/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; function debug(aMsg) { //dump("[TVSimulatorService] " + aMsg + "\n"); } const Cc = Components.classes; const Cu = Components.utils; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.returnCode; Cu.importGlobalProperties(["File"]); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const TV_SIMULATOR_DUMMY_DIRECTORY = "dummy"; const TV_SIMULATOR_DUMMY_FILE = "settings.json"; // See http://seanyhlin.github.io/TV-Manager-API/#idl-def-TVSourceType const TV_SOURCE_TYPES = ["dvb-t","dvb-t2","dvb-c","dvb-c2","dvb-s", "dvb-s2","dvb-h","dvb-sh","atsc","atsc-m/h", "isdb-t","isdb-tb","isdb-s","isdb-c","1seg", "dtmb","cmmb","t-dmb","s-dmb"]; function containInvalidSourceType(aElement, aIndex, aArray) { return !TV_SOURCE_TYPES.includes(aElement); } // See http://seanyhlin.github.io/TV-Manager-API/#idl-def-TVChannelType const TV_CHANNEL_TYPES = ["tv","radio","data"]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); function TVSimulatorService() { this._internalTuners = null; this._scanCompleteTimer = null; this._scanningWrapTunerData = null; this._init(); } TVSimulatorService.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{94b065ad-d45a-436a-b394-6dabc3cf110f}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITVSimulatorService, Ci.nsITVService, Ci.nsITimerCallback]), _init: function TVSimInit() { if (this._internalTuners) { return; } // I try to load the testing mock data if related preference are already set. // Otherwise, use to the simulation data from prefences. // See /dom/tv/test/mochitest/head.js for more details. let settingStr = ""; try { settingStr = Services.prefs.getCharPref("dom.testing.tv_mock_data"); } catch(e) { try { settingStr = this._getDummyData(); } catch(e) { debug("TV Simulator service failed to load simulation data: " + e); return; } } let settingsObj; try { /* * * Setting JSON file format: * * Note: This setting JSON is not allow empty array. * If set the empty array, _init() will fail. * e.g. * - "tuners": [] * - "channels":[] * Format: * { * "tuners": [{ * "id": "The ID of the tuner", * "supportedType": ["The array of source type to be used."], * "sources": [{ * "type": "The source type to be used", * "channels" : [{ * "networkId": "The ID of the channel network", * "transportStreamId": "The ID of channel transport stream", * "serviceId": "The ID of channel service", * "type": "The type of channel", * "name": "The channel name", * "number" : The LCN (Logical Channel Number) of the channel, * "isEmergency" : Whether this channel is emergency status, * "isFree": Whether this channel is free or not, * "videoFilePath": "The path of the fake video file", * "programs":[{ * "eventId": "The ID of this program event", * "title" : "This program's title", * "startTime": "The start time of this program", * "duration": "The duration of this program", * "description": "The description of this program", * "rating": "The rating of this program", * "audioLanugages": ["The array of audio language"], * "subtitleLanguages":["The array of subtitle language"], * },] * },] * },] * },] * } */ settingsObj = JSON.parse(settingStr); } catch(e) { debug("File load error: " + e); return; } // validation if (!this._validateSettings(settingsObj)) { debug("Failed to validate settings."); return; } // Key is as follow // {'tunerId':tunerId, 'sourceType':sourceType} this._internalTuners = new Map(); // TVTunerData for (let tunerData of settingsObj.tuners) { let tuner = Cc["@mozilla.org/tv/tvtunerdata;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITVTunerData); tuner.id = tunerData.id; tuner.streamType = tuner.TV_STREAM_TYPE_SIMULATOR; tuner.setSupportedSourceTypes(tunerData.supportedType.length, tunerData.supportedType); let wrapTunerData = { 'tuner': tuner, 'channels': new Map(), 'sourceType': undefined, }; // TVSource for (let sourceData of tunerData.sources) { wrapTunerData.sourceType = sourceData.type; // TVChannel for (let channelData of sourceData.channels) { let channel = Cc["@mozilla.org/tv/tvchanneldata;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITVChannelData); channel.networkId = channelData.networkId; channel.transportStreamId = channelData.transportStreamId; channel.serviceId = channelData.serviceId; channel.type = channelData.type; channel.name = channelData.name; channel.number = channelData.number; channel.isEmergency = channelData.isEmergency; channel.isFree = channelData.isFree; let wrapChannelData = { 'channel': channel, 'programs': new Array(), 'videoFilePath': channelData.videoFilePath, }; // TVProgram for (let programData of channelData.programs) { let program = Cc["@mozilla.org/tv/tvprogramdata;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITVProgramData); program.eventId = programData.eventId; program.title = programData.title; program.startTime = programData.startTime; program.duration = programData.duration; program.description = programData.description; program.rating = programData.rating; program.setAudioLanguages(programData.audioLanguages.length, programData.audioLanguages); program.setSubtitleLanguages(programData.subtitleLanguages.length, programData.subtitleLanguages); wrapChannelData.programs.push(program); } // Sort the program according to the startTime wrapChannelData.programs.sort(function(a, b) { return a.startTime - b.startTime; }); wrapTunerData.channels.set(channel.number, wrapChannelData); } // Sort the channel according to the channel number wrapTunerData.channels = new Map([...wrapTunerData.channels.entries()].sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; })); this._internalTuners.set( this._getTunerMapKey(tuner.id, sourceData.type), wrapTunerData); } } }, getTuners: function TVSimGetTuners(aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let tuners = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); for (let [k,wrapTunerData] of this._internalTuners) { tuners.appendElement(wrapTunerData.tuner, false); } return aCallback.notifySuccess(tuners); }, setSource: function TVSimSetSource(aTunerId, aSourceType, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } return aCallback.notifySuccess(null); }, startScanningChannels: function TVSimStartScanningChannels(aTunerId, aSourceType, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData || !wrapTunerData.channels) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } if (this._scanningWrapTunerData) { return aCallback.notifyError(Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR); } this._scanningWrapTunerData = wrapTunerData; aCallback.notifySuccess(null); for (let [key, wrapChannelData] of wrapTunerData.channels) { this._sourceListener.notifyChannelScanned( wrapTunerData.tuner.id, wrapTunerData.sourceType, wrapChannelData.channel); } this._scanCompleteTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); let rv = this._scanCompleteTimer.initWithCallback(this, 10, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return Cr.NS_OK; }, notify: function TVSimTimerCallback(aTimer) { if (!this._scanningWrapTunerData) { return; } this._scanCompleteTimer = null; let notifyResult = this._sourceListener.notifyChannelScanComplete( this._scanningWrapTunerData.tuner.id, this._scanningWrapTunerData.sourceType); this._scanningWrapTunerData = null; return notifyResult; }, stopScanningChannels: function TVSimStopScanningChannels(aTunerId, aSourceType, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } if (!this._scanningWrapTunerData) { return aCallback.notifyError(Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR); } let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } if (this._scanCompleteTimer) { this._scanCompleteTimer.cancel(); this._scanCompleteTimer = null; } if (wrapTunerData.tuner.id === this._scanningWrapTunerData.tuner.id && wrapTunerData.sourceType === this._scanningWrapTunerData.sourceType) { this._scanningWrapTunerData = null; this._sourceListener.notifyChannelScanStopped( wrapTunerData.tuner.id, wrapTunerData.sourceType); } return aCallback.notifySuccess(null); }, clearScannedChannelsCache: function TVSimClearScannedChannelsCache(aTunerId, aSourceType, aCallback) { // Doesn't support for this method. return Cr.NS_OK; }, setChannel: function TVSimSetChannel(aTunerId, aSourceType, aChannelNumber, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let channel = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData || !wrapTunerData.channels) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } let wrapChannelData = wrapTunerData.channels.get(aChannelNumber); if (!wrapChannelData) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } channel.appendElement(wrapChannelData.channel, false); return aCallback.notifySuccess(channel); }, getChannels: function TVSimGetChannels(aTunerId, aSourceType, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let channelArray = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData || !wrapTunerData.channels) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } for (let [key, wrapChannelData] of wrapTunerData.channels) { channelArray.appendElement(wrapChannelData.channel, false); } return aCallback.notifySuccess(channelArray); }, getPrograms: function TVSimGetPrograms(aTunerId, aSourceType, aChannelNumber, aStartTime, aEndTime, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } let programArray = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData || !wrapTunerData.channels) { return aCallback.notifyError(Ci.nsITVServiceCallback.TV_ERROR_FAILURE); } let wrapChannelData = wrapTunerData.channels.get(aChannelNumber); if (!wrapChannelData || !wrapChannelData.programs) { return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } for (let program of wrapChannelData.programs) { programArray.appendElement(program, false); } return aCallback.notifySuccess(programArray); }, getOverlayId: function TVSimGetOverlayId(aTunerId, aCallback) { if (!aCallback) { debug("aCallback is null\n"); return Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } // TVSimulatorService does not use this parameter. overlayIds = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray); return aCallback.notifySuccess(overlayIds); }, set sourceListener(aListener) { this._sourceListener = aListener; }, get sourceListener() { return this._sourceListener; }, getSimulatorVideoBlobURL: function TVSimGetSimulatorVideoBlob(aTunerId, aSourceType, aChannelNumber, aWin) { let wrapTunerData = this._getWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType); if (!wrapTunerData || !wrapTunerData.channels) { return ""; } let wrapChannelData = wrapTunerData.channels.get(aChannelNumber); if (!wrapChannelData || !wrapChannelData.videoFilePath) { return ""; } let videoFile = new File(this._getFilePath(wrapChannelData.videoFilePath)); let videoBlobURL = aWin.URL.createObjectURL(videoFile); return videoBlobURL; }, _getDummyData : function TVSimGetDummyData() { // Load the setting file from local JSON file. // Synchrhronous File Reading. let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); let fstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); let cstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream); let settingsStr = ""; try { file.initWithPath(this._getFilePath(TV_SIMULATOR_DUMMY_FILE)); fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0); cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 1024, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); let str = {}; while (cstream.readString(0xffffffff, str) != 0) { settingsStr += str.value; } } catch(e) { debug("Catch the Exception when reading the dummy file:" + e ); throw e; } finally { cstream.close(); } return settingsStr; }, _getTunerMapKey: function TVSimGetTunerMapKey(aTunerId, aSourceType) { return JSON.stringify({'tunerId': aTunerId, 'sourceType': aSourceType}); }, _getWrapTunerData: function TVSimGetWrapTunerData(aTunerId, aSourceType) { if (!this._internalTuners || this._internalTuners.size <= 0) { return null; } return this._internalTuners.get(this._getTunerMapKey(aTunerId, aSourceType)); }, _getFilePath: function TVSimGetFilePathFromDummyDirectory(fileName) { let dsFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIProperties) .get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); dsFile.append(TV_SIMULATOR_DUMMY_DIRECTORY); dsFile.append(fileName); return dsFile.path; }, _validateSettings: function TVSimValidateSettings(aSettingsObject) { return this._validateTuners(aSettingsObject.tuners); }, _validateTuners: function TVSimValidateTuners(aTunersObject) { let tunerIds = new Array(); for (let tuner of aTunersObject) { if (!tuner.id || !tuner.supportedType || !tuner.supportedType.length || tuner.supportedType.some(containInvalidSourceType) || tunerIds.includes(tuner.id)) { debug("invalid tuner data."); return false; } tunerIds.push(tuner.id); if (!this._validateSources(tuner.sources)) { return false; } } return true; }, _validateSources: function TVSimValidateSources(aSourcesObject) { for (let source of aSourcesObject) { if (!source.type || !TV_SOURCE_TYPES.includes(source.type)) { debug("invalid source data."); return false; } if (!this._validateChannels(source.channels)) { return false; } } return true; }, _validateChannels: function TVSimValidateChannels(aChannelsObject) { let channelNumbers = new Array(); for (let channel of aChannelsObject) { if (!channel.networkId || !channel.transportStreamId || !channel.serviceId || !channel.type || !TV_CHANNEL_TYPES.includes(channel.type) || !channel.number || channelNumbers.includes(channel.number) || !channel.name) { debug("invalid channel data."); return false; } channelNumbers.push(channel.number); if (!this._validatePrograms(channel.programs)) { return false; } } return true; }, _validatePrograms: function TVSimValidatePrograms(aProgramsObject) { let eventIds = new Array(); for (let program of aProgramsObject) { if (!program.eventId || eventIds.includes(program.eventId) || !program.title || !program.startTime || !program.duration) { debug("invalid program data."); return false; } eventIds.push(program.eventId); } return true; }, }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([TVSimulatorService]);