/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PageMenuParent", "PageMenuChild"]; function PageMenu() {} PageMenu.prototype = { PAGEMENU_ATTR: "pagemenu", GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR: "generateditemid", _popup: null, // Only one of builder or browser will end up getting set. _builder: null, _browser: null, // Given a target node, get the context menu for it or its ancestor. getContextMenu(aTarget) { let target = aTarget; while (target) { let contextMenu = target.contextMenu; if (contextMenu) { return contextMenu; } target = target.parentNode; } return null; }, // Given a target node, generate a JSON object for any context menu // associated with it, or null if there is no context menu. maybeBuild(aTarget) { let pageMenu = this.getContextMenu(aTarget); if (!pageMenu) { return null; } pageMenu.sendShowEvent(); // the show event is not cancelable, so no need to check a result here this._builder = pageMenu.createBuilder(); if (!this._builder) { return null; } pageMenu.build(this._builder); // This serializes then parses again, however this could be avoided in // the single-process case with further improvement. let menuString = this._builder.toJSONString(); if (!menuString) { return null; } return JSON.parse(menuString); }, // Given a JSON menu object and popup, add the context menu to the popup. buildAndAttachMenuWithObject(aMenu, aBrowser, aPopup) { if (!aMenu) { return false; } let insertionPoint = this.getInsertionPoint(aPopup); if (!insertionPoint) { return false; } let fragment = aPopup.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); this.buildXULMenu(aMenu, fragment); let pos = insertionPoint.getAttribute(this.PAGEMENU_ATTR); if (pos == "start") { insertionPoint.insertBefore(fragment, insertionPoint.firstElementChild); } else if (pos.startsWith("#")) { insertionPoint.insertBefore(fragment, insertionPoint.querySelector(pos)); } else { insertionPoint.appendChild(fragment); } this._browser = aBrowser; this._popup = aPopup; this._popup.addEventListener("command", this); this._popup.addEventListener("popuphidden", this); return true; }, // Construct the XUL menu structure for a given JSON object. buildXULMenu(aNode, aElementForAppending) { let document = aElementForAppending.ownerDocument; let children = aNode.children; for (let child of children) { let menuitem; switch (child.type) { case "menuitem": if (!child.id) { continue; // Ignore children without ids } menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); if (child.checkbox) { menuitem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); if (child.checked) { menuitem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } } if (child.label) { menuitem.setAttribute("label", child.label); } if (child.icon) { menuitem.setAttribute("image", child.icon); menuitem.className = "menuitem-iconic"; } if (child.disabled) { menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", true); } break; case "separator": menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuseparator"); break; case "menu": menuitem = document.createXULElement("menu"); if (child.label) { menuitem.setAttribute("label", child.label); } let menupopup = document.createXULElement("menupopup"); menuitem.appendChild(menupopup); this.buildXULMenu(child, menupopup); break; } menuitem.setAttribute(this.GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR, child.id ? child.id : 0); aElementForAppending.appendChild(menuitem); } }, // Called when the generated menuitem is executed. handleEvent(event) { let type = event.type; let target = event.target; if (type == "command" && target.hasAttribute(this.GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR)) { // If a builder is assigned, call click on it directly. Otherwise, this is // likely a menu with data from another process, so send a message to the // browser to execute the menuitem. if (this._builder) { this._builder.click(target.getAttribute(this.GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR)); } else if (this._browser) { let win = target.ownerGlobal; let windowUtils = win.windowUtils; win.gContextMenu.doCustomCommand( target.getAttribute(this.GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR), windowUtils.isHandlingUserInput ); } } else if (type == "popuphidden" && this._popup == target) { this.removeGeneratedContent(this._popup); this._popup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", this); this._popup.removeEventListener("command", this); this._popup = null; this._builder = null; this._browser = null; } }, // Get the first child of the given element with the given tag name. getImmediateChild(element, tag) { let child = element.firstElementChild; while (child) { if (child.localName == tag) { return child; } child = child.nextElementSibling; } return null; }, // Return the location where the generated items should be inserted into the // given popup. They should be inserted as the next sibling of the returned // element. getInsertionPoint(aPopup) { if (aPopup.hasAttribute(this.PAGEMENU_ATTR)) { return aPopup; } let element = aPopup.firstElementChild; while (element) { if (element.localName == "menu") { let popup = this.getImmediateChild(element, "menupopup"); if (popup) { let result = this.getInsertionPoint(popup); if (result) { return result; } } } element = element.nextElementSibling; } return null; }, // Remove the generated content from the given popup. removeGeneratedContent(aPopup) { let ungenerated = []; ungenerated.push(aPopup); let count; while (0 != (count = ungenerated.length)) { let last = count - 1; let element = ungenerated[last]; ungenerated.splice(last, 1); let i = element.children.length; while (i-- > 0) { let child = element.children[i]; if (!child.hasAttribute(this.GENERATEDITEMID_ATTR)) { ungenerated.push(child); continue; } element.removeChild(child); } } }, }; // This object is expected to be used from a parent process. function PageMenuParent() {} PageMenuParent.prototype = { __proto__: PageMenu.prototype, /* * Given a JSON menu object and popup, add the context menu to the popup. * aBrowser should be the browser containing the page the context menu is * displayed for, which may be null. * * Returns true if custom menu items were present. */ addToPopup(aMenu, aBrowser, aPopup) { return this.buildAndAttachMenuWithObject(aMenu, aBrowser, aPopup); }, }; // This object is expected to be used from a child process. function PageMenuChild() {} PageMenuChild.prototype = { __proto__: PageMenu.prototype, /* * Given a target node, return a JSON object for the custom menu commands. The * object will consist of a hierarchical structure of menus, menuitems or * separators. Supported properties of each are: * Menu: children, label, type="menu" * Menuitems: checkbox, checked, disabled, icon, label, type="menuitem" * Separators: type="separator" * * In addition, the id of each item will be used to identify the item * when it is executed. The type will either be 'menu', 'menuitem' or * 'separator'. The toplevel node will be a menu with a children property. The * children property of a menu is an array of zero or more other items. * * If there is no menu associated with aTarget, null will be returned. */ build(aTarget) { return this.maybeBuild(aTarget); }, /* * Given the id of a menu, execute the command associated with that menu. It * is assumed that only one command will be executed so the builder is * cleared afterwards. */ executeMenu(aId) { if (this._builder) { this._builder.click(aId); this._builder = null; } }, };