/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * This module defines the sorted list of menuitems inserted into the * "Web Developer" menu. * It also defines the key shortcuts that relates to them. * * Various fields are necessary for historical compatiblity with XUL/addons: * - id: * used as id attribute * - l10nKey: * prefix used to locale localization strings from menus.properties * - oncommand: * function called when the menu item or key shortcut are fired * - keyId: * Identifier used in devtools/client/devtools-startup.js * Helps figuring out the DOM id for the related * in order to have the key text displayed in menus. * - checkbox: * If true, the menuitem is prefixed by a checkbox and runtime code can * toggle it. */ const { Cu } = require("chrome"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "gDevToolsBrowser", "devtools/client/framework/devtools-browser", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "TargetFactory", "devtools/client/framework/target", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "ResponsiveUIManager", "devtools/client/responsive/manager" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "openDocLink", "devtools/client/shared/link", true ); loader.lazyImporter( this, "BrowserToolboxProcess", "resource://devtools/client/framework/ToolboxProcess.jsm" ); loader.lazyImporter( this, "ScratchpadManager", "resource://devtools/client/scratchpad/scratchpad-manager.jsm" ); loader.lazyImporter( this, "ProfilerMenuButton", "resource://devtools/client/performance-new/popup/menu-button.jsm" ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "ResponsiveUIManager", "devtools/client/responsive/manager" ); exports.menuitems = [ { id: "menu_devToolbox", l10nKey: "devToolboxMenuItem", async oncommand(event) { try { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; await gDevToolsBrowser.toggleToolboxCommand(window.gBrowser, Cu.now()); } catch (e) { console.error(`Exception while opening the toolbox: ${e}\n${e.stack}`); } }, keyId: "toggleToolbox", checkbox: true, }, { id: "menu_devtools_separator", separator: true }, { id: "menu_devtools_remotedebugging", l10nKey: "devtoolsRemoteDebugging", oncommand(event) { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; gDevToolsBrowser.openAboutDebugging(window.gBrowser); }, }, { id: "menu_webide", l10nKey: "webide", oncommand() { gDevToolsBrowser.openWebIDE(); }, keyId: "webide", }, { id: "menu_browserToolbox", l10nKey: "browserToolboxMenu", oncommand() { BrowserToolboxProcess.init(); }, keyId: "browserToolbox", }, { id: "menu_browserContentToolbox", l10nKey: "browserContentToolboxMenu", oncommand(event) { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; gDevToolsBrowser.openContentProcessToolbox(window.gBrowser); }, }, { id: "menu_browserConsole", l10nKey: "browserConsoleCmd", oncommand() { const { BrowserConsoleManager, } = require("devtools/client/webconsole/browser-console-manager"); BrowserConsoleManager.openBrowserConsoleOrFocus(); }, keyId: "browserConsole", }, { id: "menu_toggleProfilerButtonMenu", l10nKey: "toggleProfilerButtonMenu", checkbox: true, oncommand(event) { ProfilerMenuButton.toggle(event.target.ownerDocument); }, }, { id: "menu_responsiveUI", l10nKey: "responsiveDesignMode", oncommand(event) { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; ResponsiveUIManager.toggle(window, window.gBrowser.selectedTab, { trigger: "menu", }); }, keyId: "responsiveDesignMode", checkbox: true, }, { id: "menu_eyedropper", l10nKey: "eyedropper", async oncommand(event) { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; const target = await TargetFactory.forTab(window.gBrowser.selectedTab); await target.attach(); const inspectorFront = await target.getFront("inspector"); // If RDM is active, disable touch simulation events if they're enabled. // Similarly, enable them when the color picker is done picking. if ( ResponsiveUIManager.isActiveForTab(target.tab) && target.actorHasMethod("emulation", "setElementPickerState") ) { const ui = ResponsiveUIManager.getResponsiveUIForTab(target.tab); await ui.emulationFront.setElementPickerState(true); inspectorFront.once("color-picked", async () => { await ui.emulationFront.setElementPickerState(false); }); inspectorFront.once("color-pick-canceled", async () => { await ui.emulationFront.setElementPickerState(false); }); } inspectorFront.pickColorFromPage({ copyOnSelect: true, fromMenu: true }); }, checkbox: true, }, { id: "menu_scratchpad", l10nKey: "scratchpad", oncommand() { ScratchpadManager.openScratchpad(); }, keyId: "scratchpad", }, { id: "menu_devtools_connect", l10nKey: "devtoolsConnect", oncommand(event) { const window = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; gDevToolsBrowser.openConnectScreen(window.gBrowser); }, }, { separator: true, id: "devToolsEndSeparator" }, { id: "getMoreDevtools", l10nKey: "getMoreDevtoolsCmd", oncommand(event) { openDocLink( "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/collections/mozilla/webdeveloper/" ); }, }, ];