/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* global __URI__ */ /* exported Loader, resolveURI, Module, Require, unload */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Loader", "resolveURI", "Module", "Require", "unload"]; const { Constructor: CC, manager: Cm } = Components; const systemPrincipal = CC("@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1", "nsIPrincipal")(); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {}); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {}); const { normalize, dirname } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath_unix.jsm", {}); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "resProto", "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=resource", "nsIResProtocolHandler"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const { defineLazyGetter } = XPCOMUtils; // Define some shortcuts. const bind = Function.call.bind(Function.bind); function* getOwnIdentifiers(x) { yield* Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x); yield* Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(x); } function isJSONURI(uri) { return uri.endsWith(".json"); } function isJSMURI(uri) { return uri.endsWith(".jsm"); } function isJSURI(uri) { return uri.endsWith(".js"); } const AbsoluteRegExp = /^(resource|chrome|file|jar):/; function isAbsoluteURI(uri) { return AbsoluteRegExp.test(uri); } function isRelative(id) { return id.startsWith("."); } function sourceURI(uri) { return String(uri).split(" -> ").pop(); } function isntLoaderFrame(frame) { return frame.fileName !== __URI__ && !frame.fileName.endsWith("/browser-loader.js"); } function parseURI(uri) { return String(uri).split(" -> ").pop(); } function parseStack(stack) { const lines = String(stack).split("\n"); return lines.reduce(function(frames, line) { if (line) { const atIndex = line.indexOf("@"); const columnIndex = line.lastIndexOf(":"); const lineIndex = line.lastIndexOf(":", columnIndex - 1); const fileName = parseURI(line.slice(atIndex + 1, lineIndex)); const lineNumber = parseInt(line.slice(lineIndex + 1, columnIndex), 10); const columnNumber = parseInt(line.slice(columnIndex + 1), 10); const name = line.slice(0, atIndex).split("(").shift(); frames.unshift({ fileName: fileName, name: name, lineNumber: lineNumber, columnNumber: columnNumber }); } return frames; }, []); } function serializeStack(frames) { return frames.reduce(function(stack, frame) { return frame.name + "@" + frame.fileName + ":" + frame.lineNumber + ":" + frame.columnNumber + "\n" + stack; }, ""); } function readURI(uri) { const nsURI = NetUtil.newURI(uri); if (nsURI.scheme == "resource") { // Resolve to a real URI, this will catch any obvious bad paths without // logging assertions in debug builds, see bug 1135219 uri = resProto.resolveURI(nsURI); } const stream = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: NetUtil.newURI(uri, "UTF-8"), loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true} ).open2(); const count = stream.available(); const data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, count, { charset: "UTF-8" }); stream.close(); return data; } // Combines all arguments into a resolved, normalized path function join(base, ...paths) { // If this is an absolute URL, we need to normalize only the path portion, // or we wind up stripping too many slashes and producing invalid URLs. const match = /^((?:resource|file|chrome)\:\/\/[^\/]*|jar:[^!]+!)(.*)/.exec(base); if (match) { return match[1] + normalize([match[2], ...paths].join("/")); } return normalize([base, ...paths].join("/")); } // Function takes set of options and returns a JS sandbox. Function may be // passed set of options: // - `name`: A string value which identifies the sandbox in about:memory. Will // throw exception if omitted. // - `prototype`: Ancestor for the sandbox that will be created. Defaults to // `{}`. // - `invisibleToDebugger`: True, if the sandbox is part of the debugger // implementation and should not be tracked by debugger API. // For more details see: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Components.utils.Sandbox function Sandbox(options) { // Normalize options and rename to match `Cu.Sandbox` expectations. options = { // Do not expose `Components` if you really need them (bad idea!) you // still can expose via prototype. wantComponents: false, sandboxName: options.name, sandboxPrototype: "prototype" in options ? options.prototype : {}, invisibleToDebugger: "invisibleToDebugger" in options ? options.invisibleToDebugger : false, }; const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(systemPrincipal, options); delete sandbox.Components; return sandbox; } // Populates `exports` of the given CommonJS `module` object, in the context // of the given `loader` by evaluating code associated with it. function load(loader, module) { const { sandboxes, globals } = loader; const require = Require(loader, module); // We expose set of properties defined by `CommonJS` specification via // prototype of the sandbox. Also globals are deeper in the prototype // chain so that each module has access to them as well. const descriptors = { require: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: require }, module: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: module }, exports: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: module.exports }, }; let sandbox; if (loader.useSharedGlobalSandbox) { // Create a new object in this sandbox, that will be used as // the scope object for this particular module sandbox = new loader.sharedGlobalSandbox.Object(); descriptors.lazyRequire = { configurable: true, value: lazyRequire.bind(sandbox), }; descriptors.lazyRequireModule = { configurable: true, value: lazyRequireModule.bind(sandbox), }; if ("console" in globals) { descriptors.console = { configurable: true, get() { return globals.console; }, }; } const define = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globals, "define"); if (define && define.value) { descriptors.define = define; } if ("DOMParser" in globals) { descriptors.DOMParser = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globals, "DOMParser"); } Object.defineProperties(sandbox, descriptors); } else { sandbox = Sandbox({ name: module.uri, prototype: Object.create(globals, descriptors), invisibleToDebugger: loader.invisibleToDebugger }); } sandboxes[module.uri] = sandbox; const originalExports = module.exports; try { Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(module.uri, sandbox, "UTF-8"); } catch (error) { let { message, fileName, lineNumber } = error; const stack = error.stack || Error().stack; const frames = parseStack(stack).filter(isntLoaderFrame); let toString = String(error); const file = sourceURI(fileName); // Note that `String(error)` where error is from subscript loader does // not puts `:` after `"Error"` unlike regular errors thrown by JS code. // If there is a JS stack then this error has already been handled by an // inner module load. if (/^Error opening input stream/.test(String(error))) { const caller = frames.slice(0).pop(); fileName = caller.fileName; lineNumber = caller.lineNumber; message = "Module `" + module.id + "` is not found at " + module.uri; toString = message; } else if (frames[frames.length - 1].fileName !== file) { // Workaround for a Bug 910653. Errors thrown by subscript loader // do not include `stack` field and above created error won't have // fileName or lineNumber of the module being loaded, so we ensure // it does. frames.push({ fileName: file, lineNumber: lineNumber, name: "" }); } const prototype = typeof (error) === "object" ? error.constructor.prototype : Error.prototype; throw Object.create(prototype, { message: { value: message, writable: true, configurable: true }, fileName: { value: fileName, writable: true, configurable: true }, lineNumber: { value: lineNumber, writable: true, configurable: true }, stack: { value: serializeStack(frames), writable: true, configurable: true }, toString: { value: () => toString, writable: true, configurable: true }, }); } // Only freeze the exports object if we created it ourselves. Modules // which completely replace the exports object and still want it // frozen need to freeze it themselves. if (module.exports === originalExports) { Object.freeze(module.exports); } return module; } // Utility function to normalize module `uri`s so they have `.js` extension. function normalizeExt(uri) { if (isJSURI(uri) || isJSONURI(uri) || isJSMURI(uri)) { return uri; } return uri + ".js"; } // Utility function to join paths. In common case `base` is a // `requirer.uri` but in some cases it may be `baseURI`. In order to // avoid complexity we require `baseURI` with a trailing `/`. function resolve(id, base) { if (!isRelative(id)) { return id; } const baseDir = dirname(base); let resolved; if (baseDir.includes(":")) { resolved = join(baseDir, id); } else { resolved = normalize(`${baseDir}/${id}`); } // Joining and normalizing removes the "./" from relative files. // We need to ensure the resolution still has the root if (base.startsWith("./")) { resolved = "./" + resolved; } return resolved; } function compileMapping(paths) { // Make mapping array that is sorted from longest path to shortest path. const mapping = Object.keys(paths) .sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length) .map(path => [path, paths[path]]); const PATTERN = /([.\\?+*(){}[\]^$])/g; const escapeMeta = str => str.replace(PATTERN, "\\$1"); const patterns = []; paths = {}; for (let [path, uri] of mapping) { // Strip off any trailing slashes to make comparisons simpler if (path.endsWith("/")) { path = path.slice(0, -1); uri = uri.replace(/\/+$/, ""); } paths[path] = uri; // We only want to match path segments explicitly. Examples: // * "foo/bar" matches for "foo/bar" // * "foo/bar" matches for "foo/bar/baz" // * "foo/bar" does not match for "foo/bar-1" // * "foo/bar/" does not match for "foo/bar" // * "foo/bar/" matches for "foo/bar/baz" // // Check for an empty path, an exact match, or a substring match // with the next character being a forward slash. if (path == "") { patterns.push(""); } else { patterns.push(`${escapeMeta(path)}(?=$|/)`); } } const pattern = new RegExp(`^(${patterns.join("|")})`); // This will replace the longest matching path mapping at the start of // the ID string with its mapped value. return id => { return id.replace(pattern, (m0, m1) => paths[m1]); }; } function resolveURI(id, mapping) { // Do not resolve if already a resource URI if (isAbsoluteURI(id)) { return normalizeExt(id); } return normalizeExt(mapping(id)); } /** * Defines lazy getters on the given object, which lazily require the * given module the first time they are accessed, and then resolve that * module's exported properties. * * @param {object} obj * The target object on which to define the lazy getters. * @param {string} moduleId * The ID of the module to require, as passed to require(). * @param {Array} args * Any number of properties to import from the module. A string * will cause the property to be defined which resolves to the * same property in the module's exports. An object will define a * lazy getter for every value in the object which corresponds to * the given key in the module's exports, as in an ordinary * destructuring assignment. */ function lazyRequire(obj, moduleId, ...args) { let module; const getModule = () => { if (!module) { module = this.require(moduleId); } return module; }; for (let props of args) { if (typeof props !== "object") { props = {[props]: props}; } for (const [fromName, toName] of Object.entries(props)) { defineLazyGetter(obj, toName, () => getModule()[fromName]); } } } /** * Defines a lazy getter on the given object which causes a module to be * lazily imported the first time it is accessed. * * @param {object} obj * The target object on which to define the lazy getter. * @param {string} moduleId * The ID of the module to require, as passed to require(). * @param {string} [prop = moduleId] * The name of the lazy getter property to define. */ function lazyRequireModule(obj, moduleId, prop = moduleId) { defineLazyGetter(obj, prop, () => this.require(moduleId)); } // Creates version of `require` that will be exposed to the given `module` // in the context of the given `loader`. Each module gets own limited copy // of `require` that is allowed to load only a modules that are associated // with it during link time. function Require(loader, requirer) { const { modules, mapping, mappingCache, requireHook } = loader; function require(id) { if (!id) { // Throw if `id` is not passed. throw Error("You must provide a module name when calling require() from " + requirer.id, requirer.uri); } if (requireHook) { return requireHook(id, _require); } return _require(id); } function _require(id) { let { uri, requirement } = getRequirements(id); let module = null; // If module is already cached by loader then just use it. if (uri in modules) { module = modules[uri]; } else if (isJSMURI(uri)) { module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri); module.exports = ChromeUtils.import(uri, {}); } else if (isJSONURI(uri)) { let data; // First attempt to load and parse json uri // ex: `test.json` // If that doesn"t exist, check for `test.json.js` // for node parity try { data = JSON.parse(readURI(uri)); module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri); module.exports = data; } catch (err) { // If error thrown from JSON parsing, throw that, do not // attempt to find .json.js file if (err && /JSON\.parse/.test(err.message)) { throw err; } uri = uri + ".js"; } } // If not yet cached, load and cache it. // We also freeze module to prevent it from further changes // at runtime. if (!(uri in modules)) { // Many of the loader's functionalities are dependent // on modules[uri] being set before loading, so we set it and // remove it if we have any errors. module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri); try { Object.freeze(load(loader, module)); } catch (e) { // Clear out modules cache so we can throw on a second invalid require delete modules[uri]; // Also clear out the Sandbox that was created delete loader.sandboxes[uri]; throw e; } } return module.exports; } // Resolution function taking a module name/path and // returning a resourceURI and a `requirement` used by the loader. // Used by both `require` and `require.resolve`. function getRequirements(id) { if (!id) { // Throw if `id` is not passed. throw Error("you must provide a module name when calling require() from " + requirer.id, requirer.uri); } let requirement, uri; if (modules[id]) { uri = requirement = id; } else if (requirer) { // Resolve `id` to its requirer if it's relative. requirement = resolve(id, requirer.id); } else { requirement = id; } // Resolves `uri` of module using loaders resolve function. if (!uri) { if (mappingCache.has(requirement)) { uri = mappingCache.get(requirement); } else { uri = resolveURI(requirement, mapping); mappingCache.set(requirement, uri); } } // Throw if `uri` can not be resolved. if (!uri) { throw Error("Module: Can not resolve '" + id + "' module required by " + requirer.id + " located at " + requirer.uri, requirer.uri); } return { uri: uri, requirement: requirement }; } // Expose the `resolve` function for this `Require` instance require.resolve = _require.resolve = function(id) { const { uri } = getRequirements(id); return uri; }; // This is like webpack's require.context. It returns a new require // function that prepends the prefix to any requests. require.context = prefix => { return id => { return require(prefix + id); }; }; return require; } // Makes module object that is made available to CommonJS modules when they // are evaluated, along with `exports` and `require`. function Module(id, uri) { return Object.create(null, { id: { enumerable: true, value: id }, exports: { enumerable: true, writable: true, value: Object.create(null), configurable: true }, uri: { value: uri } }); } // Takes `loader`, and unload `reason` string and notifies all observers that // they should cleanup after them-self. function unload(loader, reason) { // subject is a unique object created per loader instance. // This allows any code to cleanup on loader unload regardless of how // it was loaded. To handle unload for specific loader subject may be // asserted against loader.destructor or require("@loader/unload") // Note: We don not destroy loader's module cache or sandboxes map as // some modules may do cleanup in subsequent turns of event loop. Destroying // cache may cause module identity problems in such cases. const subject = { wrappedJSObject: loader.destructor }; Services.obs.notifyObservers(subject, "devtools:loader:destroy", reason); } // Function makes new loader that can be used to load CommonJS modules. // Loader takes following options: // - `paths`: Mandatory dictionary of require path mapped to absolute URIs. // Object keys are path prefix used in require(), values are URIs where each // prefix should be mapped to. // - `sharedGlobal`: Boolean, if True, loads all module in a single, shared // global in order to create only one global and compartment. // - `globals`: Optional map of globals, that all module scopes will inherit // from. Map is also exposed under `globals` property of the returned loader // so it can be extended further later. Defaults to `{}`. // - `sandboxName`: String, name of the sandbox displayed in about:memory. // - `invisibleToDebugger`: Boolean. Should be true when loading debugger // modules, in order to ignore them from the Debugger API. // - `sandboxPrototype`: Object used to define globals on all module's // sandboxes. // - `requireHook`: Optional function used to replace native require function // from loader. This function receive the module path as first argument, // and native require method as second argument. function Loader(options) { let { paths, sharedGlobal, globals } = options; if (!globals) { globals = {}; } // We create an identity object that will be dispatched on an unload // event as subject. This way unload listeners will be able to assert // which loader is unloaded. Please note that we intentionally don"t // use `loader` as subject to prevent a loader access leakage through // observer notifications. const destructor = Object.create(null); const mapping = compileMapping(paths); // Define pseudo modules. let modules = { "@loader/unload": destructor, "@loader/options": options, "chrome": { Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr, Cm, CC: bind(CC, Components), components: Components, ChromeWorker } }; const builtinModuleExports = modules; modules = {}; for (const id of Object.keys(builtinModuleExports)) { // We resolve `uri` from `id` since modules are cached by `uri`. const uri = resolveURI(id, mapping); const module = Module(id, uri); // Lazily expose built-in modules in order to // allow them to be loaded lazily. Object.defineProperty(module, "exports", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return builtinModuleExports[id]; } }); modules[uri] = module; } // Create the unique sandbox we will be using for all modules, // so that we prevent creating a new compartment per module. // The side effect is that all modules will share the same // global objects. const sharedGlobalSandbox = Sandbox({ name: options.sandboxName || "DevTools", invisibleToDebugger: options.invisibleToDebugger || false, prototype: options.sandboxPrototype || globals, }); if (options.sandboxPrototype) { // If we were given a sandboxPrototype, we have to define the globals on // the sandbox directly. Note that this will not work for callers who // depend on being able to add globals after the loader was created. for (const name of getOwnIdentifiers(globals)) { Object.defineProperty(sharedGlobalSandbox, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globals, name)); } } // Loader object is just a representation of a environment // state. We mark its properties non-enumerable // as they are pure implementation detail that no one should rely upon. const returnObj = { destructor: { enumerable: false, value: destructor }, globals: { enumerable: false, value: globals }, mapping: { enumerable: false, value: mapping }, mappingCache: { enumerable: false, value: new Map() }, // Map of module objects indexed by module URIs. modules: { enumerable: false, value: modules }, useSharedGlobalSandbox: { enumerable: false, value: !!sharedGlobal }, sharedGlobalSandbox: { enumerable: false, value: sharedGlobalSandbox }, // Map of module sandboxes indexed by module URIs. sandboxes: { enumerable: false, value: {} }, // Whether the modules loaded should be ignored by the debugger invisibleToDebugger: { enumerable: false, value: options.invisibleToDebugger || false }, requireHook: { enumerable: false, value: options.requireHook }, }; return Object.create(null, returnObj); }