/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LightweightThemeConsumer"]; const {utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci, classes: Cc} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LightweightThemeImageOptimizer", "resource://gre/modules/addons/LightweightThemeImageOptimizer.jsm"); const kCSSVarsMap = new Map([ ["--lwt-background-alignment", "backgroundsAlignment"], ["--lwt-background-tiling", "backgroundsTiling"], ["--toolbar-bgcolor", "toolbarColor"], ["--url-and-searchbar-background-color", "toolbar_field"], ["--url-and-searchbar-color", "toolbar_field_text"] ]); this.LightweightThemeConsumer = function LightweightThemeConsumer(aDocument) { this._doc = aDocument; this._win = aDocument.defaultView; let screen = this._win.screen; this._lastScreenWidth = screen.width; this._lastScreenHeight = screen.height; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "lightweight-theme-styling-update"); var temp = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm", temp); this._update(temp.LightweightThemeManager.currentThemeForDisplay); this._win.addEventListener("resize", this); } LightweightThemeConsumer.prototype = { _lastData: null, _lastScreenWidth: null, _lastScreenHeight: null, // Whether the active lightweight theme should be shown on the window. _enabled: true, // Whether a lightweight theme is enabled. _active: false, enable() { this._enabled = true; this._update(this._lastData); }, disable() { // Dance to keep the data, but reset the applied styles: let lastData = this._lastData this._update(null); this._enabled = false; this._lastData = lastData; }, getData() { return this._enabled ? Cu.cloneInto(this._lastData, this._win) : null; }, observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic != "lightweight-theme-styling-update") return; const { outerWindowID } = this._win .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); const parsedData = JSON.parse(aData); if (parsedData && parsedData.window && parsedData.window !== outerWindowID) { return; } this._update(parsedData); }, handleEvent(aEvent) { let {width, height} = this._win.screen; if (this._lastScreenWidth != width || this._lastScreenHeight != height) { this._lastScreenWidth = width; this._lastScreenHeight = height; if (!this._active) return; this._update(this._lastData); Services.obs.notifyObservers(this._win, "lightweight-theme-optimized", JSON.stringify(this._lastData)); } }, destroy() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "lightweight-theme-styling-update"); this._win.removeEventListener("resize", this); this._win = this._doc = null; }, _update(aData) { if (!aData) { aData = { headerURL: "", footerURL: "", textcolor: "", accentcolor: "" }; this._lastData = aData; } else { this._lastData = aData; aData = LightweightThemeImageOptimizer.optimize(aData, this._win.screen); } if (!this._enabled) return; let root = this._doc.documentElement; let active = !!aData.headerURL; let stateChanging = (active != this._active); // We need to clear these either way: either because the theme is being removed, // or because we are applying a new theme and the data might be bogus CSS, // so if we don't reset first, it'll keep the old value. root.style.removeProperty("--lwt-text-color"); root.style.removeProperty("--lwt-accent-color"); let textcolor = aData.textcolor || "black"; _setProperty(root, active, "--lwt-text-color", textcolor); _setProperty(root, active, "--lwt-accent-color", aData.accentcolor || "white"); if (active) { let dummy = this._doc.createElement("dummy"); dummy.style.color = textcolor; let [r, g, b] = _parseRGB(this._doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(dummy).color); let luminance = 0.2125 * r + 0.7154 * g + 0.0721 * b; root.setAttribute("lwthemetextcolor", luminance <= 110 ? "dark" : "bright"); root.setAttribute("lwtheme", "true"); } else { root.removeAttribute("lwthemetextcolor"); root.removeAttribute("lwtheme"); } this._active = active; if (aData.icons) { let activeIcons = active ? Object.keys(aData.icons).join(" ") : ""; root.setAttribute("lwthemeicons", activeIcons); for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(aData.icons)) { _setImage(root, active, name, value); } } else { root.removeAttribute("lwthemeicons"); } _setImage(root, active, "--lwt-header-image", aData.headerURL); _setImage(root, active, "--lwt-footer-image", aData.footerURL); _setImage(root, active, "--lwt-additional-images", aData.additionalBackgrounds); _setProperties(root, active, aData); if (active && aData.footerURL) root.setAttribute("lwthemefooter", "true"); else root.removeAttribute("lwthemefooter"); // On OS X, we extend the lightweight theme into the titlebar, which means setting // the chromemargin attribute. Some XUL applications already draw in the titlebar, // so we need to save the chromemargin value before we overwrite it with the value // that lets us draw in the titlebar. We stash this value on the root attribute so // that XUL applications have the ability to invalidate the saved value. if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" && stateChanging) { if (!root.hasAttribute("chromemargin-nonlwtheme")) { root.setAttribute("chromemargin-nonlwtheme", root.getAttribute("chromemargin")); } if (active) { root.setAttribute("chromemargin", "0,-1,-1,-1"); } else { let defaultChromemargin = root.getAttribute("chromemargin-nonlwtheme"); if (defaultChromemargin) { root.setAttribute("chromemargin", defaultChromemargin); } else { root.removeAttribute("chromemargin"); } } } Services.obs.notifyObservers(this._win, "lightweight-theme-window-updated", JSON.stringify(aData)); } } function _setImage(aRoot, aActive, aVariableName, aURLs) { if (aURLs && !Array.isArray(aURLs)) { aURLs = [aURLs]; } _setProperty(aRoot, aActive, aVariableName, aURLs && aURLs.map(v => `url("${v.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}")`).join(",")); } function _setProperty(root, active, variableName, value) { if (active && value) { root.style.setProperty(variableName, value); } else { root.style.removeProperty(variableName); } } function _setProperties(root, active, vars) { for (let [cssVarName, varsKey] of kCSSVarsMap) { _setProperty(root, active, cssVarName, vars[varsKey]); } } function _parseRGB(aColorString) { var rgb = aColorString.match(/^rgba?\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)/); rgb.shift(); return rgb.map(x => parseInt(x)); }