/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["httpRequest", "percentEncode"]; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; // Strictly follow RFC 3986 when encoding URI components. // Accepts a unescaped string and returns the URI encoded string for use in // an HTTP request. function percentEncode(aString) encodeURIComponent(aString).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A"); /* * aOptions can have a variety of fields: * headers, an array of headers * postData, this can be: * a string: send it as is * an array of parameters: encode as form values * null/undefined: no POST data. * method, GET, POST or PUT (this is set automatically if postData exists). * onLoad, a function handle to call when the load is complete, it takes two * parameters: the responseText and the XHR object. * onError, a function handle to call when an error occcurs, it takes three * parameters: the error, the responseText and the XHR object. * logger, an object that implements the debug and log methods (e.g. log4moz). * * Headers or post data are given as an array of arrays, for each each inner * array the first value is the key and the second is the value, e.g. * [["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]]. */ function httpRequest(aUrl, aOptions) { let xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.mozBackgroundRequest = true; // no error dialogs let hasPostData = "postData" in aOptions && aOptions.postData; xhr.open("method" in aOptions ? aOptions.method : (hasPostData ? "POST" : "GET"), aUrl); xhr.channel.loadFlags = Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_ANONYMOUS | // don't send cookies Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE | Ci.nsIChannel.INHIBIT_CACHING; xhr.onerror = function(aProgressEvent) { if ("onError" in aOptions) { // adapted from toolkit/mozapps/extensions/nsBlocklistService.js let request = aProgressEvent.target; let status; try { // may throw (local file or timeout) status = request.status; } catch (e) { request = request.channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRequest); status = request.status; } // When status is 0 we don't have a valid channel. let statusText = status ? request.statusText : "offline"; aOptions.onError(statusText, null, this); } }; xhr.onload = function (aRequest) { try { let target = aRequest.target; if ("logger" in aOptions) aOptions.logger.debug("Received response: " + target.responseText); if (target.status < 200 || target.status >= 300) { let errorText = target.responseText; if (!errorText || /<(ht|\?x)ml\b/i.test(errorText)) errorText = target.statusText; throw target.status + " - " + errorText; } if ("onLoad" in aOptions) aOptions.onLoad(target.responseText, this); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); if ("onError" in aOptions) aOptions.onError(e, aRequest.target.responseText, this); } }; if ("headers" in aOptions) { aOptions.headers.forEach(function(header) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header[0], header[1]); }); } // Handle adding postData as defined above. let POSTData = hasPostData ? aOptions.postData : ""; if (Array.isArray(POSTData)) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"); POSTData = POSTData.map(function(p) p[0] + "=" + percentEncode(p[1])) .join("&"); } if ("logger" in aOptions) { aOptions.logger.log("sending request to " + aUrl + " (POSTData = " + POSTData + ")"); } xhr.send(POSTData); return xhr; }