aHandledCount) { let cpuWakeLock = this._cpuWakeLocks[aPageKey]; if (cpuWakeLock) { cpuWakeLock.lockCount -= aHandledCount; if (cpuWakeLock.lockCount <= 0) { debug("Unlocking the CPU wake lock now that the system messages " + "have been successfully handled by its registered page."); this._cancelCpuWakeLock(aPageKey); } } }, _findPage: function(aType, aPageURL, aManifestURL) { let page = null; this._pages.some(function(aPage) { if (this._isPageMatched(aPage, aType, aPageURL, aManifestURL)) { page = aPage; } return page !== null; }, this); return page; }, _findCacheForApp: function(aManifestURL) { let cache = []; this._pages.forEach(function(aPage) { if (aPage.manifestURL === aManifestURL && aPage.pendingMessages.length != 0) { cache.push({ type: aPage.type, pageURL: aPage.pageURL, manifestURL: aPage.manifestURL }); } }); return cache; }, sendMessage: function(aType, aMessage, aPageURI, aManifestURI, aExtra) { return new Promise((aResolve, aReject) => { this.sendMessageInternal(aType, aMessage, aPageURI, aManifestURI, aExtra, aResolve, aReject); }); }, sendMessageInternal: function(aType, aMessage, aPageURI, aManifestURI, aExtra, aResolvePromiseCb, aRejectPromiseCb) { // Buffer system messages until the webapps' registration is ready, // so that we can know the correct pages registered to be sent. if (!this._webappsRegistryReady) { this._bufferedSysMsgs.push({ how: "send", type: aType, msg: aMessage, pageURI: aPageURI, manifestURI: aManifestURI, extra: aExtra, resolvePromiseCb: aResolvePromiseCb, rejectPromiseCb: aRejectPromiseCb }); return; } // Give this message an ID so that we can identify the message and // clean it up from the pending message queue when apps receive it. let messageID = gUUIDGenerator.generateUUID().toString(); let manifestURL = aManifestURI.spec; let pendingPromise = { resolvePromiseCb: aResolvePromiseCb, rejectPromiseCb: aRejectPromiseCb, manifestURL: manifestURL, counter: 0 }; let pageURLs = []; if (aPageURI) { pageURLs.push(aPageURI.spec); } else { // Send this message to all the registered pages of the app if |aPageURI| // is not specified. for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; i++) { let page = this._pages[i]; if (page.type === aType && page.manifestURL === manifestURL) { pageURLs.push(page.pageURL); } } } pageURLs.forEach(function(aPageURL) { debug("Sending " + aType + " " + JSON.stringify(aMessage) + " for " + aPageURL + " @ " + manifestURL + '; extra: ' + JSON.stringify(aExtra)); let result = this._sendMessageCommon(aType, aMessage, messageID, aPageURL, manifestURL, aExtra); debug("Returned status of sending message: " + result); if (result === MSG_SENT_FAILURE_PERM_DENIED) { return; } // For each page we must receive a confirm. ++pendingPromise.counter; }, this); if (pendingPromise.counter) { this._pendingPromises.set(messageID, pendingPromise); } }, broadcastMessage: function(aType, aMessage, aExtra) { // Buffer system messages until the webapps' registration is ready, // so that we can know the correct pages registered to be broadcasted. if (!this._webappsRegistryReady) { this._bufferedSysMsgs.push({ how: "broadcast", type: aType, msg: aMessage, extra: aExtra }); return Promise.resolve(); } // Give this message an ID so that we can identify the message and // clean it up from the pending message queue when apps receive it. let messageID = gUUIDGenerator.generateUUID().toString(); debug("Broadcasting " + aType + " " + JSON.stringify(aMessage) + '; extra = ' + JSON.stringify(aExtra)); let shouldDispatchFunc = this._getMessageConfigurator(aType).shouldDispatch; if (!this._pages.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } // Find pages that registered a handler for this type. let promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; i++) { let promise = ((page) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (page.type !== aType) { resolve(); return; } let doDispatch = () => { let result = this._sendMessageCommon(aType, aMessage, messageID, page.pageURL, page.manifestURL, aExtra); debug("Returned status of sending message: " + result); resolve(); }; if ('function' !== typeof shouldDispatchFunc) { // If the configurator has no 'shouldDispatch' defined, // always dispatch this message. doDispatch(); return; } shouldDispatchFunc(page.manifestURL, page.pageURL, aType, aMessage, aExtra) .then(aShouldDispatch => { if (aShouldDispatch) { doDispatch(); } }); }); })(this._pages[i]); promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises); }, registerPage: function(aType, aPageURI, aManifestURI) { if (!aPageURI || !aManifestURI) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let pageURL = aPageURI.spec; let manifestURL = aManifestURI.spec; // Don't register duplicates for this tuple. let page = this._findPage(aType, pageURL, manifestURL); if (page) { debug("Ignoring duplicate registration of " + [aType, pageURL, manifestURL]); return; } this._pages.push({ type: aType, pageURL: pageURL, manifestURL: manifestURL, pendingMessages: [] }); }, refreshCache: function(aChildMM, aManifestURI) { if (!aManifestURI) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } this._refreshCacheInternal(aChildMM, aManifestURI.spec); }, _refreshCacheInternal: function(aChildMM, aManifestURL) { let cache = this._findCacheForApp(aManifestURL); aChildMM.sendAsyncMessage("SystemMessageCache:RefreshCache", cache); }, _findTargetIndex: function(aTargets, aTarget) { if (!aTargets || !aTarget) { return -1; } for (let index = 0; index < aTargets.length; ++index) { let target = aTargets[index]; if (target.target === aTarget) { return index; } } return -1; }, _isEmptyObject: function(aObj) { for (let name in aObj) { return false; } return true; }, _removeTargetFromListener: function(aTarget, aManifestURL, aRemoveListener, aPageURL) { let targets = this._listeners[aManifestURL]; if (!targets) { return false; } let index = this._findTargetIndex(targets, aTarget); if (index === -1) { return false; } if (aRemoveListener) { debug("remove the listener for " + aManifestURL); delete this._listeners[aManifestURL]; return true; } let target = targets[index]; if (aPageURL && target.winCounts[aPageURL] !== undefined && --target.winCounts[aPageURL] === 0) { delete target.winCounts[aPageURL]; } if (this._isEmptyObject(target.winCounts)) { if (targets.length === 1) { // If it's the only one, get rid of the entry of manifest URL entirely. debug("remove the listener for " + aManifestURL); delete this._listeners[aManifestURL]; } else { // If more than one left, remove this one and leave the rest. targets.splice(index, 1); } } return true; }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { let msg = aMessage.json; // To prevent the hacked child process from sending commands to parent // to manage system messages, we need to check its manifest URL. if (["SystemMessageManager:Register", // TODO: fix bug 988142 to re-enable. // "SystemMessageManager:Unregister", "SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages", "SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages", "SystemMessageManager:Message:Return:OK", "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone", "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone"].indexOf(aMessage.name) != -1) { if (!aMessage.target.assertContainApp(msg.manifestURL)) { debug("Got message from a child process containing illegal manifest URL."); return null; } } switch(aMessage.name) { case "SystemMessageManager:AskReadyToRegister": return true; break; case "SystemMessageManager:Register": { debug("Got Register from " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL); let pageURL = msg.pageURL; let targets, index; if (!(targets = this._listeners[msg.manifestURL])) { let winCounts = {}; winCounts[pageURL] = 1; this._listeners[msg.manifestURL] = [{ target: aMessage.target, winCounts: winCounts }]; } else if ((index = this._findTargetIndex(targets, aMessage.target)) === -1) { let winCounts = {}; winCounts[pageURL] = 1; targets.push({ target: aMessage.target, winCounts: winCounts }); } else { let winCounts = targets[index].winCounts; if (winCounts[pageURL] === undefined) { winCounts[pageURL] = 1; } else { winCounts[pageURL]++; } } this._refreshCacheInternal(aMessage.target, msg.manifestURL); debug("listeners for " + msg.manifestURL + " innerWinID " + msg.innerWindowID); break; } case "child-process-shutdown": { debug("Got child-process-shutdown from " + aMessage.target); for (let manifestURL in this._listeners) { // See if any processes in this manifest URL have this target. this._removeTargetFromListener(aMessage.target, manifestURL, true, null); this._rejectPendingPromisesFromManifestURL(manifestURL); } break; } case "SystemMessageManager:Unregister": { debug("Got Unregister from " + aMessage.target + " innerWinID " + msg.innerWindowID); this._removeTargetFromListener(aMessage.target, msg.manifestURL, false, msg.pageURL); this._rejectPendingPromisesFromManifestURL(msg.manifestURL); break; } case "SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages": { debug("received SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages " + msg.type + " for " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL); // This is a sync call used to return the pending messages for a page. // Find the right page to get its corresponding pending messages. let page = this._findPage(msg.type, msg.pageURL, msg.manifestURL); if (!page) { return; } // Return the |msg| of each pending message. let pendingMessages = []; page.pendingMessages.forEach(function(aMessage) { pendingMessages.push({ msg: aMessage.msg, msgID: aMessage.msgID }); }); // Clear the pending queue for this page. This is OK since we'll store // pending messages in the content process (|SystemMessageManager|). page.pendingMessages.length = 0; // Send the array of pending messages. aMessage.target .sendAsyncMessage("SystemMessageManager:GetPendingMessages:Return", { type: msg.type, manifestURL: msg.manifestURL, pageURL: msg.pageURL, msgQueue: pendingMessages }); this._refreshCacheInternal(aMessage.target, msg.manifestURL); break; } case "SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages": { debug("received SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages " + msg.type + " for " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL); // NB: Sync message SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages // should only be used by in-process app. For out-of-process // app, SystemMessageCache should be used. // This is a sync call used to return if a page has pending messages. // Find the right page to get its corresponding pending messages. let page = this._findPage(msg.type, msg.pageURL, msg.manifestURL); if (!page) { return false; } return page.pendingMessages.length != 0; break; } case "SystemMessageManager:Message:Return:OK": { debug("received SystemMessageManager:Message:Return:OK " + msg.type + " for " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL); // We need to clean up the pending message since the app has already // received it, thus avoiding the re-lanunched app handling it again. let page = this._findPage(msg.type, msg.pageURL, msg.manifestURL); if (page) { let pendingMessages = page.pendingMessages; for (let i = 0; i < pendingMessages.length; i++) { if (pendingMessages[i].msgID === msg.msgID) { pendingMessages.splice(i, 1); break; } } } break; } case "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone": { debug("received SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone " + msg.type + " with msgID " + msg.msgID + " for " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL + " - promise rejected: " + msg.rejected); // Maybe this should resolve/reject a pending promise. if (msg.rejected) { this._rejectPendingPromises(msg.msgID); } else { this._resolvePendingPromises(msg.msgID); } // A page has finished handling some of its system messages, so we try // to release the CPU wake lock we acquired on behalf of that page. this._releaseCpuWakeLock(this._createKeyForPage(msg), 1); break; } case "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone": { debug("received SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone " + msg.type + " with " + msg.handledCount + " for " + msg.pageURL + " @ " + msg.manifestURL); // A page has finished handling some of its system messages, so we try // to release the CPU wake lock we acquired on behalf of that page. this._releaseCpuWakeLock(this._createKeyForPage(msg), msg.handledCount); break; } } }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "xpcom-shutdown": kMessages.forEach(function(aMsg) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(aMsg, this); }, this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "webapps-registry-start"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "webapps-registry-ready"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "webapps-clear-data"); ppmm = null; this._pages = null; this._bufferedSysMsgs = null; this._pendingPromises.clear(); break; case "webapps-registry-start": this._webappsRegistryReady = false; break; case "webapps-registry-ready": // After the webapps' registration has been done for sure, // re-fire the buffered system messages if there is any. this._webappsRegistryReady = true; this._bufferedSysMsgs.forEach(function(aSysMsg) { switch (aSysMsg.how) { case "send": this.sendMessageInternal( aSysMsg.type, aSysMsg.msg, aSysMsg.pageURI, aSysMsg.manifestURI, aSysMsg.extra, aSysMsg.resolvePromiseCb, aSysMsg.rejectPromiseCb); break; case "broadcast": this.broadcastMessage(aSysMsg.type, aSysMsg.msg, aSysMsg.extra); break; } }, this); this._bufferedSysMsgs.length = 0; break; case "webapps-clear-data": let params = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.mozIApplicationClearPrivateDataParams); if (!params) { debug("Error updating registered pages for an uninstalled app."); return; } // Only update registered pages for apps. if (params.browserOnly) { return; } let manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(params.appId); if (!manifestURL) { debug("Error updating registered pages for an uninstalled app."); return; } for (let i = this._pages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let page = this._pages[i]; if (page.manifestURL === manifestURL) { this._pages.splice(i, 1); debug("Remove " + page.pageURL + " @ " + page.manifestURL + " from registered pages due to app uninstallation."); } } this._rejectPendingPromisesFromManifestURL(manifestURL); debug("Finish updating registered pages for an uninstalled app."); break; } }, _queueMessage: function(aPage, aMessage, aMessageID) { // Queue the message for this page because we've never known if an app is // opened or not. We'll clean it up when the app has already received it. aPage.pendingMessages.push({ msg: aMessage, msgID: aMessageID }); if (aPage.pendingMessages.length > kMaxPendingMessages) { aPage.pendingMessages.splice(0, 1); } }, _openAppPage: function(aPage, aMessage, aExtra, aMsgSentStatus) { // This means the app must be brought to the foreground. let showApp = this._getMessageConfigurator(aPage.type).mustShowRunningApp; // We should send the open-app message if the system message was // not sent, or if it was sent but we should show the app anyway. if ((aMsgSentStatus === MSG_SENT_SUCCESS) && !showApp) { return; } // This flag means the app must *only* be brought to the foreground // and we don't need to load the app to handle messages. let onlyShowApp = (aMsgSentStatus === MSG_SENT_SUCCESS) && showApp; debug("Asking to open pageURL: " + aPage.pageURL + ", manifestURL: " + aPage.manifestURL + ", type: " + aPage.type + ", target: " + JSON.stringify(aMessage.target) + ", showApp: " + showApp + ", onlyShowApp: " + onlyShowApp + ", extra: " + JSON.stringify(aExtra)); let glue = Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/messages/system-message-glue;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsISystemMessageGlue); if (glue) { glue.openApp(aPage.pageURL, aPage.manifestURL, aPage.type, aMessage.target, showApp, onlyShowApp, aExtra); } else { debug("Error! The UI glue component is not implemented."); } }, _isPageMatched: function(aPage, aType, aPageURL, aManifestURL) { return (aPage.type === aType && aPage.manifestURL === aManifestURL && aPage.pageURL === aPageURL); }, _createKeyForPage: function _createKeyForPage(aPage) { let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); converter.charset = "UTF-8"; let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsICryptoHash); hasher.init(hasher.SHA1); // add manifest/page URL and action to the hash ["type", "manifestURL", "pageURL"].forEach(function(aProp) { let data = converter.convertToByteArray(aPage[aProp], {}); hasher.update(data, data.length); }); return hasher.finish(true); }, _sendMessageCommon: function(aType, aMessage, aMessageID, aPageURL, aManifestURL, aExtra) { // Don't send the system message not granted by the app's permissions. if (!SystemMessagePermissionsChecker .isSystemMessagePermittedToSend(aType, aPageURL, aManifestURL)) { return MSG_SENT_FAILURE_PERM_DENIED; } // Queue this message in the corresponding pages. let page = this._findPage(aType, aPageURL, aManifestURL); if (!page) { debug("Message " + aType + " is not registered for " + aPageURL + " @ " + aManifestURL); return MSG_SENT_FAILURE_PERM_DENIED; } this._queueMessage(page, aMessage, aMessageID); let appPageIsRunning = false; let pageKey = this._createKeyForPage({ type: aType, manifestURL: aManifestURL, pageURL: aPageURL }); let cache = this._findCacheForApp(aManifestURL); let targets = this._listeners[aManifestURL]; if (targets) { for (let index = 0; index < targets.length; ++index) { let target = targets[index]; let manager = target.target; // Ensure hasPendingMessage cache is refreshed before we open app manager.sendAsyncMessage("SystemMessageCache:RefreshCache", cache); // We only need to send the system message to the targets (processes) // which contain the window page that matches the manifest/page URL of // the destination of system message. if (target.winCounts[aPageURL] === undefined) { continue; } appPageIsRunning = true; // We need to acquire a CPU wake lock for that page and expect that // we'll receive a "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone" or a // "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone" message when the page // finishes handling the system message. At that point, we'll release // the lock we acquired. this._acquireCpuWakeLock(pageKey); // Multiple windows can share the same target (process), the content // window needs to check if the manifest/page URL is matched. Only // *one* window should handle the system message. manager.sendAsyncMessage("SystemMessageManager:Message", { type: aType, msg: aMessage, manifestURL: aManifestURL, pageURL: aPageURL, msgID: aMessageID }); } } let result = MSG_SENT_SUCCESS; if (!appPageIsRunning) { // The app page isn't running and relies on the 'open-app' chrome event to // wake it up. We still need to acquire a CPU wake lock for that page and // expect that we will receive a "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessagesDone" // or a "SystemMessageManager:HandleMessageDone" message when the page // finishes handling the system message with other pending messages. At // that point, we'll release the lock we acquired. result = MSG_SENT_FAILURE_APP_NOT_RUNNING; this._acquireCpuWakeLock(pageKey); } this._openAppPage(page, aMessage, aExtra, result); return result; }, _resolvePendingPromises: function(aMessageID) { if (!this._pendingPromises.has(aMessageID)) { debug("Unknown pendingPromise messageID. This seems a bug!!"); return; } let obj = this._pendingPromises.get(aMessageID); if (!--obj.counter) { obj.resolvePromiseCb(); this._pendingPromises.delete(aMessageID); } }, _rejectPendingPromises: function(aMessageID) { if (!this._pendingPromises.has(aMessageID)) { debug("Unknown pendingPromise messageID. This seems a bug!!"); return; } let obj = this._pendingPromises.get(aMessageID); if (!--obj.counter) { obj.rejectPromiseCb(); this._pendingPromises.delete(aMessageID); } }, _rejectPendingPromisesFromManifestURL: function(aManifestURL) { for (var [i, obj] of this._pendingPromises) { if (obj.manifestURL == aManifestURL) { obj.rejectPromiseCb(); this._pendingPromises.delete(i); } } }, classID: Components.ID("{70589ca5-91ac-4b9e-b839-d6a88167d714}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISystemMessagesInternal, Ci.nsIObserver]) } this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([SystemMessageInternal]);