/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLTexture.h" #include #include "GLContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WebGLRenderingContextBinding.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "mozilla/Scoped.h" #include "ScopedGLHelpers.h" #include "WebGLContext.h" #include "WebGLContextUtils.h" #include "WebGLTexelConversions.h" namespace mozilla { JSObject* WebGLTexture::WrapObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle givenProto) { return dom::WebGLTextureBinding::Wrap(cx, this, givenProto); } WebGLTexture::WebGLTexture(WebGLContext* webgl, GLuint tex) : WebGLContextBoundObject(webgl) , mGLName(tex) , mTarget(LOCAL_GL_NONE) , mMinFilter(LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) , mMagFilter(LOCAL_GL_LINEAR) , mWrapS(LOCAL_GL_REPEAT) , mWrapT(LOCAL_GL_REPEAT) , mFacesCount(0) , mMaxLevelWithCustomImages(0) , mHaveGeneratedMipmap(false) , mImmutable(false) , mBaseMipmapLevel(0) , mMaxMipmapLevel(1000) , mFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture) { mContext->mTextures.insertBack(this); } void WebGLTexture::Delete() { mImageInfos.Clear(); mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); mContext->gl->fDeleteTextures(1, &mGLName); LinkedListElement::removeFrom(mContext->mTextures); } size_t WebGLTexture::ImageInfo::MemoryUsage() const { if (mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::NoImageData) return 0; size_t bitsPerTexel = GetBitsPerTexel(mEffectiveInternalFormat); return size_t(mWidth) * size_t(mHeight) * size_t(mDepth) * bitsPerTexel / 8; } size_t WebGLTexture::MemoryUsage() const { if (IsDeleted()) return 0; size_t result = 0; for(size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; face++) { for(size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; level++) { result += ImageInfoAtFace(face, level).MemoryUsage(); } } return result; } static inline size_t MipmapLevelsForSize(const WebGLTexture::ImageInfo& info) { GLsizei size = std::max(std::max(info.Width(), info.Height()), info.Depth()); // Find floor(log2(size)). (ES 3.0.4, 3.8 - Mipmapping). return mozilla::FloorLog2(size); } bool WebGLTexture::DoesMipmapHaveAllLevelsConsistentlyDefined(TexImageTarget texImageTarget) const { // We could not have generated a mipmap if the base image wasn't defined. if (mHaveGeneratedMipmap) return true; if (!IsMipmapRangeValid()) return false; // We want a copy here so we can modify it temporarily. ImageInfo expected = ImageInfoAt(texImageTarget, EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel()); if (!expected.IsPositive()) return false; // If Level{max} is > mMaxLevelWithCustomImages, then check if we are // missing any image levels. if (mMaxMipmapLevel > mMaxLevelWithCustomImages) { if (MipmapLevelsForSize(expected) > mMaxLevelWithCustomImages) return false; } // Checks if custom images are all defined up to the highest level and // have the expected dimensions. for (size_t level = EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel(); level <= EffectiveMaxMipmapLevel(); ++level) { const ImageInfo& actual = ImageInfoAt(texImageTarget, level); if (actual != expected) return false; expected.mWidth = std::max(1, expected.mWidth / 2); expected.mHeight = std::max(1, expected.mHeight / 2); expected.mDepth = std::max(1, expected.mDepth / 2); // If the current level has size 1x1, we can stop here: The spec doesn't // seem to forbid the existence of extra useless levels. if (actual.mWidth == 1 && actual.mHeight == 1 && actual.mDepth == 1) { return true; } } return true; } void WebGLTexture::Bind(TexTarget texTarget) { // This function should only be called by bindTexture(). It assumes that the // GL context is already current. bool firstTimeThisTextureIsBound = !HasEverBeenBound(); if (firstTimeThisTextureIsBound) { mTarget = texTarget.get(); } else if (texTarget != Target()) { mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("bindTexture: This texture has already" " been bound to a different target."); // Very important to return here before modifying texture state! This // was the place when I lost a whole day figuring very strange "invalid // write" crashes. return; } mContext->gl->fBindTexture(texTarget.get(), mGLName); if (firstTimeThisTextureIsBound) { mFacesCount = (texTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) ? 6 : 1; EnsureMaxLevelWithCustomImagesAtLeast(0); SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); // Thanks to the WebKit people for finding this out: GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R // is not present in GLES 2, but is present in GL and it seems as if for // cube maps we need to set it to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE to get the expected // GLES behavior. if (mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP && !mContext->gl->IsGLES()) { mContext->gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); } } } void WebGLTexture::SetImageInfo(TexImageTarget texImageTarget, GLint level, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, TexInternalFormat effectiveInternalFormat, WebGLImageDataStatus status) { MOZ_ASSERT(depth == 1 || texImageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D); MOZ_ASSERT(TexImageTargetToTexTarget(texImageTarget) == mTarget); InvalidateStatusOfAttachedFBs(); EnsureMaxLevelWithCustomImagesAtLeast(level); ImageInfoAt(texImageTarget, level) = ImageInfo(width, height, depth, effectiveInternalFormat, status); if (level > 0) SetCustomMipmap(); SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); } void WebGLTexture::SetGeneratedMipmap() { if (!mHaveGeneratedMipmap) { mHaveGeneratedMipmap = true; SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); } } void WebGLTexture::SetCustomMipmap() { if (mHaveGeneratedMipmap) { if (!IsMipmapRangeValid()) return; // If we were in GeneratedMipmap mode and are now switching to // CustomMipmap mode, we now need to compute all the mipmap image info. ImageInfo imageInfo = ImageInfoAtFace(0, EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel()); MOZ_ASSERT(mContext->IsWebGL2() || imageInfo.IsPowerOfTwo(), "This texture is NPOT, so how could GenerateMipmap() ever" " accept it?"); size_t maxRelativeLevel = MipmapLevelsForSize(imageInfo); size_t maxLevel = EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel() + maxRelativeLevel; EnsureMaxLevelWithCustomImagesAtLeast(maxLevel); for (size_t level = EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel() + 1; level <= EffectiveMaxMipmapLevel(); ++level) { imageInfo.mWidth = std::max(imageInfo.mWidth / 2, 1); imageInfo.mHeight = std::max(imageInfo.mHeight / 2, 1); imageInfo.mDepth = std::max(imageInfo.mDepth / 2, 1); for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { ImageInfoAtFace(face, level) = imageInfo; } } } mHaveGeneratedMipmap = false; } bool WebGLTexture::AreAllLevel0ImageInfosEqual() const { for (size_t face = 1; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { if (ImageInfoAtFace(face, 0) != ImageInfoAtFace(0, 0)) return false; } return true; } bool WebGLTexture::IsMipmapComplete() const { MOZ_ASSERT(mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D); return DoesMipmapHaveAllLevelsConsistentlyDefined(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D); } bool WebGLTexture::IsCubeComplete() const { MOZ_ASSERT(mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); const ImageInfo& first = ImageInfoAt(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0); if (!first.IsPositive() || !first.IsSquare()) return false; return AreAllLevel0ImageInfosEqual(); } bool WebGLTexture::IsMipmapCubeComplete() const { // In particular, this checks that this is a cube map: if (!IsCubeComplete()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { const TexImageTarget face = TexImageTargetForTargetAndFace(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, i); if (!DoesMipmapHaveAllLevelsConsistentlyDefined(face)) return false; } return true; } bool WebGLTexture::IsMipmapRangeValid() const { // In ES3, if a texture is immutable, the mipmap levels are clamped. if (IsImmutable()) return true; if (mBaseMipmapLevel > std::min(mMaxLevelWithCustomImages, mMaxMipmapLevel)) return false; return true; } WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus WebGLTexture::ResolvedFakeBlackStatus() { if (MOZ_LIKELY(mFakeBlackStatus != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown)) return mFakeBlackStatus; // Determine if the texture needs to be faked as a black texture. // See 3.8.2 Shader Execution in the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 spec, and 3.8.13 in // the OpenGL ES 3.0.4 spec. if (!IsMipmapRangeValid()) { mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; return mFakeBlackStatus; } for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { WebGLImageDataStatus status = ImageInfoAtFace(face, EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel()).mImageDataStatus; if (status == WebGLImageDataStatus::NoImageData) { // In case of undefined texture image, we don't print any message // because this is a very common and often legitimate case // (asynchronous texture loading). mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; return mFakeBlackStatus; } } const char preamble[] = "A texture is going to be rendered as if it were" " black, as per the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 spec section" " 3.8.2, because it"; if (mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D || mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D) { int dim = mTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D ? 2 : 3; if (DoesMinFilterRequireMipmap()) { if (!IsMipmapComplete()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a" " minification filter requiring a" " mipmap, and is not mipmap complete" " (as defined in section 3.7.10).", preamble, dim); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } else if (!mContext->IsWebGL2() && !ImageInfoBase().IsPowerOfTwo()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a" " minification filter requiring a" " mipmap, and either its width or" " height is not a power of two.", preamble, dim); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } } else { // No mipmap required here. if (!ImageInfoBase().IsPositive()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture and its width or" " height is equal to zero.", preamble, dim); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } else if (!AreBothWrapModesClampToEdge() && !mContext->IsWebGL2() && !ImageInfoBase().IsPowerOfTwo()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a %dD texture, with a" " minification filter not requiring a" " mipmap, with its width or height" " not a power of two, and with a wrap" " mode different from CLAMP_TO_EDGE.", preamble, dim); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } } } else { // Cube map bool legalImageSize = true; if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) { for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) legalImageSize &= ImageInfoAtFace(face, 0).IsPowerOfTwo(); } if (DoesMinFilterRequireMipmap()) { if (!IsMipmapCubeComplete()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a" " minification filter requiring a" " mipmap, and is not mipmap cube" " complete (as defined in section" " 3.7.10).", preamble); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } else if (!legalImageSize) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a" " minification filter requiring a" " mipmap, and either the width or the" " height of some level 0 image is not" " a power of two.", preamble); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } } else // no mipmap required { if (!IsCubeComplete()) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a" " minification filter not requiring a" " mipmap, and is not cube complete" " (as defined in section 3.7.10).", preamble); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } else if (!AreBothWrapModesClampToEdge() && !legalImageSize) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a cube map texture, with a" " minification filter not requiring a" " mipmap, with some level 0 image" " having width or height not a power" " of two, and with a wrap mode" " different from CLAMP_TO_EDGE.", preamble); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } } } TexType type = TypeFromInternalFormat(ImageInfoBase().mEffectiveInternalFormat); const char* badFormatText = nullptr; const char* extText = nullptr; if (type == LOCAL_GL_FLOAT && !Context()->IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::OES_texture_float_linear)) { badFormatText = "FLOAT"; extText = "OES_texture_float_linear"; } else if (type == LOCAL_GL_HALF_FLOAT && !Context()->IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::OES_texture_half_float_linear)) { badFormatText = "HALF_FLOAT"; extText = "OES_texture_half_float_linear"; } const char* badFilterText = nullptr; if (badFormatText) { if (mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR || mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR || mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST || mMinFilter == LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) { badFilterText = "minification"; } else if (mMagFilter == LOCAL_GL_LINEAR) { badFilterText = "magnification"; } } if (badFilterText) { mContext->GenerateWarning("%s is a texture with a linear %s filter," " which is not compatible with format %s by" " default. Try enabling the %s extension, if" " supported.", preamble, badFilterText, badFormatText, extText); mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::IncompleteTexture; } // We have exhausted all cases of incomplete textures, where we would need opaque black. // We may still need transparent black in case of uninitialized image data. bool hasUninitializedImageData = false; for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level) { for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { bool cur = (ImageInfoAtFace(face, level).mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::UninitializedImageData); hasUninitializedImageData |= cur; } } if (hasUninitializedImageData) { bool hasAnyInitializedImageData = false; for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level) { for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { if (ImageInfoAtFace(face, level).mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::InitializedImageData) { hasAnyInitializedImageData = true; break; } } if (hasAnyInitializedImageData) { break; } } if (hasAnyInitializedImageData) { /* The texture contains some initialized image data, and some * uninitialized image data. In this case, we have no choice but to * initialize all image data now. Fortunately, in this case we know * that we can't be dealing with a depth texture per * WEBGL_depth_texture and ANGLE_depth_texture (which allow only one * image per texture) so we can assume that glTexImage2D is able to * upload data to images. */ for (size_t level = 0; level <= mMaxLevelWithCustomImages; ++level) { for (size_t face = 0; face < mFacesCount; ++face) { TexImageTarget imageTarget = TexImageTargetForTargetAndFace(mTarget, face); const ImageInfo& imageInfo = ImageInfoAt(imageTarget, level); if (imageInfo.mImageDataStatus == WebGLImageDataStatus::UninitializedImageData) { EnsureInitializedImageData(imageTarget, level); } } } mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded; } else { // The texture only contains uninitialized image data. In this case, // we can use a black texture for it. mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::UninitializedImageData; } } // we have exhausted all cases where we do need fakeblack, so if the status is still unknown, // that means that we do NOT need it. if (mFakeBlackStatus == WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown) { mFakeBlackStatus = WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::NotNeeded; } MOZ_ASSERT(mFakeBlackStatus != WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); return mFakeBlackStatus; } static bool ClearByMask(WebGLContext* webgl, GLbitfield mask) { gl::GLContext* gl = webgl->GL(); MOZ_ASSERT(gl->IsCurrent()); GLenum status = gl->fCheckFramebufferStatus(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) return false; bool colorAttachmentsMask[WebGLContext::kMaxColorAttachments] = {false}; if (mask & LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) { colorAttachmentsMask[0] = true; } webgl->ForceClearFramebufferWithDefaultValues(false, mask, colorAttachmentsMask); return true; } // `mask` from glClear. static bool ClearWithTempFB(WebGLContext* webgl, GLuint tex, TexImageTarget texImageTarget, GLint level, TexInternalFormat baseInternalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { MOZ_ASSERT(texImageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D); gl::GLContext* gl = webgl->GL(); MOZ_ASSERT(gl->IsCurrent()); gl::ScopedFramebuffer fb(gl); gl::ScopedBindFramebuffer autoFB(gl, fb.FB()); GLbitfield mask = 0; switch (baseInternalFormat.get()) { case LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE: case LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_RGB: case LOCAL_GL_RGBA: case LOCAL_GL_BGR: case LOCAL_GL_BGRA: mask = LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, texImageTarget.get(), tex, level); break; case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES: case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES: case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16: case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT: mask = LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, texImageTarget.get(), tex, level); break; case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8: case LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_STENCIL: mask = LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, texImageTarget.get(), tex, level); gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, texImageTarget.get(), tex, level); break; default: return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(mask); if (ClearByMask(webgl, mask)) return true; // Failed to simply build an FB from the tex, but maybe it needs a // color buffer to be complete. if (mask & LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) { // Nope, it already had one. return false; } gl::ScopedRenderbuffer rb(gl); { // Only GLES guarantees RGBA4. GLenum format = gl->IsGLES() ? LOCAL_GL_RGBA4 : LOCAL_GL_RGBA8; gl::ScopedBindRenderbuffer rbBinding(gl, rb.RB()); gl->fRenderbufferStorage(LOCAL_GL_RENDERBUFFER, format, width, height); } gl->fFramebufferRenderbuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, LOCAL_GL_RENDERBUFFER, rb.RB()); mask |= LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; // Last chance! return ClearByMask(webgl, mask); } bool WebGLTexture::EnsureInitializedImageData(TexImageTarget imageTarget, GLint level) { const ImageInfo& imageInfo = ImageInfoAt(imageTarget, level); if (!imageInfo.HasUninitializedImageData()) return true; mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); // Try to clear with glClear. if (imageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D) { bool cleared = ClearWithTempFB(mContext, mGLName, imageTarget, level, imageInfo.mEffectiveInternalFormat, imageInfo.mHeight, imageInfo.mWidth); if (cleared) { SetImageDataStatus(imageTarget, level, WebGLImageDataStatus::InitializedImageData); return true; } } // That didn't work. Try uploading zeros then. size_t bitspertexel = GetBitsPerTexel(imageInfo.mEffectiveInternalFormat); MOZ_ASSERT((bitspertexel % 8) == 0); // That would only happen for // compressed images, which cannot use // deferred initialization. size_t bytespertexel = bitspertexel / 8; CheckedUint32 checked_byteLength = WebGLContext::GetImageSize( imageInfo.mHeight, imageInfo.mWidth, imageInfo.mDepth, bytespertexel, mContext->mPixelStoreUnpackAlignment); MOZ_ASSERT(checked_byteLength.isValid()); // Should have been checked // earlier. size_t byteCount = checked_byteLength.value(); UniquePtr zeros((uint8_t*)calloc(1, byteCount)); if (zeros == nullptr) { // Failed to allocate memory. Lose the context. Return OOM error. mContext->ForceLoseContext(true); mContext->ErrorOutOfMemory("EnsureInitializedImageData: Failed to alloc %u " "bytes to clear image target `%s` level `%d`.", byteCount, mContext->EnumName(imageTarget.get()), level); return false; } gl::GLContext* gl = mContext->gl; gl::ScopedBindTexture autoBindTex(gl, mGLName, mTarget); GLenum driverInternalFormat = LOCAL_GL_NONE; GLenum driverFormat = LOCAL_GL_NONE; GLenum driverType = LOCAL_GL_NONE; DriverFormatsFromEffectiveInternalFormat(gl, imageInfo.mEffectiveInternalFormat, &driverInternalFormat, &driverFormat, &driverType); mContext->GetAndFlushUnderlyingGLErrors(); if (imageTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_3D) { MOZ_ASSERT(mImmutable, "Shouldn't be possible to have non-immutable-format 3D" " textures in WebGL"); gl->fTexSubImage3D(imageTarget.get(), level, 0, 0, 0, imageInfo.mWidth, imageInfo.mHeight, imageInfo.mDepth, driverFormat, driverType, zeros.get()); } else { if (mImmutable) { gl->fTexSubImage2D(imageTarget.get(), level, 0, 0, imageInfo.mWidth, imageInfo.mHeight, driverFormat, driverType, zeros.get()); } else { gl->fTexImage2D(imageTarget.get(), level, driverInternalFormat, imageInfo.mWidth, imageInfo.mHeight, 0, driverFormat, driverType, zeros.get()); } } GLenum error = mContext->GetAndFlushUnderlyingGLErrors(); if (error) { // Should only be OUT_OF_MEMORY. Anyway, there's no good way to recover // from this here. gfxCriticalError() << "GL context GetAndFlushUnderlyingGLErrors " << gfx::hexa(error); printf_stderr("Error: 0x%4x\n", error); if (error != LOCAL_GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { // Errors on texture upload have been related to video // memory exposure in the past, which is a security issue. // Force loss of context. mContext->ForceLoseContext(true); return false; } // Out-of-memory uploading pixels to GL. Lose context and report OOM. mContext->ForceLoseContext(true); mContext->ErrorOutOfMemory("EnsureNoUninitializedImageData: Failed to " "upload texture of width: %u, height: %u, " "depth: %u to target %s level %d.", imageInfo.mWidth, imageInfo.mHeight, imageInfo.mDepth, mContext->EnumName(imageTarget.get()), level); return false; } SetImageDataStatus(imageTarget, level, WebGLImageDataStatus::InitializedImageData); return true; } void WebGLTexture::SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus x) { mFakeBlackStatus = x; mContext->SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GL calls bool WebGLTexture::BindTexture(TexTarget texTarget) { // silently ignore a deleted texture if (IsDeleted()) return false; if (HasEverBeenBound() && mTarget != texTarget) { mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("bindTexture: this texture has already been bound to a different target"); return false; } mContext->SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLContextFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); Bind(texTarget); return true; } void WebGLTexture::GenerateMipmap(TexTarget texTarget) { const TexImageTarget imageTarget = (texTarget == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D) ? LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D : LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X; if (!IsMipmapRangeValid()) { return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Texture does not have a valid mipmap range."); } if (!HasImageInfoAt(imageTarget, EffectiveBaseMipmapLevel())) { return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Level zero of texture is not defined."); } if (!mContext->IsWebGL2() && !IsFirstImagePowerOfTwo()) return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Level zero of texture does not have power-of-two width and height."); TexInternalFormat internalformat = ImageInfoAt(imageTarget, 0).EffectiveInternalFormat(); if (IsTextureFormatCompressed(internalformat)) return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: Texture data at level zero is compressed."); if (mContext->IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::WEBGL_depth_texture) && (IsGLDepthFormat(internalformat) || IsGLDepthStencilFormat(internalformat))) { return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: " "A texture that has a base internal format of " "DEPTH_COMPONENT or DEPTH_STENCIL isn't supported"); } if (!AreAllLevel0ImageInfosEqual()) return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("generateMipmap: The six faces of this cube map have different dimensions, format, or type."); SetGeneratedMipmap(); mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); gl::GLContext* gl = mContext->gl; if (gl->WorkAroundDriverBugs()) { // bug 696495 - to work around failures in the texture-mips.html test on various drivers, we // set the minification filter before calling glGenerateMipmap. This should not carry a significant performance // overhead so we do it unconditionally. // // note that the choice of GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST really matters. See Chromium bug 101105. gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST); gl->fGenerateMipmap(texTarget.get()); gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, MinFilter().get()); } else { gl->fGenerateMipmap(texTarget.get()); } } JS::Value WebGLTexture::GetTexParameter(TexTarget texTarget, GLenum pname) { mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); GLint i = 0; GLfloat f = 0.0f; switch (pname) { case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R: mContext->gl->fGetTexParameteriv(texTarget.get(), pname, &i); return JS::NumberValue(uint32_t(i)); case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: mContext->gl->fGetTexParameterfv(texTarget.get(), pname, &f); return JS::NumberValue(float(f)); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unhandled pname."); } } bool WebGLTexture::IsTexture() const { return HasEverBeenBound() && !IsDeleted(); } // Here we have to support all pnames with both int and float params. // See this discussion: // https://www.khronos.org/webgl/public-mailing-list/archives/1008/msg00014.html void WebGLTexture::TexParameter(TexTarget texTarget, GLenum pname, GLint* maybeIntParam, GLfloat* maybeFloatParam) { MOZ_ASSERT(maybeIntParam || maybeFloatParam); GLint intParam = maybeIntParam ? *maybeIntParam : GLint(*maybeFloatParam); GLfloat floatParam = maybeFloatParam ? *maybeFloatParam : GLfloat(*maybeIntParam); bool paramBadEnum = false; bool paramBadValue = false; switch (pname) { case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) return mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumInfo("texParameter: pname", pname); if (intParam < 0) { paramBadValue = true; break; } SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); if (pname == LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL) mBaseMipmapLevel = intParam; else mMaxMipmapLevel = intParam; break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) return mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumInfo("texParameter: pname", pname); paramBadValue = (intParam != LOCAL_GL_NONE && intParam != LOCAL_GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE); break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC: if (!mContext->IsWebGL2()) return mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumInfo("texParameter: pname", pname); switch (intParam) { case LOCAL_GL_LEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_GEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_LESS: case LOCAL_GL_GREATER: case LOCAL_GL_EQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_NOTEQUAL: case LOCAL_GL_ALWAYS: case LOCAL_GL_NEVER: break; default: paramBadValue = true; } break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: switch (intParam) { case LOCAL_GL_NEAREST: case LOCAL_GL_LINEAR: case LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: case LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: case LOCAL_GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: case LOCAL_GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); mMinFilter = intParam; break; default: paramBadEnum = true; } break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: switch (intParam) { case LOCAL_GL_NEAREST: case LOCAL_GL_LINEAR: SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); mMagFilter = intParam; break; default: paramBadEnum = true; } break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: switch (intParam) { case LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: case LOCAL_GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: case LOCAL_GL_REPEAT: SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); mWrapS = intParam; break; default: paramBadEnum = true; } break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: switch (intParam) { case LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: case LOCAL_GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: case LOCAL_GL_REPEAT: SetFakeBlackStatus(WebGLTextureFakeBlackStatus::Unknown); mWrapT = intParam; break; default: paramBadEnum = true; } break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: if (!mContext->IsExtensionEnabled(WebGLExtensionID::EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic)) return mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumInfo("texParameter: pname", pname); if (maybeFloatParam && floatParam < 1.0f) paramBadValue = true; else if (maybeIntParam && intParam < 1) paramBadValue = true; break; default: return mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumInfo("texParameter: pname", pname); } if (paramBadEnum) { if (maybeIntParam) { mContext->ErrorInvalidEnum("texParameteri: pname 0x%04x: Invalid param" " 0x%04x.", pname, intParam); } else { mContext->ErrorInvalidEnum("texParameterf: pname 0x%04x: Invalid param %g.", pname, floatParam); } return; } if (paramBadValue) { if (maybeIntParam) { mContext->ErrorInvalidValue("texParameteri: pname 0x%04x: Invalid param %i" " (0x%x).", pname, intParam, intParam); } else { mContext->ErrorInvalidValue("texParameterf: pname 0x%04x: Invalid param %g.", pname, floatParam); } return; } mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); if (maybeIntParam) mContext->gl->fTexParameteri(texTarget.get(), pname, intParam); else mContext->gl->fTexParameterf(texTarget.get(), pname, floatParam); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE_0(WebGLTexture) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_ROOT_NATIVE(WebGLTexture, AddRef) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNROOT_NATIVE(WebGLTexture, Release) } // namespace mozilla