Directory SDK 4.1 for Java Source Code Release Notes

Last Updated May 06, 2000

These release notes contain information about:

For the latest documentation, see the Netscape Directory SDK 4.0 for Java Programmer's Guide, which is available on the iPlanet Developer Documentation site.

Reference materials for the Directory SDK 4.x for Java are produced using the Javadoc utility. They are available in the /dist/doc/ directory where you installed the SDK or online at:

If you only want the Directory SDK 4.x for Java (not the source code), you can download it from the iPlanet Developer Downloads site.

What's New in Version 4.1

The Directory SDK 4.1 for Java is a bug fix relase. Please check the list of Bugs Fixed Since Version 4.0. The following new features have been added in this release:

Bugs Fixed Since Version 4.0

The following bugs have been fixed since the release of the Directory SDK 4.0 for Java. iPlanet bug numbers are shown in parentheses.

What's New in Version 4.0

The Directory SDK 4.0 for Java provides programmers with the tools to develop directory-enabled software.  This release includes:

Additional improvements and changes to the Directory SDK are listed under Bugs Fixed Since Version 3.05.

API updates

The Directory SDK 4.0 for Java supports these changes to the LDAP API:

Asynchronous API

The Directory SDK 4.0 for Java provides an interface called LDAPAsynchronousConnection. This interface contains methods for performing LDAP operations asynchronously. Instead of blocking while waiting for a response, methods in LDAPAsynchronousConnection return control to an application before they complete. For more information on the asynchronous interface, see "Using the Asynchronous Interface" in the Netscape Directory SDK 4.0 for Java Programmer's Guide.


SASL allows clients and servers to communicate securely. The API accomplishes this by finding a common authentication scheme and facilitating a series of challenge and response interchanges between the client and server. If these interchanges complete successfully, the client is authenticated. For more information on SASL see "Using SASL Authentication" in the Netscape Directory SDK 4.0 for Java Programmer's Guide.

JNDI Service Provider for LDAP

JNDI is a Java API that provides a common way for programmers to access a variety of naming and directory services. This is accomplished via a layer of software called a Service Provider. The Directory SDK includes a Service Provider for LDAP.

The following JNDI features are not implemented in this release of the Netscape LDAP Service Provider:

For more information see "Using the JNDI Service Provider" in the Netscape Directory SDK 4.0 for Java Programmer's Guide.

Bugs Fixed Since Version 3.05

The following bugs have been fixed since the release of the Directory SDK 3.05 for Java. Bug numbers are shown in parentheses.

Downloading and Building the Source

The Directory SDK source code is available on the Mozilla website. You can download it at

Follow the instructions at to build the Netscape Directory SDK.

Updating Java Classes in Netscape Communicator

The LDAP Java classes contained in Netscape Communicator 4.7 and earlier are outdated. You can upgrade these class files to the latest versions using Communicator's SmartUpdate feature.

The SmartUpdate page for the LDAP Java classes is at:

Note: This page uses Communicator's SmartUpdate feature to update the classes. Before visiting this page, you must enable SmartUpdate, Java, JavaScript, and cookies in Communicator.

To enable SmartUpdate, Java, JavaScript, and cookies:

Reporting Problems

Please submit your problem via the the Bugzilla bugsystem . Use the "LDAP Java SDK" component.

Accessing the Directory Developers Newsgroup

If you have additional questions or need more information about the Netscape Directory SDK 4.x for Java, please visit the Mozilla Directory newsgroup and the DevEdge Directory Server newsgroups.

Contains OROMatcher® regular expression software from ORO Java Software. © Copyright 1997 by ORO Java Software.
Redistribution separate from Netscape Directory SDK for Java or direct use of OROMatcher interfaces
requires a license from ORO Java Software. OROMatcher® is a trademark of Original Reusable Objects, Inc.

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