# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License # Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at # http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # NPL. # # The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape # Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights # Reserved. DEPTH=. IGNORE_MANIFEST=1 # # Command macro defines # CVSCO = cvs -q co -P # Branch tags we use IMGLIB_BRANCH = MODULAR_IMGLIB_BRANCH NETLIB_BRANCH = MODULAR_NETLIB_BRANCH XPCOM_BRANCH = XPCOM_BRANCH RAPTOR_BRANCH = RAPTOR_BRANCH # CVS commands to pull the appropriate branch versions CVSCO_XPCOM = $(CVSCO) -r $(XPCOM_BRANCH) CVSCO_IMGLIB = $(CVSCO) -r $(IMGLIB_BRANCH) CVSCO_NETLIB = $(CVSCO) -r $(NETLIB_BRANCH) CVSCO_RAPTOR = $(CVSCO) CVSCO_LIZARD = $(CVSCO) # The list of directories that need to be built to build the standalone # raptor test program. The order is important. !ifndef RAPTOR_PASS2 DIRS = \ nsprpub \ include \ jpeg \ modules\libreg \ xpcom \ modules\zlib \ modules\libutil \ sun-java \ nav-java \ js \ modules\security\freenav \ modules\libpref \ modules\libimg \ lib\xp \ lib\libnet !else DIRS = \ base \ htmlparser \ dom \ gfx \ view \ widget \ layout \ webshell !endif include <$(DEPTH)\config\config.mak> # # NOTE: Don't use make all with this makefile; it won't work! # NOTE: Don't use make export with this makefile; it won't work! # NOTE: Don't use make libs with this makefile; it won't work! # NOTE: Don't use make clobber with this makefile; it won't work! # THIS_MAKEFILE = raptor.mak real_all: pass1_all pass2_all pass1_all: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) export cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns\base $(NMAKE) -f makefile.win export cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) libs $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) install pass2_all: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 export $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 libs $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 install real_export: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) export $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 export real_libs: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) libs $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 libs real_install: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) install $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 install real_clobber: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) clobber $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 clobber $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) final_clobber final_clobber: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns -rd /s /q dist real_depend: cd $(MOZ_SRC)\ns $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) depend $(NMAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) RAPTOR_PASS2=pass2 depend include <$(DEPTH)\config\rules.mak> # # Rules for pulling the source from the cvs repository # pull_all: pull_lizard pull_xpcom pull_imglib pull_netlib pull_raptor pull_lizard: @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\. $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/config $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/lib/liblayer $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/modules/zlib $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/modules/libutil $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/nsprpub $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/sun-java $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/nav-java $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/js $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/modules/security/freenav $(CVSCO_LIZARD) ns/modules/libpref pull_xpcom: @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\. $(CVSCO_XPCOM) ns/modules/libreg $(CVSCO_XPCOM) ns/xpcom pull_imglib: @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\. $(CVSCO_IMGLIB) ns/jpeg $(CVSCO_IMGLIB) ns/modules/libutil $(CVSCO_IMGLIB) ns/modules/libimg pull_netlib: @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\. $(CVSCO_NETLIB) ns/lib/xp $(CVSCO_NETLIB) ns/lib/libnet $(CVSCO_NETLIB) ns/include pull_raptor: @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\. $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/base $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/dom $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/gfx $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/htmlparser $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/layout $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/view $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/webshell $(CVSCO_RAPTOR) ns/widget