/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 autoindent cindent noexpandtab: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // True longhand properties. const CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND = 0; // True shorthand properties. const CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND = 1; // Properties that we handle as shorthands but were longhands either in // the current spec or earlier versions of the spec. const CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND = 2; // Each property has the following fields: // domProp: The name of the relevant member of nsIDOM[NS]CSS2Properties // inherited: Whether the property is inherited by default (stated as // yes or no in the property header in all CSS specs) // type: see above // alias_for: optional, indicates that the property is an alias for // some other property that is the preferred serialization. (Type // must not be CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND.) // get_computed: if present, the property's computed value shows up on // another property, and this is a function used to get it // initial_values: Values whose computed value should be the same as the // computed value for the property's initial value. // other_values: Values whose computed value should be different from the // computed value for the property's initial value. // XXX Should have a third field for values whose computed value may or // may not be the same as for the property's initial value. // invalid_values: Things that are not values for the property and // should be rejected. // quirks_values: Values that should be accepted in quirks mode only, // mapped to the values they are equivalent to. // Helper functions used to construct gCSSProperties. function initial_font_family_is_sans_serif() { // The initial value of 'font-family' might be 'serif' or // 'sans-serif'. var div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("style", "font: initial"); return getComputedStyle(div, "").fontFamily == "sans-serif"; } var gInitialFontFamilyIsSansSerif = initial_font_family_is_sans_serif(); var gCSSProperties = { "animation": { domProp: "animation", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "animation-name", "animation-duration", "animation-timing-function", "animation-delay", "animation-direction", "animation-fill-mode", "animation-iteration-count" ], initial_values: [ "none none 0s 0s ease normal 1.0", "none", "0s", "ease", "normal", "1.0" ], other_values: [ "bounce 1s linear 2s", "bounce 1s 2s linear", "bounce linear 1s 2s", "linear bounce 1s 2s", "linear 1s bounce 2s", "linear 1s 2s bounce", "1s bounce linear 2s", "1s bounce 2s linear", "1s 2s bounce linear", "1s linear bounce 2s", "1s linear 2s bounce", "1s 2s linear bounce", "bounce linear 1s", "bounce 1s linear", "linear bounce 1s", "linear 1s bounce", "1s bounce linear", "1s linear bounce", "1s 2s bounce", "1s bounce 2s", "bounce 1s 2s", "1s 2s linear", "1s linear 2s", "linear 1s 2s", "bounce 1s", "1s bounce", "linear 1s", "1s linear", "1s 2s", "2s 1s", "bounce", "linear", "1s", "height", "2s", "ease-in-out", "2s ease-in", "opacity linear", "ease-out 2s", "2s color, 1s bounce, 500ms height linear, 1s opacity 4s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0)", "1s \\32bounce linear 2s", "1s -bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\32bounce linear 2s", "1s \\32 0bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\32 0bounce linear 2s", "1s \\2bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\2bounce linear 2s", "2s, 1s bounce", "1s bounce, 2s", "2s all, 1s bounce", "1s bounce, 2s all", "1s bounce, 2s none", "2s none, 1s bounce", "2s bounce, 1s all", "2s all, 1s bounce" ], invalid_values: [ "2s inherit", "inherit 2s", "2s bounce, 1s inherit", "2s inherit, 1s bounce", "2s initial" ] }, "animation-delay": { domProp: "animationDelay", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "-100ms", "-1s", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px" ] }, "animation-direction": { domProp: "animationDirection", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "alternate", "normal, alternate", "alternate, normal", "normal, normal", "normal, normal, normal", "reverse", "alternate-reverse", "normal, reverse, alternate-reverse, alternate" ], invalid_values: [ "normal normal", "inherit, normal", "reverse-alternate" ] }, "animation-duration": { domProp: "animationDuration", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px", "-1ms", "-2s" ] }, "animation-fill-mode": { domProp: "animationFillMode", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "forwards", "backwards", "both", "none, none", "forwards, backwards", "forwards, none", "none, both" ], invalid_values: [ "all"] }, "animation-iteration-count": { domProp: "animationIterationCount", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "1" ], other_values: [ "infinite", "0", "0.5", "7.75", "-0.0", "1, 2, 3", "infinite, 2", "1, infinite" ], // negatives forbidden per // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Mar/0355.html invalid_values: [ "none", "-1", "-0.5", "-1, infinite", "infinite, -3" ] }, "animation-name": { domProp: "animationName", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "all", "ball", "mall", "color", "bounce, bubble, opacity", "foobar", "auto", "\\32bounce", "-bounce", "-\\32bounce", "\\32 0bounce", "-\\32 0bounce", "\\2bounce", "-\\2bounce" ], invalid_values: [ "bounce, initial", "initial, bounce", "bounce, inherit", "inherit, bounce" ] }, "animation-play-state": { domProp: "animationPlayState", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "running" ], other_values: [ "paused", "running, running", "paused, running", "paused, paused", "running, paused", "paused, running, running, running, paused, running" ], invalid_values: [ "0" ] }, "animation-timing-function": { domProp: "animationTimingFunction", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "ease", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0)" ], other_values: [ "linear", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "linear, ease-in, cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 1.5, 0.75, -0.5)", "step-start", "step-end", "steps(1)", "steps(2, start)", "steps(386)", "steps(3, end)" ], invalid_values: [ "none", "auto", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25)", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0)", "cubic-bezier(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5)", "steps(2, step-end)", "steps(0)", "steps(-2)", "steps(0, step-end, 1)" ] }, "-moz-appearance": { domProp: "MozAppearance", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "radio", "menulist" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-background-inline-policy": { domProp: "MozBackgroundInlinePolicy", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "continuous" ], other_values: ["bounding-box", "each-box" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-binding": { domProp: "MozBinding", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "url(foo.xml)" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-border-bottom-colors": { domProp: "MozBorderBottomColors", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "red green", "red #fc3", "#ff00cc", "currentColor", "blue currentColor orange currentColor" ], invalid_values: [ "red none", "red inherit", "red, green", "none red", "inherit red", "ff00cc" ] }, "-moz-border-end": { domProp: "MozBorderEnd", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "-moz-border-end-color", "-moz-border-end-style", "-moz-border-end-width" ], initial_values: [ "none", "medium", "currentColor", "thin", "none medium currentcolor" ], other_values: [ "solid", "green", "medium solid", "green solid", "10px solid", "thick solid", "5px green none" ], invalid_values: [ "5%", "5", "5 green none" ] }, "-moz-border-end-color": { domProp: "MozBorderEndColor", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, get_computed: logical_box_prop_get_computed, initial_values: [ "currentColor" ], other_values: [ "green", "rgba(255,128,0,0.5)", "transparent" ], invalid_values: [ "#0", "#00", "#0000", "#00000", "#0000000", "#00000000", "#000000000", "000000" ] }, "-moz-border-end-style": { domProp: "MozBorderEndStyle", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, get_computed: logical_box_prop_get_computed, /* XXX hidden is sometimes the same as initial */ initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "outset", "inset", "groove", "ridge" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-border-end-width": { domProp: "MozBorderEndWidth", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, get_computed: logical_box_prop_get_computed, prerequisites: { "-moz-border-end-style": "solid" }, initial_values: [ "medium", "3px", "calc(4px - 1px)" ], other_values: [ "thin", "thick", "1px", "2em", "calc(2px)", "calc(-2px)", "calc(0em)", "calc(0px)", "calc(5em)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 5em)", ], invalid_values: [ "5%", "5" ] }, "border-image": { domProp: "borderImage", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "border-image-source", "border-image-slice", "border-image-width", "border-image-outset", "border-image-repeat" ], initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27", "url('border.png') 27", "stretch url('border.png')", "url('border.png') 27 fill", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 repeat", "repeat url('border.png') 27 27 27 27", "url('border.png') repeat 27 27 27 27", "url('border.png') fill 27 27 27 27 repeat", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / 1em", "27 27 27 27 / 1em url('border.png') ", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / 10 10 10 / 10 10 repeat", "repeat 27 27 27 27 / 10 10 10 / 10 10 url('border.png')", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / / 10 10 1em", "fill 27 27 27 27 / / 10 10 1em url('border.png')", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / 1em 1em 1em 1em repeat", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / 1em 1em 1em 1em stretch round" ], invalid_values: [ "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 27", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 / 1em 1em 1em 1em 1em", "url('border.png') 27 27 27 27 /", "url('border.png') fill", "url('border.png') fill repeat", "fill repeat", "url('border.png') fill / 1em", "url('border.png') / repeat", "url('border.png') 1 /", "url('border.png') 1 / /", "1 / url('border.png')", "url('border.png') / 1", "url('border.png') / / 1"] }, "border-image-source": { domProp: "borderImageSource", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "url('border.png')" ], invalid_values: [ "url('border.png') url('border.png')" ] }, "border-image-slice": { domProp: "borderImageSlice", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "100%", "100% 100% 100% 100%" ], other_values: [ "0%", "10", "10 100% 0 2", "0 0 0 0", "fill 10 10", "10 10 fill" ], invalid_values: [ "-10%", "-10", "10 10 10 10 10", "10 10 10 10 -10", "10px", "-10px", "fill", "fill fill 10px", "10px fill fill" ] }, "border-image-width": { domProp: "borderImageWidth", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "1", "1 1 1 1" ], other_values: [ "0", "0%", "0px", "auto auto auto auto", "10 10% auto 15px", "10px 10px 10px 10px", "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" ], invalid_values: [ "-10", "-10px", "-10%", "10 10 10 10 10", "10 10 10 10 auto", "auto auto auto auto auto" ] }, "border-image-outset": { domProp: "borderImageOutset", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0", "0 0 0 0" ], other_values: [ "10px", "10", "10 10", "10 10 10", "10 10 10 10", "10px 10 10 10px" 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"-moz-calc(2em / 4 / 3)", "-moz-calc(4 * 2em / 3)", "-moz-calc(4 / 3 * 2em)", "-moz-calc((2em / 4) * 3)", "-moz-calc((2em * 4) / 3)", "-moz-calc((2em * 4) * 3)", "-moz-calc((2em / 4) / 3)", "-moz-calc((4 * 2em) / 3)", "-moz-calc((4 / 3) * 2em)", "-moz-calc(2em / (4 * 3))", "-moz-calc(2em * (4 / 3))", "-moz-calc(2em * (4 * 3))", "-moz-calc(2em / (4 / 3))", "-moz-calc(4 * (2em / 3))", // Valid cases with unitless zero (which is never // a length). "-moz-calc(0 * 2em)", "-moz-calc(2em * 0)", "-moz-calc(3em + 0 * 2em)", "-moz-calc(3em + 2em * 0)", "-moz-calc((0 + 2) * 2em)", "-moz-calc((2 + 0) * 2em)", // And test zero lengths while we're here. "-moz-calc(2 * 0px)", "-moz-calc(0 * 0px)", "-moz-calc(2 * 0em)", "-moz-calc(0 * 0em)", "-moz-calc(0px * 0)", "-moz-calc(0px * 2)", /* valid calc() values */ "calc(-2px)", "calc(2px)", "calc(3em)", "calc(3em + 2px)", "calc( 3em + 2px)", "calc(3em + 2px )", "calc( 3em + 2px )", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(3 *25px)", "calc(3 * 25px)", "calc(3* 25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(25px *3)", "calc(25px* 3)", "calc(25px * 3)", "calc(25px * 3 / 4)", "calc((25px * 3) / 4)", "calc(25px * (3 / 4))", "calc(3 * 25px / 4)", "calc((3 * 25px) / 4)", "calc(3 * (25px / 4))", "calc(3em + 25px * 3 / 4)", "calc(3em + (25px * 3) / 4)", "calc(3em + 25px * (3 / 4))", "calc(25px * 3 / 4 + 3em)", "calc((25px * 3) / 4 + 3em)", "calc(25px * (3 / 4) + 3em)", "calc(3em + (25px * 3 / 4))", "calc(3em + ((25px * 3) / 4))", "calc(3em + (25px * (3 / 4)))", "calc((25px * 3 / 4) + 3em)", "calc(((25px * 3) / 4) + 3em)", "calc((25px * (3 / 4)) + 3em)", "calc(3*25px + 1in)", "calc(1in - 3em + 2px)", "calc(1in - (3em + 2px))", "calc((1in - 3em) + 2px)", "calc(50px/2)", "calc(50px/(2 - 1))", "calc(-3px)", /* numeric reduction cases */ "calc(5 * 3 * 2em)", "calc(2em * 5 * 3)", "calc((5 * 3) * 2em)", "calc(2em * (5 * 3))", "calc((5 + 3) * 2em)", "calc(2em * (5 + 3))", "calc(2em / (5 + 3))", "calc(2em * (5*2 + 3))", "calc(2em * ((5*2) + 3))", "calc(2em * (5*(2 + 3)))", "calc((5 + 7) * 3em)", "calc((5em + 3em) - 2em)", "calc((5em - 3em) + 2em)", "calc(2em - (5em - 3em))", "calc(2em + (5em - 3em))", "calc(2em - (5em + 3em))", "calc(2em + (5em + 3em))", "calc(2em + 5em - 3em)", "calc(2em - 5em - 3em)", "calc(2em + 5em + 3em)", "calc(2em - 5em + 3em)", "calc(2em / 4 * 3)", "calc(2em * 4 / 3)", "calc(2em * 4 * 3)", "calc(2em / 4 / 3)", "calc(4 * 2em / 3)", "calc(4 / 3 * 2em)", "calc((2em / 4) * 3)", "calc((2em * 4) / 3)", "calc((2em * 4) * 3)", "calc((2em / 4) / 3)", "calc((4 * 2em) / 3)", "calc((4 / 3) * 2em)", "calc(2em / (4 * 3))", "calc(2em * (4 / 3))", "calc(2em * (4 * 3))", "calc(2em / (4 / 3))", "calc(4 * (2em / 3))", // Valid cases with unitless zero (which is never // a length). "calc(0 * 2em)", "calc(2em * 0)", "calc(3em + 0 * 2em)", "calc(3em + 2em * 0)", "calc((0 + 2) * 2em)", "calc((2 + 0) * 2em)", // And test zero lengths while we're here. "calc(2 * 0px)", "calc(0 * 0px)", "calc(2 * 0em)", "calc(0 * 0em)", "calc(0px * 0)", "calc(0px * 2)", ], invalid_values: [ "20", "-1px", "red", "50%", /* invalid -moz-calc() values */ "-moz-calc(2em+ 2px)", "-moz-calc(2em +2px)", "-moz-calc(2em+2px)", "-moz-calc(2em- 2px)", "-moz-calc(2em -2px)", "-moz-calc(2em-2px)", /* invalid calc() values */ "calc(2em+ 2px)", "calc(2em +2px)", "calc(2em+2px)", "calc(2em- 2px)", "calc(2em -2px)", "calc(2em-2px)", "-moz-min()", "calc(min())", "-moz-max()", "calc(max())", "-moz-min(5px)", "calc(min(5px))", "-moz-max(5px)", "calc(max(5px))", "-moz-min(5px,2em)", "calc(min(5px,2em))", "-moz-max(5px,2em)", "calc(max(5px,2em))", "calc(50px/(2 - 2))", "calc(5 + 5)", "calc(5 * 5)", "calc(5em * 5em)", "calc(5em / 5em * 5em)", "calc(4 * 3 / 2em)", "calc((4 * 3) / 2em)", "calc(4 * (3 / 2em))", "calc(4 / (3 * 2em))", // Tests for handling of unitless zero, which cannot // be a length inside calc(). "calc(0)", "calc(0 + 2em)", "calc(2em + 0)", "calc(0 * 2)", "calc(2 * 0)", "calc(1 * (2em + 0))", "calc((2em + 0))", "calc((2em + 0) * 1)", "calc(1 * (0 + 2em))", "calc((0 + 2em))", "calc((0 + 2em) * 1)", ] }, "-moz-column-rule-style": { domProp: "MozColumnRuleStyle", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "solid", "hidden", "ridge", "groove", "inset", "outset", "double", "dotted", "dashed" ], invalid_values: [ "20", "foo" ] }, "-moz-column-rule-color": { domProp: "MozColumnRuleColor", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, prerequisites: { "color": "green" }, initial_values: [ "currentColor", "-moz-use-text-color" ], other_values: [ "red", "blue", "#ffff00" ], invalid_values: [ "ffff00" ] }, "-moz-column-width": { domProp: "MozColumnWidth", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "15px", "calc(15px)", "calc(30px - 3em)", "calc(-15px)", "0px", "calc(0px)" ], invalid_values: [ "20", "-1px", "50%" ] }, "-moz-float-edge": { domProp: "MozFloatEdge", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "content-box" ], other_values: [ "margin-box" ], invalid_values: [ "content", "padding", "border", "margin" ] }, "-moz-force-broken-image-icon": { domProp: "MozForceBrokenImageIcon", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0" ], other_values: [ "1" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-image-region": { domProp: "MozImageRegion", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "rect(3px 20px 15px 4px)", "rect(17px, 21px, 33px, 2px)" ], invalid_values: [ "rect(17px, 21px, 33, 2px)" ] }, "-moz-margin-end": { domProp: "MozMarginEnd", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, get_computed: logical_box_prop_get_computed, /* no subproperties */ /* auto may or may not be initial */ initial_values: [ "0", "0px", "0%", "0em", "0ex", "calc(0pt)", "calc(0% + 0px)" ], other_values: [ "1px", "3em", 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10%), 50px)", "translate(-50px, calc(5px - 10% * 3))", ].concat(SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.3d-transforms.enabled") ? [ "translatez(1px)", "translatez(4em)", "translatez(-4px)", "translatez(0px)", "translatez(2px) translatez(5px)", "translate3d(3px, 4px, 5px)", "translate3d(2em, 3px, 1em)", "translatex(2px) translate3d(4px, 5px, 6px) translatey(1px)", "scale3d(4, 4, 4)", "scale3d(-2, 3, -7)", "scalez(4)", "scalez(-6)", "rotate3d(2, 3, 4, 45deg)", "rotate3d(-3, 7, 0, 12rad)", "rotatex(15deg)", "rotatey(-12grad)", "rotatez(72rad)", "rotatex(0.125turn)", "perspective(1000px)", "matrix3d(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)", ] : []), invalid_values: ["1px", "#0000ff", "red", "auto", "translatex(1)", "translatey(1)", "translate(2)", "translate(-3, -4)", "translatex(1px 1px)", "translatex(translatex(1px))", "translatex(#0000ff)", "translatex(red)", "translatey()", "matrix(1px, 2px, 3px, 4px, 5px, 6px)", "scale(150%)", "skewx(red)", "matrix(1%, 0, 0, 0, 0px, 0px)", "matrix(0, 1%, 2, 3, 4px,5px)", "matrix(0, 1, 2%, 3, 4px, 5px)", "matrix(0, 1, 2, 3%, 4%, 5%)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5px, 6%)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5%, 6px)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5%, 6%)", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5px, 6em)", /* invalid calc() values */ "translatey(-moz-min(5px,10%))", "translatex(-moz-max(5px,10%))", "translate(10px, calc(min(5px,10%)))", "translate(calc(max(5px,10%)), 10%)", "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, max(5px * 3), calc(10% - 3px))" ].concat(SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.3d-transforms.enabled") ? 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[ "6px 5px 5px", "top center 10px" ] : []), invalid_values: ["red", "auto", "none", "0.5 0.5", "40px #0000ff", "border", "center red", "right diagonal", "#00ffff bottom"] }, "perspective-origin": { domProp: "perspectiveOrigin", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* no subproperties */ prerequisites: { "width": "10px", "height": "10px", "display": "block"}, initial_values: [ "50% 50%", "center", "center center" ], other_values: [ "25% 25%", "6px 5px", "20% 3em", "0 0", "0in 1in", "top", "bottom","top left", "top right", "top center", "center left", "center right", "bottom left", "bottom right", "bottom center", "20% center", "6px center", "13in bottom", "left 50px", "right 13%", "center 40px", "calc(20px)", "calc(20px) 10px", "10px calc(20px)", "calc(20px) 25%", "25% calc(20px)", "calc(20px) calc(20px)", "calc(20px + 1em) calc(20px / 2)", "calc(20px + 50%) calc(50% - 10px)", "calc(-20px) calc(-50%)", "calc(-20%) calc(-50%)" ], invalid_values: [ "red", "auto", "none", "0.5 0.5", "40px #0000ff", "border", "center red", "right diagonal", "#00ffff bottom"] }, "perspective": { domProp: "perspective", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "1000px", "500.2px" ], invalid_values: [ "pants", "200", "0", "-100px", "-27.2em" ] }, "backface-visibility": { domProp: "backfaceVisibility", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "visible" ], other_values: [ "hidden" ], invalid_values: [ "collapse" ] }, "transform-style": { domProp: "transformStyle", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "flat" ], other_values: [ "preserve-3d" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-user-focus": { domProp: "MozUserFocus", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "normal", "ignore", "select-all", "select-before", "select-after", "select-same", "select-menu" ], invalid_values: [] }, "-moz-user-input": { domProp: "MozUserInput", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, 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"background-size" ], initial_values: [ "transparent", "none", "repeat", "scroll", "0% 0%", "top left", "left top", "0% 0% / auto", "top left / auto", "left top / auto", "0% 0% / auto auto", "transparent none", "top left none", "left top none", "none left top", "none top left", "none 0% 0%", "left top / auto none", "left top / auto auto none", "transparent none repeat scroll top left", "left top repeat none scroll transparent", "transparent none repeat scroll top left / auto", "left top / auto repeat none scroll transparent", "none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto auto transparent" ], other_values: [ /* without multiple backgrounds */ "green", "none green repeat scroll left top", "url()", "repeat url('') transparent left top scroll", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat", "none repeat-y transparent scroll 0% 0%", "fixed", "0% top transparent fixed repeat none", "top", "left", "50% 50%", "center", "top / 100px", "left / contain", "left / cover", "10px / 10%", "10em / calc(20px)", "top left / 100px 100px", "top left / 100px auto", "top left / 100px 10%", "top left / 100px calc(20px)", "bottom right scroll none transparent repeat", "50% transparent", "transparent 50%", "50%", "-moz-radial-gradient(10% bottom, #ffffff, black) scroll no-repeat", "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -45deg, red, blue) repeat", "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px -0.125turn, red, blue) repeat", "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient(10% bottom, #ffffff, black) scroll no-repeat", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(10px 10px -45deg, red, blue) repeat", "-moz-element(#test) lime", /* multiple backgrounds */ "url(404.png), url(404.png)", "url(404.png), url(404.png) transparent", "url(404.png), url(404.png) red", "repeat-x, fixed, none", "0% top url(404.png), url(404.png) 0% top", "fixed repeat-y top left url(404.png), repeat-x green", "url(404.png), -moz-linear-gradient(20px 20px -45deg, blue, green), -moz-element(#a) black", "top left / contain, bottom right / cover", /* test cases with clip+origin in the shorthand */ "url(404.png) green padding-box", "url(404.png) border-box transparent", "content-box url(404.png) blue", ], invalid_values: [ /* mixes with keywords have to be in correct order */ "50% left", "top 50%", /* no quirks mode colors */ "-moz-radial-gradient(10% bottom, ffffff, black) scroll no-repeat", /* no quirks mode lengths */ "-moz-linear-gradient(10 10px -45deg, red, blue) repeat", "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10 -45deg, red, blue) repeat", "linear-gradient(red -99, yellow, green, blue 120%)", /* bug 258080: don't accept background-position separated */ "left url(404.png) top", "top url(404.png) left", /* not allowed to have color in non-bottom layer */ "url(404.png) transparent, url(404.png)", "url(404.png) red, url(404.png)", "url(404.png) transparent, url(404.png) transparent", "url(404.png) transparent red, url(404.png) transparent red", "url(404.png) red, url(404.png) red", "url(404.png) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), url(404.png)", "url(404.png) rgb(255, 0, 0), url(404.png)", "url(404.png) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), url(404.png) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "url(404.png) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) rgb(255, 0, 0), url(404.png) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) rgb(255, 0, 0)", "url(404.png) rgb(255, 0, 0), url(404.png) rgb(255, 0, 0)", /* bug 513395: old syntax for gradients */ "-moz-radial-gradient(10% bottom, 30px, 20px 20px, 10px, from(#ffffff), to(black)) scroll no-repeat", "-moz-linear-gradient(10px 10px, 20px 20px, from(red), to(blue)) repeat", ] }, "background-attachment": { domProp: "backgroundAttachment", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "scroll" ], other_values: [ "fixed", "scroll,scroll", "fixed, scroll", "scroll, fixed, scroll", "fixed, fixed" ], invalid_values: [] }, "background-clip": { /* * When we rename this to 'background-clip', we also * need to rename the values to match the spec. */ domProp: "backgroundClip", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "border-box" ], other_values: [ "content-box", "padding-box", "border-box, padding-box", "padding-box, padding-box, padding-box", "border-box, border-box" ], invalid_values: [ "margin-box", "border-box border-box" ] }, "background-color": { domProp: "backgroundColor", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "transparent", "rgba(255, 127, 15, 0)", "hsla(240, 97%, 50%, 0.0)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "rgba(255,255,255,-3.7)" ], other_values: [ "green", "rgb(255, 0, 128)", "#fc2", "#96ed2a", "black", "rgba(255,255,0,3)" ], invalid_values: [ "#0", "#00", "#0000", "#00000", "#0000000", "#00000000", "#000000000", "rgb(255.0,0.387,3489)" ], quirks_values: { "000000": "#000000", "96ed2a": "#96ed2a" }, }, "background-image": { domProp: "backgroundImage", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "url()", "url('')", 'url("")', "none, none", "none, none, none, none, none", "url(), none", "none, url(), none", "url(), url()", "-moz-element(#a)", "-moz-element( #a )", "-moz-element(#a-1)", "-moz-element(#a\\:1)", /* gradient torture test */ "linear-gradient(red, blue)", "linear-gradient(red, yellow, blue)", "linear-gradient(red 1px, yellow 20%, blue 24em, green)", "linear-gradient(red, yellow, green, blue 50%)", "linear-gradient(red -50%, yellow -25%, green, blue)", "linear-gradient(red -99px, yellow, green, blue 120%)", "linear-gradient(#ffff00, #ef3, rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4))", "linear-gradient(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4), #ffff00, #ef3)", "linear-gradient(to top, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to bottom, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to left, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to right, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to top left, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to top right, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to bottom left, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to left top, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to left bottom, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to right top, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(to right bottom, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(-33deg, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(30grad, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(10deg, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(1turn, red, blue)", "linear-gradient(.414rad, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red, yellow, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red 1px, yellow 20%, blue 24em, green)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red, yellow, green, blue 50%)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red -50%, yellow -25%, green, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(red -99px, yellow, green, blue 120%)", "-moz-linear-gradient(#ffff00, #ef3, rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4))", "-moz-linear-gradient(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4), #ffff00, #ef3)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to top, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to left, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to right, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to top left, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to top right, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to bottom left, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to bottom right, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to left top, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to left bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to right top, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(to right bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(top left, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(0 0, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(20% bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(center 20%, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(10% 10em, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(44px top, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(top left 45deg, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(20% bottom -300deg, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(center 20% 1.95929rad, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(left 35px 30grad, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(left 35px 0.1turn, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(10% 10em 99999deg, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(44px top -33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(-33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(30grad left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-linear-gradient(10deg 20px, red, blue)", 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rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4))", "radial-gradient(0 0, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4), #ffff00, #ef3)", "radial-gradient(at top left, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at 20% bottom, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at center 20%, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at left 35px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at 10% 10em, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at 44px top, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(at 0 0, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(farthest-corner, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(circle, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(ellipse closest-corner, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(closest-corner ellipse, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(43px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(43px 43px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(50% 50%, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(43px 50%, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(50% 43px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(circle 43px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(ellipse 43px 43px, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(ellipse 50% 50%, red, blue)", "radial-gradient(ellipse 43px 50%, red, blue)", 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20%, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(10% 10em, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(44px top, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(top left 45deg, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(0 0, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(20% bottom -300deg, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(center 20% 1.95929rad, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(left 35px 30grad, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(10% 10em 99999deg, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(44px top -33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4), #ffff00, #ef3)", "-moz-radial-gradient(-33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(30grad left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(10deg 20px, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(.414rad bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(cover, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(ellipse closest-corner, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(farthest-side circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(top left, cover, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(15% 20%, circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(45px, ellipse closest-corner, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(45px, farthest-side circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(99deg, cover, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(-1.2345rad, circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(399grad, ellipse closest-corner, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(399grad, farthest-side circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(top left 99deg, cover, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(15% 20% -1.2345rad, circle, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(45px 399grad, ellipse closest-corner, red, blue)", "-moz-radial-gradient(45px 399grad, farthest-side circle, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(red 1px, yellow 20%, blue 24em, green)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(red, yellow, green, blue 50%)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(red -50%, yellow -25%, 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"-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(0 0, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(20% bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(center 20%, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(10% 10em, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(44px top, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(top left 45deg, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(20% bottom -300deg, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(center 20% 1.95929rad, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(left 35px 30grad, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(10% 10em 99999deg, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(44px top -33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(-33deg, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(30grad left 35px, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(10deg 20px, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient(.414rad bottom, red, blue)", "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient(red, blue)", 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"dashed", "dotted", "double", "outset", "inset", "groove", "ridge", "none solid", "none none solid", "none none none solid", "groove none none none", "none ridge none none", "none none double none", "none none none dotted" ], invalid_values: [] }, "border-top": { domProp: "borderTop", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width" ], initial_values: [ "none", "medium", "currentColor", "thin", "none medium currentcolor" ], other_values: [ "solid", "green", "medium solid", "green solid", "10px solid", "thick solid", "5px green none" ], invalid_values: [ "5%", "5", "5 solid green" ] }, "border-top-color": { domProp: "borderTopColor", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, prerequisites: { "color": "black" }, initial_values: [ "currentColor", "-moz-use-text-color" ], other_values: [ "green", "rgba(255,128,0,0.5)", "transparent" ], invalid_values: [ "#0", "#00", "#0000", "#00000", "#0000000", "#00000000", "#000000000" ], quirks_values: { "000000": "#000000", "96ed2a": "#96ed2a" }, }, "border-top-style": { domProp: "borderTopStyle", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* XXX hidden is sometimes the same as initial */ initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "outset", "inset", "groove", "ridge" ], invalid_values: [] }, "border-top-width": { domProp: "borderTopWidth", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, prerequisites: { "border-top-style": "solid" }, initial_values: [ "medium", "3px", "calc(4px - 1px)" ], other_values: [ "thin", "thick", "1px", "2em", "calc(2px)", "calc(-2px)", "calc(0em)", "calc(0px)", "calc(5em)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 5em)", ], invalid_values: [ "5%" ], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "border-width": { domProp: "borderWidth", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "border-top-width", "border-right-width", "border-bottom-width", "border-left-width" ], 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"#fffffffff" ], quirks_values: { "000000": "#000000", "96ed2a": "#96ed2a", "fff": "#ffffff", "ffffff": "#ffffff", }, }, "content": { domProp: "content", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* XXX needs to be on pseudo-elements */ initial_values: [ "normal", "none" ], other_values: [ '""', "''", '"hello"', "url()", "url('')", 'url("")', 'counter(foo)', 'counter(bar, upper-roman)', 'counters(foo, ".")', "counters(bar, '-', lower-greek)", "'-' counter(foo) '.'", "attr(title)", "open-quote", "close-quote", "no-open-quote", "no-close-quote", "close-quote attr(title) counters(foo, '.', upper-alpha)", "counter(foo, none)", "counters(bar, '.', none)", "attr(\\32)", "attr(\\2)", "attr(-\\2)", "attr(-\\32)", "counter(\\2)", "counters(\\32, '.')", "counter(-\\32, upper-roman)", "counters(-\\2, '-', lower-greek)", "counter(\\()", "counters(a\\+b, '.')", "counter(\\}, upper-alpha)", "-moz-alt-content" ], invalid_values: [ 'counters(foo)', 'counter(foo, ".")', 'attr("title")', "attr('title')", "attr(2)", "attr(-2)", "counter(2)", "counters(-2, '.')", "-moz-alt-content 'foo'", "'foo' -moz-alt-content" ] }, "counter-increment": { domProp: "counterIncrement", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "foo 1", "bar", "foo 3 bar baz 2", "\\32 1", "-\\32 1", "-c 1", "\\32 1", "-\\32 1", "\\2 1", "-\\2 1", "-c 1", "\\2 1", "-\\2 1", "-\\7f \\9e 1" ], invalid_values: [] }, "counter-reset": { domProp: "counterReset", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "foo 1", "bar", "foo 3 bar baz 2", "\\32 1", "-\\32 1", "-c 1", "\\32 1", "-\\32 1", "\\2 1", "-\\2 1", "-c 1", "\\2 1", "-\\2 1", "-\\7f \\9e 1" ], invalid_values: [] }, "cursor": { domProp: "cursor", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "crosshair", "default", "pointer", "move", "e-resize", "ne-resize", "nw-resize", "n-resize", "se-resize", "sw-resize", "s-resize", "w-resize", "text", "wait", "help", "progress", "copy", "alias", "context-menu", "cell", "not-allowed", "col-resize", "row-resize", "no-drop", "vertical-text", "all-scroll", "nesw-resize", "nwse-resize", "ns-resize", "ew-resize", "none", "-moz-grab", "-moz-grabbing", "-moz-zoom-in", "-moz-zoom-out", "url(foo.png), move", "url(foo.png) 5 7, move", "url(foo.png) 12 3, url(bar.png), no-drop", "url(foo.png), url(bar.png) 7 2, wait", "url(foo.png) 3 2, url(bar.png) 7 9, pointer" ], invalid_values: [ "url(foo.png)", "url(foo.png) 5 5" ] }, "direction": { domProp: "direction", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "ltr" ], other_values: [ "rtl" ], invalid_values: [] }, "display": { domProp: "display", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "inline" ], /* XXX none will really mess with other properties */ prerequisites: { "float": "none", "position": "static" }, other_values: [ "block", "list-item", "inline-block", "table", "inline-table", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-row", "table-column-group", "table-column", "table-cell", "table-caption", "none" ], invalid_values: [] }, "empty-cells": { domProp: "emptyCells", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "show" ], other_values: [ "hide", "-moz-show-background" ], invalid_values: [] }, "float": { domProp: "cssFloat", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "left", "right" ], invalid_values: [] }, "font": { domProp: "font", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-size", "line-height", "font-family", "font-stretch", "font-size-adjust", "-moz-font-feature-settings", "-moz-font-language-override" ], initial_values: [ (gInitialFontFamilyIsSansSerif ? 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"serif" : "sans-serif"), "Times New Roman, serif", "'Times New Roman', serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "\\\"Times New Roman", "\"Times New Roman\"", "Times, \\\"Times New Roman", "Times, \"Times New Roman\"" ], invalid_values: [ "\"Times New\" Roman", "\"Times New Roman\n", "Times, \"Times New Roman\n" ] }, "-moz-font-feature-settings": { domProp: "MozFontFeatureSettings", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "'liga' on", "'liga'", "\"liga\" 1", "'liga', 'clig' 1", "\"liga\" off", "\"liga\" 0", '"cv01" 3, "cv02" 4', '"cswh", "smcp" off, "salt" 4', '"cswh" 1, "smcp" off, "salt" 4', '"cswh" 0, \'blah\', "liga", "smcp" off, "salt" 4', '"liga" ,"smcp" 0 , "blah"' ], invalid_values: [ 'liga', 'liga 1', 'liga normal', '"liga" normal', 'normal liga', 'normal "liga"', 'normal, "liga"', '"liga=1"', "'foobar' on", '"blahblah" 0', '"liga" 3.14', '"liga" 1 3.14', '"liga" 1 normal', '"liga" 1 off', '"liga" on off', '"liga" , 0 "smcp"', '"liga" "smcp"' ] }, "-moz-font-language-override": { domProp: "MozFontLanguageOverride", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "'ENG'", "'TRK'", "\"TRK\"", "'N\\'Ko'" ], invalid_values: [ "TRK", "ja" ] }, "font-size": { domProp: "fontSize", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "medium", "1rem", "calc(1rem)", "calc(0.75rem + 200% - 125% + 0.25rem - 75%)" ], other_values: [ "large", "2em", "50%", "xx-small", "36pt", "8px", "0px", "0%", "calc(2em)", "calc(36pt + 75% + (30% + 2em + 2px))", "calc(-2em)", "calc(-50%)", "calc(-1px)" ], invalid_values: [ "-2em", "-50%", "-1px" ], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "font-size-adjust": { domProp: "fontSizeAdjust", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "0.3", "0.5", "0.7" ], invalid_values: [] }, "font-stretch": { domProp: "fontStretch", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "ultra-condensed", "extra-condensed", "condensed", "semi-condensed", "semi-expanded", "expanded", "extra-expanded", "ultra-expanded" ], invalid_values: [] }, "font-style": { domProp: "fontStyle", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "italic", "oblique" ], invalid_values: [] }, "font-variant": { domProp: "fontVariant", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "small-caps" ], invalid_values: [] }, "font-weight": { domProp: "fontWeight", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal", "400" ], other_values: [ "bold", "100", "200", "300", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900", "bolder", "lighter" ], invalid_values: [ "0", "100.0", "107", "399", "401", "699", "710", "1000" ] }, "height": { domProp: "height", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* FIXME: test zero, and test calc clamping */ initial_values: [ " auto" ], /* computed value tests for height test more with display:block */ prerequisites: { "display": "block" }, other_values: [ "15px", "3em", "15%", "calc(2px)", "calc(50%)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 50%)", ], invalid_values: [ "none", "-moz-max-content", "-moz-min-content", "-moz-fit-content", "-moz-available" ], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "ime-mode": { domProp: "imeMode", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "normal", "disabled", "active", "inactive" ], invalid_values: [ "none", "enabled", "1px" ] }, "left": { domProp: "left", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* FIXME: run tests with multiple prerequisites */ prerequisites: { "position": "relative" }, /* XXX 0 may or may not be equal to auto */ initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "32px", "-3em", "12%", "calc(2px)", "calc(-2px)", "calc(50%)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 50%)", ], invalid_values: [], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "letter-spacing": { domProp: "letterSpacing", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "0", "0px", "1em", "2px", "-3px", "calc(0px)", "calc(1em)", "calc(1em + 3px)", "calc(15px / 2)", "calc(15px/2)", "calc(-3px)" ], invalid_values: [], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "line-height": { domProp: "lineHeight", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* * Inheritance tests require consistent font size, since * getComputedStyle (which uses the CSS2 computed value, or * CSS2.1 used value) doesn't match what the CSS2.1 computed * value is. And they even require consistent font metrics for * computation of 'normal'. -moz-block-height requires height * on a block. */ prerequisites: { "font-size": "19px", "font-size-adjust": "none", "font-family": "serif", "font-weight": "normal", "font-style": "normal", "height": "18px", "display": "block"}, initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "1.0", "1", "1em", "47px", "-moz-block-height" ], invalid_values: [] }, "list-style": { domProp: "listStyle", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "list-style-type", "list-style-position", "list-style-image" ], initial_values: [ "outside", "disc", "disc outside", "outside disc", "disc none", "none disc", "none disc outside", "none outside disc", "disc none outside", "disc outside none", "outside none disc", "outside disc none" ], other_values: [ "inside none", "none inside", "none none inside", "square", "none", "none none", "outside none none", "none outside none", "none none outside", "none outside", "outside none", 'url("")', 'none url("")', 'url("") none', 'url("") outside', 'outside url("")', 'outside none url("")', 'outside url("") none', 'none url("") outside', 'none outside url("")', 'url("") outside none', 'url("") none outside' ], invalid_values: [ "outside outside", "disc disc", "unknown value", "none none none", "none disc url(404.png)", "none url(404.png) disc", "disc none url(404.png)", "disc url(404.png) none", "url(404.png) none disc", "url(404.png) disc none", "none disc outside url(404.png)" ] }, "list-style-image": { domProp: "listStyleImage", inherited: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ 'url("")', // Add some tests for interesting url() values here to test serialization, etc. "url(\'data:text/plain,\"\')", "url(\"data:text/plain,\'\")", "url(\'data:text/plain,\\\'\')", "url(\"data:text/plain,\\\"\")", "url(\'data:text/plain,\\\"\')", "url(\"data:text/plain,\\\'\")", "url(data:text/plain,\\\\)", ], invalid_values: [] }, 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"calc(0% + 0px)" ], other_values: [ "1px", "2em", "5%", "calc(2px)", "calc(-2px)", "calc(50%)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 50%)", ], invalid_values: [ ], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "margin-top": { domProp: "marginTop", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, /* XXX testing auto has prerequisites */ initial_values: [ "0", "0px", "0%", "calc(0pt)", "calc(0% + 0px)" ], other_values: [ "1px", "2em", "5%", "calc(2px)", "calc(-2px)", "calc(50%)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(3*25px + 50%)", ], invalid_values: [ ], quirks_values: { "5": "5px" }, }, "marker-offset": { domProp: "markerOffset", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "auto" ], other_values: [ "6em", "-1px", "calc(0px)", "calc(3em + 2px - 4px)", "calc(-2em)" ], invalid_values: [] }, "marks": { /* XXX not a real property; applies only to page context */ domProp: "marks", inherited: false, backend_only: true, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "none" ], 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inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "transition-delay", subproperties: [ "transition-delay" ], initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "-100ms", "-1s", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px" ] }, "-moz-transition-duration": { domProp: "MozTransitionDuration", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "transition-duration", subproperties: [ "transition-duration" ], initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px", "-1ms", "-2s" ] }, "-moz-transition-property": { domProp: "MozTransitionProperty", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "transition-property", subproperties: [ "transition-property" ], initial_values: [ "all" ], other_values: [ "none", "left", "top", "color", "width, height, opacity", "foobar", "auto", "\\32width", "-width", "-\\32width", "\\32 0width", "-\\32 0width", "\\2width", "-\\2width" 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"cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5)", "steps(2, step-end)", "steps(0)", "steps(-2)", "steps(0, step-end, 1)" ] }, "-moz-animation": { domProp: "MozAnimation", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, alias_for: "animation", subproperties: [ "animation-name", "animation-duration", "animation-timing-function", "animation-delay", "animation-direction", "animation-fill-mode", "animation-iteration-count" ], initial_values: [ "none none 0s 0s ease normal 1.0", "none", "0s", "ease", "normal", "1.0" ], other_values: [ "bounce 1s linear 2s", "bounce 1s 2s linear", "bounce linear 1s 2s", "linear bounce 1s 2s", "linear 1s bounce 2s", "linear 1s 2s bounce", "1s bounce linear 2s", "1s bounce 2s linear", "1s 2s bounce linear", "1s linear bounce 2s", "1s linear 2s bounce", "1s 2s linear bounce", "bounce linear 1s", "bounce 1s linear", "linear bounce 1s", "linear 1s bounce", "1s bounce linear", "1s linear bounce", "1s 2s bounce", "1s bounce 2s", "bounce 1s 2s", "1s 2s linear", "1s linear 2s", "linear 1s 2s", "bounce 1s", "1s bounce", "linear 1s", "1s linear", "1s 2s", "2s 1s", "bounce", "linear", "1s", "height", "2s", "ease-in-out", "2s ease-in", "opacity linear", "ease-out 2s", "2s color, 1s bounce, 500ms height linear, 1s opacity 4s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0)", "1s \\32bounce linear 2s", "1s -bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\32bounce linear 2s", "1s \\32 0bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\32 0bounce linear 2s", "1s \\2bounce linear 2s", "1s -\\2bounce linear 2s", "2s, 1s bounce", "1s bounce, 2s", "2s all, 1s bounce", "1s bounce, 2s all", "1s bounce, 2s none", "2s none, 1s bounce", "2s bounce, 1s all", "2s all, 1s bounce" ], invalid_values: [ "2s inherit", "inherit 2s", "2s bounce, 1s inherit", "2s inherit, 1s bounce", "2s initial" ] }, "-moz-animation-delay": { domProp: "MozAnimationDelay", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-delay", subproperties: [ "animation-delay" ], initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "-100ms", "-1s", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px" ] }, "-moz-animation-direction": { domProp: "MozAnimationDirection", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-direction", subproperties: [ "animation-direction" ], initial_values: [ "normal" ], other_values: [ "alternate", "normal, alternate", "alternate, normal", "normal, normal", "normal, normal, normal", "reverse", "alternate-reverse", "normal, reverse, alternate-reverse, alternate" ], invalid_values: [ "normal normal", "inherit, normal", "reverse-alternate" ] }, "-moz-animation-duration": { domProp: "MozAnimationDuration", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-duration", subproperties: [ "animation-duration" ], initial_values: [ "0s", "0ms" ], other_values: [ "1s", "250ms", "1s, 250ms, 2.3s"], invalid_values: [ "0", "0px", "-1ms", "-2s" ] }, "-moz-animation-fill-mode": { domProp: "MozAnimationFillMode", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-fill-mode", subproperties: [ "animation-fill-mode" ], initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "forwards", "backwards", "both", "none, none", "forwards, backwards", "forwards, none", "none, both" ], invalid_values: [ "all"] }, "-moz-animation-iteration-count": { domProp: "MozAnimationIterationCount", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-iteration-count", subproperties: [ "animation-iteration-count" ], initial_values: [ "1" ], other_values: [ "infinite", "0", "0.5", "7.75", "-0.0", "1, 2, 3", "infinite, 2", "1, infinite" ], // negatives forbidden per // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Mar/0355.html invalid_values: [ "none", "-1", "-0.5", "-1, infinite", "infinite, -3" ] }, "-moz-animation-name": { domProp: "MozAnimationName", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-name", subproperties: [ "animation-name" ], initial_values: [ "none" ], other_values: [ "all", "ball", "mall", "color", "bounce, bubble, opacity", "foobar", "auto", "\\32bounce", "-bounce", "-\\32bounce", "\\32 0bounce", "-\\32 0bounce", "\\2bounce", "-\\2bounce" ], invalid_values: [ "bounce, initial", "initial, bounce", "bounce, inherit", "inherit, bounce" ] }, "-moz-animation-play-state": { domProp: "MozAnimationPlayState", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-play-state", subproperties: [ "animation-play-state" ], initial_values: [ "running" ], other_values: [ "paused", "running, running", "paused, running", "paused, paused", "running, paused", "paused, running, running, running, paused, running" ], invalid_values: [ "0" ] }, "-moz-animation-timing-function": { domProp: "MozAnimationTimingFunction", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND, alias_for: "animation-timing-function", subproperties: [ "animation-timing-function" ], initial_values: [ "ease", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0)" ], other_values: [ "linear", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "linear, ease-in, cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 1.5, 0.75, -0.5)", "step-start", "step-end", "steps(1)", "steps(2, start)", "steps(386)", "steps(3, end)" ], invalid_values: [ "none", "auto", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25)", "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0)", "cubic-bezier(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5)", "cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5)", "steps(2, step-end)", "steps(0)", "steps(-2)", "steps(0, step-end, 1)" ] } } function logical_box_prop_get_computed(cs, property) { if (! /^-moz-/.test(property)) throw "Unexpected property"; property = property.substring(5); if (cs.getPropertyValue("direction") == "ltr") property = property.replace("-start", "-left").replace("-end", "-right"); else property = property.replace("-start", "-right").replace("-end", "-left"); return cs.getPropertyValue(property); } // Get the computed value for a property. For shorthands, return the // computed values of all the subproperties, delimited by " ; ". function get_computed_value(cs, property) { var info = gCSSProperties[property]; if (info.type == CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND || (info.type == CSS_TYPE_SHORTHAND_AND_LONGHAND && property == "text-decoration")) { var results = []; for (var idx in info.subproperties) { var subprop = info.subproperties[idx]; results.push(get_computed_value(cs, subprop)); } return results.join(" ; "); } if (info.get_computed) return info.get_computed(cs, property); return cs.getPropertyValue(property); } // Automatically add pref-controlled CSS properties & keywords // to gCSSProperties, if the flexbox pref is enabled. if (SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.css.flexbox.enabled")) { var flexProperties = { "align-items": { domProp: "alignItems", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "stretch" ], other_values: [ "flex-start", "flex-end", "center", "baseline" ], invalid_values: [ "space-between", "abc", "30px" ] }, "align-self": { domProp: "alignSelf", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, // (Assuming defaults on the parent, 'auto' will compute to 'stretch'.) initial_values: [ "auto", "stretch" ], other_values: [ "flex-start", "flex-end", "center", "baseline" ], invalid_values: [ "space-between", "abc", "30px" ] }, "flex": { domProp: "flex", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_TRUE_SHORTHAND, subproperties: [ "flex-grow", "flex-shrink", "flex-basis" ], initial_values: [ "0 1 auto", "auto 0 1", "0 auto", "auto 0" ], other_values: [ "none", "1", "0", "0 1", "0.5", "1.2 3.4", "0 0 0", "0 0 0px", "0px 0 0", "5px 0 0", "2 auto", "auto 4", "auto 5.6 7.8", "-moz-max-content", "1 -moz-max-content", "1 2 -moz-max-content", "-moz-max-content 1", "-moz-max-content 1 2", "-0" ], invalid_values: [ "1 2px 3", "1 auto 3", "1px 2 3px", "1px 2 3 4px", "-1", "1 -1" ] }, "flex-basis": { domProp: "flexBasis", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ " auto" ], // NOTE: This is cribbed directly from the "width" chunk, since this // property takes the exact same values as width (albeit with // different semantics on 'auto'). // XXXdholbert (Maybe these should get separated out into // a reusable array defined at the top of this file?) other_values: [ "15px", "3em", "15%", "-moz-max-content", "-moz-min-content", "-moz-fit-content", "-moz-available", // valid calc() values "calc(-2px)", "calc(2px)", "calc(50%)", "calc(50% + 2px)", "calc( 50% + 2px)", "calc(50% + 2px )", "calc( 50% + 2px )", "calc(50% - -2px)", "calc(2px - -50%)", "calc(3*25px)", "calc(3 *25px)", "calc(3 * 25px)", "calc(3* 25px)", "calc(25px*3)", "calc(25px *3)", "calc(25px* 3)", "calc(25px * 3)", "calc(3*25px + 50%)", "calc(50% - 3em + 2px)", "calc(50% - (3em + 2px))", "calc((50% - 3em) + 2px)", "calc(2em)", "calc(50%)", "calc(50px/2)", "calc(50px/(2 - 1))" ], invalid_values: [ "none", "-2px", // invalid calc() values "calc(50%+ 2px)", "calc(50% +2px)", "calc(50%+2px)", "-moz-min()", "calc(min())", "-moz-max()", "calc(max())", "-moz-min(5px)", "calc(min(5px))", "-moz-max(5px)", "calc(max(5px))", "-moz-min(5px,2em)", "calc(min(5px,2em))", "-moz-max(5px,2em)", "calc(max(5px,2em))", "calc(50px/(2 - 2))", // If we ever support division by values, which is // complicated for the reasons described in // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Jan/0007.html // , we should support all 4 of these as described in // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Dec/0296.html "calc((3em / 100%) * 3em)", "calc(3em / 100% * 3em)", "calc(3em * (3em / 100%))", "calc(3em * 3em / 100%)" ] }, "flex-direction": { domProp: "flexDirection", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "row" ], other_values: [ "row-reverse", "column", "column-reverse" ], invalid_values: [ "10px", "30%", "justify", "column wrap" ] }, "flex-grow": { domProp: "flexGrow", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0" ], other_values: [ "3", "1", "1.0", "2.5", "123" ], invalid_values: [ "0px", "-5", "1%", "3em", "stretch", "auto" ] }, "flex-shrink": { domProp: "flexShrink", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "1" ], other_values: [ "3", "0", "0.0", "2.5", "123" ], invalid_values: [ "0px", "-5", "1%", "3em", "stretch", "auto" ] }, "order": { domProp: "order", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "0" ], other_values: [ "1", "99999", "-1", "-50" ], invalid_values: [ "0px", "1.0", "1.", "1%", "0.2", "3em", "stretch" ] }, "justify-content": { domProp: "justifyContent", inherited: false, type: CSS_TYPE_LONGHAND, initial_values: [ "flex-start" ], other_values: [ "flex-end", "center", "space-between", "space-around" ], invalid_values: [ "baseline", "stretch", "30px", "5%" ] } }; for (var prop in flexProperties) { gCSSProperties[prop] = flexProperties[prop]; } gCSSProperties["display"].other_values.push("flex"); gCSSProperties["display"].other_values.push("inline-flex"); }