/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "qmimedata.h" #include "qwidget.h" #include "qapplication.h" #include "qthread.h" #include "nsDragService.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsXPIDLString.h" #include "nsIDOMMouseEvent.h" NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsDragService, nsBaseDragService) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsDragService, nsBaseDragService) NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE2(nsDragService, nsIDragService, nsIDragSession ) nsDragService::nsDragService() : mDrag(NULL), mHiddenWidget(NULL) { } nsDragService::~nsDragService() { /* destructor code */ delete mHiddenWidget; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::SetDropActionType( uint32_t aActionType ) { mDropAction = Qt::IgnoreAction; if (aActionType & DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY) { mDropAction |= Qt::CopyAction; } if (aActionType & DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE) { mDropAction |= Qt::MoveAction; } if (aActionType & DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK) { mDropAction |= Qt::LinkAction; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::SetupDragSession( nsISupportsArray *aTransferables, uint32_t aActionType) { uint32_t itemCount = 0; aTransferables->Count(&itemCount); if (0 == itemCount) { NS_WARNING("No items to drag?"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (1 != itemCount) { NS_WARNING("Dragging more than one item, cannot do (yet?)"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } SetDropActionType(aActionType); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; nsCOMPtr genericItem; aTransferables->GetElementAt(0, getter_AddRefs(genericItem)); nsCOMPtr transferable(do_QueryInterface(genericItem)); if (transferable) { nsCOMPtr flavorList; transferable->FlavorsTransferableCanExport(getter_AddRefs(flavorList)); if (flavorList) { uint32_t flavorCount; flavorList->Count( &flavorCount ); for (uint32_t flavor=0; flavor < flavorCount; flavor++) { nsCOMPtr genericWrapper; flavorList->GetElementAt(flavor, getter_AddRefs(genericWrapper)); nsCOMPtr currentFlavor; currentFlavor = do_QueryInterface(genericWrapper); if (currentFlavor) { nsCOMPtr data; uint32_t dataLen = 0; nsXPIDLCString flavorStr; currentFlavor->ToString(getter_Copies(flavorStr)); // Is it some flavor we think we could support? if (!strcmp(kURLMime, flavorStr.get()) || !strcmp(kURLDataMime, flavorStr.get()) || !strcmp(kURLDescriptionMime, flavorStr.get()) || !strcmp(kHTMLMime, flavorStr.get()) || !strcmp(kUnicodeMime, flavorStr.get()) ) { transferable->GetTransferData(flavorStr,getter_AddRefs(data),&dataLen); nsCOMPtr wideString; wideString = do_QueryInterface(data); if (!wideString) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoString utf16string; wideString->GetData(utf16string); QByteArray ba((const char*) utf16string.get(), dataLen); mimeData->setData(flavorStr.get(), ba); } } } } } if (qApp->thread() != QThread::currentThread()) { NS_WARNING("Cannot initialize drag session in non main thread"); return NS_OK; } if (!mHiddenWidget) { mHiddenWidget = new QWidget(); } mDrag = new QDrag( mHiddenWidget ); // TODO: Better drag source here? mDrag->setMimeData(mimeData); // mDrag and mimeData SHOULD NOT be destroyed. They are destroyed by QT. return NS_OK; } /* void invokeDragSession (in nsIDOMNode aDOMNode, in nsISupportsArray aTransferables, in nsIScriptableRegion aRegion, in unsigned long aActionType); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::InvokeDragSession( nsIDOMNode *aDOMNode, nsISupportsArray *aTransferables, nsIScriptableRegion *aRegion, uint32_t aActionType) { nsBaseDragService::InvokeDragSession( aDOMNode, aTransferables, aRegion, aActionType); SetupDragSession( aTransferables, aActionType); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::ExecuteDrag() { if (qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread()) { mDrag->exec(mDropAction); } return NS_OK; } /* void invokeDragSessionWithImage ( nsIDOMNode DOMNode , nsISupportsArray transferableArray , nsIScriptableRegion region , uint32_t actionType , nsIDOMNode image , int32_t imageX , int32_t imageY , nsIDOMMouseEvent dragEvent ); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::InvokeDragSessionWithImage( nsIDOMNode *aDOMNode, nsISupportsArray*aTransferables, nsIScriptableRegion* aRegion, uint32_t aActionType, nsIDOMNode* aImage, int32_t aImageX, int32_t aImageY, nsIDOMDragEvent* aDragEvent, nsIDOMDataTransfer* aDataTransfer) { nsBaseDragService::InvokeDragSessionWithImage( aDOMNode, aTransferables, aRegion, aActionType, aImage, aImageX, aImageY, aDragEvent, aDataTransfer); SetupDragSession( aTransferables, aActionType); // Setup Image, and other stuff if (aImage) { // Use the custom image // (aImageX,aImageY) specifies the offset "within the image where // the cursor would be positioned" // So, convert the aImage to QPixmap and X and Y to q QPoint // and then: // mDrag->setPixmap( pixmap ) or mDrag->setDragCursor( pixmap ); // mDrad->setHotSpot( point ); // TODO: Not implemented yet as this cannot be currently tested NS_WARNING("Support for drag image not implemented"); } return ExecuteDrag(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::InvokeDragSessionWithSelection(nsISelection* aSelection, nsISupportsArray* aTransferableArray, uint32_t aActionType, nsIDOMDragEvent* aDragEvent, nsIDOMDataTransfer* aDataTransfer) { nsBaseDragService::InvokeDragSessionWithSelection( aSelection, aTransferableArray, aActionType, aDragEvent, aDataTransfer); SetupDragSession( aTransferableArray, aActionType); // Setup selection related properties // There is however nothing that needs to be set return ExecuteDrag(); } /* nsIDragSession getCurrentSession (); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::GetCurrentSession(nsIDragSession **_retval) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* void startDragSession (); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::StartDragSession() { return nsBaseDragService::StartDragSession(); } /* void endDragSession (in bool aDoneDrag); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::EndDragSession(bool aDoneDrag) { return nsBaseDragService::EndDragSession(aDoneDrag); } /* void fireDragEventAtSource (in unsigned long aMsg); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::FireDragEventAtSource(uint32_t aMsg) { return nsBaseDragService::FireDragEventAtSource(aMsg); } /* TODO: What is this? */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::Suppress() { return nsBaseDragService::Suppress(); } /* TODO: What is this? */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::Unsuppress() { return nsBaseDragService::Unsuppress(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDragService::DragMoved(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) { return nsBaseDragService::DragMoved(aX, aY); }