/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use darling::{FromDeriveInput, FromField, FromVariant}; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use quote::TokenStreamExt; use syn::{self, AngleBracketedGenericArguments, Binding, DeriveInput, Field}; use syn::{GenericArgument, GenericParam, Ident, Path}; use syn::{PathArguments, PathSegment, QSelf, Type, TypeArray}; use syn::{TypeParam, TypeParen, TypePath, TypeSlice, TypeTuple}; use syn::{Variant, WherePredicate}; use synstructure::{self, BindStyle, BindingInfo, VariantAst, VariantInfo}; /// Given an input type which has some where clauses already, like: /// /// struct InputType /// where /// T: Zero, /// { /// ... /// } /// /// Add the necessary `where` clauses so that the output type of a trait /// fulfils them. /// /// For example: /// /// ::ComputedValue: Zero, /// /// This needs to run before adding other bounds to the type parameters. pub fn propagate_clauses_to_output_type( where_clause: &mut Option, generics: &syn::Generics, trait_path: &Path, trait_output: &Ident, ) { let where_clause = match *where_clause { Some(ref mut clause) => clause, None => return, }; let mut extra_bounds = vec![]; for pred in &where_clause.predicates { let ty = match *pred { syn::WherePredicate::Type(ref ty) => ty, ref predicate => panic!("Unhanded complex where predicate: {:?}", predicate), }; let path = match ty.bounded_ty { syn::Type::Path(ref p) => &p.path, ref ty => panic!("Unhanded complex where type: {:?}", ty), }; assert!( ty.lifetimes.is_none(), "Unhanded complex lifetime bound: {:?}", ty, ); let ident = match path_to_ident(path) { Some(i) => i, None => panic!("Unhanded complex where type path: {:?}", path), }; if generics.type_params().any(|param| param.ident == *ident) { extra_bounds.push(ty.clone()); } } for bound in extra_bounds { let ty = bound.bounded_ty; let bounds = bound.bounds; where_clause .predicates .push(parse_quote!(<#ty as #trait_path>::#trait_output: #bounds)) } } pub fn add_predicate(where_clause: &mut Option, pred: WherePredicate) { where_clause .get_or_insert(parse_quote!(where)) .predicates .push(pred); } pub fn fmap_match(input: &DeriveInput, bind_style: BindStyle, mut f: F) -> TokenStream where F: FnMut(BindingInfo) -> TokenStream, { let mut s = synstructure::Structure::new(input); s.variants_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|v| { v.bind_with(|_| bind_style); }); s.each_variant(|variant| { let (mapped, mapped_fields) = value(variant, "mapped"); let fields_pairs = variant.bindings().iter().zip(mapped_fields); let mut computations = quote!(); computations.append_all(fields_pairs.map(|(field, mapped_field)| { let expr = f(field.clone()); quote! { let #mapped_field = #expr; } })); computations.append_all(mapped); Some(computations) }) } pub fn fmap_trait_output(input: &DeriveInput, trait_path: &Path, trait_output: &Ident) -> Path { let segment = PathSegment { ident: input.ident.clone(), arguments: PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments { args: input .generics .params .iter() .map(|arg| match arg { &GenericParam::Lifetime(ref data) => { GenericArgument::Lifetime(data.lifetime.clone()) }, &GenericParam::Type(ref data) => { let ident = &data.ident; GenericArgument::Type(parse_quote!(<#ident as #trait_path>::#trait_output)) }, ref arg => panic!("arguments {:?} cannot be mapped yet", arg), }) .collect(), colon2_token: Default::default(), gt_token: Default::default(), lt_token: Default::default(), }), }; segment.into() } pub fn map_type_params(ty: &Type, params: &[&TypeParam], f: &mut F) -> Type where F: FnMut(&Ident) -> Type, { match *ty { Type::Slice(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeSlice { elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)), ..inner.clone() }), Type::Array(ref inner) => { //ref ty, ref expr) => { Type::from(TypeArray { elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)), ..inner.clone() }) }, ref ty @ Type::Never(_) => ty.clone(), Type::Tuple(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeTuple { elems: inner .elems .iter() .map(|ty| map_type_params(&ty, params, f)) .collect(), ..inner.clone() }), Type::Path(TypePath { qself: None, ref path, }) => { if let Some(ident) = path_to_ident(path) { if params.iter().any(|ref param| ¶m.ident == ident) { return f(ident); } } Type::from(TypePath { qself: None, path: map_type_params_in_path(path, params, f), }) }, Type::Path(TypePath { ref qself, ref path, }) => Type::from(TypePath { qself: qself.as_ref().map(|qself| QSelf { ty: Box::new(map_type_params(&qself.ty, params, f)), position: qself.position, ..qself.clone() }), path: map_type_params_in_path(path, params, f), }), Type::Paren(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeParen { elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)), ..inner.clone() }), ref ty => panic!("type {:?} cannot be mapped yet", ty), } } fn map_type_params_in_path(path: &Path, params: &[&TypeParam], f: &mut F) -> Path where F: FnMut(&Ident) -> Type, { Path { leading_colon: path.leading_colon, segments: path .segments .iter() .map(|segment| PathSegment { ident: segment.ident.clone(), arguments: match segment.arguments { PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => { PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments { args: data .args .iter() .map(|arg| match arg { ty @ &GenericArgument::Lifetime(_) => ty.clone(), &GenericArgument::Type(ref data) => { GenericArgument::Type(map_type_params(data, params, f)) }, &GenericArgument::Binding(ref data) => { GenericArgument::Binding(Binding { ty: map_type_params(&data.ty, params, f), ..data.clone() }) }, ref arg => panic!("arguments {:?} cannot be mapped yet", arg), }) .collect(), ..data.clone() }) }, ref arg @ PathArguments::None => arg.clone(), ref parameters => panic!("parameters {:?} cannot be mapped yet", parameters), }, }) .collect(), } } fn path_to_ident(path: &Path) -> Option<&Ident> { match *path { Path { leading_colon: None, ref segments, } if segments.len() == 1 => { if segments[0].arguments.is_empty() { Some(&segments[0].ident) } else { None } }, _ => None, } } pub fn parse_field_attrs(field: &Field) -> A where A: FromField, { match A::from_field(field) { Ok(attrs) => attrs, Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse field attributes: {}", e), } } pub fn parse_input_attrs(input: &DeriveInput) -> A where A: FromDeriveInput, { match A::from_derive_input(input) { Ok(attrs) => attrs, Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse input attributes: {}", e), } } pub fn parse_variant_attrs_from_ast(variant: &VariantAst) -> A where A: FromVariant, { let v = Variant { ident: variant.ident.clone(), attrs: variant.attrs.to_vec(), fields: variant.fields.clone(), discriminant: variant.discriminant.clone(), }; parse_variant_attrs(&v) } pub fn parse_variant_attrs(variant: &Variant) -> A where A: FromVariant, { match A::from_variant(variant) { Ok(attrs) => attrs, Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse variant attributes: {}", e), } } pub fn ref_pattern<'a>( variant: &'a VariantInfo, prefix: &str, ) -> (TokenStream, Vec>) { let mut v = variant.clone(); v.bind_with(|_| BindStyle::Ref); v.bindings_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|b| { b.binding = Ident::new(&format!("{}_{}", b.binding, prefix), Span::call_site()) }); (v.pat(), v.bindings().to_vec()) } pub fn value<'a>(variant: &'a VariantInfo, prefix: &str) -> (TokenStream, Vec>) { let mut v = variant.clone(); v.bindings_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|b| { b.binding = Ident::new(&format!("{}_{}", b.binding, prefix), Span::call_site()) }); v.bind_with(|_| BindStyle::Move); (v.pat(), v.bindings().to_vec()) } /// Transforms "FooBar" to "foo-bar". /// /// If the first Camel segment is "Moz", "Webkit", or "Servo", the result string /// is prepended with "-". pub fn to_css_identifier(mut camel_case: &str) -> String { camel_case = camel_case.trim_end_matches('_'); let mut first = true; let mut result = String::with_capacity(camel_case.len()); while let Some(segment) = split_camel_segment(&mut camel_case) { if first { match segment { "Moz" | "Webkit" | "Servo" => first = false, _ => {}, } } if !first { result.push_str("-"); } first = false; result.push_str(&segment.to_lowercase()); } result } /// Given "FooBar", returns "Foo" and sets `camel_case` to "Bar". fn split_camel_segment<'input>(camel_case: &mut &'input str) -> Option<&'input str> { let index = match camel_case.chars().next() { None => return None, Some(ch) => ch.len_utf8(), }; let end_position = camel_case[index..] .find(char::is_uppercase) .map_or(camel_case.len(), |pos| index + pos); let result = &camel_case[..end_position]; *camel_case = &camel_case[end_position..]; Some(result) }