Firefox Survey Readme Description ----------- This is a small application that accepts a name and email address after captcha verification, and emails the entered address with a link. It's a pretty specific app for the Firefox Survey. Requirements ------------ - Cake libraries installed on the server - GD libraries installed on the server (if images don't show up, your best bet is to look at the configuration in the captcha lib in /vendors/captcha/) To Install ---------- 1) Copy config/database.php.default to database.php and fill out appropriate values. 2) Copy config/defines.php.default to defines.php and fill out appropriate values. 3) Run config/sql/init.php 4) If the app isn't installed on the root of the webserver (ie. it's in and not just you may have to add RewriteBase rules to /.htaccess and /webroot/.htaccess Testing (Verification everything works) --------------------------------------- 1) Load / in a browser * Page should have standard rustico look/feel * There should be a captcha image in between the 3rd and 4th input box 2) Click "Send" with all boxes empty * A red message should appear reminding the user to enter the captcha code. 3) Fill in all input boxes. * A thank you message should appear * An email should be sent to the entered email address * Should be from "Firefox User Panel" * Reply-to should be "" * Should have 3 html links 4) Return to / and fill in all input boxes with the same information * A message should appear saying you've already signed up for the survey * An email should be sent to the entered email address (same email as above)