. "$topsrcdir/b2g/config/mozconfigs/common" . "$topsrcdir/build/unix/mozconfig.linux" ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=${MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL} ac_add_options --enable-update-packaging ac_add_options --enable-signmar # Nightlies only since this has a cost in performance #ac_add_options --enable-js-diagnostics # This will overwrite the default of stripping everything and keep the symbol table. # This is useful for profiling and debugging and only increases the package size # by 2 MBs. STRIP_FLAGS="--strip-debug" # Needed to enable breakpad in application.ini export MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1 export MOZ_TELEMETRY_REPORTING=1 # Treat warnings as errors in directories with FAIL_ON_WARNINGS. # DISABLED WHILE NOT ON TRY ac_add_options --enable-warnings-as-errors # Use sccache no_sccache= . "$topsrcdir/build/mozconfig.cache" #B2G options ac_add_options --enable-application=b2g ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack export CXXFLAGS=-DMOZ_ENABLE_JS_DUMP GAIADIR=$topsrcdir/gaia # Build simulator xpi and phone tweaks for b2g-desktop FXOS_SIMULATOR=1 . "$topsrcdir/b2g/config/mozconfigs/common.override"