/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm"); function test() { let cw; let win; let prefix; let getToolbar = function () { return win.document.getElementById("TabsToolbar"); } let assertToolbarButtonExists = function () { isnot(getToolbar().currentSet.indexOf("tabview-button"), -1, prefix + ": panorama button should be in the toolbar"); } let assertToolbarButtonNotExists = function () { is(getToolbar().currentSet.indexOf("tabview-button"), -1, prefix + ": panorama button should not be in the toolbar"); } let assertNumberOfTabs = function (num) { is(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, num, prefix + ': there are ' + num + ' tabs'); } let removeToolbarButton = function () { let toolbar = getToolbar(); let currentSet = toolbar.currentSet.split(","); let buttonId = "tabview-button"; let pos = currentSet.indexOf(buttonId); if (-1 < pos) { CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("tabview-button"); } } let testNameGroup = function () { prefix = 'name-group'; assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0]; groupItem.setTitle('title'); assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); groupItem.setTitle(''); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(groupItem.$titleShield[0], {}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeKey('t', {}, cw); groupItem.$title[0].blur(); assertToolbarButtonExists(); next(); } let testDragToCreateGroup = function () { prefix = 'drag-to-create-group'; assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); let width = cw.innerWidth; let height = cw.innerHeight; let body = cw.document.body; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(body, width - 10, height - 10, {type: 'mousedown'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(body, width - 200, height - 200, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(body, width - 200, height - 200, {type: 'mouseup'}, cw); assertToolbarButtonExists(); next(); } let testCreateOrphan = function (tab) { prefix = 'create-orphan'; assertNumberOfTabs(1); assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); let width = cw.innerWidth; let height = cw.innerHeight; let body = cw.document.body; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(body, width - 10, height - 10, { clickCount: 2 }, cw); whenTabViewIsHidden(function () { assertNumberOfTabs(2); assertToolbarButtonExists(); next(); }, win); } let testDragToCreateOrphan = function (tab) { if (!tab) { let tab = win.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank', {inBackground: true}); afterAllTabsLoaded(function () testDragToCreateOrphan(tab), win); return; } prefix = 'drag-to-create-orphan'; assertNumberOfTabs(2); assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); let width = cw.innerWidth; let height = cw.innerHeight; let target = tab._tabViewTabItem.container; let rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {type: 'mousedown'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, rect.width - 10, rect.height - 10, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, width - 300, height - 300, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(target, width - 200, height - 200, {type: 'mousemove'}, cw); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, {type: 'mouseup'}, cw); assertToolbarButtonExists(); next(); } let testReAddingAfterRemoval = function () { prefix = 're-adding-after-removal'; assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); win.TabView.firstUseExperienced = true; assertToolbarButtonExists(); removeToolbarButton(); assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); win.close(); newWindowWithTabView(function (newWin) { win = newWin; win.TabView.firstUseExperienced = true; assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); next(); }); } let tests = [testNameGroup, testDragToCreateGroup, testCreateOrphan, testDragToCreateOrphan, testReAddingAfterRemoval]; let next = function () { if (win) win.close(); let test = tests.shift(); if (!test) { finish(); return; } TabView.firstUseExperienced = false; let onLoad = function (newWin) { win = newWin; removeToolbarButton(); }; let onShow = function () { cw = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0]; groupItem.setSize(200, 200, true); groupItem.setUserSize(); SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function () { assertToolbarButtonNotExists(); test(); }, cw); }; newWindowWithTabView(onShow, onLoad); } waitForExplicitFinish(); requestLongerTimeout(2); next(); }