/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PanelMultiView", "resource:///modules/PanelMultiView.jsm"); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TabsPanel"]; function setAttributes(element, attrs) { for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) { if (value) { element.setAttribute(name, value); } else { element.removeAttribute(name); } } } class TabsListBase { constructor({className, filterFn, insertBefore, containerNode}) { this.className = className; this.filterFn = filterFn; this.insertBefore = insertBefore; this.containerNode = containerNode; this.doc = containerNode.ownerDocument; this.gBrowser = this.doc.defaultView.gBrowser; this.tabToElement = new Map(); this.listenersRegistered = false; } get rows() { return this.tabToElement.values(); } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "TabAttrModified": this._tabAttrModified(event.target); break; case "TabClose": this._tabClose(event.target); break; case "command": this._selectTab(event.target.tab); break; } } _selectTab(tab) { if (this.gBrowser.selectedTab != tab) { this.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; } else { this.gBrowser.tabContainer._handleTabSelect(); } } /* * Populate the popup with menuitems and setup the listeners. */ _populate(event) { let fragment = this.doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let tab of this.gBrowser.tabs) { if (this.filterFn(tab)) { fragment.appendChild(this._createRow(tab)); } } this._addElement(fragment); this._setupListeners(); } _addElement(elementOrFragment) { this.containerNode.insertBefore(elementOrFragment, this.insertBefore); } /* * Remove the menuitems from the DOM, cleanup internal state and listeners. */ _cleanup() { for (let item of this.rows) { item.remove(); } this.tabToElement = new Map(); this._cleanupListeners(); } _setupListeners() { this.listenersRegistered = true; this.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabAttrModified", this); this.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this); } _cleanupListeners() { this.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabAttrModified", this); this.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); this.listenersRegistered = false; } _tabAttrModified(tab) { let item = this.tabToElement.get(tab); if (item) { if (!this.filterFn(tab)) { // The tab no longer matches our criteria, remove it. this._removeItem(item, tab); } else { this._setRowAttributes(item, tab); } } else if (this.filterFn(tab)) { // The tab now matches our criteria, add a row for it. this._addTab(tab); } } _addTab(newTab) { let newRow = this._createRow(newTab); let nextTab = newTab.nextElementSibling; while (nextTab && !this.filterFn(nextTab)) { nextTab = nextTab.nextElementSibling; } if (nextTab) { // If we found a tab after this one in the list, insert the new row before it. let nextRow = this.tabToElement.get(nextTab); nextRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, nextRow); } else { // If there's no next tab then insert it as usual. this._addElement(newRow); } } _tabClose(tab) { let item = this.tabToElement.get(tab); if (item) { this._removeItem(item, tab); } } _removeItem(item, tab) { this.tabToElement.delete(tab); item.remove(); } } const TABS_PANEL_EVENTS = { show: "ViewShowing", hide: "PanelMultiViewHidden", }; class TabsPanel extends TabsListBase { constructor(opts) { super({ ...opts, containerNode: opts.containerNode || opts.view.firstElementChild, }); this.view = opts.view; this.view.addEventListener(TABS_PANEL_EVENTS.show, this); this.panelMultiView = null; } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case TABS_PANEL_EVENTS.hide: if (event.target == this.panelMultiView) { this._cleanup(); this.panelMultiView = null; } break; case TABS_PANEL_EVENTS.show: if (!this.listenersRegistered && event.target == this.view) { this.panelMultiView = this.view.panelMultiView; this._populate(event); } break; case "command": if (event.target.hasAttribute("toggle-mute")) { event.target.tab.toggleMuteAudio(); break; } default: super.handleEvent(event); break; } } _populate(event) { super._populate(event); // The loading throbber can't be set until the toolbarbutton is rendered, // so set the image attributes again now that the elements are in the DOM. for (let row of this.rows) { this._setImageAttributes(row, row.tab); } } _selectTab(tab) { super._selectTab(tab); PanelMultiView.hidePopup(this.view.closest("panel")); } _setupListeners() { super._setupListeners(); this.panelMultiView.addEventListener(TABS_PANEL_EVENTS.hide, this); } _cleanupListeners() { super._cleanupListeners(); this.panelMultiView.removeEventListener(TABS_PANEL_EVENTS.hide, this); } _createRow(tab) { let {doc} = this; let row = doc.createXULElement("toolbaritem"); row.setAttribute("class", "all-tabs-item"); if (this.className) { row.classList.add(this.className); } row.tab = tab; row.addEventListener("command", this); this.tabToElement.set(tab, row); let button = doc.createXULElement("toolbarbutton"); button.setAttribute("class", "all-tabs-button subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic"); button.setAttribute("flex", "1"); button.setAttribute("crop", "right"); button.tab = tab; row.appendChild(button); let secondaryButton = doc.createXULElement("toolbarbutton"); secondaryButton.setAttribute( "class", "all-tabs-secondary-button subviewbutton subviewbutton-iconic"); secondaryButton.setAttribute("closemenu", "none"); secondaryButton.setAttribute("toggle-mute", "true"); secondaryButton.tab = tab; row.appendChild(secondaryButton); this._setRowAttributes(row, tab); return row; } _setRowAttributes(row, tab) { setAttributes(row, {selected: tab.selected}); let busy = tab.getAttribute("busy"); let button = row.firstElementChild; setAttributes(button, { busy, label: tab.label, image: !busy && tab.getAttribute("image"), iconloadingprincipal: tab.getAttribute("iconloadingprincipal"), }); this._setImageAttributes(row, tab); let secondaryButton = row.querySelector(".all-tabs-secondary-button"); setAttributes(secondaryButton, { muted: tab.muted, soundplaying: tab.soundPlaying, hidden: !(tab.muted || tab.soundPlaying), }); } _setImageAttributes(row, tab) { let button = row.firstElementChild; let image = this.doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute( button, "class", "toolbarbutton-icon") || this.doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute( button, "class", "toolbarbutton-icon tab-throbber-tabslist"); if (image) { let busy = tab.getAttribute("busy"); let progress = tab.getAttribute("progress"); setAttributes(image, {busy, progress}); if (busy) { image.classList.add("tab-throbber-tabslist"); } else { image.classList.remove("tab-throbber-tabslist"); } } } }