/** * Returns a Promise that resolves once a crash report has * been submitted. This function will also test the crash * reports extra data to see if it matches expectedExtra. * * @param expectedExtra (object) * An Object whose key-value pairs will be compared * against the key-value pairs in the extra data of the * crash report. A test failure will occur if there is * a mismatch. * * If the value of the key-value pair is "null", this will * be interpreted as "this key should not be included in the * extra data", and will cause a test failure if it is detected * in the crash report. * * Note that this will ignore any keys that are not included * in expectedExtra. It's possible that the crash report * will contain other extra information that is not * compared against. * @returns Promise */ function promiseCrashReport(expectedExtra = {}) { return (async function() { info("Starting wait on crash-report-status"); let [subject ] = await TestUtils.topicObserved("crash-report-status", (unused, data) => { return data == "success"; }); info("Topic observed!"); if (!(subject instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2)) { throw new Error("Subject was not a Ci.nsIPropertyBag2"); } let remoteID = getPropertyBagValue(subject, "serverCrashID"); if (!remoteID) { throw new Error("Report should have a server ID"); } let file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); file.initWithPath(Services.crashmanager._submittedDumpsDir); file.append(remoteID + ".txt"); if (!file.exists()) { throw new Error("Report should have been received by the server"); } file.remove(false); let extra = getPropertyBagValue(subject, "extra"); if (!(extra instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2)) { throw new Error("extra was not a Ci.nsIPropertyBag2"); } info("Iterating crash report extra keys"); for (let {name: key} of extra.enumerator) { let value = extra.getPropertyAsAString(key); if (key in expectedExtra) { if (expectedExtra[key] == null) { ok(false, `Got unexpected key ${key} with value ${value}`); } else { is(value, expectedExtra[key], `Crash report had the right extra value for ${key}`); } } } })(); } /** * For an nsIPropertyBag, returns the value for a given * key. * * @param bag * The nsIPropertyBag to retrieve the value from * @param key * The key that we want to get the value for from the * bag * @returns The value corresponding to the key from the bag, * or null if the value could not be retrieved (for * example, if no value is set at that key). */ function getPropertyBagValue(bag, key) { try { let val = bag.getProperty(key); return val; } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { throw e; } } return null; } /** * Sets up the browser to send crash reports to the local crash report * testing server. */ async function setupLocalCrashReportServer() { const SERVER_URL = "http://example.com/browser/toolkit/crashreporter/test/browser/crashreport.sjs"; // The test harness sets MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT, which disables crash // reports. This test needs them enabled. The test also needs a mock // report server, and fortunately one is already set up by toolkit/ // crashreporter/test/Makefile.in. Assign its URL to MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL, // which CrashSubmit.jsm uses as a server override. let env = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment); let noReport = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"); let serverUrl = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL"); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT", ""); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", SERVER_URL); registerCleanupFunction(function() { env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT", noReport); env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", serverUrl); }); } /** * Monkey patches TabCrashHandler.getDumpID to return null in order to test * about:tabcrashed when a dump is not available. */ function prepareNoDump() { let originalGetDumpID = TabCrashHandler.getDumpID; TabCrashHandler.getDumpID = function(browser) { return null; }; registerCleanupFunction(() => { TabCrashHandler.getDumpID = originalGetDumpID; }); }