/* jshint moz:true, browser:true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "PeerConnectionIdp", "resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnectionIdp.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "convertToRTCStatsReport", "resource://gre/modules/media/RTCStatsReport.jsm" ); const PC_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnection;1"; const PC_OBS_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionobserver;1"; const PC_ICE_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcicecandidate;1"; const PC_SESSION_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcsessiondescription;1"; const PC_STATS_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcstatsreport;1"; const PC_STATIC_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionstatic;1"; const PC_SENDER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtpsender;1"; const PC_RECEIVER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtpreceiver;1"; const PC_TRANSCEIVER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtptransceiver;1"; const PC_COREQUEST_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/createofferrequest;1"; const PC_DTMF_SENDER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcdtmfsender;1"; const PC_CID = Components.ID("{bdc2e533-b308-4708-ac8e-a8bfade6d851}"); const PC_OBS_CID = Components.ID("{d1748d4c-7f6a-4dc5-add6-d55b7678537e}"); const PC_ICE_CID = Components.ID("{02b9970c-433d-4cc2-923d-f7028ac66073}"); const PC_SESSION_CID = Components.ID("{1775081b-b62d-4954-8ffe-a067bbf508a7}"); const PC_MANAGER_CID = Components.ID("{7293e901-2be3-4c02-b4bd-cbef6fc24f78}"); const PC_STATS_CID = Components.ID("{7fe6e18b-0da3-4056-bf3b-440ef3809e06}"); const PC_STATIC_CID = Components.ID("{0fb47c47-a205-4583-a9fc-cbadf8c95880}"); const PC_SENDER_CID = Components.ID("{4fff5d46-d827-4cd4-a970-8fd53977440e}"); const PC_RECEIVER_CID = Components.ID("{d974b814-8fde-411c-8c45-b86791b81030}"); const PC_TRANSCEIVER_CID = Components.ID( "{09475754-103a-41f5-a2d0-e1f27eb0b537}" ); const PC_COREQUEST_CID = Components.ID( "{74b2122d-65a8-4824-aa9e-3d664cb75dc2}" ); const PC_DTMF_SENDER_CID = Components.ID( "{3610C242-654E-11E6-8EC0-6D1BE389A607}" ); function logMsg(msg, file, line, flag, winID) { let scriptErrorClass = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"]; let scriptError = scriptErrorClass.createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptError); scriptError.initWithWindowID( msg, file, null, line, 0, flag, "content javascript", winID ); Services.console.logMessage(scriptError); } let setupPrototype = (_class, dict) => { _class.prototype.classDescription = _class.name; Object.assign(_class.prototype, dict); }; // Global list of PeerConnection objects, so they can be cleaned up when // a page is torn down. (Maps inner window ID to an array of PC objects). class GlobalPCList { constructor() { this._list = {}; this._networkdown = false; // XXX Need to query current state somehow this._lifecycleobservers = {}; this._nextId = 1; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-change-net-teardown", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-about-to-go-offline", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "gmp-plugin-crash", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "PeerConnection:response:allow", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "PeerConnection:response:deny", true); if (Services.cpmm) { Services.cpmm.addMessageListener("gmp-plugin-crash", this); } } notifyLifecycleObservers(pc, type) { for (var key of Object.keys(this._lifecycleobservers)) { this._lifecycleobservers[key](pc, pc._winID, type); } } addPC(pc) { let winID = pc._winID; if (this._list[winID]) { this._list[winID].push(Cu.getWeakReference(pc)); } else { this._list[winID] = [Cu.getWeakReference(pc)]; } pc._globalPCListId = this._nextId++; this.removeNullRefs(winID); } findPC(globalPCListId) { for (let winId in this._list) { if (this._list.hasOwnProperty(winId)) { for (let pcref of this._list[winId]) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc && pc._globalPCListId == globalPCListId) { return pc; } } } } return null; } removeNullRefs(winID) { if (this._list[winID] === undefined) { return; } this._list[winID] = this._list[winID].filter(function(e, i, a) { return e.get() !== null; }); if (this._list[winID].length === 0) { delete this._list[winID]; } } handleGMPCrash(data) { let broadcastPluginCrash = function(list, winID, pluginID, pluginName) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { list[winID].forEach(function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc) { pc._pc.pluginCrash(pluginID, pluginName); } }); } }; // a plugin crashed; if it's associated with any of our PCs, fire an // event to the DOM window for (let winId in this._list) { broadcastPluginCrash(this._list, winId, data.pluginID, data.pluginName); } } receiveMessage({ name, data }) { if (name == "gmp-plugin-crash") { this.handleGMPCrash(data); } } observe(subject, topic, data) { let cleanupPcRef = function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc) { pc._suppressEvents = true; pc.close(); } }; let cleanupWinId = function(list, winID) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { list[winID].forEach(cleanupPcRef); delete list[winID]; } }; if (topic == "inner-window-destroyed") { let winID = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data; cleanupWinId(this._list, winID); if (this._lifecycleobservers.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { delete this._lifecycleobservers[winID]; } } else if ( topic == "profile-change-net-teardown" || topic == "network:offline-about-to-go-offline" ) { // As Necko doesn't prevent us from accessing the network we still need to // monitor the network offline/online state here. See bug 1326483 this._networkdown = true; } else if (topic == "network:offline-status-changed") { if (data == "offline") { this._networkdown = true; } else if (data == "online") { this._networkdown = false; } } else if (topic == "gmp-plugin-crash") { if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2) { let pluginID = subject.getPropertyAsUint32("pluginID"); let pluginName = subject.getPropertyAsAString("pluginName"); let data = { pluginID, pluginName }; this.handleGMPCrash(data); } } else if ( topic == "PeerConnection:response:allow" || topic == "PeerConnection:response:deny" ) { var pc = this.findPC(data); if (pc) { if (topic == "PeerConnection:response:allow") { pc._settlePermission.allow(); } else { let err = new pc._win.DOMException( "The request is not allowed by " + "the user agent or the platform in the current context.", "NotAllowedError" ); pc._settlePermission.deny(err); } } } } _registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback(winID, cb) { this._lifecycleobservers[winID] = cb; } } setupPrototype(GlobalPCList, { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, ]), classID: PC_MANAGER_CID, _xpcom_factory: { createInstance(outer, iid) { if (outer) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; } return _globalPCList.QueryInterface(iid); }, }, }); var _globalPCList = new GlobalPCList(); class RTCIceCandidate { init(win) { this._win = win; } __init(dict) { if (dict.sdpMid == null && dict.sdpMLineIndex == null) { throw new this._win.TypeError( "Either sdpMid or sdpMLineIndex must be specified" ); } Object.assign(this, dict); } } setupPrototype(RTCIceCandidate, { classID: PC_ICE_CID, contractID: PC_ICE_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), }); class RTCSessionDescription { init(win) { this._win = win; this._winID = this._win.windowUtils.currentInnerWindowID; } __init({ type, sdp }) { Object.assign(this, { _type: type, _sdp: sdp }); } get type() { return this._type; } set type(type) { this.warn(); this._type = type; } get sdp() { return this._sdp; } set sdp(sdp) { this.warn(); this._sdp = sdp; } warn() { if (!this._warned) { // Warn once per RTCSessionDescription about deprecated writable usage. this.logWarning( "RTCSessionDescription's members are readonly! " + "Writing to them is deprecated and will break soon!" ); this._warned = true; } } logWarning(msg) { let err = this._win.Error(); logMsg( msg, err.fileName, err.lineNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag, this._winID ); } } setupPrototype(RTCSessionDescription, { classID: PC_SESSION_CID, contractID: PC_SESSION_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), }); class RTCStatsReport { constructor(pc, dict) { this._pc = pc; this._win = pc._win; this._pcid = dict.pcid; this._report = convertToRTCStatsReport(dict); } setInternal(aKey, aObj) { return this.__DOM_IMPL__.__set(aKey, aObj); } // Must be called after our webidl sandwich is made. makeStatsPublic() { for (const key in this._report) { const value = this._report[key]; if (value.type == "local-candidate" || value.type == "remote-candidate") { delete value.transportId; } this.setInternal(key, Cu.cloneInto(value, this._win)); } } get mozPcid() { return this._pcid; } __onget(key, stat) { return stat; } } setupPrototype(RTCStatsReport, { classID: PC_STATS_CID, contractID: PC_STATS_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); // Records PC related telemetry class PeerConnectionTelemetry { // Record which style(s) of invocation for getStats are used recordGetStats() { Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("webrtc.peerconnection.promise_stats_used", 1); this.recordGetStats = () => {}; } // ICE connection state enters connected or completed. recordConnected() { Services.telemetry.scalarAdd("webrtc.peerconnection.connected", 1); this.recordConnected = () => {}; } // DataChannel is created _recordDataChannelCreated() { Services.telemetry.scalarAdd( "webrtc.peerconnection.datachannel_created", 1 ); this._recordDataChannelCreated = () => {}; } // DataChannel initialized with maxRetransmitTime _recordMaxRetransmitTime(maxRetransmitTime) { if (maxRetransmitTime === undefined) { return false; } Services.telemetry.scalarAdd( "webrtc.peerconnection.datachannel_max_retx_used", 1 ); this._recordMaxRetransmitTime = () => true; return true; } // DataChannel initialized with maxPacketLifeTime _recordMaxPacketLifeTime(maxPacketLifeTime) { if (maxPacketLifeTime === undefined) { return false; } Services.telemetry.scalarAdd( "webrtc.peerconnection.datachannel_max_life_used", 1 ); this._recordMaxPacketLifeTime = () => true; return true; } // DataChannel initialized recordDataChannelInit(maxRetransmitTime, maxPacketLifeTime) { const retxUsed = this._recordMaxRetransmitTime(maxRetransmitTime); if (this._recordMaxPacketLifeTime(maxPacketLifeTime) && retxUsed) { Services.telemetry.scalarAdd( "webrtc.peerconnection.datachannel_max_retx_and_life_used", 1 ); this.recordDataChannelInit = () => {}; } this._recordDataChannelCreated(); } } // Cache for RTPSourceEntries // Note: each cache is only valid for one JS event loop execution class RTCRtpSourceCache { constructor() { // The time in RTP source time (ms) this.tsNowInRtpSourceTime = null; // The time in JS this.jsTimestamp = null; // Time difference between JS time and RTP source time this.timestampOffset = null; // RTPSourceEntries cached by track id this.rtpSourcesByTrackId = new Map(); // Has a cache wipe already been scheduled this.scheduledClear = null; } } class RTCPeerConnection { constructor() { this._receiveStreams = new Map(); // Used to fire onaddstream, remove when we don't do that anymore. this._newStreams = []; this._transceivers = []; this._pc = null; this._closed = false; this._currentRole = null; this._pendingRole = null; // http://rtcweb-wg.github.io/jsep/#rfc.section.4.1.9 // canTrickle == null means unknown; when a remote description is received it // is set to true or false based on the presence of the "trickle" ice-option this._canTrickle = null; this._localUfragsToReplace = new Set(); // So we can record telemetry on state transitions this._iceConnectionState = "new"; this._hasStunServer = this._hasTurnServer = false; this._iceGatheredRelayCandidates = false; // Stored webrtc timing information this._storedRtpSourceReferenceTime = null; // Stores cached RTP sources state this._rtpSourceCache = new RTCRtpSourceCache(); // Records telemetry this._pcTelemetry = new PeerConnectionTelemetry(); } init(win) { this._win = win; } __init(rtcConfig) { this._winID = this._win.windowUtils.currentInnerWindowID; // TODO: Update this code once we support pc.setConfiguration, to track // setting from content independently from pref (Bug 1181768). if ( rtcConfig.iceTransportPolicy == "all" && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only") ) { rtcConfig.iceTransportPolicy = "relay"; } this._config = Object.assign({}, rtcConfig); if ( !rtcConfig.iceServers || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers" ) ) { try { rtcConfig.iceServers = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getCharPref( "media.peerconnection.default_iceservers" ) || "[]" ); } catch (e) { this.logWarning( "Ignoring invalid media.peerconnection.default_iceservers in about:config" ); rtcConfig.iceServers = []; } try { this._mustValidateRTCConfiguration( rtcConfig, "Ignoring invalid media.peerconnection.default_iceservers in about:config" ); } catch (e) { this.logWarning(e.message); rtcConfig.iceServers = []; } } else { // This gets executed in the typical case when iceServers // are passed in through the web page. this._mustValidateRTCConfiguration( rtcConfig, "RTCPeerConnection constructor passed invalid RTCConfiguration" ); } let certificates = rtcConfig.certificates || []; if (certificates.some(c => c.expires <= Date.now())) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Unable to create RTCPeerConnection with an expired certificate", "InvalidAccessError" ); } // TODO(bug 1531875): Check origin of certs // TODO(bug 1176518): Remove this code once we support multiple certs let certificate; if (certificates.length == 1) { certificate = certificates[0]; } else if (certificates.length) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "RTCPeerConnection does not currently support multiple certificates", "NotSupportedError" ); } var principal = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal(); this._isChrome = principal.isSystemPrincipal; if (_globalPCList._networkdown) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Can't create RTCPeerConnections when the network is down", "InvalidStateError" ); } this.makeGetterSetterEH("ontrack"); this.makeLegacyGetterSetterEH( "onaddstream", "Use peerConnection.ontrack instead." ); this.makeLegacyGetterSetterEH( "onaddtrack", "Use peerConnection.ontrack instead." ); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onicecandidate"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onnegotiationneeded"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onsignalingstatechange"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("ondatachannel"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("oniceconnectionstatechange"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onicegatheringstatechange"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidentityresult"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onpeeridentity"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidpassertionerror"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidpvalidationerror"); this._pc = new this._win.PeerConnectionImpl(); this._operationsChain = this._win.Promise.resolve(); this.__DOM_IMPL__._innerObject = this; const observer = new this._win.PeerConnectionObserver(this.__DOM_IMPL__); this._warnDeprecatedStatsRemoteAccessNullable = { warn: key => this .logWarning(`Detected soon-to-break getStats() use with key="${key}"! stat.isRemote goes away in Firefox 66, but won't warn there!\ - See https://blog.mozilla.org/webrtc/getstats-isremote-66/`), }; // Add a reference to the PeerConnection to global list (before init). _globalPCList.addPC(this); this._impl.initialize( observer, this._win, rtcConfig, Services.tm.currentThread ); this._certificateReady = this._initCertificate(certificate); this._initIdp(); _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "initialized"); } get _impl() { if (!this._pc) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "RTCPeerConnection is gone (did you enter Offline mode?)", "InvalidStateError" ); } return this._pc; } getConfiguration() { return this._config; } async _initCertificate(certificate) { if (!certificate) { certificate = await this._win.RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate({ name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-256", }); } // Is the PC still around after the await? if (!this._closed) { this._impl.certificate = certificate; } } _resetPeerIdentityPromise() { this._peerIdentity = new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolvePeerIdentity = resolve; this._rejectPeerIdentity = reject; }); } _initIdp() { this._resetPeerIdentityPromise(); this._lastIdentityValidation = this._win.Promise.resolve(); let prefName = "media.peerconnection.identity.timeout"; let idpTimeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(prefName); this._localIdp = new PeerConnectionIdp(this._win, idpTimeout); this._remoteIdp = new PeerConnectionIdp(this._win, idpTimeout); } // Add a function to the internal operations chain. async _chain(func) { let p = (async () => { await this._operationsChain; // Don't _checkClosed() inside the chain, because it throws, and spec // behavior is to NOT reject outstanding promises on close. This is what // happens most of the time anyways, as the c++ code stops calling us once // closed, hanging the chain. However, c++ may already have queued tasks // on us, so if we're one of those then sit back. if (this._closed) { return null; } return func(); })(); // don't propagate errors in the operations chain (this is a fork of p). this._operationsChain = p.catch(() => {}); return p; } // It's basically impossible to use async directly in JSImplemented code, // because the implicit promise must be wrapped to the right type for content. // // The _async wrapper takes care of this. The _legacy wrapper implements // legacy callbacks in a manner that produces correct line-numbers in errors, // provided that methods validate their inputs before putting themselves on // the pc's operations chain. // // These wrappers also serve as guards against settling promises past close(). _async(func) { return this._win.Promise.resolve(this._closeWrapper(func)); } _legacy(...args) { return this._win.Promise.resolve(this._legacyCloseWrapper(...args)); } _auto(onSucc, onErr, func) { return typeof onSucc == "function" ? this._legacy(onSucc, onErr, func) : this._async(func); } async _closeWrapper(func) { let closed = this._closed; try { let result = await func(); if (!closed && this._closed) { await new Promise(() => {}); } return result; } catch (e) { if (!closed && this._closed) { await new Promise(() => {}); } throw e; } } async _legacyCloseWrapper(onSucc, onErr, func) { let wrapCallback = cb => result => { try { cb && cb(result); } catch (e) { this.logErrorAndCallOnError(e); } }; try { wrapCallback(onSucc)(await func()); } catch (e) { wrapCallback(onErr)(e); } } // This implements the fairly common "Queue a task" logic async _queueTaskWithClosedCheck(func) { const pc = this; return new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread({ run() { try { if (!pc._closed) { func(); resolve(); } } catch (e) { reject(e); } }, }); }); } /** * An RTCConfiguration may look like this: * * { "iceServers": [ { urls: "stun:stun.example.org", }, * { url: "stun:stun.example.org", }, // deprecated version * { urls: ["turn:turn1.x.org", "turn:turn2.x.org"], * username:"jib", credential:"mypass"} ] } * * This function normalizes the structure of the input for rtcConfig.iceServers for us, * so we test well-formed stun/turn urls before passing along to C++. * msg - Error message to detail which array-entry failed, if any. */ _mustValidateRTCConfiguration({ iceServers }, msg) { // Normalize iceServers input iceServers.forEach(server => { if (typeof server.urls === "string") { server.urls = [server.urls]; } else if (!server.urls && server.url) { // TODO: Remove support for legacy iceServer.url eventually (Bug 1116766) server.urls = [server.url]; this.logWarning("RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead."); } }); let nicerNewURI = uriStr => { try { return Services.io.newURI(uriStr); } catch (e) { if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI) { throw new this._win.SyntaxError(`${msg} - malformed URI: ${uriStr}`); } throw e; } }; var stunServers = 0; iceServers.forEach(({ urls, username, credential, credentialType }) => { if (!urls) { // TODO: Remove once url is deprecated (Bug 1369563) throw new this._win.TypeError( "Missing required 'urls' member of RTCIceServer" ); } if (urls.length == 0) { throw new this._win.SyntaxError(`${msg} - urls is empty`); } urls .map(url => nicerNewURI(url)) .forEach(({ scheme, spec }) => { if (scheme in { turn: 1, turns: 1 }) { if (username == undefined) { throw new this._win.DOMException( `${msg} - missing username: ${spec}`, "InvalidAccessError" ); } if (username.length > 512) { throw new this._win.DOMException( `${msg} - username longer then 512 bytes: ${username}`, "InvalidAccessError" ); } if (credential == undefined) { throw new this._win.DOMException( `${msg} - missing credential: ${spec}`, "InvalidAccessError" ); } if (credentialType != "password") { this.logWarning( `RTCConfiguration TURN credentialType \"${credentialType}\"` + " is not yet implemented. Treating as password." + " https://bugzil.la/1247616" ); } this._hasTurnServer = true; stunServers += 1; } else if (scheme in { stun: 1, stuns: 1 }) { this._hasStunServer = true; stunServers += 1; } else { throw new this._win.SyntaxError( `${msg} - improper scheme: ${scheme}` ); } if (scheme in { stuns: 1 }) { this.logWarning(scheme.toUpperCase() + " is not yet supported."); } if (stunServers >= 5) { this.logError( "Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems" ); } else if (stunServers > 2) { this.logWarning( "Using more than two STUN/TURN servers slows down discovery" ); } }); }); } // Ideally, this should be of the form _checkState(state), // where the state is taken from an enumeration containing // the valid peer connection states defined in the WebRTC // spec. See Bug 831756. _checkClosed() { if (this._closed) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Peer connection is closed", "InvalidStateError" ); } } dispatchEvent(event) { // PC can close while events are firing if there is an async dispatch // in c++ land. But let through "closed" signaling and ice connection events. if (!this._suppressEvents) { this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event); } } // Log error message to web console and window.onerror, if present. logErrorAndCallOnError(e) { this.logMsg( e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.exceptionFlag ); // Safely call onerror directly if present (necessary for testing) try { if (typeof this._win.onerror === "function") { this._win.onerror(e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber); } } catch (e) { // If onerror itself throws, service it. try { this.logMsg( e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.errorFlag ); } catch (e) {} } } logError(msg) { this.logStackMsg(msg, Ci.nsIScriptError.errorFlag); } logWarning(msg) { this.logStackMsg(msg, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag); } logStackMsg(msg, flag) { let err = this._win.Error(); this.logMsg(msg, err.fileName, err.lineNumber, flag); } logMsg(msg, file, line, flag) { return logMsg(msg, file, line, flag, this._winID); } getEH(type) { return this.__DOM_IMPL__.getEventHandler(type); } setEH(type, handler) { this.__DOM_IMPL__.setEventHandler(type, handler); } makeGetterSetterEH(name) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { get() { return this.getEH(name); }, set(h) { return this.setEH(name, h); }, }); } makeLegacyGetterSetterEH(name, msg) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { get() { return this.getEH(name); }, set(h) { this.logWarning(name + " is deprecated! " + msg); return this.setEH(name, h); }, }); } createOffer(optionsOrOnSucc, onErr, options) { let onSuccess = null; if (typeof optionsOrOnSucc == "function") { onSuccess = optionsOrOnSucc; } else { options = optionsOrOnSucc; } if (this._localUfragsToReplace.size > 0) { options.iceRestart = true; } // This entry-point handles both new and legacy call sig. Decipher which one if (onSuccess) { return this._legacy(onSuccess, onErr, () => this._createOffer(options)); } return this._async(() => this._createOffer(options)); } // Ensures that we have at least one transceiver of |kind| that is // configured to receive. It will create one if necessary. _ensureOfferToReceive(kind) { let hasRecv = this._transceivers.some( transceiver => transceiver.getKind() == kind && (transceiver.direction == "sendrecv" || transceiver.direction == "recvonly") && !transceiver.stopped ); if (!hasRecv) { this._addTransceiverNoEvents(kind, { direction: "recvonly" }); } } // Handles offerToReceiveAudio/Video _ensureTransceiversForOfferToReceive(options) { if (options.offerToReceiveAudio) { this._ensureOfferToReceive("audio"); } if (options.offerToReceiveVideo) { this._ensureOfferToReceive("video"); } this._transceivers .filter(transceiver => { return ( (options.offerToReceiveVideo === false && transceiver.receiver.track.kind == "video") || (options.offerToReceiveAudio === false && transceiver.receiver.track.kind == "audio") ); }) .forEach(transceiver => { if (transceiver.direction == "sendrecv") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("sendonly"); } else if (transceiver.direction == "recvonly") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("inactive"); } }); } async _createOffer(options) { this._checkClosed(); this._ensureTransceiversForOfferToReceive(options); this._syncTransceivers(); let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(async () => { let haveAssertion; if (this._localIdp.enabled) { haveAssertion = this._getIdentityAssertion(origin); } await this._getPermission(); await this._certificateReady; let sdp = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onCreateOfferSuccess = resolve; this._onCreateOfferFailure = reject; this._impl.createOffer(options); }); if (haveAssertion) { await haveAssertion; sdp = this._localIdp.addIdentityAttribute(sdp); } return Cu.cloneInto({ type: "offer", sdp }, this._win); }); } createAnswer(optionsOrOnSucc, onErr) { // This entry-point handles both new and legacy call sig. Decipher which one if (typeof optionsOrOnSucc == "function") { return this._legacy(optionsOrOnSucc, onErr, () => this._createAnswer({})); } return this._async(() => this._createAnswer(optionsOrOnSucc)); } async _createAnswer(options) { this._checkClosed(); this._syncTransceivers(); let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(async () => { // We give up line-numbers in errors by doing this here, but do all // state-checks inside the chain, to support the legacy feature that // callers don't have to wait for setRemoteDescription to finish. if (!this.remoteDescription) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "setRemoteDescription not called", "InvalidStateError" ); } if (this.remoteDescription.type != "offer") { throw new this._win.DOMException( "No outstanding offer", "InvalidStateError" ); } let haveAssertion; if (this._localIdp.enabled) { haveAssertion = this._getIdentityAssertion(origin); } await this._getPermission(); await this._certificateReady; let sdp = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onCreateAnswerSuccess = resolve; this._onCreateAnswerFailure = reject; this._impl.createAnswer(); }); if (haveAssertion) { await haveAssertion; sdp = this._localIdp.addIdentityAttribute(sdp); } return Cu.cloneInto({ type: "answer", sdp }, this._win); }); } async _getPermission() { if (!this._havePermission) { let privileged = this._isChrome || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.navigator.permission.disabled"); if (privileged) { this._havePermission = Promise.resolve(); } else { this._havePermission = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._settlePermission = { allow: resolve, deny: reject }; let outerId = this._win.windowUtils.outerWindowID; let chrome = new CreateOfferRequest( outerId, this._winID, this._globalPCListId, false ); let request = this._win.CreateOfferRequest._create(this._win, chrome); Services.obs.notifyObservers(request, "PeerConnection:request"); }); } } return this._havePermission; } _sanityCheckSdp(action, type, sdp) { if (action === undefined) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Invalid type " + type + " provided to setLocalDescription", "InvalidParameterError" ); } if (action == Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionPRAnswer) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "pranswer not yet implemented", "NotSupportedError" ); } // The fippo butter finger filter AKA non-ASCII chars // Note: SDP allows non-ASCII character in the subject (who cares?) // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex let pos = sdp.search(/[^\u0000-\u007f]/); if (pos != -1) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "SDP contains non ASCII characters at position " + pos, "InvalidParameterError" ); } } setLocalDescription(desc, onSucc, onErr) { return this._auto(onSucc, onErr, () => this._setLocalDescription(desc)); } async _setLocalDescription({ type, sdp }) { this._checkClosed(); let action = this._actions[type]; this._sanityCheckSdp(action, type, sdp); return this._chain(async () => { await this._getPermission(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess = resolve; this._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure = reject; this._impl.setLocalDescription(action, sdp); }); this._negotiationNeeded = false; if (type == "answer") { this._currentRole = "answerer"; this._pendingRole = null; if (this._localUfragsToReplace.size > 0) { const ufrags = new Set(this._getUfragsWithPwds(sdp)); if (![...this._localUfragsToReplace].some(uf => ufrags.has(uf))) { this._localUfragsToReplace.clear(); } } } else { this._pendingRole = "offerer"; } this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); }); } async _validateIdentity(sdp, origin) { // Only run a single identity verification at a time. We have to do this to // avoid problems with the fact that identity validation doesn't block the // resolution of setRemoteDescription(). const validate = async () => { await this._lastIdentityValidation; const msg = await this._remoteIdp.verifyIdentityFromSDP(sdp, origin); // If this pc has an identity already, then the identity in sdp must match if ( this._impl.peerIdentity && (!msg || msg.identity !== this._impl.peerIdentity) ) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Peer Identity mismatch, expected: " + this._impl.peerIdentity, "OperationError" ); } if (msg) { // Set new identity and generate an event. this._impl.peerIdentity = msg.identity; this._resolvePeerIdentity( Cu.cloneInto( { idp: this._remoteIdp.provider, name: msg.identity, }, this._win ) ); } }; const haveValidation = validate(); // Always eat errors on this chain this._lastIdentityValidation = haveValidation.catch(() => {}); // If validation fails, we have some work to do. Fork it so it cannot // interfere with the validation chain itself, even if the catch function // throws. haveValidation.catch(e => { this._rejectPeerIdentity(e); // If we don't expect a specific peer identity, failure to get a valid // peer identity is not a terminal state, so replace the promise to // allow another attempt. if (!this._impl.peerIdentity) { this._resetPeerIdentityPromise(); } }); // Only wait for IdP validation if we need identity matching if (this._impl.peerIdentity) { await haveValidation; } } setRemoteDescription(desc, onSucc, onErr) { return this._auto(onSucc, onErr, () => this._setRemoteDescription(desc)); } async _setRemoteDescription({ type, sdp }) { this._checkClosed(); let action = this._actions[type]; this._sanityCheckSdp(action, type, sdp); // Get caller's origin before hitting the promise chain let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(async () => { const haveSetRemote = (async () => { await this._getPermission(); if (type == "offer" && this.signalingState == "have-local-offer") { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess = resolve; this._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure = reject; this._impl.setLocalDescription( Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionRollback, "" ); }); } await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess = resolve; this._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure = reject; this._impl.setRemoteDescription(action, sdp); }); this._updateCanTrickle(); })(); if (action != Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionRollback) { // Do setRemoteDescription and identity validation in parallel await this._validateIdentity(sdp, origin); } await haveSetRemote; this._negotiationNeeded = false; if (type == "answer") { this._currentRole = "offerer"; this._pendingRole = null; if (this._localUfragsToReplace.size > 0) { const ufrags = new Set( this._getUfragsWithPwds(this._impl.currentLocalDescription) ); if (![...this._localUfragsToReplace].some(uf => ufrags.has(uf))) { this._localUfragsToReplace.clear(); } } } else { this._pendingRole = "answerer"; } this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); }); } setIdentityProvider(provider, { protocol, usernameHint, peerIdentity } = {}) { this._checkClosed(); peerIdentity = peerIdentity || this._impl.peerIdentity; this._localIdp.setIdentityProvider( provider, protocol, usernameHint, peerIdentity ); } async _getIdentityAssertion(origin) { await this._certificateReady; return this._localIdp.getIdentityAssertion(this._impl.fingerprint, origin); } getIdentityAssertion() { this._checkClosed(); let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._win.Promise.resolve( this._chain(() => this._getIdentityAssertion(origin)) ); } get canTrickleIceCandidates() { return this._canTrickle; } _updateCanTrickle() { let containsTrickle = section => { let lines = section.toLowerCase().split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/); return lines.some(line => { let prefix = "a=ice-options:"; if (line.substring(0, prefix.length) !== prefix) { return false; } let tokens = line.substring(prefix.length).split(" "); return tokens.some(x => x === "trickle"); }); }; let desc = null; try { // The getter for remoteDescription can throw if the pc is closed. desc = this.remoteDescription; } catch (e) {} if (!desc) { this._canTrickle = null; return; } let sections = desc.sdp.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)m=/); let topSection = sections.shift(); this._canTrickle = containsTrickle(topSection) || sections.every(containsTrickle); } addIceCandidate(cand, onSucc, onErr) { if ( cand.candidate != "" && cand.sdpMid == null && cand.sdpMLineIndex == null ) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Cannot add a candidate without specifying either sdpMid or sdpMLineIndex", "TypeError" ); } return this._auto(onSucc, onErr, () => this._addIceCandidate(cand)); } async _addIceCandidate({ candidate, sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, usernameFragment, }) { this._checkClosed(); return this._chain(() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onAddIceCandidateSuccess = resolve; this._onAddIceCandidateError = reject; this._impl.addIceCandidate( candidate, sdpMid || "", usernameFragment || "", sdpMLineIndex ); }); }); } restartIce() { this._localUfragsToReplace = new Set([ ...this._getUfragsWithPwds(this._impl.currentLocalDescription), ...this._getUfragsWithPwds(this._impl.pendingLocalDescription), ]); this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); } _getUfragsWithPwds(sdp) { return ( sdp .split("\r\nm=") .map(block => block.split("\r\n")) .map(lines => [ lines.find(l => l.startsWith("a=ice-ufrag:")), lines.find(l => l.startsWith("a=ice-pwd:")), ]) // Even though our own SDP doesn't currently do this: JSEP says properties // found in the session (array[0]) apply to all m-lines that don't specify // them, like default values. .map(([a, b], i, array) => [a || array[0][0], b || array[0][1]]) .filter(([a, b]) => a && b) .map(array => array.join()) ); } addStream(stream) { stream.getTracks().forEach(track => this.addTrack(track, stream)); } addTrack(track, ...streams) { this._checkClosed(); if ( this._transceivers.some(transceiver => transceiver.sender.track == track) ) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "This track is already set on a sender.", "InvalidAccessError" ); } let transceiver = this._transceivers.find(transceiver => { return ( transceiver.sender.track == null && transceiver.getKind() == track.kind && !transceiver.stopped && !transceiver.hasBeenUsedToSend() ); }); if (transceiver) { transceiver.sender.setTrack(track); transceiver.sender.setStreams(streams); if (transceiver.direction == "recvonly") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("sendrecv"); } else if (transceiver.direction == "inactive") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("sendonly"); } } else { transceiver = this._addTransceiverNoEvents(track, { streams, direction: "sendrecv", }); } transceiver.setAddTrackMagic(); transceiver.sync(); this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); return transceiver.sender; } removeTrack(sender) { this._checkClosed(); sender.checkWasCreatedByPc(this.__DOM_IMPL__); let transceiver = this._transceivers.find( transceiver => !transceiver.stopped && transceiver.sender == sender ); // If the transceiver was removed due to rollback, let it slide. if (!transceiver || !sender.track) { return; } sender.setTrack(null); if (transceiver.direction == "sendrecv") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("recvonly"); } else if (transceiver.direction == "sendonly") { transceiver.setDirectionInternal("inactive"); } transceiver.sync(); this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); } _addTransceiverNoEvents(sendTrackOrKind, init) { let sendTrack = null; let kind; if (typeof sendTrackOrKind == "string") { kind = sendTrackOrKind; switch (kind) { case "audio": case "video": break; default: throw new this._win.TypeError("Invalid media kind"); } } else { sendTrack = sendTrackOrKind; kind = sendTrack.kind; } let transceiverImpl = this._impl.createTransceiverImpl(kind, sendTrack); let transceiver = this._win.RTCRtpTransceiver._create( this._win, new RTCRtpTransceiver(this, transceiverImpl, init, kind, sendTrack) ); transceiver.sync(); this._transceivers.push(transceiver); return transceiver; } _onTransceiverNeeded(kind, transceiverImpl) { let init = { direction: "recvonly" }; let transceiver = this._win.RTCRtpTransceiver._create( this._win, new RTCRtpTransceiver(this, transceiverImpl, init, kind, null) ); transceiver.sync(); this._transceivers.push(transceiver); } /* Returns a dictionary with three keys: * sources: a list of contributing and synchronization sources * sourceClockOffset: an offset to apply to the source timestamp to get a * very close approximation of the sample time with respect to the local * clock. * jsTimestamp: the current JS time * Note: because the two clocks can drift with respect to each other, once * a timestamp offset has been calculated it should not be recalculated * until the timestamp changes, this way it will not appear as if a new * audio level sample has arrived. */ _getRtpSources(receiver) { let cache = this._rtpSourceCache; // Schedule cache invalidation if (!cache.scheduledClear) { cache.scheduledClear = true; Promise.resolve().then(() => { this._rtpSourceCache = new RTCRtpSourceCache(); }); } // Fetch the RTP source local time, store it for reuse, calculate // the local offset, likewise store it for reuse. if (cache.tsNowInRtpSourceTime !== undefined) { cache.tsNowInRtpSourceTime = this._impl.getNowInRtpSourceReferenceTime(); cache.jsTimestamp = this._win.performance.now() + this._win.performance.timeOrigin; cache.timestampOffset = cache.jsTimestamp - cache.tsNowInRtpSourceTime; } let id = receiver.track.id; if (cache.rtpSourcesByTrackId[id] === undefined) { cache.rtpSourcesByTrackId[id] = this._impl.getRtpSources( receiver.track, cache.tsNowInRtpSourceTime ); } return { sources: cache.rtpSourcesByTrackId[id], sourceClockOffset: cache.timestampOffset, jsTimestamp: cache.jsTimestamp, }; } addTransceiver(sendTrackOrKind, init) { this._checkClosed(); let transceiver = this._addTransceiverNoEvents(sendTrackOrKind, init); this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); return transceiver; } _syncTransceivers() { this._transceivers.forEach(transceiver => transceiver.sync()); } updateNegotiationNeeded() { if (this._closed || this.signalingState != "stable") { return; } let negotiationNeeded = this._impl.checkNegotiationNeeded() || this._localUfragsToReplace.size > 0; if (!negotiationNeeded) { this._negotiationNeeded = false; return; } if (this._negotiationNeeded) { return; } this._negotiationNeeded = true; this._queueTaskWithClosedCheck(() => { if (this._negotiationNeeded) { this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("negotiationneeded")); } }); } _processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals() { const removeList = []; const addList = []; const muteTransceiverReceiveTracks = []; const trackEventInits = []; for (const transceiver of this._transceivers) { transceiver.receiver.processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals(transceiver, { removeList, addList, muteTransceiverReceiveTracks, trackEventInits, }); } muteTransceiverReceiveTracks.forEach(transceiver => { // Check this as late as possible, in case JS has messed with this state. transceiver.setReceiveTrackMuted(true); }); for (const { stream, track } of removeList) { // Check this as late as possible, in case JS messes with the track lists. if (stream.getTracks().includes(track)) { stream.removeTrack(track); // Removing tracks from JS does not result in the stream getting a // removetrack event, so we need to do that here. stream.dispatchEvent( new this._win.MediaStreamTrackEvent("removetrack", { track }) ); } } for (const { stream, track } of addList) { // Check this as late as possible, in case JS messes with the track lists. if (!stream.getTracks().includes(track)) { stream.addTrack(track); // Adding tracks from JS does not result in the stream getting an // addtrack event, so we need to do that here. stream.dispatchEvent( new this._win.MediaStreamTrackEvent("addtrack", { track }) ); } } trackEventInits.forEach(init => { this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.RTCTrackEvent("track", init)); // Fire legacy event as well for a little bit. this.dispatchEvent( new this._win.MediaStreamTrackEvent("addtrack", { track: init.track }) ); }); } // TODO(Bug 1241291): Legacy event, remove eventually _fireLegacyAddStreamEvents() { for (let stream of this._newStreams) { let ev = new this._win.MediaStreamEvent("addstream", { stream }); this.dispatchEvent(ev); } this._newStreams = []; } _getOrCreateStream(id) { if (!this._receiveStreams.has(id)) { let stream = new this._win.MediaStream(); stream.assignId(id); this._newStreams.push(stream); this._receiveStreams.set(id, stream); } return this._receiveStreams.get(id); } _insertDTMF(transceiverImpl, tones, duration, interToneGap) { return this._impl.insertDTMF( transceiverImpl, tones, duration, interToneGap ); } _getDTMFToneBuffer(sender) { return this._impl.getDTMFToneBuffer(sender.__DOM_IMPL__); } _replaceTrackNoRenegotiation(transceiverImpl, withTrack) { this._impl.replaceTrackNoRenegotiation(transceiverImpl, withTrack); } close() { if (this._closed) { return; } this._closed = true; this.changeIceConnectionState("closed"); if (this._localIdp) { this._localIdp.close(); } if (this._remoteIdp) { this._remoteIdp.close(); } if (!this._suppressEvents) { this._transceivers.forEach(t => t.setStopped()); } this._impl.close(); this._suppressEvents = true; delete this._pc; } getLocalStreams() { this._checkClosed(); let localStreams = new Set(); this._transceivers.forEach(transceiver => { transceiver.sender.getStreams().forEach(stream => { localStreams.add(stream); }); }); return [...localStreams.values()]; } getRemoteStreams() { this._checkClosed(); return [...this._receiveStreams.values()]; } getSenders() { return this.getTransceivers() .filter(transceiver => !transceiver.stopped) .map(transceiver => transceiver.sender); } getReceivers() { return this.getTransceivers() .filter(transceiver => !transceiver.stopped) .map(transceiver => transceiver.receiver); } // test-only: get the current time using the webrtc clock mozGetNowInRtpSourceReferenceTime() { return this._impl.getNowInRtpSourceReferenceTime(); } // test-only: insert a contributing source entry for a track mozInsertAudioLevelForContributingSource( receiver, source, timestamp, hasLevel, level ) { this._impl.insertAudioLevelForContributingSource( receiver.track, source, timestamp, hasLevel, level ); } mozAddRIDExtension(receiver, extensionId) { this._impl.addRIDExtension(receiver.track, extensionId); } mozAddRIDFilter(receiver, rid) { this._impl.addRIDFilter(receiver.track, rid); } mozSetPacketCallback(callback) { this._onPacket = callback; } mozEnablePacketDump(level, type, sending) { this._impl.enablePacketDump(level, type, sending); } mozDisablePacketDump(level, type, sending) { this._impl.disablePacketDump(level, type, sending); } getTransceivers() { return this._transceivers; } get localDescription() { return this.pendingLocalDescription || this.currentLocalDescription; } get currentLocalDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.currentLocalDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } const type = this._currentRole == "answerer" ? "answer" : "offer"; return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type, sdp }); } get pendingLocalDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.pendingLocalDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } const type = this._pendingRole == "answerer" ? "answer" : "offer"; return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type, sdp }); } get remoteDescription() { return this.pendingRemoteDescription || this.currentRemoteDescription; } get currentRemoteDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.currentRemoteDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } const type = this._currentRole == "offerer" ? "answer" : "offer"; return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type, sdp }); } get pendingRemoteDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.pendingRemoteDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } const type = this._pendingRole == "offerer" ? "answer" : "offer"; return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type, sdp }); } get peerIdentity() { return this._peerIdentity; } get idpLoginUrl() { return this._localIdp.idpLoginUrl; } get id() { return this._impl.id; } set id(s) { this._impl.id = s; } get iceGatheringState() { return this._pc.iceGatheringState; } get iceConnectionState() { return this._iceConnectionState; } get signalingState() { // checking for our local pc closed indication // before invoking the pc methods. if (this._closed) { return "closed"; } return this._impl.signalingState; } handleIceGatheringStateChange() { _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "icegatheringstatechange"); this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("icegatheringstatechange")); if (this.iceGatheringState === "complete") { this.dispatchEvent( new this._win.RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent("icecandidate", { candidate: null, }) ); } } changeIceConnectionState(state) { if (state != this._iceConnectionState) { this._iceConnectionState = state; _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "iceconnectionstatechange"); this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("iceconnectionstatechange")); } } getStats(selector, onSucc, onErr) { if (selector !== null) { let matchingSenders = this.getSenders().filter(s => s.track === selector); let matchingReceivers = this.getReceivers().filter( r => r.track === selector ); if (matchingSenders.length + matchingReceivers.length != 1) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "track must be associated with a unique sender or receiver, but " + " is associated with " + matchingSenders.length + " senders and " + matchingReceivers.length + " receivers.", "InvalidAccessError" ); } } if ( this._iceConnectionState === "completed" || this._iceConnectionState === "connected" ) { this._pcTelemetry.recordGetStats(); } return this._auto(onSucc, onErr, () => this._getStats(selector)); } async _getStats(selector) { // getStats is allowed even in closed state. return this._chain( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onGetStatsSuccess = resolve; this._onGetStatsFailure = reject; this._impl.getStats(selector); }) ); } createDataChannel( label, { maxRetransmits, ordered, negotiated, id = null, maxRetransmitTime, maxPacketLifeTime, protocol, } = {} ) { this._checkClosed(); this._pcTelemetry.recordDataChannelInit( maxRetransmitTime, maxPacketLifeTime ); if (maxPacketLifeTime === undefined) { maxPacketLifeTime = maxRetransmitTime; } if (maxRetransmitTime !== undefined) { this.logWarning( "Use maxPacketLifeTime instead of deprecated maxRetransmitTime which will stop working soon in createDataChannel!" ); } if (protocol.length > 32767) { // At least 65536/2 UTF-16 characters. UTF-8 might be too long. // Spec says to check how long |protocol| and |label| are in _bytes_. This // is a little ambiguous. For now, examine the length of the utf-8 encoding. const byteCounter = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); if (byteCounter.encode(protocol).length > 65535) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "protocol cannot be longer than 65535 bytes", "TypeError" ); } } if (label.length > 32767) { const byteCounter = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); if (byteCounter.encode(label).length > 65535) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "label cannot be longer than 65535 bytes", "TypeError" ); } } if (!negotiated) { id = null; } else if (id === null) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "id is required when negotiated is true", "TypeError" ); } if (maxPacketLifeTime !== undefined && maxRetransmits !== undefined) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Both maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits cannot be provided", "TypeError" ); } if (id == 65535) { throw new this._win.DOMException("id cannot be 65535", "TypeError"); } // Must determine the type where we still know if entries are undefined. let type; if (maxPacketLifeTime !== undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableTimed; } else if (maxRetransmits !== undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableRexmit; } else { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelReliable; } // Synchronous since it doesn't block. let dataChannel = this._impl.createDataChannel( label, protocol, type, ordered, maxPacketLifeTime, maxRetransmits, negotiated, id ); // Spec says to only do this if this is the first DataChannel created, // but the c++ code that does the "is negotiation needed" checking will // only ever return true on the first one. this.updateNegotiationNeeded(); return dataChannel; } } setupPrototype(RTCPeerConnection, { classID: PC_CID, contractID: PC_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), _actions: { offer: Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionOffer, answer: Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionAnswer, pranswer: Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionPRAnswer, rollback: Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionRollback, }, }); // This is a separate class because we don't want to expose it to DOM. class PeerConnectionObserver { init(win) { this._win = win; } __init(dompc) { this._dompc = dompc._innerObject; } newError({ message, name }) { return new this._dompc._win.DOMException(message, name); } dispatchEvent(event) { this._dompc.dispatchEvent(event); } onCreateOfferSuccess(sdp) { this._dompc._onCreateOfferSuccess(sdp); } onCreateOfferError(error) { this._dompc._onCreateOfferFailure(this.newError(error)); } onCreateAnswerSuccess(sdp) { this._dompc._onCreateAnswerSuccess(sdp); } onCreateAnswerError(error) { this._dompc._onCreateAnswerFailure(this.newError(error)); } onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess() { this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess(); } onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess() { this._dompc._processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals(); this._dompc._fireLegacyAddStreamEvents(); this._dompc._transceivers = this._dompc._transceivers.filter( t => !t.shouldRemove ); this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess(); } onSetLocalDescriptionError(error) { this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure(this.newError(error)); } onSetRemoteDescriptionError(error) { this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure(this.newError(error)); } onAddIceCandidateSuccess() { this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateSuccess(); } onAddIceCandidateError(error) { this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateError(this.newError(error)); } onIceCandidate(sdpMLineIndex, sdpMid, candidate, usernameFragment) { let win = this._dompc._win; if (candidate || sdpMid || usernameFragment) { if (candidate.includes(" typ relay ")) { this._dompc._iceGatheredRelayCandidates = true; } candidate = new win.RTCIceCandidate({ candidate, sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, usernameFragment, }); } this.dispatchEvent( new win.RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent("icecandidate", { candidate }) ); } // This method is primarily responsible for updating iceConnectionState. // This state is defined in the WebRTC specification as follows: // // iceConnectionState: // ------------------- // new Any of the RTCIceTransports are in the new state and none // of them are in the checking, failed or disconnected state. // // checking Any of the RTCIceTransports are in the checking state and // none of them are in the failed or disconnected state. // // connected All RTCIceTransports are in the connected, completed or // closed state and at least one of them is in the connected // state. // // completed All RTCIceTransports are in the completed or closed state // and at least one of them is in the completed state. // // failed Any of the RTCIceTransports are in the failed state. // // disconnected Any of the RTCIceTransports are in the disconnected state // and none of them are in the failed state. // // closed All of the RTCIceTransports are in the closed state. handleIceConnectionStateChange(iceConnectionState) { let pc = this._dompc; if (pc.iceConnectionState === iceConnectionState) { return; } if (iceConnectionState === "failed") { if (!pc._hasStunServer) { pc.logError( "ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details" ); } else if (!pc._hasTurnServer) { pc.logError( "ICE failed, add a TURN server and see about:webrtc for more details" ); } else if (pc._hasTurnServer && !pc._iceGatheredRelayCandidates) { pc.logError( "ICE failed, your TURN server appears to be broken, see about:webrtc for more details" ); } else { pc.logError("ICE failed, see about:webrtc for more details"); } } pc.changeIceConnectionState(iceConnectionState); } onStateChange(state) { if (!this._dompc) { return; } if (state == "SignalingState") { this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("signalingstatechange")); return; } if (!this._dompc._pc) { return; } switch (state) { case "IceConnectionState": let connState = this._dompc._pc.iceConnectionState; this._dompc._queueTaskWithClosedCheck(() => { this.handleIceConnectionStateChange(connState); }); break; case "IceGatheringState": this._dompc.handleIceGatheringStateChange(); break; default: this._dompc.logWarning("Unhandled state type: " + state); break; } } onGetStatsSuccess(dict) { let pc = this._dompc; let chromeobj = new RTCStatsReport(pc, dict); let webidlobj = pc._win.RTCStatsReport._create(pc._win, chromeobj); chromeobj.makeStatsPublic(); pc._onGetStatsSuccess(webidlobj); } onGetStatsError(message) { this._dompc._onGetStatsFailure( this.newError({ name: "OperationError", message }) ); } onTransceiverNeeded(kind, transceiverImpl) { this._dompc._onTransceiverNeeded(kind, transceiverImpl); } notifyDataChannel(channel) { this.dispatchEvent( new this._dompc._win.RTCDataChannelEvent("datachannel", { channel }) ); } onDTMFToneChange(track, tone) { var pc = this._dompc; var sender = pc.getSenders().find(sender => sender.track == track); sender.dtmf.dispatchEvent( new pc._win.RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent("tonechange", { tone }) ); } onPacket(level, type, sending, packet) { var pc = this._dompc; if (pc._onPacket) { pc._onPacket(level, type, sending, packet); } } syncTransceivers() { this._dompc._syncTransceivers(); } } setupPrototype(PeerConnectionObserver, { classID: PC_OBS_CID, contractID: PC_OBS_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), }); class RTCPeerConnectionStatic { init(win) { this._winID = win.windowUtils.currentInnerWindowID; } registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback(cb) { _globalPCList._registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback(this._winID, cb); } } setupPrototype(RTCPeerConnectionStatic, { classID: PC_STATIC_CID, contractID: PC_STATIC_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), }); class RTCDTMFSender { constructor(sender) { this._sender = sender; } get toneBuffer() { return this._sender._pc._getDTMFToneBuffer(this._sender); } get ontonechange() { return this.__DOM_IMPL__.getEventHandler("ontonechange"); } set ontonechange(handler) { this.__DOM_IMPL__.setEventHandler("ontonechange", handler); } insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap) { this._sender._pc._checkClosed(); this._sender._transceiver.insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap); } } setupPrototype(RTCDTMFSender, { classID: PC_DTMF_SENDER_CID, contractID: PC_DTMF_SENDER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); class RTCRtpSender { constructor(pc, transceiverImpl, transceiver, track, kind, streams) { let dtmf = null; if (kind == "audio") { dtmf = pc._win.RTCDTMFSender._create(pc._win, new RTCDTMFSender(this)); } Object.assign(this, { _pc: pc, _transceiverImpl: transceiverImpl, _transceiver: transceiver, track, _streams: streams, dtmf, }); } replaceTrack(withTrack) { // async functions in here return a chrome promise, which is not something // content can use. This wraps that promise in something content can use. return this._pc._win.Promise.resolve(this._replaceTrack(withTrack)); } async _replaceTrack(withTrack) { let pc = this._pc; if (withTrack && withTrack.kind != this._transceiver.getKind()) { throw new pc._win.DOMException( "Cannot replaceTrack with a different kind!", "TypeError" ); } pc._checkClosed(); await pc._chain(async () => { if (this._transceiver.stopped) { throw new pc._win.DOMException( "Cannot call replaceTrack when transceiver is stopped", "InvalidStateError" ); } await pc._queueTaskWithClosedCheck(() => { // Updates the track on the MediaPipeline, will throw on failure. try { pc._replaceTrackNoRenegotiation(this._transceiverImpl, withTrack); } catch (e) { throw new pc._win.DOMException( "Track could not be replaced without renegotiation", "InvalidModificationError" ); } this.track = withTrack; this._transceiver.sync(); }); }); } setParameters(parameters) { return this._pc._win.Promise.resolve(this._setParameters(parameters)); } async _setParameters(parameters) { this._pc._checkClosed(); if (this._transceiver.stopped) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "This sender's transceiver is stopped", "InvalidStateError" ); } if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.simulcast")) { return; } parameters.encodings = parameters.encodings || []; parameters.encodings.reduce( (uniqueRids, { rid, scaleResolutionDownBy }) => { if (scaleResolutionDownBy < 1.0) { throw new this._pc._win.RangeError( "scaleResolutionDownBy must be >= 1.0" ); } if (!rid && parameters.encodings.length > 1) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException("Missing rid", "TypeError"); } if (uniqueRids[rid]) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException("Duplicate rid", "TypeError"); } uniqueRids[rid] = true; return uniqueRids; }, {} ); // TODO(bug 1401592): transaction ids, timing changes await this._pc._queueTaskWithClosedCheck(() => { this.parameters = parameters; this._transceiver.sync(); }); } getParameters() { // TODO(bug 1401592): transaction ids // All the other stuff that the spec says to update is handled when // transceivers are synced. return this.parameters; } setStreams(streams) { this._streams = streams; } getStreams() { return this._streams; } setTrack(track) { this._pc._replaceTrackNoRenegotiation(this._transceiverImpl, track); this.track = track; } getStats() { if (this.track) { return this._pc._async(async () => this._pc._getStats(this.track)); } return this._pc._win.Promise.resolve().then(() => this._pc._win.RTCStatsReport._create(this._pc._win, new Map()) ); } checkWasCreatedByPc(pc) { if (pc != this._pc.__DOM_IMPL__) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "This sender was not created by this PeerConnection", "InvalidAccessError" ); } } } setupPrototype(RTCRtpSender, { classID: PC_SENDER_CID, contractID: PC_SENDER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); class RTCRtpReceiver { constructor(pc, transceiverImpl) { Object.assign(this, { _pc: pc, _transceiverImpl: transceiverImpl, track: transceiverImpl.getReceiveTrack(), _recvBit: false, _oldRecvBit: false, _streams: [], _oldstreams: [], // Sync and contributing sources must be kept cached so that timestamps // remain stable, as the timestamp offset can vary // note key = entry.source + entry.sourceType _rtpSources: new Map(), _rtpSourcesJsTimestamp: null, }); } // TODO(bug 1401983): Create a getStats binding on TransceiverImpl, and use // that here. getStats() { return this._pc._async(async () => this._pc.getStats(this.track)); } _getRtpSource(source, type) { this._fetchRtpSources(); return this._rtpSources.get(type + source).entry; } /* Fetch all of the RTP Contributing and Sync sources for the receiver * and store them so they are available when asked for. */ _fetchRtpSources() { if (this._rtpSourcesJsTimestamp !== null) { return; } // Queue microtask to mark the cache as stale after this task completes Promise.resolve().then(() => (this._rtpSourcesJsTimestamp = null)); let { sources, sourceClockOffset, jsTimestamp } = this._pc._getRtpSources( this ); this._rtpSourcesJsTimestamp = jsTimestamp; for (let entry of sources) { // Set the clock offset for calculating the 10-second window entry.sourceClockOffset = sourceClockOffset; // Store the new entries or update existing entries let key = entry.source + entry.sourceType; let cached = this._rtpSources.get(key); if (cached === undefined) { this._rtpSources.set(key, entry); } else if (cached.timestamp != entry.timestamp) { // Only update if the timestamp has changed // This also prevents the sourceClockOffset from changing unecessarily // which could cause a value to flutter at the edge of the 10 second // window. this._rtpSources.set(key, entry); } } // Clear old entries let cutoffTime = this._rtpSourcesJsTimestamp - 10 * 1000; let removeKeys = []; for (let entry of this._rtpSources.values()) { if (entry.timestamp + entry.sourceClockOffset < cutoffTime) { removeKeys.push(entry.source + entry.sourceType); } } for (let delKey of removeKeys) { this._rtpSources.delete(delKey); } } _getRtpSourcesByType(type) { this._fetchRtpSources(); // Only return the values from within the last 10 seconds as per the spec const cutoffTime = this._rtpSourcesJsTimestamp - 10 * 1000; return [...this._rtpSources.values()] .filter(entry => { return ( entry.sourceType == type && entry.timestamp + entry.sourceClockOffset >= cutoffTime ); }) .map(e => { const newEntry = { source: e.source, timestamp: e.timestamp + e.sourceClockOffset, audioLevel: e.audioLevel, }; if (e.voiceActivityFlag !== undefined) { Object.assign(newEntry, { voiceActivityFlag: e.voiceActivityFlag }); } return newEntry; }) .sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp); } getContributingSources() { return this._getRtpSourcesByType("contributing"); } getSynchronizationSources() { return this._getRtpSourcesByType("synchronization"); } setStreamIds(streamIds) { this._streams = streamIds.map(id => this._pc._getOrCreateStream(id)); } setRecvBit(recvBit) { this._recvBit = recvBit; } processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals( transceiver, { removeList, addList, muteTransceiverReceiveTracks, trackEventInits } ) { const receiver = this.__DOM_IMPL__; const track = this.track; const streams = this._streams; const streamsAdded = streams.filter(s => !this._oldstreams.includes(s)); const streamsRemoved = this._oldstreams.filter(s => !streams.includes(s)); addList.push(...streamsAdded.map(stream => ({ stream, track }))); removeList.push(...streamsRemoved.map(stream => ({ stream, track }))); this._oldstreams = this._streams; let needsTrackEvent = streamsAdded.length != 0; if (this._recvBit != this._oldRecvBit) { this._oldRecvBit = this._recvBit; if (this._recvBit) { // New track, set in case streamsAdded is empty needsTrackEvent = true; } else { muteTransceiverReceiveTracks.push(this._transceiverImpl); } } if (needsTrackEvent) { trackEventInits.push({ track, streams, receiver, transceiver }); } } } setupPrototype(RTCRtpReceiver, { classID: PC_RECEIVER_CID, contractID: PC_RECEIVER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); class RTCRtpTransceiver { constructor(pc, transceiverImpl, init, kind, sendTrack) { let receiver = pc._win.RTCRtpReceiver._create( pc._win, new RTCRtpReceiver(pc, transceiverImpl) ); let streams = (init && init.streams) || []; let sender = pc._win.RTCRtpSender._create( pc._win, new RTCRtpSender(pc, transceiverImpl, this, sendTrack, kind, streams) ); let direction = (init && init.direction) || "sendrecv"; Object.assign(this, { _pc: pc, mid: null, sender, receiver, stopped: false, _direction: direction, currentDirection: null, addTrackMagic: false, shouldRemove: false, _hasBeenUsedToSend: false, // the receiver starts out without a track, so record this here _kind: kind, _transceiverImpl: transceiverImpl, }); } set direction(direction) { this._pc._checkClosed(); if (this.stopped) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "Transceiver is stopped!", "InvalidStateError" ); } if (this._direction == direction) { return; } this._direction = direction; this.sync(); this._pc.updateNegotiationNeeded(); } get direction() { return this._direction; } setDirectionInternal(direction) { this._direction = direction; } stop() { this._pc._checkClosed(); if (this.stopped) { return; } this.setStopped(); this.sync(); this._pc.updateNegotiationNeeded(); } setStopped() { this.stopped = true; this.currentDirection = null; } getKind() { return this._kind; } hasBeenUsedToSend() { return this._hasBeenUsedToSend; } setAddTrackMagic() { this.addTrackMagic = true; } sync() { if (this._syncing) { throw new DOMException("Reentrant sync! This is a bug!", "InternalError"); } this._syncing = true; this._transceiverImpl.syncWithJS(this.__DOM_IMPL__); this._syncing = false; } // Used by _transceiverImpl.syncWithJS, don't call sync again! setCurrentDirection(direction) { if (this.stopped) { return; } switch (direction) { case "sendrecv": case "sendonly": this._hasBeenUsedToSend = true; break; default: } this.currentDirection = direction; } // Used by _transceiverImpl.syncWithJS, don't call sync again! setMid(mid) { this.mid = mid; } // Used by _transceiverImpl.syncWithJS, don't call sync again! unsetMid() { this.mid = null; } insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap) { if (this.stopped) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "Transceiver is stopped!", "InvalidStateError" ); } if (!this.sender.track) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "RTCRtpSender has no track", "InvalidStateError" ); } duration = Math.max(40, Math.min(duration, 6000)); if (interToneGap < 30) { interToneGap = 30; } tones = tones.toUpperCase(); if (tones.match(/[^0-9A-D#*,]/)) { throw new this._pc._win.DOMException( "Invalid DTMF characters", "InvalidCharacterError" ); } // TODO (bug 1401983): Move this API to TransceiverImpl so we don't need the // extra hops through RTCPeerConnection and PeerConnectionImpl this._pc._insertDTMF(this._transceiverImpl, tones, duration, interToneGap); } } setupPrototype(RTCRtpTransceiver, { classID: PC_TRANSCEIVER_CID, contractID: PC_TRANSCEIVER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); class CreateOfferRequest { constructor(windowID, innerWindowID, callID, isSecure) { Object.assign(this, { windowID, innerWindowID, callID, isSecure }); } } setupPrototype(CreateOfferRequest, { classID: PC_COREQUEST_CID, contractID: PC_COREQUEST_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([]), }); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "GlobalPCList", "RTCDTMFSender", "RTCIceCandidate", "RTCSessionDescription", "RTCPeerConnection", "RTCPeerConnectionStatic", "RTCRtpReceiver", "RTCRtpSender", "RTCRtpTransceiver", "RTCStatsReport", "PeerConnectionObserver", "CreateOfferRequest", ];