/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Pierre Phaneuf */ #include "nsCSSFrameConstructor.h" #include "nsIArena.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsIAtom.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsISupportsArray.h" #include "nsHashtable.h" #include "nsIHTMLContent.h" #include "nsIHTMLAttributes.h" #include "nsIStyleRule.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsIStyleContext.h" #include "nsHTMLAtoms.h" #include "nsIPresContext.h" #include "nsILinkHandler.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsTableColGroupFrame.h" #include "nsTableColFrame.h" #include "nsHTMLIIDs.h" #include "nsIStyleFrameConstruction.h" #include "nsHTMLParts.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsIStyleSet.h" #include "nsIViewManager.h" #include "nsIScrollableView.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsTableOuterFrame.h" #include "nsIXMLDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMXULElement.h" #include "nsIWebShell.h" #include "nsHTMLContainerFrame.h" #include "nsINameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsLayoutAtoms.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement.h" #include "nsIComboboxControlFrame.h" #include "nsIListControlFrame.h" #include "nsIRadioControlFrame.h" #include "nsICheckboxControlFrame.h" #include "nsIListControlFrame.h" #include "nsIDOMCharacterData.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLImageElement.h" #include "nsITextContent.h" #include "nsPlaceholderFrame.h" #include "nsTableRowGroupFrame.h" #include "nsStyleChangeList.h" #include "nsIFormControl.h" #include "nsCSSAtoms.h" #include "nsIDeviceContext.h" #include "nsTextFragment.h" #include "nsISupportsArray.h" #include "nsIAnonymousContentCreator.h" #include "nsIFrameManager.h" #include "nsIAttributeContent.h" #include "nsIPref.h" #include "nsLegendFrame.h" #include "nsIContentIterator.h" #include "nsBoxLayoutState.h" #include "nsIBindingManager.h" #include "nsIXBLBinding.h" #include "nsIElementFactory.h" #include "nsContentCID.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsFormControlHelper.h" static NS_DEFINE_CID(kTextNodeCID, NS_TEXTNODE_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kHTMLElementFactoryCID, NS_HTML_ELEMENT_FACTORY_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kHTMLImageElementCID, NS_HTMLIMAGEELEMENT_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kAttributeContentCID, NS_ATTRIBUTECONTENT_CID); #include "nsIDOMWindowInternal.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsIMenuFrame.h" #include "nsBox.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL #include "nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher.h" #include "nsIDOMXULDocument.h" #endif // XXX - temporary, this is for GfxList View #include "nsViewsCID.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" // to here #include "nsInlineFrame.h" #include "nsBlockFrame.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsIXBLService.h" #include "nsIStyleRuleSupplier.h" #undef NOISY_FIRST_LETTER #ifdef MOZ_MATHML #include "nsMathMLAtoms.h" #include "nsMathMLParts.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_SVG #include "nsSVGAtoms.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_SVG #include "nsSVGAtoms.h" #include "nsSVGContainerFrame.h" #include "nsPolygonFrame.h" #include "nsPolylineFrame.h" nsresult NS_NewSVGContainerFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, PRBool aIsRoot ); nsresult NS_NewPolygonFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewPolylineFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); #endif #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMElement.h" #include "nsIDOMNodeList.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMDocumentXBL.h" #include "nsIScrollable.h" #include "nsINodeInfo.h" #ifdef DEBUG static PRBool gNoisyContentUpdates = PR_FALSE; static PRBool gReallyNoisyContentUpdates = PR_FALSE; static PRBool gNoisyInlineConstruction = PR_FALSE; #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL #include "nsXULAtoms.h" #include "nsTreeIndentationFrame.h" #include "nsToolbarItemFrame.h" #include "nsXULTreeFrame.h" #include "nsXULTreeOuterGroupFrame.h" #include "nsXULTreeSliceFrame.h" #include "nsXULTreeCellFrame.h" #include "nsMenuFrame.h" #include "nsPopupSetFrame.h" #include "nsOutlinerColFrame.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------ nsresult NS_NewAutoRepeatBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewRootBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewThumbFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewScrollPortFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewGfxScrollFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, nsIDocument* aDocument, PRBool aIsRoot); nsresult NS_NewDeckFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, nsIBoxLayout* aLayoutManager = nsnull); nsresult NS_NewSpringFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewStackFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, nsIBoxLayout* aLayoutManager = nsnull); nsresult NS_NewProgressMeterFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewImageBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewTextBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewTitledBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewButtonBoxFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewSliderFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewScrollbarFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewScrollbarButtonFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewScrollbarFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewGrippyFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewSplitterFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewMenuPopupFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewPopupSetFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewScrollBoxFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewMenuFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, PRUint32 aFlags ); nsresult NS_NewMenuBarFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewTreeScrollPortFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame ); nsresult NS_NewOutlinerBodyFrame (nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); // grid nsresult NS_NewGridLayout ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsCOMPtr& aNewLayout ); nsresult NS_NewObeliskLayout ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsCOMPtr& aNewLayout ); nsresult NS_NewTempleLayout ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsCOMPtr& aNewLayout ); nsresult NS_NewTreeLayout ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsCOMPtr& aNewLayout ); nsresult NS_NewBulletinBoardLayout ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsCOMPtr& aNewLayout ); // end grid nsresult NS_NewTitleBarFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsresult NS_NewResizerFrame ( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame); #endif static NS_DEFINE_IID(kIStyleFrameConstructionIID, NS_ISTYLE_FRAME_CONSTRUCTION_IID); #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME static PRInt32 FFWC_totalCount=0; static PRInt32 FFWC_doLoop=0; static PRInt32 FFWC_doSibling=0; static PRInt32 FFWC_recursions=0; static PRInt32 FFWC_nextInFlows=0; static PRInt32 FFWC_slowSearchForText=0; #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // When inline frames get weird and have block frames in them, we // annotate them to help us respond to incremental content changes // more easily. static inline PRBool IsFrameSpecial(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsFrameState state; aFrame->GetFrameState(&state); return state & NS_FRAME_IS_SPECIAL; } static inline void GetSpecialSibling(nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame** aResult) { // We only store the "special sibling" annotation with the first // frame in the flow. Walk back to find that frame now. while (1) { nsIFrame* prev = aFrame; aFrame->GetPrevInFlow(&prev); if (! prev) break; aFrame = prev; } void* value; aFrameManager->GetFrameProperty(aFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::inlineFrameAnnotation, 0, &value); *aResult = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIFrame*, value); } static void SetFrameIsSpecial(nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aSpecialSibling) { NS_PRECONDITION(aFrameManager && aFrame, "bad args!"); // Mark the frame and all of its siblings as "special". for (nsIFrame* frame = aFrame; frame != nsnull; frame->GetNextInFlow(&frame)) { nsFrameState state; frame->GetFrameState(&state); state |= NS_FRAME_IS_SPECIAL; frame->SetFrameState(state); } if (aSpecialSibling) { #ifdef DEBUG // We should be the first-in-flow nsIFrame* prev; aFrame->GetPrevInFlow(&prev); NS_ASSERTION(! prev, "assigning special sibling to other than first-in-flow!"); #endif // Store the "special sibling" (if we were given one) with the // first frame in the flow. aFrameManager->SetFrameProperty(aFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::inlineFrameAnnotation, aSpecialSibling, nsnull); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX this predicate and its cousins need to migrated to a single // place in layout - something in nsStyleDisplay maybe? static PRBool IsInlineFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { const nsStyleDisplay* display; aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&) display); switch (display->mDisplay) { case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BOX: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_GRID: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_STACK: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_DECK: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_POPUP: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BULLETINBOARD: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GROUPBOX: return PR_TRUE; default: break; } return PR_FALSE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Block/inline frame construction logic. We maintain a few invariants here: // // 1. Block frames contain block and inline frames. // // 2. Inline frames only contain inline frames. If an inline parent has a block // child then the block child is migrated upward until it lands in a block // parent (the inline frames containing block is where it will end up). // XXX consolidate these things static PRBool IsBlockFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { const nsStyleDisplay* display; aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&) display); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == display->mDisplay) { return PR_FALSE; } return PR_TRUE; } static nsIFrame* FindFirstBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aKid, nsIFrame** aPrevKid) { nsIFrame* prevKid = nsnull; while (aKid) { if (IsBlockFrame(aPresContext, aKid)) { *aPrevKid = prevKid; return aKid; } prevKid = aKid; aKid->GetNextSibling(&aKid); } *aPrevKid = nsnull; return nsnull; } static nsIFrame* FindLastBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aKid) { nsIFrame* lastBlock = nsnull; while (aKid) { if (IsBlockFrame(aPresContext, aKid)) { lastBlock = aKid; } aKid->GetNextSibling(&aKid); } return lastBlock; } static nsresult MoveChildrenTo(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIStyleContext* aNewParentSC, nsIFrame* aNewParent, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { // XXX We ignore the new parent SC: should we be reparenting? while (aFrameList) { aFrameList->SetParent(aNewParent); aFrameList->GetNextSibling(&aFrameList); } return NS_OK; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Structure used when constructing formatting object trees. struct nsFrameItems { nsIFrame* childList; nsIFrame* lastChild; nsFrameItems(nsIFrame* aFrame = nsnull); // Appends the frame to the end of the list void AddChild(nsIFrame* aChild); }; nsFrameItems::nsFrameItems(nsIFrame* aFrame) : childList(aFrame), lastChild(aFrame) { } void nsFrameItems::AddChild(nsIFrame* aChild) { if (childList == nsnull) { childList = lastChild = aChild; } else { lastChild->SetNextSibling(aChild); lastChild = aChild; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Structure used when constructing formatting object trees. Contains // state information needed for absolutely positioned elements struct nsAbsoluteItems : nsFrameItems { // containing block for absolutely positioned elements nsIFrame* containingBlock; nsAbsoluteItems(nsIFrame* aContainingBlock = nsnull); // Appends the frame to the end of the list void AddChild(nsIFrame* aChild); }; nsAbsoluteItems::nsAbsoluteItems(nsIFrame* aContainingBlock) : containingBlock(aContainingBlock) { } // Additional behavior is that it sets the frame's NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW flag void nsAbsoluteItems::AddChild(nsIFrame* aChild) { nsFrameState frameState; // Mark the frame as being moved out of the flow aChild->GetFrameState(&frameState); aChild->SetFrameState(frameState | NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW); nsFrameItems::AddChild(aChild); } // Structures used to record the creation of pseudo table frames where // the content belongs to some ancestor. struct nsPseudoFrameData { nsIFrame* mFrame; nsFrameItems mChildList; nsFrameItems mChildList2; nsPseudoFrameData(); nsPseudoFrameData(nsPseudoFrameData& aOther); void Reset(); }; struct nsPseudoFrames { nsPseudoFrameData mTableOuter; nsPseudoFrameData mTableInner; nsPseudoFrameData mRowGroup; nsPseudoFrameData mColGroup; nsPseudoFrameData mRow; nsPseudoFrameData mCellOuter; nsPseudoFrameData mCellInner; // the frame type of the most descendant pseudo frame, no AddRef nsIAtom* mLowestType; nsPseudoFrames(); nsPseudoFrames& operator=(const nsPseudoFrames& aOther); void Reset(nsPseudoFrames* aSave = nsnull); PRBool IsEmpty() { return (!mLowestType && !mColGroup.mFrame); } }; nsPseudoFrameData::nsPseudoFrameData() : mFrame(nsnull), mChildList(), mChildList2() {} nsPseudoFrameData::nsPseudoFrameData(nsPseudoFrameData& aOther) : mFrame(aOther.mFrame), mChildList(aOther.mChildList), mChildList2(aOther.mChildList2) {} void nsPseudoFrameData::Reset() { mFrame = nsnull; mChildList.childList = mChildList.lastChild = nsnull; mChildList2.childList = mChildList2.lastChild = nsnull; } nsPseudoFrames::nsPseudoFrames() : mTableOuter(), mTableInner(), mRowGroup(), mColGroup(), mRow(), mCellOuter(), mCellInner(), mLowestType(nsnull) {} nsPseudoFrames& nsPseudoFrames::operator=(const nsPseudoFrames& aOther) { mTableOuter = aOther.mTableOuter; mTableInner = aOther.mTableInner; mColGroup = aOther.mColGroup; mRowGroup = aOther.mRowGroup; mRow = aOther.mRow; mCellOuter = aOther.mCellOuter; mCellInner = aOther.mCellInner; mLowestType = aOther.mLowestType; return *this; } void nsPseudoFrames::Reset(nsPseudoFrames* aSave) { if (aSave) { *aSave = *this; } mTableOuter.Reset(); mTableInner.Reset(); mColGroup.Reset(); mRowGroup.Reset(); mRow.Reset(); mCellOuter.Reset(); mCellInner.Reset(); mLowestType = nsnull; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Structure for saving the existing state when pushing/poping containing // blocks. The destructor restores the state to its previous state class nsFrameConstructorSaveState { public: nsFrameConstructorSaveState(); ~nsFrameConstructorSaveState(); private: nsAbsoluteItems* mItems; // pointer to struct whose data we save/restore PRBool* mFirstLetterStyle; PRBool* mFirstLineStyle; nsAbsoluteItems mSavedItems; // copy of original data PRBool mSavedFirstLetterStyle; PRBool mSavedFirstLineStyle; friend class nsFrameConstructorState; }; // Structure used for maintaining state information during the // frame construction process class nsFrameConstructorState { public: nsCOMPtr mPresShell; nsCOMPtr mFrameManager; // Containing block information for out-of-flow frammes nsAbsoluteItems mFixedItems; nsAbsoluteItems mAbsoluteItems; nsAbsoluteItems mFloatedItems; PRBool mFirstLetterStyle; PRBool mFirstLineStyle; nsCOMPtr mFrameState; nsPseudoFrames mPseudoFrames; // Constructor nsFrameConstructorState(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFixedContainingBlock, nsIFrame* aAbsoluteContainingBlock, nsIFrame* aFloaterContainingBlock, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState); // Function to push the existing absolute containing block state and // create a new scope void PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aNewAbsoluteContainingBlock, nsFrameConstructorSaveState& aSaveState); // Function to push the existing floater containing block state and // create a new scope void PushFloaterContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aNewFloaterContainingBlock, nsFrameConstructorSaveState& aSaveState, PRBool aFirstLetterStyle, PRBool aFirstLineStyle); }; nsFrameConstructorState::nsFrameConstructorState(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFixedContainingBlock, nsIFrame* aAbsoluteContainingBlock, nsIFrame* aFloaterContainingBlock, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState) : mFixedItems(aFixedContainingBlock), mAbsoluteItems(aAbsoluteContainingBlock), mFloatedItems(aFloaterContainingBlock), mFirstLetterStyle(PR_FALSE), mFirstLineStyle(PR_FALSE), mFrameState(aFrameState), mPseudoFrames() { aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(mPresShell)); mPresShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(mFrameManager)); } void nsFrameConstructorState::PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aNewAbsoluteContainingBlock, nsFrameConstructorSaveState& aSaveState) { aSaveState.mItems = &mAbsoluteItems; aSaveState.mSavedItems = mAbsoluteItems; mAbsoluteItems = nsAbsoluteItems(aNewAbsoluteContainingBlock); } void nsFrameConstructorState::PushFloaterContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aNewFloaterContainingBlock, nsFrameConstructorSaveState& aSaveState, PRBool aFirstLetterStyle, PRBool aFirstLineStyle) { aSaveState.mItems = &mFloatedItems; aSaveState.mFirstLetterStyle = &mFirstLetterStyle; aSaveState.mFirstLineStyle = &mFirstLineStyle; aSaveState.mSavedItems = mFloatedItems; aSaveState.mSavedFirstLetterStyle = mFirstLetterStyle; aSaveState.mSavedFirstLineStyle = mFirstLineStyle; mFloatedItems = nsAbsoluteItems(aNewFloaterContainingBlock); mFirstLetterStyle = aFirstLetterStyle; mFirstLineStyle = aFirstLineStyle; } nsFrameConstructorSaveState::nsFrameConstructorSaveState() : mItems(nsnull), mFirstLetterStyle(nsnull), mFirstLineStyle(nsnull), mSavedFirstLetterStyle(PR_FALSE), mSavedFirstLineStyle(PR_FALSE) { } nsFrameConstructorSaveState::~nsFrameConstructorSaveState() { // Restore the state if (mItems) { *mItems = mSavedItems; } if (mFirstLetterStyle) { *mFirstLetterStyle = mSavedFirstLetterStyle; } if (mFirstLineStyle) { *mFirstLineStyle = mSavedFirstLineStyle; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Structure used when creating table frames. struct nsTableCreator { virtual nsresult CreateTableOuterFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableCaptionFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableRowGroupFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableColFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableColGroupFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableRowFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableCellFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableCellInnerFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsTableCreator(nsIPresShell* aPresShell) { mPresShell = aPresShell; } virtual ~nsTableCreator() {}; nsCOMPtr mPresShell; }; nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableOuterFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableOuterFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableCaptionFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableCaptionFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableRowGroupFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableRowGroupFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableColFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableColFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableColGroupFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableColGroupFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableRowFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableRowFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableCellFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableCellFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsTableCreator::CreateTableCellInnerFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewTableCellInnerFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } //MathML Mod - RBS #ifdef MOZ_MATHML // Structure used when creating MathML mtable frames struct nsMathMLmtableCreator: public nsTableCreator { virtual nsresult CreateTableOuterFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); virtual nsresult CreateTableCellInnerFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame); nsMathMLmtableCreator(nsIPresShell* aPresShell) :nsTableCreator(aPresShell) {}; }; nsresult nsMathMLmtableCreator::CreateTableOuterFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { return NS_NewMathMLmtableOuterFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } nsresult nsMathMLmtableCreator::CreateTableCellInnerFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { // only works if aNewFrame is an AreaFrame (to take care of the lineLayout logic) return NS_NewMathMLmtdFrame(mPresShell, aNewFrame); } #endif // MOZ_MATHML // Helper class for iterating children during frame construction. // This class should always be used in lieu of the straight content // node APIs, since it handles XBL-generated anonymous content as well. struct ChildIterator { nsCOMPtr mContent; nsCOMPtr mBindingManager; PRUint32 mIndex; PRUint32 mLength; nsCOMPtr mNodes; ChildIterator(nsIContent* aContent) :mContent(aContent), mIndex(0), mLength(0), mNodes(nsnull) { nsCOMPtr doc; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(mBindingManager)); // Retrieve the anonymous content that we should build. mBindingManager->GetXBLChildNodesFor(mContent, getter_AddRefs(mNodes)); if (mNodes) mNodes->GetLength(&mLength); else { PRInt32 l; mContent->ChildCount(l); mLength = l; } } PRBool HasMoreChildren() { return mIndex < mLength; } void NextChild(nsIContent** aChild) { if (mNodes) { nsCOMPtr node; mNodes->Item(mIndex, getter_AddRefs(node)); node->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIContent), (void**)aChild); } else mContent->ChildAt(mIndex, *aChild); // Addref happens here. mIndex++; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // return the child list that aFrame belongs on. does not ADDREF PRBool GetCaptionAdjustedParent(nsIFrame* aParentFrame, const nsIFrame* aChildFrame, nsIFrame** aAdjParentFrame) { *aAdjParentFrame = aParentFrame; PRBool haveCaption = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr childFrameType; aChildFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(childFrameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame == childFrameType.get()) { haveCaption = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == parentFrameType.get()) { aParentFrame->GetParent(aAdjParentFrame); } } return haveCaption; } nsresult NS_CreateCSSFrameConstructor(nsICSSFrameConstructor **aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = nsnull; nsCSSFrameConstructor *c = new nsCSSFrameConstructor(); if (!c) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; NS_ADDREF(c); nsresult rv = c->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsICSSFrameConstructor),(void**)aResult); NS_RELEASE(c); return rv; } nsCSSFrameConstructor::nsCSSFrameConstructor(void) : nsIStyleFrameConstruction(), mDocument(nsnull), mInitialContainingBlock(nsnull), mFixedContainingBlock(nsnull), mDocElementContainingBlock(nsnull), mGfxScrollFrame(nsnull) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); #ifdef NS_DEBUG mVerifyFastFindFrame = PR_FALSE; // Get the pref for verifying the new fast find frame with hint code. // Note that this makes finding frames *slower* than it was before the fix. nsresult rv; NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIPref, prefs, NS_PREF_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && prefs) { prefs->GetBoolPref("nglayout.debug.verifyFastFindFrame", &mVerifyFastFindFrame); } #endif } nsCSSFrameConstructor::~nsCSSFrameConstructor(void) { } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS2(nsCSSFrameConstructor, nsIStyleFrameConstruction,nsICSSFrameConstructor); NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::Init(nsIDocument* aDocument) { NS_PRECONDITION(aDocument, "null ptr"); if (! aDocument) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (mDocument) return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; mDocument = aDocument; // not refcounted! // This initializes the Gfx Scrollbar Prefs booleans mGotGfxPrefs = PR_FALSE; mHasGfxScrollbars = PR_FALSE; HasGfxScrollbars(); return NS_OK; } // Helper function that determines the child list name that aChildFrame // is contained in static void GetChildListNameFor(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame* aChildFrame, nsIAtom** aListName) { nsFrameState frameState; nsIAtom* listName; // See if the frame is moved out of the flow aChildFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); if (frameState & NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW) { // Look at the style information to tell const nsStylePosition* position; aChildFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { listName = nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { listName = nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList; } else { #ifdef NS_DEBUG const nsStyleDisplay* display; aChildFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); NS_ASSERTION(display->IsFloating(), "not a floated frame"); #endif listName = nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList; } } else { listName = nsnull; } // Verify that the frame is actually in that child list #ifdef NS_DEBUG nsIFrame* firstChild; aParentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, listName, &firstChild); nsFrameList frameList(firstChild); NS_ASSERTION(frameList.ContainsFrame(aChildFrame), "not in child list"); #endif NS_IF_ADDREF(listName); *aListName = listName; } class GeneratedContentIterator : public nsIContentIterator { public: GeneratedContentIterator(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame); virtual ~GeneratedContentIterator(); // nsISupports NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS // nsIContentIterator NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIContent* aRoot); NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIDOMRange* aRange); NS_IMETHOD First(); NS_IMETHOD Last(); NS_IMETHOD Next(); NS_IMETHOD Prev(); NS_IMETHOD CurrentNode(nsIContent **aNode); NS_IMETHOD IsDone(); NS_IMETHOD PositionAt(nsIContent* aCurNode); NS_IMETHOD MakePre(); NS_IMETHOD MakePost(); private: nsCOMPtr mPresContext; nsIFrame* mParentFrame; nsIFrame* mCurrentChild; PRBool mIsDone; }; GeneratedContentIterator::GeneratedContentIterator(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) : mPresContext(aPresContext), mParentFrame(aFrame), mIsDone(PR_FALSE) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); First(); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(GeneratedContentIterator, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator)); GeneratedContentIterator::~GeneratedContentIterator() { } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::Init(nsIContent* aRoot) { return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange* aRange) { return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::First() { // Get the first child frame and make it the current node mParentFrame->FirstChild(mPresContext, nsnull, &mCurrentChild); if (!mCurrentChild) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mIsDone = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } static nsIFrame* GetNextChildFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame, "null pointer"); // Get the last-in-flow while (PR_TRUE) { nsIFrame* nextInFlow; aFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); if (nextInFlow) { aFrame = nextInFlow; } else { break; } } // Get its next sibling nsIFrame* nextSibling; aFrame->GetNextSibling(&nextSibling); // If there's no next sibling, then check if the parent frame // has a next-in-flow and look there if (!nextSibling) { nsIFrame* parent; aFrame->GetParent(&parent); parent->GetNextInFlow(&parent); if (parent) { parent->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &nextSibling); } } return nextSibling; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::Last() { nsIFrame* nextChild; // Starting with the first child walk and find the last child mCurrentChild = nsnull; mParentFrame->FirstChild(mPresContext, nsnull, &nextChild); while (nextChild) { mCurrentChild = nextChild; nextChild = ::GetNextChildFrame(mPresContext, nextChild); } if (!mCurrentChild) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mIsDone = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::Next() { nsIFrame* nextChild = ::GetNextChildFrame(mPresContext, mCurrentChild); if (nextChild) { // Advance to the next child mCurrentChild = nextChild; // If we're at the end then the collection is at the end mIsDone = (nsnull == ::GetNextChildFrame(mPresContext, mCurrentChild)); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } static nsIFrame* GetPrevChildFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame, "null pointer"); // Get its previous sibling. Because we have a singly linked list we // need to search from the first child nsIFrame* parent; nsIFrame* firstChild; nsIFrame* prevSibling; aFrame->GetParent(&parent); parent->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &firstChild); NS_ASSERTION(firstChild, "parent has no first child"); nsFrameList frameList(firstChild); prevSibling = frameList.GetPrevSiblingFor(aFrame); // If there's no previous sibling, then check if the parent frame // has a prev-in-flow and look there if (!prevSibling) { parent->GetPrevInFlow(&parent); if (parent) { parent->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &firstChild); frameList.SetFrames(firstChild); prevSibling = frameList.LastChild(); } } // Get the first-in-flow while (PR_TRUE) { nsIFrame* prevInFlow; prevSibling->GetPrevInFlow(&prevInFlow); if (prevInFlow) { prevSibling = prevInFlow; } else { break; } } return prevSibling; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::Prev() { nsIFrame* prevChild = ::GetPrevChildFrame(mPresContext, mCurrentChild); if (prevChild) { // Make the previous child the current child mCurrentChild = prevChild; // If we're at the beginning then the collection is at the end mIsDone = (nsnull == ::GetPrevChildFrame(mPresContext, mCurrentChild)); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::CurrentNode(nsIContent **aNode) { if (mCurrentChild) { mCurrentChild->GetContent(aNode); return NS_OK; } else { *aNode = nsnull; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::IsDone() { return mIsDone ? NS_OK : NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::PositionAt(nsIContent* aCurNode) { nsIFrame* child; // Starting with the first child frame search for the child frame // with the matching content object mParentFrame->FirstChild(mPresContext, nsnull, &child); while (child) { nsCOMPtr content; child->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); if (content.get() == aCurNode) { break; } child = ::GetNextChildFrame(mPresContext, child); } if (child) { // Make it the current child mCurrentChild = child; mIsDone = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::MakePre() { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP GeneratedContentIterator::MakePost() { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } nsresult NS_NewGeneratedContentIterator(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIContentIterator** aIterator) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aIterator); if (!aIterator) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFrame); if (!aFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } // Make sure the frame corresponds to generated content #ifdef DEBUG nsFrameState frameState; aFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); NS_ASSERTION(frameState & NS_FRAME_GENERATED_CONTENT, "unexpected frame"); #endif GeneratedContentIterator* it = new GeneratedContentIterator(aPresContext, aFrame); if (!it) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return it->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), (void **)aIterator); } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateGeneratedFrameFor(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, const nsStyleContent* aStyleContent, PRUint32 aContentIndex, nsIFrame** aFrame) { *aFrame = nsnull; // initialize OUT parameter // Get the content value nsStyleContentType type; nsAutoString contentString; aStyleContent->GetContentAt(aContentIndex, type, contentString); nsCOMPtr shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); if (eStyleContentType_URL == type) { // Create an HTML image content object, and set the SRC. // XXX Check if it's an image type we can handle... nsCOMPtr nimgr; nsresult rv = aDocument->GetNodeInfoManager(*getter_AddRefs(nimgr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr nodeInfo; nimgr->GetNodeInfo(nsHTMLAtoms::img, nsnull, kNameSpaceID_None, *getter_AddRefs(nodeInfo)); nsCOMPtr ef(do_CreateInstance(kHTMLElementFactoryCID,&rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr content; rv = ef->CreateInstanceByTag(nodeInfo,getter_AddRefs(content)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr imageContent(do_QueryInterface(content,&rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); imageContent->SetHTMLAttribute(nsHTMLAtoms::src, contentString, PR_FALSE); // Set aContent as the parent content and set the document object. This // way event handling works imageContent->SetParent(aContent); imageContent->SetDocument(aDocument, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // Create an image frame and initialize it nsIFrame* imageFrame; NS_NewImageFrame(shell, &imageFrame); imageFrame->Init(aPresContext, imageContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull); // Return the image frame *aFrame = imageFrame; } else { switch (type) { case eStyleContentType_String: break; case eStyleContentType_Attr: { nsIAtom* attrName = nsnull; PRInt32 attrNameSpace = kNameSpaceID_None; PRInt32 barIndex = contentString.FindChar('|'); // CSS namespace delimiter if (-1 != barIndex) { nsAutoString nameSpaceVal; contentString.Left(nameSpaceVal, barIndex); PRInt32 error; attrNameSpace = nameSpaceVal.ToInteger(&error, 10); contentString.Cut(0, barIndex + 1); if (contentString.Length()) { attrName = NS_NewAtom(contentString); } } else { attrName = NS_NewAtom(contentString); } // Creates the content and frame and return if successful nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (nsnull != attrName) { nsIFrame* textFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr content(do_CreateInstance(kAttributeContentCID)); if (content) { nsCOMPtr attrContent(do_QueryInterface(content)); if (attrContent) { attrContent->Init(aContent, attrNameSpace, attrName); } // Set aContent as the parent content and set the document object. This // way event handling works content->SetParent(aContent); content->SetDocument(aDocument, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // Create a text frame and initialize it NS_NewTextFrame(shell, &textFrame); textFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull); // Return the text frame *aFrame = textFrame; rv = NS_OK; } NS_RELEASE(attrName); } return rv; } break; case eStyleContentType_Counter: case eStyleContentType_Counters: case eStyleContentType_URL: return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // XXX not supported yet... case eStyleContentType_OpenQuote: case eStyleContentType_CloseQuote: { PRUint32 quotesCount = aStyleContent->QuotesCount(); if (quotesCount > 0) { nsAutoString openQuote, closeQuote; // If the depth is greater than the number of pairs, the last pair // is repeated PRUint32 quoteDepth = 0; // XXX really track the nested quotes... if (quoteDepth > quotesCount) { quoteDepth = quotesCount - 1; } aStyleContent->GetQuotesAt(quoteDepth, openQuote, closeQuote); if (eStyleContentType_OpenQuote == type) { contentString = openQuote; } else { contentString = closeQuote; } } else { // XXX Don't assume default. Only use what is in 'quotes' property contentString.AssignWithConversion('\"'); } } break; case eStyleContentType_NoOpenQuote: case eStyleContentType_NoCloseQuote: // XXX Adjust quote depth... return NS_OK; } // switch // Create a text content node nsIDOMCharacterData* domData; nsIFrame* textFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr textContent(do_CreateInstance(kTextNodeCID)); if (textContent) { // Set the text textContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMCharacterData), (void**)&domData); domData->SetData(contentString); NS_RELEASE(domData); // Set aContent as the parent content and set the document object. This // way event handling works textContent->SetParent(aContent); textContent->SetDocument(aDocument, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // Create a text frame and initialize it NS_NewTextFrame(shell, &textFrame); textFrame->Init(aPresContext, textContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull); } // Return the text frame *aFrame = textFrame; } return NS_OK; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateGeneratedContentFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIAtom* aPseudoElement, PRBool aForBlock, nsIFrame** aResult) { *aResult = nsnull; // initialize OUT parameter // Probe for the existence of the pseudo-element nsCOMPtr pseudoStyleContext; aPresContext->ProbePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, aPseudoElement, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(pseudoStyleContext)); if (pseudoStyleContext) { const nsStyleDisplay* display; // See whether the generated content should be displayed. display = (const nsStyleDisplay*)pseudoStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE == display->mDisplay) { aState.mFrameManager->SetUndisplayedPseudoIn(pseudoStyleContext, aContent); } else { // has valid display type // See if there was any content specified const nsStyleContent* styleContent = (const nsStyleContent*)pseudoStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Content); PRUint32 contentCount = styleContent->ContentCount(); if (contentCount > 0) { PRUint8 displayValue = display->mDisplay; // Make sure the 'display' property value is allowable const nsStyleDisplay* subjectDisplay = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (subjectDisplay->IsBlockLevel()) { // For block-level elements the only allowed 'display' values are: // 'none', 'inline', 'block', and 'marker' if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE != displayValue) && (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK != displayValue) && (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_MARKER != displayValue)) { // Pseudo-element behaves as if the value were 'block' displayValue = NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; } } else { // For inline-level elements the only allowed 'display' values are // 'none' and 'inline' displayValue = NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE; } if (display->mDisplay != displayValue) { // Reset the value nsStyleDisplay* mutableDisplay = (nsStyleDisplay*) pseudoStyleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); mutableDisplay->mDisplay = displayValue; } // Also make sure the 'position' property is 'static'. :before and :after // pseudo-elements can not be floated or positioned const nsStylePosition * stylePosition = (const nsStylePosition*)pseudoStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_NORMAL != stylePosition->mPosition) { // Reset the value nsStylePosition* mutablePosition = (nsStylePosition*) pseudoStyleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); mutablePosition->mPosition = NS_STYLE_POSITION_NORMAL; } // Create a block box or an inline box depending on the value of // the 'display' property nsIFrame* containerFrame; nsFrameItems childFrames; nsCOMPtrcontainerElement; nsCOMPtr containerContent; nsCOMPtr document; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document)); nsCOMPtr domdoc(do_QueryInterface(document)); nsresult result; result = domdoc->CreateElement(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("SPAN"),getter_AddRefs(containerElement));//is the literal the correct way? if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && containerElement) { containerContent = do_QueryInterface(containerElement); }//do NOT use YET set this up for later checkin. this will be the content of the new frame. if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == displayValue) { NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); } else { NS_NewInlineFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); } InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, pseudoStyleContext, nsnull, containerFrame); // Mark the frame as being associated with generated content nsFrameState frameState; containerFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); frameState |= NS_FRAME_GENERATED_CONTENT; containerFrame->SetFrameState(frameState); // Create another pseudo style context to use for all the generated child // frames nsIStyleContext* textStyleContext; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::textPseudo, pseudoStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &textStyleContext); // Now create content objects (and child frames) for each value of the // 'content' property for (PRUint32 contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < contentCount; contentIndex++) { nsIFrame* frame; // Create a frame result = CreateGeneratedFrameFor(aPresContext, document, containerFrame, aContent, textStyleContext, styleContent, contentIndex, &frame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && frame) { // Add it to the list of child frames childFrames.AddChild(frame); } } NS_RELEASE(textStyleContext); if (childFrames.childList) { containerFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childFrames.childList); } *aResult = containerFrame; return PR_TRUE; } } } return PR_FALSE; } #if 0 static PRBool IsEmptyTextContent(nsIContent* aContent) { PRBool result = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr tc(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); if (tc) { tc->IsOnlyWhitespace(&result); } return result; } #include "nsIDOMHTMLParagraphElement.h" static PRBool IsHTMLParagraph(nsIContent* aContent) { nsCOMPtr p(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); PRBool status = PR_FALSE; if (p) { status = PR_TRUE; } return status; } static PRBool IsEmptyContainer(nsIContent* aContainer) { // Check each kid and if each kid is empty text content (or there // are no kids) then return true. PRInt32 i, numKids; aContainer->ChildCount(numKids); for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++) { nsCOMPtr kid; aContainer->ChildAt(i, *getter_AddRefs(kid)); if (kid.get()) { if (!IsEmptyTextContent(kid)) { return PR_FALSE; } } } return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool IsEmptyHTMLParagraph(nsIContent* aContent) { if (!IsHTMLParagraph(aContent)) { // It's not an HTML paragraph so return false return PR_FALSE; } return IsEmptyContainer(aContent); } #endif nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateInputFrame(nsIPresShell *aPresShell, nsIPresContext *aPresContext, nsIContent *aContent, nsIFrame *&aFrame, nsIStyleContext *aStyleContext) { nsresult rv; // Figure out which type of input frame to create nsAutoString val; if (NS_OK == aContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_HTML, nsHTMLAtoms::type, val)) { if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("submit")) { rv = ConstructButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("reset")) { rv = ConstructButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("button")) { rv = ConstructButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("checkbox")) { rv = ConstructCheckboxControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent, aStyleContext); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("file")) { rv = NS_NewFileControlFrame(aPresShell, &aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("hidden")) { rv = ConstructButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("image")) { rv = NS_NewImageControlFrame(aPresShell, &aFrame); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("password")) { rv = ConstructTextControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("radio")) { rv = ConstructRadioControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent, aStyleContext); } else if (val.EqualsIgnoreCase("text")) { rv = ConstructTextControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent); } else { rv = ConstructTextControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent); } } else { rv = ConstructTextControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aContent); } return rv; } PRBool IsOnlyWhiteSpace(nsIContent* aContent) { PRBool onlyWhiteSpace = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr textContent = do_QueryInterface(aContent); if (textContent) { textContent->IsOnlyWhitespace(&onlyWhiteSpace); } return onlyWhiteSpace; } /**************************************************** ** BEGIN TABLE SECTION ****************************************************/ // The term pseudo frame is being used instead of anonymous frame, since anonymous // frame has been used elsewhere to refer to frames that have generated content // aIncludeSpecial applies to captions, col groups, cols and cells. // These do not generate pseudo frame wrappers for foreign children. PRBool IsTableRelated(PRUint8 aDisplay, PRBool aIncludeSpecial) { if ((aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW)) { return PR_TRUE; } else if (aIncludeSpecial && ((aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN) || (aDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL))) { return PR_TRUE; } else return PR_FALSE; } PRBool IsTableRelated(nsIAtom* aParentType, PRBool aIncludeSpecial) { if ((nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == aParentType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aParentType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aParentType)) { return PR_TRUE; } else if (aIncludeSpecial && ((nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame == aParentType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame == aParentType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColFrame == aParentType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aParentType))) { return PR_TRUE; } else return PR_FALSE; } nsIFrame* GetOuterTableFrame(nsIFrame* aParentFrame) { nsIFrame* parent; nsCOMPtr frameType; aParentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == frameType.get()) { parent = aParentFrame; } else { aParentFrame->GetParent(&parent); } return parent; } void GetNonScrollFrame(nsIFrame& aFrameIn, nsIFrame*& aNonScrollFrame, nsIAtom*& aNonScrollFrameType) { nsIAtom* frameType; aFrameIn.GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::scrollFrame == frameType) { // get the scrolled frame if there is a scroll frame nsIScrollableFrame* scrollable = nsnull; nsresult rv = aFrameIn.QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableFrame), (void **)&scrollable); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (scrollable)) { scrollable->GetScrolledFrame(nsnull, aNonScrollFrame); } } else { aNonScrollFrame = &aFrameIn; } aNonScrollFrameType = nsnull; if (aNonScrollFrame) { aNonScrollFrame->GetFrameType(&aNonScrollFrameType); } } nsresult ProcessPseudoFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrameData& aPseudoData, nsIFrame*& aParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresContext) return rv; aParent = aPseudoData.mFrame; nsFrameItems* items = &aPseudoData.mChildList; if (items && items->childList) { rv = aParent->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, items->childList); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } aPseudoData.Reset(); return rv; } nsresult ProcessPseudoTableFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrames& aPseudoFrames, nsIFrame*& aParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresContext) return rv; // process the col group frame, if it exists if (aPseudoFrames.mColGroup.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mColGroup, aParent); } // process the inner table frame rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mTableInner, aParent); // process the outer table frame aParent = aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame; nsFrameItems* items = &aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mChildList; if (items && items->childList) { rv = aParent->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, items->childList); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } nsFrameItems* captions = &aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mChildList2; if (captions && captions->childList) { rv = aParent->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, captions->childList); } aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.Reset(); return rv; } nsresult ProcessPseudoCellFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrames& aPseudoFrames, nsIFrame*& aParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresContext) return rv; rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mCellInner, aParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mCellOuter, aParent); return rv; } nsresult ProcessPseudoFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrames& aPseudoFrames, nsIAtom* aHighestType, nsIFrame*& aHighestFrame) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresContext) return rv; aHighestFrame = nsnull; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == aPseudoFrames.mLowestType) { rv = ProcessPseudoTableFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == aHighestType) return rv; if (aPseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoCellFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRow, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aPseudoFrames.mLowestType) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aHighestType) return rv; if (aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoTableFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoCellFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRow, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aPseudoFrames.mLowestType) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRow, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aHighestType) return rv; if (aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoTableFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoCellFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aPseudoFrames.mLowestType) { rv = ProcessPseudoCellFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aHighestType) return rv; if (aPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRow, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mRowGroup, aHighestFrame); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aHighestType) return rv; } if (aPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame) { rv = ProcessPseudoTableFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestFrame); } } else if (aPseudoFrames.mColGroup.mFrame) { // process the col group frame rv = ProcessPseudoFrame(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames.mColGroup, aHighestFrame); } return rv; } nsresult ProcessPseudoFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrames& aPseudoFrames, nsFrameItems& aItems) { nsIFrame* highestFrame; nsresult rv = ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, nsnull, highestFrame); if (highestFrame) { aItems.AddChild(highestFrame); } aPseudoFrames.Reset(); return rv; } nsresult ProcessPseudoFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsPseudoFrames& aPseudoFrames, nsIAtom* aHighestType) { nsIFrame* highestFrame; nsresult rv = ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aPseudoFrames, aHighestType, highestFrame); return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePseudoTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = (aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame : aParentFrameIn; if (!parentFrame) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentStyle; nsCOMPtr parentContent; nsCOMPtr childStyle; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); // create the SC for the inner table which will be the parent of the outer table's SC aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tablePseudo, parentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyle)); nsPseudoFrameData& pseudoOuter = aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableOuter; nsPseudoFrameData& pseudoInner = aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner; // construct the pseudo outer and inner as part of the pseudo frames PRBool pseudoParent; nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, parentContent, parentFrame, childStyle.get(), aTableCreator, PR_TRUE, items, pseudoOuter.mFrame, pseudoInner.mFrame, pseudoParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // set pseudo data for the newly created frames pseudoOuter.mChildList.AddChild(pseudoInner.mFrame); aState.mPseudoFrames.mLowestType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame; // set pseudo data for the parent if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mChildList.AddChild(pseudoOuter.mFrame); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = (aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame : aParentFrameIn; if (!parentFrame) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentStyle; nsCOMPtr parentContent; nsCOMPtr childStyle; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tableRowGroupPseudo, parentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyle)); nsPseudoFrameData& pseudo = aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup; // construct the pseudo row group as part of the pseudo frames PRBool pseudoParent; nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructTableRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, parentContent, parentFrame, childStyle.get(), aTableCreator, PR_TRUE, items, pseudo.mFrame, pseudoParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // set pseudo data for the newly created frames aState.mPseudoFrames.mLowestType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame; // set pseudo data for the parent if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mChildList.AddChild(pseudo.mFrame); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePseudoColGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = (aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame : aParentFrameIn; if (!parentFrame) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentStyle; nsCOMPtr parentContent; nsCOMPtr childStyle; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tableColGroupPseudo, parentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyle)); nsPseudoFrameData& pseudo = aState.mPseudoFrames.mColGroup; // construct the pseudo col group as part of the pseudo frames PRBool pseudoParent; nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructTableColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, parentContent, parentFrame, childStyle.get(), aTableCreator, PR_TRUE, items, pseudo.mFrame, pseudoParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; ((nsTableColGroupFrame*)pseudo.mFrame)->SetType(eColGroupAnonymousCol); // set pseudo data for the parent if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mChildList.AddChild(pseudo.mFrame); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePseudoRowFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = (aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame : aParentFrameIn; if (!parentFrame) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentStyle; nsCOMPtr parentContent; nsCOMPtr childStyle; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tableRowPseudo, parentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyle)); nsPseudoFrameData& pseudo = aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow; // construct the pseudo row as part of the pseudo frames PRBool pseudoParent; nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructTableRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, parentContent, parentFrame, childStyle.get(), aTableCreator, PR_TRUE, items, pseudo.mFrame, pseudoParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; aState.mPseudoFrames.mLowestType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame; // set pseudo data for the parent if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mChildList.AddChild(pseudo.mFrame); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePseudoCellFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = (aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame : aParentFrameIn; if (!parentFrame) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentStyle; nsCOMPtr parentContent; nsCOMPtr childStyle; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tableCellPseudo, parentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyle)); nsPseudoFrameData& pseudoOuter = aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellOuter; nsPseudoFrameData& pseudoInner = aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner; // construct the pseudo outer and inner as part of the pseudo frames PRBool pseudoParent; nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructTableCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, parentContent, parentFrame, childStyle.get(), aTableCreator, PR_TRUE, items, pseudoOuter.mFrame, pseudoInner.mFrame, pseudoParent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // set pseudo data for the newly created frames pseudoOuter.mChildList.AddChild(pseudoInner.mFrame); aState.mPseudoFrames.mLowestType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame; // set pseudo data for the parent if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mChildList.AddChild(pseudoOuter.mFrame); } return rv; } // called if the parent is not a table nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetPseudoTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (pseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { PRBool created = PR_FALSE; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == parentFrameType.get()) { // row group parent rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == parentFrameType.get())) { // row parent rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } else { if (!pseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame) { if (pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } if (pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } } return rv; } // called if the parent is not a col group nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetPseudoColGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (pseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { PRBool created = PR_FALSE; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == parentFrameType.get()) { // row group parent rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == parentFrameType.get())) { // row parent rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == parentFrameType.get()) || // cell parent !IsTableRelated(parentFrameType.get(), PR_TRUE)) { // block parent rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } rv = CreatePseudoColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } else { if (!pseudoFrames.mColGroup.mFrame) { if (pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } if (pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } if (pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } rv = CreatePseudoColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } } return rv; } // called if the parent is not a row group nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetPseudoRowGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (pseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { PRBool created = PR_FALSE; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == parentFrameType.get()) { // row parent rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == parentFrameType.get()) || // cell parent !IsTableRelated(parentFrameType.get(), PR_TRUE)) { // block parent rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } else { if (!pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { if (pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } if (pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } } return rv; } // called if the parent is not a row nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetPseudoRowFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (pseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { PRBool created = PR_FALSE; if ((nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == parentFrameType.get()) || // cell parent !IsTableRelated(parentFrameType.get(), PR_TRUE)) { // block parent rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == parentFrameType.get())) { // table parent rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } else { if (!pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { if (pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame && !pseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame) { rv = CreatePseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } if (pseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } } return rv; } // called if the parent is not a cell or block nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetPseudoCellFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (pseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { PRBool created = PR_FALSE; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == parentFrameType.get()) { // table parent rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } if (created || (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == parentFrameType.get())) { // row group parent rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); created = PR_TRUE; } rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, &aParentFrameIn); } else if (!pseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame) { if (pseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } if (pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame && !(pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame)) { rv = CreatePseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } rv = CreatePseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetParentFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn, nsIAtom* aChildFrameType, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame*& aParentFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext) return rv; nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrameIn.GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); nsIFrame* pseudoParentFrame = nsnull; nsPseudoFrames& pseudoFrames = aState.mPseudoFrames; aParentFrame = &aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == aChildFrameType) { // table child if (IsTableRelated(parentFrameType.get(), PR_TRUE) && (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame != parentFrameType.get()) ) { // need pseudo cell parent rv = GetPseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame == aChildFrameType) { // caption child if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // need pseudo table parent rv = GetPseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame == aChildFrameType) { // col group child if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // need pseudo table parent rv = GetPseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColFrame == aChildFrameType) { // col child if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // need pseudo col group parent rv = GetPseudoColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mColGroup.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == aChildFrameType) { // row group child // XXX can this go away? if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // trees allow row groups to contain row groups, so don't create pseudo frames rv = GetPseudoTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mTableInner.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == aChildFrameType) { // row child if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // need pseudo row group parent rv = GetPseudoRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == aChildFrameType) { // cell child if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame != parentFrameType.get()) { // need pseudo row parent rv = GetPseudoRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame; } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == aChildFrameType) { // invalid NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "GetParentFrame called on nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame child"); } else { // foreign frame if (IsTableRelated(parentFrameType.get(), PR_FALSE)) { // need pseudo cell parent rv = GetPseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, aState, aParentFrameIn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; pseudoParentFrame = pseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame; } } if (pseudoParentFrame) { aParentFrame = pseudoParentFrame; aIsPseudoParent = PR_TRUE; } return rv; } void FixUpOuterTableFloat(nsIStyleContext* aOuterSC, nsIStyleContext* aInnerSC) { nsStyleDisplay* outerStyleDisplay = (nsStyleDisplay*)aOuterSC->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); nsStyleDisplay* innerStyleDisplay = (nsStyleDisplay*)aInnerSC->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (outerStyleDisplay->mFloats != innerStyleDisplay->mFloats) { outerStyleDisplay->mFloats = innerStyleDisplay->mFloats; } } // Construct the outer, inner table frames and the children frames for the table. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewOuterFrame, nsIFrame*& aNewInnerFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; // Create the outer table frame which holds the caption and inner table frame aTableCreator.CreateTableOuterFrame(&aNewOuterFrame); nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } if (!aIsPseudo && aIsPseudoParent && aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mFrame) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame); } } // create the pseudo SC for the outer table as a child of the inner SC nsCOMPtr outerStyleContext; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::tableOuterPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(outerStyleContext)); FixUpOuterTableFloat(outerStyleContext, aStyleContext); // Init the table outer frame and see if we need to create a view, e.g. // the frame is absolutely positioned InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, outerStyleContext, nsnull, aNewOuterFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aNewOuterFrame, outerStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Create the inner table frame aTableCreator.CreateTableFrame(&aNewInnerFrame); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewOuterFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewInnerFrame); if (!aIsPseudo) { nsFrameItems childItems; nsIFrame* captionFrame; rv = TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewInnerFrame, aTableCreator, childItems, captionFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // if there are any anonymous children for the table, create frames for them CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, nsnull, aState, aContent, aNewInnerFrame, childItems); // Set the inner table frame's initial primary list aNewInnerFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // Set the outer table frame's primary and option lists aNewOuterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aNewInnerFrame); if (captionFrame) { aNewOuterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, captionFrame); } if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mChildList.AddChild(aNewOuterFrame); } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableCaptionFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableCaptionFrame(&aNewFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); nsFrameItems childItems; // pass in aTableCreator so ProcessChildren will call TableProcessChildren rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE, &aTableCreator); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableOuter.mChildList2.AddChild(aNewFrame); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableRowGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } if (!aIsPseudo && aIsPseudoParent && aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mFrame) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame); } } const nsStyleDisplay* styleDisplay = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableRowGroupFrame(&aNewFrame); nsIFrame* scrollFrame = nsnull; if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, styleDisplay)) { // Create an area container for the frame BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, aNewFrame, parentFrame, scrollFrame, aStyleContext); } else { if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); } if (!aIsPseudo) { nsFrameItems childItems; nsIFrame* captionFrame; rv = TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, aTableCreator, childItems, captionFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // if there are any anonymous children for the table, create frames for them CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, nsnull, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, childItems); aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPseudoParent) { nsIFrame* child = (scrollFrame) ? scrollFrame : aNewFrame; aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mChildList.AddChild(child); } } // if there is a scroll frame, use it as the one constructed if (scrollFrame) { aNewFrame = scrollFrame; } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableColGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } if (!aIsPseudo && aIsPseudoParent && aState.mPseudoFrames.mColGroup.mFrame) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame); } } rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableColGroupFrame(&aNewFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); if (!aIsPseudo) { nsFrameItems childItems; nsIFrame* captionFrame; rv = TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, aTableCreator, childItems, captionFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mTableInner.mChildList.AddChild(aNewFrame); } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableRowFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } if (!aIsPseudo && aIsPseudoParent && aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mFrame) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame); } } rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableRowFrame(&aNewFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); if (!aIsPseudo) { nsFrameItems childItems; nsIFrame* captionFrame; rv = TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, aTableCreator, childItems, captionFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // if there are any anonymous children for the table, create frames for them CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, nsnull, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, childItems); aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mRowGroup.mChildList.AddChild(aNewFrame); } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableColFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableColFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } } rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableColFrame(&aNewFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); if (!aIsPseudo) { nsFrameItems childItems; nsIFrame* captionFrame; rv = TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, aTableCreator, childItems, captionFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mColGroup.mChildList.AddChild(aNewFrame); } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableCellFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, PRBool aIsPseudo, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewCellOuterFrame, nsIFrame*& aNewCellInnerFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; if (!aIsPseudo) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } if (!aIsPseudo && aIsPseudoParent && aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellOuter.mFrame) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame); } } rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableCellFrame(&aNewCellOuterFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Initialize the table cell frame InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewCellOuterFrame); // Create a block frame that will format the cell's content rv = aTableCreator.CreateTableCellInnerFrame(&aNewCellInnerFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aNewCellOuterFrame->Destroy(aPresContext); aNewCellOuterFrame = nsnull; return rv; } // Resolve pseudo style and initialize the body cell frame nsCOMPtr innerPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::cellContentPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(innerPseudoStyle)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewCellOuterFrame, innerPseudoStyle, nsnull, aNewCellInnerFrame); if (!aIsPseudo) { PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); // The block frame is a floater container nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(aNewCellInnerFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); // Process the child content nsFrameItems childItems; // pass in null tableCreator so ProcessChildren will not call TableProcessChildren rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewCellInnerFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE, nsnull); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; aNewCellInnerFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { aNewCellInnerFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } aNewCellOuterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aNewCellInnerFrame); if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mRow.mChildList.AddChild(aNewCellOuterFrame); } } return rv; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::MustGeneratePseudoParent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { if (!aStyleContext) return PR_FALSE; const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE == display->mDisplay) return PR_FALSE; // check tags first if ((nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName == aTag)) { return !IsOnlyWhiteSpace(aContent); } // exclude tags if ( (nsLayoutAtoms::commentTagName == aTag) || (nsHTMLAtoms::form == aTag) ) { return PR_FALSE; } // XXX DJF - when should pseudo frames be constructed for MathML? #ifdef MOZ_MATHML if ( (nsMathMLAtoms::math == aTag) ) { return PR_TRUE; } else { return PR_FALSE; } #endif return PR_TRUE; } // this is called when a non table related element is a child of a table, row group, // or row, but not a cell. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableForeignFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aIsPseudoParent) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; aNewFrame = nsnull; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aParentFrameIn) return rv; nsIFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; aIsPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; // XXX form code needs to be fixed so that the forms can work without a frame. nsCOMPtr tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (nsHTMLAtoms::form == tag.get()) { // A form doesn't get a psuedo frame parent, but it needs a frame. // if the parent is a table, put the form in the outer table frame // otherwise use aParentFrameIn as the parent nsCOMPtr frameType; aParentFrameIn->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == frameType.get()) { aParentFrameIn->GetParent(&parentFrame); } else { parentFrame = aParentFrameIn; } } // Do not construct pseudo frames for trees else if (MustGeneratePseudoParent(aPresContext, aParentFrameIn, tag.get(), aContent, aStyleContext)) { // this frame may have a pseudo parent, use block frame type to trigger foreign GetParentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTableCreator, *aParentFrameIn, nsLayoutAtoms::blockFrame, aState, parentFrame, aIsPseudoParent); if (!aIsPseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } //char buf[256]; //sprintf(buf, "anonymous frame constructed for %s", tag.get()); //NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(PR_FALSE, buf); } if (!parentFrame) return rv; // if pseudo frame wasn't created // save the pseudo frame state XXX - why nsPseudoFrames prevPseudoFrames; aState.mPseudoFrames.Reset(&prevPseudoFrames); nsFrameItems items; rv = ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, items); aNewFrame = items.childList; // restore the pseudo frame state XXX - why aState.mPseudoFrames = prevPseudoFrames; if (aIsPseudoParent) { aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mChildList.AddChild(aNewFrame); } return rv; } static PRBool NeedFrameFor(nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aChildContent) { // don't create a whitespace frame if aParentFrame doesn't want it nsFrameState state; aParentFrame->GetFrameState(&state); if (NS_FRAME_EXCLUDE_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE & state) { if (IsOnlyWhiteSpace(aChildContent)) { return PR_FALSE; } } return PR_TRUE; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChildren(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aCaption) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!aPresShell || !aPresContext || !aContent || !aParentFrame) return rv; aCaption = nsnull; // save the incoming pseudo frame state nsPseudoFrames priorPseudoFrames; aState.mPseudoFrames.Reset(&priorPseudoFrames); nsCOMPtr parentFrameType; aParentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); nsCOMPtr parentStyleContext; aParentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyleContext)); ChildIterator iterator(aContent); while (iterator.HasMoreChildren()) { nsCOMPtr childContent; iterator.NextChild(getter_AddRefs(childContent)); if (childContent.get() && NeedFrameFor(aParentFrame, childContent.get())) { rv = TableProcessChild(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, *childContent.get(), aParentFrame, parentFrameType.get(), parentStyleContext.get(), aTableCreator, aChildItems, aCaption); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // process the current pseudo frame state if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aChildItems); } // restore the incoming pseudo frame state aState.mPseudoFrames = priorPseudoFrames; return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChild(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent& aChildContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aParentFrameType, nsIStyleContext* aParentStyleContext, nsTableCreator& aTableCreator, nsFrameItems& aChildItems, nsIFrame*& aCaption) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRBool childIsCaption = PR_FALSE; PRBool isPseudoParent = PR_FALSE; nsIFrame* childFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr childStyleContext; // Resolve the style context and get its display aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(&aChildContent, aParentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(childStyleContext)); const nsStyleDisplay* styleDisplay = (const nsStyleDisplay*) childStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); switch (styleDisplay->mDisplay) { case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE: nsIFrame* innerTableFrame; rv = ConstructTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, innerTableFrame, isPseudoParent); break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION: if (!aCaption) { // only allow one caption nsIFrame* parentFrame = GetOuterTableFrame(aParentFrame); rv = ConstructTableCaptionFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, parentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, aChildItems, aCaption, isPseudoParent); } childIsCaption = PR_TRUE; break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: rv = ConstructTableColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, isPseudoParent); break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: rv = ConstructTableRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, isPseudoParent); break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW: rv = ConstructTableRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, isPseudoParent); break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN: rv = ConstructTableColFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, isPseudoParent); break; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL: nsIFrame* innerCell; rv = ConstructTableCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aChildItems, childFrame, innerCell, isPseudoParent); break; default: rv = ConstructTableForeignFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, &aChildContent, aParentFrame, childStyleContext, aTableCreator, aChildItems, childFrame, isPseudoParent); break; } // for every table related frame except captions and ones with pseudo parents, // link into the child list if (childFrame && !childIsCaption && !isPseudoParent) { aChildItems.AddChild(childFrame); } return rv; } const nsStyleDisplay* nsCSSFrameConstructor:: GetDisplay(nsIFrame* aFrame) { if (nsnull == aFrame) { return nsnull; } nsCOMPtr styleContext; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*)styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); return display; } /*********************************************** * END TABLE SECTION ***********************************************/ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructDocElementTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aDocElement, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame*& aNewTableFrame, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState) { nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, aFrameState); nsFrameItems frameItems; ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, state, aDocElement, aParentFrame, frameItems); aNewTableFrame = frameItems.childList; if (!aNewTableFrame) { NS_WARNING("cannot get table contentFrame"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } static PRBool IsCanvasFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsCOMPtr parentType; aFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentType)); return parentType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::canvasFrame; } static PRBool IsRootFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsCOMPtr parentType; aFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentType)); return parentType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::rootFrame; } static void PropagateBackgroundToParent(nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, const nsStyleColor* aColor, nsIStyleContext* aParentStyleContext) { nsStyleColor* mutableColor; mutableColor = (nsStyleColor*)aParentStyleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color); mutableColor->mBackgroundAttachment = aColor->mBackgroundAttachment; mutableColor->mBackgroundFlags = aColor->mBackgroundFlags | NS_STYLE_BG_PROPAGATED_FROM_CHILD; mutableColor->mBackgroundRepeat = aColor->mBackgroundRepeat; mutableColor->mBackgroundColor = aColor->mBackgroundColor; mutableColor->mBackgroundXPosition = aColor->mBackgroundXPosition; mutableColor->mBackgroundYPosition = aColor->mBackgroundYPosition; mutableColor->mBackgroundImage = aColor->mBackgroundImage; // Reset the BODY's background to transparent mutableColor = (nsStyleColor*)aStyleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color); mutableColor->mBackgroundFlags = NS_STYLE_BG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT | NS_STYLE_BG_IMAGE_NONE | NS_STYLE_BG_PROPAGATED_TO_PARENT; mutableColor->mBackgroundImage.SetLength(0); mutableColor->mBackgroundAttachment = NS_STYLE_BG_ATTACHMENT_SCROLL; } /** * New one */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructDocElementFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aDocElement, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aParentStyleContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame) { // how the root frame hierarchy should look /* ---------------No Scrollbars------ AreaFrame or BoxFrame (InitialContainingBlock) ---------------Native Scrollbars------ ScrollFrame ^ | AreaFrame or BoxFrame (InitialContainingBlock) ---------------Gfx Scrollbars ------ GfxScrollFrame ^ | ScrollPort ^ | AreaFrame or BoxFrame (InitialContainingBlock) */ aNewFrame = nsnull; if (!mTempFrameTreeState) aPresShell->CaptureHistoryState(getter_AddRefs(mTempFrameTreeState)); // ----- reattach gfx scrollbars ------ // Gfx scrollframes were created in the root frame but the primary frame map may have been destroyed if a // new style sheet was loaded so lets reattach the frames to their content. if (mGfxScrollFrame) { nsIFrame* scrollPort = nsnull; mGfxScrollFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &scrollPort); nsIFrame* gfxScrollbarFrame1 = nsnull; nsIFrame* gfxScrollbarFrame2 = nsnull; nsresult rv = scrollPort->GetNextSibling(&gfxScrollbarFrame1); rv = gfxScrollbarFrame1->GetNextSibling(&gfxScrollbarFrame2); nsCOMPtr content; gfxScrollbarFrame1->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, gfxScrollbarFrame1); gfxScrollbarFrame2->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, gfxScrollbarFrame2); } // --------- CREATE AREA OR BOX FRAME ------- nsCOMPtr styleContext; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(aDocElement, aParentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); const nsStyleUserInterface* ui= (const nsStyleUserInterface*) styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_UserInterface); // Ensure that our XBL bindings are installed. if (!ui->mBehavior.IsEmpty()) { // Get the XBL loader. nsresult rv; NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIXBLService, xblService, "@mozilla.org/xbl;1", &rv); if (!xblService) return rv; PRBool resolveStyle; nsCOMPtr binding; rv = xblService->LoadBindings(aDocElement, ui->mBehavior, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(binding), &resolveStyle); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_OK; // Binding will load asynchronously. if (binding) { nsCOMPtr bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); if (bm) bm->AddToAttachedQueue(binding); } if (resolveStyle) { nsCOMPtr tag; aDocElement->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); rv = ResolveStyleContext(aPresContext, aParentFrame, aDocElement, tag, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } } const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*)styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); const nsStyleColor* color = (const nsStyleColor*)styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color); PRBool docElemIsTable = IsTableRelated(display->mDisplay, PR_FALSE); // --------- IF SCROLLABLE WRAP IN SCROLLFRAME -------- PRBool isScrollable = IsScrollable(aPresContext, display); PRBool isPaginated = PR_FALSE; aPresContext->IsPaginated(&isPaginated); nsIFrame* scrollFrame = nsnull; // build a scrollframe if (!isPaginated && isScrollable) { nsIFrame* newScrollFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr document; aDocElement->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document)); nsCOMPtr newContext; BeginBuildingScrollFrame( aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aDocElement, styleContext, aParentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo, document, PR_FALSE, scrollFrame, newContext, newScrollFrame); styleContext = newContext; aParentFrame = newScrollFrame; } nsIFrame* contentFrame = nsnull; PRBool isBlockFrame = PR_FALSE; nsresult rv; if (docElemIsTable) { // if the document is a table then just populate it. rv = ConstructDocElementTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aDocElement, aParentFrame, contentFrame, aState.mFrameState); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } contentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); } else { // otherwise build a box or a block #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL PRInt32 nameSpaceID; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aDocElement->GetNameSpaceID(nameSpaceID)) && nameSpaceID == nsXULAtoms::nameSpaceID) { rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &contentFrame, PR_TRUE); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } else #endif { rv = NS_NewDocumentElementFrame(aPresShell, &contentFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } isBlockFrame = PR_TRUE; // Since we always create a block frame, we need to make sure that the // style context's display type is block level. nsStyleDisplay* disp = (nsStyleDisplay*)styleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); disp->mDisplay = NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; } // initialize the child InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aDocElement, aParentFrame, styleContext, nsnull, contentFrame); } // set the primary frame aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aDocElement, contentFrame); // Finish building the scrollframe if (isScrollable) { FinishBuildingScrollFrame(aPresContext, aState, aDocElement, aParentFrame, contentFrame, styleContext); // primary is set above (to the contentFrame) aNewFrame = scrollFrame; } else { // if not scrollable the new frame is the content frame. aNewFrame = contentFrame; } mInitialContainingBlock = contentFrame; // if it was a table then we don't need to process our children. if (!docElemIsTable) { // Process the child content nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; // XXX these next lines are wrong for BoxFrame PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aDocElement, styleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(contentFrame, absoluteSaveState); aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(contentFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aDocElement, contentFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, isBlockFrame); // See if the document element has a fixed background attachment. // Note: the reason we wait until after processing the document element's // children is because of special treatment of the background for the HTML // element. See BodyFixupRule::MapStyleInto() for details if (NS_STYLE_BG_ATTACHMENT_FIXED == color->mBackgroundAttachment) { // Fixed background attachments are handled by setting the // NS_VIEW_PUBLIC_FLAG_DONT_BITBLT flag bit on the view. // // If the document element's frame is scrollable, then set the bit on its // view; otherwise, set it on the root frame's view. This avoids // unnecessarily creating another view and should be faster nsIView* view; if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { contentFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); } else { nsIFrame* parentFrame; contentFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); parentFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); } // Not all shells have scroll frames, even in scrollable presContext (bug 30317) if (view) { PRUint32 viewFlags; view->GetViewFlags(&viewFlags); view->SetViewFlags(viewFlags | NS_VIEW_PUBLIC_FLAG_DONT_BITBLT); } } // Create any anonymous frames the doc element frame requires CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, nsnull, aState, aDocElement, contentFrame, childItems); // Set the initial child lists contentFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // only support absolute positioning if we are a block. // if we are a box don't do it. if (isBlockFrame) { if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { contentFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { contentFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } // this is not sufficient: if the background gets changed via DOM after // frame construction we need to do this again... // Section 14.2 of the CSS2 spec says that the background of the root element // covers the entire canvas. See if a background was specified for the root // element if (!color->BackgroundIsTransparent() && (IsCanvasFrame(aParentFrame) || IsRootFrame(aParentFrame))) { nsIStyleContext* parentContext; // Propagate the document element's background to the canvas so that it // renders the background over the entire canvas aParentFrame->GetStyleContext(&parentContext); PropagateBackgroundToParent(styleContext, color, parentContext); NS_RELEASE(parentContext); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructRootFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aDocElement, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame) { // how the root frame hierarchy should look /* ---------------No Scrollbars------ ViewPortFrame (FixedContainingBlock) <---- RootView ^ | RootFrame(DocElementContainingBlock) ---------------Native Scrollbars------ ViewPortFrame (FixedContainingBlock) <---- RootView ^ | ScrollFrame <--- RootScrollableView ^ | RootFrame(DocElementContainingBlock) ---------------Gfx Scrollbars ------ ViewPortFrame (FixedContainingBlock) <---- RootView ^ | GfxScrollFrame ^ | ScrollPort <--- RootScrollableView ^ | RootFrame(DocElementContainingBlock) */ // Set up our style rule observer. nsCOMPtr doc; aDocElement->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (doc) { nsCOMPtr bindingManager; doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); if (bindingManager) { nsCOMPtr ruleSupplier(do_QueryInterface(bindingManager)); nsCOMPtr set; aPresShell->GetStyleSet(getter_AddRefs(set)); set->SetStyleRuleSupplier(ruleSupplier); } } // --------- BUILD VIEWPORT ----------- nsIFrame* viewportFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr viewportPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(nsnull, nsLayoutAtoms::viewportPseudo, nsnull, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(viewportPseudoStyle)); { // ensure that the viewport thinks it is a block frame, layout goes pootsy if it doesn't nsStyleDisplay* display = (nsStyleDisplay*)viewportPseudoStyle->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); display->mDisplay = NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; } NS_NewViewportFrame(aPresShell, &viewportFrame); viewportFrame->Init(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull, viewportPseudoStyle, nsnull); // Bind the viewport frame to the root view nsCOMPtr presShell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); nsCOMPtr viewManager; presShell->GetViewManager(getter_AddRefs(viewManager)); nsIView* rootView; viewManager->GetRootView(rootView); viewportFrame->SetView(aPresContext, rootView); // The viewport is the containing block for 'fixed' elements mFixedContainingBlock = viewportFrame; // --------- CREATE ROOT FRAME ------- // Create the root frame. The document element's frame is a child of the // root frame. // // The root frame serves two purposes: // - reserves space for any margins needed for the document element's frame // - renders the document element's background. This ensures the background covers // the entire canvas as specified by the CSS2 spec PRBool isPaginated = PR_FALSE; aPresContext->IsPaginated(&isPaginated); nsIFrame* rootFrame = nsnull; nsIAtom* rootPseudo; if (!isPaginated) { #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL PRInt32 nameSpaceID; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aDocElement->GetNameSpaceID(nameSpaceID)) && nameSpaceID == nsXULAtoms::nameSpaceID) { NS_NewRootBoxFrame(aPresShell, &rootFrame); } else #endif { NS_NewCanvasFrame(aPresShell, &rootFrame); } rootPseudo = nsLayoutAtoms::canvasPseudo; mDocElementContainingBlock = rootFrame; } else { // Create a page sequence frame NS_NewSimplePageSequenceFrame(aPresShell, &rootFrame); rootPseudo = nsLayoutAtoms::pageSequencePseudo; } // --------- IF SCROLLABLE WRAP IN SCROLLFRAME -------- // If the device supports scrolling (e.g., in galley mode on the screen and // for print-preview, but not when printing), then create a scroll frame that // will act as the scrolling mechanism for the viewport. // XXX Do we even need a viewport when printing to a printer? // XXX It would be nice to have a better way to query for whether the device // is scrollable PRBool isScrollable = PR_TRUE; if (aPresContext) { nsIDeviceContext* dc; aPresContext->GetDeviceContext(&dc); if (dc) { PRBool supportsWidgets; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(dc->SupportsNativeWidgets(supportsWidgets))) { isScrollable = supportsWidgets; } NS_RELEASE(dc); } } //isScrollable = PR_FALSE; // As long as the webshell doesn't prohibit it, and the device supports // it, create a scroll frame that will act as the scolling mechanism for // the viewport. // // Threre are three possible values stored in the docshell: // 1) NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN = no scrollbars // 2) NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_AUTO = scrollbars appear if needed // 3) NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL = scrollbars always // Only need to create a scroll frame/view for cases 2 and 3. // Currently OVERFLOW_SCROLL isn't honored, as // scrollportview::SetScrollPref is not implemented. #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL PRInt32 nameSpaceID; // Never create scrollbars for XUL documents if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aDocElement->GetNameSpaceID(nameSpaceID)) && nameSpaceID == nsXULAtoms::nameSpaceID) { isScrollable = PR_FALSE; } else #endif { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr container; if (nsnull != aPresContext) { aPresContext->GetContainer(getter_AddRefs(container)); if (nsnull != container) { nsCOMPtr scrollableContainer = do_QueryInterface(container, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && scrollableContainer) { PRInt32 scrolling = -1; // XXX We should get prefs for X and Y and deal with these independently! scrollableContainer->GetCurrentScrollbarPreferences(nsIScrollable::ScrollOrientation_Y,&scrolling); if (NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN == scrolling) { isScrollable = PR_FALSE; } // XXX NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL should create 'always on' scrollbars } } } } nsIFrame* newFrame = rootFrame; nsCOMPtr rootPseudoStyle; // we must create a state because if the scrollbars are GFX it needs the // state to build the scrollbar frames. nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull); nsIFrame* parentFrame = viewportFrame; // It should be scrollable.. and it also can not be paginated if (isScrollable && !isPaginated) { // built the frame. We give it the content we are wrapping which is the document, // the root frame, the parent view port frame, and we should get back the new // frame and the scrollable view if one was created. // resolve a context for the scrollframe nsCOMPtr styleContext; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(nsnull, nsLayoutAtoms::viewportScrollPseudo, viewportPseudoStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); nsIFrame* newScrollableFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr document; aDocElement->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document)); BeginBuildingScrollFrame( aPresShell, aPresContext, state, aDocElement, styleContext, viewportFrame, rootPseudo, document, PR_TRUE, newFrame, rootPseudoStyle, newScrollableFrame); // Inform the view manager about the root scrollable view // get the scrolling view nsIView* view = nsnull; newScrollableFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); nsIScrollableView* scrollableView; view->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableView), (void**)&scrollableView); viewManager->SetRootScrollableView(scrollableView); parentFrame = newScrollableFrame; // if gfx scrollbars store them if (HasGfxScrollbars()) { mGfxScrollFrame = newFrame; } else { mGfxScrollFrame = nsnull; } } else { aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(nsnull, rootPseudo, viewportPseudoStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(rootPseudoStyle)); } rootFrame->Init(aPresContext, nsnull, parentFrame, rootPseudoStyle, nsnull); if (isScrollable) { FinishBuildingScrollFrame(aPresContext, state, aDocElement, parentFrame, rootFrame, rootPseudoStyle); // set the primary frame to the root frame state.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aDocElement, rootFrame); } if (isPaginated) { // Create the first page nsIFrame* pageFrame; NS_NewPageFrame(aPresShell, &pageFrame); // The page is the containing block for 'fixed' elements. which are repeated // on every page mFixedContainingBlock = pageFrame; // Initialize the page and force it to have a view. This makes printing of // the pages easier and faster. nsCOMPtr pagePseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(nsnull, nsLayoutAtoms::pagePseudo, rootPseudoStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(pagePseudoStyle)); pageFrame->Init(aPresContext, nsnull, rootFrame, pagePseudoStyle, nsnull); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, pageFrame, pagePseudoStyle, nsnull, PR_TRUE); // The eventual parent of the document element frame mDocElementContainingBlock = pageFrame; // Set the initial child lists rootFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, pageFrame); } viewportFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, newFrame); aNewFrame = viewportFrame; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame** aPlaceholderFrame) { nsPlaceholderFrame* placeholderFrame; nsresult rv = NS_NewPlaceholderFrame(aPresShell, (nsIFrame**)&placeholderFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // The placeholder frame gets a pseudo style context nsCOMPtr placeholderPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::placeholderPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(placeholderPseudoStyle)); placeholderFrame->Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParentFrame, placeholderPseudoStyle, nsnull); // Add mapping from absolutely positioned frame to its placeholder frame aFrameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(aFrame, placeholderFrame); // The placeholder frame has a pointer back to the out-of-flow frame placeholderFrame->SetOutOfFlowFrame(aFrame); *aPlaceholderFrame = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIFrame*, placeholderFrame); } return rv; } nsWidgetRendering nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFormElementRenderingMode(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsWidgetType aWidgetType) { if (!aPresContext) { return eWidgetRendering_Gfx;} nsWidgetRendering mode; aPresContext->GetWidgetRenderingMode(&mode); switch (mode) { case eWidgetRendering_Gfx: return eWidgetRendering_Gfx; case eWidgetRendering_PartialGfx: switch (aWidgetType) { case eWidgetType_Button: case eWidgetType_Checkbox: case eWidgetType_Radio: case eWidgetType_Text: return eWidgetRendering_Gfx; default: return eWidgetRendering_Native; } case eWidgetRendering_Native: PRBool useNativeWidgets = PR_FALSE; nsIDeviceContext* dc; aPresContext->GetDeviceContext(&dc); if (dc) { PRBool supportsWidgets; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(dc->SupportsNativeWidgets(supportsWidgets))) { useNativeWidgets = supportsWidgets; } NS_RELEASE(dc); } if (useNativeWidgets) return eWidgetRendering_Native; else return eWidgetRendering_Gfx; } return eWidgetRendering_Gfx; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructRadioControlFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (GetFormElementRenderingMode(aPresContext, eWidgetType_Radio) == eWidgetRendering_Gfx) rv = NS_NewGfxRadioControlFrame(aPresShell, &aNewFrame); else NS_ASSERTION(0, "We longer support native widgets"); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aNewFrame = nsnull; return rv; } nsCOMPtr radioStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::radioPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(radioStyle)); nsIRadioControlFrame* radio = nsnull; if (aNewFrame != nsnull && NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIRadioControlFrame), (void**)&radio))) { radio->SetRadioButtonFaceStyleContext(radioStyle); NS_RELEASE(radio); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructCheckboxControlFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (GetFormElementRenderingMode(aPresContext, eWidgetType_Checkbox) == eWidgetRendering_Gfx) rv = NS_NewGfxCheckboxControlFrame(aPresShell, &aNewFrame); else NS_ASSERTION(0, "We longer support native widgets"); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aNewFrame = nsnull; } nsCOMPtr checkboxStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::checkPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(checkboxStyle)); nsICheckboxControlFrame* checkbox = nsnull; if (aNewFrame != nsnull && NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsICheckboxControlFrame), (void**)&checkbox))) { checkbox->SetCheckboxFaceStyleContext(checkboxStyle); NS_RELEASE(checkbox); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructButtonControlFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (GetFormElementRenderingMode(aPresContext, eWidgetType_Button) == eWidgetRendering_Gfx) rv = NS_NewGfxButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, &aNewFrame); else NS_ASSERTION(0, "We longer support native widgets"); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aNewFrame = nsnull; } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTextControlFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsIContent* aContent) { if (!aPresContext) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;} nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsWidgetRendering mode; aPresContext->GetWidgetRenderingMode(&mode); if (eWidgetRendering_Gfx == mode) { rv = NS_NewGfxTextControlFrame(aPresShell, &aNewFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aNewFrame = nsnull; } } if (!aNewFrame) { NS_ASSERTION(0, "We longer support native widgets"); } return rv; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::HasGfxScrollbars() { #ifndef INCLUDE_XUL return PR_FALSE; #endif // Get the Prefs if (!mGotGfxPrefs) { nsCOMPtr pref(do_GetService(NS_PREF_CONTRACTID)); if (pref) { pref->GetBoolPref("nglayout.widget.gfxscrollbars", &mHasGfxScrollbars); mGotGfxPrefs = PR_TRUE; } else { mHasGfxScrollbars = PR_FALSE; } } //return mHasGfxScrollbars; // we no longer support native scrollbars. Except in form elements. So // we always return true return PR_TRUE; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructSelectFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aProcessChildren, PRBool aIsAbsolutelyPositioned, PRBool& aFrameHasBeenInitialized, PRBool aIsFixedPositioned, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; const PRInt32 kNoSizeSpecified = -1; // Construct a frame-based listbox or combobox nsCOMPtr sel(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); PRInt32 size = 1; if (sel) { sel->GetSize(&size); PRBool multipleSelect = PR_FALSE; sel->GetMultiple(&multipleSelect); // Construct a combobox if size=1 or no size is specified and its multiple select if (((1 == size || 0 == size) || (kNoSizeSpecified == size)) && (PR_FALSE == multipleSelect)) { // Construct a frame-based combo box. // The frame-based combo box is built out of tree parts. A display area, a button and // a dropdown list. The display area and button are created through anonymous content. // The drop-down list's frame is created explicitly. The combobox frame shares it's content // with the drop-down list. PRUint32 flags = NS_BLOCK_SHRINK_WRAP | (aIsAbsolutelyPositioned?NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR:0); nsIFrame * comboboxFrame; rv = NS_NewComboboxControlFrame(aPresShell, &comboboxFrame, flags); // Determine geometric parent for the combobox frame nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; if (aIsAbsolutelyPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (aIsFixedPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } // Initialize the combobox frame InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, comboboxFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, comboboxFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Combobox - Old Native Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsIComboboxControlFrame* comboBox = nsnull; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(comboboxFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIComboboxControlFrame), (void**)&comboBox))) { comboBox->SetFrameConstructor(this); // Create a listbox nsIFrame * listFrame; rv = NS_NewListControlFrame(aPresShell, &listFrame); // Notify the listbox that it is being used as a dropdown list. nsIListControlFrame * listControlFrame; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(listFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIListControlFrame), (void**)&listControlFrame))) { listControlFrame->SetComboboxFrame(comboboxFrame); } // Notify combobox that it should use the listbox as it's popup comboBox->SetDropDown(listFrame); // Resolve psuedo element style for the dropdown list nsCOMPtr listStyle; rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::dropDownListPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(listStyle)); // Initialize the scroll frame positioned. Note that it is NOT initialized as // absolutely positioned. nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* scrolledFrame = nsnull; NS_NewSelectsAreaFrame(aPresShell, &scrolledFrame, flags); InitializeSelectFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, listFrame, scrolledFrame, aContent, comboboxFrame, listStyle, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); newFrame = listFrame; // XXX Temporary for Bug 19416 { nsIView * lstView; scrolledFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &lstView); if (lstView) { lstView->IgnoreSetPosition(PR_TRUE); } } // Set flag so the events go to the listFrame not child frames. // XXX: We should replace this with a real widget manager similar // to how the nsFormControlFrame works. Re-directing events is a temporary Kludge. nsIView *listView; listFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &listView); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != listView,"ListFrame's view is nsnull"); nsIWidget * viewWidget; listView->GetWidget(viewWidget); //viewWidget->SetOverrideShow(PR_TRUE); NS_RELEASE(viewWidget); //listView->SetViewFlags(NS_VIEW_PUBLIC_FLAG_DONT_CHECK_CHILDREN); nsIFrame* frame = nsnull; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(comboboxFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrame), (void**)&frame))) { nsFrameItems childItems; // Create display and button frames from the combobox'es anonymous content CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, nsHTMLAtoms::combobox, aState, aContent, frame, childItems); frame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // Initialize the additional popup child list which contains the dropdown list frame. nsFrameItems popupItems; popupItems.AddChild(listFrame); frame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::popupList, popupItems.childList); } // Don't process, the children, They are already processed by the InitializeScrollFrame // call above. aProcessChildren = PR_FALSE; aNewFrame = comboboxFrame; aFrameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } else { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ListBox - Old Native Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsIFrame * listFrame; rv = NS_NewListControlFrame(aPresShell, &listFrame); aNewFrame = listFrame; PRUint32 flags = NS_BLOCK_SHRINK_WRAP | (aIsAbsolutelyPositioned?NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR:0); nsIFrame* scrolledFrame = nsnull; NS_NewSelectsAreaFrame(aPresShell, &scrolledFrame, flags); // ******* this code stolen from Initialze ScrollFrame ******** // please adjust this code to use BuildScrollFrame. InitializeSelectFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, listFrame, scrolledFrame, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, aIsAbsolutelyPositioned, aIsFixedPositioned, PR_FALSE); aNewFrame = listFrame; // Set flag so the events go to the listFrame not child frames. // XXX: We should replace this with a real widget manager similar // to how the nsFormControlFrame works. // Re-directing events is a temporary Kludge. nsIView *listView; listFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &listView); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != listView,"ListFrame's view is nsnull"); //listView->SetViewFlags(NS_VIEW_PUBLIC_FLAG_DONT_CHECK_CHILDREN); aFrameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } return rv; } /** * Used to be InitializeScrollFrame but now its only used for the select tag * But the select tag should really be fixed to use GFX scrollbars that can * be create with BuildScrollFrame. */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::InitializeSelectFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* scrollFrame, nsIFrame* scrolledFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, PRBool aIsAbsolutelyPositioned, PRBool aIsFixedPositioned, PRBool aCreateBlock) { // Initialize it nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; if (aIsAbsolutelyPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (aIsFixedPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } nsCOMPtr scrollPseudoStyle; nsCOMPtr scrolledPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(scrolledPseudoStyle)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, scrollFrame); // Initialize the frame and force it to have a view // the scrolled frame is anonymous and does not have a content node InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, scrollFrame, scrolledPseudoStyle, nsnull, scrolledFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, scrolledFrame, scrolledPseudoStyle, nsnull, PR_TRUE); // The area frame is a floater container PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(scrolledFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); // Process children nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool isPositionedContainingBlock = aIsAbsolutelyPositioned || aIsFixedPositioned; if (isPositionedContainingBlock) { // The area frame becomes a container for child frames that are // absolutely positioned aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(scrolledFrame, absoluteSaveState); } ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, scrolledFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_TRUE); // if a select is being created with zero options we need to create // a special pseudo frame so it can be sized as best it can nsCOMPtr selectElement; nsresult result = aContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement), (void**)getter_AddRefs(selectElement)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && selectElement) { PRUint32 numOptions = 0; result = selectElement->GetLength(&numOptions); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && 0 == numOptions) { nsCOMPtr styleContext; nsIFrame* generatedFrame = nsnull; scrolledFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, scrolledFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsLayoutAtoms::dummyOptionPseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list childItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the scrolled frame's initial child lists scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (isPositionedContainingBlock && aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } // Set the scroll frame's initial child list scrollFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, scrolledFrame); return NS_OK; } /** * Used to be InitializeScrollFrame but now its only used for the select tag * But the select tag should really be fixed to use GFX scrollbars that can * be create with BuildScrollFrame. */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTitledBoxFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame) { /* nsIFrame * newFrame; nsresult rv = NS_NewTitledBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); // Initialize it nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // cache our display type const nsStyleDisplay* styleDisplay; newFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&) styleDisplay); nsIFrame * boxFrame; NS_NewTitledBoxInnerFrame(shell, &boxFrame); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL // Resolve style and initialize the frame nsIStyleContext* styleContext; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsXULAtoms::titledboxContentPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &styleContext); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, nsnull, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, boxFrame); NS_RELEASE(styleContext); #endif nsFrameItems childItems; ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, boxFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_TRUE); static NS_DEFINE_IID(kTitleFrameCID, NS_TITLE_FRAME_CID); nsIFrame * child = childItems.childList; nsIFrame * previous = nsnull; nsIFrame* titleFrame = nsnull; while (nsnull != child) { nsresult result = child->QueryInterface(kTitleFrameCID, (void**)&titleFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && titleFrame) { if (nsnull != previous) { nsIFrame * nxt; titleFrame->GetNextSibling(&nxt); previous->SetNextSibling(nxt); titleFrame->SetNextSibling(boxFrame); break; } else { nsIFrame * nxt; titleFrame->GetNextSibling(&nxt); childItems.childList = nxt; titleFrame->SetNextSibling(boxFrame); break; } } previous = child; child->GetNextSibling(&child); } // Set the scrolled frame's initial child lists boxFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (titleFrame) newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, titleFrame); else newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, boxFrame); // our new frame retured is the top frame which is the list frame. aNewFrame = newFrame; */ return NS_OK; } /** * Used to be InitializeScrollFrame but now its only used for the select tag * But the select tag should really be fixed to use GFX scrollbars that can * be create with BuildScrollFrame. */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFieldSetFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, PRBool& aProcessChildren, PRBool aIsAbsolutelyPositioned, PRBool& aFrameHasBeenInitialized, PRBool aIsFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame * newFrame; PRUint32 flags = aIsAbsolutelyPositioned ? NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR : 0; nsresult rv = NS_NewFieldSetFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, flags); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); // Initialize it nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; if (aIsAbsolutelyPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (aIsFixedPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely // positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // cache our display type const nsStyleDisplay* styleDisplay; newFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&) styleDisplay); nsIFrame * areaFrame; //NS_NewBlockFrame(shell, &areaFrame, flags); NS_NewAreaFrame(shell, &areaFrame, flags | NS_BLOCK_SHRINK_WRAP);// | NS_BLOCK_MARGIN_ROOT); // Resolve style and initialize the frame nsIStyleContext* styleContext; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::fieldsetContentPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &styleContext); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, areaFrame); NS_RELEASE(styleContext); // The area frame is a floater container PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(areaFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); // Process children nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool isPositionedContainingBlock = aIsAbsolutelyPositioned || aIsFixedPositioned; if (isPositionedContainingBlock) { // The area frame becomes a container for child frames that are // absolutely positioned aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(areaFrame, absoluteSaveState); } ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, areaFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_TRUE); static NS_DEFINE_IID(kLegendFrameCID, NS_LEGEND_FRAME_CID); nsIFrame * child = childItems.childList; nsIFrame * previous = nsnull; nsIFrame* legendFrame = nsnull; while (nsnull != child) { nsresult result = child->QueryInterface(kLegendFrameCID, (void**)&legendFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && legendFrame) { if (nsnull != previous) { nsIFrame * nxt; legendFrame->GetNextSibling(&nxt); previous->SetNextSibling(nxt); areaFrame->SetNextSibling(legendFrame); legendFrame->SetParent(newFrame); legendFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); break; } else { nsIFrame * nxt; legendFrame->GetNextSibling(&nxt); childItems.childList = nxt; areaFrame->SetNextSibling(legendFrame); legendFrame->SetParent(newFrame); legendFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); break; } } previous = child; child->GetNextSibling(&child); } // Set the scrolled frame's initial child lists areaFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (isPositionedContainingBlock && aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { areaFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { areaFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } // Set the scroll frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, areaFrame); // our new frame retured is the top frame which is the list frame. aNewFrame = newFrame; // yes we have already initialized our frame aFrameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByTag(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { PRBool processChildren = PR_FALSE; // whether we should process child content PRBool isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFixedPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFloating = PR_FALSE; PRBool isRelativePositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool canBePositioned = PR_TRUE; PRBool frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_FALSE; nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; // the frame we construct PRBool isReplaced = PR_FALSE; PRBool addToHashTable = PR_TRUE; PRBool isFloaterContainer = PR_FALSE; PRBool isPositionedContainingBlock = PR_FALSE; nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName == aTag) { PRBool isWhitespace = IsOnlyWhiteSpace(aContent); // process pending pseudo frames. whitespace doesn't have an effect. if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty() && !isWhitespace) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewTextFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); // Text frames don't go in the content->frame hash table, because // they're anonymous. This keeps the hash table smaller addToHashTable = PR_FALSE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; // XXX kipp: temporary } else { // Ignore the tag if it's not HTML content if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_HTML) { // See if the element is absolute or fixed positioned const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else { if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE != display->mFloats) { isFloating = PR_TRUE; } if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_RELATIVE == position->mPosition) { isRelativePositioned = PR_TRUE; } } // Create a frame based on the tag if (nsHTMLAtoms::img == aTag) { isReplaced = PR_TRUE; if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // XXX If image display is turned off, then use ConstructAlternateFrame() // instead... rv = NS_NewImageFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::hr == aTag) { isReplaced = PR_TRUE; if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewHRFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::br == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewBRFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); isReplaced = PR_TRUE; // BR frames don't go in the content->frame hash table: typically // there are many BR content objects and this would increase the size // of the hash table, and it's doubtful we need the mapping anyway addToHashTable = PR_FALSE; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::wbr == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewWBRFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::input == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = CreateInputFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::textarea == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = ConstructTextControlFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, newFrame, aContent); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::select == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = ConstructSelectFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aStyleContext, newFrame, processChildren, isAbsolutelyPositioned, frameHasBeenInitialized, isFixedPositioned, aFrameItems); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::object == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewObjectFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::applet == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewObjectFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::embed == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewObjectFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::fieldset == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } #define DO_NEWFIELDSET #ifdef DO_NEWFIELDSET rv = ConstructFieldSetFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aStyleContext, newFrame, processChildren, isAbsolutelyPositioned, frameHasBeenInitialized, isFixedPositioned); processChildren = PR_FALSE; #else rv = NS_NewFieldSetFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, isAbsolutelyPositioned ? NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR : 0); processChildren = PR_TRUE; #endif } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::legend == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewLegendFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); processChildren = PR_TRUE; canBePositioned = PR_FALSE; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::form == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } PRBool isOutOfFlow = isFloating || isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned; rv = NS_NewFormFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, isOutOfFlow ? NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR|NS_BLOCK_MARGIN_ROOT : 0); processChildren = PR_TRUE; // A form frame is a block frame therefore it can contain floaters isFloaterContainer = PR_TRUE; // See if it's a containing block for absolutely positioned elements isPositionedContainingBlock = isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned || isRelativePositioned; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::frameset == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } canBePositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool allowSubframes = PR_TRUE; if (aPresContext) { nsCOMPtr container; aPresContext->GetContainer(getter_AddRefs(container)); nsCOMPtr docShell(do_QueryInterface(container)); if (docShell) { docShell->GetAllowSubframes(&allowSubframes); } } if (allowSubframes) { rv = NS_NewHTMLFramesetFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::iframe == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; PRBool allowSubframes = PR_TRUE; if (aPresContext) { nsCOMPtr container; aPresContext->GetContainer(getter_AddRefs(container)); nsCOMPtr docShell(do_QueryInterface(container)); if (docShell) { docShell->GetAllowSubframes(&allowSubframes); } } if (allowSubframes) { rv = NS_NewHTMLFrameOuterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::noframes == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; PRBool allowSubframes = PR_TRUE; if (aPresContext) { nsCOMPtr container; aPresContext->GetContainer(getter_AddRefs(container)); nsCOMPtr docShell(do_QueryInterface(container)); if (docShell) { docShell->GetAllowSubframes(&allowSubframes); } } if (allowSubframes) { // make be display:none if frames are enabled nsStyleDisplay* display = (nsStyleDisplay*)aStyleContext->GetMutableStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); display->mDisplay = NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE; aState.mFrameManager->SetUndisplayedContent(aContent, aStyleContext); } else { processChildren = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::spacer == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewSpacerFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); canBePositioned = PR_FALSE; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::button == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewHTMLButtonControlFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); // the html4 button needs to act just like a // regular button except contain html content // so it must be replaced or html outside it will // draw into its borders. -EDV isReplaced = PR_TRUE; processChildren = PR_TRUE; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::label == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } rv = NS_NewLabelFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, isAbsolutelyPositioned ? NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR : 0); processChildren = PR_TRUE; } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::isindex == aTag) { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewIsIndexFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } } // If we succeeded in creating a frame then initialize it, process its // children (if requested), and set the initial child list if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (nsnull != newFrame)) { // first, create it's "before" generated content if (nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName != aTag) { // see bug 53974. text nodes never match nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aParentFrame, aContent, aStyleContext, nsCSSAtoms::beforePseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } // If the frame is a replaced element, then set the frame state bit if (isReplaced) { nsFrameState state; newFrame->GetFrameState(&state); newFrame->SetFrameState(state | NS_FRAME_REPLACED_ELEMENT); } if (!frameHasBeenInitialized) { nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; // Makes sure we use the correct parent frame pointer when initializing // the frame if (isFloating) { geometricParent = aState.mFloatedItems.containingBlock; } else if (canBePositioned) { if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (isFixedPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } } InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely // positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // Process the child content if requested nsFrameItems childItems; if (processChildren) { if (isPositionedContainingBlock) { // The area frame becomes a container for child frames that are // absolutely positioned nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(newFrame, absoluteSaveState); // Process the child frames rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_FALSE); // Set the frame's absolute list if there were any absolutely positioned children if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } } else if (isFloaterContainer) { // If the frame can contain floaters, then push a floater // containing block PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(newFrame, floaterSaveState, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); // Process the child frames rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_FALSE); // Set the frame's floater list if there were any floated children if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } else { rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_FALSE); } } // if there are any anonymous children create frames for them CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); } // If the frame is positioned, then create a placeholder frame if (canBePositioned && (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned)) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of // child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } else if (isFloating) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the floating frame to its containing block's list of child frames aState.mFloatedItems.AddChild(newFrame); // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } else { // Add the newly constructed frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } if (addToHashTable) { // Add a mapping from content object to primary frame. Note that for // floated and positioned frames this is the out-of-flow frame and not // the placeholder frame aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, newFrame); } // finally, create it's "after" generated content if (nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName != aTag) { // see bug 53974. text nodes never match nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aParentFrame, aContent, aStyleContext, nsCSSAtoms::afterPseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } } return rv; } // a helper routine that automatically navigates placeholders. static nsIFrame* GetRealFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsIFrame* result = aFrame; // We may be a placeholder. If we are, go to the real frame. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; // See if it's a placeholder frame for a floater. aFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); PRBool isPlaceholder = (nsLayoutAtoms::placeholderFrame == frameType.get()); if (isPlaceholder) { // Get the out-of-flow frame that the placeholder points to. // This is the real floater that we should examine. result = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsPlaceholderFrame*,aFrame)->GetOutOfFlowFrame(); NS_ASSERTION(result, "No out of flow frame found for placeholder!\n"); } return result; } // after the node has been constructed and initialized create any // anonymous content a node needs. static void LocateAnonymousFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aTargetContent, nsIFrame** aResult) { // We may be a placeholder. If we are, go to the real frame. aParentFrame = GetRealFrame(aParentFrame); // Check ourselves. *aResult = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); if (content.get() == aTargetContent) { // We must take into account if the parent is a scrollframe. If it is, we // need to bypass the scrolling mechanics and get at the true frame. nsCOMPtr<nsIScrollableFrame> scrollFrame ( do_QueryInterface(aParentFrame) ); if ( scrollFrame ) scrollFrame->GetScrolledFrame ( aPresContext, *aResult ); else *aResult = aParentFrame; return; } // Check our kids. nsIFrame* currFrame; aParentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &currFrame); while (currFrame) { LocateAnonymousFrame(aPresContext, currFrame, aTargetContent, aResult); if (*aResult) return; currFrame->GetNextSibling(&currFrame); } nsCOMPtr<nsIMenuFrame> menuFrame(do_QueryInterface(aParentFrame)); if (menuFrame) { nsIFrame* popupChild; menuFrame->GetMenuChild(&popupChild); if (popupChild) { LocateAnonymousFrame(aPresContext, popupChild, aTargetContent, aResult); if (*aResult) return; } } } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateAnonymousFrames(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIAtom* aTag, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aParent, nsIFrame* aNewFrame, nsFrameItems& aChildItems) { // See if we might have anonymous content // by looking at the tag rather than doing a QueryInterface on // the frame. Only these tags' frames can have anonymous content // through nsIAnonymousContentCreator. We do this check for // performance reasons. If we did a QueryInterface on every tag it // would be inefficient. // nsGenericElement::SetDocument ought to keep a list like this one, // but it can't because nsGfxScrollFrames get around this. #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (aTag != nsHTMLAtoms::input && aTag != nsHTMLAtoms::textarea && aTag != nsHTMLAtoms::combobox && aTag != nsHTMLAtoms::isindex && aTag != nsXULAtoms::scrollbar ) { return NS_OK; } #endif // get the document nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; nsresult rv = aParent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !doc) return rv; return CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aParent, doc, aNewFrame, aChildItems); } // after the node has been constructed and initialized create any // anonymous content a node needs. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateAnonymousFrames(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aParent, nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsFrameItems& aChildItems) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAnonymousContentCreator> creator(do_QueryInterface(aParentFrame)); if (!creator) return NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> anonymousItems; NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(anonymousItems)); creator->CreateAnonymousContent(aPresContext, *anonymousItems); PRUint32 count = 0; anonymousItems->Count(&count); if (count) { // Inform the pres shell about the anonymous content aPresShell->SetAnonymousContentFor(aParent, anonymousItems); for (PRUint32 i=0; i < count; i++) { // get our child's content and set its parent to our content nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; if (NS_FAILED(anonymousItems->QueryElementAt(i, NS_GET_IID(nsIContent), getter_AddRefs(content)))) continue; content->SetParent(aParent); content->SetDocument(aDocument, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL // Only cut XUL scrollbars off if they're not in a XUL document. This allows // scrollbars to be styled from XUL (although not from XML or HTML). nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; content->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::scrollbar) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXULDocument> xulDoc(do_QueryInterface(aDocument)); if (xulDoc) content->SetBindingParent(aParent); else content->SetBindingParent(content); } else #endif content->SetBindingParent(content); nsIFrame * newFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv = creator->CreateFrameFor(aPresContext, content, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && newFrame != nsnull) { aChildItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { // create the frame and attach it to our frame ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, content, aParentFrame, aChildItems); } } } return NS_OK; } #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL static PRBool IsXULDisplayType(const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay) { return (aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BOX || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_GRID || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_STACK || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BOX || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_STACK || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID_GROUP || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID_LINE || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_DECK || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BULLETINBOARD || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_POPUP || aDisplay->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GROUPBOX ); } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems, PRBool aXBLBaseTag, PRBool& aHaltProcessing) { PRBool primaryFrameSet = PR_FALSE; PRBool processChildren = PR_FALSE; // whether we should process child content PRBool processAnonymousChildren = PR_FALSE; // whether or not we process anonymous content. nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRBool isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFixedPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isReplaced = PR_FALSE; PRBool frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_FALSE; // this is the new frame that will be created nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; // this is the also the new frame that is created. But if a scroll frame is needed // the content will be mapped to the scrollframe and topFrame will point to it. // newFrame will still point to the child that we created like a "div" for example. nsIFrame* topFrame = nsnull; NS_ASSERTION(aTag != nsnull, "null XUL tag"); if (aTag == nsnull) return NS_OK; const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); PRBool isXULNS = (aNameSpaceID == nsXULAtoms::nameSpaceID); PRBool isXULDisplay = IsXULDisplayType(display); if (isXULNS || isXULDisplay) { // See if the element is absolutely positioned const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; if (isXULNS) { // First try creating a frame based on the tag // BUTTON CONSTRUCTION if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::button || aTag == nsXULAtoms::checkbox || aTag == nsXULAtoms::radio) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewButtonBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // End of BUTTON CONSTRUCTION logic // BUTTON CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::autorepeatbutton) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewAutoRepeatBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // End of BUTTON CONSTRUCTION logic // TITLEBAR CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::titlebar) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewTitleBarFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // End of TITLEBAR CONSTRUCTION logic // RESIZER CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::resizer) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewResizerFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // End of RESIZER CONSTRUCTION logic else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::image) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewImageBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::spring) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewSpringFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::outlinerbody) { isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewOutlinerBodyFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::outlinercol) { isReplaced = PR_TRUE; processChildren = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewOutlinerColFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // TEXT CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::text) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewTextBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of TEXT CONSTRUCTION logic // Menu Construction else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::menu || aTag == nsXULAtoms::menuitem || aTag == nsXULAtoms::menubutton) { // A derived class box frame // that has custom reflow to prevent menu children // from becoming part of the flow. processChildren = PR_TRUE; // Will need this to be custom. isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewMenuFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, (aTag != nsXULAtoms::menuitem)); ((nsMenuFrame*) newFrame)->SetFrameConstructor(this); } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::menubar) { #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(RHAPSODY) // The Mac uses its native menu bar. aHaltProcessing = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; #else processChildren = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewMenuBarFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); #endif } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::popupset) { // This frame contains child popups processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewPopupSetFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); ((nsPopupSetFrame*) newFrame)->SetFrameConstructor(this); } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::scrollbox) { rv = NS_NewScrollBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); //ConstructTitledBoxFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aStyleContext, newFrame); processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::iframe || aTag == nsXULAtoms::editor || aTag == nsXULAtoms::browser) { isReplaced = PR_TRUE; // XXX should turning off frames allow XUL iframes? PRBool allowSubframes = PR_TRUE; if (aPresContext) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> container; aPresContext->GetContainer(getter_AddRefs(container)); nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(do_QueryInterface(container)); if (docShell) { docShell->GetAllowSubframes(&allowSubframes); } } if (allowSubframes) { rv = NS_NewHTMLFrameOuterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::treeindentation) { rv = NS_NewTreeIndentationFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of TREE CONSTRUCTION code here (there's more later on in the function) // PROGRESS METER CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::progressbar) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewProgressMeterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of PROGRESS METER CONSTRUCTION logic // SLIDER CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::slider) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewSliderFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of SLIDER CONSTRUCTION logic // SCROLLBAR CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::scrollbar) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewScrollbarFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of SCROLLBAR CONSTRUCTION logic // SCROLLBUTTON CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::scrollbarbutton) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewScrollbarButtonFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of SCROLLBUTTON CONSTRUCTION logic // SPLITTER CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::splitter) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewSplitterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of SPLITTER CONSTRUCTION logic // GRIPPY CONSTRUCTION else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::grippy) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewGrippyFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of GRIPPY CONSTRUCTION logic } // Display types for XUL start here // First is BOX if (!newFrame && isXULDisplay) { if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BOX || display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BOX) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::treecell) rv = NS_NewXULTreeCellFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, nsnull); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // End of BOX CONSTRUCTION logic // ------- Begin Grid --------- else if ((!aXBLBaseTag && (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_GRID || display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID)) || aTag == nsXULAtoms::grid || aTag == nsXULAtoms::tree) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr<nsIBoxLayout> layout; NS_NewGridLayout(aPresShell, layout); if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::tree) { rv = NS_NewXULTreeFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); if (aXBLBaseTag) { // In this scenario, someone has extended the tree with a custom // tag name. Although this is a complete and total hack, we're // going to assume that the extender is simplifying the syntax // of the tree and that the direct explicit children of the // tree are actually rows or items (and thus they shouldn't be // built yet). processChildren = PR_FALSE; processAnonymousChildren = PR_TRUE; } } else rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } //------- End Grid ------ // ------- Begin Rows/Columns --------- else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID_GROUP) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr<nsIBoxLayout> layout; PRBool treeScrollPort = PR_FALSE; if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::treechildren || aTag == nsXULAtoms::treeitem) { NS_NewTreeLayout(aPresShell, layout); nsAutoString outer; rv = aContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsXULAtoms::outer, outer); if (outer.EqualsIgnoreCase("true")) { rv = NS_NewXULTreeOuterGroupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); ((nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)newFrame)->InitGroup(this, aPresContext, (nsXULTreeOuterGroupFrame*) newFrame); treeScrollPort = PR_TRUE; } else { rv = NS_NewXULTreeGroupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); ((nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)newFrame)->InitGroup(this, aPresContext, ((nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)aParentFrame)->GetOuterFrame()); } processChildren = PR_FALSE; } else { NS_NewTempleLayout(aPresShell, layout); rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); } const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { nsIFrame* scrollPort = nsnull; if (treeScrollPort) NS_NewTreeScrollPortFrame(aPresShell, &scrollPort); // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext, scrollPort); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } //------- End Grid ------ // ------- Begin Row/Column --------- else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GRID_LINE) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr<nsIBoxLayout> layout; NS_NewObeliskLayout(aPresShell, layout); if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::treerow) rv = NS_NewXULTreeSliceFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); else rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } //------- End Grid ------ // STACK CONSTRUCTION else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_STACK || display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_STACK) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewStackFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of STACK CONSTRUCTION logic // DECK CONSTRUCTION else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_DECK) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewDeckFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } // End of DECK CONSTRUCTION logic else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_GROUPBOX) { rv = NS_NewTitledBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); //ConstructTitledBoxFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aStyleContext, newFrame); processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // Boxes can scroll. if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } // BULLETINBOARD CONSTRUCTION else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BULLETINBOARD) { processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr<nsIBoxLayout> layout; NS_NewBulletinBoardLayout(aPresShell, layout); rv = NS_NewBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, PR_FALSE, layout); const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (IsScrollable(aPresContext, display)) { // set the top to be the newly created scrollframe BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, newFrame, aParentFrame, topFrame, aStyleContext); // we have a scrollframe so the parent becomes the scroll frame. newFrame->GetParent(&aParentFrame); primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; frameHasBeenInitialized = PR_TRUE; } } else if (display->mDisplay == NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_POPUP) { // This is its own frame that derives from // box. processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewMenuPopupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); } } } // If we succeeded in creating a frame then initialize it, process its // children (if requested), and set the initial child list if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && newFrame != nsnull) { // if no top frame was created then the top is the new frame if (topFrame == nsnull) topFrame = newFrame; // If the frame is a replaced element, then set the frame state bit if (isReplaced) { nsFrameState state; newFrame->GetFrameState(&state); newFrame->SetFrameState(state | NS_FRAME_REPLACED_ELEMENT); } // xul does not support absolute positioning nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; /* nsIFrame* geometricParent = isAbsolutelyPositioned ? aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock : aParentFrame; */ // if the new frame was already initialized to initialize it again. if (!frameHasBeenInitialized) { InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); /* // if our parent is a block frame then do things the way html likes it // if not then we are in a box so do what boxes like. On example is boxes // do not support the absolute positioning of their children. While html blocks // thats why we call different things here. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; geometricParent->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if ((frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::blockFrame) || (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::areaFrame)) { */ // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); /* } else { // we are in a box so do the box thing. nsBoxFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE); } */ } // Process the child content if requested nsFrameItems childItems; if (processChildren || processAnonymousChildren) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bindingManager; doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); if (processChildren) { bindingManager->ShouldBuildChildFrames(aContent, &processChildren); if (processChildren) rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_FALSE); } CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); } // Add the new frame to our list of frame items. aFrameItems.AddChild(topFrame); // If the frame is absolutely positioned, then create a placeholder frame if (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } } // addToHashTable: if (topFrame) { // the top frame is always what we map the content to. This is the frame that contains a pointer // to the content node. // Add a mapping from content object to primary frame. Note that for // floated and positioned frames this is the out-of-flow frame and not // the placeholder frame if (!primaryFrameSet) aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, topFrame); } return rv; } #endif static NS_DEFINE_IID(kWidgetCID, NS_CHILD_CID); nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::BeginBuildingScrollFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aContentStyle, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aScrolledPseudo, nsIDocument* aDocument, PRBool aIsRoot, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext>& aScrolledChildStyle, nsIFrame*& aScrollableFrame, nsIFrame* aScrollPortFrame) { nsIFrame* scrollFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* gfxScrollFrame = nsnull; nsFrameItems anonymousItems; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> contentStyle = dont_QueryInterface(aContentStyle); PRBool isGfx = HasGfxScrollbars(); if (isGfx) { BuildGfxScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aDocument, aParentFrame, contentStyle, aIsRoot, gfxScrollFrame, anonymousItems, aScrollPortFrame); scrollFrame = anonymousItems.childList; parentFrame = gfxScrollFrame; aNewFrame = gfxScrollFrame; // we used the style that was passed in. So resolve another one. nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> scrollPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo, contentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(scrollPseudoStyle)); contentStyle = scrollPseudoStyle; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, contentStyle, nsnull, scrollFrame); } else { NS_NewScrollFrame(aPresShell, &scrollFrame); aNewFrame = scrollFrame; parentFrame = aParentFrame; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, contentStyle, nsnull, scrollFrame); } // initialize the scrolled frame nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> scrolledPseudoStyle; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, aScrolledPseudo, contentStyle, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(scrolledPseudoStyle)); aScrollableFrame = scrollFrame; // set the child frame for the gfxscrollbar if the is one. This frames will be the // 2 scrollbars and the scrolled frame. if (gfxScrollFrame) { gfxScrollFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, anonymousItems.childList); } aScrolledChildStyle = scrolledPseudoStyle; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::FinishBuildingScrollFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aScrollFrame, nsIFrame* aScrolledFrame, nsIStyleContext* aScrolledContentStyle) { // create a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aScrolledFrame, aScrolledContentStyle, nsnull, PR_TRUE); // the the scroll frames child list aScrollFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aScrolledFrame); return NS_OK; } /** * Called to wrap a scrollframe or gfx scrollframe around a frame. The hierarchy will look like this * * ------ for native scrollbars ----- * * * ScrollFrame * ^ * | * Frame (scrolled frame you passed in) * * * ------- for gfx scrollbars ------ * * * GfxScrollFrame * ^ * | * ScrollPort * ^ * | * Frame (scrolled frame you passed in) * * *----------------------------------- * LEGEND: * * ScrollFrame: This is a frame that has a view that manages native scrollbars. It implements * nsIScrollableView. It also manages clipping and scrolling of native widgets by * having a native scrolling window. * * GfxScrollFrame: This is a frame that manages gfx cross platform frame based scrollbars. * * ScrollPort: This is similar to the ScrollFrame above in that is clips and scrolls its children * with a native scrolling window. But because it is contained in a GfxScrollFrame * it does not have any code to do scrollbars so it is much simpler. Infact it only has * 1 view attached to it. Where the ScrollFrame above has 5! * * * @param aContent the content node of the child to wrap. * @param aScrolledFrame The frame of the content to wrap. This should not be * Initialized. This method will initialize it with a scrolled pseudo * and no nsIContent. The content will be attached to the scrollframe * returned. * @param aContentStyle the style context that has already been resolved for the content being passed in. * * @param aParentFrame The parent to attach the scroll frame to * * @param aNewFrame The new scrollframe or gfx scrollframe that we create. It will contain the * scrolled frame you passed in. (returned) * @param aScrolledContentStyle the style that was resolved for the scrolled frame. (returned) */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::BuildScrollFrame (nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aContentStyle, nsIFrame* aScrolledFrame, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsIStyleContext*& aScrolledContentStyle, nsIFrame* aScrollPortFrame) { nsIFrame *scrollFrame; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> document; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> scrolledContentStyle; BeginBuildingScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aContentStyle, aParentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo, document, PR_FALSE, aNewFrame, scrolledContentStyle, scrollFrame, aScrollPortFrame); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, scrollFrame, scrolledContentStyle, nsnull, aScrolledFrame); FinishBuildingScrollFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, scrollFrame, aScrolledFrame, scrolledContentStyle); aScrolledContentStyle = scrolledContentStyle; // now set the primary frame to the ScrollFrame aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor( aContent, aNewFrame ); return NS_OK; } /** * If we are building GFX scrollframes this will create one */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::BuildGfxScrollFrame (nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, PRBool aIsRoot, nsIFrame*& aNewFrame, nsFrameItems& aAnonymousFrames, nsIFrame* aScrollPortFrame) { #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL NS_NewGfxScrollFrame(aPresShell, &aNewFrame, aDocument, aIsRoot); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); // Create a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aNewFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); if (!aScrollPortFrame) NS_NewScrollPortFrame(aPresShell, &aScrollPortFrame); aAnonymousFrames.AddChild(aScrollPortFrame); // if there are any anonymous children for the nsScrollFrame create frames for them. CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aDocument, aNewFrame, aAnonymousFrames); return NS_OK; #endif return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { PRBool primaryFrameSet = PR_FALSE; PRBool isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFixedPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFloating = PR_FALSE; PRBool isBlock = aDisplay->IsBlockLevel(); nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; // the frame we construct nsIFrame* newBlock = nsnull; nsIFrame* nextInline = nsnull; nsTableCreator tableCreator(aPresShell); // Used to make table frames. PRBool addToHashTable = PR_TRUE; PRBool pseudoParent = PR_FALSE; // is the new frame's parent anonymous nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Get the position syle info const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); // The frame is also a block if it's an inline frame that's floated or // absolutely positioned if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE != aDisplay->mFloats) { isFloating = PR_TRUE; } if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == aDisplay->mDisplay) && (isFloating || position->IsAbsolutelyPositioned())) { isBlock = PR_TRUE; } nsIFrame* adjParentFrame = aParentFrame; // if the new frame is not table related and the parent is table related (excluding table cell) // then we need to get or create the pseudo table cell frame and use it as the parent. if (adjParentFrame) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> parentType; adjParentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentType)); if (!IsTableRelated(aDisplay->mDisplay, PR_TRUE) && IsTableRelated(parentType.get(), PR_FALSE)) { GetPseudoCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, tableCreator, aState, *adjParentFrame); if (aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame) { adjParentFrame = aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mFrame; pseudoParent = PR_TRUE; } else { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } } // If the frame is a block-level frame and is scrollable, then wrap it // in a scroll frame. // XXX Ignore tables for the time being if ((isBlock && (aDisplay->mDisplay != NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE)) && IsScrollable(aPresContext, aDisplay)) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // See if it's absolute positioned or fixed positioned if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; } // Initialize it nsIFrame* geometricParent = adjParentFrame; if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (isFixedPositioned) { geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } nsIFrame* scrolledFrame = nsnull; NS_NewAreaFrame(aPresShell, &scrolledFrame, NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR | NS_BLOCK_SHRINK_WRAP | NS_BLOCK_MARGIN_ROOT); nsIStyleContext* newStyle = nsnull; // Build the scrollframe it BuildScrollFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aStyleContext, scrolledFrame, geometricParent, newFrame, newStyle); // buildscrollframe sets the primary frame. primaryFrameSet = PR_TRUE; //----- // The area frame is a floater container PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(scrolledFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); // Process children nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool isPositionedContainingBlock = isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned; if (isPositionedContainingBlock) { // The area frame becomes a container for child frames that are // absolutely positioned aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(scrolledFrame, absoluteSaveState); } ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, scrolledFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_TRUE); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the scrolled frame's initial child lists scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (isPositionedContainingBlock && aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { scrolledFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } ///------ } // See if the frame is absolute or fixed positioned else if (position->IsAbsolutelyPositioned() && ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == aDisplay->mDisplay))) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; } // Create a frame to wrap up the absolute positioned item NS_NewAbsoluteItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, (isAbsolutelyPositioned ? aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock : aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock), aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // Create a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, adjParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // Process the child content. The area frame becomes a container for child // frames that are absolutely positioned nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle = PR_FALSE, haveFirstLineStyle = PR_FALSE; if (aDisplay->IsBlockLevel()) { HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); } aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(newFrame, absoluteSaveState); aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(newFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list(s) newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } // See if the frame is floated, and it's a block or inline frame else if (isFloating && ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == aDisplay->mDisplay))) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // Create an area frame NS_NewFloatingItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); // Initialize the frame InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aState.mFloatedItems.containingBlock, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // See if we need to create a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, adjParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // Process the child content nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle = PR_FALSE, haveFirstLineStyle = PR_FALSE; if (aDisplay->IsBlockLevel()) { HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); } aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(newFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list(s) newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } // See if it's relatively positioned else if ((NS_STYLE_POSITION_RELATIVE == position->mPosition) && ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == aDisplay->mDisplay))) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // Is it block-level or inline-level? PRBool isBlockFrame = PR_FALSE; if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == aDisplay->mDisplay)) { // Create a wrapper frame. No space manager, though NS_NewRelativeItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); isBlockFrame = PR_TRUE; // Initialize the frame InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // Create a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Process the child content. Relatively positioned frames becomes a // container for child frames that are positioned nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; nsFrameItems childItems; aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(newFrame, absoluteSaveState); PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(newFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, isBlockFrame); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } else { // Create a positioned inline frame NS_NewPositionedInlineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); ConstructInline(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aDisplay, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, PR_TRUE, newFrame, &newBlock, &nextInline); } } // See if it's a block frame of some sort else if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_RUN_IN == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_COMPACT == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK == aDisplay->mDisplay)) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // Create the block frame rv = NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // That worked so construct the block and its children rv = ConstructBlock(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aDisplay, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, newFrame); } } // See if it's an inline frame of some sort else if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == aDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_MARKER == aDisplay->mDisplay)) { if (!pseudoParent && !aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // Create the inline frame rv = NS_NewInlineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // That worked so construct the inline and its children rv = ConstructInline(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aDisplay, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, newFrame, &newBlock, &nextInline); } // To keep the hash table small don't add inline frames (they're // typically things like FONT and B), because we can quickly // find them if we need to addToHashTable = PR_FALSE; } // otherwise let the display property influence the frame type to create else { // XXX This section now only handles table frames; should be // factored out probably // Use the 'display' property to choose a frame type switch (aDisplay->mDisplay) { case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE: { if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } nsIFrame* geometricParent = adjParentFrame; if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; geometricParent = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; geometricParent = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } else if (isFloating) { geometricParent = aState.mFloatedItems.containingBlock; } nsIFrame* innerTable; rv = ConstructTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, innerTable, pseudoParent); // Note: table construction function takes care of initializing // the frame, processing children, and setting the initial child // list goto nearly_done; } // the next 5 cases are only relevant if the parent is not a table, ConstructTableFrame handles children case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION: { // adjParentFrame may be an inner table frame rather than an outer frame // In this case we need to get the outer frame. nsIFrame* parentFrame = adjParentFrame; nsIFrame* outerFrame = nsnull; adjParentFrame->GetParent(&outerFrame); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; if (outerFrame) { outerFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == frameType.get()) { parentFrame = outerFrame; } } rv = ConstructTableCaptionFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, parentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, aFrameItems, newFrame, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; } case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: rv = ConstructTableRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: rv = ConstructTableColGroupFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN: rv = ConstructTableColFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW: rv = ConstructTableRowFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL: { nsIFrame* innerTable; rv = ConstructTableCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, adjParentFrame, aStyleContext, tableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, innerTable, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; } default: // Don't create any frame for content that's not displayed... if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { // process pending pseudo frames ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } break; } } // If the frame is absolutely positioned, then create a placeholder frame nearly_done: nsFrameItems& frameItems = (pseudoParent) ? aState.mPseudoFrames.mCellInner.mChildList : aFrameItems; if (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, adjParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow frameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } else if (isFloating) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, adjParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the floating frame to its containing block's list of child frames aState.mFloatedItems.AddChild(newFrame); // Add the placeholder frame to the flow frameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } else if (nsnull != newFrame) { // Add the frame we just created to the flowed list frameItems.AddChild(newFrame); if (newBlock) { frameItems.AddChild(newBlock); if (nextInline) { frameItems.AddChild(nextInline); } } } if (newFrame && addToHashTable) { // Add a mapping from content object to primary frame. Note that for // floated and positioned frames this is the out-of-flow frame and not // the placeholder frame if (!primaryFrameSet) aState.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, newFrame); } return rv; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::IsScrollable(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay) { // For the time being it's scrollable if the overflow property is auto or // scroll, regardless of whether the width or height is fixed in size switch (aDisplay->mOverflow) { case NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL: case NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_AUTO: case NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLLBARS_NONE: case NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL: case NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL: return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::InitAndRestoreFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow, nsIFrame* aNewFrame) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; NS_ASSERTION(aNewFrame, "Null frame cannot be initialized"); if (!aNewFrame) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Initialize the frame rv = aNewFrame->Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, aPrevInFlow); if (aState.mFrameState && aState.mFrameManager) { aState.mFrameManager->RestoreFrameState(aPresContext, aNewFrame, aState.mFrameState); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ResolveStyleContext(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIAtom* aTag, nsIStyleContext** aStyleContext) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Resolve the style context based on the content object and the parent // style context nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentStyleContext; aParentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyleContext)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName == aTag) { // Use a special pseudo element style context for text nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; if (nsnull != aParentFrame) { aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); } rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::textPseudo, parentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, aStyleContext); } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::commentTagName == aTag) { // Use a special pseudo element style context for comments nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; if (nsnull != aParentFrame) { aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); } rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::commentPseudo, parentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, aStyleContext); } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::processingInstructionTagName == aTag) { // Use a special pseudo element style context for comments nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; if (nsnull != aParentFrame) { aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); } rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(parentContent, nsHTMLAtoms::processingInstructionPseudo, parentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, aStyleContext); } else { rv = aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(aContent, parentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, aStyleContext); } return rv; } // MathML Mod - RBS #ifdef MOZ_MATHML nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructMathMLFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { PRBool processChildren = PR_TRUE; // Whether we should process child content. // MathML frames are inline frames. // processChildren = PR_TRUE for inline frames. // see case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE in // ConstructFrameByDisplayType() nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRBool isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFixedPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isReplaced = PR_FALSE; PRBool ignoreInterTagWhitespace = PR_TRUE; // Make sure that we remain confined in the MathML world if (aNameSpaceID != nsMathMLAtoms::nameSpaceID) return NS_OK; NS_ASSERTION(aTag != nsnull, "null MathML tag"); if (aTag == nsnull) return NS_OK; // Initialize the new frame nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; nsMathMLmtableCreator mathTableCreator(aPresShell); // Used to make table views. // See if the element is absolute or fixed positioned const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; } if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mi_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmiFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mtext_ || aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mn_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmtextFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mo_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmoFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mfrac_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmfracFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::msup_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmsupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::msub_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmsubFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::msubsup_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmsubsupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::munder_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmunderFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mover_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmoverFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::munderover_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmunderoverFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mphantom_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmphantomFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mpadded_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmpaddedFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mspace_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmspaceFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::ms_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmsFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mfenced_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmfencedFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mmultiscripts_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmmultiscriptsFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mstyle_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmstyleFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::msqrt_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmsqrtFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mroot_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmrootFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::maction_) rv = NS_NewMathMLmactionFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mrow_ || aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::merror_ || aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::none_ || aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mprescripts_ ) rv = NS_NewMathMLmrowFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); // CONSTRUCTION of MTABLE elements else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mtable_) { // <mtable> is an inline-table, for the moment, we just do what // <table> does, and wait until nsLineLayout::TreatFrameAsBlock // can handle NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE. nsIFrame* geometricParent = aParentFrame; if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aParentFrame = aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock; } else if (isFixedPositioned) { aParentFrame = aState.mFixedItems.containingBlock; } nsIFrame* innerTable; PRBool pseudoParent; rv = ConstructTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, mathTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, innerTable, pseudoParent); // Note: table construction function takes care of initializing the frame, // processing children, and setting the initial child list if (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } else if (!pseudoParent) { // Add the table frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; } else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::mtd_) { nsIFrame* innerCell; PRBool pseudoParent; rv = ConstructTableCellFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, mathTableCreator, PR_FALSE, aFrameItems, newFrame, innerCell, pseudoParent); if (!pseudoParent) { aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); } return rv; } // End CONSTRUCTION of MTABLE elements else if (aTag == nsMathMLAtoms::math) { // root <math> element const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); PRBool isBlock = (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == display->mDisplay); rv = NS_NewMathMLmathFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame, isBlock); } else { return rv; } // If we succeeded in creating a frame then initialize it, process its // children (if requested), and set the initial child list if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && newFrame != nsnull) { nsFrameState state; newFrame->GetFrameState(&state); // If the frame is a replaced element, then set the frame state bit if (isReplaced) { state |= NS_FRAME_REPLACED_ELEMENT; } // record that children that are ignorable whitespace should be excluded if (ignoreInterTagWhitespace) { state |= NS_FRAME_EXCLUDE_IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; } newFrame->SetFrameState(state); nsIFrame* geometricParent = isAbsolutelyPositioned ? aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock : aParentFrame; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // Add the new frame to our list of frame items. aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); // Process the child content if requested nsFrameItems childItems; if (processChildren) { rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_FALSE); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); } // Set the frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // If the frame is absolutely positioned then create a placeholder frame if (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } } return rv; } #endif // MOZ_MATHML // SVG #ifdef MOZ_SVG nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructSVGFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { PRBool processChildren = PR_TRUE; // Whether we should process child content. // MathML frames are inline frames. // processChildren = PR_TRUE for inline frames. // see case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE in // ConstructFrameByDisplayType() nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRBool isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isFixedPositioned = PR_FALSE; PRBool isReplaced = PR_FALSE; NS_ASSERTION(aTag != nsnull, "null SVG tag"); if (aTag == nsnull) return NS_OK; // Make sure that we remain confined in the SVG world if (aNameSpaceID != nsSVGAtoms::nameSpaceID) return NS_OK; // Initialize the new frame nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; //nsSVGTableCreator svgTableCreator(aPresShell); // Used to make table views. // See if the element is absolute or fixed positioned const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == position->mPosition) { isAbsolutelyPositioned = PR_TRUE; } else if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) { isFixedPositioned = PR_TRUE; } if (aTag == nsSVGAtoms::g) rv = NS_NewSVGContainerFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsSVGAtoms::polygon) rv = NS_NewPolygonFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); else if (aTag == nsSVGAtoms::polyline) rv = NS_NewPolylineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); // If we succeeded in creating a frame then initialize it, process its // children (if requested), and set the initial child list if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && newFrame != nsnull) { // If the frame is a replaced element, then set the frame state bit if (isReplaced) { nsFrameState state; newFrame->GetFrameState(&state); newFrame->SetFrameState(state | NS_FRAME_REPLACED_ELEMENT); } nsIFrame* geometricParent = isAbsolutelyPositioned ? aState.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock : aParentFrame; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, geometricParent, aStyleContext, nsnull, newFrame); // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, PR_FALSE); // Add the new frame to our list of frame items. aFrameItems.AddChild(newFrame); // Process the child content if requested nsFrameItems childItems; if (processChildren) { rv = ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, newFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_FALSE); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTag, aState, aContent, newFrame, childItems); } // Set the frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // If the frame is absolutely positioned then create a placeholder frame if (isAbsolutelyPositioned || isFixedPositioned) { nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aContent, newFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Add the positioned frame to its containing block's list of child frames if (isAbsolutelyPositioned) { aState.mAbsoluteItems.AddChild(newFrame); } else { aState.mFixedItems.AddChild(newFrame); } // Add the placeholder frame to the flow aFrameItems.AddChild(placeholderFrame); } } return rv; } #endif // MOZ_SVG nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aParentFrame, "no parent frame"); nsresult rv = NS_OK; // don't create a whitespace frame if aParent doesn't want it if (!NeedFrameFor(aParentFrame, aContent)) { return rv; } // Get the element's tag nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; rv = ResolveStyleContext(aPresContext, aParentFrame, aContent, tag, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRInt32 nameSpaceID; aContent->GetNameSpaceID(nameSpaceID); rv = ConstructFrameInternal(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, tag, nameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems, PR_FALSE); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIAtom* aTag, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems, PRBool aXBLBaseTag) { // The following code allows the user to specify the base tag // of an element using XBL. XUL and HTML objects (like boxes, menus, etc.) // can then be extended arbitrarily. nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext(do_QueryInterface(aStyleContext)); nsCOMPtr<nsIXBLBinding> binding; if (!aXBLBaseTag) { const nsStyleUserInterface* ui= (const nsStyleUserInterface*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_UserInterface); // Ensure that our XBL bindings are installed. if (!ui->mBehavior.IsEmpty()) { // Get the XBL loader. nsresult rv; NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIXBLService, xblService, "@mozilla.org/xbl;1", &rv); if (!xblService) return rv; // Load the bindings. PRBool resolveStyle; rv = xblService->LoadBindings(aContent, ui->mBehavior, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(binding), &resolveStyle); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_OK; if (resolveStyle) { rv = ResolveStyleContext(aPresContext, aParentFrame, aContent, aTag, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> baseTag; PRInt32 nameSpaceID; xblService->ResolveTag(aContent, &nameSpaceID, getter_AddRefs(baseTag)); if (baseTag.get() != aTag || aNameSpaceID != nameSpaceID) { // Construct the frame using the XBL base tag. nsresult rv = ConstructFrameInternal( aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, baseTag, nameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems, PR_TRUE); if (binding) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); if (bm) bm->AddToAttachedQueue(binding); } return rv; } } } // Pre-check for display "none" - if we find that, don't create // any frame at all const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE == display->mDisplay) { aState.mFrameManager->SetUndisplayedContent(aContent, styleContext); return NS_OK; } nsIFrame* lastChild = aFrameItems.lastChild; // Handle specific frame types nsresult rv = ConstructFrameByTag(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aNameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL // Failing to find a matching HTML frame, try creating a specialized // XUL frame. This is temporary, pending planned factoring of this // whole process into separate, pluggable steps. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ((nsnull == aFrameItems.childList) || (lastChild == aFrameItems.lastChild))) { PRBool haltProcessing = PR_FALSE; rv = ConstructXULFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aNameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems, aXBLBaseTag, haltProcessing); if (haltProcessing) { return rv; } } #endif // MathML Mod - RBS #ifdef MOZ_MATHML if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ((nsnull == aFrameItems.childList) || (lastChild == aFrameItems.lastChild))) { rv = ConstructMathMLFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aNameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems); } #endif // SVG #ifdef MOZ_SVG if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ((nsnull == aFrameItems.childList) || (lastChild == aFrameItems.lastChild))) { rv = ConstructSVGFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aTag, aNameSpaceID, styleContext, aFrameItems); } #endif if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ((nsnull == aFrameItems.childList) || (lastChild == aFrameItems.lastChild))) { // When there is no explicit frame to create, assume it's a // container and let display style dictate the rest display = NS_STATIC_CAST(const nsStyleDisplay*, styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display)); rv = ConstructFrameByDisplayType(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, display, aContent, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrameItems); } if (binding) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); if (bm) bm->AddToAttachedQueue(binding); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(nsIPresContext* aPresContext) { NS_PRECONDITION(aPresContext, "null pres context argument"); nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); if (nsnull != mDocument && shell) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> rootContent(dont_AddRef(mDocument->GetRootContent())); if (rootContent) { // Before removing the frames associated with the content object, ask them to save their // state onto a temporary state object. CaptureStateForFramesOf(aPresContext, rootContent, mTempFrameTreeState); nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, nsnull, nsnull, mTempFrameTreeState); nsIFrame* docElementFrame; // Get the frame that corresponds to the document element state.mFrameManager->GetPrimaryFrameFor(rootContent, &docElementFrame); // Clear the hash tables that map from content to frame and out-of-flow // frame to placeholder frame state.mFrameManager->ClearPrimaryFrameMap(); state.mFrameManager->ClearPlaceholderFrameMap(); state.mFrameManager->ClearUndisplayedContentMap(); if (docElementFrame) { nsIFrame* docParentFrame; docElementFrame->GetParent(&docParentFrame); if (docParentFrame) { // Remove the old document element hieararchy rv = state.mFrameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, docParentFrame, nsnull, docElementFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Remove any existing fixed items: they are always on the FixedContainingBlock rv = RemoveFixedItems(*aPresContext, *shell); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Create the new document element hierarchy nsIFrame* newChild; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> rootPseudoStyle; docParentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(rootPseudoStyle)); rv = ConstructDocElementFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, rootContent, docParentFrame, rootPseudoStyle, newChild); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = state.mFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *shell, docParentFrame, nsnull, nsnull, newChild); // Tell the fixed containing block about its 'fixed' frames if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { state.mFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *shell, mFixedContainingBlock, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, nsnull, state.mFixedItems.childList); } } } } } } } } return rv; } nsIFrame* nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFrameFor(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent) { // Get the primary frame associated with the content nsIFrame* frame; aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, &frame); if (nsnull != frame) { // Check to see if the content is a select and // then if it has a drop down (thus making it a combobox) // The drop down is a ListControlFrame derived from a // nsScrollFrame then get the area frame and that will be the parent // What is unclear here, is if any of this fails, should it return // the nsComboboxControlFrame or null? nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectElement; nsresult res = aContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement), (void**)getter_AddRefs(selectElement)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && selectElement) { nsIComboboxControlFrame * comboboxFrame; res = frame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIComboboxControlFrame), (void**)&comboboxFrame); nsIFrame * listFrame; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && comboboxFrame) { comboboxFrame->GetDropDown(&listFrame); } else { listFrame = frame; } if (listFrame != nsnull) { nsIListControlFrame * list; res = listFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIListControlFrame), (void**)&list); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && list) { list->GetOptionsContainer(aPresContext, &frame); } } } else { // If the primary frame is a scroll frame, then get the scrolled frame. // That's the frame that gets the reflow command const nsStyleDisplay* display; frame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); // If the primary frame supports IScrollableFrame, then get the scrolled frame. // That's the frame that gets the reflow command nsIScrollableFrame *pScrollableFrame = nsnull; if (NS_SUCCEEDED( frame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableFrame), (void **)&pScrollableFrame) )) { pScrollableFrame->GetScrolledFrame( aPresContext, frame ); } // if we get an outer table frame use its 1st child which is a table inner frame // if we get a table cell frame use its 1st child which is an area frame else if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE == display->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == display->mDisplay)) { frame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); } } } return frame; } nsIFrame* nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != mInitialContainingBlock, "no initial containing block"); // Starting with aFrame, look for a frame that is absolutely positioned or // relatively positioned nsIFrame* containingBlock = nsnull; for (nsIFrame* frame = aFrame; frame; frame->GetParent(&frame)) { const nsStylePosition* position; // Is it positioned? frame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if ((position->mPosition == NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE) || (position->mPosition == NS_STYLE_POSITION_RELATIVE)) { const nsStyleDisplay* display; // If it's a table then ignore it, because for the time being tables // are not containers for absolutely positioned child frames frame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); if (display->mDisplay != NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; // This may set frameType to null. frame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::scrollFrame == frameType) { // We want the scrolled frame, not the scroll frame nsIFrame* scrolledFrame; frame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &scrolledFrame); if (scrolledFrame) { scrolledFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::areaFrame == frameType) { containingBlock = scrolledFrame; } } } else if ((nsLayoutAtoms::areaFrame == frameType) || (nsLayoutAtoms::positionedInlineFrame == frameType)) { containingBlock = frame; } } } // See if we found a containing block if (containingBlock) { break; } } // If we didn't find an absolutely positioned containing block, then use the // initial containing block if (!containingBlock) { containingBlock = mInitialContainingBlock; } return containingBlock; } nsIFrame* nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFloaterContainingBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(mInitialContainingBlock, "no initial containing block"); // Starting with aFrame, look for a frame that is a real block frame, // or a floated inline or absolutely positioned inline frame nsIFrame* containingBlock = aFrame; while (nsnull != containingBlock) { const nsStyleDisplay* display; containingBlock->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == display->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == display->mDisplay)) { break; } else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == display->mDisplay) { const nsStylePosition* position; containingBlock->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if ((NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE != display->mFloats) || (position->IsAbsolutelyPositioned())) { if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE != display->mFloats) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; containingBlock->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::letterFrame != frameType.get()) { break; } } else { break; } } } // Continue walking up the hierarchy containingBlock->GetParent(&containingBlock); } // If we didn't find a containing block, then use the initial // containing block if (nsnull == containingBlock) { containingBlock = mInitialContainingBlock; } return containingBlock; } // Helper function to determine whether a given frame is generated content // for the specified content object. Returns PR_TRUE if the frame is associated // with generated content and PR_FALSE otherwise static inline PRBool IsGeneratedContentFor(nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIAtom* aPseudoElement) { NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame, "null frame pointer"); nsFrameState state; PRBool result = PR_FALSE; // First check the frame state bit aFrame->GetFrameState(&state); if (state & NS_FRAME_GENERATED_CONTENT) { nsIContent* content; // Check that it has the same content pointer aFrame->GetContent(&content); if (content == aContent) { nsIStyleContext* styleContext; nsIAtom* pseudoType; // See if the pseudo element type matches aFrame->GetStyleContext(&styleContext); styleContext->GetPseudoType(pseudoType); result = (pseudoType == aPseudoElement); NS_RELEASE(styleContext); NS_IF_RELEASE(pseudoType); } NS_IF_RELEASE(content); } return result; } // This function is called by ContentAppended() and ContentInserted() when // appending flowed frames to a parent's principal child list. It handles the // case where the parent frame has :after pseudo-element generated content nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::AppendFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { nsIFrame* firstChild; aParentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &firstChild); nsFrameList frames(firstChild); nsIFrame* lastChild = frames.LastChild(); // See if the parent has an :after pseudo-element if (lastChild && IsGeneratedContentFor(aContainer, lastChild, nsCSSAtoms::afterPseudo)) { // Insert the frames before the :after pseudo-element return aFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsnull, frames.GetPrevSiblingFor(lastChild), aFrameList); } nsresult rv = NS_OK; // a col group or col appended to a table may result in an insert rather than an append nsIAtom* parentType; aParentFrame->GetFrameType(&parentType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == parentType) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = (nsTableFrame *)aParentFrame; nsIAtom* childType; aFrameList->GetFrameType(&childType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColFrame == childType) { // table column nsIFrame* parentFrame = aParentFrame; aFrameList->GetParent(&parentFrame); NS_RELEASE(childType); rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, parentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::colGroupList, aFrameList); } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableColGroupFrame == childType) { // table col group nsIFrame* prevSibling; PRBool doAppend = nsTableColGroupFrame::GetLastRealColGroup(tableFrame, &prevSibling); if (doAppend) { rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::colGroupList, aFrameList); } else { rv = aFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::colGroupList, prevSibling, aFrameList); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame == childType) { // table caption rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, aFrameList); } else { rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsnull, aFrameList); } NS_IF_RELEASE(childType); } else { // Append the frames to the end of the parent's child list // check for a table caption which goes on an additional child list with a different parent nsIFrame* outerTableFrame; if (GetCaptionAdjustedParent(aParentFrame, aFrameList, &outerTableFrame)) { rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, outerTableFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, aFrameList); } else { rv = aFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aParentFrame, nsnull, aFrameList); } } NS_IF_RELEASE(parentType); return rv; } static nsIFrame* FindPreviousAnonymousSibling(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild) { nsIFrame* prevSibling = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> nodeList; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; aContainer->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); NS_ASSERTION(doc, "null document from content element in FindPreviousAnonymousSibling"); if (doc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocumentXBL> xblDoc(do_QueryInterface(doc)); NS_ASSERTION(xblDoc, "null xblDoc for content element in FindPreviousAnonymousSibling"); if (xblDoc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> elt(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); xblDoc->GetAnonymousNodes(elt, getter_AddRefs(nodeList)); } } if (nodeList) { PRUint32 ctr,listLength; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; nodeList->GetLength(&listLength); if (listLength == 0) return nsnull; PRBool found = PR_FALSE; for (ctr = listLength; ctr > 0; ctr--) { nodeList->Item(ctr-1, getter_AddRefs(node)); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent(do_QueryInterface(node)); if (childContent.get() == aChild) { found = PR_TRUE; continue; } if (found) { aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(childContent, &prevSibling); if (nsnull != prevSibling) { // The frame may have a next-in-flow. Get the last-in-flow nsIFrame* nextInFlow; do { prevSibling->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); if (nsnull != nextInFlow) { prevSibling = nextInFlow; } } while (nsnull != nextInFlow); // Did we really get the *right* frame? const nsStyleDisplay* display; prevSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); const nsStylePosition* position; prevSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (display->IsFloating() || position->IsPositioned()) { // Nope. Get the place-holder instead nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; aPresShell->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(prevSibling, &placeholderFrame); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != placeholderFrame, "yikes"); prevSibling = placeholderFrame; } break; } } } } return prevSibling; } static nsIFrame* FindNextAnonymousSibling(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild) { nsIFrame* nextSibling = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> nodeList; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; aContainer->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); NS_ASSERTION(doc, "null document from content element in FindNextAnonymousSibling"); if (doc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocumentXBL> xblDoc(do_QueryInterface(doc)); NS_ASSERTION(xblDoc, "null xblDoc for content element in FindNextAnonymousSibling"); if (xblDoc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> elt(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); xblDoc->GetAnonymousNodes(elt, getter_AddRefs(nodeList)); } } if (nodeList) { PRUint32 ctr,listLength; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; nodeList->GetLength(&listLength); PRBool found = PR_FALSE; for (ctr = 0; ctr < listLength; ctr++) { nodeList->Item(ctr, getter_AddRefs(node)); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent(do_QueryInterface(node)); if (childContent.get() == aChild) { found = PR_TRUE; continue; } if (found) { aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(childContent, &nextSibling); if (nsnull != nextSibling) { // The frame may have a next-in-flow. Get the first-in-flow nsIFrame* prevInFlow; do { nextSibling->GetPrevInFlow(&prevInFlow); if (nsnull != prevInFlow) { nextSibling = prevInFlow; } } while (nsnull != prevInFlow); // Did we really get the *right* frame? const nsStyleDisplay* display; nextSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); const nsStylePosition* position; nextSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (display->IsFloating() || position->IsPositioned()) { // Nope. Get the place-holder instead nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; aPresShell->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(nextSibling, &placeholderFrame); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != placeholderFrame, "yikes"); nextSibling = placeholderFrame; } break; } } } } return nextSibling; } static nsIFrame* FindPreviousSibling(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) { nsIFrame* prevSibling = nsnull; // Walk the // Note: not all content objects are associated with a frame (e.g., if their // 'display' type is 'hidden') so keep looking until we find a previous frame for (PRInt32 i = aIndexInContainer - 1; i >= 0; i--) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> precedingContent; aContainer->ChildAt(i, *getter_AddRefs(precedingContent)); aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(precedingContent, &prevSibling); if (nsnull != prevSibling) { // The frame may have a next-in-flow. Get the last-in-flow nsIFrame* nextInFlow; do { prevSibling->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); if (nsnull != nextInFlow) { prevSibling = nextInFlow; } } while (nsnull != nextInFlow); // Did we really get the *right* frame? const nsStyleDisplay* display; prevSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); const nsStylePosition* position; prevSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (display->IsFloating() || position->IsPositioned()) { // Nope. Get the place-holder instead nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; aPresShell->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(prevSibling, &placeholderFrame); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != placeholderFrame, "yikes"); prevSibling = placeholderFrame; } break; } } return prevSibling; } static nsIFrame* FindNextSibling(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) { nsIFrame* nextSibling = nsnull; // Note: not all content objects are associated with a frame (e.g., if their // 'display' type is 'hidden') so keep looking until we find a previous frame PRInt32 count; aContainer->ChildCount(count); for (PRInt32 i = aIndexInContainer + 1; i < count; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> nextContent; aContainer->ChildAt(i, *getter_AddRefs(nextContent)); aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(nextContent, &nextSibling); if (nsnull != nextSibling) { // The frame may have a next-in-flow. Get the first-in-flow nsIFrame* prevInFlow; do { nextSibling->GetPrevInFlow(&prevInFlow); if (nsnull != prevInFlow) { nextSibling = prevInFlow; } } while (nsnull != prevInFlow); // Did we really get the *right* frame? const nsStyleDisplay* display; nextSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); const nsStylePosition* position; nextSibling->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (display->IsFloating() || position->IsPositioned()) { // Nope. Get the place-holder instead nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; aPresShell->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(nextSibling, &placeholderFrame); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != placeholderFrame, "yikes"); nextSibling = placeholderFrame; } break; } } return nextSibling; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContainer, PRInt32 aNewIndexInContainer) { #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended container=%p index=%d\n", aContainer, aNewIndexInContainer); if (gReallyNoisyContentUpdates && aContainer) { aContainer->List(stdout, 0); } } #endif nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (aContainer) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bindingManager; PRInt32 namespaceID; aContainer->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (doc) { doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); bindingManager->ResolveTag(aContainer, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); } else aContainer->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); PRBool treeChildren = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treechildren; PRBool treeItem = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treeitem; if (treeChildren || treeItem) { // Walk up to the outermost tree row group frame and tell it that // content was added. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(dont_QueryInterface(aContainer)); while (content) { bindingManager->ResolveTag(content, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::tree) break; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> temp = content; temp->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(content)); } if (!content) return NS_OK; nsIFrame* outerFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, content); if (outerFrame) { // We found it. Get the primary frame. nsXULTreeFrame* tree = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsXULTreeFrame*, outerFrame); // Convert to a tree row group frame. nsXULTreeOuterGroupFrame* treeRowGroup; tree->GetTreeBody(&treeRowGroup); if (treeRowGroup) { // Get the primary frame for the parent of the child that's being added. nsIFrame* innerFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, aContainer); nsBoxLayoutState state(aPresContext); nsXULTreeGroupFrame* innerGroup = (nsXULTreeGroupFrame*) innerFrame; if (innerGroup) { innerGroup->MarkDirtyChildren(state); } else { treeRowGroup->MarkDirtyChildren(state); // Resolve our style context to find out if we need to clear out our // undisplayed content. if (treeChildren) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parent; aContainer->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (parent) { nsAutoString open; parent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsXULAtoms::open, open); if (open.EqualsIgnoreCase("true")) { // Clear our undisplayed content. nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; shell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); frameManager->ClearUndisplayedContentIn(aContainer, parent); } } } } treeRowGroup->RegenerateRowGroupInfo(0); if (!treeRowGroup->IsBatching()) shell->FlushPendingNotifications(); return NS_OK; } } } } #endif // INCLUDE_XUL // Get the frame associated with the content nsIFrame* parentFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, aContainer); if (nsnull != parentFrame) { // If the frame we are manipulating is a special frame then do // something different instead of just appending newly created // frames. Note that only the first-in-flow is marked so we check // before getting to the last-in-flow. if (IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) { // We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we // wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from // scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special // inline frame has propogated some of its children upward to be // children of the block and that those frames may need to move // around. This logic guarantees a correct answer. #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended: parentFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame); printf(" is special\n"); } #endif return ReframeContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame); } // Get the parent frame's last-in-flow nsIFrame* nextInFlow = parentFrame; while (nsnull != nextInFlow) { parentFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); if (nsnull != nextInFlow) { parentFrame = nextInFlow; } } // If we didn't process children when we originally created the frame, // then don't do any processing now nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; parentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::objectFrame) { // This handles APPLET, EMBED, and OBJECT return NS_OK; } // in case the parent frame is an outer table, use the innner table // as the parent. If a new child frame is a caption then the outer // table frame will be used (below) as the parent. if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame) { nsIFrame* innerTable = nsnull; parentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &innerTable); if (innerTable) { parentFrame = innerTable; } else { // should never happen return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } // Create some new frames PRInt32 count; nsIFrame* firstAppendedFrame = nsnull; nsFrameItems frameItems; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), nsnull); // See if the containing block has :first-letter style applied. PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; nsIFrame* containingBlock = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; containingBlock->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); containingBlock->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, blockContent, blockSC, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); if (haveFirstLetterStyle) { // Before we get going, remove the current letter frames RemoveLetterFrames(aPresContext, state.mPresShell, state.mFrameManager, containingBlock); } // if the container is a table and a caption was appended, it needs to be put in // the outer table frame's additional child list. nsFrameItems captionItems; PRInt32 i; aContainer->ChildCount(count); for (i = aNewIndexInContainer; i < count; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent; aContainer->ChildAt(i, *getter_AddRefs(childContent)); // construct a child of a table frame by putting it on a temporary list and then // moving it into the appropriate list. This is more efficient than checking the display // type of childContent. During the construction of a caption frame, the outer // table frame will be used as its parent. if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == frameType.get()) { nsFrameItems tempItems; ConstructFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, childContent, parentFrame, tempItems); if (tempItems.childList) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> childFrameType; tempItems.childList->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(childFrameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCaptionFrame == childFrameType.get()) { PRBool abortCaption = PR_FALSE; // check if a caption already exists in captionItems, and if so, abort the caption if (captionItems.childList) { abortCaption = PR_TRUE; } else { // check for a caption already appended to the outer table nsIFrame* outerTable; parentFrame->GetParent(&outerTable); if (outerTable) { nsIFrame* existingCaption = nsnull; outerTable->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, &existingCaption); if (existingCaption) { abortCaption = PR_TRUE; } } } if (abortCaption) { tempItems.childList->Destroy(aPresContext); } else { captionItems.AddChild(tempItems.childList); } } else { frameItems.AddChild(tempItems.childList); } } } // Don't create child frames for iframes/frames, they should not // display any content that they contain. else if (nsLayoutAtoms::htmlFrameOuterFrame != frameType.get()) { // Construct a child frame (that does not have a table as parent) ConstructFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, childContent, parentFrame, frameItems); } } // We built some new frames. Initialize any newly-constructed bindings. nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); bm->ProcessAttachedQueue(); // process the current pseudo frame state if (!state.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, state.mPseudoFrames, frameItems); } if (haveFirstLineStyle) { // It's possible that some of the new frames go into a // first-line frame. Look at them and see... AppendFirstLineFrames(shell, aPresContext, state, aContainer, parentFrame, frameItems); } nsresult result = NS_OK; firstAppendedFrame = frameItems.childList; if (!firstAppendedFrame) { firstAppendedFrame = captionItems.childList; } // Notify the parent frame passing it the list of new frames if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && firstAppendedFrame) { // Perform special check for diddling around with the frames in // a special inline frame. // XXX Bug 18366 // Although select frame are inline we do not want to call // WipeContainingBlock because it will throw away the entire selct frame and // start over which is something we do not want to do // nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectContent(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); if (!selectContent) { if (WipeContainingBlock(aPresContext, state, blockContent, parentFrame, frameItems.childList)) { return NS_OK; } } // Append the flowed frames to the principal child list, tables need special treatment if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == frameType.get()) { if (captionItems.childList) { // append the caption to the outer table nsIFrame* outerTable; parentFrame->GetParent(&outerTable); if (outerTable) { AppendFrames(aPresContext, shell, state.mFrameManager, aContainer, outerTable, captionItems.childList); } } if (frameItems.childList) { // append children of the inner table AppendFrames(aPresContext, shell, state.mFrameManager, aContainer, parentFrame, frameItems.childList); } } else { AppendFrames(aPresContext, shell, state.mFrameManager, aContainer, parentFrame, firstAppendedFrame); } // If there are new absolutely positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { state.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, state.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } // If there are new fixed positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { state.mFixedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, state.mFixedItems.childList); } // If there are new floating child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFloatedItems.childList) { state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, state.mFloatedItems.childList); } // Recover first-letter frames if (haveFirstLetterStyle) { RecoverLetterFrames(shell, aPresContext, state, containingBlock); } } // Here we have been notified that content has been appended so if // the select now has a single item we need to go in and removed // the dummy frame. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> sel(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); if (sel) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent; aContainer->ChildAt(aNewIndexInContainer, *getter_AddRefs(childContent)); if (childContent) { RemoveDummyFrameFromSelect(aPresContext, shell, aContainer, childContent, sel); } } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveDummyFrameFromSelect(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell * aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild, nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement * aSelectElement) { //check to see if there is one item, // meaning we need to remove the dummy frame PRUint32 numOptions = 0; nsresult result = aSelectElement->GetLength(&numOptions); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { if (0 == numOptions) { nsIFrame* parentFrame; nsIFrame* childFrame; // Get the childFrame for the added child (option) // then get the child's parent frame which should be an area frame aPresShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aChild, &childFrame); if (nsnull != childFrame) { childFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); // Now loop through all the child looking fr the frame whose content // is equal to the select element's content // this is because when gernated content is created it stuff the parent content // pointer into the generated frame, so in this case it has the select content parentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &childFrame); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> selectContent = do_QueryInterface(aSelectElement); while (nsnull != childFrame) { nsIContent * content; childFrame->GetContent(&content); // Found the dummy frame so get the FrameManager and // delete/remove the dummy frame if (selectContent.get() == content) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; aPresShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, parentFrame, nsnull, childFrame); NS_IF_RELEASE(content); return NS_OK; } NS_IF_RELEASE(content); childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame); } } } } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild, PRInt32 aIndexInContainer, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState) { #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted container=%p child=%p index=%d\n", aContainer, aChild, aIndexInContainer); if (gReallyNoisyContentUpdates) { (aContainer ? aContainer : aChild)->List(stdout, 0); } } #endif nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (aContainer) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bindingManager; PRInt32 namespaceID; aContainer->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (doc) { doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); bindingManager->ResolveTag(aContainer, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); } else aContainer->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); PRBool treeChildren = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treechildren; PRBool treeItem = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treeitem; if (treeChildren || treeItem) { // Walk up to the outermost tree row group frame and tell it that // content was added. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = dont_QueryInterface(aContainer); while (content) { bindingManager->ResolveTag(content, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::tree) break; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> temp = content; temp->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(content)); } if (!content) return NS_OK; nsIFrame* outerFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, content); if (outerFrame) { // We found it. Get the primary frame. nsXULTreeFrame* tree = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsXULTreeFrame*, outerFrame); // Convert to a tree row group frame. nsXULTreeOuterGroupFrame* treeRowGroup; tree->GetTreeBody(&treeRowGroup); if (treeRowGroup) { // Get the primary frame for the parent of the child that's being added. nsIFrame* innerFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, aContainer); // See if there's a previous sibling. nsIFrame* prevSibling = FindPreviousSibling(shell, aContainer, aIndexInContainer); if (innerFrame) { // We're onscreen, but because of the fact that we can be called to // "kill" a displayed frame (e.g., when you close a tree node), we // have to see if this slaying is taking place. If so, then we don't // really want to do anything. Instead we need to add our node to // the undisplayed content list so that the style system will know // to check it for subsequent display changes (e.g., when you next // reopen). nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tagName; aChild->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tagName)); ResolveStyleContext(aPresContext, innerFrame, aChild, tagName, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); // Pre-check for display "none" - if we find that, don't reflow at all. const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); // XXX: perf question: why do we build "state" here? nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, innerFrame), GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, innerFrame), aFrameState); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE == display->mDisplay && treeItem) { state.mFrameManager->SetUndisplayedContent(aChild, styleContext); return NS_OK; } } if (prevSibling || innerFrame) { nsXULTreeGroupFrame* innerGroup = (nsXULTreeGroupFrame*) innerFrame; nsBoxLayoutState state(aPresContext); if (innerGroup) { // Good call. Make sure a full reflow happens. nsIFrame* nextSibling = FindNextSibling(shell, aContainer, aIndexInContainer); if (nextSibling) innerGroup->OnContentInserted(aPresContext, nextSibling, aIndexInContainer); else innerGroup->MarkDirtyChildren(state); } treeRowGroup->RegenerateRowGroupInfo(0); treeRowGroup->MarkDirtyChildren(state); } if (!treeRowGroup->IsBatching()) shell->FlushPendingNotifications(); return NS_OK; } } } } #endif // INCLUDE_XUL // If we have a null parent, then this must be the document element // being inserted if (nsnull == aContainer) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> docElement( dont_AddRef( mDocument->GetRootContent() ) ); if (aChild == docElement.get()) { NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull == mInitialContainingBlock, "initial containing block already created"); if (!mDocElementContainingBlock) return NS_OK; // We get into this situation when an XBL binding is asynchronously // applied to the root tag (e.g., <window> in XUL). It's ok. We can // just bail here because the root will really be built later during // InitialReflow. // Get the style context of the containing block frame nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> containerStyle; mDocElementContainingBlock->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(containerStyle)); // Create frames for the document element and its child elements nsIFrame* docElementFrame; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, nsnull, nsnull, aFrameState); ConstructDocElementFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, docElement, mDocElementContainingBlock, containerStyle, docElementFrame); // Set the initial child list for the parent mDocElementContainingBlock->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, docElementFrame); // Tell the fixed containing block about its 'fixed' frames if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { mFixedContainingBlock->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, state.mFixedItems.childList); } } nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); bm->ProcessAttachedQueue(); // otherwise this is not a child of the root element, and we // won't let it have a frame. } else { // If our container is null, we don't bother fetching previous and next siblings. nsIFrame* parentFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, aContainer); if (parentFrame) { // Find the frame that precedes the insertion point. nsIFrame* prevSibling = (aIndexInContainer == -1) ? FindPreviousAnonymousSibling(shell, aContainer, aChild) : FindPreviousSibling(shell, aContainer, aIndexInContainer); nsIFrame* nextSibling = nsnull; PRBool isAppend = PR_FALSE; // If there is no previous sibling, then find the frame that follows if (nsnull == prevSibling) { nextSibling = (aIndexInContainer == -1) ? FindNextAnonymousSibling(shell, aContainer, aChild) : FindNextSibling(shell, aContainer, aIndexInContainer); } // Get the geometric parent. Use the prev sibling if we have it; // otherwise use the next sibling if (!prevSibling && !nextSibling) { // No previous or next sibling so treat this like an appended frame. isAppend = PR_TRUE; // If we didn't process children when we originally created the frame, // then don't do any processing now nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; parentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::objectFrame) { // This handles APPLET, EMBED, and OBJECT return NS_OK; } } // If the frame we are manipulating is a special frame then do // something different instead of just inserting newly created // frames. if (IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) { // We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we // wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from // scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special // inline frame has propogated some of its children upward to be // children of the block and that those frames may need to move // around. This logic guarantees a correct answer. #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted: parentFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame); printf(" is special\n"); } #endif return ReframeContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame); } nsFrameItems frameItems; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), aFrameState); // Recover state for the containing block - we need to know if // it has :first-letter or :first-line style applied to it. The // reason we care is that the internal structure in these cases // is not the normal structure and requires custom updating // logic. nsIFrame* containingBlock = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle = PR_FALSE; PRBool haveFirstLineStyle = PR_FALSE; // In order to shave off some cycles, we only dig up the // containing block haveFirst* flags if the parent frame where // the insertion/append is occuring is an inline or block // container. For other types of containers this isn't relevant. const nsStyleDisplay* parentDisplay; parentFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)parentDisplay); // Examine the parentFrame where the insertion is taking // place. If its a certain kind of container then some special // processing is done. if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == parentDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM == parentDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == parentDisplay->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK == parentDisplay->mDisplay)) { // Recover the special style flags for the containing block containingBlock->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); containingBlock->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, blockContent, blockSC, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); if (haveFirstLetterStyle) { // Get the correct parentFrame and prevSibling - if a // letter-frame is present, use its parent. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> parentFrameType; parentFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(parentFrameType)); if (parentFrameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::letterFrame) { if (prevSibling) { prevSibling = parentFrame; } parentFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); } // Remove the old letter frames before doing the insertion RemoveLetterFrames(aPresContext, state.mPresShell, state.mFrameManager, state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock); } } // If the frame we are manipulating is a special inline frame // then do something different instead of just inserting newly // created frames. if (IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) { // We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we // wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from // scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special // inline frame has propogated some of its children upward to be // children of the block and that those frames may need to move // around. This logic guarantees a correct answer. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContainer; blockContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parentContainer)); #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted: parentFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame); printf(" is special inline\n"); printf(" ==> blockContent=%p, parentContainer=%p\n", blockContent.get(), parentContainer.get()); } #endif if (parentContainer) { PRInt32 ix; parentContainer->IndexOf(blockContent, ix); ContentReplaced(aPresContext, parentContainer, blockContent, blockContent, ix); } else { // XXX uh oh. the block that needs reworking has no parent... } return NS_OK; } rv = ConstructFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, aChild, parentFrame, frameItems); nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); bm->ProcessAttachedQueue(); // process the current pseudo frame state if (!state.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, state.mPseudoFrames, frameItems); } // XXX Bug 19949 // Although select frame are inline we do not want to call // WipeContainingBlock because it will throw away the entire select frame and // start over which is something we do not want to do // nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectContent(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); if (!selectContent) { // Perform special check for diddling around with the frames in // a special inline frame. if (WipeContainingBlock(aPresContext, state, blockContent, parentFrame, frameItems.childList)) { return NS_OK; } } if (haveFirstLineStyle) { // It's possible that the new frame goes into a first-line // frame. Look at it and see... if (isAppend) { // Use append logic when appending AppendFirstLineFrames(shell, aPresContext, state, aContainer, parentFrame, frameItems); } else { // Use more complicated insert logic when inserting InsertFirstLineFrames(aPresContext, state, aContainer, containingBlock, &parentFrame, prevSibling, frameItems); } } nsIFrame* newFrame = frameItems.childList; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (nsnull != newFrame)) { // Notify the parent frame if (isAppend) { rv = AppendFrames(aPresContext, shell, state.mFrameManager, aContainer, parentFrame, newFrame); } else { if (!prevSibling) { // We're inserting the new frame as the first child. See if the // parent has a :before pseudo-element nsIFrame* firstChild; parentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &firstChild); if (firstChild && IsGeneratedContentFor(aContainer, firstChild, nsCSSAtoms::beforePseudo)) { // Insert the new frames after the :before pseudo-element prevSibling = firstChild; } } // check for a table caption which goes on an additional child list nsIFrame* outerTableFrame; if (GetCaptionAdjustedParent(parentFrame, newFrame, &outerTableFrame)) { rv = state.mFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, outerTableFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, newFrame); } else { rv = state.mFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsnull, prevSibling, newFrame); } } // If there are new absolutely positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { rv = state.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, state.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } // If there are new fixed positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFixedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, state.mFixedItems.childList); } // If there are new floating child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFloatedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, state.mFloatedItems.childList); } if (haveFirstLetterStyle) { // Recover the letter frames for the containing block when // it has first-letter style. RecoverLetterFrames(shell, aPresContext, state, state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock); } } } // Here we have been notified that content has been insert // so if the select now has a single item // we need to go in and removed the dummy frame nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectElement; nsresult result = aContainer->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement), (void**)getter_AddRefs(selectElement)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && selectElement) { RemoveDummyFrameFromSelect(aPresContext, shell, aContainer, aChild, selectElement); } } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentReplaced(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aOldChild, nsIContent* aNewChild, PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) { // XXX For now, do a brute force remove and insert. nsresult res = ContentRemoved(aPresContext, aContainer, aOldChild, aIndexInContainer); if (NS_OK == res) { res = ContentInserted(aPresContext, aContainer, aNewChild, aIndexInContainer, nsnull); } return res; } // Returns PR_TRUE if aAncestorFrame is an ancestor frame of aFrame static PRBool IsAncestorFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aAncestorFrame) { nsIFrame* parentFrame; aFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); while (parentFrame) { if (parentFrame == aAncestorFrame) { return PR_TRUE; } parentFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); } return PR_FALSE; } /** * Called to delete a frame subtree. Two important things happen: * 1. for each frame in the subtree we remove the mapping from the * content object to its frame * 2. for child frames that have been moved out of the flow we delete * the out-of-flow frame as well * * Note: this function should only be called by DeletingFrameSubtree() * * @param aRemovedFrame this is the frame that was removed from the * content model. As we recurse we need to remember this so we * can check if out-of-flow frames are a descendent of the frame * being removed * @param aFrame the local subtree that is being deleted. This is initially * the same as aRemovedFrame, but as we recurse down the tree * this changes */ static nsresult DoDeletingFrameSubtree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aRemovedFrame, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(aFrameManager, "no frame manager"); // Remove the mapping from the content object to its frame nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; aFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); if ( content ) { aFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, nsnull); aFrameManager->ClearAllUndisplayedContentIn(content); } // Walk aFrame's child frames nsIAtom* childListName = nsnull; PRInt32 childListIndex = 0; do { // Recursively walk aFrame's child frames looking for placeholder frames nsIFrame* childFrame; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, childListName, &childFrame); while (childFrame) { nsIAtom* frameType; PRBool isPlaceholder; // See if it's a placeholder frame childFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); isPlaceholder = (nsLayoutAtoms::placeholderFrame == frameType); NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); if (isPlaceholder) { // Get the out-of-flow frame nsIFrame* outOfFlowFrame = ((nsPlaceholderFrame*)childFrame)->GetOutOfFlowFrame(); NS_ASSERTION(outOfFlowFrame, "no out-of-flow frame"); // Remove the mapping from the out-of-flow frame to its placeholder aFrameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(outOfFlowFrame, nsnull); // Recursively find and delete any of its out-of-flow frames, and remove // the mapping from content objects to frames DoDeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, aRemovedFrame, outOfFlowFrame); // Don't delete the out-of-flow frame if aRemovedFrame is one of its // ancestor frames, because when aRemovedFrame is deleted it will delete // its child frames including this out-of-flow frame if (!IsAncestorFrame(outOfFlowFrame, aRemovedFrame)) { // Get the out-of-flow frame's parent nsIFrame* parentFrame; outOfFlowFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); // Get the child list name for the out-of-flow frame nsIAtom* listName; GetChildListNameFor(aPresContext, parentFrame, outOfFlowFrame, &listName); // Ask the parent to delete the out-of-flow frame aFrameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, parentFrame, listName, outOfFlowFrame); NS_IF_RELEASE(listName); } } else { // Recursively find and delete any of its out-of-flow frames, and remove // the mapping from content objects to frames DoDeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, aRemovedFrame, childFrame); } // Get the next sibling child frame childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame); } // Look for any additional named child lists NS_IF_RELEASE(childListName); aFrame->GetAdditionalChildListName(childListIndex++, &childListName); } while (childListName); return NS_OK; } /** * Called to delete a frame subtree. Calls DoDeletingFrameSubtree() * for aFrame and each of its continuing frames */ static nsresult DeletingFrameSubtree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame) { // If there's no frame manager it's probably because the pres shell is // being destroyed if (aFrameManager) { while (aFrame) { // If it's a "special" block-in-inline frame, then we need to // remember to delete our special siblings, too. if (IsFrameSpecial(aFrame)) { nsIFrame* specialSibling; GetSpecialSibling(aFrameManager, aFrame, &specialSibling); DeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, specialSibling); } DoDeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, aFrame, aFrame); // If it's split, then get the continuing frame. Note that we only do // this for the top-most frame being deleted. Don't do it if we're // recursing over a subtree, because those continuing frames should be // found as part of the walk over the top-most frame's continuing frames. // Walking them again will make this an N^2/2 algorithm aFrame->GetNextInFlow(&aFrame); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveMappingsForFrameSubtree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aRemovedFrame, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; presShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); // Save the frame tree's state before deleting it CaptureStateFor(aPresContext, aRemovedFrame, mTempFrameTreeState); return DeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, presShell, frameManager, aRemovedFrame); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aChild, PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) { #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved container=%p child=%p index=%d\n", aContainer, aChild, aIndexInContainer); if (gReallyNoisyContentUpdates) { aContainer->List(stdout, 0); } } #endif nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; shell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Find the child frame that maps the content nsIFrame* childFrame; shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aChild, &childFrame); if (! childFrame) { frameManager->ClearUndisplayedContentIn(aChild, aContainer); } // When the last item is removed from a select, // we need to add a pseudo frame so select gets sized as the best it can // so here we see if it is a select and then we get the number of options nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (aContainer && childFrame) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectElement; result = aContainer->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement), (void**)getter_AddRefs(selectElement)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && selectElement) { PRUint32 numOptions = 0; result = selectElement->GetLength(&numOptions); nsIFrame * selectFrame; // XXX temp needed only native controls shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContainer, &selectFrame);// XXX temp needed only native controls // For "select" add the pseudo frame after the last item is deleted nsIFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; childFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); if (parentFrame == selectFrame) { // XXX temp needed only native controls return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && shell && parentFrame && 1 == numOptions) { nsIStyleContext* styleContext = nsnull; nsIFrame* generatedFrame = nsnull; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull); //shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContainer, &contentFrame); parentFrame->GetStyleContext(&styleContext); if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(shell, aPresContext, state, parentFrame, aContainer, styleContext, nsLayoutAtoms::dummyOptionPseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list frameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsnull, generatedFrame); } NS_IF_RELEASE(styleContext); } } } #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (aContainer) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bindingManager; PRInt32 namespaceID; aContainer->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (doc) { doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); bindingManager->ResolveTag(aContainer, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); } else aContainer->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); PRBool treeChildren = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treechildren; PRBool treeItem = tag && tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treeitem; if (treeChildren || treeItem) { PRInt32 onScreenDelta = 0; if (childFrame) { // Convert to a tree row group frame. nsIFrame* parentFrame; childFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); nsXULTreeGroupFrame* treeRowGroup = (nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)parentFrame; if (treeRowGroup) { treeRowGroup->OnContentRemoved(aPresContext, childFrame, aIndexInContainer, onScreenDelta); } } { // Ensure that we notify the outermost row group that the item // has been removed (so that we can update the scrollbar state). // Walk up to the outermost tree row group frame and tell it that // the scrollbar thumb should be updated. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = dont_QueryInterface(aContainer); while (content) { bindingManager->ResolveTag(content, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::tree) break; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> temp = content; temp->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(content)); } if (!content) return NS_OK; nsIFrame* outerFrame = GetFrameFor(shell, aPresContext, content); if (outerFrame) { // We found it. Get the primary frame. nsXULTreeFrame* tree = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsXULTreeFrame*, outerFrame); // Convert to a tree row group frame. nsXULTreeOuterGroupFrame* treeRowGroup; tree->GetTreeBody(&treeRowGroup); if (treeRowGroup) { // If a tree item is removed, try to find an item we can use // to detect if the removed item was above our current scroll // position. treeRowGroup->RegenerateRowGroupInfo(onScreenDelta); nsBoxLayoutState state(aPresContext); treeRowGroup->MarkDirtyChildren(state); if (!treeRowGroup->IsBatching()) shell->FlushPendingNotifications(); } return NS_OK; } } } } #endif // INCLUDE_XUL if (childFrame) { // If the frame we are manipulating is a special frame then do // something different instead of just inserting newly created // frames. if (IsFrameSpecial(childFrame)) { // We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we // wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from // scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special // inline frame has propogated some of its children upward to be // children of the block and that those frames may need to move // around. This logic guarantees a correct answer. #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved: childFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, childFrame); printf(" is special\n"); } #endif return ReframeContainingBlock(aPresContext, childFrame); } // Get the childFrame's parent frame nsIFrame* parentFrame; childFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); // Examine the containing-block for the removed content and see if // :first-letter style applies. nsIFrame* containingBlock = GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; containingBlock->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; containingBlock->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); PRBool haveFLS = HaveFirstLetterStyle(aPresContext, blockContent, blockSC); if (haveFLS) { // Trap out to special routine that handles adjusting a blocks // frame tree when first-letter style is present. #ifdef NOISY_FIRST_LETTER printf("ContentRemoved: containingBlock="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, containingBlock); printf(" parentFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame); printf(" childFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, childFrame); printf("\n"); #endif // First update the containing blocks structure by removing the // existing letter frames. This makes the subsequent logic // simpler. RemoveLetterFrames(aPresContext, shell, frameManager, containingBlock); // Recover childFrame and parentFrame shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aChild, &childFrame); if (!childFrame) { frameManager->ClearUndisplayedContentIn(aChild, aContainer); return NS_OK; } childFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); #ifdef NOISY_FIRST_LETTER printf(" ==> revised parentFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, parentFrame); printf(" childFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, childFrame); printf("\n"); #endif } // Walk the frame subtree deleting any out-of-flow frames, and // remove the mapping from content objects to frames DeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, shell, frameManager, childFrame); // See if the child frame is a floating frame // (positioned frames are handled below in the "else" clause) const nsStyleDisplay* display; childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&)display); if (display->IsFloating()) { #ifdef NOISY_FIRST_LETTER printf(" ==> child display is still floating!\n"); #endif // Get the placeholder frame nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; frameManager->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(childFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Remove the mapping from the frame to its placeholder frameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(childFrame, nsnull); // Now we remove the floating frame // XXX has to be done first for now: the blocks line list // contains an array of pointers to the placeholder - we have to // remove the floater first (which gets rid of the lines // reference to the placeholder and floater) and then remove the // placeholder rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, childFrame); // Remove the placeholder frame first (XXX second for now) (so // that it doesn't retain a dangling pointer to memory) if (nsnull != placeholderFrame) { placeholderFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); DeletingFrameSubtree(aPresContext, shell, frameManager, placeholderFrame); rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsnull, placeholderFrame); } } else { // See if it's absolutely or fixed positioned const nsStylePosition* position; childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position, (const nsStyleStruct*&)position); if (position->IsAbsolutelyPositioned()) { // Get the placeholder frame nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; frameManager->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(childFrame, &placeholderFrame); // Remove the mapping from the frame to its placeholder frameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(childFrame, nsnull); // Generate two notifications. First for the absolutely positioned // frame rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, (NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED == position->mPosition) ? nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList : nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, childFrame); // Now the placeholder frame if (nsnull != placeholderFrame) { placeholderFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsnull, placeholderFrame); } } else { // Notify the parent frame that it should delete the frame // check for a table caption which goes on an additional child list with a different parent nsIFrame* outerTableFrame; if (GetCaptionAdjustedParent(parentFrame, childFrame, &outerTableFrame)) { rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, outerTableFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::captionList, childFrame); } else { rv = frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *shell, parentFrame, nsnull, childFrame); } } } if (mInitialContainingBlock == childFrame) { mInitialContainingBlock = nsnull; } if (haveFLS && mInitialContainingBlock) { nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame), nsnull); RecoverLetterFrames(shell, aPresContext, state, containingBlock); } } return rv; } static void ApplyRenderingChangeToTree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIViewManager* aViewManager); static void SyncAndInvalidateView(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIView* aView, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIViewManager* aViewManager) { const nsStyleColor* color; const nsStyleDisplay* disp; aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color, (const nsStyleStruct*&) color); aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct*&) disp); aViewManager->SetViewOpacity(aView, color->mOpacity); // See if the view should be hidden or visible PRBool viewIsVisible = PR_TRUE; PRBool viewHasTransparentContent = (color->mBackgroundFlags & NS_STYLE_BG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT) == NS_STYLE_BG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; if (NS_STYLE_VISIBILITY_COLLAPSE == disp->mVisible) { viewIsVisible = PR_FALSE; } else if (NS_STYLE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN == disp->mVisible) { // If it has a widget, hide the view because the widget can't deal with it nsIWidget* widget = nsnull; aView->GetWidget(widget); if (widget) { viewIsVisible = PR_FALSE; NS_RELEASE(widget); } else { // If it's a scroll frame, then hide the view. This means that // child elements can't override their parent's visibility, but // it's not practical to leave it visible in all cases because // the scrollbars will be showing nsIAtom* frameType; aFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (frameType == nsLayoutAtoms::scrollFrame) { viewIsVisible = PR_FALSE; } else { // If it's a container element, then leave the view visible, but // mark it as having transparent content. The reason we need to // do this is that child elements can override their parent's // hidden visibility and be visible anyway nsIFrame* firstChild; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &firstChild); if (firstChild) { // It's not a left frame, so the view needs to be visible, but // marked as having transparent content viewHasTransparentContent = PR_TRUE; } else { // It's a leaf frame so go ahead and hide the view viewIsVisible = PR_FALSE; } } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); } } // If the frame has visible content that overflows the content area, then we // need the view marked as having transparent content if (NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE == disp->mOverflow) { nsFrameState frameState; aFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); if (frameState & NS_FRAME_OUTSIDE_CHILDREN) { viewHasTransparentContent = PR_TRUE; } } if (viewIsVisible) { aViewManager->SetViewContentTransparency(aView, viewHasTransparentContent); aViewManager->SetViewVisibility(aView, nsViewVisibility_kShow); aViewManager->UpdateView(aView, NS_VMREFRESH_NO_SYNC); } else { aViewManager->SetViewVisibility(aView, nsViewVisibility_kHide); } } static void UpdateViewsForTree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIViewManager* aViewManager, nsRect& aBoundsRect) { nsIView* view; aFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); if (view) { SyncAndInvalidateView(aPresContext, view, aFrame, aViewManager); } nsRect bounds; aFrame->GetRect(bounds); nsPoint parentOffset(bounds.x, bounds.y); bounds.x = 0; bounds.y = 0; // now do children of frame PRInt32 listIndex = 0; nsIAtom* childList = nsnull; nsIAtom* frameType = nsnull; do { nsIFrame* child = nsnull; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, childList, &child); while (child) { nsFrameState childState; child->GetFrameState(&childState); if (NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW != (childState & NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW)) { // only do frames that are in flow child->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::placeholderFrame == frameType) { // placeholder // get out of flow frame and start over there nsIFrame* outOfFlowFrame = ((nsPlaceholderFrame*)child)->GetOutOfFlowFrame(); NS_ASSERTION(outOfFlowFrame, "no out-of-flow frame"); ApplyRenderingChangeToTree(aPresContext, outOfFlowFrame, aViewManager); } else { // regular frame nsRect childBounds; UpdateViewsForTree(aPresContext, child, aViewManager, childBounds); bounds.UnionRect(bounds, childBounds); } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); } child->GetNextSibling(&child); } NS_IF_RELEASE(childList); aFrame->GetAdditionalChildListName(listIndex++, &childList); } while (childList); NS_IF_RELEASE(childList); aBoundsRect = bounds; aBoundsRect += parentOffset; } static void ApplyRenderingChangeToTree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIViewManager* aViewManager) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); PRBool isPaintingSuppressed = PR_FALSE; shell->IsPaintingSuppressed(&isPaintingSuppressed); if (isPaintingSuppressed) return; // Don't allow synchronous rendering changes when painting is turned off. nsIViewManager* viewManager = aViewManager; // Trigger rendering updates by damaging this frame and any // continuations of this frame. // XXX this needs to detect the need for a view due to an opacity change and deal with it... if (viewManager) { NS_ADDREF(viewManager); // add local ref viewManager->BeginUpdateViewBatch(); } while (nsnull != aFrame) { // Get the frame's bounding rect nsRect invalidRect; nsPoint viewOffset; // Get view if this frame has one and trigger an update. If the // frame doesn't have a view, find the nearest containing view // (adjusting r's coordinate system to reflect the nesting) and // update there. nsIView* view = nsnull; aFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); nsIView* parentView; if (! view) { // XXX can view have children outside it? aFrame->GetOffsetFromView(aPresContext, viewOffset, &parentView); NS_ASSERTION(nsnull != parentView, "no view"); if (! viewManager) { parentView->GetViewManager(viewManager); viewManager->BeginUpdateViewBatch(); } } else { if (! viewManager) { view->GetViewManager(viewManager); viewManager->BeginUpdateViewBatch(); } } UpdateViewsForTree(aPresContext, aFrame, viewManager, invalidRect); if (! view) { // if frame has view, will already be invalidated // XXX Instead of calling this we should really be calling // Invalidate on on the nsFrame (which does this) const nsStyleOutline* outline; aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Outline, (const nsStyleStruct*&)outline); nscoord width; outline->GetOutlineWidth(width); if (width > 0) { invalidRect.Inflate(width, width); } nsPoint frameOrigin; aFrame->GetOrigin(frameOrigin); invalidRect -= frameOrigin; invalidRect += viewOffset; viewManager->UpdateView(parentView, invalidRect, NS_VMREFRESH_NO_SYNC); } aFrame->GetNextInFlow(&aFrame); } if (viewManager) { viewManager->EndUpdateViewBatch(NS_VMREFRESH_NO_SYNC); NS_RELEASE(viewManager); } } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleChangeReflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIAtom* aAttribute) { // Is it a box? If so we can coelesce. nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIBox> box = do_QueryInterface(aFrame, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && box) { nsBoxLayoutState state(aPresContext); box->MarkStyleChange(state); } else if (IsFrameSpecial(aFrame)) { // We are pretty harsh here (and definitely not optimal) -- we // wipe out the entire containing block and recreate it from // scratch. The reason is that because we know that a special // inline frame has propogated some of its children upward to be // children of the block and that those frames may need to move // around. This logic guarantees a correct answer. #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleChangeReflow: aFrame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, aFrame); printf(" is special\n"); } #endif ReframeContainingBlock(aPresContext, aFrame); } else { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd; rv = NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, aFrame, nsIReflowCommand::StyleChanged, nsnull, aAttribute); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { shell->AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd); NS_RELEASE(reflowCmd); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsISupports* aSubContent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Find the child frame nsIFrame* frame; shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, &frame); // Notify the first frame that maps the content. It will generate a reflow // command // It's possible the frame whose content changed isn't inserted into the // frame hierarchy yet, or that there is no frame that maps the content if (nsnull != frame) { #if 0 NS_FRAME_LOG(NS_FRAME_TRACE_CALLS, ("nsHTMLStyleSheet::ContentChanged: content=%p[%s] subcontent=%p frame=%p", aContent, ContentTag(aContent, 0), aSubContent, frame)); #endif // Special check for text content that is a child of a letter // frame. There are two interesting cases that we have to handle // carefully: text content that is going empty (which means we // should select a new text node as the first-letter text) or text // content that empty but is no longer empty (it might be the // first-letter text but isn't currently). // // To deal with both of these we make a simple change: map a // ContentChanged into a ContentReplaced when we are changing text // that is part of a first-letter situation. PRBool doContentChanged = PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtr<nsITextContent> textContent(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); if (textContent) { // Ok, it's text content. Now do some real work... nsIFrame* block = GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, frame); if (block) { // See if the block has first-letter style applied to it. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; block->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; block->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle = HaveFirstLetterStyle(aPresContext, blockContent, blockSC); if (haveFirstLetterStyle) { // The block has first-letter style. Use content-replaced to // repair the blocks frame structure properly. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> container; aContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(container)); if (container) { PRInt32 ix; container->IndexOf(aContent, ix); doContentChanged = PR_FALSE; rv = ContentReplaced(aPresContext, container, aContent, aContent, ix); } } } } if (doContentChanged) { frame->ContentChanged(aPresContext, aContent, aSubContent); } } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessRestyledFrames(nsStyleChangeList& aChangeList, nsIPresContext* aPresContext) { PRInt32 count = aChangeList.Count(); while (0 < count--) { nsIFrame* frame; nsIContent* content; PRInt32 hint; aChangeList.ChangeAt(count, frame, content, hint); switch (hint) { case NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL: NS_ERROR("This shouldn't happen"); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, content); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: StyleChangeReflow(aPresContext, frame, nsnull); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: ApplyRenderingChangeToTree(aPresContext, frame, nsnull); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: default: break; } } aChangeList.Clear(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentStatesChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent1, nsIContent* aContent2) { nsresult result = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); NS_ASSERTION(shell, "couldn't get pres shell"); if (shell) { nsIStyleSet* styleSet; shell->GetStyleSet(&styleSet); NS_ASSERTION(styleSet, "couldn't get style set"); if (styleSet) { // test if any style rules exist which are dependent on content state nsIFrame* primaryFrame1 = nsnull; nsIFrame* primaryFrame2 = nsnull; if (aContent1 && (NS_OK == styleSet->HasStateDependentStyle(aPresContext, aContent1))) { shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent1, &primaryFrame1); } else { aContent1 = nsnull; } if (aContent2 && (aContent2 != aContent1) && (NS_OK == styleSet->HasStateDependentStyle(aPresContext, aContent2))) { shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent2, &primaryFrame2); } else { aContent2 = nsnull; } NS_RELEASE(styleSet); if (primaryFrame1 && primaryFrame2) { // detect if one is parent of other, skip child nsIFrame* parent; primaryFrame1->GetParent(&parent); while (parent) { if (parent == primaryFrame2) { // frame2 is frame1's parent, skip frame1 primaryFrame1 = nsnull; break; } parent->GetParent(&parent); } if (primaryFrame1) { primaryFrame2->GetParent(&parent); while (parent) { if (parent == primaryFrame1) { // frame1 is frame2's parent, skip frame2 primaryFrame2 = nsnull; break; } parent->GetParent(&parent); } } } nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; shell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); if (primaryFrame1) { nsStyleChangeList changeList1; nsStyleChangeList changeList2; PRInt32 frameChange1 = NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE; PRInt32 frameChange2 = NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE; frameManager->ComputeStyleChangeFor(aPresContext, primaryFrame1, kNameSpaceID_Unknown, nsnull, changeList1, NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE, frameChange1); if ((frameChange1 != NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL) && (primaryFrame2)) { frameManager->ComputeStyleChangeFor(aPresContext, primaryFrame2, kNameSpaceID_Unknown, nsnull, changeList2, NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE, frameChange2); } if ((frameChange1 == NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL) || (frameChange2 == NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL)) { result = ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); } else { switch (frameChange1) { case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent1); changeList1.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: // let primary frame deal with it result = primaryFrame1->ContentStateChanged(aPresContext, aContent1, frameChange1); default: break; } switch (frameChange2) { case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent2); changeList2.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: // let primary frame deal with it result = primaryFrame2->ContentStateChanged(aPresContext, aContent2, frameChange2); // then process any children that need it default: break; } ProcessRestyledFrames(changeList1, aPresContext); ProcessRestyledFrames(changeList2, aPresContext); } } else if (primaryFrame2) { nsStyleChangeList changeList; PRInt32 frameChange = NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE; frameManager->ComputeStyleChangeFor(aPresContext, primaryFrame2, kNameSpaceID_Unknown, nsnull, changeList, NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE, frameChange); switch (frameChange) { // max change needed for top level frames case NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL: result = ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); changeList.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent2); changeList.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: // let primary frame deal with it result = primaryFrame2->ContentStateChanged(aPresContext, aContent2, frameChange); // then process any children that need it default: break; } ProcessRestyledFrames(changeList, aPresContext); } else { // no frames, reconstruct for content if (aContent1) { result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent1); } if (aContent2) { result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent2); } } } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::AttributeChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, PRInt32 aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aAttribute, PRInt32 aHint) { nsresult result = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsIFrame* primaryFrame; shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, &primaryFrame); PRBool reconstruct = PR_FALSE; PRBool restyle = PR_FALSE; PRBool reframe = PR_FALSE; #if 0 NS_FRAME_LOG(NS_FRAME_TRACE_CALLS, ("HTMLStyleSheet::AttributeChanged: content=%p[%s] frame=%p", aContent, ContentTag(aContent, 0), frame)); #endif // the style tag has its own interpretation based on aHint if (NS_STYLE_HINT_UNKNOWN == aHint) { nsIStyledContent* styledContent; result = aContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIStyledContent), (void**)&styledContent); if (NS_OK == result) { // Get style hint from HTML content object. styledContent->GetMappedAttributeImpact(aAttribute, aHint); NS_RELEASE(styledContent); } } switch (aHint) { default: case NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL: reconstruct = PR_TRUE; case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: reframe = PR_TRUE; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: case NS_STYLE_HINT_UNKNOWN: case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: case NS_STYLE_HINT_AURAL: restyle = PR_TRUE; break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE: case NS_STYLE_HINT_ATTRCHANGE: break; } #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL // The following tree widget trap prevents offscreen tree widget // content from being removed and re-inserted (which is what would // happen otherwise). if (!primaryFrame && !reframe) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (doc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bindingManager; doc->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bindingManager)); PRInt32 namespaceID; bindingManager->ResolveTag(aContent, &namespaceID, getter_AddRefs(tag)); } else aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (tag && (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treechildren || (tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treeitem && aAttribute != nsXULAtoms::open) || tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treerow || tag.get() == nsXULAtoms::treecell)) return NS_OK; } #endif // INCLUDE_XUL // apply changes if (primaryFrame && aHint == NS_STYLE_HINT_ATTRCHANGE) result = primaryFrame->AttributeChanged(aPresContext, aContent, aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, aHint); else if (PR_TRUE == reconstruct) { result = ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); } else if (PR_TRUE == reframe) { result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent); } else if (PR_TRUE == restyle) { // If there is no frame then there is no point in re-styling it, // is there? if (primaryFrame) { PRInt32 maxHint = aHint; nsStyleChangeList changeList; // put primary frame on list to deal with, re-resolve may update or add next in flows changeList.AppendChange(primaryFrame, aContent, maxHint); nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; shell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); PRBool affects; frameManager->AttributeAffectsStyle(aAttribute, aContent, affects); if (affects) { #ifdef DEBUG_shaver fputc('+', stderr); #endif // there is an effect, so compute it frameManager->ComputeStyleChangeFor(aPresContext, primaryFrame, aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, changeList, aHint, maxHint); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_shaver fputc('-', stderr); #endif // let this frame update itself, but don't walk the whole frame tree maxHint = NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL; } switch (maxHint) { // maxHint is hint for primary only case NS_STYLE_HINT_RECONSTRUCT_ALL: result = ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); changeList.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent); changeList.Clear(); break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: // first check if it is a background change: // - if it is then we may need to notify the canvas frame // so it can take care of invalidating the whole canvas if (aAttribute == nsHTMLAtoms::bgcolor || aAttribute == nsHTMLAtoms::background) { // see if the content element is the root (HTML) or BODY element // NOTE: the assumption here is that the background color or image on // the BODY or HTML element need to have the canvas frame invalidate // so the entire visible regions gets painted nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> rootContent; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; rootContent = getter_AddRefs(mDocument->GetRootContent()); aContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); if (aContent == rootContent.get() || // content is the root (HTML) parentContent == rootContent ) { // content's parent is root (BODY) // Walk the frame tree up and find the canvas frame nsIFrame *pCanvasFrameCandidate = nsnull; primaryFrame->GetParent(&pCanvasFrameCandidate); while (pCanvasFrameCandidate) { if (IsCanvasFrame(pCanvasFrameCandidate)) { pCanvasFrameCandidate->AttributeChanged(aPresContext,aContent,aNameSpaceID,aAttribute,maxHint); break; } else { pCanvasFrameCandidate->GetParent(&pCanvasFrameCandidate); } } } } // let the frame deal with it, since we don't know how to result = primaryFrame->AttributeChanged(aPresContext, aContent, aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, maxHint); default: break; } // handle any children (primary may be on list too) ProcessRestyledFrames(changeList, aPresContext); } else { // no frame now, possibly genetate one with new style data result = RecreateFramesForContent(aPresContext, aContent); } } return result; } // Style change notifications NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleRuleChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet, nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule, PRInt32 aHint) { nsresult result = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsIFrame* frame; shell->GetRootFrame(&frame); if (!frame) { return NS_OK; } PRBool reframe = PR_FALSE; PRBool reflow = PR_FALSE; PRBool render = PR_FALSE; PRBool restyle = PR_FALSE; switch (aHint) { default: case NS_STYLE_HINT_UNKNOWN: case NS_STYLE_HINT_FRAMECHANGE: reframe = PR_TRUE; case NS_STYLE_HINT_REFLOW: reflow = PR_TRUE; case NS_STYLE_HINT_VISUAL: render = PR_TRUE; case NS_STYLE_HINT_CONTENT: case NS_STYLE_HINT_AURAL: restyle = PR_TRUE; break; case NS_STYLE_HINT_NONE: break; } if (restyle) { nsIStyleContext* sc; frame->GetStyleContext(&sc); sc->RemapStyle(aPresContext); NS_RELEASE(sc); } if (reframe) { result = ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); } else { // XXX hack, skip the root and scrolling frames frame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); frame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); if (reflow) { StyleChangeReflow(aPresContext, frame, nsnull); } else if (render) { ApplyRenderingChangeToTree(aPresContext, frame, nsnull); } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleRuleAdded(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet, nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule) { // XXX TBI: should query rule for impact and do minimal work ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::StyleRuleRemoved(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet, nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule) { // XXX TBI: should query rule for impact and do minimal work ReconstructDocElementHierarchy(aPresContext); return NS_OK; } static void GetAlternateTextFor(nsIContent* aContent, nsIAtom* aTag, // content object's tag nsString& aAltText) { nsresult rv; // The "alt" attribute specifies alternate text that is rendered // when the image can not be displayed rv = aContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsHTMLAtoms::alt, aAltText); // If there's no "alt" attribute, then use the value of the "title" // attribute. Note that this is not the same as a value of "" if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_NOT_THERE == rv) { rv = aContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsHTMLAtoms::title, aAltText); // If there's no "alt" or "title" attribute, and aContent is an input // element, then use the value of the "value" attribute if ((NS_CONTENT_ATTR_NOT_THERE == rv) && (nsHTMLAtoms::input == aTag)) { rv = aContent->GetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsHTMLAtoms::value, aAltText); // If there's no "value" attribute either, then use the localized string // for "Submit" as the alternate text. if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_NOT_THERE == rv) { nsFormControlHelper::GetLocalizedString(nsFormControlHelper::GetHTMLPropertiesFileName(), "Submit", aAltText); } } } } // Construct an alternate frame to use when the image can't be rendered nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructAlternateFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame*& aFrame) { nsresult rv; nsAutoString altText; // Initialize OUT parameter aFrame = nsnull; // Get the alternate text to use nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); GetAlternateTextFor(aContent, tag, altText); // Create a text content element for the alternate text nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> altTextContent(do_CreateInstance(kTextNodeCID,&rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Set the content's text nsIDOMCharacterData* domData; altTextContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMCharacterData), (void**)&domData); domData->SetData(altText); NS_RELEASE(domData); // Set aContent as the parent content and set the document object nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> document; aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document)); altTextContent->SetParent(aContent); altTextContent->SetDocument(document, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // Create either an inline frame, block frame, or area frame nsIFrame* containerFrame; PRBool isOutOfFlow = PR_FALSE; const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); const nsStylePosition* position = (const nsStylePosition*) aStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (position->IsAbsolutelyPositioned()) { NS_NewAbsoluteItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); isOutOfFlow = PR_TRUE; } else if (display->IsFloating()) { NS_NewFloatingItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); isOutOfFlow = PR_TRUE; } else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK == display->mDisplay) { NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); } else { NS_NewInlineFrame(aPresShell, &containerFrame); } containerFrame->Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, containerFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // If the frame is out-of-flow, then mark it as such if (isOutOfFlow) { nsFrameState frameState; containerFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); containerFrame->SetFrameState(frameState | NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW); } // Create a text frame to display the alt-text. It gets a pseudo-element // style context nsIFrame* textFrame; nsIStyleContext* textStyleContext; NS_NewTextFrame(aPresShell, &textFrame); aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::textPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &textStyleContext); textFrame->Init(aPresContext, altTextContent, containerFrame, textStyleContext, nsnull); NS_RELEASE(textStyleContext); containerFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, textFrame); // Return the container frame aFrame = containerFrame; return NS_OK; } #ifdef NS_DEBUG static PRBool IsPlaceholderFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsIAtom* frameType; PRBool result; aFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); result = frameType == nsLayoutAtoms::placeholderFrame; NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); return result; } #endif static PRBool HasDisplayableChildren(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aContainerFrame) { // Returns 'true' if there are frames within aContainerFrame that // could be displayed in the frame list. NS_PRECONDITION(aContainerFrame != nsnull, "null ptr"); if (! aContainerFrame) return PR_FALSE; nsIFrame* frame; aContainerFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); while (frame) { // If it's not a text frame, then assume that it's displayable. nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; frame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() != nsLayoutAtoms::textFrame) return PR_TRUE; // Get the text content... nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; frame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); nsCOMPtr<nsITextContent> text = do_QueryInterface(content); NS_ASSERTION(text != nsnull, "oops, not an nsITextContent"); if (! text) return PR_TRUE; // Is it only whitespace? PRBool onlyWhitespace; text->IsOnlyWhitespace(&onlyWhitespace); // If not, then we have displayable content here. if (! onlyWhitespace) return PR_TRUE; // Otherwise, on to the next frame... frame->GetNextSibling(&frame); } // If we get here, then we've iterated through all the child frames, // and every one is a text frame containing whitespace. (Or, there // weren't any frames at all!) There is nothing to diplay. return PR_FALSE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::CantRenderReplacedElement(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsIFrame* parentFrame; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; nsresult rv = NS_OK; aFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); // Get aFrame's content object and the tag name aFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); NS_ASSERTION(content, "null content object"); content->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); // Get the child list name that the frame is contained in nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> listName; GetChildListNameFor(aPresContext, parentFrame, aFrame, getter_AddRefs(listName)); // If the frame is out of the flow, then it has a placeholder frame. nsIFrame* placeholderFrame = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); if (listName) { presShell->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(aFrame, &placeholderFrame); } // Get the previous sibling frame nsIFrame* firstChild; parentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, listName, &firstChild); nsFrameList frameList(firstChild); // See whether it's an IMG or an INPUT element (for image buttons) if (nsHTMLAtoms::img == tag.get() || nsHTMLAtoms::input == tag.get()) { // It's an IMG element. Try and construct an alternate frame to use when the // image can't be rendered nsIFrame* newFrame; rv = ConstructAlternateFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, content, styleContext, parentFrame, newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; presShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); // Replace the old frame with the new frame // Reset the primary frame mapping frameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, newFrame); if (placeholderFrame) { // Reuse the existing placeholder frame, and add an association to the // new frame frameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(newFrame, placeholderFrame); } // Replace the old frame with the new frame frameManager->ReplaceFrame(aPresContext, *presShell, parentFrame, listName, aFrame, newFrame); // Now that we've replaced the primary frame, if there's a placeholder // frame then complete the transition from image frame to new frame if (placeholderFrame) { // Remove the association between the old frame and its placeholder frameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(aFrame, nsnull); // Placeholder frames have a pointer back to the out-of-flow frame. // Make sure that's correct, too. ((nsPlaceholderFrame*)placeholderFrame)->SetOutOfFlowFrame(newFrame); // XXX Work around a bug in the block code where the floater won't get // reflowed unless the line containing the placeholder frame is reflowed... nsIFrame* placeholderParentFrame; placeholderFrame->GetParent(&placeholderParentFrame); placeholderParentFrame->ReflowDirtyChild(aPresShell, placeholderFrame); } } } else if ((nsHTMLAtoms::object == tag.get()) || (nsHTMLAtoms::embed == tag.get()) || (nsHTMLAtoms::applet == tag.get())) { // It's an OBJECT, EMBED, or APPLET, so we should display the contents // instead nsIFrame* absoluteContainingBlock; nsIFrame* floaterContainingBlock; nsIFrame* inFlowParent = parentFrame; // If the OBJECT frame is out-of-flow, then get the placeholder frame's // parent and use that when determining the absolute containing block and // floater containing block if (placeholderFrame) { placeholderFrame->GetParent(&inFlowParent); } absoluteContainingBlock = GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, inFlowParent); floaterContainingBlock = GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, inFlowParent); #ifdef NS_DEBUG // Verify that we calculated the same containing block if (listName.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList) { NS_ASSERTION(absoluteContainingBlock == parentFrame, "wrong absolute containing block"); } else if (listName.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList) { NS_ASSERTION(floaterContainingBlock == parentFrame, "wrong floater containing block"); } #endif // Now initialize the frame construction state nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, absoluteContainingBlock, floaterContainingBlock, nsnull); nsFrameItems frameItems; const nsStyleDisplay* display = NS_STATIC_CAST(const nsStyleDisplay*, styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display)); // Create a new frame based on the display type. // Note: if the old frame was out-of-flow, then so will the new frame // and we'll get a new placeholder frame rv = ConstructFrameByDisplayType(aPresShell, aPresContext, state, display, content, inFlowParent, styleContext, frameItems); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsIFrame* newFrame = frameItems.childList; if (nsHTMLAtoms::applet == tag.get() && !HasDisplayableChildren(aPresContext, newFrame)) { // If it's an <applet> tag without any displayable content, then // it may have "alt" text specified that we could use to render // text. Nuke the frames we just created, and use // ConstructAlternateFrame() to fix stuff up. nsFrameList list(newFrame); list.DestroyFrames(aPresContext); rv = ConstructAlternateFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, content, styleContext, parentFrame, newFrame); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (placeholderFrame) { // Remove the association between the old frame and its placeholder // Note: ConstructFrameByDisplayType() will already have added an // association for the new placeholder frame state.mFrameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(aFrame, nsnull); // Verify that the new frame is also a placeholder frame NS_ASSERTION(IsPlaceholderFrame(newFrame), "unexpected frame type"); // Replace the old placeholder frame with the new placeholder frame state.mFrameManager->ReplaceFrame(aPresContext, *presShell, inFlowParent, nsnull, placeholderFrame, newFrame); } // Replace the primary frame if (listName == nsnull) { if (IsInlineFrame(parentFrame) && !AreAllKidsInline(newFrame)) { // We're in the uncomfortable position of being an inline // that now contains a block. As in ConstructInline(), break // the newly constructed frames into three lists: the inline // frames before the first block frame (list1), the inline // frames after the last block frame (list3), and all the // frames between the first and last block frames (list2). nsIFrame* list1 = newFrame; nsIFrame* prevToFirstBlock; nsIFrame* list2 = FindFirstBlock(aPresContext, list1, &prevToFirstBlock); if (prevToFirstBlock) prevToFirstBlock->SetNextSibling(nsnull); else list1 = nsnull; nsIFrame* afterFirstBlock; list2->GetNextSibling(&afterFirstBlock); nsIFrame* lastBlock = FindLastBlock(aPresContext, afterFirstBlock); if (! lastBlock) lastBlock = list2; nsIFrame* list3 = nsnull; lastBlock->GetNextSibling(&list3); lastBlock->SetNextSibling(nsnull); // Create "special" inline-block linkage between the frames SetFrameIsSpecial(state.mFrameManager, list1, list2); SetFrameIsSpecial(state.mFrameManager, list2, list3); SetFrameIsSpecial(state.mFrameManager, list3, nsnull); // Recursively split inlines back up to the first containing // block frame. SplitToContainingBlock(aPresContext, state, parentFrame, list1, list2, list3, PR_FALSE); } } else if (listName.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList) { newFrame = state.mAbsoluteItems.childList; state.mAbsoluteItems.childList = nsnull; } else if (listName.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList) { newFrame = state.mFixedItems.childList; state.mFixedItems.childList = nsnull; } else if (listName.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList) { newFrame = state.mFloatedItems.childList; state.mFloatedItems.childList = nsnull; } state.mFrameManager->ReplaceFrame(aPresContext, *presShell, parentFrame, listName, aFrame, newFrame); // Reset the primary frame mapping. Don't assume that // ConstructFrameByDisplayType() has done this state.mFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, newFrame); // If there are new absolutely positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { rv = state.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *presShell, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, state.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } // If there are new fixed positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFixedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *presShell, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, state.mFixedItems.childList); } // If there are new floating child frames, then notify the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFloatedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *presShell, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, state.mFloatedItems.childList); } } } else if (nsHTMLAtoms::input == tag.get()) { // XXX image INPUT elements are also image frames, but don't throw away the // image frame, because the frame class has extra logic that is specific to // INPUT elements } else { NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "unexpected tag"); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateContinuingOuterTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame) { nsIFrame* newFrame; nsresult rv; rv = NS_NewTableOuterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Create a continuing inner table frame, and if there's a caption then // replicate the caption nsIFrame* childFrame; nsFrameItems newChildFrames; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &childFrame); while (childFrame) { nsIAtom* tableType; // See if it's the inner table frame childFrame->GetFrameType(&tableType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == tableType) { nsIFrame* continuingTableFrame; // It's the inner table frame, so create a continuing frame CreateContinuingFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, childFrame, newFrame, &continuingTableFrame); newChildFrames.AddChild(continuingTableFrame); } else { // XXX remove this code and the above checks. We don't want to replicate // the caption (that is what the thead is for). This code is not executed // anyway, because the caption was put in a different child list. nsIContent* caption; nsIStyleContext* captionStyle; const nsStyleDisplay* display; childFrame->GetContent(&caption); childFrame->GetStyleContext(&captionStyle); display = (const nsStyleDisplay*)captionStyle->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); NS_ASSERTION(NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION == display->mDisplay, "expected caption"); // Replicate the caption frame // XXX We have to do it this way instead of calling ConstructFrameByDisplayType(), // because of a bug in the way ConstructTableFrame() handles the initial child // list... nsIFrame* captionFrame; nsFrameItems childItems; NS_NewTableCaptionFrame(aPresShell, &captionFrame); nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, newFrame), captionFrame, nsnull); captionFrame->Init(aPresContext, caption, newFrame, captionStyle, nsnull); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, state, caption, captionFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE); captionFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // XXX Deal with absolute and fixed frames... if (state.mFloatedItems.childList) { captionFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, state.mFloatedItems.childList); } newChildFrames.AddChild(captionFrame); NS_RELEASE(caption); NS_RELEASE(captionStyle); } NS_IF_RELEASE(tableType); childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame); } // Set the outer table's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, newChildFrames.childList); } *aContinuingFrame = newFrame; return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateContinuingTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame) { nsIFrame* newFrame; nsresult rv; rv = NS_NewTableFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Replicate any header/footer frames nsIFrame* rowGroupFrame; nsFrameItems childFrames; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &rowGroupFrame); while (rowGroupFrame) { // See if it's a header/footer nsIStyleContext* rowGroupStyle; const nsStyleDisplay* display; rowGroupFrame->GetStyleContext(&rowGroupStyle); display = (const nsStyleDisplay*)rowGroupStyle->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if ((NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP == display->mDisplay) || (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP == display->mDisplay)) { // Replicate the header/footer frame if it is not too tall if (((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)rowGroupFrame)->IsRepeatable()) { nsIFrame* headerFooterFrame; nsFrameItems childItems; nsIContent* headerFooter; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, newFrame), nsnull, nsnull); NS_NewTableRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, &headerFooterFrame); rowGroupFrame->GetContent(&headerFooter); headerFooterFrame->Init(aPresContext, headerFooter, newFrame, rowGroupStyle, nsnull); nsTableCreator tableCreator(aPresShell); ProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, state, headerFooter, headerFooterFrame, PR_FALSE, childItems, PR_FALSE, &tableCreator); NS_ASSERTION(!state.mFloatedItems.childList, "unexpected floated element"); NS_RELEASE(headerFooter); headerFooterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)headerFooterFrame)->SetRepeatable(PR_TRUE); // Table specific initialization ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)headerFooterFrame)->InitRepeatedFrame (aPresContext, (nsTableRowGroupFrame*)rowGroupFrame); // XXX Deal with absolute and fixed frames... childFrames.AddChild(headerFooterFrame); } } NS_RELEASE(rowGroupStyle); // Get the next row group frame rowGroupFrame->GetNextSibling(&rowGroupFrame); } // Set the table frame's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childFrames.childList); } *aContinuingFrame = newFrame; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateContinuingFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame) { nsIAtom* frameType; nsIContent* content; nsIStyleContext* styleContext; nsIFrame* newFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv; // Use the frame type to determine what type of frame to create aFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); aFrame->GetContent(&content); aFrame->GetStyleContext(&styleContext); if (nsLayoutAtoms::textFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewContinuingTextFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::inlineFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewInlineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::blockFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::areaFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewAreaFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::positionedInlineFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewPositionedInlineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::pageFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewPageFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_TRUE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableOuterFrame == frameType) { rv = CreateContinuingOuterTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aParentFrame, content, styleContext, &newFrame); } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableFrame == frameType) { rv = CreateContinuingTableFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aFrame, aParentFrame, content, styleContext, &newFrame); } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewTableRowGroupFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewTableRowFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Create a continuing frame for each table cell frame nsIFrame* cellFrame; nsFrameItems newChildList; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &cellFrame); while (cellFrame) { nsIAtom* tableType; // See if it's a table cell frame cellFrame->GetFrameType(&tableType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == tableType) { nsIFrame* continuingCellFrame; CreateContinuingFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, cellFrame, newFrame, &continuingCellFrame); newChildList.AddChild(continuingCellFrame); } NS_IF_RELEASE(tableType); cellFrame->GetNextSibling(&cellFrame); } // Set the table cell's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, newChildList.childList); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewTableCellFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Create a continuing area frame nsIFrame* areaFrame; nsIFrame* continuingAreaFrame; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &areaFrame); CreateContinuingFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, areaFrame, newFrame, &continuingAreaFrame); // Set the table cell's initial child list newFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, continuingAreaFrame); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::lineFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewFirstLineFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else if (nsLayoutAtoms::letterFrame == frameType) { rv = NS_NewFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { newFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, aParentFrame, styleContext, aFrame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, newFrame, styleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); } } else { NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "unexpected frame type"); rv = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } *aContinuingFrame = newFrame; NS_RELEASE(styleContext); NS_IF_RELEASE(content); NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); return rv; } // Helper function that searches the immediate child frames // (and their children if the frames are "special") // for a frame that maps the specified content object nsIFrame* nsCSSFrameConstructor::FindFrameWithContent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIContent* aParentContent, nsIContent* aContent, nsFindFrameHint* aHint) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_totalCount++; printf("looking for content=%p, given aParentFrame %p parentContent %p, hint is %s\n", aContent, aParentFrame, aParentContent, aHint ? "set" : "NULL"); #endif NS_PRECONDITION(aParentFrame, "No frame to search!"); if (!aParentFrame) { return nsnull; } nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent = aParentContent; // because we might change this when using the hint PRBool firstTime = PR_TRUE; // marker to let us know to only use aHint the very first time through // must be declared outside loop and above goto label "keepLooking" keepLooking: // Search for the frame in each child list that aParentFrame supports nsIAtom* listName = nsnull; PRInt32 listIndex = 0; do { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_doLoop++; #endif nsIFrame* kidFrame=nsnull; if (aHint && firstTime) { // if we were given an hint, try to use it here, unless the parent frame is special if (!IsFrameSpecial(aParentFrame)) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf(" hint frame is %p\n", aHint->mPrimaryFrameForPrevSibling); #endif kidFrame = aHint->mPrimaryFrameForPrevSibling; // start with the primary frame for aContent's previous sibling if (kidFrame) { // if we have this kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame); // then use the next sibling frame as our starting point if (!kidFrame) { // the hint frame had no next frame. try the next-in-flow fo the parent of the hint frame // if there is one nsIFrame *parentFrame=nsnull; aHint->mPrimaryFrameForPrevSibling->GetParent(&parentFrame); if (parentFrame) { parentFrame->GetNextInFlow(&parentFrame); } if (parentFrame) { // if we found the next-in-flow for the parent of the hint frame, start with it's first child parentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, listName, &kidFrame); if (kidFrame) { aParentFrame = parentFrame; // if we found a match, make this the new starting point aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); } } } #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf(" hint gives us kidFrame=%p with parent frame %p content %p\n", kidFrame, aParentFrame, parentContent); #endif } } else { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf("skipping hint because parent frame is special\n"); #endif } } if (!kidFrame) { // we didn't have enough info to prune, start searching from the beginning aParentFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, listName, &kidFrame); } while (kidFrame) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> kidContent; // See if the child frame points to the content object we're // looking for kidFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(kidContent)); if (kidContent.get() == aContent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; // We found a match. See if it's a placeholder frame kidFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::placeholderFrame == frameType.get()) { // Ignore the placeholder and return the out-of-flow frame instead return ((nsPlaceholderFrame*)kidFrame)->GetOutOfFlowFrame(); } else { // Return the matching child frame return kidFrame; } } // only do this if there is content if (kidContent) { // We search the immediate children only, but if the child frame has // the same content pointer as its parent then we need to search its // child frames, too. // We also need to search the child frame's children if the child frame // is a "special" frame // We also need to search if the child content is anonymous and scoped // to the parent content. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentScope; kidContent->GetBindingParent(getter_AddRefs(parentScope)); if (parentContent == kidContent || IsFrameSpecial(kidFrame) || (parentContent && (parentContent == parentScope))) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_recursions++; printf(" recursing with new parent set to kidframe=%p, parentContent=%p\n", kidFrame, parentContent.get()); #endif nsIFrame* matchingFrame = FindFrameWithContent(aPresContext, kidFrame, parentContent, aContent, nsnull); if (matchingFrame) { return matchingFrame; } } } // Get the next sibling frame kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame); #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_doSibling++; if (kidFrame) { printf(" searching sibling frame %p\n", kidFrame); } #endif } if (firstTime) { firstTime = PR_FALSE; // If we get here, and we had a hint, then we didn't find a // frame. The hint may have been a floated or absolutely // positioned frame, in which case we'd be off in the weeds // looking through something other than primary frame // list. Reboot the search from scratch. if (aHint) goto keepLooking; } NS_IF_RELEASE(listName); aParentFrame->GetAdditionalChildListName(listIndex++, &listName); } while(listName); // We didn't find a matching frame. If aFrame has a next-in-flow, // then continue looking there aParentFrame->GetNextInFlow(&aParentFrame); if (aParentFrame) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_nextInFlows++; printf(" searching NIF frame %p\n", aParentFrame); #endif goto keepLooking; } // No matching frame return nsnull; } // Request to find the primary frame associated with a given content object. // This is typically called by the pres shell when there is no mapping in // the pres shell hash table NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::FindPrimaryFrameFor(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame** aFrame, nsFindFrameHint* aHint) { NS_ASSERTION(aPresContext && aFrameManager && aContent && aFrame, "bad arg"); *aFrame = nsnull; // initialize OUT parameter // Get the pres shell nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); // We want to be able to quickly map from a content object to its frame, // but we also want to keep the hash table small. Therefore, many frames // are not added to the hash table when they're first created: // - text frames // - inline frames (often things like FONT and B) // - BR frames // - internal table frames (row-group, row, cell, col-group, col) // // That means we need to need to search for the frame nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; // we get this one time nsIFrame* parentFrame; // this pointer is used to iterate across all frames that map to parentContent // Get the frame that corresponds to the parent content object. // Note that this may recurse indirectly, because the pres shell will // call us back if there is no mapping in the hash table aContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); if (parentContent.get()) { aFrameManager->GetPrimaryFrameFor(parentContent, &parentFrame); while (parentFrame) { // Search the child frames for a match *aFrame = FindFrameWithContent(aPresContext, parentFrame, parentContent.get(), aContent, aHint); #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf("FindFrameWithContent returned %p\n", *aFrame); #endif #ifdef NS_DEBUG // if we're given a hint and we were told to verify, then compare the resulting frame with // the frame we get by calling FindFrameWithContent *without* the hint. // Assert if they do not match // Note that this makes finding frames *slower* than it was before the fix. if (mVerifyFastFindFrame && aHint) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf("VERIFYING...\n"); #endif nsIFrame *verifyTestFrame = FindFrameWithContent(aPresContext, parentFrame, parentContent.get(), aContent, nsnull); #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf("VERIFY returned %p\n", verifyTestFrame); #endif NS_ASSERTION(verifyTestFrame == *aFrame, "hint shortcut found wrong frame"); } #endif // If we found a match, then add a mapping to the hash table so // next time this will be quick if (*aFrame) { aFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, *aFrame); break; } else if (IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) { // If it's a "special" frame (that is, part of an inline // that's been split because it contained a block), we need to // follow the out-of-flow "special sibling" link, and search // *that* subtree as well. nsIFrame* specialSibling = nsnull; GetSpecialSibling(aFrameManager, parentFrame, &specialSibling); parentFrame = specialSibling; } else { break; } } } if (aHint && !*aFrame) { // if we had a hint, and we didn't get a frame, see if we should try the slow way nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom>tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::textTagName == tag.get()) { #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME FFWC_slowSearchForText++; #endif // since we're passing in a null hint, we're guaranteed to only recurse once return FindPrimaryFrameFor(aPresContext, aFrameManager, aContent, aFrame, nsnull); } } #ifdef NOISY_FINDFRAME printf("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s \n", "total", "doLoop", "doSibling", "recur", "nextIF", "slowSearch"); printf("%10d %10d %10d %10d %10d \n", FFWC_totalCount, FFWC_doLoop, FFWC_doSibling, FFWC_recursions, FFWC_nextInFlows, FFWC_slowSearchForText); #endif return NS_OK; } // Capture state for the frame tree rooted at the frame associated with the // content object, aContent nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CaptureStateForFramesOf(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsILayoutHistoryState* aHistoryState) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; nsresult rv = NS_OK; rv = aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && presShell) { nsIFrame* frame; rv = presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, &frame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && frame) { CaptureStateFor(aPresContext, frame, aHistoryState); } } return rv; } // Capture state for the frame tree rooted at aFrame. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CaptureStateFor(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsILayoutHistoryState* aHistoryState) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (aFrame && aPresContext && aHistoryState) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; rv = aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && presShell) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; rv = presShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && frameManager) { rv = frameManager->CaptureFrameState(aPresContext, aFrame, aHistoryState); } } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateFramesForContent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent) { // Is the frame `special'? If so, we need to reframe the containing // block *here*, rather than trying to remove and re-insert the // content (which would otherwise result in *two* nested reframe // containing block from ContentRemoved() and ContentInserted(), // below!) nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsIFrame* frame; shell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, &frame); if (frame && IsFrameSpecial(frame)) { #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateFramesForContent: frame="); nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, frame); printf(" is special\n"); } #endif return ReframeContainingBlock(aPresContext, frame); } nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> container; aContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(container)); if (container) { PRInt32 indexInContainer; rv = container->IndexOf(aContent, indexInContainer); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Before removing the frames associated with the content object, ask them to save their // state onto a temporary state object. CaptureStateForFramesOf(aPresContext, aContent, mTempFrameTreeState); // Remove the frames associated with the content object on which the // attribute change occurred. rv = ContentRemoved(aPresContext, container, aContent, indexInContainer); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Now, recreate the frames associated with this content object. rv = ContentInserted(aPresContext, container, aContent, indexInContainer, mTempFrameTreeState); } } } return rv; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block frame construction code nsIStyleContext* nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFirstLetterStyle(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsIStyleContext* fls = nsnull; if (aContent) { aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::firstLetterPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &fls); } return fls; } nsIStyleContext* nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFirstLineStyle(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsIStyleContext* fls = nsnull; if (aContent) { aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::firstLinePseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, &fls); } return fls; } // Predicate to see if a given content (block element) has // first-letter style applied to it. PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::HaveFirstLetterStyle(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> fls; if (aContent) { aPresContext->ProbePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::firstLetterPseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(fls)); } PRBool result = PR_FALSE; if (fls) { result = PR_TRUE; } return result; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::HaveFirstLineStyle(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> fls; if (aContent) { aPresContext->ProbePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, nsHTMLAtoms::firstLinePseudo, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(fls)); } PRBool result = PR_FALSE; if (fls) { result = PR_TRUE; } return result; } void nsCSSFrameConstructor::HaveSpecialBlockStyle(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, PRBool* aHaveFirstLetterStyle, PRBool* aHaveFirstLineStyle) { *aHaveFirstLetterStyle = HaveFirstLetterStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext); *aHaveFirstLineStyle = HaveFirstLineStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext); } /** * Request to process the child content elements and create frames. * * @param aContent the content object whose child elements to process * @param aFrame the the associated with aContent. This will be the * parent frame (both content and geometric) for the flowed * child frames */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRBool aCanHaveGeneratedContent, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems, PRBool aParentIsBlock, nsTableCreator* aTableCreator) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content before nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::beforePseudo, aParentIsBlock, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } if (aTableCreator) { // do special table child processing // if there is a caption child here, it gets recorded in aState.mPseudoFrames. nsIFrame* captionFrame; TableProcessChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, *aTableCreator, aFrameItems, captionFrame); } else { // save the incoming pseudo frame state nsPseudoFrames priorPseudoFrames; aState.mPseudoFrames.Reset(&priorPseudoFrames); ChildIterator iterator(aContent); while (iterator.HasMoreChildren()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent; iterator.NextChild(getter_AddRefs(childContent)); rv = ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, childContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // process the current pseudo frame state if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // restore the incoming pseudo frame state aState.mPseudoFrames = priorPseudoFrames; } if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content after nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::afterPseudo, aParentIsBlock, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } if (aParentIsBlock) { if (aState.mFirstLetterStyle) { rv = WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); } if (aState.mFirstLineStyle) { rv = WrapFramesInFirstLineFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); } } return rv; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Support for :first-line style static void ReparentFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aNewParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aParentStyleContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { aPresContext->ReParentStyleContext(aFrame, aParentStyleContext); aFrame->SetParent(aNewParentFrame); } // Special routine to handle placing a list of frames into a block // frame that has first-line style. The routine ensures that the first // collection of inline frames end up in a first-line frame. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::WrapFramesInFirstLineFrame( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Find the first and last inline frame in aFrameItems nsIFrame* kid = aFrameItems.childList; nsIFrame* firstInlineFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* lastInlineFrame = nsnull; while (kid) { if (IsInlineFrame(kid)) { if (!firstInlineFrame) firstInlineFrame = kid; lastInlineFrame = kid; } else { break; } kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } // If we don't find any inline frames, then there is nothing to do if (!firstInlineFrame) { return rv; } // Create line frame nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentStyle; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> firstLineStyle( getter_AddRefs(GetFirstLineStyle(aPresContext, aContent, parentStyle)) ); nsIFrame* lineFrame; rv = NS_NewFirstLineFrame(aPresShell, &lineFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Initialize the line frame rv = InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, firstLineStyle, nsnull, lineFrame); // Mangle the list of frames we are giving to the block: first // chop the list in two after lastInlineFrame nsIFrame* secondBlockFrame; lastInlineFrame->GetNextSibling(&secondBlockFrame); lastInlineFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); // The lineFrame will be the block's first child; the rest of the // frame list (after lastInlineFrame) will be the second and // subsequent children; join the list together and reset // aFrameItems appropriately. if (secondBlockFrame) { lineFrame->SetNextSibling(secondBlockFrame); } if (aFrameItems.childList == lastInlineFrame) { // Just in case the block had exactly one inline child aFrameItems.lastChild = lineFrame; } aFrameItems.childList = lineFrame; // Give the inline frames to the lineFrame <b>after</b> reparenting them kid = firstInlineFrame; while (kid) { ReparentFrame(aPresContext, lineFrame, firstLineStyle, kid); kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } lineFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, firstInlineFrame); } return rv; } // Special routine to handle appending a new frame to a block frame's // child list. Takes care of placing the new frame into the right // place when first-line style is present. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::AppendFirstLineFrames( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { // It's possible that aBlockFrame needs to have a first-line frame // created because it doesn't currently have any children. nsIFrame* blockKid; aBlockFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &blockKid); if (!blockKid) { return WrapFramesInFirstLineFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aBlockFrame, aFrameItems); } // Examine the last block child - if it's a first-line frame then // appended frames need special treatment. nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsFrameList blockFrames(blockKid); nsIFrame* lastBlockKid = blockFrames.LastChild(); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; lastBlockKid->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() != nsLayoutAtoms::lineFrame) { // No first-line frame at the end of the list, therefore there is // an interveening block between any first-line frame the frames // we are appending. Therefore, we don't need any special // treatment of the appended frames. return rv; } nsIFrame* lineFrame = lastBlockKid; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> firstLineStyle; lineFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(firstLineStyle)); // Find the first and last inline frame in aFrameItems nsIFrame* kid = aFrameItems.childList; nsIFrame* firstInlineFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* lastInlineFrame = nsnull; while (kid) { if (IsInlineFrame(kid)) { if (!firstInlineFrame) firstInlineFrame = kid; lastInlineFrame = kid; } else { break; } kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } // If we don't find any inline frames, then there is nothing to do if (!firstInlineFrame) { return rv; } // The inline frames get appended to the lineFrame. Make sure they // are reparented properly. nsIFrame* remainingFrames; lastInlineFrame->GetNextSibling(&remainingFrames); lastInlineFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); kid = firstInlineFrame; while (kid) { ReparentFrame(aPresContext, lineFrame, firstLineStyle, kid); kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } aState.mFrameManager->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell, lineFrame, nsnull, firstInlineFrame); // The remaining frames get appended to the block frame if (remainingFrames) { aFrameItems.childList = remainingFrames; } else { aFrameItems.childList = nsnull; aFrameItems.lastChild = nsnull; } return rv; } // Special routine to handle inserting a new frame into a block // frame's child list. Takes care of placing the new frame into the // right place when first-line style is present. nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::InsertFirstLineFrames( nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame, nsIFrame** aParentFrame, nsIFrame* aPrevSibling, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; #if 0 nsIFrame* parentFrame = *aParentFrame; nsIFrame* newFrame = aFrameItems.childList; PRBool isInline = IsInlineFrame(newFrame); if (!aPrevSibling) { // Insertion will become the first frame. Two cases: we either // already have a first-line frame or we don't. nsIFrame* firstBlockKid; aBlockFrame->FirstChild(nsnull, &firstBlockKid); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; firstBlockKid->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::lineFrame) { // We already have a first-line frame nsIFrame* lineFrame = firstBlockKid; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> firstLineStyle; lineFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(firstLineStyle)); if (isInline) { // Easy case: the new inline frame will go into the lineFrame. ReparentFrame(aPresContext, lineFrame, firstLineStyle, newFrame); aState.mFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell, lineFrame, nsnull, nsnull, newFrame); // Since the frame is going into the lineFrame, don't let it // go into the block too. aFrameItems.childList = nsnull; aFrameItems.lastChild = nsnull; } else { // Harder case: We are about to insert a block level element // before the first-line frame. // XXX need a method to steal away frames from the line-frame } } else { // We do not have a first-line frame if (isInline) { // We now need a first-line frame to contain the inline frame. nsIFrame* lineFrame; rv = NS_NewFirstLineFrame(&lineFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Lookup first-line style context nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentStyle; aBlockFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyle)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> firstLineStyle( getter_AddRefs(GetFirstLineStyle(aPresContext, aContent, parentStyle)) ); // Initialize the line frame rv = InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aBlockFrame, firstLineStyle, nsnull, lineFrame); // Make sure the caller inserts the lineFrame into the // blocks list of children. aFrameItems.childList = lineFrame; aFrameItems.lastChild = lineFrame; // Give the inline frames to the lineFrame <b>after</b> // reparenting them ReparentFrame(aPresContext, lineFrame, firstLineStyle, newFrame); lineFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, newFrame); } } else { // Easy case: the regular insertion logic can insert the new // frame because its a block frame. } } } else { // Insertion will not be the first frame. nsIFrame* prevSiblingParent; aPrevSibling->GetParent(&prevSiblingParent); if (prevSiblingParent == aBlockFrame) { // Easy case: The prev-siblings parent is the block // frame. Therefore the prev-sibling is not currently in a // line-frame. Therefore the new frame which is going after it, // regardless of type, is not going into a line-frame. } else { // If the prevSiblingParent is not the block-frame then it must // be a line-frame (if it were a letter-frame, that logic would // already have adjusted the prev-sibling to be the // letter-frame). if (isInline) { // Easy case: the insertion can go where the caller thinks it // should go (which is into prevSiblingParent). } else { // Block elements don't end up in line-frames, therefore // change the insertion point to aBlockFrame. However, there // might be more inline elements following aPrevSibling that // need to be pulled out of the line-frame and become children // of the block. nsIFrame* nextSibling; aPrevSibling->GetNextSibling(&nextSibling); nsIFrame* nextLineFrame; prevSiblingParent->GetNextInFlow(&nextLineFrame); if (nextSibling || nextLineFrame) { // Oy. We have work to do. Create a list of the new frames // that are going into the block by stripping them away from // the line-frame(s). nsFrameList list(nextSibling); if (nextSibling) { nsLineFrame* lineFrame = (nsLineFrame*) prevSiblingParent; lineFrame->StealFramesFrom(nextSibling); } nsLineFrame* nextLineFrame = (nsLineFrame*) lineFrame; for (;;) { nextLineFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextLineFrame); if (!nextLineFrame) { break; } nsIFrame* kids; nextLineFrame->FirstChild(nsnull, &kids); } } else { // We got lucky: aPrevSibling was the last inline frame in // the line-frame. ReparentFrame(aPresContext, aBlockFrame, firstLineStyle, newFrame); aState.mFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell, aBlockFrame, nsnull, prevSiblingParent, newFrame); aFrameItems.childList = nsnull; aFrameItems.lastChild = nsnull; } } } } #endif return rv; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // First-letter support // Determine how many characters in the text fragment apply to the // first letter static PRInt32 FirstLetterCount(const nsTextFragment* aFragment) { PRInt32 count = 0; PRInt32 firstLetterLength = 0; PRBool done = PR_FALSE; PRInt32 i, n = aFragment->GetLength(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { PRUnichar ch = aFragment->CharAt(i); if (XP_IS_SPACE(ch)) { if (firstLetterLength) { done = PR_TRUE; break; } count++; continue; } // XXX I18n if ((ch == '\'') || (ch == '\"')) { if (firstLetterLength) { done = PR_TRUE; break; } // keep looping firstLetterLength = 1; } else { count++; done = PR_TRUE; break; } } return count; } static PRBool NeedFirstLetterContinuation(nsIContent* aContent) { NS_PRECONDITION(aContent, "null ptr"); PRBool result = PR_FALSE; if (aContent) { nsCOMPtr<nsITextContent> tc(do_QueryInterface(aContent)); if (tc) { const nsTextFragment* frag = nsnull; tc->GetText(&frag); PRInt32 flc = FirstLetterCount(frag); PRInt32 tl = frag->GetLength(); if (flc < tl) { result = PR_TRUE; } } } return result; } static PRBool IsFirstLetterContent(nsIContent* aContent) { PRBool result = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr<nsITextContent> textContent = do_QueryInterface(aContent); if (textContent) { PRInt32 textLength; textContent->GetTextLength(&textLength); if (textLength) { PRBool onlyWhiteSpace; textContent->IsOnlyWhitespace(&onlyWhiteSpace); result = !onlyWhiteSpace; } } return result; } /** * Create a letter frame, only make it a floating frame. */ void nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateFloatingLetterFrame( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aTextContent, nsIFrame* aTextFrame, nsIContent* aBlockContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsFrameItems& aResult) { // Create the first-letter-frame nsIFrame* letterFrame; NS_NewFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, &letterFrame); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aTextContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, letterFrame); // Init the text frame to refer to the letter frame. Make sure we // get a proper style context for it (the one passed in is for the // letter frame and will have the float property set on it; the text // frame shouldn't have that set). nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> textSC; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(aTextContent, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(textSC)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aTextContent, letterFrame, textSC, nsnull, aTextFrame); // And then give the text frame to the letter frame letterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aTextFrame); // Now make the placeholder nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState.mFrameManager, aTextContent, letterFrame, aStyleContext, aParentFrame, &placeholderFrame); // See if we will need to continue the text frame (does it contain // more than just the first-letter text or not?) If it does, then we // create (in advance) a continuation frame for it. nsIFrame* nextTextFrame = nsnull; if (NeedFirstLetterContinuation(aTextContent)) { // Create continuation CreateContinuingFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aTextFrame, aParentFrame, &nextTextFrame); // Repair the continuations style context nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentStyleContext; parentStyleContext = getter_AddRefs(aStyleContext->GetParent()); if (parentStyleContext) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> newSC; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(aTextContent, parentStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(newSC)); if (newSC) { nextTextFrame->SetStyleContext(aPresContext, newSC); } } } // Update the child lists for the frame containing the floating first // letter frame. aState.mFloatedItems.AddChild(letterFrame); aResult.childList = aResult.lastChild = placeholderFrame; if (nextTextFrame) { aResult.AddChild(nextTextFrame); } } /** * Create a new letter frame for aTextFrame. The letter frame will be * a child of aParentFrame. */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateLetterFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aTextContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsFrameItems& aResult) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContent; aParentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(parentContent)); // Get style context for the first-letter-frame nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentStyleContext; aParentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentStyleContext)); if (parentStyleContext) { // Use content from containing block so that we can actually // find a matching style rule. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; aState.mFloatedItems.containingBlock->GetContent( getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); // Create first-letter style rule nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> sc = getter_AddRefs( GetFirstLetterStyle(aPresContext, blockContent, parentStyleContext)); if (sc) { // Create a new text frame (the original one will be discarded) nsIFrame* textFrame; NS_NewTextFrame(aPresShell, &textFrame); // Create the right type of first-letter frame const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) sc->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (display->IsFloating()) { // Make a floating first-letter frame CreateFloatingLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aTextContent, textFrame, blockContent, aParentFrame, sc, aResult); } else { // Make an inflow first-letter frame nsIFrame* letterFrame; nsresult rv = NS_NewFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, &letterFrame); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Initialize the first-letter-frame. letterFrame->Init(aPresContext, aTextContent, aParentFrame, sc, nsnull); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> textSC; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(aTextContent, sc, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(textSC)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aTextContent, letterFrame, textSC, nsnull, textFrame); letterFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, textFrame); aResult.childList = aResult.lastChild = letterFrame; } } } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aBlockContent, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame, nsFrameItems& aBlockFrames) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* textFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* prevFrame = nsnull; nsFrameItems letterFrames; PRBool stopLooking = PR_FALSE; rv = WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aBlockFrame, aBlockFrames.childList, &parentFrame, &textFrame, &prevFrame, letterFrames, &stopLooking); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (parentFrame) { if (parentFrame == aBlockFrame) { // Text textFrame out of the blocks frame list and substitute the // letter frame(s) instead. nsIFrame* nextSibling; textFrame->GetNextSibling(&nextSibling); textFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); if (prevFrame) { prevFrame->SetNextSibling(letterFrames.childList); } else { aBlockFrames.childList = letterFrames.childList; } letterFrames.lastChild->SetNextSibling(nextSibling); // Destroy the old textFrame textFrame->Destroy(aPresContext); // Repair lastChild; the only time this needs to happen is when // the block had one child (the text frame). if (!nextSibling) { aBlockFrames.lastChild = letterFrames.lastChild; } } else { // Take the old textFrame out of the inline parents child list parentFrame->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell.get(), nsnull, textFrame); // Insert in the letter frame(s) parentFrame->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell.get(), nsnull, prevFrame, letterFrames.childList); } } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame( nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame* aParentFrameList, nsIFrame** aModifiedParent, nsIFrame** aTextFrame, nsIFrame** aPrevFrame, nsFrameItems& aLetterFrames, PRBool* aStopLooking) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* prevFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* frame = aParentFrameList; while (frame) { nsIFrame* nextFrame; frame->GetNextSibling(&nextFrame); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; frame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::textFrame == frameType.get()) { // Wrap up first-letter content in a letter frame nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> textContent; frame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(textContent)); if (IsFirstLetterContent(textContent)) { // Create letter frame to wrap up the text rv = CreateLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, textContent, aParentFrame, aLetterFrames); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // Provide adjustment information for parent *aModifiedParent = aParentFrame; *aTextFrame = frame; *aPrevFrame = prevFrame; *aStopLooking = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; } } else if ((nsLayoutAtoms::inlineFrame == frameType.get()) || (nsLayoutAtoms::lineFrame == frameType.get())) { nsIFrame* kids; frame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &kids); WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, frame, kids, aModifiedParent, aTextFrame, aPrevFrame, aLetterFrames, aStopLooking); if (*aStopLooking) { return NS_OK; } } else { // This will stop us looking to create more letter frames. For // example, maybe the frame-type is "letterFrame" or // "placeholderFrame". This keeps us from creating extra letter // frames, and also prevents us from creating letter frames when // the first real content child of a block is not text (e.g. an // image, hr, etc.) *aStopLooking = PR_TRUE; break; } prevFrame = frame; frame = nextFrame; } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveFloatingFirstLetterFrames( nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame, PRBool* aStopLooking) { // First look for the floater frame that is a letter frame nsIFrame* floater; aBlockFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, &floater); while (floater) { // See if we found a floating letter frame nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; floater->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::letterFrame == frameType.get()) { break; } floater->GetNextSibling(&floater); } if (!floater) { // No such frame return NS_OK; } // Take the text frame away from the letter frame (so it isn't // destroyed when we destroy the letter frame). nsIFrame* textFrame; floater->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &textFrame); if (!textFrame) { return NS_OK; } // Discover the placeholder frame for the letter frame nsIFrame* parentFrame; nsIFrame* placeholderFrame; aFrameManager->GetPlaceholderFrameFor(floater, &placeholderFrame); if (!placeholderFrame) { // Somethings really wrong return NS_OK; } placeholderFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); if (!parentFrame) { // Somethings really wrong return NS_OK; } // Create a new text frame with the right style context that maps // all of the content that was previously part of the letter frame // (and probably continued elsewhere). nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentSC; parentFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentSC)); if (!parentSC) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> textContent; textFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(textContent)); if (!textContent) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> newSC; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(textContent, parentSC, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(newSC)); if (!newSC) { return NS_OK; } nsIFrame* newTextFrame; nsresult rv = NS_NewTextFrame(aPresShell, &newTextFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } newTextFrame->Init(aPresContext, textContent, parentFrame, newSC, nsnull); // Destroy the old text frame's continuations (the old text frame // will be destroyed when its letter frame is destroyed). nsIFrame* nextTextFrame; textFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextTextFrame); if (nextTextFrame) { nsIFrame* nextTextParent; nextTextFrame->GetParent(&nextTextParent); if (nextTextParent) { nsSplittableFrame::BreakFromPrevFlow(nextTextFrame); aFrameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, nextTextParent, nsnull, nextTextFrame); } } // First find out where (in the content) the placeholder frames // text is and its previous sibling frame, if any. nsIFrame* prevSibling = nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> container; parentFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(container)); if (container.get() && textContent.get()) { PRInt32 ix = 0; container->IndexOf(textContent, ix); prevSibling = FindPreviousSibling(aPresShell, container, ix); } // Now that everything is set... #ifdef NOISY_FIRST_LETTER printf("RemoveFloatingFirstLetterFrames: textContent=%p oldTextFrame=%p newTextFrame=%p\n", textContent.get(), textFrame, newTextFrame); #endif aFrameManager->SetPlaceholderFrameFor(floater, nsnull); aFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(textContent, nsnull); // Remove the floater frame aFrameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aBlockFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, floater); // Remove placeholder frame aFrameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, parentFrame, nsnull, placeholderFrame); // Insert text frame in its place aFrameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, parentFrame, nsnull, prevSibling, newTextFrame); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveFirstLetterFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRBool* aStopLooking) { nsIFrame* kid; nsIFrame* prevSibling = nsnull; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &kid); while (kid) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> frameType; kid->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::letterFrame == frameType.get()) { // Bingo. Found it. First steal away the text frame. nsIFrame* textFrame; kid->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &textFrame); if (!textFrame) { break; } // Create a new textframe nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> parentSC; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(parentSC)); if (!parentSC) { break; } nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> textContent; textFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(textContent)); if (!textContent) { break; } nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> newSC; aPresContext->ResolveStyleContextFor(textContent, parentSC, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(newSC)); if (!newSC) { break; } NS_NewTextFrame(aPresShell, &textFrame); textFrame->Init(aPresContext, textContent, aFrame, newSC, nsnull); // Next rip out the kid and replace it with the text frame nsIFrameManager* frameManager = aFrameManager; frameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(textContent, nsnull); frameManager->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aFrame, nsnull, kid); // Insert text frame in its place frameManager->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aPresShell, aFrame, nsnull, prevSibling, textFrame); *aStopLooking = PR_TRUE; break; } else if ((nsLayoutAtoms::inlineFrame == frameType.get()) || (nsLayoutAtoms::lineFrame == frameType.get())) { // Look inside child inline frame for the letter frame RemoveFirstLetterFrames(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, kid, aStopLooking); if (*aStopLooking) { break; } } prevSibling = kid; kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveLetterFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame) { PRBool stopLooking = PR_FALSE; nsresult rv = RemoveFloatingFirstLetterFrames(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, aBlockFrame, &stopLooking); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !stopLooking) { rv = RemoveFirstLetterFrames(aPresContext, aPresShell, aFrameManager, aBlockFrame, &stopLooking); } return rv; } // Fixup the letter frame situation for the given block nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecoverLetterFrames(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aBlockFrame) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsIFrame* blockKids; aBlockFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &blockKids); nsIFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* textFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* prevFrame = nsnull; nsFrameItems letterFrames; PRBool stopLooking = PR_FALSE; rv = WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aBlockFrame, blockKids, &parentFrame, &textFrame, &prevFrame, letterFrames, &stopLooking); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (parentFrame) { // Take the old textFrame out of the parents child list parentFrame->RemoveFrame(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell.get(), nsnull, textFrame); // Insert in the letter frame(s) parentFrame->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell.get(), nsnull, prevFrame, letterFrames.childList); // Insert in floaters too if needed if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { aBlockFrame->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *aState.mPresShell.get(), nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } return rv; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tree Widget Routines NS_IMETHODIMP nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateTreeWidgetContent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIFrame* aPrevFrame, nsIContent* aChild, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, PRBool aIsAppend, PRBool aIsScrollbar, nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState) { #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Construct a new frame if (nsnull != aParentFrame) { nsFrameItems frameItems; nsFrameConstructorState state(aPresContext, mFixedContainingBlock, GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(aPresContext, aParentFrame), GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, aParentFrame), mTempFrameTreeState); // Get the element's tag nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aChild->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); PRInt32 namespaceID; aChild->GetNameSpaceID(namespaceID); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; rv = ResolveStyleContext(aPresContext, aParentFrame, aChild, tag, getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Pre-check for display "none" - only if we find that, do we create // any frame at all const nsStyleDisplay* display = (const nsStyleDisplay*) styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_NONE == display->mDisplay) { *aNewFrame = nsnull; return NS_OK; } } rv = ConstructFrameInternal(shell, aPresContext, state, aChild, aParentFrame, tag, namespaceID, styleContext, frameItems, PR_FALSE); nsIFrame* newFrame = frameItems.childList; *aNewFrame = newFrame; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (nsnull != newFrame)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIBindingManager> bm; mDocument->GetBindingManager(getter_AddRefs(bm)); bm->ProcessAttachedQueue(); // Notify the parent frame if (aIsAppend) rv = ((nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)aParentFrame)->TreeAppendFrames(newFrame); else rv = ((nsXULTreeGroupFrame*)aParentFrame)->TreeInsertFrames(aPrevFrame, newFrame); // If there are new absolutely positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { rv = state.mAbsoluteItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, state.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } // If there are new fixed positioned child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFixedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFixedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, state.mFixedItems.childList); } // If there are new floating child frames, then notify // the parent // XXX We can't just assume these frames are being appended, we need to // determine where in the list they should be inserted... if (state.mFloatedItems.childList) { rv = state.mFloatedItems.containingBlock->AppendFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, state.mFloatedItems.childList); } } } return rv; #else return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; #endif } //---------------------------------------- nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructBlock(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsIFrame* aNewFrame) { InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); // See if we need to create a view, e.g. the frame is absolutely positioned nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aNewFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // See if the block has first-letter style applied to it... PRBool haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle; HaveSpecialBlockStyle(aPresContext, aContent, aStyleContext, &haveFirstLetterStyle, &haveFirstLineStyle); // Process the child content nsFrameItems childItems; nsFrameConstructorSaveState floaterSaveState; aState.PushFloaterContainingBlock(aNewFrame, floaterSaveState, haveFirstLetterStyle, haveFirstLineStyle); nsresult rv = ProcessBlockChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, PR_TRUE); nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, childItems); // Set the frame's initial child list aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); // Set the frame's floater list if there were any floated children if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessBlockChildren(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRBool aCanHaveGeneratedContent, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems, PRBool aParentIsBlock) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content before nsIFrame* generatedFrame; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::beforePseudo, aParentIsBlock, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } // Iterate the child content objects and construct frames ChildIterator iterator(aContent); while (iterator.HasMoreChildren()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent; iterator.NextChild(getter_AddRefs(childContent)); // Construct a child frame rv = ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, childContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // process pseudo frames if necessary if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content after nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::afterPseudo, aParentIsBlock, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } if (aParentIsBlock) { if (aState.mFirstLetterStyle) { rv = WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); } if (aState.mFirstLineStyle) { rv = WrapFramesInFirstLineFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); } } return rv; } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::AreAllKidsInline(nsIFrame* aFrameList) { nsIFrame* kid = aFrameList; while (kid) { if (!IsInlineFrame(kid)) { return PR_FALSE; } kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } return PR_TRUE; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructInline(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aParentFrame, nsIStyleContext* aStyleContext, PRBool aIsPositioned, nsIFrame* aNewFrame, nsIFrame** aNewBlockFrame, nsIFrame** aNextInlineFrame) { // Initialize the frame InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, aNewFrame); nsFrameConstructorSaveState absoluteSaveState; // definition cannot be inside next block // because the object's destructor is significant // this is part of the fix for bug 42372 if (aIsPositioned) { // Relatively positioned frames need a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aNewFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Relatively positioned frames becomes a container for child // frames that are positioned aState.PushAbsoluteContainingBlock(aNewFrame, absoluteSaveState); } // Process the child content nsFrameItems childItems; PRBool kidsAllInline; nsresult rv = ProcessInlineChildren(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, PR_TRUE, childItems, &kidsAllInline); if (kidsAllInline) { // Set the inline frame's initial child list nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> tag; aContent->GetTag(*getter_AddRefs(tag)); CreateAnonymousFrames(aPresShell, aPresContext, tag, aState, aContent, aNewFrame, childItems); aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, childItems.childList); if (aIsPositioned) { if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } *aNewBlockFrame = nsnull; *aNextInlineFrame = nsnull; return rv; } // This inline frame contains several types of children. Therefore // this frame has to be chopped into several pieces. We will produce // as a result of this 3 lists of children. The first list contains // all of the inline children that preceed the first block child // (and may be empty). The second list contains all of the block // children and any inlines that are between them (and must not be // empty, otherwise - why are we here?). The final list contains all // of the inline children that follow the final block child. // Find the first block child which defines list1 and list2 nsIFrame* list1 = childItems.childList; nsIFrame* prevToFirstBlock; nsIFrame* list2 = FindFirstBlock(aPresContext, list1, &prevToFirstBlock); if (prevToFirstBlock) { prevToFirstBlock->SetNextSibling(nsnull); } else { list1 = nsnull; } // Find the last block child which defines the end of list2 and the // start of list3 nsIFrame* afterFirstBlock; list2->GetNextSibling(&afterFirstBlock); nsIFrame* list3 = nsnull; nsIFrame* lastBlock = FindLastBlock(aPresContext, afterFirstBlock); if (!lastBlock) { lastBlock = list2; } lastBlock->GetNextSibling(&list3); lastBlock->SetNextSibling(nsnull); // list1's frames belong to this inline frame so go ahead and take them aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, list1); if (aIsPositioned) { // XXXwaterson just for shits n' giggles, we'll give you the // absolute and floated items, too. if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::absoluteList, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { aNewFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::floaterList, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); } } // list2's frames belong to an anonymous block that we create right // now. The anonymous block will be the parent of the block children // of the inline. nsIFrame* blockFrame; nsIAtom* blockStyle; if (aIsPositioned) { NS_NewRelativeItemWrapperFrame(aPresShell, &blockFrame); blockStyle = nsHTMLAtoms::mozAnonymousPositionedBlock; } else { NS_NewBlockFrame(aPresShell, &blockFrame); blockStyle = nsHTMLAtoms::mozAnonymousBlock; } nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(aContent, blockStyle, aStyleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, blockSC, nsnull, blockFrame); if (aIsPositioned) { // Relatively positioned frames need a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, blockFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Move list2's frames into the new view nsIFrame* oldParent; list2->GetParent(&oldParent); nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(aPresContext, list2, oldParent, blockFrame); } MoveChildrenTo(aPresContext, blockSC, blockFrame, list2); blockFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, list2); // list3's frames belong to another inline frame nsIFrame* inlineFrame = nsnull; if (list3) { if (aIsPositioned) { NS_NewPositionedInlineFrame(aPresShell, &inlineFrame); } else { NS_NewInlineFrame(aPresShell, &inlineFrame); } InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, aContent, aParentFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, inlineFrame); if (aIsPositioned) { // Relatively positioned frames need a view nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, inlineFrame, aStyleContext, nsnull, PR_FALSE); // Move list3's frames into the new view nsIFrame* oldParent; list3->GetParent(&oldParent); nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(aPresContext, list3, oldParent, inlineFrame); } // Reparent (cheaply) the frames in list3 - we don't have to futz // with their style context because they already have the right one. nsFrameList list; list.AppendFrames(inlineFrame, list3); inlineFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, list3); } // Mark the 3 frames as special. That way if any of the // append/insert/remove methods try to fiddle with the children, the // containing block will be reframed instead. SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, aNewFrame, blockFrame); SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, blockFrame, inlineFrame); if (inlineFrame) SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, inlineFrame, nsnull); #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyInlineConstruction) { nsIFrameDebug* frameDebug; printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructInline:\n"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aNewFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrameDebug), (void**)&frameDebug))) { printf(" ==> leading inline frame:\n"); frameDebug->List(aPresContext, stdout, 2); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(blockFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrameDebug), (void**)&frameDebug))) { printf(" ==> block frame:\n"); frameDebug->List(aPresContext, stdout, 2); } if (inlineFrame && NS_SUCCEEDED(inlineFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrameDebug), (void**)&frameDebug))) { printf(" ==> trailing inline frame:\n"); frameDebug->List(aPresContext, stdout, 2); } } #endif *aNewBlockFrame = blockFrame; *aNextInlineFrame = inlineFrame; return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessInlineChildren(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRBool aCanHaveGeneratedContent, nsFrameItems& aFrameItems, PRBool* aKidsAllInline) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; // save the pseudo frame state nsPseudoFrames prevPseudoFrames; aState.mPseudoFrames.Reset(&prevPseudoFrames); if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content before nsIFrame* generatedFrame; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::beforePseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } // Iterate the child content objects and construct frames PRBool allKidsInline = PR_TRUE; ChildIterator iterator(aContent); while (iterator.HasMoreChildren()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> childContent; iterator.NextChild(getter_AddRefs(childContent)); // Construct a child frame nsIFrame* oldLastChild = aFrameItems.lastChild; rv = ConstructFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, childContent, aFrame, aFrameItems); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // Examine newly added children (we may have added more than one // child if the child was another inline frame that ends up // being carved in 3 pieces) to maintain the allKidsInline flag. if (allKidsInline) { nsIFrame* kid; if (oldLastChild) { oldLastChild->GetNextSibling(&kid); } else { kid = aFrameItems.childList; } while (kid) { if (!IsInlineFrame(kid)) { allKidsInline = PR_FALSE; break; } kid->GetNextSibling(&kid); } } } if (aCanHaveGeneratedContent) { // Probe for generated content after nsIFrame* generatedFrame; if (CreateGeneratedContentFrame(aPresShell, aPresContext, aState, aFrame, aContent, styleContext, nsCSSAtoms::afterPseudo, PR_FALSE, &generatedFrame)) { // Add the generated frame to the child list aFrameItems.AddChild(generatedFrame); } } *aKidsAllInline = allKidsInline; // process the current pseudo frame state if (!aState.mPseudoFrames.IsEmpty()) { ProcessPseudoFrames(aPresContext, aState.mPseudoFrames, aFrameItems); } // restore the pseudo frame state aState.mPseudoFrames = prevPseudoFrames; return rv; } // Helper function that recursively removes content to frame mappings and // undisplayed content mappings. // This differs from DeletingFrameSubtree() because the frames have not yet been // added to the frame hierarchy static void DoCleanupFrameReferences(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; aFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); // Remove the mapping from the content object to its frame aFrameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, nsnull); aFrameManager->ClearAllUndisplayedContentIn(content); // Recursively walk the child frames. // Note: we only need to look at the principal child list nsIFrame* childFrame; aFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &childFrame); while (childFrame) { DoCleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, aFrameManager, childFrame); // Get the next sibling child frame childFrame->GetNextSibling(&childFrame); } } // Helper function that walks a frame list and calls DoCleanupFrameReference() static void CleanupFrameReferences(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrameManager* aFrameManager, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { while (aFrameList) { DoCleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, aFrameManager, aFrameList); // Get the sibling frame aFrameList->GetNextSibling(&aFrameList); } } PRBool nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIContent* aBlockContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { // Before we go and append the frames, check for a special // situation: an inline frame that will now contain block // frames. This is a no-no and the frame construction logic knows // how to fix this. const nsStyleDisplay* parentDisplay; aFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, (const nsStyleStruct *&) parentDisplay); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_INLINE == parentDisplay->mDisplay) { if (!AreAllKidsInline(aFrameList)) { // Ok, reverse tracks: wipe out the frames we just created nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell; nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell)); presShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager)); // Destroy the frames. As we do make sure any content to frame mappings // or entries in the undisplayed content map are removed CleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, frameManager, aFrameList); nsFrameList tmp(aFrameList); tmp.DestroyFrames(aPresContext); if (aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList) { CleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, frameManager, aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); tmp.SetFrames(aState.mAbsoluteItems.childList); tmp.DestroyFrames(aPresContext); } if (aState.mFixedItems.childList) { CleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, frameManager, aState.mFixedItems.childList); tmp.SetFrames(aState.mFixedItems.childList); tmp.DestroyFrames(aPresContext); } if (aState.mFloatedItems.childList) { CleanupFrameReferences(aPresContext, frameManager, aState.mFloatedItems.childList); tmp.SetFrames(aState.mFloatedItems.childList); tmp.DestroyFrames(aPresContext); } // Tell parent of the containing block to reformulate the // entire block. This is painful and definitely not optimal // but it will *always* get the right answer. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContainer; aBlockContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parentContainer)); #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf("nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock: aBlockContent=%p parentContainer=%p\n", aBlockContent, parentContainer.get()); } #endif if (parentContainer) { PRInt32 ix; parentContainer->IndexOf(aBlockContent, ix); ContentReplaced(aPresContext, parentContainer, aBlockContent, aBlockContent, ix); } else { // XXX uh oh. the block we need to reframe has no parent! } return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; } /* * Recursively split an inline frame until we reach a block frame. * Below is an example of how SplitToContainingBlock() works. * * 1. In the initial state, you've got a block frame B that contains a * bunch of inline frames eventually winding down to the <object> * frame o * * A-->B-->C * | * a-->1-->a' * | * b-->2-->b' * | * o * * 2. Now the object frame o gets split into the left inlines (o), the * block frames (O), and the right inlines (o'). * * o O o' * * 3. We call SplitToContainingBlock(), which will split 2 as follows. * * .--------. * / \ * b-->2==>2*=>2' b' * | | | * o O o' * * Note that 2 gets split into 2* and 2', which correspond to the * anonymous block and inline frames, respectively. Furthermore, * note that 2 still refers to b' as its next sibling, and that 2' * does not. * * The double-arrow line indicates that an annotation is made in * the frame manager that indicates 2* is the `special sibling' of * 2, and that 2' is the `special sibling' of 2*. * * 4. We recurse again to split 1. At this point, we'll break the * link between 2 and b', and make b' be the next sibling of 2'. * * .-----------. * / \ * a-->1=====>1*=>1' a' * | | | * b-->2=>2*=>2'-->b' * | | | * o O o' * * As before, 1 retains a' as its next sibling. * * 5. When we hit B, the recursion terminates. We now insert 1* and 1' * immediately after 1, resulting in the following frame model. This * is done using the "normal" frame insertion mechanism, * nsIFrame::InsertFrames(), which properly recomputes the line boxes. * * A-->B-->C * | * a-->1-=-=-=>1*-=>1'-->a' * | | | * b-->2==>2*==>2'-->b' * | | | * o O o' * * Since B is a block, it is allowed to contain both block and * inline frames, so we can let 1* and 1' be "real siblings" of 1. * * Note that 1* is both the `normal' sibling and `special' sibling * of 1, and 1' is both the `normal' and `special sibling of 1*. */ nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::SplitToContainingBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsFrameConstructorState& aState, nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aLeftInlineChildFrame, nsIFrame* aBlockChildFrame, nsIFrame* aRightInlineChildFrame, PRBool aTransfer) { // If aFrame is an inline frame, then recursively "split" it until // we reach a block frame. aLeftInlineChildFrame is the original // inline child of aFrame (or null, if there were no frames to the // left of the new block); aBlockChildFrame and // aRightInlineChildFrame are the newly created frames that were // constructed as a result of the previous recursion's // "split". aRightInlineChildFrame may be null if there are no // inlines to the right of the new block. // // aBlockChildFrame and aRightInlineChildFrame will be "orphaned" frames upon // entry to this routine; that is, they won't be parented. We'll // assign them proper parents. NS_PRECONDITION(aFrame != nsnull, "no frame to split"); if (! aFrame) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; NS_PRECONDITION(aBlockChildFrame != nsnull, "no block child"); if (! aBlockChildFrame) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell; aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell)); if (IsBlockFrame(aPresContext, aFrame)) { // If aFrame is a block frame, then we're done: make // aBlockChildFrame and aRightInlineChildFrame children of aFrame, // and insert aBlockChildFrame and aRightInlineChildFrame after // aLeftInlineChildFrame aBlockChildFrame->SetParent(aFrame); if (aRightInlineChildFrame) aRightInlineChildFrame->SetParent(aFrame); aBlockChildFrame->SetNextSibling(aRightInlineChildFrame); aFrame->InsertFrames(aPresContext, *shell, nsnull, aLeftInlineChildFrame, aBlockChildFrame); // If aLeftInlineChild has a view... if (aLeftInlineChildFrame) { nsFrameState state; aLeftInlineChildFrame->GetFrameState(&state); if (state & NS_FRAME_HAS_VIEW) { // ...create a new view for the block child, and reparent views nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> sc; aLeftInlineChildFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(sc)); nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aBlockChildFrame, sc, nsnull, PR_FALSE); nsIFrame* frame; aBlockChildFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(aPresContext, frame, aLeftInlineChildFrame, aBlockChildFrame); if (aRightInlineChildFrame) { // Same for the right inline children nsHTMLContainerFrame::CreateViewForFrame(aPresContext, aRightInlineChildFrame, sc, nsnull, PR_FALSE); aRightInlineChildFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame); nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameViewList(aPresContext, frame, aLeftInlineChildFrame, aRightInlineChildFrame); } } } return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, aFrame is inline. Split it, and recurse to find the // containing block frame. nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content; aFrame->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(content)); // Create an "anonymous block" frame that will parent // aBlockChildFrame. The new frame won't have a parent yet: the recursion // will parent it. nsIFrame* blockFrame; NS_NewBlockFrame(shell, &blockFrame); if (! blockFrame) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext; aFrame->GetStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> blockSC; aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(content, nsHTMLAtoms::mozAnonymousBlock, styleContext, PR_FALSE, getter_AddRefs(blockSC)); InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, content, nsnull, blockSC, nsnull, blockFrame); blockFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aBlockChildFrame); MoveChildrenTo(aPresContext, blockSC, blockFrame, aBlockChildFrame); // Create an anonymous inline frame that will parent // aRightInlineChildFrame. The new frame won't have a parent yet: // the recursion will parent it. nsIFrame* inlineFrame = nsnull; NS_NewInlineFrame(shell, &inlineFrame); if (! inlineFrame) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; InitAndRestoreFrame(aPresContext, aState, content, nsnull, styleContext, nsnull, inlineFrame); inlineFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, aRightInlineChildFrame); MoveChildrenTo(aPresContext, styleContext, inlineFrame, aRightInlineChildFrame); // Make the "special" inline-block linkage between aFrame and the // newly created anonymous frames. We need to create the linkage // between the first in flow, so if we're a continuation frame, walk // back to find it. nsIFrame* firstInFlow = aFrame; while (1) { nsIFrame* prevInFlow; firstInFlow->GetPrevInFlow(&prevInFlow); if (! prevInFlow) break; firstInFlow = prevInFlow; } SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, firstInFlow, blockFrame); SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, blockFrame, inlineFrame); SetFrameIsSpecial(aState.mFrameManager, inlineFrame, nsnull); // If we have a continuation frame, then we need to break the // continuation. nsIFrame* nextInFlow; aFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); if (nextInFlow) { aFrame->SetNextInFlow(nsnull); nextInFlow->SetPrevInFlow(nsnull); } // This is where the mothership lands and we start to get a bit // funky. We're going to do a bit of work to ensure that the frames // from the *last* recursion are properly hooked up. // // aTransfer will be set once the recursion begins to nest. (It's // not set at the first level of recursion, because // aLeftInlineChildFrame, aBlockChildFrame, and // aRightInlineChildFrame already have their sibling and parent // pointers properly initialized.) // // Once we begin to nest recursion, aLeftInlineChildFrame // corresponds to the original inline that we're trying to split, // and aBlockChildFrame and aRightInlineChildFrame are the anonymous // frames we created to protect the inline-block invariant. if (aTransfer) { // We'd better have the left- and right-inline children! NS_ASSERTION(aLeftInlineChildFrame != nsnull, "no left inline child frame"); NS_ASSERTION(aRightInlineChildFrame != nsnull, "no right inline child frame"); // We need to move any successors of the original inline // (aLeftInlineChildFrame) to aRightInlineChildFrame. nsIFrame* nextInlineFrame = nsnull; aLeftInlineChildFrame->GetNextSibling(&nextInlineFrame); aLeftInlineChildFrame->SetNextSibling(nsnull); aRightInlineChildFrame->SetNextSibling(nextInlineFrame); // Any frame that was moved will need its parent pointer fixed, // and will need to be marked as dirty. while (nextInlineFrame) { nextInlineFrame->SetParent(inlineFrame); nsFrameState state; nextInlineFrame->GetFrameState(&state); state |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY; nextInlineFrame->SetFrameState(state); nextInlineFrame->GetNextSibling(&nextInlineFrame); } } // Recurse to the parent frame. This will assign a parent frame to // each new frame we've just created. nsIFrame* parent; aFrame->GetParent(&parent); NS_ASSERTION(parent != nsnull, "frame has no geometric parent"); if (! parent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // When we recur, we'll make the "left inline child frame" be the // inline frame we've just begun to "split", and we'll pass the // newly created anonymous frames as aBlockChildFrame and // aRightInlineChildFrame. return SplitToContainingBlock(aPresContext, aState, parent, aFrame, blockFrame, inlineFrame, PR_TRUE); } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::ReframeContainingBlock(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame) { // Get the first "normal" parent of the target frame. From there we // look for the containing block in case the target frame is already // a block (which can happen when an inline frame wraps some of its // content in an anonymous block; see ConstructInline) nsIFrame* parentFrame; do { aFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); if (!parentFrame || !IsFrameSpecial(parentFrame)) break; aFrame = parentFrame; } while (1); if (!parentFrame) { return RecreateEntireFrameTree(aPresContext); } // Now find the containing block nsIFrame* containingBlock = GetFloaterContainingBlock(aPresContext, parentFrame); if (!containingBlock) { return RecreateEntireFrameTree(aPresContext); } // And get the containingBlock's content nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> blockContent; containingBlock->GetContent(getter_AddRefs(blockContent)); if (!blockContent) { return RecreateEntireFrameTree(aPresContext); } // Now find the containingBlock's content's parent nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> parentContainer; blockContent->GetParent(*getter_AddRefs(parentContainer)); if (!parentContainer) { return RecreateEntireFrameTree(aPresContext); } #ifdef DEBUG if (gNoisyContentUpdates) { printf(" ==> blockContent=%p, parentContainer=%p\n", blockContent.get(), parentContainer.get()); } #endif PRInt32 ix; parentContainer->IndexOf(blockContent, ix); nsresult rv = ContentReplaced(aPresContext, parentContainer, blockContent, blockContent, ix); return rv; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RecreateEntireFrameTree(nsIPresContext* aPresContext) { // XXX write me some day return NS_OK; } nsresult nsCSSFrameConstructor::RemoveFixedItems(nsIPresContext& aPresContext, nsIPresShell& aPresShell) { nsresult rv=NS_OK; if (mFixedContainingBlock) { nsIFrame *fixedChild = nsnull; do { mFixedContainingBlock->FirstChild(&aPresContext, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, &fixedChild); if (fixedChild) { rv = mFixedContainingBlock->RemoveFrame(&aPresContext, aPresShell, nsLayoutAtoms::fixedList, fixedChild); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Error removing frame from fixed containing block in RemoveFixedItems"); break; } } } while(fixedChild); } else { NS_WARNING( "RemoveDixedItems called with no FixedContainingBlock data member set"); } return rv; }