/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WMFUtils.h" #include "VideoUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" #include "prenv.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mozilla/mscom/EnsureMTA.h" #include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" #ifdef WMF_MUST_DEFINE_AAC_MFT_CLSID // Some SDK versions don't define the AAC decoder CLSID. // {32D186A7-218F-4C75-8876-DD77273A8999} DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT, 0x32D186A7, 0x218F, 0x4C75, 0x88, 0x76, 0xDD, 0x77, 0x27, 0x3A, 0x89, 0x99); #endif namespace mozilla { using media::TimeUnit; HRESULT HNsToFrames(int64_t aHNs, uint32_t aRate, int64_t* aOutFrames) { MOZ_ASSERT(aOutFrames); const int64_t HNS_PER_S = USECS_PER_S * 10; CheckedInt i = aHNs; i *= aRate; i /= HNS_PER_S; NS_ENSURE_TRUE(i.isValid(), E_FAIL); *aOutFrames = i.value(); return S_OK; } HRESULT GetDefaultStride(IMFMediaType* aType, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t* aOutStride) { // Try to get the default stride from the media type. HRESULT hr = aType->GetUINT32(MF_MT_DEFAULT_STRIDE, aOutStride); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return S_OK; } // Stride attribute not set, calculate it. GUID subtype = GUID_NULL; hr = aType->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &subtype); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); hr = wmf::MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader( subtype.Data1, aWidth, (LONG*)(aOutStride)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); return hr; } YUVColorSpace GetYUVColorSpace(IMFMediaType* aType) { UINT32 yuvColorMatrix; HRESULT hr = aType->GetUINT32(MF_MT_YUV_MATRIX, &yuvColorMatrix); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), YUVColorSpace::BT601); switch (yuvColorMatrix) { case MFVideoTransferMatrix_BT709: return YUVColorSpace::BT709; case MFVideoTransferMatrix_BT601: default: return YUVColorSpace::BT601; } } int32_t MFOffsetToInt32(const MFOffset& aOffset) { return int32_t(aOffset.value + (aOffset.fract / 65536.0f)); } TimeUnit GetSampleDuration(IMFSample* aSample) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSample, TimeUnit::Invalid()); int64_t duration = 0; aSample->GetSampleDuration(&duration); return TimeUnit::FromMicroseconds(HNsToUsecs(duration)); } TimeUnit GetSampleTime(IMFSample* aSample) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSample, TimeUnit::Invalid()); LONGLONG timestampHns = 0; HRESULT hr = aSample->GetSampleTime(×tampHns); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), TimeUnit::Invalid()); return TimeUnit::FromMicroseconds(HNsToUsecs(timestampHns)); } // Gets the sub-region of the video frame that should be displayed. // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb530115(v=vs.85).aspx HRESULT GetPictureRegion(IMFMediaType* aMediaType, gfx::IntRect& aOutPictureRegion) { // Determine if "pan and scan" is enabled for this media. If it is, we // only display a region of the video frame, not the entire frame. BOOL panScan = MFGetAttributeUINT32(aMediaType, MF_MT_PAN_SCAN_ENABLED, FALSE); // If pan and scan mode is enabled. Try to get the display region. HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; MFVideoArea videoArea; memset(&videoArea, 0, sizeof(MFVideoArea)); if (panScan) { hr = aMediaType->GetBlob(MF_MT_PAN_SCAN_APERTURE, (UINT8*)&videoArea, sizeof(MFVideoArea), nullptr); } // If we're not in pan-and-scan mode, or the pan-and-scan region is not set, // check for a minimimum display aperture. if (!panScan || hr == MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND) { hr = aMediaType->GetBlob(MF_MT_MINIMUM_DISPLAY_APERTURE, (UINT8*)&videoArea, sizeof(MFVideoArea), nullptr); } if (hr == MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND) { // Minimum display aperture is not set, for "backward compatibility with // some components", check for a geometric aperture. hr = aMediaType->GetBlob(MF_MT_GEOMETRIC_APERTURE, (UINT8*)&videoArea, sizeof(MFVideoArea), nullptr); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // The media specified a picture region, return it. aOutPictureRegion = gfx::IntRect(MFOffsetToInt32(videoArea.OffsetX), MFOffsetToInt32(videoArea.OffsetY), videoArea.Area.cx, videoArea.Area.cy); return S_OK; } // No picture region defined, fall back to using the entire video area. UINT32 width = 0, height = 0; hr = MFGetAttributeSize(aMediaType, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &width, &height); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), hr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(width <= MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH, E_FAIL); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(height <= MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT, E_FAIL); aOutPictureRegion = gfx::IntRect(0, 0, width, height); return S_OK; } nsString GetProgramW6432Path() { char* programPath = PR_GetEnvSecure("ProgramW6432"); if (!programPath) { programPath = PR_GetEnvSecure("ProgramFiles"); } if (!programPath) { return NS_LITERAL_STRING("C:\\Program Files"); } return NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(programPath); } namespace wmf { static const wchar_t* sDLLs[] = { L"mfplat.dll", L"mf.dll", L"dxva2.dll", L"evr.dll", }; HRESULT LoadDLLs() { static bool sDLLsLoaded = false; static bool sFailedToLoadDlls = false; if (sDLLsLoaded) { return S_OK; } if (sFailedToLoadDlls) { return E_FAIL; } // Try to load all the required DLLs. If we fail to load any dll, // unload the dlls we succeeded in loading. nsTArray loadedDlls; for (const wchar_t* dll : sDLLs) { if (!LoadLibrarySystem32(dll)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to load WMF DLLs"); for (const wchar_t* loadedDll : loadedDlls) { FreeLibrary(GetModuleHandleW(loadedDll)); } sFailedToLoadDlls = true; return E_FAIL; } loadedDlls.AppendElement(dll); } sDLLsLoaded = true; return S_OK; } #define ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR_HELPER(FunctionType, FunctionName, DLL) \ static FunctionType FunctionName##Ptr = nullptr; \ if (!FunctionName##Ptr) { \ FunctionName##Ptr = \ (FunctionType)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L## #DLL), #FunctionName); \ if (!FunctionName##Ptr) { \ NS_WARNING("Failed to get GetProcAddress of " #FunctionName \ " from " #DLL); \ return E_FAIL; \ } \ } #define ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(FunctionName, DLL) \ ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR_HELPER(decltype(::FunctionName)*, FunctionName, DLL) #define ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR_(FunctionName, DLL) \ ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR_HELPER(FunctionName##Ptr_t, FunctionName, DLL) #define DECL_FUNCTION_PTR(FunctionName, ...) \ typedef HRESULT(STDMETHODCALLTYPE* FunctionName##Ptr_t)(__VA_ARGS__) HRESULT MFStartup() { if (IsWin7AndPre2000Compatible()) { /* * Specific exclude the usage of WMF on Win 7 with compatibility mode * prior to Win 2000 as we may crash while trying to startup WMF. * Using GetVersionEx API which takes compatibility mode into account. * See Bug 1279171. */ return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = LoadDLLs(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } const int MF_WIN7_VERSION = (0x0002 << 16 | MF_API_VERSION); // decltype is unusable for functions having default parameters DECL_FUNCTION_PTR(MFStartup, ULONG, DWORD); ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR_(MFStartup, Mfplat.dll) hr = E_FAIL; mozilla::mscom::EnsureMTA( [&]() -> void { hr = MFStartupPtr(MF_WIN7_VERSION, MFSTARTUP_FULL); }); return hr; } HRESULT MFShutdown() { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFShutdown, Mfplat.dll) HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; mozilla::mscom::EnsureMTA([&]() -> void { hr = (MFShutdownPtr)(); }); return hr; } HRESULT MFCreateMediaType(IMFMediaType **aOutMFType) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFCreateMediaType, Mfplat.dll) return (MFCreateMediaTypePtr)(aOutMFType); } HRESULT MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader(DWORD aFormat, DWORD aWidth, LONG *aOutStride) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeader, evr.dll) return (MFGetStrideForBitmapInfoHeaderPtr)(aFormat, aWidth, aOutStride); } HRESULT MFGetService(IUnknown *punkObject, REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObject) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFGetService, mf.dll) return (MFGetServicePtr)(punkObject, guidService, riid, ppvObject); } HRESULT DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9(UINT *pResetToken, IDirect3DDeviceManager9 **ppDXVAManager) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9, dxva2.dll) return (DXVA2CreateDirect3DDeviceManager9Ptr)(pResetToken, ppDXVAManager); } HRESULT MFCreateSample(IMFSample **ppIMFSample) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFCreateSample, mfplat.dll) return (MFCreateSamplePtr)(ppIMFSample); } HRESULT MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(DWORD cbMaxLength, DWORD fAlignmentFlags, IMFMediaBuffer **ppBuffer) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer, mfplat.dll) return (MFCreateAlignedMemoryBufferPtr)( cbMaxLength, fAlignmentFlags, ppBuffer); } HRESULT MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager(UINT* pResetToken, IMFDXGIDeviceManager** ppDXVAManager) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager, mfplat.dll) return (MFCreateDXGIDeviceManagerPtr)(pResetToken, ppDXVAManager); } HRESULT MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punkSurface, UINT uSubresourceIndex, BOOL fButtomUpWhenLinear, IMFMediaBuffer **ppBuffer) { ENSURE_FUNCTION_PTR(MFCreateDXGISurfaceBuffer, mfplat.dll) return (MFCreateDXGISurfaceBufferPtr)( riid, punkSurface, uSubresourceIndex, fButtomUpWhenLinear, ppBuffer); } } // end namespace wmf } // end namespace mozilla