var gDescriptionField = null; var gExtensionField = null; var gMIMEField = null; var gAppPath = null; var gPrefApplicationsBundle = null; function Startup() { doSetOKCancel(onOK); gDescriptionField = document.getElementById("description"); gExtensionField = document.getElementById("extensions"); gMIMEField = document.getElementById("mimeType"); gAppPath = document.getElementById("appPath"); gPrefApplicationsBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefApplications"); // If an arg was passed, then it's an nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog if ( "arguments" in window && window.arguments[0] ) { // Get mime info. var info = window.arguments[0].mLauncher.MIMEInfo; // Fill the fields we can from this. gDescriptionField.value = info.Description; gExtensionField.value = info.FirstExtension(); gMIMEField.value = info.MIMEType; var app = info.preferredApplicationHandler; if ( app ) { gAppPath.value = app.unicodePath; } // Don't let user change mime type. gMIMEField.setAttribute( "readonly", "true" ); // Start user in app field. gAppPath.focus(); } else { gDescriptionField.focus(); } } function chooseApp() { const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; var filePicker = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker); if (filePicker) { const FP = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker var windowTitle = gPrefApplicationsBundle.getString("chooseHandler"); var programsFilter = gPrefApplicationsBundle.getString("programsFilter"); filePicker.init(window, windowTitle, FP.modeOpen); if (navigator.platform == "Win32") filePicker.appendFilter(programsFilter, "*.exe; *.com"); else filePicker.appendFilters(FP.filterAll); var filePicked =; if (filePicked == nsIFilePicker.returnOK && filePicker.file) { var file = filePicker.file.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); gAppPath.value = file.path;; } } } var gDS = null; function onOK() { const mimeTypes = "UMimTyp"; var fileLocator = Components.classes[";1"].getService(); if (fileLocator) fileLocator = fileLocator.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties); var file = fileLocator.get(mimeTypes, Components.interfaces.nsIFile); gDS = gRDF.GetDataSource(file.URL); if (gDS) gDS = gDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource); // figure out if this mime type already exists. var exists = mimeHandlerExists(gMIMEField.value); if (exists) { var titleMsg = gPrefApplicationsBundle.getString("handlerExistsTitle"); var dialogMsg = gPrefApplicationsBundle.getString("handlerExists"); dialogMsg = dialogMsg.replace(/%mime%/g, gMIMEField.value); var promptService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); var replace = promptService.confirm(window, titleMsg, dialogMsg); if (!replace) { window.close(); return; } } // now save the information var handlerInfo = new HandlerOverride(MIME_URI(gMIMEField.value)); handlerInfo.mUpdateMode = exists; // XXX Somewhat sleazy, I know... handlerInfo.mimeType = gMIMEField.value; handlerInfo.description = gDescriptionField.value; var extensionString = gExtensionField.value.replace(/[*.;]/g, ""); var extensions = extensionString.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { var currExtension = extensions[i]; handlerInfo.addExtension(currExtension); } handlerInfo.appPath = gAppPath.value; // other info we need to set (not reflected in UI) handlerInfo.isEditable = true; handlerInfo.saveToDisk = false; handlerInfo.handleInternal = false; handlerInfo.alwaysAsk = true; var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(); if (file) file = file.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); if (file) { try { file.initWithPath(gAppPath.value); handlerInfo.appDisplayName = file.unicodeLeafName; } catch(e) { handlerInfo.appDisplayName = gAppPath.value; } } // do the rest of the work (ugly yes, but it works) handlerInfo.buildLinks(); // flush the ds to disk. var remoteDS = gDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource); if (remoteDS) remoteDS.Flush(); // If an arg was passed, then it's an nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog // and we need to update its MIMEInfo. if ( "arguments" in window && window.arguments[0] ) { // Get mime info. var info = window.arguments[0].mLauncher.MIMEInfo; // Update fields that might have changed. info.preferredAction = Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEInfo.useHelperApp; info.Description = gDescriptionField.value; info.preferredApplicationHandler = file; info.applicationDescription = handlerInfo.appDisplayName; } window.opener.gNewTypeRV = gMIMEField.value; window.close(); }