/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ MARIONETTE_TIMEOUT = 60000; MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = "head.js"; const TEST_DATA = [ {command: "D014" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D09004537BD2C07896022", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: "Enter \"0\""}}, {command: "D00B" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D00", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: null}}, {command: "D00C" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0100", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: ""}}, {command: "D081AD" + // Length "8103012201" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D81A104456E746572202278222E205468697320636F6D" + // Text string "6D616E6420696E7374727563747320746865204D452074" + "6F20646973706C617920746578742C20616E6420746F20" + "65787065637420746865207573657220746F20656E7465" + "7220612073696E676C65206368617261637465722E2041" + "6E7920726573706F6E736520656E746572656420627920" + "7468652075736572207368616C6C206265207061737365" + "642074", expect: {commandQualifier: 0x01, text: "Enter \"x\". This command instructs the ME to display " + "text, and to expect the user to enter a single character. " + "Any response entered by the user shall be passed t"}}, {command: "D016" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0B043C54494D452D4F55543E", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: ""}}, {command: "D08199" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D818D0804170414042004100412042104220412042304" + // Text string "1904220415041704140420041004120421042204120423" + "0419042204150417041404200410041204210422041204" + "2304190422041504170414042004100412042104220412" + "0423041904220415041704140420041004120421042204" + "1204230419042204150417041404200410041204210422" + "041204230419", expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: "ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕЗДР" + "АВСТВУЙТЕЗДРАВСТВУЙ"}}, {command: "D011" + // Length "8103012203" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0604456E746572", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x03, text: "Enter"}}, {command: "D015" + // Length "8103012204" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0A04456E74657220594553", // Text string expect: {commandQualifier: 0x04, text: "Enter YES"}}, {command: "D019" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0A043C4E4F2D49434F4E3E" + // Text string "1E020002", // Icon identifier expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, // The record number 02 in EFimg is not defined, so no icon will be // shown, but the text string should still be displayed. text: ""}}, {command: "D016" + // Length "8103012280" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D07043C49434F4E3E" + // Text string "1E020101", // Icon identifier expect: {commandQualifier: 0x80, text: "", iconSelfExplanatory: false, icons : [BASIC_ICON]}}, {command: "D019" + // Length "8103012200" + // Command details "82028182" + // Device identities "8D0A04456E74657220222B22" + // Text string "8402010A", // Duration expect: {commandQualifier: 0x00, text: "Enter \"+\"", duration: {timeUnit: MozIccManager.STK_TIME_UNIT_SECOND, timeInterval: 0x0A}}}, ]; function testGetInKey(aCommand, aExpect) { is(aCommand.commandNumber, 0x01, "commandNumber"); is(aCommand.typeOfCommand, MozIccManager.STK_CMD_GET_INKEY, "typeOfCommand"); is(aCommand.commandQualifier, aExpect.commandQualifier, "commandQualifier"); is(aCommand.options.isAlphabet, !!(aExpect.commandQualifier & 0x01), "options.isAlphabet"); is(aCommand.options.isUCS2, !!(aExpect.commandQualifier & 0x02), "options.isUCS2"); is(aCommand.options.isYesNoRequested, !!(aExpect.commandQualifier & 0x04), "options.isYesNoRequested"); is(aCommand.options.isHelpAvailable, !!(aExpect.commandQualifier & 0x80), "options.isHelpAvailable"); is(aCommand.options.text, aExpect.text, "options.text"); is(aCommand.options.minLength, 1, "options.minLength"); is(aCommand.options.maxLength, 1, "options.maxLength"); // duration is optional. if ("duration" in aExpect) { let duration = aCommand.options.duration; is(duration.timeUnit, aExpect.duration.timeUnit, "options.duration.timeUnit"); is(duration.timeInterval, aExpect.duration.timeInterval, "options.duration.timeInterval"); } // icons is optional. if ("icons" in aExpect) { isIcons(aCommand.options.icons, aExpect.icons); is(aCommand.options.iconSelfExplanatory, aExpect.iconSelfExplanatory, "options.iconSelfExplanatory"); } } // Start tests startTestCommon(function() { let icc = getMozIcc(); let promise = Promise.resolve(); for (let i = 0; i < TEST_DATA.length; i++) { let data = TEST_DATA[i]; promise = promise.then(() => { log("get_inkey_cmd: " + data.command); let promises = []; // Wait onstkcommand event. promises.push(waitForTargetEvent(icc, "stkcommand") .then((aEvent) => testGetInKey(aEvent.command, data.expect))); // Wait icc-stkcommand system message. promises.push(waitForSystemMessage("icc-stkcommand") .then((aMessage) => { is(aMessage.iccId, icc.iccInfo.iccid, "iccId"); testGetInKey(aMessage.command, data.expect); })); // Send emulator command to generate stk unsolicited event. promises.push(sendEmulatorStkPdu(data.command)); return Promise.all(promises); }); } return promise; });