/* jshint moz: true, esnext: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm'); const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'gDOMBundle', () => Services.strings.createBundle('chrome://global/locale/dom/dom.properties')); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ['crypto']); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['PushCrypto', 'concatArray']; var UTF8 = new TextEncoder('utf-8'); var ECDH_KEY = { name: 'ECDH', namedCurve: 'P-256' }; var ECDSA_KEY = { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }; // A default keyid with a name that won't conflict with a real keyid. var DEFAULT_KEYID = ''; /** Localized error property names. */ // `Encryption` header missing or malformed. const BAD_ENCRYPTION_HEADER = 'PushMessageBadEncryptionHeader'; // `Crypto-Key` or legacy `Encryption-Key` header missing. const BAD_CRYPTO_KEY_HEADER = 'PushMessageBadCryptoKeyHeader'; const BAD_ENCRYPTION_KEY_HEADER = 'PushMessageBadEncryptionKeyHeader'; // `Content-Encoding` header missing or contains unsupported encoding. const BAD_ENCODING_HEADER = 'PushMessageBadEncodingHeader'; // `dh` parameter of `Crypto-Key` header missing or not base64url-encoded. const BAD_DH_PARAM = 'PushMessageBadSenderKey'; // `salt` parameter of `Encryption` header missing or not base64url-encoded. const BAD_SALT_PARAM = 'PushMessageBadSalt'; // `rs` parameter of `Encryption` header not a number or less than pad size. const BAD_RS_PARAM = 'PushMessageBadRecordSize'; // Invalid or insufficient padding for encrypted chunk. const BAD_PADDING = 'PushMessageBadPaddingError'; // Generic crypto error. const BAD_CRYPTO = 'PushMessageBadCryptoError'; class CryptoError extends Error { /** * Creates an error object indicating an incoming push message could not be * decrypted. * * @param {String} message A human-readable error message. This is only for * internal module logging, and doesn't need to be localized. * @param {String} property The localized property name from `dom.properties`. * @param {String...} params Substitutions to insert into the localized * string. */ constructor(message, property, ...params) { super(message); this.isCryptoError = true; this.property = property; this.params = params; } /** * Formats a localized string for reporting decryption errors to the Web * Console. * * @param {String} scope The scope of the service worker receiving the * message, prepended to any other substitutions in the string. * @returns {String} The localized string. */ format(scope) { let params = [scope, ...this.params].map(String); return gDOMBundle.formatStringFromName(this.property, params, params.length); } } function getEncryptionKeyParams(encryptKeyField) { if (!encryptKeyField) { return null; } var params = encryptKeyField.split(','); return params.reduce((m, p) => { var pmap = p.split(';').reduce(parseHeaderFieldParams, {}); if (pmap.keyid && pmap.dh) { m[pmap.keyid] = pmap.dh; } if (!m[DEFAULT_KEYID] && pmap.dh) { m[DEFAULT_KEYID] = pmap.dh; } return m; }, {}); } function getEncryptionParams(encryptField) { if (!encryptField) { throw new CryptoError('Missing encryption header', BAD_ENCRYPTION_HEADER); } var p = encryptField.split(',', 1)[0]; if (!p) { throw new CryptoError('Encryption header missing params', BAD_ENCRYPTION_HEADER); } return p.split(';').reduce(parseHeaderFieldParams, {}); } // Extracts the sender public key, salt, and record size from the payload for the // aes128gcm scheme. function getCryptoParamsFromPayload(payload) { if (payload.byteLength < 21) { throw new CryptoError('Truncated header', BAD_CRYPTO); } let rs = (payload[16] << 24) | (payload[17] << 16) | (payload[18] << 8) | payload[19]; let keyIdLen = payload[20]; if (keyIdLen != 65) { throw new CryptoError('Invalid sender public key', BAD_DH_PARAM); } if (payload.byteLength <= 21 + keyIdLen) { throw new CryptoError('Truncated payload', BAD_CRYPTO); } return { salt: payload.slice(0, 16), rs: rs, senderKey: payload.slice(21, 21 + keyIdLen), ciphertext: payload.slice(21 + keyIdLen), }; } // Extracts the sender public key, salt, and record size from the `Crypto-Key`, // `Encryption-Key`, and `Encryption` headers for the aesgcm and aesgcm128 // schemes. function getCryptoParamsFromHeaders(headers) { if (!headers) { return null; } var keymap; if (headers.encoding == AESGCM_ENCODING) { // aesgcm uses the Crypto-Key header, 2 bytes for the pad length, and an // authentication secret. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-encryption-encoding-01 keymap = getEncryptionKeyParams(headers.crypto_key); if (!keymap) { throw new CryptoError('Missing Crypto-Key header', BAD_CRYPTO_KEY_HEADER); } } else if (headers.encoding == AESGCM128_ENCODING) { // aesgcm128 uses Encryption-Key, 1 byte for the pad length, and no secret. // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomson-http-encryption-02 keymap = getEncryptionKeyParams(headers.encryption_key); if (!keymap) { throw new CryptoError('Missing Encryption-Key header', BAD_ENCRYPTION_KEY_HEADER); } } var enc = getEncryptionParams(headers.encryption); var dh = keymap[enc.keyid || DEFAULT_KEYID]; var senderKey = base64URLDecode(dh); if (!senderKey) { throw new CryptoError('Invalid dh parameter', BAD_DH_PARAM); } var salt = base64URLDecode(enc.salt); if (!salt) { throw new CryptoError('Invalid salt parameter', BAD_SALT_PARAM); } var rs = enc.rs ? parseInt(enc.rs, 10) : 4096; if (isNaN(rs)) { throw new CryptoError('rs parameter must be a number', BAD_RS_PARAM); } return { salt: salt, rs: rs, senderKey: senderKey, }; } // Decodes an unpadded, base64url-encoded string. function base64URLDecode(string) { if (!string) { return null; } try { return ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(string, { // draft-ietf-httpbis-encryption-encoding-01 prohibits padding. padding: 'reject', }); } catch (ex) {} return null; } var parseHeaderFieldParams = (m, v) => { var i = v.indexOf('='); if (i >= 0) { // A quoted string with internal quotes is invalid for all the possible // values of this header field. m[v.substring(0, i).trim()] = v.substring(i + 1).trim() .replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); } return m; }; function chunkArray(array, size) { var start = array.byteOffset || 0; array = array.buffer || array; var index = 0; var result = []; while(index + size <= array.byteLength) { result.push(new Uint8Array(array, start + index, size)); index += size; } if (index < array.byteLength) { result.push(new Uint8Array(array, start + index)); } return result; } var concatArray = function(arrays) { var size = arrays.reduce((total, a) => total + a.byteLength, 0); var index = 0; return arrays.reduce((result, a) => { result.set(new Uint8Array(a), index); index += a.byteLength; return result; }, new Uint8Array(size)); }; var HMAC_SHA256 = { name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' }; function hmac(key) { this.keyPromise = crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key, HMAC_SHA256, false, ['sign']); } hmac.prototype.hash = function(input) { return this.keyPromise.then(k => crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', k, input)); }; function hkdf(salt, ikm) { this.prkhPromise = new hmac(salt).hash(ikm) .then(prk => new hmac(prk)); } hkdf.prototype.extract = function(info, len) { var input = concatArray([info, new Uint8Array([1])]); return this.prkhPromise .then(prkh => prkh.hash(input)) .then(h => { if (h.byteLength < len) { throw new CryptoError('HKDF length is too long', BAD_CRYPTO); } return h.slice(0, len); }); }; /* generate a 96-bit nonce for use in GCM, 48-bits of which are populated */ function generateNonce(base, index) { if (index >= Math.pow(2, 48)) { throw new CryptoError('Nonce index is too large', BAD_CRYPTO); } var nonce = base.slice(0, 12); nonce = new Uint8Array(nonce); for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { nonce[nonce.byteLength - 1 - i] ^= (index / Math.pow(256, i)) & 0xff; } return nonce; } function encodeLength(buffer) { return new Uint8Array([0, buffer.byteLength]); } var NONCE_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: nonce'); class Decoder { /** * Creates a decoder for decrypting an incoming push message. * * @param {JsonWebKey} privateKey The static subscription private key. * @param {BufferSource} publicKey The static subscription public key. * @param {BufferSource} authenticationSecret The subscription authentication * secret, or `null` if not used by the scheme. * @param {Object} cryptoParams An object containing the ephemeral sender * public key, salt, and record size. * @param {BufferSource} ciphertext The encrypted message data. */ constructor(privateKey, publicKey, authenticationSecret, cryptoParams, ciphertext) { this.privateKey = privateKey; this.publicKey = publicKey; this.authenticationSecret = authenticationSecret; this.senderKey = cryptoParams.senderKey; this.salt = cryptoParams.salt; this.rs = cryptoParams.rs; this.ciphertext = ciphertext; } /** * Derives the decryption keys and decodes the push message. * * @throws {CryptoError} if decryption fails. * @returns {Uint8Array} The decrypted message data. */ async decode() { if (this.ciphertext.byteLength === 0) { // Zero length messages will be passed as null. return null; } try { let ikm = await this.computeSharedSecret(); let [gcmBits, nonce] = await this.deriveKeyAndNonce(ikm); let key = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', gcmBits, 'AES-GCM', false, ['decrypt']); let r = await Promise.all(chunkArray(this.ciphertext, this.chunkSize) .map((slice, index, chunks) => this.decodeChunk(slice, index, nonce, key, index >= chunks.length - 1))); return concatArray(r); } catch (error) { if (error.isCryptoError) { throw error; } // Web Crypto returns an unhelpful "operation failed for an // operation-specific reason" error if decryption fails. We don't have // context about what went wrong, so we throw a generic error instead. throw new CryptoError('Bad encryption', BAD_CRYPTO); } } /** * Computes the ECDH shared secret, used as the input key material for HKDF. * * @throws if the static or ephemeral ECDH keys are invalid. * @returns {ArrayBuffer} The shared secret. */ async computeSharedSecret() { let [appServerKey, subscriptionPrivateKey] = await Promise.all([ crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', this.senderKey, ECDH_KEY, false, ['deriveBits']), crypto.subtle.importKey('jwk', this.privateKey, ECDH_KEY, false, ['deriveBits']) ]); return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({ name: 'ECDH', public: appServerKey }, subscriptionPrivateKey, 256); } /** * Derives the content encryption key and nonce. * * @param {BufferSource} ikm The ECDH shared secret. * @returns {Array} A `[gcmBits, nonce]` tuple. */ async deriveKeyAndNonce(ikm) { throw new Error('Missing `deriveKeyAndNonce` implementation'); } /** * Decrypts and removes padding from an encrypted record. * * @throws {CryptoError} if decryption fails or padding is incorrect. * @param {Uint8Array} slice The encrypted record. * @param {Number} index The record sequence number. * @param {Uint8Array} nonce The nonce base, used to generate the IV. * @param {Uint8Array} key The content encryption key. * @param {Boolean} last Indicates if this is the final record. * @returns {Uint8Array} The decrypted block with padding removed. */ async decodeChunk(slice, index, nonce, key, last) { let params = { name: 'AES-GCM', iv: generateNonce(nonce, index) }; let decoded = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(params, key, slice); return this.unpadChunk(new Uint8Array(decoded), last); } /** * Removes padding from a decrypted block. * * @throws {CryptoError} if padding is missing or invalid. * @param {Uint8Array} chunk The decrypted block with padding. * @returns {Uint8Array} The block with padding removed. */ unpadChunk(chunk, last) { throw new Error('Missing `unpadChunk` implementation'); } /** The record chunking size. */ get chunkSize() { throw new Error('Missing `chunkSize` implementation'); } } class OldSchemeDecoder extends Decoder { async decode() { // For aesgcm and aesgcm128, the ciphertext length can't fall on a record // boundary. if (this.ciphertext.byteLength > 0 && this.ciphertext.byteLength % this.chunkSize === 0) { throw new CryptoError('Encrypted data truncated', BAD_CRYPTO); } return super.decode(); } /** * For aesgcm, the padding length is a 16-bit unsigned big endian integer. * For aesgcm128, the padding is an 8-bit integer. */ unpadChunk(decoded) { if (decoded.length < this.padSize) { throw new CryptoError('Decoded array is too short!', BAD_PADDING); } var pad = decoded[0] if (this.padSize == 2) { pad = (pad << 8) | decoded[1]; } if (pad > decoded.length - this.padSize) { throw new CryptoError('Padding is wrong!', BAD_PADDING); } // All padded bytes must be zero except the first one. for (var i = this.padSize; i < this.padSize + pad; i++) { if (decoded[i] !== 0) { throw new CryptoError('Padding is wrong!', BAD_PADDING); } } return decoded.slice(pad + this.padSize); } /** * aesgcm and aesgcm128 don't account for the authentication tag as part of * the record size. */ get chunkSize() { return this.rs + 16; } get padSize() { throw new Error('Missing `padSize` implementation'); } } /** New encryption scheme (draft-ietf-httpbis-encryption-encoding-06). */ var AES128GCM_ENCODING = 'aes128gcm'; var AES128GCM_KEY_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: aes128gcm\0'); var AES128GCM_AUTH_INFO = UTF8.encode('WebPush: info\0'); var AES128GCM_NONCE_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: nonce\0'); class aes128gcmDecoder extends Decoder { /** * Derives the aes128gcm decryption key and nonce. The PRK info string for * HKDF is "WebPush: info\0", followed by the unprefixed receiver and sender * public keys. */ async deriveKeyAndNonce(ikm) { let authKdf = new hkdf(this.authenticationSecret, ikm); let authInfo = concatArray([ AES128GCM_AUTH_INFO, this.publicKey, this.senderKey ]); let prk = await authKdf.extract(authInfo, 32); let prkKdf = new hkdf(this.salt, prk); return Promise.all([ prkKdf.extract(AES128GCM_KEY_INFO, 16), prkKdf.extract(AES128GCM_NONCE_INFO, 12) ]); } unpadChunk(decoded, last) { let length = decoded.length; while (length--) { if (decoded[length] === 0) { continue; } let recordPad = last ? 2 : 1; if (decoded[length] != recordPad) { throw new CryptoError('Padding is wrong!', BAD_PADDING); } return decoded.slice(0, length); } throw new CryptoError('Zero plaintext', BAD_PADDING); } /** aes128gcm accounts for the authentication tag in the record size. */ get chunkSize() { return this.rs; } } /** Older encryption scheme (draft-ietf-httpbis-encryption-encoding-01). */ var AESGCM_ENCODING = 'aesgcm'; var AESGCM_KEY_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: aesgcm\0'); var AESGCM_AUTH_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: auth\0'); // note nul-terminus var AESGCM_P256DH_INFO = UTF8.encode('P-256\0'); class aesgcmDecoder extends OldSchemeDecoder { /** * Derives the aesgcm decryption key and nonce. We mix the authentication * secret with the ikm using HKDF. The context string for the PRK is * "Content-Encoding: auth\0". The context string for the key and nonce is * "Content-Encoding: \0P-256\0" then the length and value of both the * receiver key and sender key. */ async deriveKeyAndNonce(ikm) { // Since we are using an authentication secret, we need to run an extra // round of HKDF with the authentication secret as salt. let authKdf = new hkdf(this.authenticationSecret, ikm); let prk = await authKdf.extract(AESGCM_AUTH_INFO, 32); let prkKdf = new hkdf(this.salt, prk); let keyInfo = concatArray([ AESGCM_KEY_INFO, AESGCM_P256DH_INFO, encodeLength(this.publicKey), this.publicKey, encodeLength(this.senderKey), this.senderKey ]); let nonceInfo = concatArray([ NONCE_INFO, new Uint8Array([0]), AESGCM_P256DH_INFO, encodeLength(this.publicKey), this.publicKey, encodeLength(this.senderKey), this.senderKey ]); return Promise.all([ prkKdf.extract(keyInfo, 16), prkKdf.extract(nonceInfo, 12) ]); } get padSize() { return 2; } } /** Oldest encryption scheme (draft-thomson-http-encryption-02). */ var AESGCM128_ENCODING = 'aesgcm128'; var AESGCM128_KEY_INFO = UTF8.encode('Content-Encoding: aesgcm128'); class aesgcm128Decoder extends OldSchemeDecoder { constructor(privateKey, publicKey, cryptoParams, ciphertext) { super(privateKey, publicKey, null, cryptoParams, ciphertext); } /** * The aesgcm128 scheme ignores the authentication secret, and uses * "Content-Encoding: " for the context string. It should eventually * be removed: bug 1230038. */ deriveKeyAndNonce(ikm) { let prkKdf = new hkdf(this.salt, ikm); return Promise.all([ prkKdf.extract(AESGCM128_KEY_INFO, 16), prkKdf.extract(NONCE_INFO, 12) ]); } get padSize() { return 1; } } var PushCrypto = { generateAuthenticationSecret() { return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); }, validateAppServerKey(key) { return crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key, ECDSA_KEY, true, ['verify']) .then(_ => key); }, generateKeys() { return crypto.subtle.generateKey(ECDH_KEY, true, ['deriveBits']) .then(cryptoKey => Promise.all([ crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', cryptoKey.publicKey), crypto.subtle.exportKey('jwk', cryptoKey.privateKey) ])); }, /** * Decrypts a push message. * * @throws {CryptoError} if decryption fails. * @param {JsonWebKey} privateKey The ECDH private key of the subscription * receiving the message, in JWK form. * @param {BufferSource} publicKey The ECDH public key of the subscription * receiving the message, in raw form. * @param {BufferSource} authenticationSecret The 16-byte shared * authentication secret of the subscription receiving the message. * @param {Object} headers The encryption headers from the push server. * @param {BufferSource} payload The encrypted message payload. * @returns {Uint8Array} The decrypted message data. */ async decrypt(privateKey, publicKey, authenticationSecret, headers, payload) { if (!headers) { return null; } let encoding = headers.encoding; if (!headers.encoding) { throw new CryptoError('Missing Content-Encoding header', BAD_ENCODING_HEADER); } let decoder; if (encoding == AES128GCM_ENCODING) { // aes128gcm includes the salt, record size, and sender public key in a // binary header preceding the ciphertext. let cryptoParams = getCryptoParamsFromPayload(new Uint8Array(payload)); decoder = new aes128gcmDecoder(privateKey, publicKey, authenticationSecret, cryptoParams, cryptoParams.ciphertext); } else if (encoding == AESGCM128_ENCODING || encoding == AESGCM_ENCODING) { // aesgcm and aesgcm128 include the salt, record size, and sender public // key in the `Crypto-Key` and `Encryption` HTTP headers. let cryptoParams = getCryptoParamsFromHeaders(headers); if (headers.encoding == AESGCM_ENCODING) { decoder = new aesgcmDecoder(privateKey, publicKey, authenticationSecret, cryptoParams, payload); } else { decoder = new aesgcm128Decoder(privateKey, publicKey, cryptoParams, payload); } } if (!decoder) { throw new CryptoError('Unsupported Content-Encoding: ' + encoding, BAD_ENCODING_HEADER); } return decoder.decode(); }, /** * Encrypts a payload suitable for using in a push message. The encryption * is always done with a record size of 4096 and no padding. * * @throws {CryptoError} if encryption fails. * @param {plaintext} Uint8Array The plaintext to encrypt. * @param {receiverPublicKey} Uint8Array The public key of the recipient * of the message as a buffer. * @param {receiverAuthSecret} Uint8Array The auth secret of the of the * message recipient as a buffer. * @param {options} Object Encryption options, used for tests. * @returns {ciphertext, encoding} The encrypted payload and encoding. */ async encrypt(plaintext, receiverPublicKey, receiverAuthSecret, options={}) { const encoding = options.encoding || AES128GCM_ENCODING; // We only support one encoding type. if (encoding != AES128GCM_ENCODING) { throw new CryptoError(`Only ${AES128GCM_ENCODING} is supported`, BAD_ENCODING_HEADER); } // We typically use an ephemeral key for this message, but for testing // purposes we allow it to be specified. const senderKeyPair = options.senderKeyPair || await crypto.subtle.generateKey(ECDH_KEY, true, ["deriveBits"]); // allowing a salt to be specified is useful for tests. const salt = options.salt || crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); const rs = options.rs === undefined ? 4096 : options.rs; const encoder = new aes128gcmEncoder(plaintext, receiverPublicKey, receiverAuthSecret, senderKeyPair, salt, rs); return encoder.encode(); }, }; // A class for aes128gcm encryption - the only kind we support. class aes128gcmEncoder { constructor(plaintext ,receiverPublicKey, receiverAuthSecret, senderKeyPair, salt, rs) { this.receiverPublicKey = receiverPublicKey; this.receiverAuthSecret = receiverAuthSecret; this.senderKeyPair = senderKeyPair; this.salt = salt; this.rs = rs; this.plaintext = plaintext; } async encode() { const sharedSecret = await this.computeSharedSecret(this.receiverPublicKey, this.senderKeyPair.privateKey); const rawSenderPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", this.senderKeyPair.publicKey); const [gcmBits, nonce] = await this.deriveKeyAndNonce(sharedSecret, rawSenderPublicKey) const contentEncryptionKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", gcmBits, "AES-GCM", false, ["encrypt"]); const payloadHeader = this.createHeader(rawSenderPublicKey); const ciphertextChunks = await this.encrypt(contentEncryptionKey, nonce); return {ciphertext: concatArray([payloadHeader, ...ciphertextChunks]), encoding: "aes128gcm"}; } // Perform the actual encryption of the payload. async encrypt(key, nonce) { if (this.rs < 18) { throw new CryptoError("recordsize is too small", BAD_RS_PARAM); } let chunks; if (this.plaintext.byteLength === 0) { // Send an authentication tag for empty messages. chunks = [await crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: "AES-GCM", iv: generateNonce(nonce, 0) }, key, new Uint8Array([2]))]; } else { // Use specified recordsize, though we burn 1 for padding and 16 byte // overhead. let inChunks = chunkArray(this.plaintext, this.rs - 1 - 16); chunks = await Promise.all(inChunks.map(async function (slice, index) { let isLast = index == inChunks.length - 1; let padding = new Uint8Array([isLast ? 2 : 1]); let input = concatArray([slice, padding]); return await crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: "AES-GCM", iv: generateNonce(nonce, index), }, key, input); })); } return chunks; } // Note: this is a dupe of aes128gcmDecoder.deriveKeyAndNonce, but tricky // to rationalize without a larger refactor. async deriveKeyAndNonce(sharedSecret, senderPublicKey) { const authKdf = new hkdf(this.receiverAuthSecret, sharedSecret); const authInfo = concatArray([AES128GCM_AUTH_INFO, this.receiverPublicKey, senderPublicKey]); const prk = await authKdf.extract(authInfo, 32); const prkKdf = new hkdf(this.salt, prk); return Promise.all([ prkKdf.extract(AES128GCM_KEY_INFO, 16), prkKdf.extract(AES128GCM_NONCE_INFO, 12), ]); } // Note: this duplicates some of Decoder.computeSharedSecret, but the key // management is slightly different. async computeSharedSecret(receiverPublicKey, senderPrivateKey) { const receiverPublicCryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", receiverPublicKey, ECDH_KEY, false, ["deriveBits"]); return crypto.subtle.deriveBits({name: "ECDH", public: receiverPublicCryptoKey}, senderPrivateKey, 256); } // create aes128gcm's header. createHeader(key) { // layout is "salt|32-bit-int|8-bit-int|key" if (key.byteLength != 65) { throw new CryptoError("Invalid key length for header", BAD_DH_PARAM); } // the 2 ints let ints = new Uint8Array(5); let intsv = new DataView(ints.buffer); intsv.setUint32(0, this.rs); // bigendian intsv.setUint8(4, key.byteLength); return concatArray([this.salt, ints, key]); } }