/* * Copyright 2007-2009 WebDriver committers * Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc. * Portions copyright 2012 Software Freedom Conservancy * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/error.js"); let loader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"] .getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); let utils = {}; loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/EventUtils.js", utils); loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/ChromeUtils.js", utils); let keyModifierNames = { "VK_SHIFT": 'shiftKey', "VK_CONTROL": 'ctrlKey', "VK_ALT": 'altKey', "VK_META": 'metaKey' }; let keyCodes = { '\uE001': "VK_CANCEL", '\uE002': "VK_HELP", '\uE003': "VK_BACK_SPACE", '\uE004': "VK_TAB", '\uE005': "VK_CLEAR", '\uE006': "VK_RETURN", '\uE007': "VK_RETURN", '\uE008': "VK_SHIFT", '\uE009': "VK_CONTROL", '\uE00A': "VK_ALT", '\uE03D': "VK_META", '\uE00B': "VK_PAUSE", '\uE00C': "VK_ESCAPE", '\uE00D': "VK_SPACE", // printable '\uE00E': "VK_PAGE_UP", '\uE00F': "VK_PAGE_DOWN", '\uE010': "VK_END", '\uE011': "VK_HOME", '\uE012': "VK_LEFT", '\uE013': "VK_UP", '\uE014': "VK_RIGHT", '\uE015': "VK_DOWN", '\uE016': "VK_INSERT", '\uE017': "VK_DELETE", '\uE018': "VK_SEMICOLON", '\uE019': "VK_EQUALS", '\uE01A': "VK_NUMPAD0", '\uE01B': "VK_NUMPAD1", '\uE01C': "VK_NUMPAD2", '\uE01D': "VK_NUMPAD3", '\uE01E': "VK_NUMPAD4", '\uE01F': "VK_NUMPAD5", '\uE020': "VK_NUMPAD6", '\uE021': "VK_NUMPAD7", '\uE022': "VK_NUMPAD8", '\uE023': "VK_NUMPAD9", '\uE024': "VK_MULTIPLY", '\uE025': "VK_ADD", '\uE026': "VK_SEPARATOR", '\uE027': "VK_SUBTRACT", '\uE028': "VK_DECIMAL", '\uE029': "VK_DIVIDE", '\uE031': "VK_F1", '\uE032': "VK_F2", '\uE033': "VK_F3", '\uE034': "VK_F4", '\uE035': "VK_F5", '\uE036': "VK_F6", '\uE037': "VK_F7", '\uE038': "VK_F8", '\uE039': "VK_F9", '\uE03A': "VK_F10", '\uE03B': "VK_F11", '\uE03C': "VK_F12" }; function getKeyCode (c) { if (c in keyCodes) { return keyCodes[c]; } return c; }; function sendKeyDown (keyToSend, modifiers, document) { modifiers.type = "keydown"; sendSingleKey(keyToSend, modifiers, document); if (["VK_SHIFT", "VK_CONTROL", "VK_ALT", "VK_META"].indexOf(getKeyCode(keyToSend)) == -1) { modifiers.type = "keypress"; sendSingleKey(keyToSend, modifiers, document); } delete modifiers.type; } function sendKeyUp (keyToSend, modifiers, document) { modifiers.type = "keyup"; sendSingleKey(keyToSend, modifiers, document); delete modifiers.type; } function sendSingleKey (keyToSend, modifiers, document) { let keyCode = getKeyCode(keyToSend); if (keyCode in keyModifierNames) { let modName = keyModifierNames[keyCode]; modifiers[modName] = !modifiers[modName]; } else if (modifiers.shiftKey) { keyCode = keyCode.toUpperCase(); } utils.synthesizeKey(keyCode, modifiers, document); } function sendKeysToElement (document, element, keysToSend, successCallback, errorCallback, command_id, ignoreVisibility) { if (ignoreVisibility || checkVisible(element)) { element.focus(); let modifiers = { shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, metaKey: false }; let value = keysToSend.join(""); for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var c = value.charAt(i); sendSingleKey(c, modifiers, document); } successCallback(command_id); } else { errorCallback(new ElementNotVisibleError("Element is not visible"), command_id); } };