/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * The origin of this IDL file is * http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html#rtcstatsreport-object * http://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/Stats */ enum RTCStatsType { "inbound-rtp", "outbound-rtp", "remote-inbound-rtp", "remote-outbound-rtp", "csrc", "session", "track", "transport", "candidate-pair", "local-candidate", "remote-candidate" }; dictionary RTCStats { DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; RTCStatsType type; DOMString id; }; dictionary RTCRtpStreamStats : RTCStats { unsigned long ssrc; DOMString mediaType; DOMString kind; DOMString transportId; }; dictionary RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats: RTCRtpStreamStats { unsigned long packetsReceived; unsigned long packetsLost; double jitter; unsigned long discardedPackets; // non-standard alias for packetsDiscarded unsigned long packetsDiscarded; }; dictionary RTCInboundRtpStreamStats : RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats { DOMString remoteId; unsigned long framesDecoded; unsigned long long bytesReceived; unsigned long nackCount; unsigned long firCount; unsigned long pliCount; double bitrateMean; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double bitrateStdDev; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double framerateMean; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double framerateStdDev; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 }; dictionary RTCRemoteInboundRtpStreamStats : RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats { DOMString localId; long long bytesReceived; // Deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1529405 double roundTripTime; }; dictionary RTCSentRtpStreamStats : RTCRtpStreamStats { unsigned long packetsSent; unsigned long long bytesSent; }; dictionary RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats : RTCSentRtpStreamStats { DOMString remoteId; unsigned long framesEncoded; unsigned long long qpSum; unsigned long nackCount; unsigned long firCount; unsigned long pliCount; double bitrateMean; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double bitrateStdDev; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double framerateMean; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 double framerateStdDev; // deprecated, to be removed in Bug 1367562 unsigned long droppedFrames; // non-spec alias for framesDropped // to be deprecated in Bug 1225720 }; dictionary RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats : RTCSentRtpStreamStats { DOMString localId; }; dictionary RTCRTPContributingSourceStats : RTCStats { unsigned long contributorSsrc; DOMString inboundRtpStreamId; }; enum RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState { "frozen", "waiting", "inprogress", "failed", "succeeded", "cancelled" }; dictionary RTCIceCandidatePairStats : RTCStats { DOMString transportId; DOMString localCandidateId; DOMString remoteCandidateId; RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState state; unsigned long long priority; boolean nominated; boolean writable; boolean readable; unsigned long long bytesSent; unsigned long long bytesReceived; DOMHighResTimeStamp lastPacketSentTimestamp; DOMHighResTimeStamp lastPacketReceivedTimestamp; boolean selected; [ChromeOnly] unsigned long componentId; // moz }; enum RTCIceCandidateType { "host", "srflx", "prflx", "relay" }; dictionary RTCIceCandidateStats : RTCStats { DOMString address; long port; DOMString protocol; RTCIceCandidateType candidateType; long priority; DOMString relayProtocol; // Because we use this internally but don't support RTCIceCandidateStats, // we need to keep the field as ChromeOnly. Bug 1225723 [ChromeOnly] DOMString transportId; }; // This is the internal representation of the report in this implementation // to be received from c++ dictionary RTCStatsReportInternal { DOMString pcid = ""; sequence inboundRtpStreamStats; sequence outboundRtpStreamStats; sequence remoteInboundRtpStreamStats; sequence remoteOutboundRtpStreamStats; sequence rtpContributingSourceStats; sequence iceCandidatePairStats; sequence iceCandidateStats; DOMString localSdp; DOMString remoteSdp; DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; unsigned long iceRestarts; unsigned long iceRollbacks; boolean offerer; // Is the PC the offerer boolean closed; // Is the PC now closed sequence trickledIceCandidateStats; sequence rawLocalCandidates; sequence rawRemoteCandidates; }; [Pref="media.peerconnection.enabled", JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/dom/rtcstatsreport;1"] interface RTCStatsReport { readonly maplike; [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString mozPcid; };