/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { isPrivate } = require('sdk/private-browsing'); const { isWindowPBSupported } = require('sdk/private-browsing/utils'); const { onFocus, getMostRecentWindow, getWindowTitle, getInnerId, getFrames, windows, open: openWindow, isWindowPrivate } = require('sdk/window/utils'); const { open, close, focus, promise } = require('sdk/window/helpers'); const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows"); const winUtils = require("sdk/deprecated/window-utils"); const { fromIterator: toArray } = require('sdk/util/array'); const tabs = require('sdk/tabs'); const WM = Cc['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); const BROWSER = 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul'; function makeEmptyBrowserWindow(options) { options = options || {}; return open(BROWSER, { features: { chrome: true, private: !!options.private } }).then(focus); } exports.testWindowTrackerIgnoresPrivateWindows = function(assert, done) { var myNonPrivateWindowId, myPrivateWindowId; var privateWindowClosed = false; var privateWindowOpened = false; var trackedWindowIds = []; let wt = winUtils.WindowTracker({ onTrack: function(window) { let id = getInnerId(window); trackedWindowIds.push(id); }, onUntrack: function(window) { let id = getInnerId(window); if (id === myPrivateWindowId) { privateWindowClosed = true; } if (id === myNonPrivateWindowId) { assert.equal(privateWindowClosed, true, 'private window was untracked'); wt.unload(); done(); } } }); // make a new private window makeEmptyBrowserWindow({ private: true }).then(function(window) { myPrivateWindowId = getInnerId(window); assert.ok(trackedWindowIds.indexOf(myPrivateWindowId) >= 0, 'private window was tracked'); assert.equal(isPrivate(window), isWindowPBSupported, 'private window isPrivate'); assert.equal(isWindowPrivate(window), isWindowPBSupported); assert.ok(getFrames(window).length > 1, 'there are frames for private window'); assert.equal(getWindowTitle(window), window.document.title, 'getWindowTitle works'); close(window).then(function() { assert.pass('private window was closed'); makeEmptyBrowserWindow().then(function(window) { myNonPrivateWindowId = getInnerId(window); assert.notEqual(myPrivateWindowId, myNonPrivateWindowId, 'non private window was opened'); close(window); }); }); }); }; // Test setting activeWIndow and onFocus for private windows exports.testSettingActiveWindowDoesNotIgnorePrivateWindow = function(assert, done) { let browserWindow = WM.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); let testSteps; assert.equal(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, browserWindow, "Browser window is the active browser window."); assert.ok(!isPrivate(browserWindow), "Browser window is not private."); // make a new private window makeEmptyBrowserWindow({ private: true }).then(function(window) { let continueAfterFocus = function(window) onFocus(window).then(nextTest); // PWPB case if (isWindowPBSupported) { assert.ok(isPrivate(window), "window is private"); assert.notDeepEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, browserWindow); } // Global case else { assert.ok(!isPrivate(window), "window is not private"); } assert.strictEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, window, "Correct active browser window pb supported"); assert.notStrictEqual(browserWindow, window, "The window is not the old browser window"); testSteps = [ function() { // test setting a non private window continueAfterFocus(winUtils.activeWindow = browserWindow); }, function() { assert.strictEqual(winUtils.activeWindow, browserWindow, "Correct active window [1]"); assert.strictEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, browserWindow, "Correct active browser window [1]"); // test focus(window) focus(window).then(nextTest); }, function(w) { assert.strictEqual(w, window, 'require("sdk/window/helpers").focus on window works'); assert.strictEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, window, "Correct active browser window [2]"); assert.strictEqual(winUtils.activeWindow, window, "Correct active window [2]"); // test setting a private window continueAfterFocus(winUtils.activeWindow = window); }, function() { assert.deepEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, window, "Correct active browser window [3]"); assert.deepEqual(winUtils.activeWindow, window, "Correct active window [3]"); // just to get back to original state continueAfterFocus(winUtils.activeWindow = browserWindow); }, function() { assert.deepEqual(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow, browserWindow, "Correct active browser window when pb mode is supported [4]"); assert.deepEqual(winUtils.activeWindow, browserWindow, "Correct active window when pb mode is supported [4]"); close(window).then(done); } ]; function nextTest() { let args = arguments; if (testSteps.length) { require('sdk/timers').setTimeout(function() { (testSteps.shift()).apply(null, args); }, 0); } } nextTest(); }); }; exports.testActiveWindowDoesNotIgnorePrivateWindow = function(assert, done) { // make a new private window makeEmptyBrowserWindow({ private: true }).then(function(window) { // PWPB case if (isWindowPBSupported) { assert.equal(isPrivate(winUtils.activeWindow), true, "active window is private"); assert.equal(isPrivate(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow), true, "active browser window is private"); assert.ok(isWindowPrivate(window), "window is private"); assert.ok(isPrivate(window), "window is private"); // pb mode is supported assert.ok( isWindowPrivate(winUtils.activeWindow), "active window is private when pb mode is supported"); assert.ok( isWindowPrivate(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow), "active browser window is private when pb mode is supported"); assert.ok(isPrivate(winUtils.activeWindow), "active window is private when pb mode is supported"); assert.ok(isPrivate(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow), "active browser window is private when pb mode is supported"); } // Global case else { assert.equal(isPrivate(winUtils.activeWindow), false, "active window is not private"); assert.equal(isPrivate(winUtils.activeBrowserWindow), false, "active browser window is not private"); assert.equal(isWindowPrivate(window), false, "window is not private"); assert.equal(isPrivate(window), false, "window is not private"); } close(window).then(done); }); } exports.testWindowIteratorIgnoresPrivateWindows = function(assert, done) { // make a new private window makeEmptyBrowserWindow({ private: true }).then(function(window) { assert.equal(isWindowPrivate(window), isWindowPBSupported); assert.ok(toArray(winUtils.windowIterator()).indexOf(window) > -1, "window is in windowIterator()"); close(window).then(done); }); }; // test that it is not possible to find a private window in // windows module's iterator exports.testWindowIteratorPrivateDefault = function(assert, done) { // there should only be one window open here, if not give us the // the urls if (browserWindows.length > 1) { for each (let tab in tabs) { assert.fail("TAB URL: " + tab.url); } } else { assert.equal(browserWindows.length, 1, 'only one window open'); } open('chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', { features: { private: true, chrome: true } }).then(focus).then(function(window) { // test that there is a private window opened assert.equal(isPrivate(window), isWindowPBSupported, 'there is a private window open'); assert.equal(isPrivate(winUtils.activeWindow), isWindowPBSupported); assert.equal(isPrivate(getMostRecentWindow()), isWindowPBSupported); assert.equal(isPrivate(browserWindows.activeWindow), isWindowPBSupported); assert.equal(browserWindows.length, 2, '2 windows open'); assert.equal(windows(null, { includePrivate: true }).length, 2); close(window).then(done); }); };