/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GLBlitHelper.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "ScopedGLHelpers.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "ImageContainer.h" #include "HeapCopyOfStackArray.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h" #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK #include "GrallocImages.h" #include "GLLibraryEGL.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID #include "GLImages.h" #endif using mozilla::layers::PlanarYCbCrImage; using mozilla::layers::PlanarYCbCrData; namespace mozilla { namespace gl { static void RenderbufferStorageBySamples(GLContext* aGL, GLsizei aSamples, GLenum aInternalFormat, const gfx::IntSize& aSize) { if (aSamples) { aGL->fRenderbufferStorageMultisample(LOCAL_GL_RENDERBUFFER, aSamples, aInternalFormat, aSize.width, aSize.height); } else { aGL->fRenderbufferStorage(LOCAL_GL_RENDERBUFFER, aInternalFormat, aSize.width, aSize.height); } } GLuint CreateTexture(GLContext* aGL, GLenum aInternalFormat, GLenum aFormat, GLenum aType, const gfx::IntSize& aSize, bool linear) { GLuint tex = 0; aGL->fGenTextures(1, &tex); ScopedBindTexture autoTex(aGL, tex); aGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, linear ? LOCAL_GL_LINEAR : LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); aGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, linear ? LOCAL_GL_LINEAR : LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); aGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); aGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); aGL->fTexImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, aInternalFormat, aSize.width, aSize.height, 0, aFormat, aType, nullptr); return tex; } GLuint CreateTextureForOffscreen(GLContext* aGL, const GLFormats& aFormats, const gfx::IntSize& aSize) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.color_texInternalFormat); MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.color_texFormat); MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.color_texType); return CreateTexture(aGL, aFormats.color_texInternalFormat, aFormats.color_texFormat, aFormats.color_texType, aSize); } GLuint CreateRenderbuffer(GLContext* aGL, GLenum aFormat, GLsizei aSamples, const gfx::IntSize& aSize) { GLuint rb = 0; aGL->fGenRenderbuffers(1, &rb); ScopedBindRenderbuffer autoRB(aGL, rb); RenderbufferStorageBySamples(aGL, aSamples, aFormat, aSize); return rb; } void CreateRenderbuffersForOffscreen(GLContext* aGL, const GLFormats& aFormats, const gfx::IntSize& aSize, bool aMultisample, GLuint* aColorMSRB, GLuint* aDepthRB, GLuint* aStencilRB) { GLsizei samples = aMultisample ? aFormats.samples : 0; if (aColorMSRB) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.samples > 0); MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.color_rbFormat); *aColorMSRB = CreateRenderbuffer(aGL, aFormats.color_rbFormat, samples, aSize); } if (aDepthRB && aStencilRB && aFormats.depthStencil) { *aDepthRB = CreateRenderbuffer(aGL, aFormats.depthStencil, samples, aSize); *aStencilRB = *aDepthRB; } else { if (aDepthRB) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.depth); *aDepthRB = CreateRenderbuffer(aGL, aFormats.depth, samples, aSize); } if (aStencilRB) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFormats.stencil); *aStencilRB = CreateRenderbuffer(aGL, aFormats.stencil, samples, aSize); } } } GLBlitHelper::GLBlitHelper(GLContext* gl) : mGL(gl) , mTexBlit_Buffer(0) , mTexBlit_VertShader(0) , mTex2DBlit_FragShader(0) , mTex2DRectBlit_FragShader(0) , mTex2DBlit_Program(0) , mTex2DRectBlit_Program(0) , mYFlipLoc(-1) , mTextureTransformLoc(-1) , mTexExternalBlit_FragShader(0) , mTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShader(0) , mTexExternalBlit_Program(0) , mTexYUVPlanarBlit_Program(0) , mFBO(0) , mSrcTexY(0) , mSrcTexCb(0) , mSrcTexCr(0) , mSrcTexEGL(0) , mYTexScaleLoc(-1) , mCbCrTexScaleLoc(-1) , mTexWidth(0) , mTexHeight(0) , mCurYScale(1.0f) , mCurCbCrScale(1.0f) { } GLBlitHelper::~GLBlitHelper() { DeleteTexBlitProgram(); GLuint tex[] = { mSrcTexY, mSrcTexCb, mSrcTexCr, mSrcTexEGL, }; mSrcTexY = mSrcTexCb = mSrcTexCr = mSrcTexEGL = 0; mGL->fDeleteTextures(ArrayLength(tex), tex); if (mFBO) { mGL->fDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mFBO); } mFBO = 0; } // Allowed to be destructive of state we restore in functions below. bool GLBlitHelper::InitTexQuadProgram(BlitType target) { const char kTexBlit_VertShaderSource[] = "\ #ifdef GL_ES \n\ precision mediump float; \n\ #endif \n\ attribute vec2 aPosition; \n\ \n\ uniform float uYflip; \n\ varying vec2 vTexCoord; \n\ \n\ void main(void) \n\ { \n\ vTexCoord = aPosition; \n\ vTexCoord.y = abs(vTexCoord.y - uYflip); \n\ vec2 vertPos = aPosition * 2.0 - 1.0; \n\ gl_Position = vec4(vertPos, 0.0, 1.0); \n\ } \n\ "; const char kTex2DBlit_FragShaderSource[] = "\ #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH \n\ precision highp float; \n\ #else \n\ prevision mediump float; \n\ #endif \n\ uniform sampler2D uTexUnit; \n\ \n\ varying vec2 vTexCoord; \n\ \n\ void main(void) \n\ { \n\ gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexUnit, vTexCoord); \n\ } \n\ "; const char kTex2DRectBlit_FragShaderSource[] = "\ #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH \n\ precision highp float; \n\ #else \n\ precision mediump float; \n\ #endif \n\ \n\ uniform sampler2D uTexUnit; \n\ uniform vec2 uTexCoordMult; \n\ \n\ varying vec2 vTexCoord; \n\ \n\ void main(void) \n\ { \n\ gl_FragColor = texture2DRect(uTexUnit, \n\ vTexCoord * uTexCoordMult); \n\ } \n\ "; #ifdef ANDROID /* MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID || MOZ_WIDGET_GONK */ const char kTexExternalBlit_FragShaderSource[] = "\ #extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require \n\ #ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH \n\ precision highp float; \n\ #else \n\ precision mediump float; \n\ #endif \n\ varying vec2 vTexCoord; \n\ uniform mat4 uTextureTransform; \n\ uniform samplerExternalOES uTexUnit; \n\ \n\ void main() \n\ { \n\ gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexUnit, \n\ (uTextureTransform * vec4(vTexCoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy); \n\ } \n\ "; #endif /* From Rec601: [R] [1.1643835616438356, 0.0, 1.5960267857142858] [ Y - 16] [G] = [1.1643835616438358, -0.3917622900949137, -0.8129676472377708] x [Cb - 128] [B] [1.1643835616438356, 2.017232142857143, 8.862867620416422e-17] [Cr - 128] For [0,1] instead of [0,255], and to 5 places: [R] [1.16438, 0.00000, 1.59603] [ Y - 0.06275] [G] = [1.16438, -0.39176, -0.81297] x [Cb - 0.50196] [B] [1.16438, 2.01723, 0.00000] [Cr - 0.50196] */ const char kTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShaderSource[] = "\ #ifdef GL_ES \n\ precision mediump float \n\ #endif \n\ varying vec2 vTexCoord; \n\ uniform sampler2D uYTexture; \n\ uniform sampler2D uCbTexture; \n\ uniform sampler2D uCrTexture; \n\ uniform vec2 uYTexScale; \n\ uniform vec2 uCbCrTexScale; \n\ void main() \n\ { \n\ float y = texture2D(uYTexture, vTexCoord * uYTexScale).r; \n\ float cb = texture2D(uCbTexture, vTexCoord * uCbCrTexScale).r; \n\ float cr = texture2D(uCrTexture, vTexCoord * uCbCrTexScale).r; \n\ y = (y - 0.06275) * 1.16438; \n\ cb = cb - 0.50196; \n\ cr = cr - 0.50196; \n\ gl_FragColor.r = y + cr * 1.59603; \n\ gl_FragColor.g = y - 0.81297 * cr - 0.39176 * cb; \n\ gl_FragColor.b = y + cb * 2.01723; \n\ gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; \n\ } \n\ "; bool success = false; GLuint *programPtr; GLuint *fragShaderPtr; const char* fragShaderSource; switch (target) { case BlitTex2D: programPtr = &mTex2DBlit_Program; fragShaderPtr = &mTex2DBlit_FragShader; fragShaderSource = kTex2DBlit_FragShaderSource; break; case BlitTexRect: programPtr = &mTex2DRectBlit_Program; fragShaderPtr = &mTex2DRectBlit_FragShader; fragShaderSource = kTex2DRectBlit_FragShaderSource; break; #ifdef ANDROID case ConvertSurfaceTexture: case ConvertGralloc: programPtr = &mTexExternalBlit_Program; fragShaderPtr = &mTexExternalBlit_FragShader; fragShaderSource = kTexExternalBlit_FragShaderSource; break; #endif case ConvertPlanarYCbCr: programPtr = &mTexYUVPlanarBlit_Program; fragShaderPtr = &mTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShader; fragShaderSource = kTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShaderSource; break; default: return false; } GLuint& program = *programPtr; GLuint& fragShader = *fragShaderPtr; // Use do-while(false) to let us break on failure do { if (program) { // Already have it... success = true; break; } if (!mTexBlit_Buffer) { /* CCW tri-strip: * 2---3 * | \ | * 0---1 */ GLfloat verts[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; HeapCopyOfStackArray vertsOnHeap(verts); MOZ_ASSERT(!mTexBlit_Buffer); mGL->fGenBuffers(1, &mTexBlit_Buffer); mGL->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mTexBlit_Buffer); // Make sure we have a sane size. mGL->fBufferData(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertsOnHeap.ByteLength(), vertsOnHeap.Data(), LOCAL_GL_STATIC_DRAW); } if (!mTexBlit_VertShader) { const char* vertShaderSource = kTexBlit_VertShaderSource; mTexBlit_VertShader = mGL->fCreateShader(LOCAL_GL_VERTEX_SHADER); mGL->fShaderSource(mTexBlit_VertShader, 1, &vertShaderSource, nullptr); mGL->fCompileShader(mTexBlit_VertShader); } MOZ_ASSERT(!fragShader); fragShader = mGL->fCreateShader(LOCAL_GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); mGL->fShaderSource(fragShader, 1, &fragShaderSource, nullptr); mGL->fCompileShader(fragShader); program = mGL->fCreateProgram(); mGL->fAttachShader(program, mTexBlit_VertShader); mGL->fAttachShader(program, fragShader); mGL->fBindAttribLocation(program, 0, "aPosition"); mGL->fLinkProgram(program); if (mGL->DebugMode()) { GLint status = 0; mGL->fGetShaderiv(mTexBlit_VertShader, LOCAL_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (status != LOCAL_GL_TRUE) { NS_ERROR("Vert shader compilation failed."); GLint length = 0; mGL->fGetShaderiv(mTexBlit_VertShader, LOCAL_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); if (!length) { printf_stderr("No shader info log available.\n"); break; } nsAutoArrayPtr buffer(new char[length]); mGL->fGetShaderInfoLog(mTexBlit_VertShader, length, nullptr, buffer); printf_stderr("Shader info log (%d bytes): %s\n", length, buffer.get()); break; } status = 0; mGL->fGetShaderiv(fragShader, LOCAL_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (status != LOCAL_GL_TRUE) { NS_ERROR("Frag shader compilation failed."); GLint length = 0; mGL->fGetShaderiv(fragShader, LOCAL_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); if (!length) { printf_stderr("No shader info log available.\n"); break; } nsAutoArrayPtr buffer(new char[length]); mGL->fGetShaderInfoLog(fragShader, length, nullptr, buffer); printf_stderr("Shader info log (%d bytes): %s\n", length, buffer.get()); break; } } GLint status = 0; mGL->fGetProgramiv(program, LOCAL_GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); if (status != LOCAL_GL_TRUE) { if (mGL->DebugMode()) { NS_ERROR("Linking blit program failed."); GLint length = 0; mGL->fGetProgramiv(program, LOCAL_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); if (!length) { printf_stderr("No program info log available.\n"); break; } nsAutoArrayPtr buffer(new char[length]); mGL->fGetProgramInfoLog(program, length, nullptr, buffer); printf_stderr("Program info log (%d bytes): %s\n", length, buffer.get()); } break; } // Cache and set attribute and uniform mGL->fUseProgram(program); switch (target) { case BlitTex2D: case BlitTexRect: case ConvertSurfaceTexture: case ConvertGralloc: { #ifdef ANDROID GLint texUnitLoc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uTexUnit"); MOZ_ASSERT(texUnitLoc != -1, "uniform uTexUnit not found"); mGL->fUniform1i(texUnitLoc, 0); break; #endif } case ConvertPlanarYCbCr: { GLint texY = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uYTexture"); GLint texCb = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uCbTexture"); GLint texCr = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uCrTexture"); mYTexScaleLoc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uYTexScale"); mCbCrTexScaleLoc= mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uCbCrTexScale"); DebugOnly hasUniformLocations = texY != -1 && texCb != -1 && texCr != -1 && mYTexScaleLoc != -1 && mCbCrTexScaleLoc != -1; MOZ_ASSERT(hasUniformLocations, "uniforms not found"); mGL->fUniform1i(texY, Channel_Y); mGL->fUniform1i(texCb, Channel_Cb); mGL->fUniform1i(texCr, Channel_Cr); break; } } MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->fGetAttribLocation(program, "aPosition") == 0); mYFlipLoc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uYflip"); MOZ_ASSERT(mYFlipLoc != -1, "uniform: uYflip not found"); mTextureTransformLoc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(program, "uTextureTransform"); if (mTextureTransformLoc >= 0) { // Set identity matrix as default gfx::Matrix4x4 identity; mGL->fUniformMatrix4fv(mTextureTransformLoc, 1, false, &identity._11); } success = true; } while (false); if (!success) { // Clean up: DeleteTexBlitProgram(); return false; } mGL->fUseProgram(program); mGL->fEnableVertexAttribArray(0); mGL->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mTexBlit_Buffer); mGL->fVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, false, 0, nullptr); return true; } bool GLBlitHelper::UseTexQuadProgram(BlitType target, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize) { if (!InitTexQuadProgram(target)) { return false; } if (target == BlitTexRect) { GLint texCoordMultLoc = mGL->fGetUniformLocation(mTex2DRectBlit_Program, "uTexCoordMult"); MOZ_ASSERT(texCoordMultLoc != -1, "uniform not found"); mGL->fUniform2f(texCoordMultLoc, srcSize.width, srcSize.height); } return true; } void GLBlitHelper::DeleteTexBlitProgram() { if (mTexBlit_Buffer) { mGL->fDeleteBuffers(1, &mTexBlit_Buffer); mTexBlit_Buffer = 0; } if (mTexBlit_VertShader) { mGL->fDeleteShader(mTexBlit_VertShader); mTexBlit_VertShader = 0; } if (mTex2DBlit_FragShader) { mGL->fDeleteShader(mTex2DBlit_FragShader); mTex2DBlit_FragShader = 0; } if (mTex2DRectBlit_FragShader) { mGL->fDeleteShader(mTex2DRectBlit_FragShader); mTex2DRectBlit_FragShader = 0; } if (mTex2DBlit_Program) { mGL->fDeleteProgram(mTex2DBlit_Program); mTex2DBlit_Program = 0; } if (mTex2DRectBlit_Program) { mGL->fDeleteProgram(mTex2DRectBlit_Program); mTex2DRectBlit_Program = 0; } if (mTexExternalBlit_FragShader) { mGL->fDeleteShader(mTexExternalBlit_FragShader); mTexExternalBlit_FragShader = 0; } if (mTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShader) { mGL->fDeleteShader(mTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShader); mTexYUVPlanarBlit_FragShader = 0; } if (mTexExternalBlit_Program) { mGL->fDeleteProgram(mTexExternalBlit_Program); mTexExternalBlit_Program = 0; } if (mTexYUVPlanarBlit_Program) { mGL->fDeleteProgram(mTexYUVPlanarBlit_Program); mTexYUVPlanarBlit_Program = 0; } } void GLBlitHelper::BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(GLuint srcFB, GLuint destFB, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, bool internalFBs) { MOZ_ASSERT(!srcFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(srcFB)); MOZ_ASSERT(!destFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(destFB)); MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->IsSupported(GLFeature::framebuffer_blit)); ScopedBindFramebuffer boundFB(mGL); ScopedGLState scissor(mGL, LOCAL_GL_SCISSOR_TEST, false); if (internalFBs) { mGL->Screen()->BindReadFB_Internal(srcFB); mGL->Screen()->BindDrawFB_Internal(destFB); } else { mGL->BindReadFB(srcFB); mGL->BindDrawFB(destFB); } mGL->fBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, srcSize.width, srcSize.height, 0, 0, destSize.width, destSize.height, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); } void GLBlitHelper::BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(GLuint srcFB, GLuint destFB, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, const GLFormats& srcFormats, bool internalFBs) { MOZ_ASSERT(!srcFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(srcFB)); MOZ_ASSERT(!destFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(destFB)); if (mGL->IsSupported(GLFeature::framebuffer_blit)) { BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(srcFB, destFB, srcSize, destSize, internalFBs); return; } GLuint tex = CreateTextureForOffscreen(mGL, srcFormats, srcSize); MOZ_ASSERT(tex); BlitFramebufferToTexture(srcFB, tex, srcSize, srcSize, internalFBs); BlitTextureToFramebuffer(tex, destFB, srcSize, destSize, internalFBs); mGL->fDeleteTextures(1, &tex); } void GLBlitHelper::BindAndUploadYUVTexture(Channel which, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, void* data, bool needsAllocation) { MOZ_ASSERT(which < Channel_Max, "Invalid channel!"); GLuint* srcTexArr[3] = {&mSrcTexY, &mSrcTexCb, &mSrcTexCr}; GLuint& tex = *srcTexArr[which]; if (!tex) { MOZ_ASSERT(needsAllocation); tex = CreateTexture(mGL, LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE, LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, gfx::IntSize(width, height), false); } mGL->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + which); mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); if (!needsAllocation) { mGL->fTexSubImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, width, height, LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); } else { mGL->fTexImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE, width, height, 0, LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE, LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); } } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK void GLBlitHelper::BindAndUploadExternalTexture(EGLImage image) { MOZ_ASSERT(image != EGL_NO_IMAGE, "Bad EGLImage"); if (!mSrcTexEGL) { mGL->fGenTextures(1, &mSrcTexEGL); mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mSrcTexEGL); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); } else { mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mSrcTexEGL); } mGL->fEGLImageTargetTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, image); } bool GLBlitHelper::BlitGrallocImage(layers::GrallocImage* grallocImage, bool yFlip) { ScopedBindTextureUnit boundTU(mGL, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0); mGL->fClear(LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); EGLint attrs[] = { LOCAL_EGL_IMAGE_PRESERVED, LOCAL_EGL_TRUE, LOCAL_EGL_NONE, LOCAL_EGL_NONE }; EGLImage image = sEGLLibrary.fCreateImage(sEGLLibrary.Display(), EGL_NO_CONTEXT, LOCAL_EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_ANDROID, grallocImage->GetNativeBuffer(), attrs); if (image == EGL_NO_IMAGE) return false; int oldBinding = 0; mGL->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_EXTERNAL_OES, &oldBinding); BindAndUploadExternalTexture(image); mGL->fUniform1f(mYFlipLoc, yFlip ? (float)1.0f : (float)0.0f); mGL->fDrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); sEGLLibrary.fDestroyImage(sEGLLibrary.Display(), image); mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, oldBinding); return true; } #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID bool GLBlitHelper::BlitSurfaceTextureImage(layers::SurfaceTextureImage* stImage) { AndroidSurfaceTexture* surfaceTexture = stImage->GetData()->mSurfTex; bool yFlip = stImage->GetData()->mInverted; ScopedBindTextureUnit boundTU(mGL, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0); mGL->fClear(LOCAL_GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); if (!surfaceTexture->Attach(mGL)) { return false; } // UpdateTexImage() changes the EXTERNAL binding, so save it here // so we can restore it after. int oldBinding = 0; mGL->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_EXTERNAL, &oldBinding); surfaceTexture->UpdateTexImage(); Matrix4x4 transform; surfaceTexture->GetTransformMatrix(transform); mGL->fUniformMatrix4fv(mTextureTransformLoc, 1, false, &transform._11); mGL->fUniform1f(mYFlipLoc, yFlip ? 1.0f : 0.0f); mGL->fDrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); surfaceTexture->Detach(); mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, oldBinding); return true; } #endif bool GLBlitHelper::BlitPlanarYCbCrImage(layers::PlanarYCbCrImage* yuvImage, bool yFlip) { ScopedBindTextureUnit boundTU(mGL, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0); const PlanarYCbCrData* yuvData = yuvImage->GetData(); bool needsAllocation = false; if (mTexWidth != yuvData->mYStride || mTexHeight != yuvData->mYSize.height) { mTexWidth = yuvData->mYStride; mTexHeight = yuvData->mYSize.height; needsAllocation = true; } GLint oldTex[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mGL->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + i); mGL->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &oldTex[i]); } BindAndUploadYUVTexture(Channel_Y, yuvData->mYStride, yuvData->mYSize.height, yuvData->mYChannel, needsAllocation); BindAndUploadYUVTexture(Channel_Cb, yuvData->mCbCrStride, yuvData->mCbCrSize.height, yuvData->mCbChannel, needsAllocation); BindAndUploadYUVTexture(Channel_Cr, yuvData->mCbCrStride, yuvData->mCbCrSize.height, yuvData->mCrChannel, needsAllocation); mGL->fUniform1f(mYFlipLoc, yFlip ? (float)1.0 : (float)0.0); if (needsAllocation) { mGL->fUniform2f(mYTexScaleLoc, (float)yuvData->mYSize.width/yuvData->mYStride, 1.0f); mGL->fUniform2f(mCbCrTexScaleLoc, (float)yuvData->mCbCrSize.width/yuvData->mCbCrStride, 1.0f); } mGL->fDrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mGL->fActiveTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0 + i); mGL->fBindTexture(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, oldTex[i]); } return true; } bool GLBlitHelper::BlitImageToFramebuffer(layers::Image* srcImage, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, GLuint destFB, bool yFlip, GLuint xoffset, GLuint yoffset, GLuint cropWidth, GLuint cropHeight) { ScopedGLDrawState autoStates(mGL); BlitType type; switch (srcImage->GetFormat()) { case ImageFormat::PLANAR_YCBCR: type = ConvertPlanarYCbCr; break; case ImageFormat::GRALLOC_PLANAR_YCBCR: #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK type = ConvertGralloc; break; #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID case ImageFormat::SURFACE_TEXTURE: type = ConvertSurfaceTexture; break; #endif default: return false; } bool init = InitTexQuadProgram(type); if (!init) { return false; } ScopedBindFramebuffer boundFB(mGL, destFB); mGL->fColorMask(LOCAL_GL_TRUE, LOCAL_GL_TRUE, LOCAL_GL_TRUE, LOCAL_GL_TRUE); mGL->fViewport(0, 0, destSize.width, destSize.height); if (xoffset != 0 && yoffset != 0 && cropWidth != 0 && cropHeight != 0) { mGL->fEnable(LOCAL_GL_SCISSOR_TEST); mGL->fScissor(xoffset, yoffset, (GLsizei)cropWidth, (GLsizei)cropHeight); } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GONK if (type == ConvertGralloc) { layers::GrallocImage* grallocImage = static_cast(srcImage); return BlitGrallocImage(grallocImage, yFlip); } #endif if (type == ConvertPlanarYCbCr) { mGL->fPixelStorei(LOCAL_GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); PlanarYCbCrImage* yuvImage = static_cast(srcImage); return BlitPlanarYCbCrImage(yuvImage, yFlip); } #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID if (type == ConvertSurfaceTexture) { layers::SurfaceTextureImage* stImage = static_cast(srcImage); return BlitSurfaceTextureImage(stImage); } #endif return false; } bool GLBlitHelper::BlitImageToTexture(layers::Image* srcImage, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, GLuint destTex, GLenum destTarget, bool yFlip, GLuint xoffset, GLuint yoffset, GLuint cropWidth, GLuint cropHeight) { ScopedGLDrawState autoStates(mGL); if (!mFBO) { mGL->fGenFramebuffers(1, &mFBO); } ScopedBindFramebuffer boundFB(mGL, mFBO); mGL->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, destTarget, destTex, 0); return BlitImageToFramebuffer(srcImage, destSize, mFBO, yFlip, xoffset, yoffset, cropWidth, cropHeight); } void GLBlitHelper::BlitTextureToFramebuffer(GLuint srcTex, GLuint destFB, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, GLenum srcTarget, bool internalFBs) { MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->fIsTexture(srcTex)); MOZ_ASSERT(!destFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(destFB)); if (mGL->IsSupported(GLFeature::framebuffer_blit)) { ScopedFramebufferForTexture srcWrapper(mGL, srcTex, srcTarget); MOZ_ASSERT(srcWrapper.IsComplete()); BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(srcWrapper.FB(), destFB, srcSize, destSize, internalFBs); return; } BlitType type; switch (srcTarget) { case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D: type = BlitTex2D; break; case LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB: type = BlitTexRect; break; default: printf_stderr("Fatal Error: Failed to prepare to blit texture->framebuffer.\n"); MOZ_CRASH(); break; } ScopedGLDrawState autoStates(mGL); if (internalFBs) { mGL->Screen()->BindFB_Internal(destFB); } else { mGL->BindFB(destFB); } // Does destructive things to (only!) what we just saved above. bool good = UseTexQuadProgram(type, srcSize); if (!good) { // We're up against the wall, so bail. // This should really be MOZ_CRASH(why) or MOZ_RUNTIME_ASSERT(good). printf_stderr("Fatal Error: Failed to prepare to blit texture->framebuffer.\n"); MOZ_CRASH(); } mGL->fDrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); } void GLBlitHelper::BlitFramebufferToTexture(GLuint srcFB, GLuint destTex, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, GLenum destTarget, bool internalFBs) { MOZ_ASSERT(!srcFB || mGL->fIsFramebuffer(srcFB)); MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->fIsTexture(destTex)); if (mGL->IsSupported(GLFeature::framebuffer_blit)) { ScopedFramebufferForTexture destWrapper(mGL, destTex, destTarget); BlitFramebufferToFramebuffer(srcFB, destWrapper.FB(), srcSize, destSize, internalFBs); return; } ScopedBindTexture autoTex(mGL, destTex, destTarget); ScopedBindFramebuffer boundFB(mGL); if (internalFBs) { mGL->Screen()->BindFB_Internal(srcFB); } else { mGL->BindFB(srcFB); } ScopedGLState scissor(mGL, LOCAL_GL_SCISSOR_TEST, false); mGL->fCopyTexSubImage2D(destTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, srcSize.width, srcSize.height); } void GLBlitHelper::BlitTextureToTexture(GLuint srcTex, GLuint destTex, const gfx::IntSize& srcSize, const gfx::IntSize& destSize, GLenum srcTarget, GLenum destTarget) { MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->fIsTexture(srcTex)); MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->fIsTexture(destTex)); // Generally, just use the CopyTexSubImage path ScopedFramebufferForTexture srcWrapper(mGL, srcTex, srcTarget); BlitFramebufferToTexture(srcWrapper.FB(), destTex, srcSize, destSize, destTarget); } } }