/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env node */ "use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); function readFile(path) { return fs .readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }) .split("\n") .filter(p => p && !p.startsWith("#")); } const ignoreFiles = [ ...readFile( path.join(__dirname, "tools", "rewriting", "ThirdPartyPaths.txt") ), ...readFile(path.join(__dirname, "tools", "rewriting", "Generated.txt")), ]; module.exports = { extends: ["stylelint-config-recommended"], ignoreFiles, rules: { /* Disabled because of `-moz-element(#foo)` which gets misparsed. */ "color-no-invalid-hex": null, "font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword": [ true, { ignoreFontFamilies: [ "-moz-button", "-moz-field", "-moz-fixed", "-moz-list", "caption", ], }, ], "function-no-unknown": [ true, { ignoreFunctions: [ "light-dark" /* Used for color-scheme dependent colors */, "add" /* Used in mathml.css */, ], }, ], "max-nesting-depth": [ 3, { ignore: ["blockless-at-rules"], }, ], "no-descending-specificity": null, "no-duplicate-selectors": null, "property-no-unknown": [ true, { ignoreProperties: ["overflow-clip-box"], }, ], /* * XXXgijs: we would like to enable this, but we can't right now. * This is because Gecko uses a number of custom pseudoclasses, * and stylelint assumes that for `:unknown-pseudoclass(foo)`, * `foo` should be a known type. * This is tedious but workable for things like `-moz-locale-dir` where * the set of acceptable values (ltr/rtl) is small. * However, for tree cells, the set of values is unlimited (ie * user-defined, based on atoms sent by the JS tree view APIs). * There does not appear to be a way to exempt the contents of these * unknown pseudoclasses, and as a result, this rule is not * usable for us. The 'type' only includes the contents of the * pseudoclass, not the pseudo itself, so we can't filter based on the * pseudoclass either. * Ideally, we would either create an option to the builtin rule * in stylelint itself, or mimic the rule but exempt these, or * add parser support for our custom pseudoclasses. * * For now, we just disable this rule. */ "selector-type-no-unknown": null, /* * See above - if we enabled this rule, we'd have to allow for a number * of custom elements we use, which are listed here: "selector-type-no-unknown": [ true, { ignore: ["custom-elements"], ignoreTypes: [ // Modern custom element / storybooked components: /^moz-/, // moz-locale-dir trips this rule for some reason: "rtl", "ltr", // Migrated XBL elements not part of core XUL that we use at the moment: "findbar", "panelmultiview", "panelview", "popupnotification", "popupnotificationcontent", // Legacy XUL elements: // (the commented out ones used to be a thing and aren't used in-tree anymore) "arrowscrollbox", "box", // "broadcaster", // "broadcasterset", "button", "browser", "checkbox", "caption", // clicktoscroll // colorpicker // column // columns "commandset", "command", // conditions // content // datepicker "deck", "description", "dialog", // dialogheader "dropmarker", "editor", // grid // grippy "groupbox", "hbox", // iframe // image "key", "keyset", // label "listbox", // listcell // listcol // listcols // listhead // listheader "listitem", // member "menu", "menubar", "menucaption", "menuitem", "menulist", "menupopup", "menuseparator", "notification", "notificationbox", "observes", // overlay // page "panel", // param "popupset", // preference // preferences // prefpane // prefwindow // progressmeter // query // queryset "radio", "radiogroup", // resizer "richlistbox", "richlistitem", // row // rows // rule // scale // script "scrollbar", "scrollbox", "scrollcorner", "separator", "spacer", // spinbuttons "splitter", "stack", // statusbar // statusbarpanel "stringbundle", "stringbundleset", "tab", "tabbox", "tabpanel", "tabpanels", "tabs", // template // textnode "textbox", // timepicker "titlebar", "toolbar", "toolbarbutton", // toolbargrippy "toolbaritem", "toolbarpalette", "toolbarpaletteitem", "toolbarseparator", "toolbarset", "toolbarspacer", "toolbarspring", "toolbartabstop", "toolbox", "tooltip", "tree", "treecell", "treechildren", "treecol", "treecols", "treeitem", "treerow", "treeseparator", // triple "vbox", // where "window", "wizard", "wizardpage", ], }, ], */ "selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown": [ true, { ignorePseudoClasses: ["popover-open"], }, ], }, overrides: [ { files: "*.scss", customSyntax: "postcss-scss", extends: "stylelint-config-recommended-scss", }, { files: "browser/components/newtab/**", customSyntax: "postcss-scss", extends: "stylelint-config-standard-scss", rules: { "at-rule-disallowed-list": [ ["debug", "warn", "error"], { message: "Clean up %s directives before committing", }, ], "at-rule-no-vendor-prefix": null, "color-function-notation": null, "color-hex-case": "upper", "comment-empty-line-before": [ "always", { except: ["first-nested"], ignore: ["after-comment", "stylelint-commands"], }, ], "custom-property-empty-line-before": null, "custom-property-pattern": null, "declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties": true, "declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties": null, "declaration-no-important": true, "function-no-unknown": [ true, { ignoreFunctions: ["div"], }, ], "function-url-no-scheme-relative": true, indentation: 2, "keyframes-name-pattern": null, "media-feature-name-no-vendor-prefix": null, "no-descending-specificity": null, "no-eol-whitespace": true, "no-missing-end-of-source-newline": true, "number-leading-zero": "always", "number-no-trailing-zeros": true, "property-disallowed-list": [ ["margin-left", "margin-right"], { message: "Use margin-inline instead of %s", }, ], "property-no-unknown": true, "property-no-vendor-prefix": null, "scss/dollar-variable-empty-line-before": null, "scss/double-slash-comment-empty-line-before": [ "always", { except: ["first-nested"], ignore: ["between-comments", "stylelint-commands", "inside-block"], }, ], "selector-class-pattern": null, "selector-no-vendor-prefix": null, "string-quotes": [ "single", { avoidEscape: true, }, ], "value-keyword-case": null, "value-no-vendor-prefix": null, }, }, ], };