/* Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License [1] and the W3C 3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the policies and contribution forms [3]. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/04-testsuite-license [2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/03-bsd-license [3] http://www.w3.org/2004/10/27-testcases */ /* For user documentation see docs/idlharness.md */ /** * Notes for people who want to edit this file (not just use it as a library): * * Most of the interesting stuff happens in the derived classes of IdlObject, * especially IdlInterface. The entry point for all IdlObjects is .test(), * which is called by IdlArray.test(). An IdlObject is conceptually just * "thing we want to run tests on", and an IdlArray is an array of IdlObjects * with some additional data thrown in. * * The object model is based on what WebIDLParser.js produces, which is in turn * based on its pegjs grammar. If you want to figure out what properties an * object will have from WebIDLParser.js, the best way is to look at the * grammar: * * https://github.com/darobin/webidl.js/blob/master/lib/grammar.peg * * So for instance: * * // interface definition * interface * = extAttrs:extendedAttributeList? S? "interface" S name:identifier w herit:ifInheritance? w "{" w mem:ifMember* w "}" w ";" w * { return { type: "interface", name: name, inheritance: herit, members: mem, extAttrs: extAttrs }; } * * This means that an "interface" object will have a .type property equal to * the string "interface", a .name property equal to the identifier that the * parser found, an .inheritance property equal to either null or the result of * the "ifInheritance" production found elsewhere in the grammar, and so on. * After each grammatical production is a JavaScript function in curly braces * that gets called with suitable arguments and returns some JavaScript value. * * (Note that the version of WebIDLParser.js we use might sometimes be * out-of-date or forked.) * * The members and methods of the classes defined by this file are all at least * briefly documented, hopefully. */ (function(){ "use strict"; /// Helpers /// function constValue (cnt) { if (cnt.type === "null") return null; if (cnt.type === "NaN") return NaN; if (cnt.type === "Infinity") return cnt.negative ? -Infinity : Infinity; return cnt.value; } /// IdlArray /// // Entry point window.IdlArray = function() //@{ { /** * A map from strings to the corresponding named IdlObject, such as * IdlInterface or IdlException. These are the things that test() will run * tests on. */ this.members = {}; /** * A map from strings to arrays of strings. The keys are interface or * exception names, and are expected to also exist as keys in this.members * (otherwise they'll be ignored). This is populated by add_objects() -- * see documentation at the start of the file. The actual tests will be * run by calling this.members[name].test_object(obj) for each obj in * this.objects[name]. obj is a string that will be eval'd to produce a * JavaScript value, which is supposed to be an object implementing the * given IdlObject (interface, exception, etc.). */ this.objects = {}; /** * When adding multiple collections of IDLs one at a time, an earlier one * might contain a partial interface or implements statement that depends * on a later one. Save these up and handle them right before we run * tests. * * .partials is simply an array of objects from WebIDLParser.js' * "partialinterface" production. .implements maps strings to arrays of * strings, such that * * A implements B; * A implements C; * D implements E; * * results in { A: ["B", "C"], D: ["E"] }. */ this.partials = []; this["implements"] = {}; }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.add_idls = function(raw_idls) //@{ { /** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */ this.internal_add_idls(WebIDL2.parse(raw_idls)); }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.add_untested_idls = function(raw_idls) //@{ { /** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */ var parsed_idls = WebIDL2.parse(raw_idls); for (var i = 0; i < parsed_idls.length; i++) { parsed_idls[i].untested = true; if ("members" in parsed_idls[i]) { for (var j = 0; j < parsed_idls[i].members.length; j++) { parsed_idls[i].members[j].untested = true; } } } this.internal_add_idls(parsed_idls); }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.internal_add_idls = function(parsed_idls) //@{ { /** * Internal helper called by add_idls() and add_untested_idls(). * parsed_idls is an array of objects that come from WebIDLParser.js's * "definitions" production. The add_untested_idls() entry point * additionally sets an .untested property on each object (and its * .members) so that they'll be skipped by test() -- they'll only be * used for base interfaces of tested interfaces, return types, etc. */ parsed_idls.forEach(function(parsed_idl) { if (parsed_idl.type == "interface" && parsed_idl.partial) { this.partials.push(parsed_idl); return; } if (parsed_idl.type == "implements") { if (!(parsed_idl.target in this["implements"])) { this["implements"][parsed_idl.target] = []; } this["implements"][parsed_idl.target].push(parsed_idl["implements"]); return; } parsed_idl.array = this; if (parsed_idl.name in this.members) { throw "Duplicate identifier " + parsed_idl.name; } switch(parsed_idl.type) { case "interface": this.members[parsed_idl.name] = new IdlInterface(parsed_idl); break; case "exception": this.members[parsed_idl.name] = new IdlException(parsed_idl); break; case "dictionary": // Nothing to test, but we need the dictionary info around for type // checks this.members[parsed_idl.name] = new IdlDictionary(parsed_idl); break; case "typedef": this.members[parsed_idl.name] = new IdlTypedef(parsed_idl); break; case "callback": // TODO console.log("callback not yet supported"); break; case "enum": this.members[parsed_idl.name] = new IdlEnum(parsed_idl); break; case "callback interface": // TODO console.log("callback interface not yet supported"); break; default: throw parsed_idl.name + ": " + parsed_idl.type + " not yet supported"; } }.bind(this)); }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.add_objects = function(dict) //@{ { /** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */ for (var k in dict) { if (k in this.objects) { this.objects[k] = this.objects[k].concat(dict[k]); } else { this.objects[k] = dict[k]; } } }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.prevent_multiple_testing = function(name) //@{ { /** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */ this.members[name].prevent_multiple_testing = true; }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.recursively_get_implements = function(interface_name) //@{ { /** * Helper function for test(). Returns an array of things that implement * interface_name, so if the IDL contains * * A implements B; * B implements C; * B implements D; * * then recursively_get_implements("A") should return ["B", "C", "D"]. */ var ret = this["implements"][interface_name]; if (ret === undefined) { return []; } for (var i = 0; i < this["implements"][interface_name].length; i++) { ret = ret.concat(this.recursively_get_implements(ret[i])); if (ret.indexOf(ret[i]) != ret.lastIndexOf(ret[i])) { throw "Circular implements statements involving " + ret[i]; } } return ret; }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.test = function() //@{ { /** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */ // First merge in all the partial interfaces and implements statements we // encountered. this.partials.forEach(function(parsed_idl) { if (!(parsed_idl.name in this.members) || !(this.members[parsed_idl.name] instanceof IdlInterface)) { throw "Partial interface " + parsed_idl.name + " with no original interface"; } if (parsed_idl.extAttrs) { parsed_idl.extAttrs.forEach(function(extAttr) { this.members[parsed_idl.name].extAttrs.push(extAttr); }.bind(this)); } parsed_idl.members.forEach(function(member) { this.members[parsed_idl.name].members.push(new IdlInterfaceMember(member)); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); this.partials = []; for (var lhs in this["implements"]) { this.recursively_get_implements(lhs).forEach(function(rhs) { var errStr = lhs + " implements " + rhs + ", but "; if (!(lhs in this.members)) throw errStr + lhs + " is undefined."; if (!(this.members[lhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + lhs + " is not an interface."; if (!(rhs in this.members)) throw errStr + rhs + " is undefined."; if (!(this.members[rhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + rhs + " is not an interface."; this.members[rhs].members.forEach(function(member) { this.members[lhs].members.push(new IdlInterfaceMember(member)); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } this["implements"] = {}; // Now run test() on every member, and test_object() for every object. for (var name in this.members) { this.members[name].test(); if (name in this.objects) { this.objects[name].forEach(function(str) { this.members[name].test_object(str); }.bind(this)); } } }; //@} IdlArray.prototype.assert_type_is = function(value, type) //@{ { /** * Helper function that tests that value is an instance of type according * to the rules of WebIDL. value is any JavaScript value, and type is an * object produced by WebIDLParser.js' "type" production. That production * is fairly elaborate due to the complexity of WebIDL's types, so it's * best to look at the grammar to figure out what properties it might have. */ if (type.idlType == "any") { // No assertions to make return; } if (type.nullable && value === null) { // This is fine return; } if (type.array) { // TODO: not supported yet return; } if (type.sequence) { assert_true(Array.isArray(value), "is not array"); if (!value.length) { // Nothing we can do. return; } this.assert_type_is(value[0], type.idlType.idlType); return; } type = type.idlType; switch(type) { case "void": assert_equals(value, undefined); return; case "boolean": assert_equals(typeof value, "boolean"); return; case "byte": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(-128 <= value && value <= 127, "byte " + value + " not in range [-128, 127]"); return; case "octet": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(0 <= value && value <= 255, "octet " + value + " not in range [0, 255]"); return; case "short": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(-32768 <= value && value <= 32767, "short " + value + " not in range [-32768, 32767]"); return; case "unsigned short": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(0 <= value && value <= 65535, "unsigned short " + value + " not in range [0, 65535]"); return; case "long": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(-2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647, "long " + value + " not in range [-2147483648, 2147483647]"); return; case "unsigned long": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_equals(value, Math.floor(value), "not an integer"); assert_true(0 <= value && value <= 4294967295, "unsigned long " + value + " not in range [0, 4294967295]"); return; case "long long": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); return; case "unsigned long long": assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); assert_true(0 <= value, "unsigned long long is negative"); return; case "float": case "double": case "unrestricted float": case "unrestricted double": // TODO: distinguish these cases assert_equals(typeof value, "number"); return; case "DOMString": case "ByteString": case "USVString": // TODO: https://github.com/w3c/testharness.js/issues/92 assert_equals(typeof value, "string"); return; case "object": assert_true(typeof value == "object" || typeof value == "function", "wrong type: not object or function"); return; } if (!(type in this.members)) { throw "Unrecognized type " + type; } if (this.members[type] instanceof IdlInterface) { // We don't want to run the full // IdlInterface.prototype.test_instance_of, because that could result // in an infinite loop. TODO: This means we don't have tests for // NoInterfaceObject interfaces, and we also can't test objects that // come from another window. assert_true(typeof value == "object" || typeof value == "function", "wrong type: not object or function"); if (value instanceof Object && !this.members[type].has_extended_attribute("NoInterfaceObject") && type in window) { assert_true(value instanceof window[type], "not instanceof " + type); } } else if (this.members[type] instanceof IdlEnum) { assert_equals(typeof value, "string"); } else if (this.members[type] instanceof IdlDictionary) { // TODO: Test when we actually have something to test this on } else if (this.members[type] instanceof IdlTypedef) { // TODO: Test when we actually have something to test this on } else { throw "Type " + type + " isn't an interface or dictionary"; } }; //@} /// IdlObject /// function IdlObject() {} IdlObject.prototype.test = function() //@{ { /** * By default, this does nothing, so no actual tests are run for IdlObjects * that don't define any (e.g., IdlDictionary at the time of this writing). */ }; //@} IdlObject.prototype.has_extended_attribute = function(name) //@{ { /** * This is only meaningful for things that support extended attributes, * such as interfaces, exceptions, and members. */ return this.extAttrs.some(function(o) { return o.name == name; }); }; //@} /// IdlDictionary /// // Used for IdlArray.prototype.assert_type_is function IdlDictionary(obj) //@{ { /** * obj is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "dictionary" * production. */ /** Self-explanatory. */ this.name = obj.name; /** An array of objects produced by the "dictionaryMember" production. */ this.members = obj.members; /** * The name (as a string) of the dictionary type we inherit from, or null * if there is none. */ this.base = obj.inheritance; } //@} IdlDictionary.prototype = Object.create(IdlObject.prototype); /// IdlExceptionOrInterface /// // Code sharing! function IdlExceptionOrInterface(obj) //@{ { /** * obj is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "exception" or * "interface" production, as appropriate. */ /** Self-explanatory. */ this.name = obj.name; /** A back-reference to our IdlArray. */ this.array = obj.array; /** * An indicator of whether we should run tests on the (exception) interface * object and (exception) interface prototype object. Tests on members are * controlled by .untested on each member, not this. */ this.untested = obj.untested; /** An array of objects produced by the "ExtAttr" production. */ this.extAttrs = obj.extAttrs; /** An array of IdlInterfaceMembers. */ this.members = obj.members.map(function(m){return new IdlInterfaceMember(m); }); /** * The name (as a string) of the type we inherit from, or null if there is * none. */ this.base = obj.inheritance; } //@} IdlExceptionOrInterface.prototype = Object.create(IdlObject.prototype); IdlExceptionOrInterface.prototype.test = function() //@{ { if (this.has_extended_attribute("NoInterfaceObject")) { // No tests to do without an instance. TODO: We should still be able // to run tests on the prototype object, if we obtain one through some // other means. return; } if (!this.untested) { // First test things to do with the exception/interface object and // exception/interface prototype object. this.test_self(); } // Then test things to do with its members (constants, fields, attributes, // operations, . . .). These are run even if .untested is true, because // members might themselves be marked as .untested. This might happen to // interfaces if the interface itself is untested but a partial interface // that extends it is tested -- then the interface itself and its initial // members will be marked as untested, but the members added by the partial // interface are still tested. this.test_members(); }; //@} /// IdlException /// function IdlException(obj) { IdlExceptionOrInterface.call(this, obj); } IdlException.prototype = Object.create(IdlExceptionOrInterface.prototype); IdlException.prototype.test_self = function() //@{ { test(function() { // "For every exception that is not declared with the // [NoInterfaceObject] extended attribute, a corresponding property // must exist on the exception’s relevant namespace object. The name of // the property is the identifier of the exception, and its value is an // object called the exception interface object, which provides access // to any constants that have been associated with the exception. The // property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: // false, [[Configurable]]: true }." assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, this.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not configurable"); // "The exception interface object for a given exception must be a // function object." // "If an object is defined to be a function object, then it has // characteristics as follows:" // "Its [[Prototype]] internal property is the Function prototype // object." // Note: This doesn't match browsers as of December 2011, see // http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14813 assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name]), Function.prototype, "prototype of window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not Function.prototype"); // "Its [[Get]] internal property is set as described in ECMA-262 // section" // Not much to test for this. // "Its [[Construct]] internal property is set as described in ECMA-262 // section 13.2.2." // Tested below. // "Its [[HasInstance]] internal property is set as described in // ECMA-262 section, unless otherwise specified." // TODO // "Its [[Class]] internal property is “Function”." // String() returns something implementation-dependent, because it // calls Function#toString. assert_class_string(window[this.name], "Function", "class string of " + this.name); // TODO: Test Exception interface object [[Call]] method // (which does not match browsers: // http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14885) }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: existence and properties of exception interface object"); test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); // "The exception interface object must also have a property named // “prototype” with attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: // false, [[Configurable]]: false } whose value is an object called the // exception interface prototype object. This object also provides // access to the constants that are declared on the exception." assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'exception "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], "prototype"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".prototype has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".prototype has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, this.name + ".prototype is writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".prototype is enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, this.name + ".prototype is configurable"); // "The exception interface prototype object for a given exception must // have an internal [[Prototype]] property whose value is as follows: // // "If the exception is declared to inherit from another exception, // then the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property is the // exception interface prototype object for the inherited exception. // "Otherwise, the exception is not declared to inherit from another // exception. The value of the internal [[Prototype]] property is the // Error prototype object ([ECMA-262], section" // // Note: This doesn't match browsers as of December 2011, see // https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14887. var inherit_exception = this.base ? this.base : "Error"; assert_own_property(window, inherit_exception, 'should inherit from ' + inherit_exception + ', but window has no such property'); assert_own_property(window[inherit_exception], "prototype", 'should inherit from ' + inherit_exception + ', but that object has no "prototype" property'); assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name].prototype), window[inherit_exception].prototype, 'prototype of ' + this.name + '.prototype is not ' + inherit_exception + '.prototype'); // "The class string of an exception interface prototype object is the // concatenation of the exception’s identifier and the string // “Prototype”." assert_class_string(window[this.name].prototype, this.name + "Prototype", "class string of " + this.name + ".prototype"); // TODO: Test String(), based on ES definition of // Error.prototype.toString? }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: existence and properties of exception interface prototype object"); test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "There must be a property named “name” on the exception interface // prototype object with attributes { [[Writable]]: true, // [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } and whose value is // the identifier of the exception." assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, "name", 'prototype object does not have own property "name"'); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name].prototype, "name"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.name has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.name has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, this.name + ".prototype.name is not writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".prototype.name is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, this.name + ".prototype.name is not configurable"); assert_equals(desc.value, this.name, this.name + ".prototype.name has incorrect value"); }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: existence and properties of exception interface prototype object's \"name\" property"); test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "If the [NoInterfaceObject] extended attribute was not specified on // the exception, then there must also be a property named // “constructor” on the exception interface prototype object with // attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, // [[Configurable]]: true } and whose value is a reference to the // exception interface object for the exception." assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, "constructor", this.name + '.prototype does not have own property "constructor"'); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name].prototype, "constructor"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.constructor has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.constructor has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor is not writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor in not configurable"); assert_equals(window[this.name].prototype.constructor, window[this.name], this.name + '.prototype.constructor is not the same object as ' + this.name); }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: existence and properties of exception interface prototype object's \"constructor\" property"); }; //@} IdlException.prototype.test_members = function() //@{ { for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; if (member.untested) { continue; } if (member.type == "const" && member.name != "prototype") { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); // "For each constant defined on the exception, there must be a // corresponding property on the exception interface object, if // it exists, if the identifier of the constant is not // “prototype”." assert_own_property(window[this.name], member.name); // "The value of the property is the ECMAScript value that is // equivalent to the constant’s IDL value, according to the // rules in section 4.2 above." assert_equals(window[this.name][member.name], constValue(member.value), "property has wrong value"); // "The property has attributes { [[Writable]]: false, // [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false }." var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], member.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, "property is writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, "property is configurable"); }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: constant " + member.name + " on exception interface object"); // "In addition, a property with the same characteristics must // exist on the exception interface prototype object." test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'exception "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, member.name); assert_equals(window[this.name].prototype[member.name], constValue(member.value), "property has wrong value"); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name].prototype, member.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, "property is writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, "property is configurable"); }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: constant " + member.name + " on exception interface prototype object"); } else if (member.type == "field") { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'exception "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "For each exception field, there must be a corresponding // property on the exception interface prototype object, whose // characteristics are as follows: // "The name of the property is the identifier of the exception // field." assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, member.name); // "The property has attributes { [[Get]]: G, [[Enumerable]]: // true, [[Configurable]]: true }, where G is the exception // field getter, defined below." var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name].prototype, member.name); assert_false("value" in desc, "property descriptor has value but is supposed to be accessor"); assert_false("writable" in desc, 'property descriptor has "writable" field but is supposed to be accessor'); // TODO: ES5 doesn't seem to say whether desc should have a // .set property. assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, "property is not configurable"); // "The exception field getter is a Function object whose // behavior when invoked is as follows:" assert_equals(typeof desc.get, "function", "typeof getter"); // "The value of the Function object’s “length” property is the // Number value 0." // This test is before the TypeError tests so that it's easiest // to see that Firefox 11a1 only fails one assert in this test. assert_equals(desc.get.length, 0, "getter length"); // "Let O be the result of calling ToObject on the this value. // "If O is not a platform object representing an exception for // the exception on which the exception field was declared, // then throw a TypeError." // TODO: Test on a platform object representing an exception. assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype[member.name]; }.bind(this), "getting property on prototype object must throw TypeError"); assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { desc.get.call({}); }.bind(this), "calling getter on wrong object type must throw TypeError"); }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: field " + member.name + " on exception interface prototype object"); } } }; //@} IdlException.prototype.test_object = function(desc) //@{ { var obj, exception = null; try { obj = eval(desc); } catch(e) { exception = e; } test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, "object", "wrong typeof object"); // We can't easily test that its prototype is correct if there's no // interface object, or the object is from a different global // environment (not instanceof Object). TODO: test in this case that // its prototype at least looks correct, even if we can't test that // it's actually correct. if (!this.has_extended_attribute("NoInterfaceObject") && (typeof obj != "object" || obj instanceof Object)) { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'exception "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "The value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of the // exception object must be the exception interface prototype // object from the global environment the exception object is // associated with." assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), window[this.name].prototype, desc + "'s prototype is not " + this.name + ".prototype"); } // "The class string of the exception object must be the identifier of // the exception." assert_class_string(obj, this.name, "class string of " + desc); // Stringifier is not defined for DOMExceptions, because message isn't // defined. }.bind(this), this.name + " must be represented by " + desc); for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, "object", "wrong typeof object"); assert_inherits(obj, member.name); if (member.type == "const") { assert_equals(obj[member.name], constValue(member.value)); } if (member.type == "field") { this.array.assert_type_is(obj[member.name], member.idlType); } }.bind(this), this.name + " exception: " + desc + ' must inherit property "' + member.name + '" with the proper type'); } }; //@} /// IdlInterface /// function IdlInterface(obj) { IdlExceptionOrInterface.call(this, obj); } IdlInterface.prototype = Object.create(IdlExceptionOrInterface.prototype); IdlInterface.prototype.is_callback = function() //@{ { return this.has_extended_attribute("Callback"); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.has_constants = function() //@{ { return this.members.some(function(member) { return member.type === "const"; }); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_self = function() //@{ { test(function() { // This function tests WebIDL as of 2012-11-28. // "For every interface that: // * is a callback interface that has constants declared on it, or // * is a non-callback interface that is not declared with the // [NoInterfaceObject] extended attribute, // a corresponding property MUST exist on the ECMAScript global object. // The name of the property is the identifier of the interface, and its // value is an object called the interface object. // The property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, // [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }." if (this.is_callback() && !this.has_constants()) { return; } // TODO: Should we test here that the property is actually writable // etc., or trust getOwnPropertyDescriptor? assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, this.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, "window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not configurable"); if (this.is_callback()) { // "The internal [[Prototype]] property of an interface object for // a callback interface MUST be the Object.prototype object." assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name]), Object.prototype, "prototype of window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not Object.prototype"); return; } // "The interface object for a given non-callback interface is a // function object." // "If an object is defined to be a function object, then it has // characteristics as follows:" // "* Its [[Prototype]] internal property is the Function prototype // object." assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name]), Function.prototype, "prototype of window's property " + format_value(this.name) + " is not Function.prototype"); // "* Its [[Get]] internal property is set as described in ECMA-262 // section" // Not much to test for this. // "* Its [[Construct]] internal property is set as described in // ECMA-262 section 13.2.2." // Tested below if no constructor is defined. TODO: test constructors // if defined. // "* Its [[HasInstance]] internal property is set as described in // ECMA-262 section, unless otherwise specified." // TODO // "* Its [[NativeBrand]] internal property is “Function”." // String() returns something implementation-dependent, because it calls // Function#toString. assert_class_string(window[this.name], "Function", "class string of " + this.name); if (!this.has_extended_attribute("Constructor")) { // "The internal [[Call]] method of the interface object behaves as // follows . . . // // "If I was not declared with a [Constructor] extended attribute, // then throw a TypeError." assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name](); }.bind(this), "interface object didn't throw TypeError when called as a function"); assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { new window[this.name](); }.bind(this), "interface object didn't throw TypeError when called as a constructor"); } }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: existence and properties of interface object"); if (!this.is_callback()) { test(function() { // This function tests WebIDL as of 2014-10-25. // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-interface-call assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); // "Interface objects for non-callback interfaces MUST have a // property named “length” with attributes { [[Writable]]: false, // [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } whose value is // a Number." assert_own_property(window[this.name], "length"); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], "length"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".length has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".length has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, this.name + ".length is writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".length is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, this.name + ".length is not configurable"); var constructors = this.extAttrs .filter(function(attr) { return attr.name == "Constructor"; }); var expected_length; if (!constructors.length) { // "If the [Constructor] extended attribute, does not appear on // the interface definition, then the value is 0." expected_length = 0; } else { // "Otherwise, the value is determined as follows: . . . // "Return the length of the shortest argument list of the // entries in S." expected_length = constructors.map(function(attr) { return attr.arguments ? attr.arguments.filter(function(arg) { return !arg.optional; }).length : 0; }) .reduce(function(m, n) { return Math.min(m, n); }); } assert_equals(window[this.name].length, expected_length, "wrong value for " + this.name + ".length"); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface object length"); } // TODO: Test named constructors if I find any interfaces that have them. test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); if (this.has_extended_attribute("Callback")) { assert_false("prototype" in window[this.name], this.name + ' should not have a "prototype" property'); return; } // "The interface object must also have a property named “prototype” // with attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, // [[Configurable]]: false } whose value is an object called the // interface prototype object. This object has properties that // correspond to the attributes and operations defined on the // interface, and is described in more detail in section 4.5.3 below." assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], "prototype"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".prototype has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".prototype has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, this.name + ".prototype is writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".prototype is enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, this.name + ".prototype is configurable"); // Next, test that the [[Prototype]] of the interface prototype object // is correct. (This is made somewhat difficult by the existence of // [NoInterfaceObject].) // TODO: Aryeh thinks there's at least other place in this file where // we try to figure out if an interface prototype object is // correct. Consolidate that code. // "The interface prototype object for a given interface A must have an // internal [[Prototype]] property whose value is as follows: // "If A is not declared to inherit from another interface, then the // value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of A is the Array // prototype object ([ECMA-262], section 15.4.4) if the interface was // declared with ArrayClass, or the Object prototype object otherwise // ([ECMA-262], section 15.2.4). // "Otherwise, A does inherit from another interface. The value of the // internal [[Prototype]] property of A is the interface prototype // object for the inherited interface." var inherit_interface, inherit_interface_has_interface_object; if (this.base) { inherit_interface = this.base; inherit_interface_has_interface_object = !this.array .members[inherit_interface] .has_extended_attribute("NoInterfaceObject"); } else if (this.has_extended_attribute('ArrayClass')) { inherit_interface = 'Array'; inherit_interface_has_interface_object = true; } else { inherit_interface = 'Object'; inherit_interface_has_interface_object = true; } if (inherit_interface_has_interface_object) { assert_own_property(window, inherit_interface, 'should inherit from ' + inherit_interface + ', but window has no such property'); assert_own_property(window[inherit_interface], 'prototype', 'should inherit from ' + inherit_interface + ', but that object has no "prototype" property'); assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name].prototype), window[inherit_interface].prototype, 'prototype of ' + this.name + '.prototype is not ' + inherit_interface + '.prototype'); } else { // We can't test that we get the correct object, because this is the // only way to get our hands on it. We only test that its class // string, at least, is correct. assert_class_string(Object.getPrototypeOf(window[this.name].prototype), inherit_interface + 'Prototype', 'Class name for prototype of ' + this.name + '.prototype is not "' + inherit_interface + 'Prototype"'); } // "The class string of an interface prototype object is the // concatenation of the interface’s identifier and the string // “Prototype”." assert_class_string(window[this.name].prototype, this.name + "Prototype", "class string of " + this.name + ".prototype"); // String() should end up calling {}.toString if nothing defines a // stringifier. if (!this.has_stringifier()) { assert_equals(String(window[this.name].prototype), "[object " + this.name + "Prototype]", "String(" + this.name + ".prototype)"); } }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object"); test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); if (this.has_extended_attribute("Callback")) { assert_false("prototype" in window[this.name], this.name + ' should not have a "prototype" property'); return; } assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "If the [NoInterfaceObject] extended attribute was not specified on // the interface, then the interface prototype object must also have a // property named “constructor” with attributes { [[Writable]]: true, // [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } whose value is a // reference to the interface object for the interface." assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, "constructor", this.name + '.prototype does not have own property "constructor"'); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name].prototype, "constructor"); assert_false("get" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.constructor has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, this.name + ".prototype.constructor has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor is not writable"); assert_false(desc.enumerable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor is enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, this.name + ".prototype.constructor in not configurable"); assert_equals(window[this.name].prototype.constructor, window[this.name], this.name + '.prototype.constructor is not the same object as ' + this.name); }.bind(this), this.name + ' interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object\'s "constructor" property'); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_member_const = function(member) //@{ { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); // "For each constant defined on an interface A, there must be // a corresponding property on the interface object, if it // exists." assert_own_property(window[this.name], member.name); // "The value of the property is that which is obtained by // converting the constant’s IDL value to an ECMAScript // value." assert_equals(window[this.name][member.name], constValue(member.value), "property has wrong value"); // "The property has attributes { [[Writable]]: false, // [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false }." var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], member.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, "property is writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, "property is configurable"); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: constant " + member.name + " on interface object"); // "In addition, a property with the same characteristics must // exist on the interface prototype object." test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); if (this.has_extended_attribute("Callback")) { assert_false("prototype" in window[this.name], this.name + ' should not have a "prototype" property'); return; } assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, member.name); assert_equals(window[this.name].prototype[member.name], constValue(member.value), "property has wrong value"); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], member.name); assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_false(desc.writable, "property is writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_false(desc.configurable, "property is configurable"); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: constant " + member.name + " on interface prototype object"); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_member_attribute = function(member) //@{ { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); if (member["static"]) { assert_own_property(window[this.name], member.name, "The interface object must have a property " + format_value(member.name)); } else { assert_true(member.name in window[this.name].prototype, "The prototype object must have a property " + format_value(member.name)); if (!member.has_extended_attribute("LenientThis")) { assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype[member.name]; }.bind(this), "getting property on prototype object must throw TypeError"); } else { assert_equals(window[this.name].prototype[member.name], undefined, "getting property on prototype object must return undefined"); } do_interface_attribute_asserts(window[this.name].prototype, member); } }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: attribute " + member.name); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_member_operation = function(member) //@{ { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); if (this.has_extended_attribute("Callback")) { assert_false("prototype" in window[this.name], this.name + ' should not have a "prototype" property'); return; } assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "For each unique identifier of an operation defined on the // interface, there must be a corresponding property on the // interface prototype object (if it is a regular operation) or // the interface object (if it is a static operation), unless // the effective overload set for that identifier and operation // and with an argument count of 0 (for the ECMAScript language // binding) has no entries." // var prototypeOrInterfaceObject; if (member["static"]) { assert_own_property(window[this.name], member.name, "interface prototype object missing static operation"); prototypeOrInterfaceObject = window[this.name]; } else { assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, member.name, "interface prototype object missing non-static operation"); prototypeOrInterfaceObject = window[this.name].prototype; } var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototypeOrInterfaceObject, member.name); // "The property has attributes { [[Writable]]: true, // [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }." assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, "property is not writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, "property is not configurable"); // "The value of the property is a Function object whose // behavior is as follows . . ." assert_equals(typeof prototypeOrInterfaceObject[member.name], "function", "property must be a function"); // "The value of the Function object’s “length” property is // a Number determined as follows: // ". . . // "Return the length of the shortest argument list of the // entries in S." // // TODO: Doesn't handle overloading or variadic arguments. assert_equals(prototypeOrInterfaceObject[member.name].length, member.arguments.filter(function(arg) { return !arg.optional; }).length, "property has wrong .length"); // Make some suitable arguments var args = member.arguments.map(function(arg) { return create_suitable_object(arg.idlType); }); // "Let O be a value determined as follows: // ". . . // "Otherwise, throw a TypeError." // This should be hit if the operation is not static, there is // no [ImplicitThis] attribute, and the this value is null. // // TODO: We currently ignore the [ImplicitThis] case. if (!member["static"]) { assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype[member.name].apply(null, args); }, "calling operation with this = null didn't throw TypeError"); } // ". . . If O is not null and is also not a platform object // that implements interface I, throw a TypeError." // // TODO: Test a platform object that implements some other // interface. (Have to be sure to get inheritance right.) assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype[member.name].apply({}, args); }, "calling operation with this = {} didn't throw TypeError"); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: operation " + member.name + "(" + member.arguments.map(function(m) { return m.idlType.idlType; }) + ")"); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_member_stringifier = function(member) //@{ { test(function() { assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); if (this.has_extended_attribute("Callback")) { assert_false("prototype" in window[this.name], this.name + ' should not have a "prototype" property'); return; } assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // ". . . the property exists on the interface prototype object." var interfacePrototypeObject = window[this.name].prototype; assert_own_property(window[this.name].prototype, "toString", "interface prototype object missing non-static operation"); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(interfacePrototypeObject, "toString"); // "The property has attributes { [[Writable]]: B, // [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: B }, where B is false if the // stringifier is unforgeable on the interface, and true otherwise." assert_false("get" in desc, "property has getter"); assert_false("set" in desc, "property has setter"); assert_true(desc.writable, "property is not writable"); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); assert_true(desc.configurable, "property is not configurable"); // "The value of the property is a Function object, which behaves as // follows . . ." assert_equals(typeof interfacePrototypeObject.toString, "function", "property must be a function"); // "The value of the Function object’s “length” property is the Number // value 0." assert_equals(interfacePrototypeObject.toString.length, 0, "property has wrong .length"); // "Let O be the result of calling ToObject on the this value." assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype.toString.apply(null, []); }, "calling stringifier with this = null didn't throw TypeError"); // "If O is not an object that implements the interface on which the // stringifier was declared, then throw a TypeError." // // TODO: Test a platform object that implements some other // interface. (Have to be sure to get inheritance right.) assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { window[this.name].prototype.toString.apply({}, []); }, "calling stringifier with this = {} didn't throw TypeError"); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: stringifier"); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_members = function() //@{ { for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; if (member.untested) { continue; } switch (member.type) { case "const": this.test_member_const(member); break; case "attribute": // For unforgeable attributes, we do the checks in // test_interface_of instead. if (!member.has_extended_attribute("Unforgeable")) { this.test_member_attribute(member); } break; case "operation": // TODO: Need to correctly handle multiple operations with the same // identifier. if (member.name) { this.test_member_operation(member); } else if (member.stringifier) { this.test_member_stringifier(member); } break; default: // TODO: check more member types. break; } } }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_object = function(desc) //@{ { var obj, exception = null; try { obj = eval(desc); } catch(e) { exception = e; } // TODO: WebIDLParser doesn't currently support named legacycallers, so I'm // not sure what those would look like in the AST var expected_typeof = this.members.some(function(member) { return member.legacycaller || ("idlType" in member && member.idlType.legacycaller) || ("idlType" in member && typeof member.idlType == "object" && "idlType" in member.idlType && member.idlType.idlType == "legacycaller"); }) ? "function" : "object"; this.test_primary_interface_of(desc, obj, exception, expected_typeof); var current_interface = this; while (current_interface) { if (!(current_interface.name in this.array.members)) { throw "Interface " + current_interface.name + " not found (inherited by " + this.name + ")"; } if (current_interface.prevent_multiple_testing && current_interface.already_tested) { return; } current_interface.test_interface_of(desc, obj, exception, expected_typeof); current_interface = this.array.members[current_interface.base]; } }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_primary_interface_of = function(desc, obj, exception, expected_typeof) //@{ { // We can't easily test that its prototype is correct if there's no // interface object, or the object is from a different global environment // (not instanceof Object). TODO: test in this case that its prototype at // least looks correct, even if we can't test that it's actually correct. if (!this.has_extended_attribute("NoInterfaceObject") && (typeof obj != expected_typeof || obj instanceof Object)) { test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, expected_typeof, "wrong typeof object"); assert_own_property(window, this.name, "window does not have own property " + format_value(this.name)); assert_own_property(window[this.name], "prototype", 'interface "' + this.name + '" does not have own property "prototype"'); // "The value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of the // platform object is the interface prototype object of the primary // interface from the platform object’s associated global // environment." assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), window[this.name].prototype, desc + "'s prototype is not " + this.name + ".prototype"); }.bind(this), this.name + " must be primary interface of " + desc); } // "The class string of a platform object that implements one or more // interfaces must be the identifier of the primary interface of the // platform object." test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, expected_typeof, "wrong typeof object"); assert_class_string(obj, this.name, "class string of " + desc); if (!this.has_stringifier()) { assert_equals(String(obj), "[object " + this.name + "]", "String(" + desc + ")"); } }.bind(this), "Stringification of " + desc); }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.test_interface_of = function(desc, obj, exception, expected_typeof) //@{ { // TODO: Indexed and named properties, more checks on interface members this.already_tested = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { var member = this.members[i]; if (member.has_extended_attribute("Unforgeable")) { test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, expected_typeof, "wrong typeof object"); do_interface_attribute_asserts(obj, member); }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: " + desc + ' must have own property "' + member.name + '"'); } else if ((member.type == "const" || member.type == "attribute" || member.type == "operation") && member.name) { test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, expected_typeof, "wrong typeof object"); if (!member["static"]) { assert_inherits(obj, member.name); if (member.type == "const") { assert_equals(obj[member.name], constValue(member.value)); } if (member.type == "attribute") { // Attributes are accessor properties, so they might // legitimately throw an exception rather than returning // anything. var property, thrown = false; try { property = obj[member.name]; } catch (e) { thrown = true; } if (!thrown) { this.array.assert_type_is(property, member.idlType); } } if (member.type == "operation") { assert_equals(typeof obj[member.name], "function"); } } }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: " + desc + ' must inherit property "' + member.name + '" with the proper type (' + i + ')'); } // TODO: This is wrong if there are multiple operations with the same // identifier. // TODO: Test passing arguments of the wrong type. if (member.type == "operation" && member.name && member.arguments.length) { test(function() { assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception when evaluating object"); assert_equals(typeof obj, expected_typeof, "wrong typeof object"); if (!member["static"]) { assert_inherits(obj, member.name); } else { assert_false(member.name in obj); } var args = []; for (var i = 0; i < member.arguments.length; i++) { if (member.arguments[i].optional) { break; } assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { obj[member.name].apply(obj, args); }.bind(this), "Called with " + i + " arguments"); args.push(create_suitable_object(member.arguments[i].idlType)); } }.bind(this), this.name + " interface: calling " + member.name + "(" + member.arguments.map(function(m) { return m.idlType.idlType; }) + ") on " + desc + " with too few arguments must throw TypeError"); } } }; //@} IdlInterface.prototype.has_stringifier = function() //@{ { if (this.members.some(function(member) { return member.stringifier; })) { return true; } if (this.base && this.array.members[this.base].has_stringifier()) { return true; } return false; }; //@} function do_interface_attribute_asserts(obj, member) //@{ { // "For each attribute defined on the interface, there must exist a // corresponding property. If the attribute was declared with the // [Unforgeable] extended attribute, then the property exists on every // object that implements the interface. Otherwise, it exists on the // interface’s interface prototype object." // // This is called by test_self() with the prototype as obj, and by // test_interface_of() with the object as obj. assert_own_property(obj, member.name); // "The property has attributes { [[Get]]: G, [[Set]]: S, [[Enumerable]]: // true, [[Configurable]]: configurable }, where: // "configurable is false if the attribute was declared with the // [Unforgeable] extended attribute and true otherwise; // "G is the attribute getter, defined below; and // "S is the attribute setter, also defined below." var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, member.name); assert_false("value" in desc, 'property descriptor has value but is supposed to be accessor'); assert_false("writable" in desc, 'property descriptor has "writable" field but is supposed to be accessor'); assert_true(desc.enumerable, "property is not enumerable"); if (member.has_extended_attribute("Unforgeable")) { assert_false(desc.configurable, "[Unforgeable] property must not be configurable"); } else { assert_true(desc.configurable, "property must be configurable"); } // "The attribute getter is a Function object whose behavior when invoked // is as follows: // "... // "The value of the Function object’s “length” property is the Number // value 0." assert_equals(typeof desc.get, "function", "getter must be Function"); assert_equals(desc.get.length, 0, "getter length must be 0"); if (!member.has_extended_attribute("LenientThis")) { assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { desc.get.call({}); }.bind(this), "calling getter on wrong object type must throw TypeError"); } else { assert_equals(desc.get.call({}), undefined, "calling getter on wrong object type must return undefined"); } // TODO: Test calling setter on the interface prototype (should throw // TypeError in most cases). // // "The attribute setter is undefined if the attribute is declared readonly // and has neither a [PutForwards] nor a [Replaceable] extended attribute // declared on it. Otherwise, it is a Function object whose behavior when // invoked is as follows: // "... // "The value of the Function object’s “length” property is the Number // value 1." if (member.readonly && !member.has_extended_attribute("PutForwards") && !member.has_extended_attribute("Replaceable")) { assert_equals(desc.set, undefined, "setter must be undefined for readonly attributes"); } else { assert_equals(typeof desc.set, "function", "setter must be function for PutForwards, Replaceable, or non-readonly attributes"); assert_equals(desc.set.length, 1, "setter length must be 1"); if (!member.has_extended_attribute("LenientThis")) { assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() { desc.set.call({}); }.bind(this), "calling setter on wrong object type must throw TypeError"); } else { assert_equals(desc.set.call({}), undefined, "calling setter on wrong object type must return undefined"); } } } //@} /// IdlInterfaceMember /// function IdlInterfaceMember(obj) //@{ { /** * obj is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "ifMember" production. * We just forward all properties to this object without modification, * except for special extAttrs handling. */ for (var k in obj) { this[k] = obj[k]; } if (!("extAttrs" in this)) { this.extAttrs = []; } } //@} IdlInterfaceMember.prototype = Object.create(IdlObject.prototype); /// Internal helper functions /// function create_suitable_object(type) //@{ { /** * type is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "type" production. We * return a JavaScript value that matches the type, if we can figure out * how. */ if (type.nullable) { return null; } switch (type.idlType) { case "any": case "boolean": return true; case "byte": case "octet": case "short": case "unsigned short": case "long": case "unsigned long": case "long long": case "unsigned long long": case "float": case "double": case "unrestricted float": case "unrestricted double": return 7; case "DOMString": case "ByteString": case "USVString": return "foo"; case "object": return {a: "b"}; case "Node": return document.createTextNode("abc"); } return null; } //@} /// IdlEnum /// // Used for IdlArray.prototype.assert_type_is function IdlEnum(obj) //@{ { /** * obj is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "dictionary" * production. */ /** Self-explanatory. */ this.name = obj.name; /** An array of values produced by the "enum" production. */ this.values = obj.values; } //@} IdlEnum.prototype = Object.create(IdlObject.prototype); /// IdlTypedef /// // Used for IdlArray.prototype.assert_type_is function IdlTypedef(obj) //@{ { /** * obj is an object produced by the WebIDLParser.js "typedef" * production. */ /** Self-explanatory. */ this.name = obj.name; /** An array of values produced by the "typedef" production. */ this.values = obj.values; } //@} IdlTypedef.prototype = Object.create(IdlObject.prototype); }()); // vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 foldmarker=@{,@} foldmethod=marker: