/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 40; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "Theme.h" #include "ThemeCocoa.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLMeterElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLProgressElement.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Filters.h" #include "mozilla/RelativeLuminanceUtils.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_widget.h" #include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderAPI.h" #include "nsCSSColorUtils.h" #include "nsCSSRendering.h" #include "nsDeviceContext.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsRangeFrame.h" #include "PathHelpers.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawingAndroid.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawingCocoa.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawingGTK.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawingWin.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawingWin11.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" #endif using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::gfx; using namespace mozilla::widget; namespace { static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey10( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffe9e9ed)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey10Alpha50( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0x7fe9e9ed)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey20( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffd0d0d7)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey30( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffb1b1b9)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey40( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff8f8f9d)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey40Alpha50( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0x7f8f8f9d)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey50( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff676774)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorGrey60( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff484851)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterGreen10( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff00ab60)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterGreen20( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff056139)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterYellow10( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffffbd4f)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterYellow20( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffd2811e)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterRed10( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xffe22850)); static constexpr gfx::sRGBColor sColorMeterRed20( gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(0xff810220)); static const CSSCoord kMinimumColorPickerHeight = 32.0f; static const CSSCoord kMinimumRangeThumbSize = 20.0f; static const CSSCoord kMinimumDropdownArrowButtonWidth = 18.0f; static const CSSCoord kMinimumSpinnerButtonWidth = 18.0f; static const CSSCoord kMinimumSpinnerButtonHeight = 9.0f; static const CSSCoord kButtonBorderWidth = 1.0f; static const CSSCoord kMenulistBorderWidth = 1.0f; static const CSSCoord kTextFieldBorderWidth = 1.0f; static const CSSCoord kRangeHeight = 6.0f; static const CSSCoord kProgressbarHeight = 6.0f; static const CSSCoord kMeterHeight = 12.0f; // nsCheckboxRadioFrame takes the bottom of the content box as the baseline. // This border-width makes its baseline 2px under the bottom, which is nice. static constexpr CSSCoord kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth = 2.0f; static constexpr sRGBColor sTransparent = sRGBColor::White(0.0); // This pushes and pops a clip rect to the draw target. // // This is done to reduce fuzz in places where we may have antialiasing, // because skia is not clip-invariant: given different clips, it does not // guarantee the same result, even if the painted content doesn't intersect // the clips. // // This is a bit sad, overall, but... struct MOZ_RAII AutoClipRect { AutoClipRect(DrawTarget& aDt, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect) : mDt(aDt) { mDt.PushClipRect(aRect.ToUnknownRect()); } ~AutoClipRect() { mDt.PopClip(); } private: DrawTarget& mDt; }; static StaticRefPtr gNativeInstance; static StaticRefPtr gNonNativeInstance; static StaticRefPtr gRDMInstance; } // namespace #ifdef ANDROID already_AddRefed do_CreateNativeThemeDoNotUseDirectly() { // Android doesn't have a native theme. return do_AddRef(new Theme(Theme::ScrollbarStyle())); } #endif already_AddRefed do_GetBasicNativeThemeDoNotUseDirectly() { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!gNonNativeInstance)) { UniquePtr scrollbarDrawing = Theme::ScrollbarStyle(); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA gNonNativeInstance = new ThemeCocoa(std::move(scrollbarDrawing)); #else gNonNativeInstance = new Theme(std::move(scrollbarDrawing)); #endif ClearOnShutdown(&gNonNativeInstance); } return do_AddRef(gNonNativeInstance); } already_AddRefed do_GetNativeThemeDoNotUseDirectly() { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!gNativeInstance)) { gNativeInstance = do_CreateNativeThemeDoNotUseDirectly(); ClearOnShutdown(&gNativeInstance); } return do_AddRef(gNativeInstance); } already_AddRefed do_GetRDMThemeDoNotUseDirectly() { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!gRDMInstance)) { gRDMInstance = new Theme(MakeUnique()); ClearOnShutdown(&gRDMInstance); } return do_AddRef(gRDMInstance); } namespace mozilla::widget { NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(Theme, nsNativeTheme, nsITheme) static constexpr nsLiteralCString kPrefs[] = { "widget.non-native-theme.use-theme-accent"_ns, "widget.non-native-theme.win.scrollbar.use-system-size"_ns, "widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.size.override"_ns, "widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style"_ns, }; void Theme::Init() { for (const auto& pref : kPrefs) { Preferences::RegisterCallback(PrefChangedCallback, pref); } LookAndFeelChanged(); } void Theme::Shutdown() { for (const auto& pref : kPrefs) { Preferences::UnregisterCallback(PrefChangedCallback, pref); } } /* static */ void Theme::LookAndFeelChanged() { ThemeColors::RecomputeAccentColors(); if (gNonNativeInstance) { gNonNativeInstance->SetScrollbarDrawing(ScrollbarStyle()); } if (gNativeInstance) { gNativeInstance->SetScrollbarDrawing(ScrollbarStyle()); } } /* static */ auto Theme::GetDPIRatio(nsPresContext* aPc, StyleAppearance aAppearance) -> DPIRatio { // Widgets react to zoom, except scrollbars. if (IsWidgetScrollbarPart(aAppearance)) { return ScrollbarDrawing::GetDPIRatioForScrollbarPart(aPc); } return DPIRatio(float(AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()) / aPc->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()); } /* static */ auto Theme::GetDPIRatio(nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) -> DPIRatio { return GetDPIRatio(aFrame->PresContext(), aAppearance); } // Checkbox and radio need to preserve aspect-ratio for compat. We also snap the // size to exact device pixels to avoid snapping disorting the circles. static LayoutDeviceRect CheckBoxRadioRect(const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect) { // Place a square rect in the center of aRect. auto size = std::trunc(std::min(aRect.width, aRect.height)); auto position = aRect.Center() - LayoutDevicePoint(size * 0.5, size * 0.5); return LayoutDeviceRect(position, LayoutDeviceSize(size, size)); } std::pair Theme::ComputeCheckboxColors( const EventStates& aState, StyleAppearance aAppearance, const Colors& aColors) { MOZ_ASSERT(aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Checkbox || aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Radio); bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); bool isChecked = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_CHECKED); bool isIndeterminate = aAppearance == StyleAppearance::Checkbox && aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_INDETERMINATE); if (isChecked || isIndeterminate) { if (isDisabled) { auto color = ComputeBorderColor(aState, aColors, OutlineCoversBorder::No); return std::make_pair(color, color); } bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); const auto& color = isActive ? aColors.Accent().GetDarker() : isHovered ? aColors.Accent().GetDark() : aColors.Accent().Get(); return std::make_pair(color, color); } return ComputeTextfieldColors(aState, aColors, OutlineCoversBorder::No); } sRGBColor Theme::ComputeCheckmarkColor(const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.System(StyleSystemColor::Selecteditemtext); } if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED)) { return sRGBColor::White(.8f); } return aColors.Accent().GetForeground(); } sRGBColor Theme::ComputeBorderColor(const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, OutlineCoversBorder aOutlineCoversBorder) { bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.System(isDisabled ? StyleSystemColor::Graytext : StyleSystemColor::Buttontext); } bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); bool isFocused = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING); if (isDisabled) { return sColorGrey40Alpha50; } if (isFocused && aOutlineCoversBorder == OutlineCoversBorder::Yes) { // If we draw the outline over the border, prevent issues where the border // shows underneath if it snaps in the wrong direction by using a // transparent border. An alternative to this is ensuring that we snap the // offset in PaintRoundedFocusRect the same was a we snap border widths, so // that negative offsets are guaranteed to cover the border. // But this looks harder to mess up. return sTransparent; } bool dark = aColors.IsDark(); if (isActive) { return dark ? sColorGrey20 : sColorGrey60; } if (isHovered) { return dark ? sColorGrey30 : sColorGrey50; } return sColorGrey40; } std::pair Theme::ComputeButtonColors( const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, nsIFrame* aFrame) { bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); nscolor backgroundColor = [&] { if (isDisabled) { return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozButtondisabledface); } if (isActive) { return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozButtonactiveface); } if (isHovered) { return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozButtonhoverface); } return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::Buttonface); }(); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_AUTOFILL)) { backgroundColor = NS_ComposeColors( backgroundColor, aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozAutofillBackground)); } const sRGBColor borderColor = ComputeBorderColor(aState, aColors, OutlineCoversBorder::Yes); return std::make_pair(sRGBColor::FromABGR(backgroundColor), borderColor); } std::pair Theme::ComputeTextfieldColors( const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, OutlineCoversBorder aOutlineCoversBorder) { nscolor backgroundColor = [&] { if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED)) { return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozDisabledfield); } return aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::Field); }(); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_AUTOFILL)) { backgroundColor = NS_ComposeColors( backgroundColor, aColors.SystemNs(StyleSystemColor::MozAutofillBackground)); } const sRGBColor borderColor = ComputeBorderColor(aState, aColors, aOutlineCoversBorder); return std::make_pair(sRGBColor::FromABGR(backgroundColor), borderColor); } std::pair Theme::ComputeRangeProgressColors( const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.SystemPair(StyleSystemColor::Selecteditem, StyleSystemColor::Buttontext); } bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); if (isDisabled) { return std::make_pair(sColorGrey40Alpha50, sColorGrey40Alpha50); } if (isActive || isHovered) { return std::make_pair(aColors.Accent().GetDark(), aColors.Accent().GetDarker()); } return std::make_pair(aColors.Accent().Get(), aColors.Accent().GetDark()); } std::pair Theme::ComputeRangeTrackColors( const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.SystemPair(StyleSystemColor::Window, StyleSystemColor::Buttontext); } bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); if (isDisabled) { return std::make_pair(sColorGrey10Alpha50, sColorGrey40Alpha50); } if (isActive || isHovered) { return std::make_pair(sColorGrey20, sColorGrey50); } return std::make_pair(sColorGrey10, sColorGrey40); } std::pair Theme::ComputeRangeThumbColors( const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.SystemPair(StyleSystemColor::Selecteditemtext, StyleSystemColor::Selecteditem); } bool isActive = aState.HasAllStates(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER | NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE); bool isDisabled = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED); bool isHovered = aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER); const sRGBColor& backgroundColor = [&] { if (isDisabled) { return sColorGrey40; } if (isActive) { return aColors.Accent().Get(); } if (isHovered) { return sColorGrey60; } return sColorGrey50; }(); const sRGBColor borderColor = sRGBColor::OpaqueWhite(); return std::make_pair(backgroundColor, borderColor); } std::pair Theme::ComputeProgressColors( const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.SystemPair(StyleSystemColor::Selecteditem, StyleSystemColor::Buttontext); } return std::make_pair(aColors.Accent().Get(), aColors.Accent().GetDark()); } std::pair Theme::ComputeProgressTrackColors( const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return aColors.SystemPair(StyleSystemColor::Buttonface, StyleSystemColor::Buttontext); } return std::make_pair(sColorGrey10, sColorGrey40); } std::pair Theme::ComputeMeterchunkColors( const EventStates& aMeterState, const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return ComputeProgressColors(aColors); } sRGBColor borderColor = sColorMeterGreen20; sRGBColor chunkColor = sColorMeterGreen10; if (aMeterState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_SUB_OPTIMUM)) { borderColor = sColorMeterYellow20; chunkColor = sColorMeterYellow10; } else if (aMeterState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_SUB_SUB_OPTIMUM)) { borderColor = sColorMeterRed20; chunkColor = sColorMeterRed10; } return std::make_pair(chunkColor, borderColor); } std::array Theme::ComputeFocusRectColors(const Colors& aColors) { if (aColors.HighContrast()) { return {aColors.System(StyleSystemColor::Selecteditem), aColors.System(StyleSystemColor::Buttontext), aColors.System(StyleSystemColor::Window)}; } const auto& accent = aColors.Accent(); const sRGBColor middle = aColors.IsDark() ? sRGBColor::Black(.3f) : sRGBColor::White(.3f); return {accent.Get(), middle, accent.GetLight()}; } static const CSSCoord kInnerFocusOutlineWidth = 2.0f; template void Theme::PaintRoundedFocusRect(PaintBackendData& aBackendData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio, CSSCoord aRadius, CSSCoord aOffset) { // NOTE(emilio): If the widths or offsets here change, make sure to tweak // the GetWidgetOverflow path for FocusOutline. auto [innerColor, middleColor, outerColor] = ComputeFocusRectColors(aColors); LayoutDeviceRect focusRect(aRect); // The focus rect is painted outside of the border area (aRect), see: // // data:text/html,
// // But some controls might provide a negative offset to cover the border, if // necessary. CSSCoord strokeWidth = kInnerFocusOutlineWidth; auto strokeWidthDevPx = LayoutDeviceCoord(ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(strokeWidth, aDpiRatio)); CSSCoord strokeRadius = aRadius; focusRect.Inflate(aOffset * aDpiRatio + strokeWidthDevPx); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius( aBackendData, focusRect, sTransparent, innerColor, strokeWidth, strokeRadius, aDpiRatio); strokeWidth = CSSCoord(1.0f); strokeWidthDevPx = LayoutDeviceCoord(ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(strokeWidth, aDpiRatio)); strokeRadius += strokeWidth; focusRect.Inflate(strokeWidthDevPx); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius( aBackendData, focusRect, sTransparent, middleColor, strokeWidth, strokeRadius, aDpiRatio); strokeWidth = CSSCoord(2.0f); strokeWidthDevPx = LayoutDeviceCoord(ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(strokeWidth, aDpiRatio)); strokeRadius += strokeWidth; focusRect.Inflate(strokeWidthDevPx); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius( aBackendData, focusRect, sTransparent, outerColor, strokeWidth, strokeRadius, aDpiRatio); } void Theme::PaintCheckboxControl(DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeCheckboxColors(aState, StyleAppearance::Checkbox, aColors); { const CSSCoord radius = 2.0f; CSSCoord borderWidth = kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth; if (backgroundColor == borderColor) { borderWidth = 0.0f; } ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aDrawTarget, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); } if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_INDETERMINATE)) { PaintIndeterminateMark(aDrawTarget, aRect, aState, aColors); } else if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_CHECKED)) { PaintCheckMark(aDrawTarget, aRect, aState, aColors); } if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aDrawTarget, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, 5.0f, 1.0f); } } constexpr CSSCoord kCheckboxRadioContentBoxSize = 10.0f; constexpr CSSCoord kCheckboxRadioBorderBoxSize = kCheckboxRadioContentBoxSize + kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth * 2.0f; void Theme::PaintCheckMark(DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { // Points come from the coordinates on a 14X14 (kCheckboxRadioBorderBoxSize) // unit box centered at 0,0 const float checkPolygonX[] = {-4.5f, -1.5f, -0.5f, 5.0f, 4.75f, 3.5f, -0.5f, -1.5f, -3.5f}; const float checkPolygonY[] = {0.5f, 4.0f, 4.0f, -2.5f, -4.0f, -4.0f, 1.0f, 1.25f, -1.0f}; const int32_t checkNumPoints = sizeof(checkPolygonX) / sizeof(float); const float scale = ThemeDrawing::ScaleToFillRect(aRect, kCheckboxRadioBorderBoxSize); auto center = aRect.Center().ToUnknownPoint(); RefPtr builder = aDrawTarget.CreatePathBuilder(); Point p = center + Point(checkPolygonX[0] * scale, checkPolygonY[0] * scale); builder->MoveTo(p); for (int32_t i = 1; i < checkNumPoints; i++) { p = center + Point(checkPolygonX[i] * scale, checkPolygonY[i] * scale); builder->LineTo(p); } RefPtr path = builder->Finish(); sRGBColor fillColor = ComputeCheckmarkColor(aState, aColors); aDrawTarget.Fill(path, ColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(fillColor))); } void Theme::PaintIndeterminateMark(DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors) { const CSSCoord borderWidth = 2.0f; const float scale = ThemeDrawing::ScaleToFillRect(aRect, kCheckboxRadioBorderBoxSize); Rect rect = aRect.ToUnknownRect(); rect.y += (rect.height / 2) - (borderWidth * scale / 2); rect.height = borderWidth * scale; rect.x += (borderWidth * scale) + (borderWidth * scale / 8); rect.width -= ((borderWidth * scale) + (borderWidth * scale / 8)) * 2; sRGBColor fillColor = ComputeCheckmarkColor(aState, aColors); aDrawTarget.FillRect(rect, ColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(fillColor))); } template void Theme::PaintStrokedCircle(PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const sRGBColor& aBackgroundColor, const sRGBColor& aBorderColor, const CSSCoord aBorderWidth, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto radius = LayoutDeviceCoord(aRect.Size().width) / aDpiRatio; ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, aRect, aBackgroundColor, aBorderColor, aBorderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); } void Theme::PaintCircleShadow(WebRenderBackendData& aWrData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aBoxRect, const LayoutDeviceRect& aClipRect, float aShadowAlpha, const CSSPoint& aShadowOffset, CSSCoord aShadowBlurStdDev, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { const bool kBackfaceIsVisible = true; const LayoutDeviceCoord stdDev = aShadowBlurStdDev * aDpiRatio; const LayoutDevicePoint shadowOffset = aShadowOffset * aDpiRatio; const IntSize inflation = gfxAlphaBoxBlur::CalculateBlurRadius(gfxPoint(stdDev, stdDev)); LayoutDeviceRect shadowRect = aBoxRect; shadowRect.MoveBy(shadowOffset); shadowRect.Inflate(inflation.width, inflation.height); const auto boxRect = wr::ToLayoutRect(aBoxRect); aWrData.mBuilder.PushBoxShadow( wr::ToLayoutRect(shadowRect), wr::ToLayoutRect(aClipRect), kBackfaceIsVisible, boxRect, wr::ToLayoutVector2D(aShadowOffset * aDpiRatio), wr::ToColorF(DeviceColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, aShadowAlpha)), stdDev, /* aSpread = */ 0.0f, wr::ToBorderRadius(gfx::RectCornerRadii(aBoxRect.Size().width)), wr::BoxShadowClipMode::Outset); } void Theme::PaintCircleShadow(DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aBoxRect, const LayoutDeviceRect& aClipRect, float aShadowAlpha, const CSSPoint& aShadowOffset, CSSCoord aShadowBlurStdDev, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { Float stdDev = aShadowBlurStdDev * aDpiRatio; Point offset = (aShadowOffset * aDpiRatio).ToUnknownPoint(); RefPtr blurFilter = aDrawTarget.CreateFilter(FilterType::GAUSSIAN_BLUR); if (!blurFilter) { return; } blurFilter->SetAttribute(ATT_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_STD_DEVIATION, stdDev); IntSize inflation = gfxAlphaBoxBlur::CalculateBlurRadius(gfxPoint(stdDev, stdDev)); Rect inflatedRect = aBoxRect.ToUnknownRect(); inflatedRect.Inflate(inflation.width, inflation.height); Rect sourceRectInFilterSpace = inflatedRect - aBoxRect.TopLeft().ToUnknownPoint(); Point destinationPointOfSourceRect = inflatedRect.TopLeft() + offset; IntSize dtSize = RoundedToInt(aBoxRect.Size().ToUnknownSize()); RefPtr ellipseDT = aDrawTarget.CreateSimilarDrawTargetForFilter( dtSize, SurfaceFormat::A8, blurFilter, blurFilter, sourceRectInFilterSpace, destinationPointOfSourceRect); if (!ellipseDT) { return; } AutoClipRect clipRect(aDrawTarget, aClipRect); RefPtr ellipse = MakePathForEllipse( *ellipseDT, (aBoxRect - aBoxRect.TopLeft()).Center().ToUnknownPoint(), aBoxRect.Size().ToUnknownSize()); ellipseDT->Fill(ellipse, ColorPattern(DeviceColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, aShadowAlpha))); RefPtr ellipseSurface = ellipseDT->Snapshot(); blurFilter->SetInput(IN_GAUSSIAN_BLUR_IN, ellipseSurface); aDrawTarget.DrawFilter(blurFilter, sourceRectInFilterSpace, destinationPointOfSourceRect); } template void Theme::PaintRadioControl(PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeCheckboxColors(aState, StyleAppearance::Radio, aColors); { CSSCoord borderWidth = kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth; if (backgroundColor == borderColor) { borderWidth = 0.0f; } PaintStrokedCircle(aPaintData, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, aDpiRatio); } if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_CHECKED)) { LayoutDeviceRect rect(aRect); auto width = LayoutDeviceCoord( ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth, aDpiRatio)); rect.Deflate(width); auto checkColor = ComputeCheckmarkColor(aState, aColors); PaintStrokedCircle(aPaintData, rect, backgroundColor, checkColor, kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth, aDpiRatio); } if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aPaintData, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, 5.0f, 1.0f); } } template void Theme::PaintTextField(PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeTextfieldColors(aState, aColors, OutlineCoversBorder::Yes); const CSSCoord radius = 2.0f; ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, kTextFieldBorderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aPaintData, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, radius + kTextFieldBorderWidth, -kTextFieldBorderWidth); } } template void Theme::PaintListbox(PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { const CSSCoord radius = 2.0f; auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeTextfieldColors(aState, aColors, OutlineCoversBorder::Yes); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, kMenulistBorderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aPaintData, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, radius + kMenulistBorderWidth, -kMenulistBorderWidth); } } template void Theme::PaintMenulist(PaintBackendData& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { const CSSCoord radius = 4.0f; auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeButtonColors(aState, aColors); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aDrawTarget, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, kMenulistBorderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aDrawTarget, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, radius + kMenulistBorderWidth, -kMenulistBorderWidth); } } void Theme::PaintMenulistArrowButton(nsIFrame* aFrame, DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState) { const float kPolygonX[] = {-4.0f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 4.0f, 4.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f, -4.0f}; const float kPolygonY[] = {-1, 3.0f, 3.0f, -1.0f, -2.0f, -2.0f, 1.5f, 1.5f, -2.0f, -2.0f}; const float kPolygonSize = kMinimumDropdownArrowButtonWidth; const auto arrowColor = sRGBColor::FromABGR( nsLayoutUtils::GetColor(aFrame, &nsStyleText::mWebkitTextFillColor)); ThemeDrawing::PaintArrow(aDrawTarget, aRect, kPolygonX, kPolygonY, kPolygonSize, ArrayLength(kPolygonX), arrowColor); } void Theme::PaintSpinnerButton(nsIFrame* aFrame, DrawTarget& aDrawTarget, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, StyleAppearance aAppearance, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeButtonColors(aState, aColors); aDrawTarget.FillRect(aRect.ToUnknownRect(), ColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(backgroundColor))); const float kPolygonX[] = {-3.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 3.5f, 3.5f, 2.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -2.5f, -3.5f}; float polygonY[] = {-1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, -1.5f, -2.5f, -2.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -2.5f, -2.5f}; const float kPolygonSize = kMinimumSpinnerButtonHeight; if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::SpinnerUpbutton) { for (auto& coord : polygonY) { coord = -coord; } } ThemeDrawing::PaintArrow(aDrawTarget, aRect, kPolygonX, polygonY, kPolygonSize, ArrayLength(kPolygonX), borderColor); } template void Theme::PaintRange(nsIFrame* aFrame, PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio, bool aHorizontal) { nsRangeFrame* rangeFrame = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); if (!rangeFrame) { return; } double progress = rangeFrame->GetValueAsFractionOfRange(); auto rect = aRect; LayoutDeviceRect thumbRect(0, 0, kMinimumRangeThumbSize * aDpiRatio, kMinimumRangeThumbSize * aDpiRatio); LayoutDeviceRect progressClipRect(aRect); LayoutDeviceRect trackClipRect(aRect); const LayoutDeviceCoord verticalSize = kRangeHeight * aDpiRatio; if (aHorizontal) { rect.height = verticalSize; rect.y = aRect.y + (aRect.height - rect.height) / 2; thumbRect.y = aRect.y + (aRect.height - thumbRect.height) / 2; if (IsFrameRTL(aFrame)) { thumbRect.x = aRect.x + (aRect.width - thumbRect.width) * (1.0 - progress); float midPoint = thumbRect.Center().X(); trackClipRect.SetBoxX(aRect.X(), midPoint); progressClipRect.SetBoxX(midPoint, aRect.XMost()); } else { thumbRect.x = aRect.x + (aRect.width - thumbRect.width) * progress; float midPoint = thumbRect.Center().X(); progressClipRect.SetBoxX(aRect.X(), midPoint); trackClipRect.SetBoxX(midPoint, aRect.XMost()); } } else { rect.width = verticalSize; rect.x = aRect.x + (aRect.width - rect.width) / 2; thumbRect.x = aRect.x + (aRect.width - thumbRect.width) / 2; thumbRect.y = aRect.y + (aRect.height - thumbRect.height) * (1.0 - progress); float midPoint = thumbRect.Center().Y(); trackClipRect.SetBoxY(aRect.Y(), midPoint); progressClipRect.SetBoxY(midPoint, aRect.YMost()); } const CSSCoord borderWidth = 1.0f; const CSSCoord radius = 3.0f; auto [progressColor, progressBorderColor] = ComputeRangeProgressColors(aState, aColors); auto [trackColor, trackBorderColor] = ComputeRangeTrackColors(aState, aColors); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, rect, progressClipRect, progressColor, progressBorderColor, borderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, rect, trackClipRect, trackColor, trackBorderColor, borderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); if (!aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_DISABLED)) { // Ensure the shadow doesn't expand outside of our overflow rect declared in // GetWidgetOverflow(). auto overflowRect = aRect; overflowRect.Inflate(CSSCoord(6.0f) * aDpiRatio); // Thumb shadow PaintCircleShadow(aPaintData, thumbRect, overflowRect, 0.3f, CSSPoint(0.0f, 2.0f), 2.0f, aDpiRatio); } // Draw the thumb on top. const CSSCoord thumbBorderWidth = 2.0f; auto [thumbColor, thumbBorderColor] = ComputeRangeThumbColors(aState, aColors); PaintStrokedCircle(aPaintData, thumbRect, thumbColor, thumbBorderColor, thumbBorderWidth, aDpiRatio); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aPaintData, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, radius, 1.0f); } } template void Theme::PaintProgress(nsIFrame* aFrame, PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio, bool aIsMeter) { const CSSCoord borderWidth = 1.0f; const CSSCoord radius = aIsMeter ? 6.0f : 3.0f; LayoutDeviceRect rect(aRect); const LayoutDeviceCoord thickness = (aIsMeter ? kMeterHeight : kProgressbarHeight) * aDpiRatio; const bool isHorizontal = !nsNativeTheme::IsVerticalProgress(aFrame); if (isHorizontal) { // Center it vertically. rect.y += (rect.height - thickness) / 2; rect.height = thickness; } else { // Center it horizontally. rect.x += (rect.width - thickness) / 2; rect.width = thickness; } { // Paint the track, unclipped. auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeProgressTrackColors(aColors); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, rect, rect, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); } // Now paint the chunk, clipped as needed. LayoutDeviceRect clipRect = rect; if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_INDETERMINATE)) { // For indeterminate progress, we paint an animated chunk of 1/3 of the // progress size. // // Animation speed and math borrowed from GTK. const LayoutDeviceCoord size = isHorizontal ? rect.width : rect.height; const LayoutDeviceCoord barSize = size * 0.3333f; const LayoutDeviceCoord travel = 2.0f * (size - barSize); // Period equals to travel / pixelsPerMillisecond where pixelsPerMillisecond // equals progressSize / 1000.0. This is equivalent to 1600. const unsigned kPeriod = 1600; const int t = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(PR_IntervalNow()) % kPeriod; const LayoutDeviceCoord dx = travel * float(t) / float(kPeriod); if (isHorizontal) { rect.width = barSize; rect.x += (dx < travel * .5f) ? dx : travel - dx; } else { rect.height = barSize; rect.y += (dx < travel * .5f) ? dx : travel - dx; } clipRect = rect; // Queue the next frame if needed. if (!QueueAnimatedContentForRefresh(aFrame->GetContent(), 60)) { NS_WARNING("Couldn't refresh indeterminate "); } } else { // This is the progress chunk, clip it to the right amount. double position = [&] { if (aIsMeter) { auto* meter = dom::HTMLMeterElement::FromNode(aFrame->GetContent()); if (!meter) { return 0.0; } return meter->Position(); } auto* progress = dom::HTMLProgressElement::FromNode(aFrame->GetContent()); if (!progress) { return 0.0; } return progress->Position(); }(); if (isHorizontal) { double clipWidth = rect.width * position; clipRect.width = clipWidth; if (IsFrameRTL(aFrame)) { clipRect.x += rect.width - clipWidth; } } else { double clipHeight = rect.height * position; clipRect.height = clipHeight; clipRect.y += rect.height - clipHeight; } } auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = aIsMeter ? ComputeMeterchunkColors(aState, aColors) : ComputeProgressColors(aColors); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, rect, clipRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); } template void Theme::PaintButton(nsIFrame* aFrame, PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const EventStates& aState, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { const CSSCoord radius = 4.0f; auto [backgroundColor, borderColor] = ComputeButtonColors(aState, aColors, aFrame); ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius(aPaintData, aRect, backgroundColor, borderColor, kButtonBorderWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); if (aState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { PaintRoundedFocusRect(aPaintData, aRect, aColors, aDpiRatio, radius + kButtonBorderWidth, -kButtonBorderWidth); } } NS_IMETHODIMP Theme::DrawWidgetBackground(gfxContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, const nsRect& aRect, const nsRect& /* aDirtyRect */, DrawOverflow aDrawOverflow) { if (!DoDrawWidgetBackground(*aContext->GetDrawTarget(), aFrame, aAppearance, aRect, aDrawOverflow)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return NS_OK; } bool Theme::CreateWebRenderCommandsForWidget( mozilla::wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder, mozilla::wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources, const mozilla::layers::StackingContextHelper& aSc, mozilla::layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, const nsRect& aRect) { if (!StaticPrefs::widget_non_native_theme_webrender()) { return false; } WebRenderBackendData data{aBuilder, aResources, aSc, aManager}; return DoDrawWidgetBackground(data, aFrame, aAppearance, aRect, DrawOverflow::Yes); } static LayoutDeviceRect ToSnappedRect(const nsRect& aRect, nscoord aTwipsPerPixel, DrawTarget& aDt) { return LayoutDeviceRect::FromUnknownRect( NSRectToSnappedRect(aRect, aTwipsPerPixel, aDt)); } static LayoutDeviceRect ToSnappedRect(const nsRect& aRect, nscoord aTwipsPerPixel, WebRenderBackendData& aDt) { // TODO: Do we need to do any more snapping here? return LayoutDeviceRect::FromAppUnits(aRect, aTwipsPerPixel); } template bool Theme::DoDrawWidgetBackground(PaintBackendData& aPaintData, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, const nsRect& aRect, DrawOverflow aDrawOverflow) { static_assert(std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v); const nsPresContext* pc = aFrame->PresContext(); const nscoord twipsPerPixel = pc->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); const auto devPxRect = ToSnappedRect(aRect, twipsPerPixel, aPaintData); const EventStates docState = pc->Document()->GetDocumentState(); EventStates eventState = GetContentState(aFrame, aAppearance); if (aAppearance == StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton) { bool isHTML = IsHTMLContent(aFrame); nsIFrame* parentFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); bool isMenulist = !isHTML && parentFrame->IsMenuFrame(); // HTML select and XUL menulist dropdown buttons get state from the // parent. if (isHTML || isMenulist) { aFrame = parentFrame; eventState = GetContentState(parentFrame, aAppearance); } } // Paint the outline iff we're asked to draw overflow and we have // outline-style: auto. if (aDrawOverflow == DrawOverflow::Yes && aFrame->StyleOutline()->mOutlineStyle.IsAuto()) { eventState |= NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING; } else { eventState &= ~NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING; } // Hack to avoid skia fuzziness: Add a dummy clip if the widget doesn't // overflow devPxRect. Maybe maybeClipRect; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (aAppearance != StyleAppearance::FocusOutline && aAppearance != StyleAppearance::Range && !eventState.HasState(NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUSRING)) { maybeClipRect.emplace(aPaintData, devPxRect); } } const Colors colors(aFrame, aAppearance); DPIRatio dpiRatio = GetDPIRatio(aFrame, aAppearance); switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::Radio: { auto rect = CheckBoxRadioRect(devPxRect); PaintRadioControl(aPaintData, rect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); break; } case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // TODO: Need to figure out how to best draw this using WR. return false; } else { auto rect = CheckBoxRadioRect(devPxRect); PaintCheckboxControl(aPaintData, rect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); } break; } case StyleAppearance::Textarea: case StyleAppearance::Textfield: case StyleAppearance::NumberInput: PaintTextField(aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); break; case StyleAppearance::Listbox: PaintListbox(aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); break; case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton: case StyleAppearance::Menulist: PaintMenulist(aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); break; case StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton: if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // TODO: Need to figure out how to best draw this using WR. return false; } else { PaintMenulistArrowButton(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState); } break; case StyleAppearance::SpinnerUpbutton: case StyleAppearance::SpinnerDownbutton: if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // TODO: Need to figure out how to best draw this using WR. return false; } else { PaintSpinnerButton(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, aAppearance, colors, dpiRatio); } break; case StyleAppearance::Range: PaintRange(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio, IsRangeHorizontal(aFrame)); break; case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: // Painted as part of StyleAppearance::Range. break; case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar: PaintProgress(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio, /* aIsMeter = */ false); break; case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk: /* Painted as part of the progress bar */ break; case StyleAppearance::Meter: PaintProgress(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio, /* aIsMeter = */ true); break; case StyleAppearance::Meterchunk: /* Painted as part of the meter bar */ break; case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarthumbHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarthumbVertical: { bool isHorizontal = aAppearance == StyleAppearance::ScrollbarthumbHorizontal; return GetScrollbarDrawing().PaintScrollbarThumb( aPaintData, devPxRect, isHorizontal, aFrame, *nsLayoutUtils::StyleForScrollbar(aFrame), eventState, docState, colors, dpiRatio); } case StyleAppearance::ScrollbartrackHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbartrackVertical: { bool isHorizontal = aAppearance == StyleAppearance::ScrollbartrackHorizontal; return GetScrollbarDrawing().PaintScrollbarTrack( aPaintData, devPxRect, isHorizontal, aFrame, *nsLayoutUtils::StyleForScrollbar(aFrame), docState, colors, dpiRatio); } case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarVertical: { bool isHorizontal = aAppearance == StyleAppearance::ScrollbarHorizontal; return GetScrollbarDrawing().PaintScrollbar( aPaintData, devPxRect, isHorizontal, aFrame, *nsLayoutUtils::StyleForScrollbar(aFrame), eventState, docState, colors, dpiRatio); } case StyleAppearance::Scrollcorner: return GetScrollbarDrawing().PaintScrollCorner( aPaintData, devPxRect, aFrame, *nsLayoutUtils::StyleForScrollbar(aFrame), docState, colors, dpiRatio); case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonUp: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonDown: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonLeft: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonRight: // For scrollbar-width:thin, we don't display the buttons. if (!ScrollbarDrawing::IsScrollbarWidthThin(aFrame)) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { // TODO: Need to figure out how to best draw this using WR. return false; } else { GetScrollbarDrawing().PaintScrollbarButton( aPaintData, aAppearance, devPxRect, aFrame, *nsLayoutUtils::StyleForScrollbar(aFrame), eventState, docState, colors, dpiRatio); } } break; case StyleAppearance::Button: PaintButton(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, eventState, colors, dpiRatio); break; case StyleAppearance::FocusOutline: PaintAutoStyleOutline(aFrame, aPaintData, devPxRect, colors, dpiRatio); break; default: // Various appearance values are used for XUL elements. Normally these // will not be available in content documents (and thus in the content // processes where the native basic theme can be used), but tests are // run with the remote XUL pref enabled and so we can get in here. So // we just return an error rather than assert. return false; } return true; } template void Theme::PaintAutoStyleOutline(nsIFrame* aFrame, PaintBackendData& aPaintData, const LayoutDeviceRect& aRect, const Colors& aColors, DPIRatio aDpiRatio) { auto [innerColor, middleColor, outerColor] = ComputeFocusRectColors(aColors); Unused << middleColor; Unused << outerColor; LayoutDeviceRect rect(aRect); auto width = LayoutDeviceCoord( ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(kInnerFocusOutlineWidth, aDpiRatio)); rect.Inflate(width); const nscoord offset = aFrame->StyleOutline()->mOutlineOffset.ToAppUnits(); nscoord cssRadii[8]; if (!aFrame->GetBorderRadii(cssRadii)) { const CSSCoord cssOffset = CSSCoord::FromAppUnits(offset); const CSSCoord radius = cssOffset >= 0.0f ? kInnerFocusOutlineWidth : std::max(kInnerFocusOutlineWidth + cssOffset, CSSCoord(0.0f)); return ThemeDrawing::PaintRoundedRectWithRadius( aPaintData, rect, sRGBColor::White(0.0f), innerColor, kInnerFocusOutlineWidth, radius, aDpiRatio); } nsPresContext* pc = aFrame->PresContext(); const Float devPixelOffset = pc->AppUnitsToFloatDevPixels(offset); RectCornerRadii innerRadii; nsCSSRendering::ComputePixelRadii(cssRadii, pc->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(), &innerRadii); const auto borderColor = ToDeviceColor(innerColor); // NOTE(emilio): This doesn't use PaintRoundedRectWithRadius because we need // to support arbitrary radii. RectCornerRadii outerRadii; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { const Float widths[4] = {width + devPixelOffset, width + devPixelOffset, width + devPixelOffset, width + devPixelOffset}; nsCSSBorderRenderer::ComputeOuterRadii(innerRadii, widths, &outerRadii); const auto dest = wr::ToLayoutRect(rect); const auto side = wr::ToBorderSide(borderColor, StyleBorderStyle::Solid); const wr::BorderSide sides[4] = {side, side, side, side}; const bool kBackfaceIsVisible = true; const auto wrWidths = wr::ToBorderWidths(width, width, width, width); const auto wrRadius = wr::ToBorderRadius(outerRadii); aPaintData.mBuilder.PushBorder(dest, dest, kBackfaceIsVisible, wrWidths, {sides, 4}, wrRadius); } else { const LayoutDeviceCoord halfWidth = width * 0.5f; rect.Deflate(halfWidth); const Float widths[4] = { halfWidth + devPixelOffset, halfWidth + devPixelOffset, halfWidth + devPixelOffset, halfWidth + devPixelOffset}; nsCSSBorderRenderer::ComputeOuterRadii(innerRadii, widths, &outerRadii); RefPtr path = MakePathForRoundedRect(aPaintData, rect.ToUnknownRect(), outerRadii); aPaintData.Stroke(path, ColorPattern(borderColor), StrokeOptions(width)); } } LayoutDeviceIntMargin Theme::GetWidgetBorder(nsDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) { switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::Textfield: case StyleAppearance::Textarea: case StyleAppearance::NumberInput: case StyleAppearance::Listbox: case StyleAppearance::Menulist: case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton: case StyleAppearance::Button: // Return the border size from the UA sheet, even though what we paint // doesn't actually match that. We know this is the UA sheet border // because we disable native theming when different border widths are // specified by authors, see Theme::IsWidgetStyled. // // The Rounded() bit is technically redundant, but needed to appease the // type system, we should always end up with full device pixels due to // round_border_to_device_pixels at style time. return LayoutDeviceIntMargin::FromAppUnits( aFrame->StyleBorder()->GetComputedBorder(), aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel()) .Rounded(); case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: case StyleAppearance::Radio: { DPIRatio dpiRatio = GetDPIRatio(aFrame, aAppearance); LayoutDeviceIntCoord w = ThemeDrawing::SnapBorderWidth(kCheckboxRadioBorderWidth, dpiRatio); return LayoutDeviceIntMargin(w, w, w, w); } default: return LayoutDeviceIntMargin(); } } bool Theme::GetWidgetPadding(nsDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, LayoutDeviceIntMargin* aResult) { switch (aAppearance) { // Radios and checkboxes return a fixed size in GetMinimumWidgetSize // and have a meaningful baseline, so they can't have // author-specified padding. case StyleAppearance::Radio: case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: aResult->SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0); return true; default: break; } return false; } bool Theme::GetWidgetOverflow(nsDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, nsRect* aOverflowRect) { nsIntMargin overflow; switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::FocusOutline: // 2px * one segment overflow.SizeTo(2, 2, 2, 2); break; case StyleAppearance::Radio: case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: case StyleAppearance::Range: // 2px for each outline segment, plus 1px separation, plus we paint with a // 1px extra offset, so 6px. overflow.SizeTo(6, 6, 6, 6); break; case StyleAppearance::Textarea: case StyleAppearance::Textfield: case StyleAppearance::NumberInput: case StyleAppearance::Listbox: case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton: case StyleAppearance::Menulist: case StyleAppearance::Button: // 2px for each segment, plus 1px separation, but we paint 1px inside // the border area so 4px overflow. overflow.SizeTo(4, 4, 4, 4); break; default: return false; } // TODO: This should convert from device pixels to app units, not from CSS // pixels. And it should take the dpi ratio into account. // Using CSS pixels can cause the overflow to be too small if the page is // zoomed out. aOverflowRect->Inflate(nsMargin(CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(overflow.top), CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(overflow.right), CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(overflow.bottom), CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(overflow.left))); return true; } auto Theme::GetScrollbarSizes(nsPresContext* aPresContext, StyleScrollbarWidth aWidth, Overlay aOverlay) -> ScrollbarSizes { return GetScrollbarDrawing().GetScrollbarSizes(aPresContext, aWidth, aOverlay); } nscoord Theme::GetCheckboxRadioPrefSize() { return CSSPixel::ToAppUnits(kCheckboxRadioContentBoxSize); } /* static */ UniquePtr Theme::ScrollbarStyle() { switch (StaticPrefs::widget_non_native_theme_scrollbar_style()) { case 1: return MakeUnique(); case 2: return MakeUnique(); case 3: return MakeUnique(); case 4: return MakeUnique(); case 5: return MakeUnique(); default: break; } // Default to native scrollbar style for each platform. #ifdef XP_WIN if (IsWin11OrLater()) { return MakeUnique(); } return MakeUnique(); #elif MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA return MakeUnique(); #elif MOZ_WIDGET_GTK return MakeUnique(); #elif ANDROID return MakeUnique(); #else # error "Unknown platform, need scrollbar implementation." #endif } NS_IMETHODIMP Theme::GetMinimumWidgetSize(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, LayoutDeviceIntSize* aResult, bool* aIsOverridable) { DPIRatio dpiRatio = GetDPIRatio(aFrame, aAppearance); aResult->width = aResult->height = 0; *aIsOverridable = true; if (IsWidgetScrollbarPart(aAppearance)) { *aResult = GetScrollbarDrawing().GetMinimumWidgetSize(aPresContext, aAppearance, aFrame); return NS_OK; } switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::Button: if (aFrame->IsColorControlFrame()) { aResult->height = (kMinimumColorPickerHeight * dpiRatio).Rounded(); } break; case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: aResult->SizeTo((kMinimumRangeThumbSize * dpiRatio).Rounded(), (kMinimumRangeThumbSize * dpiRatio).Rounded()); break; case StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton: aResult->width = (kMinimumDropdownArrowButtonWidth * dpiRatio).Rounded(); break; case StyleAppearance::SpinnerUpbutton: case StyleAppearance::SpinnerDownbutton: aResult->width = (kMinimumSpinnerButtonWidth * dpiRatio).Rounded(); aResult->height = (kMinimumSpinnerButtonHeight * dpiRatio).Rounded(); break; default: break; } return NS_OK; } nsITheme::Transparency Theme::GetWidgetTransparency( nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) { return GetScrollbarDrawing() .GetScrollbarPartTransparency(aFrame, aAppearance) .valueOr(eUnknownTransparency); } NS_IMETHODIMP Theme::WidgetStateChanged(nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance, nsAtom* aAttribute, bool* aShouldRepaint, const nsAttrValue* aOldValue) { if (!aAttribute) { // Hover/focus/active changed. Always repaint. *aShouldRepaint = true; } else { // Check the attribute to see if it's relevant. // disabled, checked, dlgtype, default, etc. *aShouldRepaint = false; if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::disabled || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::checked || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::selected || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::visuallyselected || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::menuactive || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::sortDirection || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::focused || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::_default || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::open || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::hover) { *aShouldRepaint = true; } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP Theme::ThemeChanged() { return NS_OK; } bool Theme::WidgetAppearanceDependsOnWindowFocus(StyleAppearance aAppearance) { return IsWidgetScrollbarPart(aAppearance); } nsITheme::ThemeGeometryType Theme::ThemeGeometryTypeForWidget( nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) { return eThemeGeometryTypeUnknown; } bool Theme::ThemeSupportsWidget(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, StyleAppearance aAppearance) { switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::Radio: case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: case StyleAppearance::FocusOutline: case StyleAppearance::Textarea: case StyleAppearance::Textfield: case StyleAppearance::Range: case StyleAppearance::RangeThumb: case StyleAppearance::ProgressBar: case StyleAppearance::Progresschunk: case StyleAppearance::Meter: case StyleAppearance::Meterchunk: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonUp: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonDown: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonLeft: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarbuttonRight: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarthumbHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarthumbVertical: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbartrackHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbartrackVertical: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarHorizontal: case StyleAppearance::ScrollbarVertical: case StyleAppearance::Scrollcorner: case StyleAppearance::Button: case StyleAppearance::Listbox: case StyleAppearance::Menulist: case StyleAppearance::MenulistButton: case StyleAppearance::NumberInput: case StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton: case StyleAppearance::SpinnerUpbutton: case StyleAppearance::SpinnerDownbutton: return !IsWidgetStyled(aPresContext, aFrame, aAppearance); default: return false; } } bool Theme::WidgetIsContainer(StyleAppearance aAppearance) { switch (aAppearance) { case StyleAppearance::MozMenulistArrowButton: case StyleAppearance::Radio: case StyleAppearance::Checkbox: return false; default: return true; } } bool Theme::ThemeDrawsFocusForWidget(nsIFrame*, StyleAppearance) { return true; } bool Theme::ThemeNeedsComboboxDropmarker() { return true; } bool Theme::ThemeSupportsScrollbarButtons() { return GetScrollbarDrawing().ShouldDrawScrollbarButtons(); } } // namespace mozilla::widget