/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ #include "nsTextEditRules.h" #include "nsEditor.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIDOMElement.h" #include "nsIDOMNodeList.h" #include "nsIDOMSelection.h" #include "nsIDOMRange.h" #include "nsIDOMCharacterData.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIContentIterator.h" #include "nsIEnumerator.h" #include "nsLayoutCID.h" #include "nsIEditProperty.h" static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCContentIteratorCID, NS_CONTENTITERATOR_CID); #define CANCEL_OPERATION_IF_READONLY_OR_DISABLED \ if ((mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorReadonlyMask) || (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorDisabledMask)) \ { \ *aCancel = PR_TRUE; \ return NS_OK; \ }; /******************************************************** * Constructor/Destructor ********************************************************/ nsTextEditRules::nsTextEditRules() : mEditor(nsnull) , mFlags(0) // initialized to 0 ("no flags set"). Real initial value is given in Init() { } nsTextEditRules::~nsTextEditRules() { // do NOT delete mEditor here. We do not hold a ref count to mEditor. mEditor owns our lifespan. } /******************************************************** * Public methods ********************************************************/ NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::Init(nsHTMLEditor *aEditor, PRUint32 aFlags) { if (!aEditor) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } mEditor = aEditor; // we hold a non-refcounted reference back to our editor // call SetFlags only aftet mEditor has been initialized! SetFlags(aFlags); nsCOMPtr selection; mEditor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); NS_ASSERTION(selection, "editor cannot get selection"); nsresult res = CreateBogusNodeIfNeeded(selection); // this method handles null selection, which should never happen anyway return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::GetFlags(PRUint32 *aFlags) { if (!aFlags) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } *aFlags = mFlags; return NS_OK; } // Initial style for plaintext static char* PlaintextInitalStyle = "white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; width: 72ch; \ font-family: -moz-fixed; \ background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"; NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::SetFlags(PRUint32 aFlags) { if (mFlags == aFlags) return NS_OK; // XXX - this won't work if body element already has // a style attribute on it, don't know why. // SetFlags() is really meant to only be called once // and at editor init time. if (aFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPlaintextMask) { if (!(mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPlaintextMask)) { // we are converting TO a plaintext editor // put a "white-space: pre" style on the body nsCOMPtr bodyElement; nsresult res = mEditor->GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // not going through the editor to do this. // XXX This is not the right way to do this; we need an editor style // system so that we can add & replace style attrs. bodyElement->SetAttribute("style", PlaintextInitalStyle); } } mFlags = aFlags; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::WillDoAction(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsRulesInfo *aInfo, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled) { // null selection is legal if (!aInfo || !aCancel || !aHandled) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } #if defined(DEBUG_ftang) printf("nsTextEditRules::WillDoAction action= %d", aInfo->action); #endif *aCancel = PR_FALSE; *aHandled = PR_FALSE; // my kingdom for dynamic cast nsTextRulesInfo *info = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsTextRulesInfo*, aInfo); switch (info->action) { case kInsertBreak: return WillInsertBreak(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled); case kInsertText: case kInsertTextIME: return WillInsertText(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled, info->inString, info->outString, info->typeInState, info->maxLength); case kDeleteSelection: return WillDeleteSelection(aSelection, info->collapsedAction, aCancel, aHandled); case kUndo: return WillUndo(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled); case kRedo: return WillRedo(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled); case kSetTextProperty: return WillSetTextProperty(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled); case kRemoveTextProperty: return WillRemoveTextProperty(aSelection, aCancel, aHandled); case kOutputText: return WillOutputText(aSelection, info->outputFormat, info->outString, aCancel, aHandled); } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::DidDoAction(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsRulesInfo *aInfo, nsresult aResult) { if (!aSelection || !aInfo) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // my kingdom for dynamic cast nsTextRulesInfo *info = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsTextRulesInfo*, aInfo); switch (info->action) { case kInsertBreak: return DidInsertBreak(aSelection, aResult); case kInsertText: case kInsertTextIME: return DidInsertText(aSelection, aResult); case kDeleteSelection: return DidDeleteSelection(aSelection, info->collapsedAction, aResult); case kUndo: return DidUndo(aSelection, aResult); case kRedo: return DidRedo(aSelection, aResult); case kSetTextProperty: return DidSetTextProperty(aSelection, aResult); case kRemoveTextProperty: return DidRemoveTextProperty(aSelection, aResult); case kOutputText: return DidOutputText(aSelection, aResult); } // Don't fail on transactions we don't handle here! return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTextEditRules::DocumentIsEmpty(PRBool *aDocumentIsEmpty) { if (!aDocumentIsEmpty) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aDocumentIsEmpty = (mBogusNode.get() != nsnull); return NS_OK; } /******************************************************** * Protected methods ********************************************************/ nsresult nsTextEditRules::WillInsert(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel) { if (!aSelection || !aCancel) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; CANCEL_OPERATION_IF_READONLY_OR_DISABLED // initialize out param *aCancel = PR_FALSE; // check for the magic content node and delete it if it exists if (mBogusNode) { mEditor->DeleteNode(mBogusNode); mBogusNode = do_QueryInterface(nsnull); } // this next only works for collapsed selections right now, // because selection is a pain to work with when not collapsed. // (no good way to extend start or end of selection) PRBool bCollapsed; nsresult res = aSelection->GetIsCollapsed(&bCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!bCollapsed) return NS_OK; // if we are after a mozBR in the same block, then move selection // to be before it nsCOMPtr selNode, priorNode; PRInt32 selOffset; // get the (collapsed) selection location res = mEditor->GetStartNodeAndOffset(aSelection, &selNode, &selOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // get next node res = GetPriorHTMLNode(selNode, selOffset, &priorNode); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && priorNode && IsMozBR(priorNode)) { nsCOMPtr block1, block2; if (mEditor->IsBlockNode(selNode)) block1 = selNode; else block1 = mEditor->GetBlockNodeParent(selNode); block2 = mEditor->GetBlockNodeParent(priorNode); if (block1 != block2) return NS_OK; // if we are here then the selection is right after a mozBR // that is in the same block as the selection. We need to move // the selection start to be before the mozBR. res = nsEditor::GetNodeLocation(priorNode, &selNode, &selOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = aSelection->Collapse(selNode,selOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::DidInsert(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult) { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetTopEnclosingPre(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIDOMNode** aOutPreNode) { // check parms if (!aNode || !aOutPreNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aOutPreNode = 0; nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr node, parentNode; node = do_QueryInterface(aNode); while (node) { nsAutoString tag; nsEditor::GetTagString(node, tag); if (tag.Equals("pre", PR_TRUE)) *aOutPreNode = node; else if (tag.Equals("body", PR_TRUE)) break; res = node->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; node = parentNode; } NS_IF_ADDREF(*aOutPreNode); return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::WillInsertBreak(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled) { if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } CANCEL_OPERATION_IF_READONLY_OR_DISABLED *aHandled = PR_FALSE; if (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorSingleLineMask) { *aCancel = PR_TRUE; } else { *aCancel = PR_FALSE; // if the selection isn't collapsed, delete it. PRBool bCollapsed; nsresult res = aSelection->GetIsCollapsed(&bCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!bCollapsed) { res = mEditor->DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::eDoNothing); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } res = WillInsert(aSelection, aCancel); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // initialize out param // we want to ignore result of WillInsert() *aCancel = PR_FALSE; // Mail rule: split any
 tags in the way,
    // since they're probably quoted text.
    // For now, do this for all plaintext since mail is our main customer
    // and we don't currently set eEditorMailMask for plaintext mail.
    //if (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorMailMask)
      nsCOMPtr preNode, selNode;
      PRInt32 selOffset, newOffset;
      res = mEditor->GetStartNodeAndOffset(aSelection, &selNode, &selOffset);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

      // If any of the following fail, then just proceed with the
      // normal break insertion without worrying about the error
      res = GetTopEnclosingPre(selNode, getter_AddRefs(preNode));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && preNode)
        res = mEditor->SplitNodeDeep(preNode, selNode, selOffset, &newOffset);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
          res = preNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(selNode));
          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
            res = aSelection->Collapse(selNode, newOffset);
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::DidInsertBreak(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  // if we are at the end of the document, we need to insert 
  // a special mozBR following the normal br, and then set the
  // selection to after the mozBR.
  PRInt32 selOffset;
  nsCOMPtr nearNode, selNode;
  nsresult res;
  res = mEditor->GetStartNodeAndOffset(aSelection, &selNode, &selOffset);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  res = GetPriorHTMLNode(selNode, selOffset, &nearNode);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (nearNode && IsBreak(nearNode) && !IsMozBR(nearNode))
    PRBool bIsLast;
    res = IsLastEditableChild(nearNode, &bIsLast);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (bIsLast)
      // need to insert special moz BR. Why?  Because if we don't
      // the user will see no new line for the break.  Also, things
      // like table cells won't grow in height.
      nsCOMPtr brNode;
      res = CreateMozBR(selNode, selOffset, &brNode);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      res = nsEditor::GetNodeLocation(brNode, &selNode, &selOffset);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      res = aSelection->Collapse(selNode,selOffset+1);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // ok, the br inst the last child.  But it might be second-to-last
      // with a mozBR already exiting after it.  In this case we have to
      // move the selection to after the mozBR so it will show up on the
      // empty line.
	  nsCOMPtr nextNode;
	  res = GetNextHTMLNode(nearNode, &nextNode);
	  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	  if (IsMozBR(nextNode))
		res = nsEditor::GetNodeLocation(nextNode, &selNode, &selOffset);
		if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
		res = aSelection->Collapse(selNode,selOffset+1);
		if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::WillInsertText(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, 
                                PRBool          *aCancel, 
                                PRBool          *aHandled,
                                const nsString  *aInString,
                                nsString        *aOutString,
                                TypeInState      aTypeInState,
                                PRInt32          aMaxLength)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled || !aInString || !aOutString) 

  nsresult res;

  // initialize out params
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  *aHandled = PR_TRUE;
  *aOutString = *aInString;
  // handle docs with a max length
  res = TruncateInsertionIfNeeded(aSelection, aInString, aOutString, aMaxLength);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // handle password field docs
  if (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPasswordMask)
    res = EchoInsertionToPWBuff(aSelection, aOutString);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  // if the selection isn't collapsed, delete it.
  PRBool bCollapsed;
  res = aSelection->GetIsCollapsed(&bCollapsed);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!bCollapsed)
    res = mEditor->DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::eDoNothing);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  res = WillInsert(aSelection, aCancel);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // initialize out param
  // we want to ignore result of WillInsert()
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  // do text insertion
  PRBool bCancel;
  res = DoTextInsertion(aSelection, &bCancel, aOutString, aTypeInState);

  return res;

nsTextEditRules::DidInsertText(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, 
                               nsresult aResult)
  return DidInsert(aSelection, aResult);

nsTextEditRules::CreateStyleForInsertText(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, TypeInState &aTypeInState)
  // private method, we know aSelection is not null, and that it is collapsed
  NS_ASSERTION(nsnull!=aSelection, "bad selection");

  // We know at least one style is set and we're about to insert at least one character.
  // If the selection is in a text node, split the node (even if we're at the beginning or end)
  // then put the text node inside new inline style parents.
  // Otherwise, create the text node and the new inline style parents.
  PRInt32 offset;
  nsresult res = aSelection->GetAnchorNode( getter_AddRefs(anchor));
  // createNewTextNode is a flag that tells us whether we need to create a new text node or not
  PRBool createNewTextNode = PR_TRUE;
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && NS_SUCCEEDED(aSelection->GetAnchorOffset(&offset)) && anchor)
    anchorAsText = do_QueryInterface(anchor);
    if (anchorAsText)
      createNewTextNode = PR_FALSE;   // we found a text node, we'll base our insertion on it
      // create an empty text node by splitting the selected text node according to offset
      if (0==offset)
        res = mEditor->SplitNode(anchorAsText, offset, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
        PRUint32 length;
        if (length==(PRUint32)offset)
          // newTextNode will be the left node
          res = mEditor->SplitNode(anchorAsText, offset, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
          // but we want the right node in this case
          newTextNode = do_QueryInterface(anchor);
          // splitting anchor twice sets newTextNode as an empty text node between 
          // two halves of the original text node
          res = mEditor->SplitNode(anchorAsText, offset, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
					if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
						res = mEditor->SplitNode(anchorAsText, 0, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
      // now we have the new text node we are going to insert into.  
      // create style nodes or move it up the content hierarchy as needed.
      if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && newTextNode)
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_BOLD))
          if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetBold()) {
            res = InsertStyleNode(newTextNode, nsIEditProperty::b, aSelection, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
            res = newTextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
	          if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	          if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
            res = mEditor->RemoveTextPropertiesForNode (newTextNode, parent, 0, 0, nsIEditProperty::b, nsnull);
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_ITALIC))
          if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetItalic()) { 
            res = InsertStyleNode(newTextNode, nsIEditProperty::i, aSelection, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
            res = newTextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
	          if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	          if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
            res = mEditor->RemoveTextPropertiesForNode (newTextNode, parent, 0, 0, nsIEditProperty::i, nsnull);
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_UNDERLINE))
          if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetUnderline()) {
            res = InsertStyleNode(newTextNode, nsIEditProperty::u, aSelection, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
            res = newTextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
	          if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	          if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
            res = mEditor->RemoveTextPropertiesForNode (newTextNode, parent, 0, 0, nsIEditProperty::u, nsnull);
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_FONTCOLOR))
          nsAutoString value;
          nsAutoString attr;
          res = CreateFontStyleForInsertText(newTextNode, attr, value, aSelection);
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_FONTFACE))
          nsAutoString value;
          nsAutoString attr;
          res = CreateFontStyleForInsertText(newTextNode, attr, value, aSelection); 
        if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_FONTSIZE))
          nsAutoString value;
          nsAutoString attr;
          res = CreateFontStyleForInsertText(newTextNode, attr, value, aSelection);

  // we have no text node, so create a new style tag(s) with a newly created text node in it
  // this is a separate case from the code above because that code needs to handle turning
  // properties on and off, this code only turns them on
  if (PR_TRUE==createNewTextNode)  
    offset = 0;
    nsCOMPtrparent = do_QueryInterface(anchor);
    if (parent)
    { // we have a selection, get the offset within the parent
      res = aSelection->GetAnchorOffset(&offset);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
      nsCOMPtr bodyElement;
      res = mEditor->GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
      parent = do_QueryInterface(bodyElement);
      // offset already set to 0
    if (!parent) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

    nsAutoString attr, value;

    // now we've got the parent. insert the style tag(s)
    if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_BOLD))
      if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetBold()) { 
        res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                        nsIEditProperty::b, attr, value, 
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
    if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_ITALIC))
      if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetItalic()) { 
        res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                        nsIEditProperty::i, attr, value, 
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
      if (PR_TRUE==aTypeInState.GetUnderline()) { 
        res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                        nsIEditProperty::u, attr, value, 
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
      res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                      nsIEditProperty::font, attr, value, 
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
    if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_FONTFACE))
      res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                      nsIEditProperty::font, attr, value, 
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
    if (aTypeInState.IsSet(NS_TYPEINSTATE_FONTSIZE))
      res = InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(parent, offset, 
                                      nsIEditProperty::font, attr, value, 
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::CreateFontStyleForInsertText(nsIDOMNode      *aNewTextNode,
                                              const nsString  &aAttr, 
                                              const nsString  &aValue,
                                              nsIDOMSelection *aSelection)
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  if (0!=aValue.Length()) 
    res = InsertStyleNode(aNewTextNode, nsIEditProperty::font, aSelection, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!newStyleNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
    nsCOMPtrelement = do_QueryInterface(newStyleNode);
    if (element) {
      res = mEditor->SetAttribute(element, aAttr, aValue);
    res = aNewTextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
	  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	  if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
    res = mEditor->RemoveTextPropertiesForNode (aNewTextNode, parent, 0, 0, nsIEditProperty::font, &aAttr);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::InsertStyleNode(nsIDOMNode      *aNode, 
                                 nsIAtom         *aTag, 
                                 nsIDOMSelection *aSelection,
                                 nsIDOMNode     **aNewNode)
  NS_ASSERTION(aNode && aTag, "bad args");
  if (!aNode || !aTag) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

  nsresult res;
  res = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
	if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  nsAutoString tag;

  if (PR_FALSE == mEditor->CanContainTag(parent, tag)) {
    NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "bad use of InsertStyleNode");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;  // illegal place to insert the style tag

  PRInt32 offsetInParent;
  res = nsEditor::GetChildOffset(aNode, parent, offsetInParent);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  res = mEditor->CreateNode(tag, parent, offsetInParent, aNewNode);
	if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	if (!aNewNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  res = mEditor->DeleteNode(aNode);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
    res = mEditor->InsertNode(aNode, *aNewNode, 0);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
      if (aSelection) {
        res = aSelection->Collapse(aNode, 0);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::InsertStyleAndNewTextNode(nsIDOMNode *aParentNode, 
                                           PRInt32     aOffset, 
                                           nsIAtom    *aTag, 
                                           const nsString  &aAttr,
                                           const nsString  &aValue,
                                           nsIDOMSelection *aInOutSelection)
  NS_ASSERTION(aParentNode && aTag, "bad args");
  if (!aParentNode || !aTag) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

  nsresult res;
  // if the selection already points to a text node, just call InsertStyleNode()
  if (aInOutSelection)
    PRBool isCollapsed;
    if (PR_TRUE==isCollapsed)
      PRInt32 offset;
      res = aInOutSelection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(anchor));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!anchor) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
      res = aInOutSelection->GetAnchorOffset(&offset);  // remember where we were
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // if we have a text node, just wrap it in a new style node
      if (PR_TRUE==mEditor->IsTextNode(anchor))
        nsCOMPtr newStyleNode;
        res = InsertStyleNode(anchor, aTag, aInOutSelection, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }
        if (!newStyleNode) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

        // if we were given an attribute, set it on the new style node
        PRInt32 attrLength = aAttr.Length();
        if (0!=attrLength)
          nsCOMPtrnewStyleElement = do_QueryInterface(newStyleNode);
          res = mEditor->SetAttribute(newStyleElement, aAttr, aValue);
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
          res = aInOutSelection->Collapse(anchor, offset);
        return res;   // we return here because we used the text node passed into us via collapsed selection

  // if we get here, there is no selected text node so we create one.
  // first, create the style node
  nsAutoString tag;
  if (PR_FALSE == mEditor->CanContainTag(aParentNode, tag)) {
    NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "bad use of InsertStyleAndNewTextNode");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;  // illegal place to insert the style tag
  res = mEditor->CreateNode(tag, aParentNode, aOffset, getter_AddRefs(newStyleNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!newStyleNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // if we were given an attribute, set it on the new style node
  PRInt32 attrLength = aAttr.Length();
  if (0!=attrLength)
    nsCOMPtrnewStyleElement = do_QueryInterface(newStyleNode);
    res = mEditor->SetAttribute(newStyleElement, aAttr, aValue);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  // then create the text node
  nsAutoString textNodeTag;
  res = nsEditor::GetTextNodeTag(textNodeTag);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; }

  res = mEditor->CreateNode(textNodeTag, newStyleNode, 0, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode));
	if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	if (!newTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // if we have a selection collapse the selection to the beginning of the new text node
  if (aInOutSelection) {
    res = aInOutSelection->Collapse(newTextNode, 0);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::WillSetTextProperty(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) 
    { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  nsresult res = NS_OK;

  // XXX: should probably return a success value other than NS_OK that means "not allowed"
  if (nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPlaintextMask & mFlags) {
    *aCancel = PR_TRUE;
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::DidSetTextProperty(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::WillRemoveTextProperty(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) 
    { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  nsresult res = NS_OK;

  // XXX: should probably return a success value other than NS_OK that means "not allowed"
  if (nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPlaintextMask & mFlags) {
    *aCancel = PR_TRUE;
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::DidRemoveTextProperty(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::WillDeleteSelection(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, 
                                     nsIEditor::ESelectionCollapseDirection aCollapsedAction, 
                                     PRBool *aCancel,
                                     PRBool *aHandled)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

  // initialize out param
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  *aHandled = PR_FALSE;
  // if there is only bogus content, cancel the operation
  if (mBogusNode) {
    *aCancel = PR_TRUE;
    return NS_OK;
  if (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPasswordMask)
    // manage the password buffer
    PRInt32 start, end;
    mEditor->GetTextSelectionOffsets(aSelection, start, end);
    if (end==start)
    { // collapsed selection
      if (nsIEditor::eDeletePrevious==aCollapsedAction && 0GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
  NS_ASSERTION(PR_TRUE==isCollapsed, "selection not collapsed after delete selection.");
  // if the delete selection resulted in no content 
  // insert a special bogus text node with a   character in it.
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) // only do this work if DeleteSelection completed successfully
    res = CreateBogusNodeIfNeeded(aSelection);
    // if we don't have an empty document, check the selection to see if any collapsing is necessary
    if (!mBogusNode)
      // get the node that contains the selection point
      PRInt32 offset;
		  res = aSelection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(anchor));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!anchor) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
      res = aSelection->GetAnchorOffset(&offset);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // selectedNode is either the anchor itself, 
      // or if anchor has children, it's the referenced child node
      nsCOMPtr selectedNode = do_QueryInterface(anchor);
      PRBool hasChildren=PR_FALSE;
      if (PR_TRUE==hasChildren)
      { // if anchor has children, set selectedNode to the child pointed at        
        nsCOMPtr anchorChildren;
        res = anchor->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(anchorChildren));
        if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && anchorChildren) {              
          res = anchorChildren->Item(offset, getter_AddRefs(selectedNode));

      if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && selectedNode)
        selectedNodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(selectedNode);
        if (selectedNodeAsText)
          nsCOMPtr siblingNode;
          if (siblingNode)
            siblingNodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(siblingNode);
            if (siblingNodeAsText)
              PRUint32 siblingLength; // the length of siblingNode before the join
              nsCOMPtr parentNode;
              res = selectedNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
							if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
							if (!parentNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
              res = mEditor->JoinNodes(siblingNode, selectedNode, parentNode);
              // selectedNode will remain after the join, siblingNode is removed
          if (siblingNode)
            siblingNodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(siblingNode);
            if (siblingNodeAsText)
              PRUint32 selectedNodeLength; // the length of siblingNode before the join
              nsCOMPtr parentNode;
              res = selectedNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
							if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
							if (!parentNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

              res = mEditor->JoinNodes(selectedNode, siblingNode, parentNode);
        			if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
              // selectedNode will remain after the join, siblingNode is removed
              // set selection
              res = aSelection->Collapse(siblingNode, selectedNodeLength);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::WillUndo(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  // initialize out param
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  *aHandled = PR_FALSE;
  return NS_OK;

/* the idea here is to see if the magic empty node has suddenly reappeared as the res of the undo.
 * if it has, set our state so we remember it.
 * There is a tradeoff between doing here and at redo, or doing it everywhere else that might care.
 * Since undo and redo are relatively rare, it makes sense to take the (small) performance hit here.
nsTextEditRules:: DidUndo(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  nsresult res = aResult;  // if aResult is an error, we return it.
  if (!aSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) 
    if (mBogusNode) {
      mBogusNode = do_QueryInterface(nsnull);
      nsCOMPtr theBody;
      res = mEditor->GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(theBody));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!theBody) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      nsAutoString tagName("div");
      nsCOMPtr nodeList;
      res = theBody->GetElementsByTagName(tagName, getter_AddRefs(nodeList));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (nodeList)
        PRUint32 len;
        if (len != 1) return NS_OK;  // only in the case of one div could there be the bogus node
        nodeList->Item(0, getter_AddRefs(node));
        if (!node) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
        element = do_QueryInterface(node);
        if (element)
          nsAutoString att(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeAttr);
          nsAutoString val;
          (void)element->GetAttribute(att, val);
          if (val.Equals(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeValue)) 
            mBogusNode = do_QueryInterface(element);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::WillRedo(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRBool *aCancel, PRBool *aHandled)
  if (!aSelection || !aCancel || !aHandled) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  // initialize out param
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  *aHandled = PR_FALSE;
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::DidRedo(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  nsresult res = aResult;  // if aResult is an error, we return it.
  if (!aSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) 
    if (mBogusNode) {
      mBogusNode = do_QueryInterface(nsnull);
      nsCOMPtr theBody;
      res = mEditor->GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(theBody));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!theBody) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      nsAutoString tagName("div");
      nsCOMPtr nodeList;
      res = theBody->GetElementsByTagName(tagName, getter_AddRefs(nodeList));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (nodeList)
        PRUint32 len;
        if (len != 1) return NS_OK;  // only in the case of one div could there be the bogus node
        nodeList->Item(0, getter_AddRefs(node));
        if (!node) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
        element = do_QueryInterface(node);
        if (element)
          nsAutoString att(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeAttr);
          nsAutoString val;
          (void)element->GetAttribute(att, val);
          if (val.Equals(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeValue)) 
            mBogusNode = do_QueryInterface(element);
  return res;

nsTextEditRules::WillOutputText(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, 
                                const nsString  *aOutputFormat,
                                nsString *aOutString,                                
                                PRBool   *aCancel,
                                PRBool   *aHandled)
  // null selection ok
  if (!aOutString || !aOutputFormat || !aCancel || !aHandled) 
    { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }

  // initialize out param
  *aCancel = PR_FALSE;
  *aHandled = PR_FALSE;

  if (PR_TRUE == aOutputFormat->Equals("text/plain"))
  { // only use these rules for plain text output
    if (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPasswordMask)
      *aOutString = mPasswordText;
      *aHandled = PR_TRUE;
    else if (mBogusNode)
    { // this means there's no content, so output null string
      *aOutString = "";
      *aHandled = PR_TRUE;
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::DidOutputText(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsresult aResult)
  return NS_OK;

nsTextEditRules::CreateBogusNodeIfNeeded(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection)
  if (!aSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  if (!mEditor) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  if (mBogusNode) return NS_OK;  // let's not create more than one, ok?
	nsCOMPtr bodyElement;
	nsresult res = mEditor->GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));  
	if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
	if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
	nsCOMPtrbodyNode = do_QueryInterface(bodyElement);

  // now we've got the body tag.
  // iterate the body tag, looking for editable content
  // if no editable content is found, insert the bogus node
  PRBool needsBogusContent=PR_TRUE;
  res = bodyNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(bodyChild));        
  while ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && bodyChild)
    if (PR_TRUE==mEditor->IsEditable(bodyChild))
      needsBogusContent = PR_FALSE;
    bodyChild = do_QueryInterface(temp);
  if (PR_TRUE==needsBogusContent)
    // set mBogusNode to be the newly created 
res = mEditor->CreateNode(nsAutoString("br"), bodyNode, 0, getter_AddRefs(mBogusNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!mBogusNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // give it a special attribute nsCOMPtrnewPElement; newPElement = do_QueryInterface(mBogusNode); if (newPElement) { nsAutoString att(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeAttr); nsAutoString val(nsEditor::kMOZEditorBogusNodeValue); newPElement->SetAttribute(att, val); } } return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::TruncateInsertionIfNeeded(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, const nsString *aInString, nsString *aOutString, PRInt32 aMaxLength) { if (!aSelection || !aInString || !aOutString) {return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;} nsresult res = NS_OK; *aOutString = *aInString; if ((-1 != aMaxLength) && (mFlags & nsIHTMLEditor::eEditorPlaintextMask)) { // Get the current text length. // Get the length of inString. // Get the length of the selection. // If selection is collapsed, it is length 0. // Subtract the length of the selection from the len(doc) // since we'll delete the selection on insert. // This is resultingDocLength. // If (resultingDocLength) is at or over max, cancel the insert // If (resultingDocLength) + (length of input) > max, // set aOutString to subset of inString so length = max PRInt32 docLength; res = mEditor->GetDocumentLength(&docLength); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; } PRInt32 start, end; res = mEditor->GetTextSelectionOffsets(aSelection, start, end); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; } PRInt32 selectionLength = end-start; if (selectionLength<0) { selectionLength *= (-1); } PRInt32 resultingDocLength = docLength - selectionLength; if (resultingDocLength >= aMaxLength) { *aOutString = ""; return res; } else { PRInt32 inCount = aOutString->Length(); if ((inCount+resultingDocLength) > aMaxLength) { aOutString->Truncate(aMaxLength-resultingDocLength); } } } return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::EchoInsertionToPWBuff(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsString *aOutString) { if (!aSelection || !aOutString) {return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;} // manage the password buffer PRInt32 start, end; nsresult res = mEditor->GetTextSelectionOffsets(aSelection, start, end); NS_ASSERTION((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)), "getTextSelectionOffsets failed!"); if (end!=start) { mPasswordText.Cut(start, end-start); } mPasswordText.Insert(*aOutString, start); #ifdef DEBUG_jfrancis char *password = mPasswordText.ToNewCString(); printf("mPasswordText is %s\n", password); nsCRT::free(password); #endif // change the output to '*' only PRInt32 length = aOutString->Length(); PRInt32 i; *aOutString = ""; for (i=0; iInsertTextImpl(*aInString); } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetPriorHTMLSibling: returns the previous editable sibling, if there is // one within the parent // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = NS_OK; *outNode = nsnull; nsCOMPtr temp, node = do_QueryInterface(inNode); while (1) { res = node->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(temp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!temp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // if it's editable, we're done if (mEditor->IsEditable(temp)) break; // otherwise try again node = temp; } *outNode = temp; return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetNextHTMLSibling: returns the next editable sibling, if there is // one within the parent // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetNextHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = NS_OK; *outNode = nsnull; nsCOMPtr temp, node = do_QueryInterface(inNode); while (1) { res = node->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(temp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!temp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // if it's editable, we're done if (mEditor->IsEditable(temp)) break; // otherwise try again node = temp; } *outNode = temp; return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetPriorHTMLNode: returns the previous editable leaf node, if there is // one within the // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = mEditor->GetPriorNode(inNode, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // if it's not in the body, then zero it out if (*outNode && !InBody(*outNode)) { *outNode = nsnull; } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetPriorHTMLNode: same as above but takes {parent,offset} instead of node // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = mEditor->GetPriorNode(inParent, inOffset, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // if it's not in the body, then zero it out if (*outNode && !InBody(*outNode)) { *outNode = nsnull; } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetNextHTMLNode: returns the previous editable leaf node, if there is // one within the // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = mEditor->GetNextNode(inNode, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // if it's not in the body, then zero it out if (*outNode && !InBody(*outNode)) { *outNode = nsnull; } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetNHTMLextNode: same as above but takes {parent,offset} instead of node // nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode) { if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = mEditor->GetNextNode(inParent, inOffset, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // if it's not in the body, then zero it out if (*outNode && !InBody(*outNode)) { *outNode = nsnull; } return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::IsFirstEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRBool *aOutIsFirst) { // check parms if (!aOutIsFirst || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // init out parms *aOutIsFirst = PR_FALSE; // find first editable child and compare it to aNode nsCOMPtr parent, firstChild; nsresult res = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; res = GetFirstEditableChild(parent, &firstChild); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; *aOutIsFirst = (firstChild.get() == aNode); return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::IsLastEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRBool *aOutIsLast) { // check parms if (!aOutIsLast || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // init out parms *aOutIsLast = PR_FALSE; // find last editable child and compare it to aNode nsCOMPtr parent, lastChild; nsresult res = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; res = GetLastEditableChild(parent, &lastChild); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; *aOutIsLast = (lastChild.get() == aNode); return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetFirstEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsCOMPtr *aOutFirstChild) { // check parms if (!aOutFirstChild || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // init out parms *aOutFirstChild = nsnull; // find first editable child nsCOMPtr child; nsresult res = aNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; while (child && !mEditor->IsEditable(child)) { nsCOMPtr tmp; res = child->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; child = tmp; } *aOutFirstChild = child; return res; } nsresult nsTextEditRules::GetLastEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsCOMPtr *aOutLastChild) { // check parms if (!aOutLastChild || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // init out parms *aOutLastChild = nsnull; // find last editable child nsCOMPtr child; nsresult res = aNode->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; while (child && !mEditor->IsEditable(child)) { nsCOMPtr tmp; res = child->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; child = tmp; } *aOutLastChild = child; return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsBody: true if node an html body node // PRBool nsTextEditRules::IsBody(nsIDOMNode *node) { NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsTextEditRules::IsBody"); nsAutoString tag; nsEditor::GetTagString(node,tag); tag.ToLowerCase(); if (tag == "body") { return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsBreak: true if node an html break node // PRBool nsTextEditRules::IsBreak(nsIDOMNode *node) { NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsTextEditRules::IsBreak"); nsAutoString tag; nsEditor::GetTagString(node,tag); tag.ToLowerCase(); if (tag == "br") { return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsMozBR: true if node an html br node with type = _moz // PRBool nsTextEditRules::IsMozBR(nsIDOMNode *node) { NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsTextEditRules::IsMozBR"); if (IsBreak(node) && HasMozAttr(node)) return PR_TRUE; return PR_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HasMozAttr: true if node has type attribute = _moz // (used to indicate the div's and br's we use in // mail compose rules) // PRBool nsTextEditRules::HasMozAttr(nsIDOMNode *node) { NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null parent passed to nsTextEditRules::HasMozAttr"); nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(node); if (elem) { nsAutoString typeAttrName("type"); nsAutoString typeAttrVal; nsresult res = elem->GetAttribute(typeAttrName, typeAttrVal); typeAttrVal.ToLowerCase(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && (typeAttrVal == "_moz")) return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InBody: true if node is a descendant of the body // PRBool nsTextEditRules::InBody(nsIDOMNode *node) { NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null parent passed to nsTextEditRules::InBody"); nsCOMPtr tmp; nsCOMPtr p = do_QueryInterface(node); while (p && !IsBody(p)) { if ( NS_FAILED(p->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(tmp))) || !tmp) // no parent, ran off top of tree return PR_FALSE; p = tmp; } if (p) return PR_TRUE; return PR_FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CreateMozBR: put a BR node with moz attribute at {aNode, aOffset} // nsresult nsTextEditRules::CreateMozBR(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outBRNode) { if (!inParent || !outBRNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = mEditor->CreateBR(inParent, inOffset, outBRNode); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // give it special moz attr nsCOMPtr brElem = do_QueryInterface(*outBRNode); if (brElem) { res = mEditor->SetAttribute(brElem, "type", "_moz"); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } return res; }