package org.mozilla.gecko.tests; import org.mozilla.gecko.*; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.ImageView; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Test adding a search engine from an input field context menu. * 1. Get the number of existing search engines from the SearchEngine:Data event and as displayed in about:home. * 2. Load a page with a text field, open the context menu and add a search engine from the page. * 3. Get the number of search engines after adding the new one and verify it has increased by 1. */ public class testAddSearchEngine extends AboutHomeTest { private final int MAX_WAIT_TEST_MS = 5000; private final String SEARCH_TEXT = "Firefox for Android"; private final String ADD_SEARCHENGINE_OPTION_TEXT = "Add Search Engine"; @Override protected int getTestType() { return TEST_MOCHITEST; } public void testAddSearchEngine() { String blankPageURL = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_URL); String searchEngineURL = getAbsoluteUrl(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_SEARCH_URL); blockForGeckoReady(); int height = mDriver.getGeckoTop() + 150; int width = mDriver.getGeckoLeft() + 150; inputAndLoadUrl(blankPageURL); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_TITLE); // Get the searchengine data by clicking the awesomebar - this causes Gecko to send Java the list // of search engines. Actions.EventExpecter searchEngineDataEventExpector = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("SearchEngines:Data"); focusUrlBar(); mActions.sendKeys(SEARCH_TEXT); String eventData = searchEngineDataEventExpector.blockForEventData(); searchEngineDataEventExpector.unregisterListener(); ArrayList searchEngines; try { // Parse the data to get the number of searchengines. searchEngines = getSearchEnginesNames(eventData); } catch (JSONException e) { mAsserter.ok(false, "Fatal exception in testAddSearchEngine while decoding JSON search engine string from Gecko prior to addition of new engine.", e.toString()); return; } final int initialNumSearchEngines = searchEngines.size(); mAsserter.dumpLog("Search Engines list = " + searchEngines.toString()); // Verify that the number of displayed search engines is the same as the one received through the SearchEngines:Data event. verifyDisplayedSearchEnginesCount(initialNumSearchEngines); // Load the page for the search engine to add. inputAndLoadUrl(searchEngineURL); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_SEARCH_TITLE); verifyPageTitle(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_SEARCH_TITLE); // Used to long-tap on the search input box for the search engine to add. getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync(); mAsserter.dumpLog("Long Clicking at width = " + String.valueOf(width) + " and height = " + String.valueOf(height)); mSolo.clickLongOnScreen(width,height); ImageView view = waitForViewWithDescription(ImageView.class, ADD_SEARCHENGINE_OPTION_TEXT); mAsserter.isnot(view, null, "The action mode was opened"); // Add the search engine mSolo.clickOnView(view); waitForText("Cancel"); clickOnButton("OK"); mAsserter.ok(!mSolo.searchText(ADD_SEARCHENGINE_OPTION_TEXT), "Adding the Search Engine", "The add Search Engine pop-up has been closed"); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_SEARCH_TITLE); // Make sure the pop-up is closed and we are back at the searchengine page // Load Robocop Blank 1 again to give the time for the searchengine to be added // TODO: This is a potential source of intermittent oranges - it's a race condition! loadUrl(blankPageURL); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_TITLE); // Load search engines again and check that the quantity of engines has increased by 1. searchEngineDataEventExpector = mActions.expectGeckoEvent("SearchEngines:Data"); focusUrlBar(); mActions.sendKeys(SEARCH_TEXT); eventData = searchEngineDataEventExpector.blockForEventData(); try { // Parse the data to get the number of searchengines searchEngines = getSearchEnginesNames(eventData); } catch (JSONException e) { mAsserter.ok(false, "Fatal exception in testAddSearchEngine while decoding JSON search engine string from Gecko after adding of new engine.", e.toString()); return; } mAsserter.dumpLog("Search Engines list = " + searchEngines.toString());, initialNumSearchEngines + 1, "Checking the number of Search Engines has increased"); // Verify that the number of displayed searchengines is the same as the one received through the SearchEngines:Data event. verifyDisplayedSearchEnginesCount(initialNumSearchEngines + 1); searchEngineDataEventExpector.unregisterListener(); } /** * Helper method to decode a list of search engine names from the provided search engine information * JSON string sent from Gecko. * @param searchEngineData The JSON string representing the search engine array to process * @return An ArrayList containing the names of all the search engines represented in * the provided JSON message. * @throws JSONException In the event that the JSON provided cannot be decoded. */ public ArrayList getSearchEnginesNames(String searchEngineData) throws JSONException { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(searchEngineData); JSONArray engines = data.getJSONArray("searchEngines"); ArrayList searchEngineNames = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < engines.length(); i++) { JSONObject engineJSON = engines.getJSONObject(i); searchEngineNames.add(engineJSON.getString("name")); } return searchEngineNames; } /** * Method to verify that the displayed number of search engines matches the expected number. * @param expectedCount The expected number of search engines. */ public void verifyDisplayedSearchEnginesCount(final int expectedCount) { mSolo.clearEditText(0); mActions.sendKeys(SEARCH_TEXT); boolean correctNumSearchEnginesDisplayed = waitForTest(new BooleanTest() { @Override public boolean test() { return (findListViewWithTag("browser_search").getAdapter().getCount() == expectedCount); } }, MAX_WAIT_TEST_MS); // Exit about:home mActions.sendSpecialKey(Actions.SpecialKey.BACK); waitForText(StringHelper.ROBOCOP_BLANK_PAGE_01_TITLE); mAsserter.ok(correctNumSearchEnginesDisplayed, expectedCount + " Search Engines should be displayed" , "The correct number of Search Engines has been displayed"); } }