o Convert to using IDL and GenericFactories. Once support for ComponentLoaders is implemented in xpcom, use that to load our component. [5d] o Implement DOM exceptions. [5d. In Progress. Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su>] o Use OJI to obtain the JVM. [5d. Awaiting OJI availability] o i18n the API o Implement DOMEvents from the DOM Level 2 current working draft. [4w. Assigned. Contact: Sergey Lunegov <lsv@sparc.spb.su>] o Use nsISupportsProxies to work around thread limitations. This will mean writing an IDL for nsIJavaDOM.h, but that sould be trivial. Dcumentation for nsISupportsProxies is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xpcom/Proxies.html. [2w. Assigned. Contact: Sergey Lunegov <lsv@sparc.spb.su>] o Eliminate finalize methds from classes that extend Node, DOMImplementation and NodeList. finalize need only be defined for these three base classes. Having it defined in the derived classes is redundant, but not an error. [1d] o Go through the spec and for all methods that return null, fix the api so that no error message is logged. The api works fine, it just logs some bogus errors. For an example, see Node.getAttributes. [2d. Assigned. Contact: Sergey Lunegov <lsv@sparc.spb.su>] o Investigate the possibility of writing a tool that can generate the JNI code from idl. This is the only practical way to implement the HTML DOM (because it is too big to hand-code). [4w+]