/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const kXLinkNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; dump("### ContextMenuHandler.js loaded\n"); var ContextMenuHandler = { _types: [], _previousState: null, init: function ch_init() { // Events we catch from content during the bubbling phase addEventListener("contextmenu", this, false); addEventListener("pagehide", this, false); // Messages we receive from browser // Command sent over from browser that only we can handle. addMessageListener("Browser:ContextCommand", this, false); this.popupNode = null; }, handleEvent: function ch_handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "contextmenu": this._onContentContextMenu(aEvent); break; case "pagehide": this.reset(); break; } }, receiveMessage: function ch_receiveMessage(aMessage) { switch (aMessage.name) { case "Browser:ContextCommand": this._onContextCommand(aMessage); break; } }, /* * Handler for commands send over from browser's ContextCommands.js * in response to certain context menu actions only we can handle. */ _onContextCommand: function _onContextCommand(aMessage) { let node = this.popupNode; let command = aMessage.json.command; switch (command) { case "cut": this._onCut(); break; case "copy": this._onCopy(); break; case "paste": this._onPaste(); break; case "select-all": this._onSelectAll(); break; case "copy-image-contents": this._onCopyImage(); break; } }, /****************************************************** * Event handlers */ reset: function ch_reset() { this.popupNode = null; this._target = null; }, // content contextmenu handler _onContentContextMenu: function _onContentContextMenu(aEvent) { if (aEvent.defaultPrevented) return; // Don't let these bubble up to input.js aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); this._processPopupNode(aEvent.originalTarget, aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, aEvent.mozInputSource); }, /****************************************************** * ContextCommand handlers */ _onSelectAll: function _onSelectAll() { if (Util.isTextInput(this._target)) { // select all text in the input control this._target.select(); } else { // select the entire document content.getSelection().selectAllChildren(content.document); } this.reset(); }, _onPaste: function _onPaste() { // paste text if this is an input control if (Util.isTextInput(this._target)) { let edit = this._target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement); if (edit) { edit.editor.paste(Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); } else { Util.dumpLn("error: target element does not support nsIDOMNSEditableElement"); } } this.reset(); }, _onCopyImage: function _onCopyImage() { Util.copyImageToClipboard(this._target); }, _onCut: function _onCut() { if (Util.isTextInput(this._target)) { let edit = this._target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement); if (edit) { edit.editor.cut(); } else { Util.dumpLn("error: target element does not support nsIDOMNSEditableElement"); } } this.reset(); }, _onCopy: function _onCopy() { if (Util.isTextInput(this._target)) { let edit = this._target.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement); if (edit) { edit.editor.copy(); } else { Util.dumpLn("error: target element does not support nsIDOMNSEditableElement"); } } else { let selectionText = this._previousState.string; Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper).copyString(selectionText); } this.reset(); }, /****************************************************** * Utility routines */ /* * _processPopupNode - Generate and send a Content:ContextMenu message * to browser detailing the underlying content types at this.popupNode. * Note the event we receive targets the sub frame (if there is one) of * the page. */ _processPopupNode: function _processPopupNode(aPopupNode, aX, aY, aInputSrc) { if (!aPopupNode) return; let { targetWindow: targetWindow, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY } = Util.translateToTopLevelWindow(aPopupNode); let popupNode = this.popupNode = aPopupNode; let imageUrl = ""; let state = { types: [], label: "", linkURL: "", linkTitle: "", linkProtocol: null, mediaURL: "", contentType: "", contentDisposition: "", string: "", }; // Do checks for nodes that never have children. if (popupNode.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { // See if the user clicked on an image. if (popupNode instanceof Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent && popupNode.currentURI) { state.types.push("image"); state.label = state.mediaURL = popupNode.currentURI.spec; imageUrl = state.mediaURL; this._target = popupNode; // Retrieve the type of image from the cache since the url can fail to // provide valuable informations try { let imageCache = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/cache;1"].getService(Ci.imgICache); let props = imageCache.findEntryProperties(popupNode.currentURI, content.document.characterSet); if (props) { state.contentType = String(props.get("type", Ci.nsISupportsCString)); state.contentDisposition = String(props.get("content-disposition", Ci.nsISupportsCString)); } } catch (ex) { Util.dumpLn(ex.message); // Failure to get type and content-disposition off the image is non-fatal } } } let elem = popupNode; let isText = false; while (elem) { if (elem.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { // is the target a link or a descendant of a link? if (Util.isLink(elem)) { // If this is an image that links to itself, don't include both link and // image otpions. if (imageUrl == this._getLinkURL(elem)) { elem = elem.parentNode; continue; } state.types.push("link"); state.label = state.linkURL = this._getLinkURL(elem); linkUrl = state.linkURL; state.linkTitle = popupNode.textContent || popupNode.title; state.linkProtocol = this._getProtocol(this._getURI(state.linkURL)); // mark as text so we can pickup on selection below isText = true; break; } else if (Util.isTextInput(elem)) { let selectionStart = elem.selectionStart; let selectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd; state.types.push("input-text"); this._target = elem; // Don't include "copy" for password fields. if (!(elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) || elem.mozIsTextField(true)) { // If there is a selection add cut and copy if (selectionStart != selectionEnd) { state.types.push("cut"); state.types.push("copy"); state.string = elem.value.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else if (elem.value && elem.textLength) { // There is text and it is not selected so add selectable items state.types.push("selectable"); state.string = elem.value; } } if (!elem.textLength) { state.types.push("input-empty"); } let flavors = ["text/unicode"]; let cb = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboard); let hasData = cb.hasDataMatchingFlavors(flavors, flavors.length, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); if (hasData && !elem.readOnly) { state.types.push("paste"); } break; } else if (Util.isText(elem)) { isText = true; } else if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement || elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLVideoElement) { state.label = state.mediaURL = (elem.currentSrc || elem.src); state.types.push((elem.paused || elem.ended) ? "media-paused" : "media-playing"); if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLVideoElement) { state.types.push("video"); } } } elem = elem.parentNode; } // Over arching text tests if (isText) { // If this is text and has a selection, we want to bring // up the copy option on the context menu. let selection = targetWindow.getSelection(); if (selection && this._tapInSelection(selection, aX, aY)) { state.string = targetWindow.getSelection().toString(); state.types.push("copy"); state.types.push("selected-text"); } else { // Add general content text if this isn't anything specific if (state.types.indexOf("image") == -1 && state.types.indexOf("media") == -1 && state.types.indexOf("video") == -1 && state.types.indexOf("link") == -1 && state.types.indexOf("input-text") == -1) { state.types.push("content-text"); } } } // populate position and event source state.xPos = offsetX + aX; state.yPos = offsetY + aY; state.source = aInputSrc; for (let i = 0; i < this._types.length; i++) if (this._types[i].handler(state, popupNode)) state.types.push(this._types[i].name); this._previousState = state; sendAsyncMessage("Content:ContextMenu", state); }, _tapInSelection: function (aSelection, aX, aY) { if (!aSelection || !aSelection.rangeCount) { return false; } for (let idx = 0; idx < aSelection.rangeCount; idx++) { let range = aSelection.getRangeAt(idx); let rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); if (Util.pointWithinDOMRect(aX, aY, rect)) { return true; } } return false; }, _getLinkURL: function ch_getLinkURL(aLink) { let href = aLink.href; if (href) return href; href = aLink.getAttributeNS(kXLinkNamespace, "href"); if (!href || !href.match(/\S/)) { // Without this we try to save as the current doc, // for example, HTML case also throws if empty throw "Empty href"; } return Util.makeURLAbsolute(aLink.baseURI, href); }, _getURI: function ch_getURI(aURL) { try { return Util.makeURI(aURL); } catch (ex) { } return null; }, _getProtocol: function ch_getProtocol(aURI) { if (aURI) return aURI.scheme; return null; }, /** * For add-ons to add new types and data to the ContextMenu message. * * @param aName A string to identify the new type. * @param aHandler A function that takes a state object and a target element. * If aHandler returns true, then aName will be added to the list of types. * The function may also modify the state object. */ registerType: function registerType(aName, aHandler) { this._types.push({name: aName, handler: aHandler}); }, /** Remove all handlers registered for a given type. */ unregisterType: function unregisterType(aName) { this._types = this._types.filter(function(type) type.name != aName); } }; ContextMenuHandler.init();